Downloading movies with apple tv; streaming photos from PC

hello -  I have Apple tv software version 4.4.3 (3323) ;  my router / wi-fi network is Orange Livebox 1888. When downloading a movie,  it literally takes hours; it's not uncommon to get an initial message that the film will take in excess of 3 hours to download and on two occasions the message suggested a time lag of 40 hours !!! ( Once the download begins, the time lag is updated and is scheduled to take less time, but still many hours). Have to leave the tv on overnight to get the download. This is clearly ridiculous. Has anyone experienced this scenario? Could it be due to bandwidth issues ?  Apple store assured me that apple tv would work with my Livebox wifi router ( which I think is g not n type). Not able to get full functionality from the apple tv which is annoying.
Also when streaming photos from my PC to apple tv, thete are occasions when the process will crash;  it seems that it can't cope with streaming more than say 100 photos at a time which also seems poor.
can anyone offer any suggestions please ?

AppleTV movie rentals are fixed size and do not lower their quality for slower connections.
You need 6 Mbps internet speed for 'near instant' HD streaming, 2.5 Mbps for SD (You can change Settings for itunes Store to show SD rentals instead whcih are a little cheaper, though this will not allow you to watch the SD version of an HD film you've already rented).
If you have a slow connection (eg mine is 4 Mbps and takes 40 mins to start to watch HD), AppleTV must download enough of a movie into a buffer to allow it to play the movie through without stopping to wait for more to download.
On your PC test your internet speed at
Your AppleTV is clearly communicating through your router, though if on wi-fi the LAN speed may also be low if signal is poor.  A g network should adequately handle AppleTV streaming and internet but as i say if signal is poor you may have a very slow LAN speed - if you can compare hooked up with ethernet that can show if wi-fi is affecting things.
One other point - AppleTV is illogical with rental downloads - it frequently wipes the portion downloaded if you use AppleTV for anything else forcing it to start again - the designers i believe assume everyone has fast unlimited network access which clearly is not the case.

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    AppleTV movie rentals are fixed size and do not lower their quality for slower connections.
    You need 6 Mbps internet speed for 'near instant' HD streaming, 2.5 Mbps for SD (You can change Settings for itunes Store to show SD rentals instead whcih are a little cheaper, though this will not allow you to watch the SD version of an HD film you've already rented).
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    Hi there skalicki`.
    Thank you very much for your help!!
    I was a litle bit stressed here.
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    [h264 @ 0x1003600]B picture before any references, skipping
    [h264 @ 0x1003600]decodesliceheader error
    [h264 @ 0x1003600]no frame!
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