Dreamweaver CC opens .ASP in Photoshop

On Mac OSx, in finder, I set .ASP to open in Dreamweaver.
In Dreamweaver CC, when I click a .ASP file, it opens in Photoshop. (It used to open in Flashbuilder, but I deleted that program, now it opens in Phtooshop.)
In Dreamweaver, I've tried:
Associating .ASP extension with "external editor" Dreamweaver - Result: You cannot associate Dreamweaver as an external editor.
Right Clicking file and selecting "Open with Dreamweaver" - Result: It works...ONCE. Then everytime I want to open an ASP file, I have to right click and choose Dreamweaver.
How can I get Dreamweaver CC to open .ASP files with double click?

I came across the/an answer in the Mac OS. Apparently Dreamweaver CC is using the Mac defaults, which is strange because last week DW CS5 worked fine. I loaded DW CC, and it didn't open .ASP files with double click.
So in the Mac finder, I had to change the association with .ASP files.
In the Mac Finder, find an .ASP file.
Right click and select Get Info.
Click the ‘Open With’ arrow to expand an application list.
Choose Dreamweaver CC.
Click “Change All” and then “Continue” when the confirmation dialog appears
That seems to have done it for me.

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    Now that we have your post in the correct forum, I have a few questions, please:
    What is the file format of this "manual?"
    What OS version are you running?
    If this is Windows (a PC), then what is that file format associated with in File Types? It is likely that the particular format has been associated with PsE. If that is not what you want, the association can be changed from the Control Panel, to link it to the desired program.
    Good luck,

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    This link shows that ACR 8.3 supports the Nikon D610 and 6.7.1 was the final version for CS5.
    Camera Raw plug-in | Supported cameras
    So you can upgrade to CS6 and ACR 8.7.1
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    You are giving him a PDF file.
    The problem is that he is literally ruining the content of the file by converting the PDF file to a raster image in Photoshop and then printing that, in other words it looks like your printer is using Photoshop as a “poor man's RIP!” The transparency effects in your PDF/X-4 file are being flattened at whatever resolution your printer sets the Photoshop image to be. In fact, transparency blending should be performed at the printer's RIP where such flattening artifacts that you are seeing are avoided.
    You say you don't have your choice of printer?
    Would you say you don't have your choice of physician if a doctor told you he was going to do an appendectomy by operating through your nose? Would you claim you don't have your choice of physician?
    Professional incompetence is professional incompetence. If you have a “printer” who is really printing PDF files by opening them in Photoshop and printing directly from Photoshop to the device somehow, you are dealing with demonstrable incompetence!
    The advice to find another printer is the best advice that we (including Adobe) can provide to you!
              - Dov

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    Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2012 19:48:31 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: I had to reinstall CS4 and now have error messages when opening bridge and photoshop
        Re: I had to reinstall CS4 and now have error messages when opening bridge and photoshop
        created by Arpit Kapoor in Downloading, Installing, Setting Up - View the full discussion
    Go To Help->Updates and install the latest update. It should work.
         Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page: http://forums.adobe.com/message/4670793#4670793
         To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at http://forums.adobe.com/message/4670793#4670793. In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
         Start a new discussion in Downloading, Installing, Setting Up by email or at Adobe Forums
      For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to http://forums.adobe.com/message/2936746#2936746.

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    - Tried to Reset the preference with CTRL + Click.
    - It's just new clean install didn't do anything with it yet.
    - Windows 8.
    Any help?

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    Thank you for your help. I tried this, but, at least in Windows OS if I do it, every time I'm within any window, a JPEG or TIFF file will open directly in Photoshop, not Windows Viewer. I contacted Adobe support and they sugested me to uninstall and reinstall Photoshop and Bridge. It took me some time, but the problem was solved. I suspect that my issue began the moment I uninstalled Photoshop CC, which was active at the same time with Photoshop CC 2014. So, if you have both, try to live with them or uninstall both apps and reinstall only CC 2014.

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    Have a look here:
    https://www.google.com/search?q=%22You+can%27t+open+the+application+Photoshop+Elements+2.0 +because+PowerPC+applications+…

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