Drag and drop to textinput?

I'd like to be able to drag from a mx:List and drop into an mx:textinput.
is this possible? I've tried setting <mx:textinput dropEnabled="true"> but the compiler doesn't like it...
Anyone have any clues?

This page answers your question, by showing how to add drag and drop support for any Flex component.
By default TextArea does not support drag and drop.
If this post answered your question or helped, please mark it as such.

Similar Messages

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    I've been able to complete a drag and drog from a file to a TextInput in my CS Extension but what I really want to do is drag and drop a layer into a textinput or any other control so I can pick up what layer it is and apply actions on it.
    Anyone got ideas of how I could achieve this in Extension Builder?

    What app is this?

  • Drag and Drop in custom components..

    hello friends,
    I am trying to devlop a schedule component. on part of this i trying to develop a functionality where the user can reschedure the appointment by drag and drop.  the dragdrop event in the container component is not triggered when ther user drag the appointment and drop it in the another container. can any one help me on this please. i have given below my source codes.
    package layouts.DayViewControl.containers
        import mx.core.Container;
        public class TestBox extends Container
            private var __timeAndXYCoOrdArray:Array;
            private var __xyDiff:int=0;
            public function TestBox()
                __timeAndXYCoOrdArray=new Array();
            protected override function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void{
                var totalSlots:int=24*2;
                var __lineThickness:int=1;
                var __lineAlpha:int=0.2;
                var boxHeight:uint=unscaledHeight/totalSlots;
                var xPos:int=0;
                var ypos:int=0;
                var __boxHeight:int=unscaledHeight/totalSlots;
                var __minusCount:int=1;
                for(var i:int=0;i<totalSlots;i++){
                    var timeStr:String="";
                    if(i%2 == 0){
                    var tempYpos:int=ypos;
                    if(__xyDiff == 0){
                    var newYPos:int=0;
                    if(i == 0){
                    }else if(i%2 != 0){
                    }else if(i%2 == 0){
            public function getXFromtime(inputTime:String):int{
                var returnVal:int=0;
                if(inputTime && inputTime != ""){
                    for (var j:int=0;j<__timeAndXYCoOrdArray.length;j++){
                        if(__timeAndXYCoOrdArray[j].Time.toString() == inputTime){
                return returnVal;
            public function getYFromtime(inputTime:String):int{
                var returnVal:int=0;
                if(inputTime && inputTime != ""){
                    for (var j:int=0;j<__timeAndXYCoOrdArray.length;j++){
                        if(__timeAndXYCoOrdArray[j].Time.toString() == inputTime){
                return returnVal;
            public function getTimeDifference():int{
                return __xyDiff;
    package layouts.DayViewControl
        import flash.events.MouseEvent;
        import flash.utils.Dictionary;
        import layouts.DayViewControl.containers.TestBox;
        import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
        import mx.core.DragSource;
        import mx.core.EventPriority;
        import mx.core.UIComponent;
        import mx.events.DragEvent;
        import mx.managers.DragManager;
        public class TimeDividerLines extends TestBox
            private var __linesPerHour:int=4;
            private var __currentDate:Date;
            private var __timeAndXYCoOrdArray:Array;
            private var __dataComponentArry:Array;
            private var __totalAppointment:int=5;
            private var __xyDiff:int=0;
            private var __apptDataInfoArry:Array;
            private var __dataProviderChanged:Boolean=false;
            private var __reArrangeDataArrayCol:ArrayCollection;
            private var __sortedArrayCollection:ArrayCollection;
            private var __dragDropEnabled:Boolean=false;
            public function TimeDividerLines()
                //__timeAndXYCoOrdArray=new Array();
                __dataComponentArry=new Array();
                __apptDataInfoArry=new Array();
                __sortedArrayCollection=new ArrayCollection();   
            public function set dragDropEnabled(inputVal:Boolean):void{
                    //set youself for drag and drop event
                    this.addEventListener(DragEvent.DRAG_ENTER,dragEnterEventHandler,false,EventPriority.DEFA ULT_HANDLER);
                    this.addEventListener(DragEvent.DRAG_OVER,dragOverEventHandler,false,EventPriority.DEFAUL T_HANDLER);
                    this.addEventListener(DragEvent.DRAG_DROP,dragDropEventHandler,false,EventPriority.DEFAUL T_HANDLER);
            private function dropCompleteHandler(event:DragEvent):void{
                trace("inside drop complete handler");
            private function dragEnterEventHandler(event:DragEvent):void{
                    var dropTarget:UIComponent=UIComponent(event.currentTarget);
                    DragManager.showFeedback(event.ctrlKey ? DragManager.COPY : DragManager.MOVE);   
            private function dragOverEventHandler(event:DragEvent):void{
                /* if(event.dragSource.hasFormat("Appointment")){
                DragManager.showFeedback(DragManager.NONE); */
            private function dragDropEventHandler(event:DragEvent):void{
                //We need to do two things here. you need to add the dropped data to the data provider list.
                //and need need to update this entry to DB
                 /* if(event.dragSource.hasFormat("Appointment")){
                     var draggedbox:AppointmentDisplayBox=event.dragSource.dataForFormat("Appointment") as AppointmentDisplayBox;
                     var dropBox:TimeDividerLines=event.currentTarget as TimeDividerLines;
                     //create a new copy
                     var newBox:AppointmentDisplayBox=new AppointmentDisplayBox();
            private function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{
                var draginit:AppointmentDisplayBox=AppointmentDisplayBox(event.currentTarget);
                var ds:DragSource=new DragSource();
            override protected function createChildren():void{
            override protected function commitProperties():void{
                     __dataComponentArry=new Array();
                    for (var k:int=0;k<__apptDataInfoArry.length;k++){
                        var tempDispBox:AppointmentDisplayBox=new AppointmentDisplayBox();
                        tempDispBox.apptDataXml=__apptDataInfoArry[k].Data as XML;       
            private function sortTheCollectionValues(__inputArrayCol:ArrayCollection):ArrayCollection{
                var returnArrayCollection:ArrayCollection=new ArrayCollection();
                var tempArray:Array=new Array();
                for(var i:int=0;i<__inputArrayCol.length;i++){
                    tempArray.push({Length:(__inputArrayCol[i] as Array).length,Index:i});
                for(var j:int=0;j<tempArray.length;j++){
                return returnArrayCollection;
            override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void{
                if(__dataComponentArry.length > 0){
                    __sortedArrayCollection=new ArrayCollection();
                if(__sortedArrayCollection.length > 0 ){
                    //you need to sort the arraycollection based on the length first to draw the highest no. child array first
                    var appGap:int=2;
                    var endGap:int=10;
                    //var drawnApptObj:Array=new Array();
                    var existingChildArray:Array=new Array();   
                    var drawnApptObj:Dictionary=new Dictionary();
                    for(var l:int=0;l<__sortedArrayCollection.length;l++){
                        var apptWidth:int=0;
                        var innerArry:Array=__sortedArrayCollection[l] as Array;
                        existingChildArray=new Array();
                        //you need to recalculate the width
                        //for the first iteration you need to sort by height
                        //if(l == 0){
                        //    innerArry.sortOn("apptHeight",Array.NUMERIC|Array.DESCENDING);
                        //first we need to find out any intersection appointment is there
                        var count:int=0;
                         for each(var tempApptDispBox:AppointmentDisplayBox in innerArry){
                            if(drawnApptObj[tempApptDispBox] == tempApptDispBox){
                                if(apptWidth < tempApptDispBox.width){
                        if(apptWidth == 0){
                            apptWidth=(unscaledWidth - (endGap + (appGap*innerArry.length)))/innerArry.length;
                        //now you need to layout the childrens
                        var canDraw:Boolean=false;
                        var ismatch:Boolean=false;
                        for (var childCnt:int=0;childCnt < innerArry.length;childCnt++){
                             var tempDispBox:AppointmentDisplayBox=innerArry[childCnt] as AppointmentDisplayBox;
                             for (var i:int=0;i<existingChildArray.length;i++){
                                 if(existingChildArray[i].index == childCnt){
                            if(childCnt == 0 && !ismatch){
                            }else if(existingChildArray.indexOf(childCnt) > -1 && childCnt != 0){
                                //tempDispBox.x=(existingChildArray[childCnt] as AppointmentDisplayBox).x+apptWidth+appGap;
                            }else if(childCnt != 0 && !ismatch){
                                tempDispBox.x=((existingChildArray[childCnt-1].object) as AppointmentDisplayBox).x+apptWidth+appGap;
                //first we need to sort the component array based on the height property to position the biggest appointment first
            private function sortArray(tempArry:Array):void{
                //var tempArry:Array=arrayClone(__datacompArray);
                 for(var i:int=0;i<tempArry.length;i++){
                     var tempDispBox:AppointmentDisplayBox=tempArry[i] as AppointmentDisplayBox;
                    var start:int=this.getYFromtime(tempDispBox.startTime.toString());
                    var end:int=this.getYFromtime(tempDispBox.endTime.toString());
                var indexArray:Array=new Array();
                var canContinue:Boolean=false;
                var loopArray:Array=new Array();
                loopArray=tempArry.concat(); // this will copy the array to loopArray
                var copyArry:Array=new Array();
                var k:int=0;
                    if(indexArray.length > 0){
                        if(indexArray.indexOf(k) >= 0){
                        var newArry:Array=new Array();
                        for (var innerCnt:int=0;innerCnt<loopArray.length;innerCnt++){
                            var locCanContinue:Boolean=false;
                            if(indexArray.length > 0){
                                if(indexArray.indexOf(innerCnt) >= 0){
                            if(locCanContinue && k != innerCnt){
                                var outerstartTime:Number=parseFloat(loopArray[k].startTime.toString().replace(":","."));
                                var outerendtime:Number=parseFloat(loopArray[k].endTime.toString().replace(":","."));
                                var innerStartTime:Number=parseFloat(loopArray[innerCnt].startTime.toString().replace(":","." ));
                                var innerEndtime:Number=parseFloat(loopArray[innerCnt].endTime.toString().replace(":","."));
                                if(outerstartTime == innerStartTime && outerendtime == innerEndtime){
                                }else if(outerstartTime == innerStartTime && outerendtime > innerEndtime){
                                }else if(outerstartTime  < innerStartTime && outerendtime == innerEndtime){
                                }else if(outerstartTime  < innerStartTime && outerendtime > innerEndtime){
                                }else if(outerstartTime > innerStartTime && outerendtime > innerEndtime && innerEndtime > outerstartTime){
                                }else if(outerstartTime < innerStartTime && outerendtime < innerEndtime && innerStartTime < outerendtime){
                                }else if(outerstartTime == innerStartTime && outerendtime < innerEndtime){
                                }else if(outerstartTime > innerStartTime && outerendtime == innerEndtime){
                    loopArray=new Array();
                    for (var j:int=0;j<copyArry.length;j++){
                        if(indexArray.indexOf(j) < 0){
                    indexArray=new Array();               
            private function arrayClone(source:Array):Array{
                var returnArray:Array=new Array();
                for(var j:int=0;j<source.length;j++){
                return returnArray;
            public function set currentDate(inputVal:Date):void{
                if(__currentDate != inputVal){
            public function get currentDate():Date{
                return __currentDate;
            public function set apptDataArray(inputVal:Array):void{
                if(!__dataProviderChanged && inputVal.length > 0){
    package layouts.DayViewControl
        import mx.controls.TextInput;
        import mx.core.UIComponent;
        public class AppointmentDisplayBox extends UIComponent
            private var __startTime:String;
            private var __EndTime:String;
            private var __currentDate:Date;
            private var __apptData:XML;
            private var __height:Number;
            private var __isChild:Boolean=false;
            private var __modifiedWidth:Boolean=false;
            private var __docNameLable:TextInput;
            private var __appDetails:TextInput;
            public function AppointmentDisplayBox()
            protected override function createChildren():void{
                    __docNameLable=new TextInput();
                    __appDetails=new TextInput();
                //    __appDetails.setStyle("borderThickness","0");
            protected override function commitProperties():void{
                 if(__apptData != null){
            protected override function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void{
                var lineColor:uint=0x000000;
            public function set startTime(inputVal:String):void{
            public function get startTime():String{
                return __startTime;
            public function set endTime(inputVal:String):void{
            public function get endTime():String{
                return __EndTime;
            public function set currentDate(inputVal:Date):void{
            public function get currentDate():Date{
                return __currentDate;
            public function set apptHeight(inputVal:Number):void{
            public function get apptHeight():Number{
                return __height;
            public function set isChild(inputVal:Boolean):void{
            public function get isChild():Boolean{
                return __isChild;
            public function set isModifiedWidth(inputVal:Boolean):void{
            public function get isModifiedWidth():Boolean{
                return __modifiedWidth;
            public function set apptDataXml(inputVal:XML):void{
                if(__apptData != inputVal){
            public function get apptDataXml():XML{
                return __apptData;
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical" xmlns:layouts="layouts.*"
        xmlns:DayViewControl="layouts.DayViewControl.*" xmlns:test="layouts.DayViewControl.containers.*">
                import mx.controls.TextInput;
                import layouts.DayViewControl.TimeDividerLines;
                import mx.events.DragEvent;
                import mx.managers.DragManager;
                import mx.core.DragSource;
                import layouts.DayViewControl.AppointmentDisplayBox;
                private function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{
                    var dragint:AppointmentDisplayBox=AppointmentDisplayBox(event.currentTarget);
                    //var dragint:TextInput=TextInput(event.currentTarget);
                    var ds:DragSource=new DragSource();
                private function dragEnterHandler(event:DragEvent):void{
                        var droptarget:TimeDividerLines=TimeDividerLines(event.currentTarget);
                private function dragDropHandler(event:DragEvent):void{
                        var droppedObj:AppointmentDisplayBox=AppointmentDisplayBox(event.dragSource.dataForFormat("Ap poitment"));
                        //var droppedObj:TextInput=TextInput(event.dragSource.dataForFormat("Appoitment"));
                        var dropTarget:TimeDividerLines=TimeDividerLines(event.currentTarget);
        <mx:HBox width="100%" height="100%">
            <DayViewControl:TimeDividerLines width="50%" height="100%">
                <DayViewControl:AppointmentDisplayBox width="50" height="100" mouseDown="mouseDownHandler(event)"/>
            <DayViewControl:TimeDividerLines width="50%" height="100%" dragEnter="dragEnterHandler(event)" dragDrop="dragDropHandler(event)"/>

    First 3 .as are the component
    source. in the last test.mxml file i have written the drag and drop functionality.
    can any help me?? please

  • Easy Drag and Drop question

    I can drag-n-drop from a tree to tree; grid to tree; tree to
    list; list to tree ... but I'm having a helluva time dragging from
    a plain old textInput to a tree. It seem to be something to do
    w/the drag proxy ... when I try it, a new node shows up in the tree
    with no label.
    I'm running out if ideas.
    Thanks --
    -- Jeff

    This is interesting. As well as having the above problem, I
    was getting an incorrect result when dragging to the correct points
    in column 2. even though it should be correct
    Because of the issue in the previous post, i.e. not being
    able to see the last two entries, I decided to delete them.
    Hey presto this seemed to fix this above problem. Now my drag
    and drop works.
    It seems captivate doesn't like to go beyond 6 entries in
    column 1 i.e. doesn't show the extra entries and also causes an
    false error when successfully completing the drag and drop

  • I want to Sync my iPhone 4 to iTunes however I get an error message from iTunes each time I connect the phone to the PC saying that I should restore to factory settings. Frustrating because it's already annoying enough that I can't drag and drop mp3's!!!

    I have never been so frustrated before in my life with any phone. I find it obnoxious as it is that I cannot simply drag and drop files (especially MP3's) straight from my PC directly into my phone, which I have been used to doing up until now. Everyone who convinced me to get the iPhone has instructed me that my frustration can be fixed by downloading iTunes and syncing it all up via that program (which I have never used before). So, I downloaded the program successfully, however when I connect the iPhone 4 to the PC and iTunes is open, I get an error message that 'iTunes cannot read the content of the iPhone "iPhone" and that I should go to the Preferences tab of the iPhone and select 'restore' to restore this phone to factory settings. First of all, I don't understand why I need to do that. I have already downloaded apps and other important things in the 2 days that I have the phone. I am also scared that it will erase my contacts. This is such a headache. Music is very imporatant to me, but I am getting so frustrated that I don't have freedom over the phone which I thought was supposed to be one of the best out there. I would really appreciate help in this matter. I am sure the phone is great but I am on the verge of taking it back and getting something else.

    Hey joshuafromisr,
    If you resintall iTunes, it should fix the issue. The following document will go over how to remove iTunes fully and then reinstall. Depending on what version of Windows you're running you'll either follow the directions here:
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP
    or here:
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista or Windows 7

  • When I drag and drop an icon from the address bar to the desktop is does creat the shortcut but will not display the website icon, only the firefox icon, how can I display website icons?

    When I drag and drop a website icon from the Forefox address bar to the desk top, the short cut is created but the icon that appears is the firefox Icon. I want to disply the icon from the website that the short cut refers to. I have checked all I can think of in my computer to no avail.

    You have to assign the favicon yourself to the desktop shortcut (right-click the shortcut: Properties) after you have dragged the link to the desktop.
    You can usually find the favicon in Tools >Page Info > Media and save the icon there.
    Otherwise use the main domain of the website and add favicon.ico (e.g. mozilla.com/favicon.ico ) to display the favicon in a tab and save that image to a folder.

  • Is there any way of dragging and dropping an iCal event showing in week view across to a date in the left sidebar monthly calendar?

    Hi, Im not a frequent forum poster, as most of my questions can be found already answered on them!
    This is a question Ive had for a long time and it amazes me that no-one else seems to ask it. I check at each OS upgrade but its never there...
    Is there any way of dragging and dropping an iCal event showing in week view across to a date in the left sidebar monthly calendar?
    I was able to do this years ago in MS Outlook, and utilized it all the time when I needed to push things back, now I have to open the event and select an new date in the drop-down calendar for each & every event I want to move to a new month at the end of the month.
    If its definitely not possible, how to you ask apple to consider including it - it doesnt seem like a particularly difficult task.

    Is there any way of dragging and dropping an iCal event showing in week view across to a date in the left sidebar monthly calendar?
    No, but you can use cut/paste. Cut (⌘X) the event, then click on the week where you want to move the event, and Paste (⌘V).
    If you have a suggestion for Apple to change that method use: Apple - Mac OS X - Feedback.

  • Why does not drag and drop work?!

    I am trying to implent a drag and drop from a table to an icon representing a trash.
    The drop handler fails in converting the selected rows to a list:
    com.sun.el.MethodExpressionImpl@87d9c00d javax.el.ELException: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.List
    Could you help me to understand why? Below are the details.
    This is the af:table:
    <af:table var="row" rowBandingInterval="0" id="t1"
    verticalGridVisible="false" fetchSize="-1"
    autoHeightRows="6" width="190"
    <af:column sortable="true" headerText="Entry" id="c1"
    <af:outputText value="#{row.Description}" id="ot1"/>
    <af:dragSource actions="MOVE" defaultAction="MOVE"
    This is the drop area:
    <af:image source="Images/empty_trash_32.png" id="i2">
    <af:dropTarget dropListener="#{backingBeanScope.DropHandlerBean.dropHandler}"
    <af:dataFlavor flavorClass="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet"
    This is the failing listener listener (the failing point is bold):
    public DnDAction dropHandler(DropEvent dropEvent) {
    DnDAction dnda = DnDAction.NONE;
    if (dropEvent.getProposedAction() == DnDAction.MOVE) { // delete
    RichTable table = (RichTable)dropEvent.getDragComponent();
    //determine the rows that are dragged over
    Transferable t = dropEvent.getTransferable();
    //when looking for data, use the same discriminator as defined
    //on the drag source
    DataFlavor<RowKeySet> df =
    DataFlavor.getDataFlavor(RowKeySet.class, "delete");
    RowKeySet rks = t.getData(df);
    if (rks == null) {
    return DnDAction.NONE;
    Iterator iter = rks.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
    //get next selected row key
    System.out.println(rks.toArray().length); // the number of selected rows is ok
    List key = (List)iter.next(); // here gives: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.List
    //make row current so we can access it
    //the table model represents its row by the ADF binding class,
    //which is JUCtrlHierNodeBinding
    JUCtrlHierNodeBinding rowBinding =
    Row row = (Row)rowBinding.getRow();
    //delete row;
    //activate animation
    dnda = DnDAction.MOVE;
    return dnda;

    I did try, I obtained this:
    Why NullPointerException?
    I don't know if this helps, but consider that the collection model comes from a ViewObject built on three EOs with many fields, although the table only shows one column.
    This is the Iterator in my pageDef:
    <table IterBinding="MyView1Iterator" id="MyView1">
    <Item Value="Cod1"/>
    <Item Value="Cod2"/>
    <Item Value="Cod3"/>
    <Item Value="Cod4"/>
    <Item Value="Description"/>
    <Item Value="Cod5"/>
    Any idea?
    I will see the Key content with the debugger.

  • Did my first back up today using external hard drive and time machine now i can't drag and drop

    Hi, i did my first back up today using time machine it all went onto my external hard drive fine. Now i cant drag and drop anyhting. I assume ive cahnged some settings in time machine but cant figure it out what to do can some one help ?

    Brandbasher wrote:
    Thanks Pondini but i have closed time machine, removed external hard drive.
    Did you eject it first?
    Now i cant drag and drop anything on my desk top, or mail or any other application. Ive tried moving folders, documents none of it works. Even moving around documents within a folder, it wont let me chnage the position of files.
    That shouldn't be related to Time Machine (especially if the backups aren't mounted).
    What happens when you try those things?  Do you get any messages?  Anything you can post a screenshot of?
    Have you tried a Restart?
    Does it happen in another user account?  (If you don't have one, create one via System Prefs > Users & Groups.)

  • Drag and Drop (re-order) Thumbnails in Organizer

    I am using Photoshop Elements version 5.0.2
    I would like to re-order pictures in an order that will make sense for me in my business. I suppose I can go through each pix and change the time on them, so I can then sort by time stamp.
    Is there an easier way to do this? I was hopeful that I could drag and drop them in Thumbnail view - but I cannot.
    Thank you,

    >Is there anyway to delete the photos in the main well, without losing them from my collection?
    As I understand the design, the main well is intended to be all the photos that you are managing with Photoshop Elements.
    Collections are used to display a specific group of those photos in your chosen sequence for any given activity.
    I suspect that since you are using a consumer product such as Photoshop Elements for your business purpose, you may need to make some compromises like having a default (the main photo well) display sequence which you see first when starting PSE that is not what you would choose.
    This is not bad if PSE does what you want - just additional steps to switch to the Collection view and also to maintain (drag and drop) the sequencing of the collection when you add additional photo files to a Collection.

  • Problems with ListViews Drag and Drop

    I'm surprised that there isn't an Active X control that can do this more
    easily? Would
    be curious to find out if there is - although we aren't really embracing the
    use of
    them within Forte because it locks you into the Microsoft arena.
    ---------------------- Forwarded by Peggy Lynn Adrian/AM/LLY on 02/03/98 01:33
    PM ---------------------------
    "Stokesbary, Michael" <[email protected]> on 02/03/98 12:19:52 PM
    Please respond to "Stokesbary, Michael" <[email protected]>
    To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
    Subject: Problems with ListViews Drag and Drop
    I am just curious as to other people's experiences with the ListView
    widget when elements in it are set to be draggable. In particular, I am
    currently trying to design an interface that looks a lot like Windows
    Explorer where a TreeView resides on the left side of the window and a
    ListView resides on the right side. Upon double clicking on the
    ListView, if the current node that was clicked on was a folder, then the
    TreeView expands this folder and the contents are then displayed in the
    ListView, otherwise, it was a file and it is brought up in Microsoft
    Word. All this works great if I don't have the elements in the ListView
    widget set to be draggable. If they are set to be draggable, then I am
    finding that the DoubleClick event seems to get registered twice along
    with the ObjectDrop event. This is not good because if I double click
    and the current node is a folder, then it will expand this folder in the
    TreeView, display the contents in the ListView, grab the node that is
    now displayed where that node used to be displayed and run the events
    for that as well. What this means, is that if this is a file, then Word
    is just launched and no big deal. Unfortunately, if this happens to be
    another directory, then the previous directory is dropped into this
    current directory and a recursive copy gets performed, giving me one
    heck of a deep directory tree for that folder.
    Has anybody else seen this, or am I the only lucky one to experience.
    If need be, I do have this exported in a .pex file if anybody needs to
    look at it more closely.
    Thanks in advance.
    Michael Stokesbary
    Software Engineer
    GTE Government Systems Corporation
    tel: (650) 966-2975
    e-mail: [email protected]

    here is the required code....
    private static class TreeDragGestureListener implements DragGestureListener {
         public void dragGestureRecognized(DragGestureEvent dragGestureEvent) {
         // Can only drag leafs
         JTree tree = (JTree) dragGestureEvent.getComponent();
         TreePath path = tree.getSelectionPath();
         if (path == null) {
              // Nothing selected, nothing to drag
              System.out.println("Nothing selected - beep");
         } else {
              DefaultMutableTreeNode selection = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) path
              if (selection.isLeaf()) {
              TransferableTreeNode node = new TransferableTreeNode(
                   node, new MyDragSourceListener());
              } else {
              System.out.println("Not a leaf - beep");

  • An mp3 file on my computer will not import to itunes by either the drag-and-drop or the Add File to Library method.  Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.  My OS is Windows 7.

    I purchased an mp3 from a private website on my laptop.  The itunes library i sync ipod to is on my desktop, so i copied the mp3 onto a flash drive and then into my desktop in the Downloads folder and Desktop folder as well as the itunes music folder, 3 places.  I opened itunes on the desktop and read the instructions for importing music that's already in my computer.  Neither the drag-and-drop or the Add File to Library method works.  I've tried both ways over and over.  Cannot figure out what the problem is.  I do note that the name of the mp3 file doesn't show the .mp3 extension, it appears as simply it's title, Eating Healthy, without any extension at all.  Could the filename be the problem, or do you have any other idea what I'm doing wrong?  My OS is Windows 7, using IE9.  Thanks.
    ADDENDUM AFTER READING ANOTHER DISCUSSION HERE:  I have now tried right clicking the song in Windows Explorer and choosing Open With, clicking itunes.  The mp3 plays in itunes but does not add to the library.

    I don't have a Recently Added playlist.  However, I discovered that the file I had named Eating Healthy was given the name You Can Enjoy Eating Healthy when it copied to iTunes.  I'm guessing iTunes pulled the full name of the piece from the internet.  Upshot--the mp3 did transfer to iTunes on all 3 tries, but I was looking in my alphabetized list under E, not Y, so I didn't see it there.  Thanks for your help. 

  • Using drag and drop property in forms.

    Hi all,
    I want to use drag and drop property in a form during
    runtime.I am using oracle 7.3.I don't want to call any
    another application.
    Is there any way?
    Thx in advance.

    Mona ! First tell your problem in brief ..Actually what you want
    on runtime ...would you like to fetching the data from one item
    to another or change the position of any item or
    pushbutton ...or what..give detail ...obviously i can help you..
    there are many commands like set_item_property ,
    get_item_property but right now i could not understand your
    prob ..tell me in brief..
    You can ask me at [email protected]..

  • Select All in a table does not work for Drag and Drop

    Hi. I am using Jdeveloper but have also reproduced in
    I am trying to implement drag and drop rows from one table to another. Everything works fine except when I do a Select All (ctrl-A) in a table, the table visually looks like all rows are selected, but when I try to click on one of the selected rows to drag to the other table, only the row I click on is dragged.
    I tried setting Range Size -1, fetch mode to FETCH_ALL, content delivery to "immediate" but nothing works.
    I even have reproduced not using a view object but just a List of beans with only 5 or 10 beans showing in the table.
    Does anyone know how to get Select All to work for a Drag Source?

    OK, thanks for looking into that. I also submitted this service request, which includes a simple sample app to demonstrate the problem:
    SR #3-2387481211: ADF Drag and Drop does not work for rows in table using Select All
    Thanks again for the reply.

  • Working in Logic 9, how do I use a drum loop WITH ITS PRESET EFFECTS? I can drag and drop the loop but it plays dry in timeline. thanks

    Working in Logic 9, how do I use a drum loop WITH ITS PRESET EFFECTS? I can drag and drop the loop but it plays dry in timeline. thanks

    Here's the short-cut solution:
    Green Apple tracks are MIDI files (so to speak). If you drag one from the loop browser (Capitol C Orchestral hit, as you mentioned in this exable) directly into the arrange page it creates the MIDI file and the instrument to play it back on.
    HOWEVER.If you create and audio track first, THEN drag the green Apple loop onto that track, the loop will get "bounced" with the reverb in tact and you'll have the exact sound that you heard in the preview.
    Make sense?

Maybe you are looking for

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