Dynamic Group Membership - All SQL Computers in a Domain

I am trying to create groups containing all SQL servers in each domain. I am using the Wizard in the console. However I appear to be having winter blues as I can't work out how to do it. Everything I try results in an empty group.
Can someone please explain what I need to do to?

Thanks for the input. The code looks logical and I applied it and imported a revised MP. However I am not getting any membership in the group. There is another group membership in the same MP and that populates correctly, so I haven't a clue where I'm going
wrong. As you can see below my rule is the same as yours, except with a different domain name.

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    I would like to suggest you override this one for all objects and then create a new alert rule based on your requirement.
    Yan Li
    Regards, Yan Li

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    Hi Tconners,
    I am not so good in AD DFS But,
    Do you have the DFS management pack installed on your SCOM ?
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    Regards, Remi www.iamblogg.com

    ok understood but I think there is nothing out-of-the-box.
    Maybe you can calculate your own Delta of dynamic Groups in a custom activity, storing the before and current value of "ComputedMember". But you must find some way of storing that Information.
    Peter Stapf - ExpertCircle GmbH - My blog:

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    i SELECT edcprincipalentity.commonname, edcprincipalentity_1.commonname
    i FROM (edcprincipalgrpctmntentity
    i INNER JOIN edcprincipalentity ON
    i edcprincipalgrpctmntentity.refchildprincipalid = edcprincipalentity.id)
    i INNER JOIN edcprincipalentity AS edcprincipalentity_1 ON
    i edcprincipalgrpctmntentity.refparentprincipalid = edcprincipalentity_1.id
    i WHERE (((edcprincipalentity.commonname) Like "%name%"));
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    Adobe LiveCycle Forms v7.2.0 patch 1
    Adobe LiveCycle Workflow v7.2.1 patch 1
    Adobe LiveCycle Form Manager v7.2.0 patch 1
    User Management v1.23.0 patch N/A
    Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

    The key to resolving this issue was the following error in the log:
    [com.adobe.idp.um.provider.directoryservices.LDAPDirectoryGroupProviderImpl] errorCode:8193 errorCodeHEX:0x2001 message:retrieving record value chainedException:javax.naming.CommunicationException: xxx.xxx.xxx:389 [Root exception is java.net.BindException: Address already in use: connect]chainedExceptionMessage:xxx.xxx.xxx:389 chainedException trace:javax.naming.CommunicationException: xxx.xxx.xxx:389 [Root exception is java.net.BindException: Address already in use: connect]
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    FYI The script I am using for the bulk maintenance mode is based from here:

    We can use below command to get all members in a group:
    $Groups = Get-MonitoringObjectGroup  
    $Group = $Groups | where {$_.DisplayName -eq "Group Name"}   
    $Members = $Group.GetRelatedMonitoringObjects()   
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    Regards, Yan Li

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    How can i do it?

    Hi Navgup,
    Please refer to the script below, to query users in other domain by specifying the parameter "-Server" in the cmdlet "get-aduser", and also note I haven't tested the script below:
    import-module activedirectory
    get-adgroupmember "group"|foreach{
    $email=(get-aduser $_.samaccountname -properties *).EmailAddress#get the user email
    Get-ADUser -filter {EmailAddress -eq $email} -properties * -server DomainB.company.com|select samaccountname, memberof}#filter user name and group with the email in other domain
    To get users across domain, please also refer this blog:
    Adding/removing members from another forest or domain to groups in Active Directory:
    I hope this helps.

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    Look at these posts:
    ### If my post helped you, please take a moment to Vote as Helpful and\or Mark as an Answer

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    I built a custom dynamic group that has all my SQL databases in it using SCOM 2012 SP1.  The group works fine as I can see the Name(ie, Database name), Health State, Path (ie, hostname/instance) and Types (ie; SQL 2005).  Now I'm trying to
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    SourceObjectDisplayName as
    'Group Name',
    from RelationshipGenericView
    where isDeleted=0
    AND SourceObjectDisplayName
    ORDERBY TargetObjectDisplayName
    This gets me the Group Name (which i really don't care about), database name, and hostname/instance. What I am missing is the Health State and most importantly the Type (ie, SQL Server 2005 DB, SQL Server 2008DB).
    If someone could assist me here I would appreciate it. I believe I need to do some type of INNER JOIN but have no idea where the SQL type info lives or the proper structure to use. Thanks

    Here's the updated Query for OpsMan 2012 R2:
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    select SourceObjectDisplayName as 'Group Name', TargetObjectDisplayName as 'Group Members' 
    from RelationshipGenericView 
    where isDeleted=0 
    AND SourceObjectDisplayName = 'Agent Managed Computer
    ORDER BY TargetObjectDisplayName

  • SQL syntax for querying Active Directory group membership

    Post Author: cantrejj
    CA Forum: Data Connectivity and SQL
    I've established a connection to Active Directory through Crystal Reports XI. Now I need to write an SQL select statement to return all computer accounts and their group memberships. My statement returns all the computer accounts in the target OU, but when I add the memberOf field to my report everything goes blank. What am I doing wrong? I've included below my query statement and would welcome any suggestions...******************************************Select CN, memberOfFrom 'LDAP://OU=Managed Accounts, OU=Central Valley Service Area, DC= root, DC=sutterhealth, DC=org'where ObjectClass='computer'********************************************

    No ERRORs, no PANICs:
    # grep -i error /var/log/samba/log.smbd
    # grep -i panic /var/log/samba/log.smbd
    # grep -i error /var/log/samba/log.smbd.old
    # grep -i panic /var/log/samba/log.smbd.old

  • Report of Groups owned along with group memberships for each group, all in a single .csv file

    Hello all,
    What I'm trying to do is generate a report of all groups owned by a specific user, along with the group memberships, and output it all to a single .csv file. In the .csv file, I would like to have the group names as the column headers, and underneath
    the group name, list all the members of the group down through the column. So for example, if User1 owns 3 groups, the output would look like:
    What I'm having trouble with is outputting the objects to the .csv using New-Object psobject, and I'm starting to wonder if there is an easier way to do this and my brain is just fried.
    Any ideas?

    OK so I can try and give some code here, but I'm asking more of a concept question about how PowerShell builds objects so I'm not sure it will help....
    $User = "User1"
    get-adgroup -filter {managedby -eq $user} -pr member | %{
    OK so this is a simple script that outputs a group name followed by the membership, all in a single column. What I would like is for the group names to each be the header of a column, and have the membership listed underneath. For example:
    Is this possible in PowerShell?

  • Getting list of all users and their group memberships from Active Directory

    I want to retrieve a list of all the users and their group memberships through JNDI from Active Directory. I am using the following code to achieve this:
    import javax.naming.*;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import javax.naming.directory.*;
    public class GetUsersGroups{
         public static void main(String[] args){
              String[] attributeNames = {"memberOf"};
              //create an initial directory context
              Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
              env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
              env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://");
              env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
              env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "[email protected]");
              env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "p8admin");
              try {
                   // Create the initial directory context
                   DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);     
                   //get all the users list and their group memberships
                   NamingEnumeration contentsEnum = ctx.list("CN=Users,DC=filenetp8,DC=com");
                   while (contentsEnum.hasMore()){
                        NameClassPair ncp = (NameClassPair) contentsEnum.next();
                        String userName = ncp.getName();
                        System.out.println("User: "+userName);
                             System.out.println("am here....1");
                             Attributes attrs = ctx.getAttributes(userName, attributeNames); // only asked for one attribute so only one should be returned
                             System.out.println("am here....2");
                             Attribute groupsAttribute = attrs.get(attributeNames[0]); // memberOf
                             if (groupsAttribute != null){
                                  // memberOf is a multi valued attribute
                                  for (int i=0; i<groupsAttribute.size(); i++){
                                  // print out each group that user belongs to
                                  System.out.println("MemberOf: "+groupsAttribute.get(i));
                        }catch(NamingException ne){
                        // ignore for now
                   System.err.println("Problem encountered....0000:" + ne);
                   //get all the groups list
              } catch (NamingException e) {
              System.err.println("Problem encountered 1111:" + e);
    The following exception gets thrown at every user entry:
    User: CN=Administrator
    am here....1
    Problem encountered....0000:javax.naming.NamingException: [LDAP: error code 1 -
    000020D6: SvcErr: DSID-03100690, problem 5012 (DIR_ERROR), data 0
    ]; remaining name 'CN=Administrator'
    I think it gets thrown at this line in the code:
    Attributes attrs = ctx.getAttributes(userName, attributeNames);
    Any idea how to overcome this and where am I wrong?
    Thanks in advance,

    In this sentence:
    Attributes attrs = ctx.getAttributes(userName, attributeNames); // only asked for one attribute so only one should
    It seems Ok when I add "CN=Users,DC=filenetp8,DC=com" after userName, just as
    userName + ",CN=Users,DC=filenetp8,DC=com"
    But I still have some problem with it.
    Hope it will be useful for you.

  • Service account not inheriting AD group membership permissions on SQL Server

    I am adding Active Directory groups as logins and database users to our SQL Servers. A service account added to an AD group did not inherit the group permissions that the user accounts did. Can there be different attributes of service accounts that would
    prevent service accounts from inheriting the permissions of AD groups?
    Example: An AD Group AD_group contains a service account user, svc_account and a user account, user_account. AD_group is added to a SQL Server as a login. User_account can log in to SQL Server but svc_account cannot.

    SQL Server will use the information within the token used for authentication, so it may be possible that the service has a stale token (i.e. the token has not been refreshed or the service has not restarted) since you made the changes to the AD group.
    I would recommend using a tool such as ProcessExplorer (https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653) to make sure the token for the process is showing the latest group
    memberships properly.
    I hope this helps,
    -Raul Garcia
       SQL Server Security
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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