Dynamic User-Centric Content in Responsive

I see there is not yet a Responsive forum so I'll try the question here...
We would like to do the conditional build thing to tailor the users' views according to content specific to them. This will work, but will produce multiple sets of compiled files
I am hoping there is a dynamic approach out there similar to what is described on Peter Grainge's site at http://www.grainge.org/pages/authoring/rh_tour/index.htm but this is for WebHelp only
If it is not possible in Responsive, then it woud be a very usefult new feature to suggest to Adobe

I know it has been suggested but the more people who do so direct, the more likely it is to be implemented.
Please follow this link.
Kind regards.
See www.grainge.org for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

Similar Messages

  • Help needed, Createing Dynamic User input

    I am attempting to create some dynamic user input by "predicting" what the user requires in a text box.
    For example if the user enters "Smi" I have a select list pop up which gives the user all options that begin with "Smi".
    I am able to achieve the popups but the interface is quite jerky and not terribly responsive I am trying to solve this by using a thread which starts and stops when new input is received but it is still not quite right.
    The program uses a Sorted TreeSet to hold the data (I thought this would give me a quick search time) and a simple interface at this stage.
    Any help would be fantastic
    Thanks in advance :P
    import java.io.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
       /** This program represents part of a larger user interface for allowing the
       user to select data from a file or database.
       When the program starts up, it will read in data from a given file, and hold
       it in some type of container allowing rapid access.
       The user may then type in the first few letters of the surname of a person,
       and this program should immediately present in a popup dialog the names which
       match.  The user will be able to click on one of the names in the popup and
       that will cause all data about that person to be displayed in the JTextArea
       at the bottom of the window.
       This program requires the FormLayout.class, FormLayout$Placement.class, and
       FormLayout$Constraint.class files in the same directory
       (folder) or in its classpath.  These is provided separately.
    class PartMatch extends JFrame implements Runnable
                        /** Close down the program. */
       JButton quitbtn;
                        /** Field for the surname. */
       JTextField namefld;
                        /** Full details of the person(s). */
       JTextArea  results;
                        /** Popup dialog to display the names and addresses which
                        match the leading characters given in namefld. */
       Chooser matches;
                      /** Default background color for a window. */
       final static  Color            defBackground = new Color(0xD0C0C0);
                      /** Default foreground color for a window. */
       final static  Color            defForeground = new Color(0x000000);
                      /** Default background color for a field */
       final static  Color            fldBackground = new Color(0xFFFFFF);
                      /** Default background color for a button */
       final static  Color            btnBackground = new Color(0xF0E0E0);
       final static  Color            dkBackground = new Color(0xB0A0A0);
                      /** Larger font */
       final static  Font bold = new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 30);
       TreeSet members;
       String input;
       String[] found;
       public static void main(String arg[])
          PartMatch trial = new PartMatch(arg);
       public PartMatch( String [] arg )
          super("Part Match");
          Container cpane = getContentPane();
          FormLayout form = new FormLayout(cpane);
          JLabel lab1 = new JLabel("Fetch details") ;
          lab1.setFont( bold );
          form.setTopAnchor( lab1, 4 );
          form.setLeftAnchor( lab1, 4 );
          JLabel lab2 = new JLabel("Surname: ") ;
          form.setTopRelative( lab2, lab1, 4 );
          form.setLeftAlign( lab2, lab1 );
          namefld = new JTextField( 30 );
          form.setBottomAlign( namefld, lab2 );
          form.setLeftRelative( namefld, lab2, 4 );
          namefld.addCaretListener( new CaretListener()
             public void caretUpdate(CaretEvent e)
          quitbtn = new JButton( "Quit" );
          quitbtn.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
          form.setBottomAlign( quitbtn, namefld );
          form.setLeftRelative( quitbtn, namefld, 15 );
          results = new JTextArea( 10,50 );
          JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane( results,
                                     JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED );
          form.setTopRelative( jsp, lab2, 6 );
          form.setLeftAlign( jsp, lab2 );
          form.setBottomAnchor( jsp, 5 );
          form.setRightAnchor( jsp, 5 );
          form.setRightAnchor( quitbtn, 5 );
          matches = new Chooser( this );
          if (arg.length > 0) init(arg[0]);
          else init("triathlon.txt"); //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Place the default filename here
          /** Called once only, at the end of the constructor, to read the data
            * from the membership file.
       public void init( String fname )
          members = new TreeSet();
           try {
               FileReader fr = new FileReader(new File (fname));
               Scanner scan = new Scanner(fr);
               trimember cmem;
               String cLine, eTag, memberNo, first, last, gender, yob, tel ,addr,
                   cLine = scan.nextLine();
                   Scanner scan2 = new Scanner(cLine);
                   eTag = scan2.next().trim();
                   memberNo = scan2.next().trim();
                   first = scan2.next().trim();
                   last = scan2.next().trim();
                   gender = scan2.next().trim();
                   yob = scan2.next().trim();
                   tel = scan2.next().trim();
                   addr = scan2.next().trim();
                   club = scan2.next().trim();
                   cmem = new trimember(eTag, memberNo, first, last, gender, yob,
                           tel, addr, club);
           catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
               results.append("Sorry can't find the input file\n");
               results.append("Please check file name and location and try again");
          /** Called every time there is a change in the contents of the text field
            * namefld.  It will first clear the text area.  It then needs to search
            * through the container of data to find all records where the surname
            * starts with the characters that have been typed.  The names and
            * addresses need to be set up as strings and placed in
            * an array of Strings.  This can be placed in the "matches" window and
            * displayed for the user, inviting one to be selected.
            * <p>
            * The performance of this is very important.  If necessary, it may be
            * necessary to run as a separate thread so that the user interface is
            * not delayed.  It is essential that the user be able to type letters at a
            * reasonable speed and not have the keystroke processing held up by
            * previous text.
       public void showMatches( )
                // First clear the text area
                // Determine the leading characters of the surname that is wanted
                input = namefld.getText();
                // Locate the data for this name, and display each matching item
                //  in the JTextArea ...
                // Example of how to set the data in the popup dialog
          matches.pack();   // resize the popup
                // set the location of the popup if it is not currently visible
          if ( ! matches.isVisible())
             Dimension sz = matches.getSize();
             Point mouse = getMousePosition();
             Point framepos = getLocation();
             int x=0, y=0;
             if (mouse == null)
                Point pt = results.getLocation();
                x = pt.x + 20 + framepos.x;
                y = pt.y + 20 + framepos.y;
                x = mouse.x - 2 + framepos.x;
                y = mouse.y - 2 + framepos.y;
          /** Perform any final processing before closing down.
       public void quitProcessing( )
          // Any closing work.  Then
        public void run()
            ArrayList<String> foundit = new ArrayList<String>();
            if(input != null)
            Iterator it = members.iterator();
               trimember test = (trimember) it.next();
               if (test.last.startsWith(input))
                   foundit.add(test.last +", "+ test.first);
            found = new String[foundit.size()];
            for(int i=0; i<foundit.size();i++)
                found[i] = foundit.get(i);
         /** A window for displaying names and addresses from the data set which
          match the leading characters in namefld.
          This will automatically pop down if the user moves the mouse out of the
          It needs code added to it to respond to the user clicking on an item in
          the displayed list. */
       class Chooser extends JWindow
                /** To display a set of names and addresses that match the leading
                characters of the namefld text field. */
          public JList list = new JList();
          Chooser( JFrame parent )
             super( parent );
             Container cpane = getContentPane();
             cpane.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter()
                public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
             list.addListSelectionListener( new ListSelectionListener()
                public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e)
                   // First clear the text area
                   String in = (String) list.getSelectedValue();
                   System.out.println("Selected Value was : "+in);
                   String[] inlf = in.split(", ");
                   System.out.println("inlf[0]:"+inlf[0]+" inlf[1]:"+inlf[1]);
                   results.append("Surname \tFirst \teTag \tMemberNo \tSex \tYOB " +
                           "\tTel \tAddress \t\t\tClub\n");
                   Iterator it = members.iterator();
                       trimember test = (trimember) it.next();
                       if (test.last.equals(inlf[0])&&test.first.equals(inlf[1]))
          public class trimember implements Comparable
           String eTag;
           public String memberNo;
           public String first;
           public String last;
           String gender;
           String yob;
           String tel;
           String addr;
           String club;
           public trimember(String eT, String me, String fi, String la,
                   String ge, String yo, String te, String ad, String cl)
               eTag = eT;
               memberNo = me;
               first = fi;
               last = la;
               gender = ge;
               yob = yo;
               tel = te;
               addr = ad;
               club = cl;         
           //To String method to output string of details
           public String toString()
               return last + "\t" + first + "\t" + eTag + "\t" +
                       memberNo + "\t" + gender + "\t" + yob + "\t"+ tel + "\t" +
                       addr + "\t" + club;
           //Compare and sort on Last name
           public int compareTo(Object o)
               trimember com = (trimember) o;
               int lastCmp = last.compareTo(com.last);
               int firstCmp = first.compareTo(com.first);
               int memCmp = memberNo.compareTo(com.memberNo);
               if (lastCmp == 0 && firstCmp !=0)return firstCmp;
               else if (lastCmp==0&&firstCmp==0)return memCmp;
               else return lastCmp;

    Please don't cross-post. It is considered very rude to do that here:

  • Help needed, Providing Dynamic User input

    I am attempting to create some dynamic user input by "predicting" what the user requires in a text box.
    For example if the user enters "Smi" I have a select list pop up which gives the user all options that begin with "Smi".
    I am able to achieve the popups but the interface is quite jerky and not terribly responsive I am trying to solve this by using a thread which starts and stops when new input is received but it is still not quite right.
    The program uses a Sorted TreeSet to hold the data (I thought this would give me a quick search time) and a simple interface at this stage.
    Any help would be fantastic
    Thanks in advance :P
    import java.io.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
       /** This program represents part of a larger user interface for allowing the
       user to select data from a file or database.
       When the program starts up, it will read in data from a given file, and hold
       it in some type of container allowing rapid access.
       The user may then type in the first few letters of the surname of a person,
       and this program should immediately present in a popup dialog the names which
       match.  The user will be able to click on one of the names in the popup and
       that will cause all data about that person to be displayed in the JTextArea
       at the bottom of the window.
       This program requires the FormLayout.class, FormLayout$Placement.class, and
       FormLayout$Constraint.class files in the same directory
       (folder) or in its classpath.  These is provided separately.
    class PartMatch extends JFrame implements Runnable
                        /** Close down the program. */
       JButton quitbtn;
                        /** Field for the surname. */
       JTextField namefld;
                        /** Full details of the person(s). */
       JTextArea  results;
                        /** Popup dialog to display the names and addresses which
                        match the leading characters given in namefld. */
       Chooser matches;
                      /** Default background color for a window. */
       final static  Color            defBackground = new Color(0xD0C0C0);
                      /** Default foreground color for a window. */
       final static  Color            defForeground = new Color(0x000000);
                      /** Default background color for a field */
       final static  Color            fldBackground = new Color(0xFFFFFF);
                      /** Default background color for a button */
       final static  Color            btnBackground = new Color(0xF0E0E0);
       final static  Color            dkBackground = new Color(0xB0A0A0);
                      /** Larger font */
       final static  Font bold = new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 30);
       TreeSet members;
       String input;
       String[] found;
       public static void main(String arg[])
          PartMatch trial = new PartMatch(arg);
       public PartMatch( String [] arg )
          super("Part Match");
          Container cpane = getContentPane();
          FormLayout form = new FormLayout(cpane);
          JLabel lab1 = new JLabel("Fetch details") ;
          lab1.setFont( bold );
          form.setTopAnchor( lab1, 4 );
          form.setLeftAnchor( lab1, 4 );
          JLabel lab2 = new JLabel("Surname: ") ;
          form.setTopRelative( lab2, lab1, 4 );
          form.setLeftAlign( lab2, lab1 );
          namefld = new JTextField( 30 );
          form.setBottomAlign( namefld, lab2 );
          form.setLeftRelative( namefld, lab2, 4 );
          namefld.addCaretListener( new CaretListener()
             public void caretUpdate(CaretEvent e)
          quitbtn = new JButton( "Quit" );
          quitbtn.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
          form.setBottomAlign( quitbtn, namefld );
          form.setLeftRelative( quitbtn, namefld, 15 );
          results = new JTextArea( 10,50 );
          JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane( results,
                                     JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED );
          form.setTopRelative( jsp, lab2, 6 );
          form.setLeftAlign( jsp, lab2 );
          form.setBottomAnchor( jsp, 5 );
          form.setRightAnchor( jsp, 5 );
          form.setRightAnchor( quitbtn, 5 );
          matches = new Chooser( this );
          if (arg.length > 0) init(arg[0]);
          else init("triathlon.txt"); //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Place the default filename here
          /** Called once only, at the end of the constructor, to read the data
            * from the membership file.
       public void init( String fname )
          members = new TreeSet();
           try {
               FileReader fr = new FileReader(new File (fname));
               Scanner scan = new Scanner(fr);
               trimember cmem;
               String cLine, eTag, memberNo, first, last, gender, yob, tel ,addr,
                   cLine = scan.nextLine();
                   Scanner scan2 = new Scanner(cLine);
                   eTag = scan2.next().trim();
                   memberNo = scan2.next().trim();
                   first = scan2.next().trim();
                   last = scan2.next().trim();
                   gender = scan2.next().trim();
                   yob = scan2.next().trim();
                   tel = scan2.next().trim();
                   addr = scan2.next().trim();
                   club = scan2.next().trim();
                   cmem = new trimember(eTag, memberNo, first, last, gender, yob,
                           tel, addr, club);
           catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
               results.append("Sorry can't find the input file\n");
               results.append("Please check file name and location and try again");
          /** Called every time there is a change in the contents of the text field
            * namefld.  It will first clear the text area.  It then needs to search
            * through the container of data to find all records where the surname
            * starts with the characters that have been typed.  The names and
            * addresses need to be set up as strings and placed in
            * an array of Strings.  This can be placed in the "matches" window and
            * displayed for the user, inviting one to be selected.
            * <p>
            * The performance of this is very important.  If necessary, it may be
            * necessary to run as a separate thread so that the user interface is
            * not delayed.  It is essential that the user be able to type letters at a
            * reasonable speed and not have the keystroke processing held up by
            * previous text.
       public void showMatches( )
                // First clear the text area
                // Determine the leading characters of the surname that is wanted
                input = namefld.getText();
                // Locate the data for this name, and display each matching item
                //  in the JTextArea ...
                // Example of how to set the data in the popup dialog
          matches.pack();   // resize the popup
                // set the location of the popup if it is not currently visible
          if ( ! matches.isVisible())
             Dimension sz = matches.getSize();
             Point mouse = getMousePosition();
             Point framepos = getLocation();
             int x=0, y=0;
             if (mouse == null)
                Point pt = results.getLocation();
                x = pt.x + 20 + framepos.x;
                y = pt.y + 20 + framepos.y;
                x = mouse.x - 2 + framepos.x;
                y = mouse.y - 2 + framepos.y;
          /** Perform any final processing before closing down.
       public void quitProcessing( )
          // Any closing work.  Then
        public void run()
            ArrayList<String> foundit = new ArrayList<String>();
            if(input != null)
            Iterator it = members.iterator();
               trimember test = (trimember) it.next();
               if (test.last.startsWith(input))
                   foundit.add(test.last +", "+ test.first);
            found = new String[foundit.size()];
            for(int i=0; i<foundit.size();i++)
                found[i] = foundit.get(i);
         /** A window for displaying names and addresses from the data set which
          match the leading characters in namefld.
          This will automatically pop down if the user moves the mouse out of the
          It needs code added to it to respond to the user clicking on an item in
          the displayed list. */
       class Chooser extends JWindow
                /** To display a set of names and addresses that match the leading
                characters of the namefld text field. */
          public JList list = new JList();
          Chooser( JFrame parent )
             super( parent );
             Container cpane = getContentPane();
             cpane.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter()
                public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
             list.addListSelectionListener( new ListSelectionListener()
                public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e)
                   // First clear the text area
                   String in = (String) list.getSelectedValue();
                   System.out.println("Selected Value was : "+in);
                   String[] inlf = in.split(", ");
                   System.out.println("inlf[0]:"+inlf[0]+" inlf[1]:"+inlf[1]);
                   results.append("Surname \tFirst \teTag \tMemberNo \tSex \tYOB " +
                           "\tTel \tAddress \t\t\tClub\n");
                   Iterator it = members.iterator();
                       trimember test = (trimember) it.next();
                       if (test.last.equals(inlf[0])&&test.first.equals(inlf[1]))
          public class trimember implements Comparable
           String eTag;
           public String memberNo;
           public String first;
           public String last;
           String gender;
           String yob;
           String tel;
           String addr;
           String club;
           public trimember(String eT, String me, String fi, String la,
                   String ge, String yo, String te, String ad, String cl)
               eTag = eT;
               memberNo = me;
               first = fi;
               last = la;
               gender = ge;
               yob = yo;
               tel = te;
               addr = ad;
               club = cl;         
           //To String method to output string of details
           public String toString()
               return last + "\t" + first + "\t" + eTag + "\t" +
                       memberNo + "\t" + gender + "\t" + yob + "\t"+ tel + "\t" +
                       addr + "\t" + club;
           //Compare and sort on Last name
           public int compareTo(Object o)
               trimember com = (trimember) o;
               int lastCmp = last.compareTo(com.last);
               int firstCmp = first.compareTo(com.first);
               int memCmp = memberNo.compareTo(com.memberNo);
               if (lastCmp == 0 && firstCmp !=0)return firstCmp;
               else if (lastCmp==0&&firstCmp==0)return memCmp;
               else return lastCmp;
    }Edited by: Roger on Nov 3, 2007 11:50 AM

    Please don't cross-post. It is considered very rude to do that here:

  • Dynamic user profile

    I have installed and configured Kanaka plug-in and my nds users can now login and see their home folders. However, they cannot launch any local applications eg. TextEdit generates a message "TextEdit quit unexpectedly" and so does Opera, Firefox always tries to create a new profile and then gives a "Profile Creation failed" due to chosen folder not being writable and MS Word will always bring the initial setup screen up but never actually loads. Is there something I have to do within Kanaka to give the dynamic users more rights. We are trying to implement this for students using our public Macs so we don't want them to have administrator privileges but they do need to be able to launch programs. Thanks

    It appears that in the past few days you have not received a response to your
    posting. That concerns us, and has triggered this automated reply.
    Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options:
    - Visit http://support.novell.com and search the knowledgebase and/or check all
    the other self support options and support programs available.
    - You could also try posting your message again. Make sure it is posted in the
    correct newsgroup. (http://forums.novell.com)
    Be sure to read the forum FAQ about what to expect in the way of responses:
    If this is a reply to a duplicate posting, please ignore and accept our apologies
    and rest assured we will issue a stern reprimand to our posting bot.
    Good luck!
    Your Novell Product Support Forums Team

  • Dynamic User Tracking Ignoring Traps

    Campus Manager 5.2.0
    Set up a switch per instructions and moved a PC from port to port. The Results:
    S0068SWT0CW#sh mac ad not change
    MAC Notification Feature is Enabled on the switch
    Interval between Notification Traps : 1 secs
    Number of MAC Addresses Added : 5
    Number of MAC Addresses Removed : 4
    Number of Notifications sent to NMS : 9
    Maximum Number of entries configured in History Table : 1
    Current History Table Length : 1
    MAC Notification Traps are Enabled
    History Table contents
    History Index 1, Entry Timestamp 954048629, Despatch Timestamp 954048629
    MAC Changed Message :
    Operation: Added   Vlan: 5     MAC Addr: 0024.e8f4.52fe Dot1dBasePort: 4   
    Wireshark on the server shows the SNMP traps arrived at the server, but nothing is logged in the MACUHIC log (all items set for debugging and debugging is enabled)  and nothing shows up in the end host report.
    Trap listener configuration Listen traps from device is checked.
    Dynamic User Tracking Configuration validate trap source by IP address is checked. The source address in validate trap source matches the source shown by wire shark.
    What am I missing? How can I further troubleshoot this?    Thanks

    Trap listener Configuration
    Listen traps from device is selected
    Listen traps from DFM/HPOV is not selected
    trap listener port   1431
    Dynamic User Tracking Configuration
    validate SNMP Community     not selected
    validate trap source is selected
    IP address is
    It didn't work with the validate trap source not selected
    I am not using DFM. The device is sending its traps to the server with campus manager.

  • Dynamic user events freeze user interface

    Hi all,
    I am having problem with dynamic user events.
    Dynamic user event is registered to the event structure, and many dynamic user events come in very fast, about every 30 ms. It freezes up the user interface, no response to mouse and keyboard, even after all user events finish execution.
    Any idea or work around?
    Thanks for any help.

    Hi Anne,
    > Dynamic user event is registered to the event structure, and many dynamic user events come in very fast, about every 30 ms.
    The 30ms rate is not unreasonably fast as long as the processing for the event(s) can be completed in less than 30ms.
    What tasks are you doing in the User Event?
    For tasks that may take time to complete (like logging) you could queue up the data and send it to a consumer loop.
    > It freezes up the user interface, no response to mouse and keyboard, even after all user events finish execution.
    My *guess* here is that you got stuck in an event that never completed.
    Help the forum when you get help. Click the "Solution?" icon on the reply that answers your
    question. Give "Kudos" to replies that help.

  • Dynamically change the contents of one combo box based on the other

    Hi Forum,
    I have a question which might have a possibly simple answer. Well anyway help me out since i could not find the simple answer.
    I am building an application using Swing and binding with BC4J using JClient. My GUI has combo boxes, grids, editboxes. My requirement is that i should be able to dynamically change the contents of one combo box based on the selected item in trhe previous combo box. For example, when i choose a country in the "country combo box", the "states combo box" should show the list of the states of the selected country.
    Now how do i do this using binding. If not, how do i write custom querirs in BC4J layer and return a resultset to the remote application so theat i can populate the dependent combo boxes.
    I will appreciate if anyone can help me out in this regard.
    Thank You

    there could be quite a few number of ways of solving this problem.
    One way is through event handlers.
    taking your example as a model when user selects a country you could fire an action with a flag set to ture. A method will return the states from the DB or your temporary files or what ever and then the true flag will be used in the states combo box rendering.
    other way: javascript
    this might be a bit clumsy as you will need the states information in a property file and you can get the info as the user selects a country.

  • Xcontrols and dynamic User Events

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to build a XControl with an Event Structure that accepts User Events generated by a separate parallel loop on the block diagram.
    A monitoring loop with its own Event Strucure on the block diagram seems to handle the User Events generated by my producer loop but the XControl seems to ignore the User Events.
    Example LabView 8.5.1 project is attached
    Any ideas?
    XControl.zip ‏75 KB

    Hi Anne,
    > Dynamic user event is registered to the event structure, and many dynamic user events come in very fast, about every 30 ms.
    The 30ms rate is not unreasonably fast as long as the processing for the event(s) can be completed in less than 30ms.
    What tasks are you doing in the User Event?
    For tasks that may take time to complete (like logging) you could queue up the data and send it to a consumer loop.
    > It freezes up the user interface, no response to mouse and keyboard, even after all user events finish execution.
    My *guess* here is that you got stuck in an event that never completed.
    Help the forum when you get help. Click the "Solution?" icon on the reply that answers your
    question. Give "Kudos" to replies that help.

  • Spry Tabbed panels + Progressive Enhancement and Dynamic Loading of Content With Spry

    Is there any way to combine tabbed panels together with "Progressive Enhancement and Dynamic Loading of Content With Spry"?
    Visit: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/spry/articles/best_practices/progressive_enhancement.ht ml#updatecontent
    And click on the "Using Spry.Utils.updateContent()"
    The 3rd example shows how to use a fade transition whenever the content changes.
    I already have tabbed panels. My menu contains buttons (on tabs) and my Content div contains the panels.
    Tabs code;
    <ul class="TabbedPanelsTabGroup">
              <li class="TabbedPanelsTab">
                   <table class="Button"  >
                        <td style="padding-right:0px" title ="Home">
                        <a href="javascript:TabbedPanels1.showPanel(1);" title="Home" style="background-image:url(/Buttons/Home.png);width:172px;height:75px;display:block;"><br/></a>
    and the panel code:
    <div class="TabbedPanelsContent" id="Home">
    I hoped i can use the example code from the link into my tabbed panels.
    I thought this code:
    onclick="FadeAndUpdateContent('event', 'data/AquoThonFrag.html'); return false;"
    could be added to the tab code like this:
    <a href="javascript:TabbedPanels1.showPanel(1);" onclick="FadeAndUpdateContent('event', 'data/AquoThonFrag.html'); return false;" title="Home" style="background-image:url(/Buttons/Home.png);width:172px;height:75px;display:block;"><br/></a>
    But the content doesnt fade...
    I know i need to change the header etc.
    The following is from the link:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:spry="http://ns.adobe.com/spry">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Aquo Events</title>
    <script src="../../../includes/SpryEffects.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../../../includes/SpryData.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function FadeAndUpdateContent(ele, url)
    try {
         Spry.Effect.DoFade(ele,{ duration: 500, from: 100, to: 0, finish: function() {
              Spry.Utils.updateContent(ele, url, function() {
                        Spry.Effect.DoFade(ele,{ duration: 500, from: 0, to: 100 });
    }catch(e){ alert(e); }
    <style type="text/css">
    /* IE HACK to prevent bad rendering when fading. */
    #event { background-color: white; }
    So i changed my header etc, put the SpryEffects.js and SpryData.js into position and nothing changed...
    Is there a way to keep my tabbed panel (or change as less as possible) and let
    A. The fade work
    B. The loading work.
    The problem now is that it loads all pages instead of only the home. Therefore i wanted this Progressive Enhancement.
    And the fading part is just because its nice...

    It doesnt show in the post but off course i changed this link;
    I must say i dont know if this even works...

  • Dynamic user in RFC Adapter

    I configure a RFC Receiver adapter to communicate with R/3. In my client application  (via Webdynpro) I send the message that use this communication, but I need to call the RFC using a dynamic user/password, that is, the user credentials that is logged. Is it possible? How I do it?

    Hi Elton,
    I don't think so, it is possible to have dynamic user ID and password for the RFC adapter. As of now...
    Because you need to enter the user id and password while configuring adapter itself.
    But if you want , you can call different RFCs based on the Condition etc.
    Hope this helps,

  • Dynamic user interfaces

    here's a little teaser for user interface experts out there:
    I wonder what kind of techniques ABAP offers for creating dynamic user interfaces.
    When talking of 'dynamic' I imagine something like an arbitrary number of 'containers' where other programs (classes f.ex.) can draw their own user interface into.
    In Java this could be realized with the container concept in swing.
    I have done some research on this topic and the results are so far:
    a plain dynpro: seems to have no dynamic at all -> not an option
    a plain dynpro with a tabstrip: in case the number of tabs CAN be set at runtime AND the subscreens CAN be drawn from inside separate classes -> a definite option otherwise not an option
    any kind of web-frontend (BSP, JSP etc.): web-frontends are not allowed by company restrictions -> not an option
    dynamic documents: I could not find many information on these yet (also not on sdn). In case that an arbitrary number of parts of the dynamic document can be created from inside separate classes -> an option otherwise not an option
    I will be happy about any further information on this topic.
    Best regards,
    Patrick Baer

    I spent some time today doing research on BSP's and built a "BSP-Viewer" embedded into the SAP-GUI. Though I like the concept of BSP's a lot (like I did already with JSP's) but company restricitions are too strict. So BSP's are out of the play.
    After the discussion I started to play around with the different containers and basically I'm quite pleased with them and the "cl_gui_container_bar" allows an arbirtary number of "subscreens" which matches my requirements.
    But as usual there's still a downside:
    I found no option to built text labels and text fields into a container. Unless this is possible I can't give this approach a chance. I already found some postings which seemed to confirm that this is in fact not possible but I can't really believe it. At least from what it looks like it seems to me that the object navigator utilizes both: splitters, containers and all the stuff AS WELL AS the "classical" elements like text boxes, labels and so on.
    Any ideas on how to combine the container concept with text fields, labels maybe whole dynpros or subscreens ?
    Best regards,
    Patrick Baer

  • How do i dynamically reference the contents of an item in a where clause

    I have a select statement that references an item i.e. 'where sysdate=:diary.day1' at the moment, however i want to use this select to loop through every day of the week, so on the fist record it will change depending on where you are in the loop either 'where sysdate=:diary.day1' or 'where sysdate=:diary.day2' etc. I tried using a variable for this but it just uses the characters ':diary.day1' and not the contents of this item.

    Not sure what you want but dynamic reference the content of an item may be done with NAME_IN builtin.
    WHERE sysdate = TO_DATE( NAME_IN(var), 'fmt')
    where var is a variable which contain item name, for example 'DAIRY.DAY1'
    P.S. SYSDATE function contain not only date but time portion too.
    So very little chances that this equation will be true

  • Users marking their own responses as correct?

    What is the deal with Users marking their own responses as correct?
    I go under the assumption that if something is marked as Answered, it means that I've SEEN THE ANSWER.
    If someone other than ME marks MY question as ANSWERED, it drops off my Radar.
    Very, very dysfunctional.  I track UNANSWERED question!

    Hi Matthew
    First, capitalizing is really not needed. I do understand your frustration, but honestly...
    Now, I will come clean and admit that on occasion, in my role as a moderator and editor of SCN, I have marked posts as answered. This will usually happen if I see that the post is a number of days old without a response to what I believe (OK, know) was the correct answer. I do this for a few reasons:
    1) Many OPs do not mark their posts as answered. Would be nice if they did...
    2) Many OPs make the answer as "Helpful", even though it is DE answer. I will then change this to answered.
    3) Posts marked as answered are much more likely to be looked at than abandoned post with no further feedback as to the posted answers being correct or not.
    4) Marked posts make it obvious that these forums are active and do provide answers consistently.
    I could go on, but I hope I get my view across(?).
    Oh. BTW., I may mark my own replies as "Answered" . It is not something I do to gain points. For one, I do not get points for marking my replies as "Answered" (it the way SCN works). For two, I really do not care about the number of points I get. I do not get measured on it and there is just nothing in it for me. Other than keeping the forums alive, vibrant and well.
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow me on Twitter

  • Dynamic User Group Role for ASA 8 ACS 4 External Windows DB

    1. I've successfully got a Win2003 AD user to authenticate to the ASA via an ACS but the default group settings the dynamic user becomes part of don't get transfered to the user. How do I get the user to adopt the group settings?
    2. ASDM recommends nabling authentication for admin console sessions so you don't ssh into a box then have to login as the enable password which isn't logged. When I check the box for this feature I can ssh to the ASA but my password is denied ASA. How do I keep the user credentials all the way to the privilege exec mode?
    3. Back in the day I could configure the ACS shell, privilege 15, custom attributes cisco-av-pair "priv-lvl-15" to get a user to jump directly to privilege exec mode. This doesn't work now. Is there a different way to do this on ACS v 4?
    Thanks in advance,

    Try this:
    aaa authentication enable console
    aaa authorization command
    on ACS go to the user or group that the user is in and go to enable options and click on "Max Privilege for any AAA client" and set it to "15". Then go to the "tacacs+" section on click on "Shell(exec)" and click on "Privilege leve" and enter 15. Then go to the "Shell command authorization set" and set the default to permit any commands not listed. This will get the user into privilege mode. In ASA/Pix it requires command authorization and authentication for enable console. On IOS it requires that you use aaa authentication exec and then the aaa authorization exec/command. This will allow the user to go straight into privilege mode instead of user mode.

  • Dynamically updating ChoiceBox contents

    I want to display a ChoiceBox and update the contents in response to some external event. I tried a simple test but have two problems:
    1. The initial selection ("Select ...") is not displayed
    2. The selection is cleared when new items are added
    Here's my test code:
    package rde.tests.fx.fx2;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
    import javafx.scene.control.ChoiceBox;
    import javafx.scene.control.Button;
    import javafx.scene.text.Text;
    public class Chtest extends Scene {
    var list = ["Select ..."];
    override var content =
    HBox {
    spacing: 5
    content: [
    Text { content: "Label " },
         ChoiceBox { items: bind list },
         Button {
         text: "Press me"
         action: function() { insert ["abc", "def", "ghi"] into list; }
    function run() {
    Stage { scene: Chtest {} }
    Do I need to set the selection index somehow?

    PhiLho wrote:
    Do I need to set the selection index somehow?Yes.
    action: function() { var idx = ch.selectedIndex; insert ["abc", "def", "ghi"] into list; ch.select(idx); }Thanks. I was sort of hoping to avoid storing a reference to the choice box somewhere - with bind it seems it should not be necessary.
    I did make some progress by changing the ChoiceBox literal to:
         ChoiceBox {
         override var items on replace { select(0); }
         items: bind list
    But I could not find a way to reset the original selection when the items are updated - by the time the 'on replace' clause is executed, the selected index has been reset to -1.

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hello, I have imported AVCHD footage. The end use is to stream it on the web on a private server. Do I need to deinterlace this video when I compress it?