Dynamically changing the size of a JPanel

Hi All,
I am loading multiple images in a JPanel. I want the size of the JPanel to increase dynamically as and when the images are loaded. I have also added a JScrollPane and added the JPanel to this JScrollPane.
However, the images are cut as soon as it crosses 800 pixels (which is the preferred size of the JScrollPane and it starts to give me NullPointerExceptions where I try to access the image height and width. Here is the code that gives me the problem. The files are opened using the filechooser and put into a Vector, which is then retrieved in the paint() method and rendered to the panel.
CurrentScreenSize is a Dimension that stores the value of the current screent size that the image pane should have.
imagePane is the JPanel that contains all the images.
//File | Open action performed
void jMenuFileOpen_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
//Handle open action.
if (e.getSource() == jMenuFileOpen) {
fc = new JFileChooser();
//Filter out only image files (uses Utils.java and ImageFilter.java)
fc.addChoosableFileFilter(new ImageFilter());
int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(MainFrame.this);
if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
File[] files = fc.getSelectedFiles();
//This is where a real application would open the file.
int x=10, y=50;
for(int i=0;i<files.length;i++)
try {
Image tempImage = ImageIO.read(files);
if(tempImage.getHeight(this) > currentScreenSize.getHeight())
+ tempImage.getWidth(this),
+ tempImage.getWidth(this),
if (imagePane.getSize().getWidth() <
currentScreenSize.getSize().getWidth() ||
imagePane.getSize().getHeight() <
catch (IOException ex) {
//When all images are loaded then paint it / display it
public void paint(Graphics g){
int x=10, y=50;
g = imagePane.getGraphics();
for (int j=0; j<image.size() ; j++)
Image img = (Image)image.elementAt(j);
int imageWidth = img.getWidth(this);
int imageHeight = img.getHeight(this);
g.drawImage(img, x, y, imageWidth, imageHeight, this);
x = x+imageWidth;

got the Solution, using validate() method does the work under the hood.

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    Hi Namit,
    The KM doc iview is just like a container for storing and The horizantal scroll bar apperas as and when the content gets bigger than the container.
    One option would be to write a small iview with an imbedded iframe pointing to the KM doc, where the width, height comes from profile attributes. This would remove the option of horizontal bar. Coming to height , Set the height type of the iView to Automatic OR if that doesn't work because of domain issues then set it to fixed and in addition set the iview height to the height of the image + 10~20 px more..
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    If you set the attributes, Resizing - Vertical and Horizontal for the customer container, than system will resize the size of the custome continer as per the resolution.
    Hope it helps,

  • Changing the size of Jpanel

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    public void zoom_btn_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    Dimension d = new Dimension();
    double new_height;
    double new_width;
    // For increasing size of Pane1
    d = Pane1.getPreferredSize();
    new_width = (double)d.width + (double)(Pane1.scaleFactor-1.0) * (double)d.width;
    new_height = (double)d.height + (double)(Pane1.scaleFactor-1.0) * (double)d.height;
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    System.out.print(Pane1.nu_width + " " + Pane1.nu_height);
    //not working
    // Pane1.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(40,40));
    public void update(Graphics g)
    Graphics2D g2;
    g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
    setPreferredSize(new Dimension(nu_width,nu_height) );
    try {
    g2.drawImage(buff, 0, 0, this);
    } catch (Exception e) {}
    Pane1 is inside a JscrollPane which works fine.
    The above code works fine and the image drawn is zoomed. However the size of panel remains the same. So if i zoom more it will go out of screen instead of making it scroll. It is as if the setPreferredSize function doesnt work.
    Can anyone pls tell me how to increase the size of a Jpanel at runtime ?

    there is a bit of correction in what i posted above the lines
    //not working
    // Pane1.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(40,40));
    should be
    //not working
    Pane1.setPreferredSize(new Dimension((int)new_width),(int)new_height));

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    import java.awt.Container;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.Font;
    import java.awt.KeyEventPostProcessor;
    import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager;
    import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
    import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
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    import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
    import javax.swing.JComboBox;
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    import javax.swing.JTextField;
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        public class Zoomer
            private double m_zoom = 1;
            private JPanel m_panel;
            public Zoomer(JPanel panel)
                m_panel = panel;
            private AffineTransform getTransform()
                return AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(m_zoom, m_zoom);
            private Font transform(Font font)
                return font.deriveFont(getTransform());
            private Dimension transform(Dimension dimension)
                Dimension retval = new Dimension();
                retval.setSize(dimension.getWidth() * m_zoom, dimension.getHeight() * m_zoom);
                return retval;
            private void performZoom(Container container)
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                for(int i = 0; i < components.length; i++)
                    Component component = (Component)components;
    for(int i = 0; i < components.length; i++)
    Component component = components[i];
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    public double getZoom()
    return m_zoom;
    public void setZoom(double zoom)
    if(zoom > 8.0 || zoom < 0.125) return;
    m_zoom = zoom;
    public void zoom(double factor)
    setZoom(getZoom() * factor);
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    final Zoomer zoomer = new Zoomer(panel);
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    public boolean postProcessKeyEvent(KeyEvent e)
    if(e.getID() != KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED) return false;
    if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_F1)
    if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_F2)
    return false;
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    JPanel panel = new JPanel();
    panel.add(new JLabel("label: "));
    panel.add(new JTextField("Hello World"));
    panel.add(new JCheckBox("checkbox"));
    panel.add(new JComboBox(new String[] { "Bread", "Milk", "Butter" }));
    panel.add(new JButton("Hit Me!"));
    return panel;
    * Create the GUI and show it. For thread safety, this method should be
    * invoked from the event-dispatching thread.
    private static void createAndShowGUI()
    // Create and set up the window.
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Demo");
    // Create and set up the content pane.
    Demo newContentPane = new Demo();
    newContentPane.setOpaque(true); // content panes must be opaque
    // Display the window.
    public static void main(String[] args)
    // Schedule a job for the event-dispatching thread:
    // creating and showing this application's GUI.
    javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
    public void run()

    component.setSize(transform(component.getSize()));First of all the above line is not needed. The LayoutManager will determine the bounds (size and location) of each component in the container based on the rules of the LayoutManager. The Flow Layout is the default layout manager for a panel and it simply uses the preferred size of the component as the size of the component.
    So what happens is that when you change the font of the component you are changing the preferred size of the component.
    So why doesn't the combo box work? Well I took a look at the preferred size calculation of the combo box (from the BasicComboBoxUI) and it actually caches the preferred size. The combo box uses a renderer, so the value is cached for performance one would assume. The method does recalculate the size when certain properties change. Note the isDisplaySizeDirty flag used in the code below:
             else if (propertyName.equals("prototypeDisplayValue")) {
                    isMinimumSizeDirty = true;
                    isDisplaySizeDirty = true;
             else if (propertyName.equals("renderer")) {
                    isMinimumSizeDirty = true;
                    isDisplaySizeDirty = true;
                }It also handles a Font property change as well:
                else if ( propertyName.equals( "font" ) ) {
                    listBox.setFont( comboBox.getFont() );
                    if ( editor != null ) {
                        editor.setFont( comboBox.getFont() );
                    isMinimumSizeDirty = true;
                }but notice that the isDisplaySizeDirty flag is missing. This would seem to be a bug (but I don't know why two flags are required).
    Anyway, the following change to your code seems to work:
    // component.setSize(transform(component.getSize()));
    if (component instanceof JComponent)

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    There are several ways of doing this, it really depends on your requirements as to which is suitable. (There are probably other ways of doing this as well).
    - Try Reports XML Customizations
    This is available in 6i and allows you to create a report dynamically on the fly. The template used will also allow you to change the paper size as well. The main limitation is that you are relying only on Reports defaulting to create the layout for you. The advantage is that you can store all your information to create the report in meta-data which can be driven by another tool.
    - Use lexical parameters for queries and format triggers
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    - Use several layouts
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    You cannot change the width and height properties of the Stage using code--it must be done in the editor.  The width and height values can represent different things depending on the value you set for the scale mode, but you cannot reassign them to different values dynamically.
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    You're welcome Maureen. Glad I could help.
    Thanks for the and Aloha from Big Island.

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    The size (resolution) of the exported video is not affected by anything you do while editing.  It is dependant solely on the resolution set in the export settings.
    Ideally you want to edit in an sequence that matches your media\, which will be the same size or larger than the required export.  In other words, the same or smaller is OK.  Making things bigger in post is not the best option.  If you need things bigger, shoot them bigger.

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    Hello everyone
    I'm having  troubles getting the size of  a header text formatted into a different font size, I attach the code I'm using to get the work done.
    At the end I get all I want from the report generation toolkit but the text size in the header and footer . Does Anyone have a clue?
    Well the image is too small I'm getting an error when I try to post a bigger one. The thing is that the VI's used here to change the size are append report text.vi and format text.vi. The first one is used to insert text through bookmarks in the header and footer  (it works just gereat) and the second one is intended to change the size of the inserted text (it doesn't work at all) I've already used shift registers in the for loop but I get the same results. The last VI is dispose report.vi
    thanks in advance
    Maquina Etdos Verifica Reporte.vi ‏94 KB

    Hello Julio9,
     sorry for the waiting I had to clean the block diagram up and take into account some data security issues before I could post the information you asked me to. I have to tell you that I already came out with a patch for the issue nonetheless it is not the correct way to solve it and I would appretiate if you or anyone else could help me to do it right.
    Here is what I changed:
    In my code at the Initialize state (within the state machine) there is the New Report.vi I opened it to get also the new report SubVI.vi opened, afterwards I selected the NI_Word.lvclass: new report subvi.vi and opened it in its code yoou can easly see the double numeric constant value for the size of the text inserted as default. I just changed it from 12 to 8 to correct the formatting. As the outcome all the text inserted through the bookmarks have the default size (8 pts). 
    I attached the new version of my code with all the documents you will need. Please follow these steps:
    1.-Open the project named Verifica Temperaturas 2010.lvproj
    2.-Run the main vi named Maquina Etdos verifica reporte 2.vi
    3.-Check the option Laboratorio de Refrigeradores:
    4.-Click OK
    5.-Complete the information as shown:
    (For Selecciona Machote pick the word document named Document.doc attached in the .zip file. For the Selecciona Archivo de temperaturas pick the Estacion1_21-02-2012.txt file also attached in the .zip file)
    6.-Press Siguiente
    After completing the steps you'll see how the document in created. As expected the size of the text in the header is 8 pts.
    Verificacion_Camaras.zip ‏359 KB

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    Wal-Mart 6124
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    Thanks again,

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