Duplicating Nameplate Effects

I've been messing around trying to duplicate the nameplate title effects in this video with no real success:
Go to 1:20 to see the effect I want to recreate. Do I need two separate lines for this? Can it be done using one of the transition effects in Premiere?
Thanks for your assist.

That type of thing is normally done in After Effects, but it could be done with three different titles in Premiere Pro. One for the line and one for each line of text.
You can do it in Premiere Pro with a lot of effort compared to After Effects but it can be done.

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    Start here to learn After Effects:

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    Unfortunately there is no intuitive way to do this. It's one more time where you will have to pre-compose. Rotatte the footage in teh pre-comp, apply the bulge on top of it using an adjustment layer. Put the pre-comp in teh main comp, then un-rotate it. I believe that will give you the kind of distortion I think you are looking for.

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    If an accessible solution is required,  Accordion Panel Magic does it all. But it is not free:
    Al Sparber - PVII
    Dreamweaver Menus | Galleries | Widgets
    The Ultimate Web 2.0 Carousel

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    [URL=http://img412.imageshack.us/my.php?image=balletshoeb.jpg][IMG]http://img412.imageshack.us/ img412/8373/balletshoeb.jpg[/IMG][/URL]

    The closest I can come to duplicating the effect you want is with the 3D effect, and mapping the text to the object. Type the text and save the text object as a Symbol. Draw the ribbon as a single path, then apply a 3D Extrude & Bevel, then apply the text (as a Symbol) to that. These last two steps can be done in the same step. Here's a quick attempt:

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    You can use a reverse track matte to accomplish that.
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    |-| |---| |-| |--| |-----| |--| |-|
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    You've described this problem very clearly, but I'm afraid I don't have any good ideas. I've used the same motherboard, and I've never had glitches with my Audigy I or 4 (I don't have a 2, but it's supposed to be almost the same as the 4). Also I don't use the mic.
    Are you using the latest DirectX? (dumb question...but it's all I can think of) Directsound might not be working right.
    Message Edited by daflory on 08-27-2006 03:26 AM

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    Don't know where this is going wrong, but it shouldn't be an issue whether your grouping is one way or another. Have you tried duplicating the effect from one track then moving it to the other?

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    Is it possible to feed unique effect values down into the stack of pre-comps using expressions or some other trick?

    You can't have one instance of a set of precomps that renders differently when used multiple times.
    You would have to create multiple sets of those precomps and put different values in each. You could do this by saving the set of precomps as a project then importing it multiple times. Or there's a script for duplicating a comp heirarchy here: http://aescripts.com/true-comp-duplicator/
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    x = random(0,640);
    y = random(0,480);

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    Does anyone know how to solve this issue, or know where I could find out. It's incredibly frustrating when you spend 10 minutes painting out dust off a video to then realise the one you did before is now overwritten on the premiere timeline.
    I need help!

    Before you go back and re-do your tedious retouch...
    you can try opening Pr, making your Ae comps offline, exit Pr.
    Go to your 'Adobe Premiere Pro Preview Files' folder, delete all.
    Open Pr, relink your comps.
    I've never really tried to send a series of clips to AE and edit them all as one composition, I'll give that a try.
    Along with sending multiple clips via DL to Ae for touchup in one comp,
    When I use 'Replace with Ae Comp' in the Timeline, I will save
    the newly created Ae comp, exit Ae, return to Premiere and hit 'Undo'.
    This will restore the original clips to the Timeline for future reference.
    Then I will use File > Adobe Dynamic Link > Import Ae Composition to
    bring the new comp into Premiere, add a new layer to the Timeline
    and drop in the comp (or replace the clips in a duplicate Sequence).

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    Hi there!
    Just wanted to ask, whether there is a way to keep the relations of expressions going when duplicating layers. E.g. I have two layers, "LayerA" and "LayerB". Now I have an expression going on in "LayerB" saying, that its position always equals the position of "LayerA". Now when I duplicate those two and get "LayerA 2" and "LayerB 2" I want the expression in "LayerB 2" to reference to "LayerA 2"'s position rather than "LayerA"'s position!
    While it is no problem to simply change the expression when there is only one of them, it gets quite hard when you have multiple expressions going on ...
    Thx in advance

    hello CarzyQwert,
    you can check out my tutorial about this here:
    best regards

  • How do I find and erase duplicated thumbnails in Aperture?

    I currently use Aperture 3.  Prior to using Aperture 3 I was using Iphoto and Iphoto unfortunately managed to duplicate photos by creating thumbnails 2 and even 3 or 4 times over.  This happened a couple of years ago and thus I cannot revert to a prior library.  For the past few years I was hoping apple would come up with a solution to this glitch.  Perhaps a simple software update, an app, etc.  Nothing yet. 
    Anyways, is there a way to find and delete these duplicated thumbnails in a time effective fashion?  I have around 38,000 photos to sort through.  I have used Duplicate Annihilator and it does not recognize the duplicated thumbnails as duplicates.  I think this is due to their much smaller size.  Also, what is the proper way of deleting the thumbnail duplicate?  Do I delete it using just the "Delete Version" option orr do I delete the "Delete Master Image and All Versions" because I am not sure what is deemed appropriate and safe.
    Finally, would it be easier to just purchase a cheap PC and have the programs available on a PC sort out this issue?  It has been a long time and I have yet to discover that apple has found a suitable solution to this issue.

    I really appreciate the response.  I followed your directions and here is the info requested: 38,578 versions and 38,323 masters. 
    I expect around 14,000 true master copies and the remaining masters to be duplicate thumbnails.  I arrived at this number and the conclusion that there are many duplicate thumbnails based on the customer service of Duplicate Annihilator.  After sending Brattoo (Duplicate Annihilator) some sample duplicates they responded with:
    thank you for your email and sample images. You have a case of thumbnails here.
    Thumbnails are low resolution photos used internally by iPhoto to speed up performance when growing the photos. However, sometimes when importing older libraries into new ones or when upgrading iPhoto those internal low resolution photos are imported as regular photos and all of a sudden your iPhoto Library is flooded with low resolution photos.
    Locating thumbnail images in Aperture can be achieved using standard Aperture features. Use the Aperture search box as shown in this screenshot:
    I searched out and found around 24,000 photos to be fit the size of internal low resolution photos aka thumbnails.  Then I sorted the entire photo library by file name then size and I could see what I believe is the original master version photos (average size around 1.5 mbs or so) and then following each of what I think are the original master photos is a number of duplicates photos (average size around 40kbs).  Roughly one to two small size duplicates of the original master version photo.
    Therefore, I am assuming in order to get rid of duplicates I need to eliminate these small version thumbnail sized images.  I guess I will be forced to go through the whole library of 38,000 photos manually deleting each of the thumbnail duplicates.

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