DPS thread URL

Hello there,
Can anyone tell me the URL for Directory proxy(DPS) forum link OR is this for both Directory and Proxy forum?

Of course. I see lots of DPS questions here and Sylvain (who posts here quite often) is extremely knowledgeable about that product.

Similar Messages

  • [Feature Request] Message URLs in Threaded or Flat View

    I view topics in Thread View, but I suppose the following is applicable to Flat View as well. I would like to be able to easily copy/paste URLs for individual messages in the thread. The way I have to do it now is:
    1. Copy/Paste the thread URL (i.e. http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=XXXXXX).
    2. Right-Click or Ctrl-Click in the Reply link of the message and choose Copy Link (i.e. http://discussions.apple.com/post!reply.jspa?messageID=YYYYYY).
    3. Type '#' after the URL in 1 above, paste the link from 2, and remove everything up to the message number (i.e. http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=XXXXXX#YYYYYY).
    It would be nice to have a direct link to the message in the message itself, so that I could accomplish the same doing step 2 only.

    How do you assume in the world that u know
    what i read ?
    You're missing the point (again). I didn't assume anything. It's you who have assumed what was I talking about.
    Maybe I am just new, you think that may be the case?
    Is there anything in what I've said that makes you think so?
    mind reading is not your forte
    You'd be really surprised in this regard if you knew me...
    give it up at least when it comes to me, Okay.
    OK, no problem. May I ask (again) where have you seen "option click" mentioned?
    Yikes. Condesending ;~P
    Maybe, but I don't think so. At least, not until you tell me where have you seen "option click" mentioned?
    It was in reference to Ali Brown's post, which i
    looked at without your permisssion, off course.
    Of course. Now, where exactly?

  • Open URL in a new window by closing the parent window

    Hi Friends,
    Is there any option to open URL in a new window by closing the parent window on a button click?
    Already implemented the logics suggested in /people/mohammed.anzys/blog/2007/06/05/how-to-close-parent-window-in-webdynpro-applications , the thread ' URL in same window '  and the standard component WDR_TEST_EXIT_PLUG .But button is not triggerring any actions .plz help me  ..............

    Do the following steps :
    -> Make an Outbound Plug to the Window.
    ->Make the type of Outbound plug to Exit Type.
    ->Add URL of type String as a parameter to the outbound plug of Window.
    ->Do remember to add Component Name in the Properties Tab of View ( othervs Calling Outbound plug of window from view wont b possible ).
    To open a new URL with closing the previous one write this Code in OnAction of Button : ( this Code can be get from Code Wizard too ).
    DATA lo_zexit TYPE REF TO ig_zexit .   <zexit is name of my Component>
    lo_zexit =   wd_this->get_zexit_ctr( ).
        url =   'http://www.google.com'                            " string
    I hope it helps.

  • How to Modify Search URL's in Forums?

    OK, this has been plaguing me for a while now, but had time on my hands, so will ask for some assistance from the forum gurus here.
    I use the Forum Search (yeah, I know that the name could be better... ), to locate many articles to link to. In most cases, I know the exact Search keyword to use, but I then have an issue - the URL provided for the article is almost always pointing way down a long thread. That can be useful sometimes, but I want to get the URL for the beginning of those threads, to make it easier for others (especially new users) to get the thread from the beginning, and not at the end, or even the middle. Even when the Search keyword is in the title, and also in the OP, the Adobe Forum Search always dumps me at the end of the thread, or at best, the middle - never at the beginning.
    Here is an example:
    Search in Premiere Elements Tips & Tricks Forum for keyword "resources." I get http://forums.adobe.com/message/3953827#3953827, which is about the middle of that thread. The word "Resources" is used in the title, and also the OP (mine), but I do not get it, until down the thread. The Search function seems to overlook the first several uses of the word, and I get the URL for the Re:. This is the URL that I want: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/800455?tstart=0.
    What do I need to do, to get that ____start=0 ?

    Actually, it is sometimes possible to get to the thread URL in another way, but I am afraid it is no less silly.
    1) Make the search (Ask the Question) and get to wherever in the thread;
    2) Go to the top (if needed) and Click [the OP], then click [the OP]'s Stuff and see whether the thread is still in the list without Re: at the start.
    That will give the thread URL (without the ?tstart=0, though), as in this case http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1405227, which is viable in itself; you may add the ?tstart=0.
    I just made it before it went off the list.


    Hello everybody,
    I'm trying to get a module working which should transform HTML code into pdf.
    Unfortunately this is not working. I tried different versions like:
    - iText
    - flyingsourcer (https://xhtmlrenderer.dev.java.net/
    - FOP
    - http://www.allcolor.org/YaHPConverter/
    - http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-04-2006/jw-0410-html.html?page=3
    Mostly I get an error while parsing the HTML-Code (given by a stream from w URL e.g. http://www.google.com). There is no HTML code that 100% correct in the www.
    Has anyone made such a project? Can anyone pass me a hint how I can get that working?
    I would be pleased for hints that anone has already tested because there are a lot of libs that promise that it should work but it doesn't.
    Best regards,

    I've now tested a lot with the concept of http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-04-2006/jw-0410-html.html?page=1 which typically working like a lot of other things.
    Unfortunately normal pages like http://www.google.com cause errors:
    Tidy (vers 4th August 2000) Parsing "InputStream"
    line 1 column 106 - Warning: <style> lacks "type" attribute
    line 1 column 1.404 - Warning: <script> lacks "type" attribute
    line 3 column 1.100 - Warning: <nobr> is not approved by W3C
    line 3 column 1.171 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&tab"
    line 3 column 1.264 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&tab"
    line 3 column 1.356 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&tab"
    line 3 column 1.447 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&tab"
    line 3 column 1.544 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&tab"
    line 3 column 1.717 - Warning: missing </nobr> before <div>
    line 3 column 1.729 - Warning: inserting implicit <nobr>
    line 3 column 1.729 - Warning: discarding unexpected <a>
    line 3 column 1.732 - Warning: discarding unexpected </a>
    line 3 column 1.775 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&tab"
    line 3 column 1.870 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&tab"
    line 3 column 1.965 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&tab"
    line 3 column 2.060 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&tab"
    line 3 column 2.112 - Warning: missing </nobr> before <div>
    line 3 column 2.126 - Warning: inserting implicit <nobr>
    line 3 column 2.126 - Warning: missing </nobr> before <div>
    line 3 column 2.126 - Warning: trimming empty <nobr>
    line 3 column 2.141 - Warning: inserting implicit <nobr>
    line 3 column 2.141 - Warning: trimming empty <nobr>
    line 3 column 2.141 - Warning: trimming empty <div>
    line 3 column 2.147 - Warning: trimming empty <div>
    line 3 column 2.153 - Warning: inserting implicit <nobr>
    line 3 column 2.153 - Warning: discarding unexpected <a>
    line 3 column 2.156 - Warning: discarding unexpected </a>
    line 3 column 2.198 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&tab"
    line 3 column 2.303 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&tab"
    line 3 column 2.381 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&tab"
    line 3 column 2.470 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&tab"
    line 3 column 2.561 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&tab"
    line 3 column 2.592 - Warning: missing </nobr> before <div>
    line 3 column 2.606 - Warning: inserting implicit <nobr>
    line 3 column 2.606 - Warning: missing </nobr> before <div>
    line 3 column 2.606 - Warning: trimming empty <nobr>
    line 3 column 2.621 - Warning: inserting implicit <nobr>
    line 3 column 2.621 - Warning: trimming empty <nobr>
    line 3 column 2.621 - Warning: trimming empty <div>
    line 3 column 2.627 - Warning: trimming empty <div>
    line 3 column 2.633 - Warning: inserting implicit <nobr>
    line 3 column 2.633 - Warning: discarding unexpected <a>
    line 3 column 2.636 - Warning: discarding unexpected </a>
    line 3 column 2.731 - Warning: discarding unexpected </nobr>
    line 3 column 2.772 - Warning: trimming empty <div>
    line 3 column 2.807 - Warning: trimming empty <div>
    line 3 column 2.888 - Warning: <nobr> is not approved by W3C
    line 3 column 2.912 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&pref"
    line 3 column 2.920 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&pval"
    line 3 column 2.927 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&q"
    line 3 column 2.979 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&usg"
    line 3 column 3.111 - Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&hl"
    line 3 column 3.285 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attribute
    InputStream: Document content looks like HTML proprietary
    53 warnings/errors were found!
    [WARNING] Screen logger not set - Using ConsoleLogger.
    [INFO] setting up fonts
    [ERROR] Unknown enumerated value for property 'text-align-last': relative
    [ERROR] Error in text-align-last property value 'relative': org.apache.fop.fo.expr.PropertyException: No conversion defined
    [ERROR] defaulted font to any,normal,normal
    [ERROR] unknown font sans-serif,normal,bolder so defaulted font to any
    [ERROR] Error while creating area : Error with image URL: \intl\de_de\images\logo.gif (Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden) and no base URL is specified
    In that case its not that big problem. Only pictures are not shown in the output pdf.
    Pictures are big problems because there no chance to chance he native into a direct path. So I get errors when I try to convert www.sun.com:
    [ERROR] Error while creating area : Error with image URL: \im\a.gif (Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden) and no base URL is specified
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at java.io.FileOutputStream.write(FileOutputStream.java:247)
    at html2pdf.Html2Pdf.main(Html2Pdf.java:91)
    A big problem also appears when I try to open XHTML URLs like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XHTML.
    As you can read there are a lot of problems. I don't know if the concept of javaworld to convert html to pdf is up to date. Now its not the problem of the syntax of the HTML files. Unfortunately its not a problem that can solved with JTidy or a grphical module which is used in this thread (url from above): http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?forumID=31&threadID=5284184 Whith this I don't get any XHTML converted.
    Is there another chance to convert html2pdf ?

  • Want to continue a thread from Photoshop's old Macintosh or Windows forums?

    Photoshop's separate Macintosh or Windows forums are now read-only. If you recently started an active discussion in those forums, simply add the thread URL here. We'll move it to this cross-platform forum so the conversation can continue.

    To get Photoshop 7.0 (or 7.0.1 in my case) to work under Windows 7 64-bit, I ran the CD's Autorun under Windows XP service pack 2 compatibility. I also set the same compatibility prefs in Win 7 for the setup.exe file in the Photoshop directory of the CD-ROM.
    You'll possibly encounter an error about the scratch disk being full - this is because PS 7 fails to understand big hard drives (the mega free space number looks like an empty disk, it's kinda like a Y2K problem, since PS7 programmers or the API writers never imagined so much free space, I guess). In this case, two things are important:
    You need a partition that's less than 1TB (not sure about the size, it's in another thread) for the scratch disk. I used my system's recovery partition (only 2GB free, however). Other advice I found was to create a scratch partition using Windows 7 partitioning. Maybe a USB key would work? Surely not very fast...
    PS 7 will fail on startup with the "scratch disk full" error and exit. To get PS 7 to allow you to specify it, hold down CTRL and ALT when the program is launching. You'll be given a chance to indicate the partitions.

  • Mask ORACLE XE Url

    Hi everybody,
    I successfully installed ORACLE XE Production on Fedora Core 4 and it looks quite cool right now. To get it productive on my side, there is one question left:
    Is it possible to mask the XE URL in a way the application id is not viewable to the client?
    For example:
    My default url looks like this URL: http://www.sample.com/apex/f?p=4500:1000:1984081305771803:::::
    My 'wanted' url should look like
    All in all, i want to replace 'apex/f?p=4500' with a custom string (e.g. 'index.html?')... so that there is no possibility to change the application id manually in the url to get access to an other application.
    I am not that familiar with mod_rewrite or the apache caching possibilities, so, does anybody know wheather it is possible to do such a masking, and if yes, how can i do it ;-)?
    Thanks a lot in advance to the community

    Hi Thomas,
    if security is your concern, you might want to check the following thread / url:
    Hide ApplicationID in URL
    especially the part on session state protection.
    And also consider using an Apache http server as a proxy in front of XE.
    This way you can use SSL and tighten access to the system.

  • Run sql query on a different thread

    I have a swing app that queries an MS SQL database and it works fine and everything happens in the same thread. However for improved performance and to avoid freeze ups, I want the SQL queries themselves to execute on a different thread as a different class, other than the swing app class. The query results (Result Set) I want them back to my swing app so I can present them on a JTable.
    Here is an example of what I am trying to accomplish:
    - Press button in my swing app.
    - Call class that implements Runnable
    - In the Run method of the new class do the following (this code will execute in a new thread):
    url = "jdbc:sqlserver://ServerName:1433;databaseName=Database;user=UserName;password=password";
         Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
         Statement stmt;
         ResultSet rs;
         stmt = con.createStatement();
         String queryString = "select * from databaseName";
         rs = stmt.executeQuery(queryString);
    catch(Exception em){
    }- Get the ResultSet rs back from the class
    - Work with the results back in my swing app and present them in the JTable
                //do some stuff
         }Any help or hints are greatly appreciated.

    Two suggestions:
    -- Take a look at SwingWorker for taking care of the threading issues
    -- Keep all database handling code together. Collect the records into a Collection -- most likely ArrayList -- and return that. This way you can close the Connection and RecordSet within the same method that opens them.
    Just my 0.02.

  • Unable to use the recording port more than once at a ti

    Greets. I'm in a clan that uses Ventrilo for their Battlefield 2 games, and that's all fine and dandy...Love Ventrilo... Though, I am unable to talk in BF2 -and- Ventrilo at the same time. Everyone else in my clan can talk on BF2 and Ventrilo at the same time.Here's some examples so hopefully someone can help:Scenario )When I open Ventrilo first, and launch BF2, all my audio options for microphone are greyed out and set to 0%.Scenario 2)When I open BF2 first and launch Ventrilo, Ventrilo gives me an error about the <SPAN class=highlight>recording port already being in use or something weird like that.Scenario 3)When I open FRAPS first (with <SPAN class=highlight>recording sound enabled), then launch Ventrilo, Ventrilo gives me the same error. Same with BF2 when it comes second, all my options are greyed out.Would installing my sound card for my motherboard work, as long as I set the correct <SPAN class=highlight>recording device? I don't want to do that, because I want to use my SB Li've! instead. Does anyone have the same problem?
    Here is my DxDiag info:
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
    -------------Sound Devices------------- Description: SB Li've! Audio [D000] Default Sound Playback: Yes Default Voice Playback: Yes Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_02&DEV_0002&SUBSYS_00A02&REV_0A Manufacturer ID: Product ID: 00 Type: WDM Driver Name: ctaud2k.sys Driver Version: (English) Driver Attributes: Final Retail WHQL Logo'd: n/a Date and Size: 9/8/2003 9:47:22, 496800 bytes Other Files: Driver Provider: Creative HW Accel Level: Standard Cap Flags: 0x0 Min/Max Sample Rate: 0, 0Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 0, 0 Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0 HW Memory: 0 Voice Management: No EAX(tm) 2.0 Listen/Src: No, No I3DL2(tm) Listen/Src: No, NoSensaura(tm) ZoomFX(tm): No Registry: OK Sound Test Result: Not run
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
    Earlier this afternoon, I started a cleansweep of my entire system with entries in the registry pointing to anything having to do with SB Li've!. I've got rid of -everything- except for one thing that's really bugging me:In the Control Panel, there's an AudioHQ icon, and when I double-click it, nothing happens... I don't know how to get rid of control panel icons, but considering that's still in there, makes me wonder if there is still something lingering from my last installation.
    Now, you're all going to laugh at me for this one, but I've been through two major upgrades (mobo, CPU, sound card, etc.) without formatting. I've been meaning to do this, but I hate formatting, because then it takes like a week to get the computer running the way you want it to.
    While uninstalling all my sound drivers, I decided to go into the add remove programs to uninstall some old crap I never used. I saw two enries....BF2, and BF2 demo... Thinking of how I don't play the demo anymore, I will uninstall the demo- 'cept it uninstalled the entire BF2 retail game. Sooooo.....My way to test this isn't even installed, but it seems to be working all right when I launch FRAPS and Ventrilo at the same time.
    But then it started to get strange...
    When prompted at Windows startup to install new hardware, I had inserted the SB Li've! driver disk and tried to run setup.exe - It says:<IMG alt="" src="http://mywebpages.comcast.net/jaldarith/tw/error.gif" border=0>So, on the New Hardware Installation, I had it automatically search for the drivers by CD-ROM, and it found them in the Drivers/audio/win2k folder (Running Windows 2K SP 4), and seemed to install them just fine. After they installed, I heard some sound, thinking everything went smoothly.Now I try to install the upgraded drivers I downloaded from Creative's website:<IMG alt="" src="http://mywebpages.comcast.net/jaldarith/tw/error.gif" border=0>So I check out my device manager:<IMG alt="" src="http://mywebpages.comcast.net/jaldarith/tw/devicemanager.gif" border=0>Thinking I was able to run FRAPS and Ventrilo at the same time, I tried to load Battlefield 2 and Ventrilo at the same time and got this error:
    <IMG alt="" src="http://mywebpages.comcast.net/jaldarith/tw/input.gif" border=0>
    So I knew it was hopeless.
    Then I popped in the SB Li've! CD again and it auto-loaded with the driver installation program, and I selected the typical installation, thinking I may have missed something doing a custom in the past.
    Now my device manager shows:
    - Creative Game Port
    - Creative SB Li've! series
    But, it gets strange again. After installing the factory drivers from the CD and then trying to install the updated drivers from Creative's website, I get the same error I got above:
    <IMG alt="" src="http://mywebpages.comcast.net/jaldarith/tw/error.gif" border=0>
    At this point, I am extremely stuck. Every one of my friends can play Battlefield 2 and have Ventrilo loaded at the same time, and still be able to talk through each program's independent voice over IP.
    Is my sound card even able to do such a thing?Message Edited by Jaldarith on 08-23-2005 05:37 PM

    Just checked the model of card youre using by Hardware ID
    PCI\VEN_02&DEV_0002&SUBSYS_00A02&REV_0A = SB0220 SBLi've! 5. Digital,
    and I think if this is correct, you'll may find some other frustrationed owners asking the
    same question you have.
    Have you tried these drivers
    these drivers
    About this issue you and the others are having:
    [url="http://forums.creative.com/creativelabs/board/message?board.id=soundblaster&message.id=4670" target=_blank>See this thread[/url]
    You perhaps can install Audigy 2 drivers and software to your card. Here are the instructions how to do it.
    It's quite easy process. Download Audigy driver/software package (~20MB) (link is there), extract it into some directory. Download the patch (link is on Automatic Method sentence)and follow instructions how to patch the instalation package. Then installation process. I've modded my Audigy 2 to Audigy 2 Zs using a similiar method and everyting else, but GraphicMixer, works great.
    .jtpMessage Edited by jutapa on 08-24-2005 06:38 AM

  • Index usage making SQL slower.

    While working on a performance tuning activity on Oracle on Solaris 10, I encountered a problem wherein one of our DBA's suggested indexing 2 columns of a certain table. One of the queries which is being run on that table has a RULE hint, and it is seen to be making use of this newly created index. Before the index was created, this query was running fine and getting completed within 30 mins or so. However after the index is created, it is now taking 12 hours on average to complete. Please note that in both the above cases, the CURSOR_SHARING parameter was set to EXACT. Yes, after the index was created its statistics were computed, and for both the index and the base table statistics were gathered. The query is making use of bind variables and is being run via the SQR engine of PeopleSoft.
    Please advice what can be the possible reasons for such delays being caused?
    For any information, please let me know and I would provide the same in this forum/
    Note for moderators: I could not find the section for Performance tuning, so I am asking this question in the general forum. Apologies.
    Thank You,

    Index scans are not always faster.
    Full table scans are not always bad.
    I doubt that the RULE hint is necessary.
    In general, [url http://www.centrexcc.com/Tuning%20by%20Cardinality%20Feedback.pdf]the CBO does an excellent job of finding the best access plan for a given sql provided it is able to accurately estimate the cardinalities of the row sources in the plan.
    See advice and information required in the template tuning threads:
    [url https://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=863295]How to post a sql tuning request
    [url https://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=1812597]When your query takes too long

  • UA.bat hangs in OBIEE

    Same problem as here: UA.bat is not working on OBIEE version
    I did a fresh installation of OBIEE on a Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 64 bit (I installed the 64bit version) and patched it to When trying to upgrade the .rpd file from the Upgrade Assistant simply hangs when clicking on the "next" button after supplying the relevant informations. Setting the ORACLE_HOME environment variable as mentioned in the thread above didn't solve the problem. Also I don't have another oracle home on that machine, so I think I started the correct UA.
    When looking at the logfile of UA i get those messages:
    [2012-06-11T10:36:58.033+02:00] [Framework] [NOTIFICATION] [] [upgrade.Framework] [tid: 11] [ecid: 0000JVQg5GmBt1YzLofP8A1FpQrf000002,0] Please enter the repository password:
    [2012-06-11T10:36:58.051+02:00] [Framework] [NOTIFICATION] [] [upgrade.Framework] [tid: 11] [ecid: 0000JVQg5GmBt1YzLofP8A1FpQrf000002,0] Please enter the 10g Admin password:I get those log file entries immediately after I press the "next" button. Needless to say I entered the correct admin password and a valid repository password. It also hangs with the same messages in the logfile when I only supply the Admin username but no passwords at all, so I guess even though I enter both passwords UA simply doesn't recognize them and fails to present me a error message.
    This worked previously in (and also in, and there where no changes to the .rpd file so I don't think it's the fault of the .rpd file.
    Did anyone encounter this issue and solved it or has anyone a clue what I did wrong? I don't think I made a mistake when applying the patches for as I followed the patch instructions down to the last dot and comma and also I didn't get any errors. BI Publisher is up and running, and Analytics is also running. Also I am able to connect to the admin console as well as to enterprise manager.
    thanks & regards
    error with the thread url...

    Just FYI, I raised a SR with support and they simply told me that it won't be supported to go from 10g straight to The "fix" will be a error message saying so. The solution would be to rollback all the patches, migrate the .rpd file and apply the patches again. I am really in the mood to rant like hell, but I guess it's pointless anyway...

  • Pivot table in RTF templet

    I am new to BI Publisher and need a help to create a templet having pivot table in it.
    When i am trying to build pivot table in MS Word addins ,it's not allowing me to add more than 5 rows.
    But i have around 12 attribute columns , 1 measure column.One out of these 12 attribute columns need to display horizontally.
    Here is my xml...
    <Week>2012 - 49</Week>
    My templet should look like this:
    Sum of Qunatity Week
    c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10 c11 2012-49 2012-50 2012-51 ..................
    MMO CCA Processor Assembly 0 0 Electronics unspecified D1 Make Supply 45 50 46
    I want to display the list of week in horizontal...eg:if i have 20 weeks data then the report should have 31 columns (20 weeks + 11 columns) and Quantity is the measure.
    Thanks in advance...

    Hi, look at this thread - [url https://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=2485475&tstart=0]Displaying the measure column names in the Rows section of Pivot Table
    I hope it can be helpful.

  • Firefox will not start, says I must restart my computer, did that more than once ( at least 4 times ) but still nothing, just repeats that I most restart my computor

    This started when I tried to upgrade from ?? to the latest version. It did add a second icon to my start page, both act the same way, tried to uninstale, again I get same message. Tried to do a system restore again same message" must restart".

    Just checked the model of card youre using by Hardware ID
    PCI\VEN_02&DEV_0002&SUBSYS_00A02&REV_0A = SB0220 SBLi've! 5. Digital,
    and I think if this is correct, you'll may find some other frustrationed owners asking the
    same question you have.
    Have you tried these drivers
    these drivers
    About this issue you and the others are having:
    [url="http://forums.creative.com/creativelabs/board/message?board.id=soundblaster&message.id=4670" target=_blank>See this thread[/url]
    You perhaps can install Audigy 2 drivers and software to your card. Here are the instructions how to do it.
    It's quite easy process. Download Audigy driver/software package (~20MB) (link is there), extract it into some directory. Download the patch (link is on Automatic Method sentence)and follow instructions how to patch the instalation package. Then installation process. I've modded my Audigy 2 to Audigy 2 Zs using a similiar method and everyting else, but GraphicMixer, works great.
    .jtpMessage Edited by jutapa on 08-24-2005 06:38 AM

  • Extigy with Windows 7 64 bit

    Hey everyone,
    I've got a SB Extigy which has served me just awesome for years and years now. ?I recently upgraded to a better computer with Windows 7 64 bit, and have found that the driver CD which came with the card will no longer install on this OS. ?Windows will recognize it; the rear stereo out and the headphone out are acti've (both at the same time!) however the volume control knob no longer works, the remote doesn't work (I mainly use it just for volume) but most importantly the MIDI ports don't work. ?I use this computer to make music, so I really need to get the MIDI ports operational or get a new card. ?Since this card has been working so beautifully for so long, I don't want to switch unless I absolutely have to. ?I have tried running the CD install in compatibility mode for XP/2000 but no dice. ?I found [url="http://forums.creative.com/t5/Windows-7/Extigy-Drivers-for-Windows-7/m-p/54202" rel="nofollow">another thread[/url] on here where this guy seemed to get it to work, but didn't really leave instructions as to how. ?He gave[url="http://members.driverguide.com/driver/detail.php?driverid=93720" rel="nofollow"> this link [/url]to download the drivers, but there is no exe in there.... how can I install these drivers without the installerI went to the device manager and tried to do an update driver with the source pointed to these files, but I informs me I currently have the most up to date driver already installed.
    I'm hitting a dead end here. ?And would be immensely grateful for any helpful suggestions. ?THX!!

    i have sound blaster extigy and i didn't use it win7 64 bit

  • RE: Can you help me - Please?

    I haven't taken one of his training classes, but he does post mail to the
    Forte Users Group frequently.
    Here is an e-mail address for Stephen McHenry.
    Stephen McHenry [SMTP:[email protected]]
    The Forte Users Group has a searchable archive thread:
    Mr. Henry will have multiple Forte Users Group postings recorded there which
    detail his Forte Training experience, an OOAD course that his company
    offers, as well as helpful information that he has provided to other members
    of the Forte Users Group.
    Hope this helps.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Gary Adams
    To: [email protected]
    Sent: 10/8/98 11:07 AM
    Subject: Can you help me - Please?
    Hi, I'm new here. I just signed up because I just found out about the
    and I'm hoping you can help me.
    I just found out that Mark Smith, who usually teaches the design course
    Fort&eacute; is not going to be teaching the next one. From what I've been
    Mark is the only one left who was trained by the original author of the
    course how to teach it right. I guess there were others, but they've all
    left Fort&eacute; by now. If this is true, that means that the upcoming course
    going to be taught by some untrained stand-in. I just think it's real
    crappy that Fort&eacute; is trying to keep all this quiet until after you can't
    drop out of the course and get your money back.
    I'm tired of getting second rate instructors for training course that we
    spend good money for. I understand that the expert - the guy that wrote
    course - still teaches. Can anyone tell me how to get in touch with
    I've been told his name is Stephen McHenry and that he's totally the
    instructor for this stuff.
    Also, does anyone know why he stopped teaching for Fort&eacute;?
    If anybody can help me, I'd really appreciate it.
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    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
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    Ian --
    I agree wholeheartedly with your reply. There are countless many qualified for
    such a course and not just working for Forte either, although thats a good
    place to start.
    -- Len
    Ian Clough wrote:
    Don't you think you are being a little unfair?
    Forte has many employees who are more than capable of teaching the
    design course not all of whom where taught by the original author.
    Good teachers will use their own experiences when presenting
    a course and not simply present the thoughts of others.
    The Forte design course specifically focuses on the issues of designing
    large scale distributed applications an area where I would hope all Forte
    employees have significant experience. However much of the design
    course is not unique to Forte presenting as it does the best industry
    borrowing ideas from Jacobson, Booch and Rumbaugh among others.
    These skills can and have been acquired by consultants and trainers prior
    to joining Forte and Forte is a much richer company for this input.
    Ian Clough
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Gary Adams <[email protected]>
    To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
    Date: 08 October 1998 17:33
    Subject: Can you help me - Please?
    Hi, I'm new here. I just signed up because I just found out about the group
    and I'm hoping you can help me.
    I just found out that Mark Smith, who usually teaches the design course at
    Fort&eacute; is not going to be teaching the next one. From what I've been told,
    Mark is the only one left who was trained by the original author of the
    course how to teach it right. I guess there were others, but they've all
    left Fort&eacute; by now. If this is true, that means that the upcoming course is
    going to be taught by some untrained stand-in. I just think it's real
    crappy that Fort&eacute; is trying to keep all this quiet until after you can't
    drop out of the course and get your money back.
    I'm tired of getting second rate instructors for training course that we
    spend good money for. I understand that the expert - the guy that wrote the
    course - still teaches. Can anyone tell me how to get in touch with him?
    I've been told his name is Stephen McHenry and that he's totally the best
    instructor for this stuff.
    Also, does anyone know why he stopped teaching for Fort&eacute;?
    If anybody can help me, I'd really appreciate it.
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    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:http://pinehurst.sageit.com/listarchive/>
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:http://pinehurst.sageit.com/listarchive/>-
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:http://pinehurst.sageit.com/listarchive/>

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