Dynamic Drill Down

i am working on Crystal Report Using ASP.NET.
I have a crystal report that looks like the following:
ID       Contract Value   CityName
P78     56 789                London
P99     378 999              San Diego
i am showing data on above report(A) at runtime(dynamic).
If user will clicks on the 'London' value, I want to pass/retrieve this value to my C# code so i can Run/Show another report(B) based on this selection.
some one pls help me.

You can simply use an On Demand subreport for this.  No need for any coding.

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    Gaurav Nayar

    What you want is possible as long as the table formatting you have helps.
    What you can do is add a column to the table.  Then use the following formulas
    Formula in Column Name Cell:
    =If(Drillfilters([Plant])="") Then "" Else Nameof([Buyer])
    Formula in Column Values Cell:
    =If(Drillfilters([Plant])="") Then "" Else ([Buyer])
    Now, what I meant by "as long as your table formatting you have helps" is that, you need to change the border colors of the extra column to match with the report blank area, means the borders should be white in colour and the column width should be autofit and they wont be visible as they are white, once you drill on plants, the values come up.
    So if your table has no border, that will be perfect.
    Hope this helps.

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            data detail 11
            data detail 12
            data detail 2
            data detail 2
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    I think this is called In Place Drill Down.
    Who appreciates y'alls help....

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    Edited by: Rahul Modey on Sep 2, 2008 5:15 PM

    Hi Rahul,
    Drill Down > Default Selection > Series/Item may not be filled dynamically.  They must be selected manually.
    Good Luck.

  • Dynamic EVDRE, Drill Down insserting and a formula

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    ColKeyRange     Sheet1!$H$15:$I$16
    RowKeyRange     Sheet1!$F$19:$F$24;Sheet1!$F$26:$F$37
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    Dimension     TIME     CATEGORY     ACCOUNT
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    Edited by: nmartin on Oct 11, 2011 6:24 PM

    I checked than the problem was because I loose the expansion.

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    Thanks in advance

    Are you showing the report on a dashboard or just in Answers? Do you want in-place drilling or can you jump to a new report?
    One option is to enable navigation on the year column data and set it to jump a new report - you will need to pass the cell values as arguments in the URL - but if you want to just use plain old drill down (within the same report) I think you will have to use two reports, one for fiscal and one for calendar. Here we can get a little creative and use guided analytics to choose which of the two reports to show on the dashboard based on the selection made.
    Pete Scott

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    Mat1  Mat2   Plant   qty
    M1     M2       P1      10
    M1     M2       P2       20
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    Free char:
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    Mat1  qty
    M1     10
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    Thanks in advance!!!

    You can restrict the value in variable screen with default value plant as "P1" and added the query to template. Now you can executed the query in portal you drill down through context ment filter -> filter on value then select the value to "P2" and add it then click "OK" it will show only P2 value. http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw73/helpdata/en/44/33eb19e2173ec8e10000000a1553f6/content.htm https://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw73/helpdata/en/43/152fa54b315a38e10000000a422035/content.htm

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    Organization hierarchy:
    - Org_Level_0
    - Org_Level_1
    - Org_Level_2
    - Org_Level_3
    - Org_Level_4
    - Org_Level_5
    - Org_Level_6
    - Org_Level_7
    - Org_Level_8
    Using an InitBlock each user is assigned it's a session variable ENTRY_LEVEL which contains the user's organization hierarchy level (i.e. '5'). For Testuser5 the session variable contains '5'.
    I've created the report containing two columns:
    - A dimension column called 'Organization'
    - A measure column called 'Availability%'
    In the dimension column I've entered the following formula:
    In the Column properties/Column Format tab for the dimension column I've disabled Column Heading Interaction but I've set Value Interaction to 'Drill'.
    When opening the report as Testuser5, the Dimension column shows the correct dimension object from that user: Org_Level_5. However when then clicking on the dimensionvalue, the next dimension displayed is Org_Level_8, instead of Org_level_6.
    Any suggestion on how to obtain the desired result?
    Edited by: The_Dutchman on Oct 7, 2009 5:31 PM

    Check in the RPD in the BMM in the dimension wheater all levels have a key that is set to use for drill down. It seems that only Org_Level_8 (the last level, detail) has key - use for drill down checked. This allow columns on the level to be displayed when driiling from up level to the current one. So maybe this is a reason that you get only Org_Level_8 data when driiling from any level from the case statement.

  • Drill down ( Collapsible Row ) Report in BEx query designer ?

    Dear Friends!
       I am supoosed to create a report drill down report for Purchasing History to be precise,  I know that we can have drill down feature using heirarchy but is it possible for Us to have PO & PO item heirarachy ? or any other way to do drill down reporting in SAP BEx Query designer ?
    like my current report is : -
    | Vendor | Purchasing Organisation | Purchasing Group | Plant | PO Number | Item | Material / Service | Description | .... ( keyfigures) |
    Now I am supposed to create a report  in which
    normal view
    | Vendor | Purchasing Organisation | Purchasing Group | Plant | |> PO Number| .... ( keyfigures) | Payment |
    drill down or collapsible view ( please consider the heading as data I am not talking about dynamically change of  headings ).
    | Vendor | Purchasing Organisation | Purchasing Group | Plant | V PO Number | Item | Material / Service | Description | .... ( keyfigures) |
    is there anyway to design the report in above mention manner ? you any input will be appreciated greatly.
    Thank you so much!

    Hi Naim,
    usually we don't do the transactional data as hierarchy.  not sure the reason behind your requirement.
    we can do one of the below :-
    1. To have the default view as
    | Vendor | Purchasing Organisation | Purchasing Group | Plant | | PO Number| .( keyfigures) | Payment |
    and then user can drill down on rest of the characteristics for detailed view later on.
    2. or if they don't want to drill down on characteristics;-
    we can build 2 reports , one for header level information and then jump to second query for detailed information(item level) using RRI.
    first query:
    | Vendor | Purchasing Organisation | Purchasing Group | Plant | | PO Number| .( keyfigures) | Payment |
    second query:
    | Vendor | Purchasing Organisation | Purchasing Group | Plant |  PO Number | Item | Material / Service | Description | .... ( keyfigures) |
    Let us know if this works out?

  • How can i call one report from another report (Drill Down Approach)

    Hi Friends,
    I've two reports in completely different layout format.
    One is in Crosstab & another is in Tabular.
    Now i want to call my Tabular report(report 1) from my Crosstab (report 2) without using BO's default drill down feature. Or, you can show using BO's feature if it supports my requirement.
    How to do that?
    Is it at all possible?
    Please share your thoughts. Thanks in advance for your time.
    Satyaki De.

    you can use openDocument for this.
    I would suggest to use variables that build the HTML code for the hyperlinks dynamically, and display them in your crosstab. Set the display option for the related cells (ie. the cells where your variables are displayed in) so that the cell's contents as interpreted as HTML code.

  • Advanced template to drill down from one dimension to another

    Dear all:
    I am trying to create an report that displays my Accounts by month. In addition, after I double-click each account (if it is a base member), it drills down to open Entity (in my case Cost Center) associated with that Account number. In the Entity drill-down section, once the Entity becomes a base member, it drills down to IO (internal orders) associated with a particular cost center.
    1. I tried to manipulate existing "Double Drill Down" dynamic template, and disabled the column expansion (because my columns consist of months of actual vs. budget and some ratio calculation). The problem is that after I drilled down, my EVGTS formula was not replicated in the other dimension
    2. I tried to integrate EVEXP into EVDRE but was unsuccessful too... The expansion worked as if everything got expanded at the same time.
    Is my approach correct? Is this an even good practice to do, or I should keep it as standard as possible?
    Thank you!
    Have a great day!

    The double-drill down dynamic template accommodate my need, except I didn't modify the report to my format correctly.

  • FGI0 "New GL" Receivables by Profit center- Drill down/Call-Up report

    Dear all,
    I am using S_AC0_52000887 to view receivables by profit center as we have activated New GL. FBL5N is not possible to see since we have multiple profit centers per customer and FAGLL03 which is a New GL report has no selection by customer on selection screen.
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    Can anyone assist how to pass the parameters in the main report, to the call-up report?
    Thanks in advance.

    If you are trying to view such a report through transaction code FBL1N, then I would suggest you follow the solution described in this thread below:
    Re: Add field Net Due Date at the selection field in FBL1N t.code
    Also to view profit center wise, use the dynamic selections in FBL1N to select profit center.

  • Drill Down feature for pie chart in JSP

    I need to have drill down feature in my Pie Chart which is generated using JFreeChart package. The pie chart is generated dynamically basing upon the database values as inputs .
    Now on click of any one sector i have to show other bar graph. The bargraphs would be different for different sectors clicked.How to use Mouse Listener? How can track or keep check on the boundaries of different sectors?.
    Please help me on this issue.
    Thanks in advance,

    @OP: don't ask the same question in two different threads:
    kind regards,

  • Heirarchical Drill Down Reports

    I went to a contract interview yesterday where the client asked if I could reproduce the heirarchical drill down features they currently have in MS SQL Reporting Services.  The design they showed me was where there was a plus sign by each row and when you clicked it, it opened a subsection with additinoal detail.  If you then clicked on the minus , it closed the subsection.
    I told the interviewers that I could use a dynamic subreport with a link from the main report page, but they did not seem impressed, wanting all the detail on the same page and my sample report created a second preview page for the subreport.  Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.
    Who adds that he was just offered the contract, so any suggestions you might have would make his new masters very happy...

    I can't see this really happening in CR. You could create a + symbol in the GH for a visual effect but if the user clicks anywhere in the GH it will drill down with a new page. Closing that page by clicking on anything other than the x will prove very difficult.
    You could however export (or schedule) a repot to PDF and select the create Create bookmarks from grouptree option. Then in adobe they can browse via the group tree + or - icons
    Export to Excel Data only and enable the Show Group Outlines option

  • Drill Down in Visual Composer

    In input form- for the feilds, i used as Drill down, and selected entry list as dynamic in control properties.
    when i publish in Portal , i can see list of values ( A- F) for input feilds.-when i select the one value ( A) and i see the output aswell.
    Issue is when i want to see remaining values , i can only value A not others.how do i see other values as well???
    I have attached a screenshot of the model and the dynamic dropdown list settings.
    Thank you
    Edited by: sidhu ch on Feb 18, 2008 9:50 AM

    Hi ,
    I have doubt regarding ur Question.
    Where you want see the Remaining values i.e From B-F .
    your are already getting IN Portal wright.
    Is you added them (B-F)In additional Entries Options.
    Beacuse your are doing Dyanamic Entry List right you can see the entries from the System only.
    If you have your own Entries you can go for Static Emtry List.
    Is it Clear?
    Otherwise come back to me agian .

Maybe you are looking for

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