Dreamweaver News Group

Hi all, I'm looking for the link of the dreamweaver news
group general topic. I'm use to browse thrue with Outlook express.
Thank you

Patty Ayers | www.WebDevBiz.com
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"ldlouis" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:e8gj3d$5dc$[email protected]..
> Hi all, I'm looking for the link of the dreamweaver news
group general
> topic. I'm use to browse thrue with Outlook express.
> Thank you
> Louis

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    You’re going to have a very big problem and very soon. These missing pics are the beginning of trouble.
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    OS X needs about 10 gigs of free space on the hard drive for normal OS operations such as virtual memory and temporary files. Without this space the machine slows down as the OS hunts for free space, files become fragmented and applications begin to crash. The risk of data corruption increases exponentially.
    You must, as a matter of urgency, make space on the drive. I cannot stress this enough.
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    Info taken from other discussion threads on Win not recognizing iPhone:
    Windows 7 uses a MTP driver instead of the USBAAPL by default, and what you need is an 'Apple Mobile Device USB Driver' which you might not have in 'Universal Serial Bus Controllers' (check it and see).
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    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers - then hit 'Next'.
    Open Device Manager: Right click on My Computer and select Properties from the drop down menu. This will open System Properties as shown below. System Properties opens on the General tab so you will need to click on the Hardware tab.
    Remove iPhone USB Driver: called Apple Mobile Device USB Driver. We want to remove this driver by expanding the list of USB drivers which can be done by clicking the + next to Universal Serial Bus controllers. Now right click on Apple Mobile Device USB Driver and select Uninstall from the drop down menu. A confirmation will require you confirm you want to remove the iPhone USB driver.Click the OK button on the pop up confirmation window which will remove the driver.
    Reinstall iPhone Driver: Once the driver has been removed you should unplug the iPhone from the USB cable. To reinstall the iPhone USB driver plug it back into the USB cable and the reinstalling of the driver will start automatically. There will be numerous pop up messages displayed near the system clock in the lower right corner of your Windows desktop. Once you see the pop up message confirming that your new device is ready to use everything should be working properly again.
    Verify iPhone Camera Detected: Open My Computer now to verify that the iPhone is displayed and you can click on it as you previously were able to do.

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    Maybe look in the Preferences > Accounts & disable the iCloud account? That should force it to create a local group then re-enable the iCloud account. I would use the 'File > Export… Addressbook archive' to make a backup before you begin, but it should be fine.
    I'm not sure 10.6.8 supported iCloud natively, so perhaps that is why it is being wierd?

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    Have a look at the following link. It will surely help you.
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_crm50/helpdata/en/20/a4ffee7e0fcc4ebb7e5466d3903d38/frameset.htm">http://help.sap.com/saphelp_crm50/helpdata/en/20/a4ffee7e0fcc4ebb7e5466d3903d38/frameset.htm</a>
    <b>Please reward points if it helps.</b>
    Amit Mishra

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    Each email address in the group is put in the To: field automatically when you put them all in the BCC field when composing the email. Nobody sees anything except their own email address.
    I think you are mistaken there, Golden. If the To: field is blank the recipients in the Bcc field will see the To: as undisclosed-recipients - if they get anything at all; some ISPs will reject a message with a blank To:. I would agree with putting the target recipients in the Bcc, but when doing this I usually put my own address in the To: field.

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    Someone should show you how to perform a search. There's a sample in this forum.

  • Create a new Grouping in IBY_FD_EXTRACT_EXT_PUB

    I need to create a new group in  IBY_FD_EXTRACT_EXT_PUB like below.
    -- <Extend>+
    ---<OUTPUTVALUE>Concatenated Value - 1</OUTPUTVALUE>+
    -- <Extend>+
    ---<OUTPUTVALUE>Concatenated Value - 2</OUTPUTVALUE>+
    -- <Extend>+
    ---<OUTPUTVALUE>Concatenated Value - 3</OUTPUTVALUE>+
    -- <Extend>+
    ---<OUTPUTVALUE>Concatenated Value - 1</OUTPUTVALUE>+
    -- <Extend>+
    ---<OUTPUTVALUE>Concatenated Value - 2</OUTPUTVALUE>+
    -- <Extend>+
    ---<OUTPUTVALUE>Concatenated Value - 3</OUTPUTVALUE>+
    I have got the Concatenated value inside a loop, but I need to split each of the values into 80 characters and then insert it into <OUTPUTVALUE>+
    So, if I have 240 characters, then I need it like+
    -- <Extend>+
    ---<OUTPUTVALUE>Concatenated Value - 80 characters*</OUTPUTVALUE>*+
    -- <Extend>+
    ---<OUTPUTVALUE>Concatenated Value - 80 characters*</OUTPUTVALUE>*+
    -- <Extend>+
    ---<OUTPUTVALUE>Concatenated Value - 80 characters*</OUTPUTVALUE>*+
    What I have tried is
    FUNCTION Get_Pmt_Ext_Agg(p_payment_id IN NUMBER)
    l_ins_ext_agg XMLTYPE;
    CURSOR get_invoices_cur(cp_payment_id in number) is
    SELECT IDP.document_payable_id DOCUMENT_PAYABLE_ID
    ,SUBSTR(IDP.calling_app_doc_ref_number,1,30) REFERENCE_NUMBER
    ,IDP.payment_amount PAYMENT_AMOUNT
    ,IDP.document_amount DOCUMENT_AMOUNT
    ,IDP.payment_curr_discount_taken DISCOUNT_AMOUNT
    ,SUBSTR(IDP.po_number,1,30) PO_NUMBER
    ,IPA.payment_amount PAYMENT_AMNT
    ,IPA.ext_branch_number EXT_BRANCH_NUMBER
    ,IPA.ext_bank_account_number EXT_BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER
    ,IPA.payee_name PAYEE_NAME
    ,IPA.int_bank_name INT_BANK_NAME
    ,IPA.payment_reference_number PAYMENT_REFERENCE_NUMBER
    ,IPA.creation_date CREATION_DATE
    ,IPA.payment_instruction_id PAYMENT_INSTRUCTION_ID
    FROM iby_docs_payable_all IDP
    ,ap_invoices_all AIA
    ,iby_payments_all IPA
    WHERE AIA.invoice_id = idp.calling_app_doc_unique_ref2
    AND IPA.payment_id = IDP.payment_id
    AND IDP.payment_id = cp_payment_id;
    <Initialize all valiables>
    FOR get_invoices_rec IN get_invoices_cur(p_payment_id)
    lc_concatenate: = <Get the concanated Value as required>;
    lc_split:= < Written some logic to split it into char >
    SELECT XMLConcat(
    XMLElement("lc_value1" lc_split))
    INTO lc_extendval
    FROM dual
    SELECT XMLConcat(
    INTO l_ins_ext_agg
    FROM dual;
    RETURN l_ins_ext_agg;
    END Get_Pmt_Ext_Agg;
    Now, my output comes only as the last 80 characters, I do not have the first 80 and second 80 characters.
    ANy inputs to achieve all the 240 characters split into 3 rows like described above would be helpful.

    Now, my output comes only as the last 80 characters, I do not have the first 80 and second 80 characters.
    based on
    lc_split:= < Written some logic to split it into char >
    so check logic for splitting
    i can't test on your data but
    SELECT XMLConcat(
    XMLElement("lc_value1" lc_split))
    INTO lc_extendval
    FROM dual
    what's code doing?
    looks like it's wrong because it create tag "lc_value1"
    SELECT XMLConcat(
    INTO l_ins_ext_agg
    FROM dual;
    RETURN l_ins_ext_agg;
    what's code doing?
    so try another way
    FUNCTION Get_Pmt_Ext_Agg(p_payment_id IN NUMBER)
    l_ins_ext_agg XMLTYPE;
    CURSOR get_invoices_cur(cp_payment_id in number) is
    SELECT IDP.document_payable_id DOCUMENT_PAYABLE_ID
    ,SUBSTR(IDP.calling_app_doc_ref_number,1,30) REFERENCE_NUMBER
    ,IDP.payment_amount PAYMENT_AMOUNT
    ,IDP.document_amount DOCUMENT_AMOUNT
    ,IDP.payment_curr_discount_taken DISCOUNT_AMOUNT
    ,SUBSTR(IDP.po_number,1,30) PO_NUMBER
    ,IPA.payment_amount PAYMENT_AMNT
    ,IPA.ext_branch_number EXT_BRANCH_NUMBER
    ,IPA.ext_bank_account_number EXT_BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER
    ,IPA.payee_name PAYEE_NAME
    ,IPA.int_bank_name INT_BANK_NAME
    ,IPA.payment_reference_number PAYMENT_REFERENCE_NUMBER
    ,IPA.creation_date CREATION_DATE
    ,IPA.payment_instruction_id PAYMENT_INSTRUCTION_ID
    FROM iby_docs_payable_all IDP
    ,ap_invoices_all AIA
    ,iby_payments_all IPA
    WHERE AIA.invoice_id = idp.calling_app_doc_unique_ref2
    AND IPA.payment_id = IDP.payment_id
    AND IDP.payment_id = cp_payment_id;
    <Initialize all valiables>
    FOR get_invoices_rec IN get_invoices_cur(p_payment_id)
    lc_concatenate: = <Get the concanated Value as required>;and add logic for splitting like
    select xmlelement("ExtendValue", xmlagg(xmlelement("Extend", substr(lc_concatenate,1+80*(level-1),80) )))
    INTO lc_extendval
    from dual
    connect by level <= ceil(length(lc_concatenate)/80)so example
    SQL> with t as
      2  (
      3  select 1 id, lpad('a',80,'a') ||lpad('b',80,'b') ||lpad('c',80,'c') str from dual
      4  )
      5  --
      6  select xmlelement("ExtendValue", xmlagg(xmlelement("Extend", substr(str,1+80*(level-1),80) )))
      7  from t
      8  connect by level <= ceil(length(str)/80)
      9  /
    SQL> if you have some problem then plz post test data

  • Create a new group in Messaging

    How do you create a new group in messaging, I had to select ios4.33 in the Operating system as ios5 is not available yet

    Someone should show you how to perform a search. There's a sample in this forum.

  • How do I duplicate layers & groups without automatically adding a "copy", "copy 1", "copy #" at the end of the new group?

    How do I duplicate layers & groups without automatically adding a "copy", "copy 1", "copy #" at the end of the new group?
    It's been pestering me for quite a while now, since I often work with the same elements over and over again. Its frustrating to have to change the name of each layer manually, especially if I'm copying a whole group.
    Is there a setting in Photoshop or perhaps an external script that can help fix this for me?

    There is no way to defeat this within the program itself. Here's the workaround:
    Duplicate the file (from the Image menu).
    Drag the Group or layers from the Layers list from the duplicate to the image window of the original , while holding down Shift.
    That will make a "copyless" copy and reposition the copyed material in the exact same position it was on the original.

  • Runtime Error when creating a new group

    I'm getting a runtime error when creating a new group on a site collection? 
    Thanks in advance

    The most possible reason is if your site collection is reached the maximum site quota limit,then there is chance to get the run time error while creating a new group.
    In this case,you will get the error while creating/updating the group or while adding the new user/uploading any content.
    Also Ensure the group name is not having any special/unsupported characters.
    Feel free to share the error screenshot/entry in the ULS logs.
    Please remember to click 'Mark as Answer' on the answer if it helps you
    Best Regards,
    Pavan Kumar Sapara
    s p kumar

  • Can't add a new group

    When I try to add a new group as per instructions, AB fails to add that group. No error messages, nothing. It does not add the group even if I delete a few old ones. Can anyone help?

    Hmmm...I don't know....I wonder whether this could be a file permissions or ownership problem?
    In Terminal.app, when you type
    ls -alTk Library/Application\ Support/AddressBook
    what do you get? When I type that, I get:
    drwxrw-rw- 12 jv user 408 Aug 30 09:23:46 2006 .
    drwx------ 12 jv user 408 Aug 29 21:11:26 2006 ..
    -rw-rw-rw- 1 jv user 6148 Aug 5 22:56:55 2005 .DS_Store
    -rw------- 1 jv user 10 Aug 30 09:23:46 2006 .database.lockN
    -rw------- 1 jv user 10 Aug 29 18:26:44 2006 .skIndex.ABPerson.lockN
    -rw------- 1 jv user 10 Sep 4 11:58:13 2005 .skIndex.ABSubscribedPerson.lockN
    -rw------- 1 jv user 147456 Aug 21 22:36:20 2005 ABPerson.index
    -rw------- 1 jv user 139264 Aug 29 18:26:44 2006 ABPerson.skIndexInverted
    -rw------- 1 jv user 6144 Sep 4 11:58:13 2005 ABSubscribedPerson.skIndexInverted
    -rw------- 1 jv user 942735 Aug 30 09:08:48 2006 AddressBook.data
    -rw------- 1 jv user 139361 Aug 17 18:19:33 2006 AddressBook.data.previous
    -rw-r--r-- 1 jv user 92 Aug 28 20:12:42 2006 LastImport.plist
    Are you seeing similar permissions ("-rw-------", etc.) on all your corresponding files of the same names (AddressBook.data, etc.)? Are they showing the same owner and group as the top two "." and ".." entries (in my case, jv and user -- will be different for you)?

  • I just got the new Iphone 5 and when I send a message in a group text it keeps sending it as an email and as my phone number. The people in the group text are complaining that it is creating a new group message everytime I text. How do I fix this?

    I just got the new Iphone 5 and when I send a message in a group text it keeps sending it as an email and as my phone number. The people in the group text are complaining that it is creating a new group message everytime I text. How do I fix this?

    Read http://macmost.com/setting-up-multiple-ios-devices-for-messages-and-facetime.htm l
    If you wish to share an Apple ID with family members then read: http://www.macstories.net/stories/ios-5-icloud-tips-sharing-an-apple-id-with-you r-family/

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