Downloading podcast one by one.

I have iTunes and I want to downloading podcast one by one.
How can I do that?

Yes, I'd like to download podcast one at a time instead of 3 at a time. Why doesn't it just download one at a time?
At least ONE could get finished faster instead of the slooooooow rate of three. I have DSL and it still takes hours to download 40 podcasts!! ONE at a time!!! Please, how do I change the default setting?

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    Thanks for taking a stab at it: that didn't prove to be the problem. That option in the settings for tabbed browsing was not checked.
    I may be a bit behind the times: I am used to tabbed browsing showing all the tabs it possibly can, instead of just the last one. Sometimes it won't even show the last tab: I can have 15 tabs open, and not see a single tab. I've been confused by this into closing a window with lots of tabs open, because it looks like a single page-window.
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    Hello nowrunning,
    Is the "Shake to Shuffle" option turned on in your iPod's settings?  To check, head to Settings -> Music -> Shake to Shuffle and make sure it is set to Off.

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    “Welcome to Aperture 3.2
    Your library needs to be upgraded to work with this version of Aperture. Once upgraded, you will not be able to use this library with previous versions of Aperture.
    Upgrading a library from previous versions of Aperture 3 generally takes a few minutes or less, though larger libraries will take longer. After that, Aperture 3.2 will upgrade your library's thumbnails, but you can use the application during that time.
    Tip: To open a different library, quit Aperture and hold the Option key down while starting Aperture
    Current Library Location:
    Jadzia (home)   -----Pictures------Aperture Library
                                                      QUIT             UPGRADE”
    I have heard horror stories  about moving your entire library to Aperture, ending up with 2 libraries, etc. etc. hence my previous reluctance in attempting Aperture. In addition, many of my photography friends are saying: Go with Lightroom’ll love it!
    So here is my dilemma.  I don’t want to mess around with my iPhoto library. All I want to be able to do, is to isolate a few photos, export them to Aperture, Elements, and work on them there, then bring them back into iPhoto.
    Can I do this? Should I forget about Aperture and Elements and look at purchasing yet another program like Lightroom?

    Export those few photos via the File ➙ Export ➙ File Export menu option with Kind = Original to the Desktop.  Then import them into the Aperture library. That would keep one copy in your iPhoto library and another in your Aperture library to edit, etc.
    You can use Photoshop Elements 9 from within iPhoto as your editor of choice. However, if you edit a raw file in iPhoto with PSE9 the resulting edited version must be saved outside the iPhoto Library and imported back in as a new file.  For editing jpegs just do a Save (not a Save As) and it all will be kept within iPhoto. 
    Using Photoshop or Photoshop Elements as Your Editor of Choice in iPhoto.
    1 - select Photoshop or Photoshop Elememts as your editor of choice in iPhoto's General Preference Section's under the "Edit photo:" menu.
    2 - double click on the thumbnail in iPhoto to open it in Photoshop.  When you're finished editing click on the Save button. If you immediately get the JPEG Options window make your selection (Baseline standard seems to be the most compatible jpeg format) and click on the OK button. Your done. 
    3 - however, if you get the navigation window
    that indicates that  PS wants to save it as a PS formatted file.  You'll need to either select JPEG from the menu and save (top image) or click on the desktop in the Navigation window (bottom image) and save it to the desktop for importing as a new photo.
    This method will let iPhoto know that the photo has been editied and will update the thumbnail file to reflect the edit..
    NOTE: With Photoshop Elements  the Saving File preferences should be configured as shown:
    I also suggest the Maximize PSD File Compatabilty be set to Always.  In PSE’s General preference pane set the Color Picker to Apple as shown:
    Note:  to switch between iPhoto and PS or PSE as the editor of choice Control (right)-click on the thumbnail and select either Edit in iPhoto or Edit in External Editor from the contextual menu. If you use iPhoto to edit more than PSE re-select iPhoto in the iPhoto General preference pane. Then iPhoto will be the default editor and you can use the contextual menu to select PSE for your editor when desired.

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    To disable that feature it will depend on whether or not you sync everything in the cloud using Apple's iCloud, OR if you both use the same desktop/laptop computer with iTunes. Here is a link to the Apple support page in regards to the automatic download feature included with your iPhone and corresponding softwares such as iTunes.
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    Edited by: 945439 on Oct 5, 2012 3:41 AM

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    Thank you for your reply.
    I am somewhat new to iOS and OS having grown up with DOS and Windows. I am not familiar with IMAP and iCloud and I am not even sure which types of servers my various emails use.
    The problem I would anticipate with iCloud is that (I assume) it would limit my access to data (including mail) on the iCloud to when I happen to be logged onto the internet. I also assume(?) that large files (photos etc.) would require some time to download whenever I wish to access them from whichever device I happen to be using (I hope I am wrong about this).
    I have kept my devices to 500gb - 1TB for OS and 32gb - 128gb for iOS but since I have pretty slow WiFi (shared with DirecTV Whole Home and Netflix streaming) it is my impression that iCloud might be quite limited due to data transfer times.
    Perhaps a factor would be that I have 2 DSL lines and my main DSL line is connected to two wireless routers (to also provide WiFi in a metal building that blocks WiFi and Cellular signals)
    I may be totally wrong in my assumptions regarding iCloud. My mail is not so urgent that I need access to it instantly and I could wait until I had internet access or I can get it on my iPhone. My main concern with iCloud would be my data files (Word, Pages, Excel, Numbers etc.).
    On the other hand, if I wanted to keep my 10,000 emails that would take up a lot of iCloud memory and I don't know how to measure how much storage it would take or how to move Hotmail or even iCloud mail to iCloud.
    It may take me some time to figure this out.

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    Click here and use the instructions to turn off the automatic downloads.

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    What version of iPhoto do you have installed?  Is if one of the versions shown as not compatible in this screenshot?
    If it is then go to the App Store and download iPhoto 9.5.  It will be free if you have an iPhoto 9 or later verson currently.

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    And if not, is there a way to copy whole albums in?  It would be so time consuming to do them one by one!
    I am using iphoto 9.5.1

    You need to
    1. Download the images to a folder on the desktop.
    It may be possible to download an entire album at a time, but that's a question for a Picasa forum
    2. Then import the folder to iPhoto.

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