Dynamic CONNECT clause with AT DB_NAME USING?

I am trying to figure out how in a PL/SQL script to connect to a DB dynamically in the script?
I am not in a stored proc but a PL/SQL script so getting variables is cauing me some issue:
I am want something like this:
/* connect to the nondefault database */
AT DB_NAME USING (select new_dbname from mytable);
I might even want the myuser and mypassword to come from a query as well.
Thanks in advance for any help,

First, are you trying to build a SQL*Plus script? Or a PL/SQL script?
A PL/SQL script would require a PL/SQL engine. There are two PL/SQL engines in the (public) world-- the one running in an Oracle database and the one that runs on the client side of old Oracle Forms applications. (There is a third PL/SQL engine that is used by a handful of folks in Oracle that runs outside the database and outside Forms, but I'm ignoring that). Since you're not using Oracle Forms, that means that you'd have to rely on an Oracle database's engine.
If you've already connected to an Oracle database in order to run PL/SQL, you can't then go an connect to a different database other than via a database link...
If you're trying to build a SQL*Plus script, that should be possible, but I'd question what business need you're trying to satisfy here... It would seem convoluted to have a SQL*Plus script connect to database A only to turn around and disconnect in order to connect to database B...

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    Can anyone let me know on how to create dynamic connection string with variables using ssis?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi vinay9738,
    According to your description, you want to connect multiple database from multiple servers using dynamic connection.
    If in this case, we can create a Table in our local database (whatever DB we want) and load all the connection strings.  We can use Execute SQL Task to query all the connection strings and store the result-set in a variable of object type in SSIS package.
    Then use ForEach Loop container to shred the content of the object variable and iterate through each of the connection strings. And then Place an Execute SQL task inside ForEach Loop container with the SQL statements we have to run in all the DB instances. 
    For more details, please refer to the following blog:
    If there are any other questions, please feel free to let me know.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Dynamic where clause with loop statement

    Hi all,
    is it possible to use a dynamic where clause with a loop statement?
    Can you please advise me, how the syntax needs to be?
    Thanks for your suggestions,
    kind regards, Kathrin!

    Hi Kathrin,
               If u are in ECC 6.0, please go through the code...
              REPORT  zdynamic_select.
      BEGIN OF ty_sales,
        vbeln  TYPE vbak-vbeln,            " Sales document
        posnr  TYPE vbap-posnr,            " Sales document item
        matnr  TYPE vbap-matnr,            " Material number
        arktx  TYPE vbap-arktx,            " Short text for sales order item
        kwmeng TYPE vbap-kwmeng,           " Order quantity
        vkorg TYPE vbak-vkorg,             " Sales organization
        kunnr TYPE vbak-kunnr,             " Sold-to party
        netwr TYPE vbak-netwr,             " Net Value of the Sales Order
      END OF ty_sales.
    DATA :
      gt_sales TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sales,
      wa_sales TYPE ty_sales.
    DATA: ob_select TYPE REF TO cl_rs_where.
    DATA: ob_from   TYPE REF TO cl_rs_where.
    DATA: ob_where  TYPE REF TO cl_rs_where,
          gv_source TYPE abapsource.
    *Step 1 : Prepare the select fields.
      PERFORM zf_build_select.
    *Step 2 : Build the from clause for the select
      PERFORM zf_build_from.
    *Step 3 : Build the where clause for the select
      PERFORM zf_build_where.
    *Step 4 : Execute the dynamic select
      SELECT (ob_select->n_t_where)
          FROM (ob_from->n_t_where)
            WHERE (ob_where->n_t_where).
      LOOP AT gt_sales INTO wa_sales.
        WRITE :   /5 wa_sales-vbeln,
                  15 wa_sales-vkorg,
                  20 wa_sales-kunnr,
                  40 wa_sales-netwr,
                  50 wa_sales-posnr,
                  60 wa_sales-matnr,
                  70 wa_sales-arktx,
                  90 wa_sales-kwmeng.
    *&      Form  zf_build_select
    FORM zf_build_select .
      CREATE OBJECT ob_select.
    *Build the table name/field name combination
    *Add Sales order header fields
      CLEAR gv_source.
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAK'
          i_fieldname = 'VBELN'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
      CLEAR gv_source.
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAK'
          i_fieldname = 'VKORG'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
      CLEAR gv_source.
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAK'
          i_fieldname = 'KUNNR'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
      CLEAR gv_source.
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAK'
          i_fieldname = 'NETWR'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
    *Add Sales order item fields
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAP'
          i_fieldname = 'POSNR'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
      CLEAR gv_source.
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAP'
          i_fieldname = 'MATNR'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
      CLEAR gv_source.
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAP'
          i_fieldname = 'ARKTX'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
      CLEAR gv_source.
      CALL METHOD cl_rs_where=>build_tabname_fieldname
          i_tabname   = 'VBAP'
          i_fieldname = 'KWMENG'
          i_sign      = '~'
          e_combined  = gv_source.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_select->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
    ENDFORM.                    " zf_build_select
    *&      Form  zf_build_from
    FORM zf_build_from .
      CREATE OBJECT ob_from.
    *Add opening bracket
      CALL METHOD ob_from->add_opening_bracket
      CLEAR gv_source.
    *Add the join condition.This can be made
    *fully dynamic as per your requirement
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_from->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
      CLEAR gv_source.
    *Add the join condition.This can be made
    *fully dynamic as per your requirement
      gv_source = 'ON VBAKVBELN = VBAPVBELN'.
    *Add the where line
      CALL METHOD ob_from->add_line
          i_line = gv_source.
    *Add the closing bracket
      CALL METHOD ob_from->add_closing_bracket
    ENDFORM.                    " zf_build_from
    *&      Form  zf_build_where
    FORM zf_build_where .
      DATA :
      lv_field TYPE REF TO data,
      lv_field_low TYPE REF TO data,
      lv_field_high TYPE REF TO data.
      CREATE OBJECT ob_where.
    *Add the field VBELN : Sales Document
    *Use this method if you want to assign a single value to a field
    *Set the value for VBELN : Sales Document Number
    CALL METHOD ob_where->add_field
         i_fieldnm  = 'VBAK~VBELN'
         i_operator = '='
         i_intlen   = 10
         i_datatp   = 'CHAR'
         e_r_field  = lv_field.
    CALL METHOD ob_where->set_value_for_field
         i_fieldnm = 'VBAK~VBELN'
         i_value   = '0000120020'.
    *Use this method if you want to assign a range of values
    *Set a range for the Sales Document number
      CALL METHOD ob_where->add_field_between_2values
          i_fieldnm      = 'VBAK~VBELN'
          i_intlen       = 10
          i_datatp       = 'CHAR'
          e_r_field_low  = lv_field_low
          e_r_field_high = lv_field_high.
      CALL METHOD ob_where->set_2values_for_field
          i_fieldnm    = 'VBAK~VBELN'
          i_value_low  = '0000120020'
          i_value_high = '0000120067'.
    *Set the 'AND' Clause
      CALL METHOD ob_where->add_and.
    *Add the field MATNR : Material
      CALL METHOD ob_where->add_field
          i_fieldnm  = 'MATNR'
          i_operator = '='
          i_intlen   = 18
          i_datatp   = 'CHAR'
          e_r_field  = lv_field.
    *Set the value for the Material field
      CALL METHOD ob_where->set_value_for_field
          i_fieldnm = 'MATNR'
          i_value   = '000000000050111000'.
    *Set the 'AND' Clause
      CALL METHOD ob_where->add_and
    *Add the field VKORG
      CALL METHOD ob_where->add_field
          i_fieldnm  = 'VKORG'
          i_operator = '='
          i_intlen   = 4
          i_datatp   = 'CHAR'
          e_r_field  = lv_field.
    *Set the value for VKORG : Sales Organization
      CALL METHOD ob_where->set_value_for_field
          i_fieldnm = 'VKORG'
          i_value   = 'GMUS'.
    ENDFORM.                    " zf_build_where

  • How to specifiy the provider to be Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client when creating a dynamic connection string with EF Code First from Database?

    I am trying to use the relatively new Code First from Database with the newest EF (6.x) and on an Oracle database (11g, but I have installed the newest ODTwithODAC). First of all, it works fine as long as the connection string is inside the App.Config file. But when I try to build it dynamically in the C# code (or rather, statically at the moment) it fails. I have it working with a dynamically built connection string when doing Model from Database though, so I'm at a loss right now.
    First, I have created a second constructor for the context class that takes a string and does base(connectionString). Then I build the connection string via
    OracleConnectionStringBuilder oracleBuilder = new OracleConnectionStringBuilder();
    oracleBuilder.DataSource = "TEST.BLA.COM";
    oracleBuilder.UserID = "ABC";
    oracleBuilder.Password = "abc";
    oracleBuilder.PersistSecurityInfo = true;
    string connection = oracleBuilder.ToStrin();
    Now trying to open an EntityConnection by giving to it this provider-specific connection string (or even the static one from the App.Config) doesn't work; I get "keyword not supported: user id"). Trying it by creating a context and giving this connection string doesn't work either. I'm pretty sure that this is because I didn't specify the provider to use; after all, it should use the Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client provider and not an SQL Server based one.
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    As I said above: I bet it's the provider that I have to specify somehow, but I don't know how. The code that does work is the following:
    using (var context = new Model())
    When I read context.Database.Connection.ConnectionString, it is exactly the provider-specific connection string I created above, but I don't know where to specify the provider again. Do you know of any way to do this? Certainly there must be one.
    PS: I have also posted this question on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27979454/ef-code-first-from-database-with-managed-oracle-data-access-dynamic-connection because it is quite urgent and I'd like to use Code First from Database. Otherwise I'd have to go "back" to using Model from Database again, which is not ideal because we have updatable views where the .edmx-file has to be edited after every reload of the model, while with Code First from DB inserting into the view automatically works.

    I am trying to use the relatively new Code First from Database with the newest EF (6.x) and on an Oracle database (11g, but I have installed the newest ODTwithODAC). First of all, it works fine as long as the connection string is inside the App.Config file. But when I try to build it dynamically in the C# code (or rather, statically at the moment) it fails. I have it working with a dynamically built connection string when doing Model from Database though, so I'm at a loss right now.
    First, I have created a second constructor for the context class that takes a string and does base(connectionString). Then I build the connection string via
    OracleConnectionStringBuilder oracleBuilder = new OracleConnectionStringBuilder();
    oracleBuilder.DataSource = "TEST.BLA.COM";
    oracleBuilder.UserID = "ABC";
    oracleBuilder.Password = "abc";
    oracleBuilder.PersistSecurityInfo = true;
    string connection = oracleBuilder.ToStrin();
    Now trying to open an EntityConnection by giving to it this provider-specific connection string (or even the static one from the App.Config) doesn't work; I get "keyword not supported: user id"). Trying it by creating a context and giving this connection string doesn't work either. I'm pretty sure that this is because I didn't specify the provider to use; after all, it should use the Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client provider and not an SQL Server based one.
    I then tried to get around this by using an EntityConnectionStringBuilder on top and specifying the provider keyword there, but then I get "keyword not supported: provider" when using it in the context constructor, and "the 'metadata' keyword is always required" when using it with the EntityConnection constructor.
    As I said above: I bet it's the provider that I have to specify somehow, but I don't know how. The code that does work is the following:
    using (var context = new Model())
    When I read context.Database.Connection.ConnectionString, it is exactly the provider-specific connection string I created above, but I don't know where to specify the provider again. Do you know of any way to do this? Certainly there must be one.
    PS: I have also posted this question on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27979454/ef-code-first-from-database-with-managed-oracle-data-access-dynamic-connection because it is quite urgent and I'd like to use Code First from Database. Otherwise I'd have to go "back" to using Model from Database again, which is not ideal because we have updatable views where the .edmx-file has to be edited after every reload of the model, while with Code First from DB inserting into the view automatically works.

  • ADF dynamic where clause for VO query using BC

    I'm hoping someone can help me out. I have a read only view object that I want to filter results based on some user choices. For example the user may want to see all results or they may only want to see a much smaller subset. This is for an error dashboard, the smaller subset maybe by application or maybe by application and by error severity. I think I can use a dynamic where clause but I'm not sure, Can someone get me started down the right path, or post an example that I can see.

    Hi user,
    You can use a dynamic where clause for this, but maybe there is a more practical option. Maybe you can have a fixed where clause, but using a bind parameter, like:
    vo.application like :applicationParam. This makes an executeWithParams method available that you can call from your page, and use in the bindings. This parameter you can populate with the results of for example a poplist, with a default value of '%'.
    When you do want to use a dynamic where clause, you will need to add a method to the java code of your application module, and make this method available for the client. In this method, you can use findViewObject to retrieve your VO, use VO.setWhereClause to set the whereclause to what you want, and then call VO.executeQuery. This method can then again be called from the page.
    Jeroen van Veldhuizen

  • Creating dynamic where clause with string delimiter " ; "

    i need a solution for complex problem like, 1. start_date IN date,
    end_date IN date,
    shift_type IN varchar2
    i will get shift_type as "first_shift" or "first_shift;second_shift" or "first_shift;second_shift;third_shift" ....etc any combination. where fist & second & third shits are nothing but 1 , 2 , 3. i need to find out data between start_date and end_date in combination of shifts ( may be 1;2 or 1;3 or 1;2;3 or 2;3 ...etc) . now i need to write this code in dynamic where clause ...i tried in different ways...but not succeeded. can anybody guide me step by step...or with script.
    NOTE: there is a table called "shift" with data like
    shift_type shift_mode
    1 first_shift
    2 second_shift
    3 third_shift

    Whenever you have a problem, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements) and the results you want from that data.
    If the question involves parameters, give a few different sets of parameters and the results you want for each set, given the same sample data.
    It's unclear that you need dynamic SQL at all.
    If shift_type is a variable, that can be either a single value or a ;-delimited list (such as '1;3'), you can compare that to a column called shift_column like this:
    WHERE        ';' || shift_type   || ';'     LIKE
           '%;' || shift_column || ';%'No dynamic SQL or PL/SQL required.
    If you really do want to use dynamic SQL, these two pages should gives you some ideas:

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    I am trying to connect dashboards with Sql database via WSDT, but i have encountered the same problem as described in your SAP community blog (SAP Web Service Design Tool: From web service creation to Xcelsius consumption).
    when i tried connecting CR server with WSDT ,it still shows that total number of available licenses is 0.
    What can be done to solve this issue.
    for your detail reference, we are using CRS NUL version's 60 days Evaluation keys and same with Xcelsius Departmental edition.
    I would really appreciate, if you revert back to my mail as soon as possible

    Which version of Crystal Reports are you using? The regular ReportDocument SDK probably isn't robust enough to handle this, unless you create a connection using that connection string at design-time which you don't change at runtime. You might be able to add those properties using the in-proc RAS SDK, though. This is available with CRXI R2 as of SP2, and CR2008.

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    Eg: I have an image or a word file on my E63 that I wish to e-mail using the Internet browser. I would like to connect my E63 with my desktop / laptop using the data cable or bluetooth dongle and use the Internet connection available on the desktop ( when I do not have internet available on my E63) and then e-mail the image or Word file using the browser. 
    If yes, please let me know the complete procedure for the same?
    Message Edited by loverspoint4 on 09-Sep-2009 05:30 PM

    I've done it through WLAN. My Mac is connected by cable to the internet and I just set it up to share the internet connection via Airport (Apple's Wireless Network). Then the phone detects it as WIFI and off it goes. (a bit slow, though).
    But I'm thinking you mean connecting to a PC via data cable. I've heard someone do this with a Windows Mobile smartphone. Not sure if the S60 can be tinkered enough to make it work. (have a look see at www.modaco.org)

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    I know that for connection between XI’s is recommended using XI connectivity adapter. But I want to send/receive messages trough other XI outside of my network and I’m thinking using SOAP adapter for effect. Is it possible?
    Thanks in advance.

    Yes, it is. But why? Both are SOAP messages based on HTTP.

  • Crystal Report Dynamic connection issue ORA-04043 Database Vendor Code 4043

    HI All,
    Ii am getting dynamic connection issue with Crystal Report 2008 and Business View Manager, i have Oracle database,
    i have done following steps
    1 Creating Dynamic Connection (including two connection XDC & YDC)
    2. Creating Data Foundation (Common object available in both connection ie. stored procedure)
    3. Creating Business View (with selected number of elements in business element, like firsta name, lastname)
    I have verified database connectivity from Business view manager, both the connection are working fine bringing different number of rows from two different schemas (different schema but same objects in two schemas)
    4. Database connectivity to different database schemas
    5. Connectivity from Crystal Report (done the connectivity from the repository to business view )
    6. Report Connectivity with first schema shows records
    7 Report Connectivity with second schemas shows error
    as follows Failed to retrive data from the database & on clicking of detail i get following error
    Crystal Reports
    Database Connector Error: 'ORA-04043: object HR.EXCEPTION_REPORT_SUB1_PROC [Database Vendor Code: 4043 ]'
    Q first of all i need to know if dynamic connection using business view manager and crystal report technically possible or not, if yes then please let me know the solution, since we did verified with SQL database and ite work with two different database.
    Q if not possible then are there any options to resolve dynamic deployment of crystal report over multiple schemas with crystal report 2008
    Any help or suggestion will be appriciated, hope some one might have got similar issue
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: smunir on Jul 12, 2011 9:18 AM
    Edited by: smunir on Jul 12, 2011 9:41 AM
    Edited by: smunir on Jul 12, 2011 9:43 AM

    When i use same credentials in Tod or sqlplus it works perfect and gives appropriate results. But when i use same credentials using business view manager, the very first connection works but the second connection does not work
    Please suggest!

  • Dynamic Where clause in 4.6C [Literals allowed but not variables]

    Good afternoon-
    We have a dynamic select statement that works perfectly in 4.7 ext 2, but is causing a short dump in 4.6C. The error in the short dump says:
    The current ABAP/4 program attempted to execute an ABAP/4 Open SQL       
    statement containing a WHERE condition of the form WHERE (itab) or       
    WHERE ... AND (itab). The part of the WHERE condition specified at       
    runtime in the internal table itab contains an invalid                   
    value "HDR_COMP_CODE". Literals are allowed as values, but not variables.
    HDR_COMP_CODE is in incoming parameter to the function module that is calling this code. It is of type BKPF-BUKRS.
    Here is the code:
            TEXT_LINE(60) TYPE C,
        FROM T001
        L_WHERE_CLAUSE = 'AND'.
        L_WHERE_CLAUSE = 'AND'.
    This EXACT query works in 4.7, has anyone run into this, or can they tell me why I might be getting the error?

    Well, in this case, unless I'm missing something,  you do not requre a dynamic WHERE clause.  You can use RANGES instead.
    report zrich_0001.
    *TEXT_LINE(60) TYPE C,
    ranges: r_bukrs for t001-bukrs.
    ranges: r_ktopl for t001-ktopl.
    clear r_bukrs. refresh r_bukrs.
    r_bukrs-sign = 'I'.
    r_bukrs-option = 'EQ'.
    r_bukrs-low = hdr_comp_code.
    append r_bukrs.
    FROM T001
    clear r_ktopl. refresh r_ktopl.
    r_ktopl-sign = 'I'.
    r_ktopl-option = 'EQ'.
    r_ktopl-low = lv_ktopl.
    append r_ktopl.
    WHERE  b~bukrs in r_bukrs
      and  t~ktopl in r_ktopl.
    Rich Heilman

  • Connecting databeses with WML and JSP pages..!

    I need information about how to connect databases with wap technologies using wml and jsp , I am waiting your resources, codes and helps.. And I would like to remind you , I am beginner about this topic , Only things that I know are Jsp and WML , I have no experience about wap and how to combine wml and jsp , So please be helper while you send your messages , If all your messages contains much detailed and supported complete sources and files , it will more helpfull for me ..
    Thanks in Advance.
    P.S : 1- ) if you want to contact direclty , mail address : [email protected]
    2-) Don't post me complex references' URL , I have already made search on google,yahoo and etc

    Additionally , I would like to learn what I have to need for this project .. Now , I already have winwap wap emulator and Websphere Studio.. Do I need special wap server or something else to test my applications..
    Please , hurry up .. I really need your helps..

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  • Using bind variable in dynamic where clause and concatenate with query

    In my procedure i am framing where clause dynamically with bind variable,When i am concatenate this with my sql query for REF CURSOR i got sql command not properly ended exception.
    Is it possible to pass values to the bind variable through the dynamic variable/value?
    Please advise
    Thanks in advance
    IF in_applicationId IS NOT NULL THEN
              optional_where := optional_where || ' AND a.APPLICATION_ID like '||':e%';
              optional_using := ' in_appFuncGroup'||',in_currentUserID'||',in_appFuncGroup'||',in_queue_id'||',in_applicationId';
         END IF;
    My query is like this
    open Out_Main FOR SelectQuery USING optional_using

    Thanks for reply,
    In my procedure, i suppose to frame the where clause with bind dynamically according to the input parameters. so that i am framing the values of the bind variables also dynamically like this,
    Please advise...
    IF in_assignedAppFlag IS NOT NULL THEN
              IF in_assignedAppFlag = 'Y' THEN
                   optional_where := optional_where || ' AND b.ASSIGNED_TO = :b' ;
              optional_using := ' in_appFuncGroup'||',in_currentUserID';          
                   IF in_isSupervisor = 0 THEN
                        optional_where := optional_where || ' AND (b.ASSIGNED_TO = :b'||' OR b.ASSIGNED_TO = ''-1'' OR b.ASSIGNED_TO IS NULL)';
              optional_using := ' in_appFuncGroup'||',in_currentUserID';
                   END IF;
              END IF;
              IF in_isSupervisor = 0 THEN
                   optional_where := optional_where || ' AND (b.ASSIGNED_TO = :b'||' OR b.ASSIGNED_TO = ''-1'' OR b.ASSIGNED_TO IS NULL)';
                   optional_using := ' in_appFuncGroup'||',in_currentUserID';
              END IF;
         END IF;
         IF in_appFuncGroup IS NOT NULL THEN
              optional_where := optional_where || ' AND e.APP_FUNC_GROUP= :c';
              optional_using := ' in_appFuncGroup'||',in_currentUserID'||',in_appFuncGroup';
         END IF;
         IF in_queue_id IS NOT NULL THEN
              optional_where := optional_where || ' AND b.QUEUE_ID = :d';
              optional_using := ' in_appFuncGroup'||',in_currentUserID'||',in_appFuncGroup'||',in_queue_id';
         END IF;
         IF in_applicationId IS NOT NULL THEN
              optional_where := optional_where || ' AND a.APPLICATION_ID like '||':e%';
              optional_using := ' in_appFuncGroup'||',in_currentUserID'||',in_appFuncGroup'||',in_queue_id'||',in_applicationId';
         END IF;
         IF in_sourceCode IS NOT NULL THEN
              optional_where := optional_where || ' AND e.APP_SOURCE_CODE like '||':f%';
              optional_using := ' in_appFuncGroup'||',in_currentUserID'||',in_appFuncGroup'
         END IF;
         IF in_logo IS NOT NULL THEN
              optional_where := optional_where || ' AND appProds.PRODUCT_TYPE like '||':g%';
              optional_using := ' in_appFuncGroup'||',in_currentUserID'||',in_appFuncGroup'
         END IF;
         IF in_firstName IS NOT NULL THEN
              optional_where := optional_where || ' AND upper(a.FIRST_NAME) like upper(:h%)';
              optional_using := ' in_appFuncGroup'||',in_currentUserID'||',in_appFuncGroup'
         END IF;
         IF in_surName IS NOT NULL THEN
              optional_where := optional_where || ' AND upper(a.SURNAME) like upper(:i%)';
              optional_using := ' in_appFuncGroup'||',in_currentUserID'||',in_appFuncGroup'
         END IF;
         IF in_retreival_id IS NOT NULL THEN
              optional_where := optional_where || ' AND e.RETREIVAL_ID like :j%';
              optional_using := ' in_appFuncGroup'||',in_currentUserID'||',in_appFuncGroup'
         END IF;

  • How to use one dynamic connection managers for multiple parallel data flow tasks

    hi there:
       I have 6 databases residing on the same server. What I want to do is  call a store procedure with identical name on each database dbo schema and transport results to a centralized place. The key is to have those SPs run in parallel instead
    of in sequence as each SP may take around 10 mins to finish. 
    The simplest way is to create 6 OLE DB connection managers and create 6 DFT tasks. However, I do not want to maintain 6 OLE DB connection managers as there is a chance to have more connection  managers.
     What I did so far is to create a OLD DB connection manager and use expression to set up connectionString properties so that it will get populated by variables at run time. It is fine when running all SPs in a Foreach Loop Container. However, it takes
    around 60 mins to finish.
      When I try to run it in parallel ( basically created 6 DFTs but use only one Dynamic Connection Manager), the connection string gets confused therefore all DFT tasks failed.
       Does anyone here have some experience on this topic?
    --Currently using Reporting Service 2000; Visual Studio .NET 2003; Visual Source Safe SSIS 2008 SSAS 2008, SVN --

    Yes, basically, on the connectionString property of ONE OLEDB, you are using an expression to supply value and this expression is pointing to a variable. 
    In this case , you can update this variable from a table which contains many connection strings. It's good if you want to execute Store procedures in a sequential order. When in parallel mode, this will cause issues as connectionString gets overwritten. 
     I am thinking about using script task to exec sp.
     The whole idea is that I do not want to maintain a large number of Connection Managers. 
    Hope it helps
    --Currently using Reporting Service 2000; Visual Studio .NET 2003; Visual Source Safe SSIS 2008 SSAS 2008, SVN --
    So you are not able to run parallel executions using same conn mgmr, even with dynamic connectionstring, is that correct? Yes, script task will be a way to go if you wish to execute it in parallel, you may connect to SS and query the proper conn string with
    SELECT/WHERE clause in each script > pass it to a script variable > use that script variable and execute the proc. This will require only two things to change in each script, the WHERE condition to get the conn string and the proc name (you may even
    get the proc names the same way you get conn string) and everything else will be same. Let us know how that goes. 
    Hope no two or more procs doing insert/update/delete on the same tables.

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