Dual-Screen Sessions with Oracle Desktop Client

Dear All,
I have read that the new version of the SRSS and SRWC support dual-screen separation with Windows 2008 R2 sessions, i.e. Windows sessions are able to determine that they are running on a dual-screen device and allow separation as you'd expect on a fat client. Does anyone know if this functionality is available via the Sun Ray software client or if I'll have to invest in Sun Ray 3 Plus devices? Has anyone actually got this working at all?
Many thanks.

OK. I've applied patch -05 to the SRSS (which is odd because I thought I'd downloaded 5.1.1) which installed without complaint and have upgraded my copy of the Mac OVDC to 2.1.9.
I've run the command (see previous post) and now I can't seem to connect to the SRSS with or without a card - it's not even connecting to the server to get a pseudo session.
What version of the SRSS patching comes with the 5.1.2 download? It's very confusing with the version numbers not correlating. 5.1.1 seems to come with patch -06 but it refuses to install...
Many thanks.

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    Hello all!!
    I'm using a computer with Oracle 10g client, and I access two databases. One server has Oracle 10g server, and the other server has Oracle 9i server.
    I want to install 9i client, to have it also in my computer. I haver read that I just have to install it in a different ORACLE_HOME, but I have a doubt.
    If I install 9i client, would I be able to use the utilities, (exp, expddp, sqlldr) of both versions, or which version will be used in the command line for the utilities.
    Thanks a lot!!!

    To start with, Home Selector is a "9i thing" (and older), in 10g there's the OUI -> Installed Products... -> Environment tab instead.
    About the 9i dbca with other Oracle products installed. If you use launch.exe to start via dbca start menu shortcut, it uses ora92\assistants\dbca as working directory ("start from"). So when not looking for "numbered dlls" like oracore9.dll, a later/different version will be loaded if earlier in path, since loading goes through jre directories, ora92\assistants\dbca, then the dir's from path variable. From there it may start to link in libraries from different homes (on my laptop, "launch.exe dbca" uses files from 2 additional home paths!)
    But, if you instead use dbca.bat started from ora92\bin, it will look in the right directories first and there's no dll mess-up. (But only when using the correct cwd!)
    Plain and simple: stay very far away from multiple-general-home installs. It is possible to install allright, in different homes and all very nicely, but there will be pain when you decide to use the stuff (perhaps with sql*plus as the only exception, but I've run into bugs with that too).
    Message was edited by:

  • Problem with Oracle 9i client to access multiple oracle databases

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    Any help is appreciated.
    Thanks! HD

    the old tnsnames.ora is working with Oracle 8 client. The new tnsnames.ora (if I use the Oracle Net config) have two entries, one is dev and the other is prod.

  • TOAD 8.5 with Oracle Instant Client 10: ORA-03134

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    Does anyone have any idea what is wrong? Earlier version of TOAD works alright. We are using Oracle 8i. Are there any compatibility issues between Oracle database version with Oracle Instant Client version?

    Just want to share with everyone. This is a reply that I got from another forum:
    this is a oracle bug!
    connections with the 10g client are supported to and above.
    the bug in the client causes this error.
    you are only able to connect to and above.
    i made a service request but oracle is not able to patch the
    instant client.
    you have to use client or above

  • [SOLVED] dual-screen problem with awesome3.2 and firefox/gedit

    my problem is that firefox/gedit (+maybe other apps, i don't know yet) are starting in awesome like they are fullscreen apps. Firefox covers the wibox at the top of the screen, and even overlaps a bit to the seconds screen. So the keyboard-shortcuts doenst work well, because awesome then changes the tags in bots screens when on one tag firefox is opened.
    I dont know why this happens, here is my rc.lua:
    -- Load libraries
    -- {{{ Variable definitions
    -- User styles for windows, statusbars, titlebars and widgets
    theme_path = os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.config/awesome/themes/zenburn"
    -- Modifier keys
    modkey = "Mod4" -- Super_L
    -- Window titlebars
    use_titlebar = true
    -- Window management layouts
    layouts = {
    awful.layout.suit.tile, -- 1
    awful.layout.suit.tile.left, -- 2
    awful.layout.suit.tile.bottom, -- 3
    awful.layout.suit.tile.top, -- 4
    awful.layout.suit.fair, -- 5
    awful.layout.suit.fair.horizontal, -- 6
    awful.layout.suit.max, -- 7
    -- awful.layout.suit.max.fullscreen, -- /
    awful.layout.suit.magnifier, -- 8
    awful.layout.suit.floating -- 9
    -- Application specific behaviour
    apprules = {
    -- Class Instance Name Screen Tag Floating
    { "Firefox", nil, nil, nil, 2, false },
    { "Firefox", "Download", nil, nil, nil, true },
    { "Firefox", "Places", nil, nil, nil, true },
    { "Firefox", "Extension", nil, nil, nil, true },
    { "MPlayer", nil, nil, nil, nil, true },
    { nil, nil, "VLC media player", nil, nil, true },
    { "Gimp", nil, nil, nil, nil, true },
    { "Xmessage", "xmessage", nil, nil, nil, true },
    { "Skype", nil, nil, nil, 1, true },
    { "Pidgin", nil, nil, nil, 1, true },
    -- {{{ Tags
    -- Define tags table
    tags = {}
    tags.settings = {
    { name = "im", layout = layouts[9] },
    { name = "www", layout = layouts[1] },
    { name = "terms", layout = layouts[3] },
    { name = "dev", layout = layouts[3] },
    { name = "other", layout = layouts[5] },
    -- Initialize tags
    for s = 1, screen.count() do
    tags[s] = {}
    for i, v in ipairs(tags.settings) do
    tags[s][i] = tag(v.name)
    tags[s][i].screen = s
    awful.tag.setproperty(tags[s][i], "layout", v.layout)
    awful.tag.setproperty(tags[s][i], "setslave", v.setslave)
    tags[s][1].selected = true
    -- {{{ Wibox
    -- Widgets configuration
    -- Reusable separators
    myspace = widget({ type = "textbox", name = "myspace", align = "right" })
    myseparator = widget({ type = "textbox", name = "myseparator", align = "right" })
    myspace.text = " "
    myseparator.text = "|"
    -- Date, time and...
    mydateicon = widget({ type = "imagebox", name = "mydateicon", align = "right" })
    mydateicon.image = image(beautiful.widget_date)
    mydatewidget = widget({ type = "textbox", name = "mydatewidget", align = "right" })
    wicked.register(mydatewidget, wicked.widgets.date, "%b %e, %R", 60)
    -- a Calendar
    function calendar_select(offset)
    local datespec = os.date("*t")
    datespec = datespec.year * 12 + datespec.month - 1 + offset
    awful.util.spawn("cal -m " .. (datespec % 12 + 1) .. " " .. math.floor(datespec / 12) .. " | xmessage -geometry +1135+17 -file -")
    button({ }, 1, function () calendar_select(0) end),
    button({ }, 4, function () calendar_select(1) end),
    button({ }, 5, function () calendar_select(-1) end)
    -- System tray
    mysystray = widget({ type = "systray", align = "right" })
    -- Create a wibox and...
    mywibox = {}
    mypromptbox = {}
    mylayoutbox = {}
    mytaglist = {}
    mytaglist.buttons = { button({ }, 1, awful.tag.viewonly),
    button({ modkey }, 1, awful.client.movetotag),
    button({ }, 3, function (tag) tag.selected = not tag.selected end),
    button({ modkey }, 3, awful.client.toggletag),
    button({ }, 4, awful.tag.viewnext),
    button({ }, 5, awful.tag.viewprev) }
    -- ...add it to each screen
    for s = 1, screen.count() do
    -- Create a promptbox
    mypromptbox[s] = widget({ type = "textbox", align = "left" })
    -- Create an imagebox widget with icons indicating active layout
    mylayoutbox[s] = widget({ type = "imagebox", align = "left" })
    mylayoutbox[s]:buttons({ button({ }, 1, function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, 1) end),
    button({ }, 3, function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, -1) end),
    button({ }, 4, function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, 1) end),
    button({ }, 5, function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, -1) end) })
    -- Create the taglist
    mytaglist[s] = awful.widget.taglist.new(s, awful.widget.taglist.label.all, mytaglist.buttons)
    -- Create the wibox
    mywibox[s] = wibox({ position = "top", height = "14", fg = beautiful.fg_normal, bg = beautiful.bg_normal })
    -- Add widgets to the wibox (order matters)
    mywibox[s].widgets = { mylayoutbox[s],
    mydateicon, mydatewidget,
    s == screen.count() and mysystray or nil
    mywibox[s].screen = s
    -- {{{ Mouse bindings
    button({ }, 4, awful.tag.viewnext),
    button({ }, 5, awful.tag.viewprev)
    -- {{{ Key bindings
    globalkeys = {
    -- Applications
    key({ modkey }, "Return",function () awful.util.spawn("uxterm") end),
    -- Prompt menus
    key({ modkey }, "F2", function () awful.prompt.run({ prompt = "Run: " }, mypromptbox[mouse.screen],
    awful.util.spawn, awful.completion.shell, awful.util.getdir("cache") .. "/history")
    -- Awesome controls
    key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "q", awesome.quit),
    key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "r", function () mypromptbox[mouse.screen].text = awful.util.escape(awful.util.restart()) end),
    -- Layout manipulation
    key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "Plus", function () awful.client.incwfact(-0.05) end),
    key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "Minus", function () awful.client.incwfact(0.05) end),
    key({ modkey }, "space", function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, 1) end),
    key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "space", function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, -1) end),
    -- Focus controls
    key({ modkey }, "Tab", function () awful.client.focus.history.previous(); if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end end),
    key({ modkey }, "Down", function () awful.client.focus.bydirection("down"); if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end end),
    key({ modkey }, "Up", function () awful.client.focus.bydirection("up"); if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end end),
    key({ modkey }, "Left", function () awful.client.focus.bydirection("left"); if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end end),
    key({ modkey }, "Right", function () awful.client.focus.bydirection("right");if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end end),
    key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "Down", function () awful.client.swap.bydirection("down") end),
    key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "Up", function () awful.client.swap.bydirection("up") end),
    key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "Left", function () awful.client.swap.bydirection("left") end),
    key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "Right", function () awful.client.swap.bydirection("right") end),
    -- Client manipulation
    clientkeys = {
    key({ modkey, "Control" }, "space", awful.client.floating.toggle),
    -- Bind keyboard digits
    keynumber = 0
    for s = 1, screen.count() do
    keynumber = math.min(9, math.max(#tags[s], keynumber));
    -- Tag controls
    for i = 1, keynumber do
    key({ modkey }, i,
    function ()
    local screen = mouse.screen
    if tags[screen][i] then
    key({ modkey, "Shift" }, i,
    function ()
    if client.focus and tags[client.focus.screen][i] then
    -- Set keys
    -- {{{ Hooks
    -- Hook function to execute when focusing a client
    awful.hooks.focus.register(function (c)
    if not awful.client.ismarked(c) then
    c.border_color = beautiful.border_focus
    -- Hook function to execute when unfocusing a client
    awful.hooks.unfocus.register(function (c)
    if not awful.client.ismarked(c) then
    c.border_color = beautiful.border_normal
    -- Hook function to execute when marking a client
    awful.hooks.marked.register(function (c)
    c.border_color = beautiful.border_marked
    -- Hook function to execute when unmarking a client
    awful.hooks.unmarked.register(function (c)
    c.border_color = beautiful.border_focus
    -- Hook function to execute when the mouse enters a client
    awful.hooks.mouse_enter.register(function (c)
    -- Sloppy focus (but disabled for magnifier layout)
    if awful.layout.get(c.screen) ~= awful.layout.suit.magnifier
    and awful.client.focus.filter(c) then
    client.focus = c
    -- Hook function to execute when a new client appears
    awful.hooks.manage.register(function (c)
    -- If we are not managing this application at startup, move it to the screen where the mouse is
    if not startup and awful.client.focus.filter(c) then
    c.screen = mouse.screen
    -- Add a titlebar to each client
    if use_titlebar then
    awful.titlebar.add(c, { modkey = modkey })
    -- Set client mouse bindings
    button({ }, 1, function (c) client.focus = c; c:raise() end),
    button({ modkey }, 1, awful.mouse.client.move),
    button({ modkey }, 3, awful.mouse.client.resize)
    -- New clients may not receive focus if they're not focusable, so set the border anyway
    c.border_width = beautiful.border_width
    c.border_color = beautiful.border_normal
    -- Check application->screen/tag mappings and floating state
    local target_screen
    local target_tag
    local target_float
    for index, rule in pairs(apprules) do
    if (((rule[1] == nil) or (c.class and c.class == rule[1]))
    and ((rule[2] == nil) or (c.instance and c.instance == rule[2]))
    and ((rule[3] == nil) or (c.name and string.find(c.name, rule[3], 1, true)))) then
    target_screen = rule[4]
    target_tag = rule[5]
    target_float = rule[6]
    -- Apply mappings, if any
    if target_float then
    awful.client.floating.set(c, target_float)
    if target_screen then
    c.screen = target_screen
    awful.client.movetotag(tags[target_screen][target_tag], c)
    -- Focus after tag mapping
    client.focus = c
    -- Set client key bindings
    -- Put windows at the end of others instead of setting them as a master
    -- ...or do it selectively for certain tags
    if awful.tag.getproperty(awful.tag.selected(mouse.screen), "setslave") then
    -- New floating windows don't cover the wibox and don't overlap until it's unavoidable
    -- Honoring size hints: false to remove gaps between windows
    c.size_hints_honor = false
    -- Hook function to execute when arranging the screen
    awful.hooks.arrange.register(function (screen)
    -- Update layout imagebox widget with an icon indicating active layout
    local layout = awful.layout.getname(awful.layout.get(screen))
    if layout and beautiful["layout_" ..layout] then
    mylayoutbox[screen].image = image(beautiful["layout_" .. layout])
    mylayoutbox[screen].image = nil
    -- Give focus to the latest client in history if no window has focus
    -- or if the current window is a desktop or a dock one
    if not client.focus then
    local c = awful.client.focus.history.get(screen, 0)
    if c then client.focus = c end
    -- Fine grained border controls
    local visible_clients = awful.client.visible(screen)
    if #visible_clients > 0 then
    for unused, current in pairs(visible_clients) do
    -- Floating clients always have borders
    if awful.client.floating.get(current) or (layout == 'floating') then
    current.border_width = beautiful.border_width
    -- Floating clients always on top
    if not current.fullscreen then
    current.ontop = true
    -- Don't draw the border if there is only one tiled client visible
    elseif (#visible_clients == 1) or (layout == 'max') then
    visible_clients[1].border_width = 0
    current.border_width = beautiful.border_width
    I added "xrandr --output DVI-1 -- right-of DVI-0" to the .xinitrc to get the extended desktop i want.
    Any suggestions?
    Last edited by Wishes (2009-03-29 10:52:00)

    Still the same
    Edit: i deleted my ~/.mozilla folder. Now firefox starts not overlapping with the wibox, but still a bit overlapping to the other screen, so hat my keystrokes toggle both screens. it seems that it start in floating mode, because i can move it with the mouse. When i move it a bit towarts the wibox and a bit right, it seems to get stuck in the chosen tile-layout and everything is fine... until i quit firefox and start it again.
    Edit2: Hmmm, ok, i think i found it... or at least something:
    -- New floating windows don't cover the wibox and don't overlap until it's unavoidable
        --awful.placement.no_offscreen(c)  //THIS was first uncommented
        awful.placement.no_overlap(c)  //THIS was first commented
    So now with no_overlap it seems to work finde (although i cannot move gedit between the screens with the mouse, but i dont know if this isn't normal. Firefox is moveable between the screens.), no overlapping anymore with the wibox or to the other screen.
    When i uncomment both lines, firefox and gedit are starting both on the 2nd screen (the left one), and gedit cannot be moved to the right one (although firefox can be moved.).
    Last edited by Wishes (2009-03-28 20:24:52)

  • JVM Crash With Oracle OCI Client

    My app is running on Windows 7 64 bit, Jboss 4.2, launched from Eclipse, and runs fine when I use the Oracle thin client (10g, 32bit). However when I try to use the OCI client, I get this:
    # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
    # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x6d906f21, pid=4740, tid=5656
    # JRE version: 6.0_21-b07
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (17.0-b17 interpreted mode windows-x86 )
    # Problematic frame:
    # V [jvm.dll+0x106f21]
    I'll post the contents of the log in another message because it's too long to fit here. Using the thin client is NOT an option unfortunately as the thin driver is missing some functionality that we need to use.
    I've installed the Oracle client in a folder that doesn't contain spaces, or parentheses (c:\oracle\.....) and the JDK is installed in a similar directory (c:\java\...)
    I've tried both 32bit and 64 bit versions of JDK1.6 and the Oracle 10g client. I have also tried mixed mode and interpreted mode JVM (Xint) with the same results.
    ojdbc14.jar is in my JBoss server's lib directory, and ocijdbc10.dll is in my path (c:\windows\system32).
    Anyone any ideas what's going wrong? Been trying to fix this for days now. Appreciate any help.

    Sorted it (well, my colleague did anyway). We installed a fresh version (32 bit) JDK (6u21), the Oracle 10g (10.0.3) client (32 bit) and made sure that there were no other OCI DLLs anywhere. I had some in the JBoss bin directory which I had copied in earlier that morning and forgotten about. So, the only OCI DLLs I have now are in Oracle's installation directory. Once we removed those erroneous DLLs from the JBoss directory, the server made the connection successfully. I don't full understand why, because I was getting the error earlier without the erroneous DLLs being present too, so I think there was some additional interaction going on somewhere. One other thing that may have been important is the tnsnames.ora file I had. We found a post that said the tnsnames file generated by the installer, when it only has one entry in it, can include dodgy whitespace at the end which can cause problems. So, just to be on the safe side we added a second entry (to another DB) - maybe that was something to do with it.
    So, the Oracle 10g client and OCI driver DOES work on Windows 7 64 bit (at least for me anyway)

  • [SOLVED] Dual-Screen Setup with ATI Catalyst

    I'm having a beast of a time trying to set up X to work on my two screens.
    Screen 1 is a 23" screen connected with a DVI cable.  My preferred resolution for this one is 1920x1080.  Screen 2 is a 17" screen (4:3) connected with a VGA cable.  My preferred resolution for this one is 1280x960.
    I tried using "aticonfig --initial=dual-head".  This does not produce a working xorg.conf file.  Specifically, my smaller monitor simply complains about not being able to display the given video mode.  Running xrandr (from the main screen) shows only that output as being "connected" - the rest of them (including the CRT outputs which seem to correspond to the VGA port) as "disconnected".
    I've spent about 5 hours searching for an answer to this, and the only ones I seem to be able to find are nvidia-specific.
    I have an ATI Radeon HD 4850 or 4870 - I honestly forget which, although the drivers should be the same.  I'm using the catalyst driver from the AUR, because I'd like to have 3D acceleration.
    I've read through the entire xorg.conf man page, and tried a few things from there (including writing my own xorg.conf from scratch).  Unfortunately, this seems incredibly useless, as the man page doesn't list any of the options that I seem to need (for example, I've read about and tried the "PairModes" option under "Device").
    I can probably eventually figure this out, but it would be nice to have a few pointers.  For example:
    Should I have one or two "Device" sections in xorg.conf?  Should I have one or two "Screen" sections in xorg.conf?  Where can I find a full list of possible "Option" keys, at least for the Device section?  Should I be using Xinerama (I've tried with and without, to no avail).
    EDIT:  I solved this by using the aticonfig tool some more, and not by messing around with xorg.conf.  Specifically, the command:
    aticonfig --initial=dual-head --xinerama=on --resolution=0,1920x1080 --resolution=1,1280x960 --screen-layout=right
    I'll leave this here in the hopes that it can help someone else.
    Last edited by Tempest (2011-08-06 02:28:41)

    If you aren't playing games, it may be worth it to check out xf86-video-ati. Then you can configure your displays the standard way with xrandr.

  • Too many time to open a session with oracle odbc

    I have to migrate an internet site in Sql Server to Oracle.
    When I connect Oracle Database with Oracle ODBC, it takes 2 or 3 seconds.
    So if i have 8 or 10 recordset to open, it takes 20 s.
    But when sessions are open, they live about 1 m and during this time i don't have problem to connect to the database.When i don't use the site during more than 1 m, all sessions are closed and so i have to wait.
    How can i connect to the database quickly the first time?

    Are you using connection pooling? Are you pre-allocating connections on startup?

  • Imp Exp utility in ubuntu 10.4 with oracle instant client 10

    I have a problem with the imp/exp utility on Ubuntu 10.4.
    I have installed the oracle instant client 10, and I have followed this thread
    So, I've set env variable in my .bashrc
    export ORACLE_HOME
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    export PATH
    export SQLPATH
    Sqlplus works fine, but when I try to use the utility exp/imp
    exp DB_USER/DB_PW@DB_SCHEMA owner=DB_USER buffer=300000 LOG=DB_USER.log FILE=DB_USER.dmp compress=n
    I have the following error:
    No command 'exp' found, did you mean:
    Command 'xep' from package 'pvm-examples' (universe)
    Command 'ex' from package 'vim' (main)
    Command 'ex' from package 'nvi' (universe)
    Command 'ex' from package 'vim-nox' (universe)
    Command 'ex' from package 'vim-gnome' (main)
    Command 'ex' from package 'vim-tiny' (main)
    Command 'ex' from package 'vim-gtk' (universe)
    Command 'axp' from package 'axp' (universe)
    Command 'expr' from package 'coreutils' (main)
    Command 'expn' from package 'sendmail-base' (universe)
    Command 'epp' from package 'e16' (universe)
    exp: command not found
    (I cannot use data pump exp)
    Any suggestions?
    thanks in advance.

    root@laptop:~# /tmp/CVU_11.
    Response file being used is :/tmp/CVU_11.
    Enable file being used is :/tmp/CVU_11.
    Log file location: /tmp/CVU_11.
    [: 845: true: unexpected operator
    [: 860: unexpected operator
    Any suggestions?
    I had the same problem. It was related to the shell script interpreter being used: it is really a bash script asking to be interpreted as sh. For the impatient, the solution was to change the first line of the script orarun.sh to read as:
    1. The script runfixup.sh calls orarun.sh. The latter is the one that fails starting at line 845.
    2. The script is really a bash script as can be seen from the if syntax used. For example at line 191 we see the double equall sign ==:
    if [ "`echo $SET_KERNEL_PARAMETERS | tr A-Z a-z`" == "true" ]
    3. The bash man page says:
    string1 == string2
    string1 = string2
    True if the strings are equal. = should be used with the test command for POSIX conformance.
    string1 != string2
    True if the strings are not equal.
    (End of man page excerpt)
    Notice in particular that for a bash script to be POSIX it should avoid the == and just use =
    4. orarun.sh has on its first line #!/bin/sh. On my Ubuntu system, sh is a softlink to dash and the dash man page says:
    s1 = s2 True if the strings s1 and s2 are identical.
    s1 != s2 True if the strings s1 and s2 are not identical.
    5. So this script script uses bash syntax but is interpreted by dash. It is possible that this worked fine for the Oracle developer if on their system sh was softlinked to bash (which is often the case). Apparently, one should then be very careful to not use idioms that are not POSIX compliant.
    6. Another solution is to change the /bin/sh softlink from dash to bash. Personally, I was less comfortable doing this (the possible repercussions were wider than the proposed solution above).
    After making the change, the script ran perfectly. I think the best solution is for Oracle to update the script to be POSIX compliant or to identify itself as bash.
    Hope that helped,
    Mark Gaber
    Edited by: user1112514 on Jun 30, 2010 3:28 AM

  • Error Compiling php 5.1.6 with Oracle Instant Client on Fedora 5

    I have Oracle 10.1.0 enterprise database installed on a Windows 2003 server.
    I have another machine that has Fedora Core 5 installed on it. I downloaded:
    Apache 2.2.3
    Php 5.1.6
    OracleInstantClient (base and skdk packages) from technet.oracle.com
    I created a directory called /usr/lib/instantclient10_1 in which I unzipped
    the files for the Oracle Instant Client and the SDK into /usr/lib/instantclient10_1.
    So inside /usr/lib/instantclient10_1 I have:
    all the unzipped filed from the base for the instant client as well as
    a directory called sdk with files inside this subdirectory.
    I compiled and installed Apache.
    I then tried to configure php using the instantclient with the configure option
    The first time I did this I got the error: "link from
    /usr/lib/instantclient10_1/libclntsh.so to libclntsh.so.10
    not found"
    Well I had the libclntsh.so.10 but no such link. So I did the following:
    ln -s libclntsh.so.10.1 libclntsh.so
    I assume this was OK to do but I found it strange that I had to do this.
    Question #1 - why should I have to do this?
    I then tried to configure php again but got an error that I paste in from
    the debug.log. From this debug log you can see the configure options I gave for
    php as well as the error. It says "cannot find -lirc". Now I did put into
    /etc/ld.so.conf the line /usr/lib/gaim since that is where libirc.so is and ran
    ldconfig but it still complained. When I copied libirc.so into /usr/lib it then said there were
    lots of errors in that libirc.so. The only item in the configure options depending on lirc is
    the with-oci8.  Why does with-oci8 depend on lirc?
    I also tried the above on Red Hat AS 4.0 and got the same errors.
    Question #2 -- what do I do?
    Thank You
    Gail Lange
    Here is the debug.log in the case when libirc.so is just in /usr/lib/gaim:
    CONFIGURE: './configure' '--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs' '--enable-track-vars'
    '--enable-inline-optimization' '--with-gd' '--with-zlib' '--enable-debug'
    '--with-oci8=instantclient,/usr/lib/instantclient10_1' '--enable-sigchild'
    CC: gcc
    CFLAGS: -I/usr/include -g -O2
    INCLUDES: -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I/home/gail/php/php-5.1.6/ext/date/lib
    LDFLAGS: -L/usr/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/instantclient10_1 -L/usr/lib/instantclient10_1
    LIBS: -lpng -lz -lz -lresolv -lm -ldl -lnsl -lxml2 -lz -lm -lxml2 -lz -lm -ldl -lm -lnsl
    -lirc -lclntsh -lxml2 -lz -lm
    SAPI: apache2handler
    PHP_RPATHS: /usr/lib/instantclient10_1
    uname -a: Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp #1 SMP Tue Mar 14 16:05:46 EST 2006
    i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
    gcc -o conftest -I/usr/include -g -O2 -L/usr/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/instantclient10_1
    -L/usr/lib/instantclient10_1 conftest.c -lpng -lz -lz -lresolv -lm -ldl -lnsl -lxml2 -lz -lm
    -lxml2 -lz -lm -ldl -lm -lnsl -lirc -lclntsh -lxml2 -lz -lm 1>&5
    conftest.c: In function 'main':
    conftest.c:3: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'exit'
    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lirc
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

    To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure. Everything I could find on it had to do with IRC or some kind of remote control thing (for controlling audio/media players). Maybe if Ivan stops by he'll know what it means... he knows quite a lot about the inner workings of many of these libraries.
    http://us3.php.net/install.unix was the most useful info I could find.
    There's also this thread:
    Cannot find ld -lirc PHP Linux

  • IPlanet 6.0 SP6 compatibility with Oracle 11g Client in Windows server 2003

    Hi All,
    We have issues with our classic ASP application when connecting to Oracle 11g. Our application Database is migrating from oracle 10g to oracle 11g, with oracle 10g we don't have any issues but we are facing issues with Oracle 11g database
    We are running iPlanet-WebServer-Enterprise/6.0SP6. And Chilisoft is Sun ONE ASP 4.0 (formerly known as Chili!Soft ASP) on windows 2003 machine for running ASP application.
    The connection we are trying is
    Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle; Data Source=xxxx;User Id=xxx;Password=xxx;
    The error we are getting is "OraOLEDB error '80004005' "
    Question: Is iPlanet-WebServer-Enterprise/6.0SP6. And Chilisoft is Sun ONE ASP 4.0 is compatible with Oracle Client 11g in Windows 32 bit machine
    Appreciate your quick response

    I have the same situation. Could you please share your experience if you resolve it? Thanks.

  • ORA-01816 when running with Oracle Instant Client

    good morning
    we are running the same SQL script on 2 computers.
    - native system with DB
    - via Oracle Instant client
    when running via the instant client i get the following error.
    ( select to_char(to_date('1970-01-01') + "DATE" / 86400000, 'YYYY-MM-DD') "CD", logical_name
    ERROR at line 2:
    ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
    thanks for any hint

    It probably works on one and not the other because you have set the NLS_DATE_FORMAT for one system to match the format of the string you are passing in, so Oracle knows how to do the implicit conversion.
    Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

  • Problem with Oracle XE client (erreur 126 in ODBC driver)

    When I want connect to the server with SQL (XE Client) I wrote :
    SQL> connect SYS
    password : *********
    ORA-12560: TNS: erreur d'adaptateur de protocole
    When I want to install ODBC Driver (Oracle in XEClient), the system return an error : "System error code 126"
    Whitch is the problem ?
    Please help me !

    Thank you for your help,
    XE is installed on Linux Server ( and is started
    XPClient is installed on Windows XP Client (
    I can connect to XE using
    The problem is that I can't use ODBC driver
    In other hand, I can connect to the server in SQL command line, using :
    CONNECT SYSTEM/*******@
    I saw in Oracle documentation that in Windows it's necessarie to use environnement variables to setup XEClient.
    Do you have any idea on how to configure client and ODBC driver ?

  • Using Developer 2000 ver. 1.3.2 with Oracle 8 client

    It is possible to run developer 2000 1.3.2 (Forms 4.5) using
    sql*net of Oracle 8 client ?
    May I set some parameter in regedit file ?
    My Operating system is Windows95/NT.
    Thank you in advance.

    Paolino Censi (guest) wrote:
    : It is possible to run developer 2000 1.3.2 (Forms 4.5) using
    : sql*net of Oracle 8 client ?
    : May I set some parameter in regedit file ?
    : My Operating system is Windows95/NT.
    : Thank you in advance.
    : Paolino
    I think if you follow the steps you can connect --
    1. First check whehter TCP/IP has been installed and
    you can connect using the protocol. You can do this
    using simple command like ping. So on the DOS command
    prompt type following--
    ping and enter.
    This will give you a series of messages and in the end
    OK. If you get OK in the end that means TCP/IP is
    properly working.
    2. Then configure the tnsnames.ora for the database sid you have
    chosen. You can do it through SQL Net Easy configuration.
    Configure it for TCP/IP and remember the sid name e.g. ORCL.
    3. Go to DOS prompt and change the directory to your
    ORACLE_HOME. Start the database giving command
    svrmgr30 (enter)
    4. It will give you prompt as SVRMGR. Type follwing
    connect internal; (enter)
    It should show message as connected. Then quit out of server
    5. You are now again on to DOS prompt. Type the following
    lsnrctl80 start (enter)
    It will give the message as Listener Started Successfully.
    6. Now minimize the Dos window and start Forms application.
    While connecting type username, password and database name also.
    e.g. scott, tiger, ORCL.
    It should get connected. Because I followed the same procedure
    and now I am working suceessfully on it.

  • Will Oracle 8I release 3 Server work with Oracle 9I Client?

    My company wrote some software for DBing imagery tags and such. this was originally done for win2k. They company now needs to upgrade to winXP systems in order to keep there maintenance contracts. long story short can i continue to use the DB 8 server with the DB 9 Client? on a side note i tried installing 8I client on XP and ran into some problems.
    i found the fix to get the installer started but then i i just crash to desktop halfway through the install. any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

    That WAS a supported configuration ('was', because both components are meanwhile desupported), but it worked in the past from a technical point of view. Details on metalink:
    Client / Server / Interoperability Support Between Different Oracle Versions
    Doc ID: Note:207303.1

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