Does the list include recepient and dialer??

i am from egypt and want to set skype to go number to call a number in usa
is that possible???

Sorry - not possible.
I recommend that you always run the latest Skype version: Windows & Mac
If my advice helped to fix your issue please mark it as a solution to help others.
Please note that I generally don't respond to unsolicited Private Messages. Thank you.

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    Good luck,
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    We use Asterisk, so we can do the above right now but it's not really pretty.  Like option 1 above is possible and easy to do.  Option 2 is so so, it's def not as easy as the one-x app by Avaya.  Instead users have to call our main line, dial a code at the IVR and then get an outbound line that shows their caller ID.  So each user needs that manually set up in the system, it's not a built in feature.  Then option 3 is possible but also not ideal as the soft phone needs its own extension and then ring groups are needed to ring their line to all their extensions etc.
    Just comparing the Avaya to Cisco and I'd REALLY prefer the Cisco it's just the Avaya seems to handle the above better which is our main features we want so just trying to determine if the UC540 can do this out of box and if not what I'd need to enable it.   Thanks!

  • Query to find the list of workbooks and worksheets assiciated to those book

    Hi Gurus,
    Could you help me with the tables / Query to fetch the list of workbooks and associated worksheets names as welll.
    Thanks in advance!!

    Hi Santosh
    The whole point of the STATS table is to allow you to query performance, who did what and when. The database itself does not keep such statistics so if you disable Discoverer's method of capturing these you have no way of knowing who did what and when.
    Without this it is impossible to say. I would strongly recommend you enable the capturing of statistics.
    The reason you cannot directly query a WORKBOOK to determine what WORKSHEETS are associated with it is because that information is stored as binary information and not in SQL format.
    Discoverer 10g has the capability of providing detailed information on the EUL. This feature is not offered "out of the box" but can be easily enabled.
    The EUL Administrator can enable the feature by completing the following steps (see also MOS Note 556932.1):
    1. Log on to SQL*Plus as the Discoverer Administrator on the machine where Discoverer Administration Edition is installed.
    2. Execute the EUL5.SQL script found in the *$ORACLE_HOME\discoverer\util* directory. (This script will create the necessary database objects.)
    NOTE: If you are using an Oracle Applications mode EUL, you must also run the eul5_apps.sql file in the $ORACLE_HOME\discoverer\util directory.   This script must be run as the EUL owner, and not the Oracle Applications SYSADMIN user.
    4. Exit SQL*Plus and log on to the Discoverer Administration Edition product (as the EUL Administrator).
    5. From the menu bar, select File | Import.
    6. Import the EUL5.EEX file from the ORACLE_HOME\discoverer directory. Once the EUL import is complete, a new business area will be created and visible called The Discoverer V5 EUL. This is the business area that provides the details on the EUL.
    EUL Management Workbooks for Discoverer Administrators
    The EUL5.EEX file also imports four pre-built Discoverer workbooks. These workbooks are automatically saved to the database during the EEX import and can be executed in Discoverer Plus, Viewer or Desktop:
    EUL Workbook Management - shows which workbooks are shared with which users. Examine worksheets to find the folders, items, joins and conditions they depend upon.
    EUL Access - This Workbook indicates if a current EUL exists in this users schema. It also displays the EUL's in other user schemas that this user can access.
    EUL Query Statistics - Find out which workbooks and worksheets are being used by whom. Examine users ad-hoc queries.
    Lineage - Hyper Drill from Discoverer to find a folder or Items Lineage in Oracle Warehouse Builder. To enable the Hyper drill, you will first need to run the Lineage.sql script.
    The Discoverer Administrator can use the pre-built workbooks or build their own EUL management workbooks by using the Discoverer V5 EUL business area.
    Best wishes

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    Lion is the operating system and does not include applications.
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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    If your iCloud account uses your family's Apple ID, you will pay $20/year for all your family members. If your iCloud account uses a different Apple ID than your family's Apple ID, you will pay only for you

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  • When I unplug my headphones my music pauses. But when I plug them back in the controls won't restart the music and I must go to the list of tracks and select a new one to start again

    I have an iPhone 5 with iOS 7.04
    If I am listening to music using my Apple earphones when I pull the earphones out the music pauses as expected. However, when I go back and plug the earphones in and try to play on with the music nothing happens and I have to go back to the list of tracks and select a new one from the start.
    This also is impacting my listening to music from my iPhone on my motorcuycle audio system. The iPhone is plugged into a USB port on the bike and prior to iOS7 always resumed playing music from wherever it was in a track and displayed the music track name on the bike info panel.
    Since upgrading now the music won't start and again I have to pull the iphone out of the glovebox and go back to the list of tracks and select a new track. But the moment the power interrupts or the nav audio cuts in and switches from iPod the music pauses and doen't restart as it always did.
    Apple, what have you done?? You have basically taken the very first App that made the iPod exist and stop it functioning properly. When are you going to fix this or is there already some obscure setting that needs to be changed but that is not prominently displayed in settings anywhere? How can I make my iPhone function as an iPod properly again for my music needs?

    Nothing wrong, no panic. Some general remarks:
    a. the battery will not be charged when over 95% full; a full battery is not charged
    b. it is good for the battery to have it go down to about 50% before recharging, say once a week at least.
    c. never let the battery go down completely, so that it shuts off on its own: that is very bad for a modern smart Li battery.
    d. sometimes the old "battery calibration" procedure is advised, you should not do that.
    trick: when you click the little battery icon in the top menu bar, you also see if there is a heavy energy user running.

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    Hi ..
    Reset the device:
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button together for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    If that doesn't help, check restrictions.   Settings > General > Restrictions

  • How come when I try to open an app on my phone does the screen just blink and the app not open?

    How come when I try to open an app on my phone does the screen just blink and the app not open?

    Some apps crash. If they do, try this, in order.
    1. Double click your home button and put your finger on any app and hold for a second. Then delete that app. You're not deleting the app from your phone, so don't worry. Then try opening the app again.
    2. If that doesn't work, hold your sleep+home buttons for 10 seconds and don't let go. Ignore the power off message. Then try again.
    3. If that doesn't work, delete the app and re-download it. (This will work most of the time)
    4. If that doesn't work, download the app on iTunes on your computer and sync it from there.
    5. If that doesn't work, wait for an update by the developers.

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