Does putting a platic film over the screen hide blemishes?

I recently scratched the screen with the plastic stand (somehow). I was wondering if a plastic film would hide the scratch or would it make it even worse (airbubble?). The scratch is only visible in high light conditions (ex under a fluresent lamp) and could not be felt.

Unfortunately if you have scratched your iPod there is not much you can do about it.
There have been a few suggested solutions but all have pretty bad sideeffects:
*Glass Polish* Has been suggested but would only be benificial if done by a PROFESSIONAL glass polisher and finding one of those willing to work on an iPod would prove to be a challenge. And if you did manage to find one glass polish, while possibly hiding the scratch would make you lose touch sensitivite in the area of the ipod it was applied because it forms a film between your finger and the glass.
*Eyeglass Scratch Remover* has also been suggested. But that also has not been tested, would also result in lost touch sensitivity, and has the possibility of leaving a white residue in the scratch rather than filling it.
SO, depending on how bad your scratch is the best bet is to just live with it. At least the iPod is still functional. If you can find a good screen cover and properly apply it this may be your best bet.
-PS- When I say these solutions have been "sugested" It doesnt mean they have been suggested by APPLE, these are just solutions I have seen mentiond on the forums and have thus far seen none that remove the scratch well enough to be considerd a perfect solution to a scratched iPod. Using any of these methods is at your own risk.

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    Hello g:
    Welcome to Apple discussions.
    I suspect a faulty mouse. However, try two things first. Trash a preference file ( and restart. Reset the PRAM:
    Second, after assuring Apple this really was a problem, i got the ultimate insult. "If you would like to lodge a technical support ticket, we will need your credit card. This call will cost you $150.00."
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    angelferuz wrote:
    nowdays, the warranty does not cover my iPod if the screen is cracked.
    It never - ever has. The manufacturer's warranty covers you against faults due to manufacturing. (So if the screen did crack due to a manufacturing defect, Apple warranty would cover it, BUT - Apple would be aware and would be able to identify the cause of a cracked screen due to manufacturing defects, so ...)
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    Try this  - Reset the iPad by holding down on the Sleep and Home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons. (This is equivalent to rebooting your computer.)
    Out-of-Warranty Service
         If you own an iPad that is ineligible for warranty service but is eligible for Out-of-Warranty (OOW) Service, Apple will replace (Apple doesn't repair) your iPad with an iPad that is new or equivalent to new in both performance and reliability for the Out-of-Warranty Service fee listed below. (The replacement will most likely be a refurbished iPad in a brown box, however, it has a new screen, back and battery.)   
    iPad model
    Out-of-Warranty Service Fee
    iPad mini
    iPad 3rd, 4th generation
    iPad 2, iPad
    A $6.95 shipping fee will be added if service is arranged through Apple and requires shipping. All fees are in US dollars and are subject to local tax.
    Certain damage is ineligible for out-of-warranty service, including catastrophic damage, such as the device separating into multiple pieces, and inoperability caused by unauthorized modifications. However, an iPad that has failed due to contact with liquid may be eligible for out-of-warranty service. See
    Make a Genius Bar Reservation
    You may can get the iPad repaired at 3rd party repair sources for less $, however, any remaining Apple warranty will be voided.
    iPad Repair & Screen Replacement Services
    RepairZoom iPad Repair
    Mission Repair
     Cheers, Tom

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