EA2: Unable to specify BIGFILE keyword for normal tablespaces

I am using the Data Modeler Early Adopter 2, build 653 on Mac OS X 10.6.4, java version "1.6.0_22".
I have an 11g Physical Model in my relational model. I don't seem to be able to specify the keyword BIGFILE for tablespaces. I can specify this for TEMP and UNDO tablespaces, but not for normal tablespaces. There is a "Filetype" field with a dropdown box for these two types of tablespaces, but this field is not there for normal tablespaces. Am I overlooking something, is this on purpose or a field that has been forgotten ? Will this option be added in the next version ?
thanks, Arjan
Edited by: user12023866 on Nov 22, 2010 5:51 AM

Hi Arjan,
thanks, I logged bug for that.

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    Name :Yahoo Map
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  • Unicode Export - unable to retrieve nametab info for logic table BSEG

    We are performing a unicode export (CUUC from 4.6C upgrade to ECC 6.0) and we have incurred this error.
            Without ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY the exported data may be unusable for some databases
    Our OS is HPUX11.31 & Database is
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 1610: inconsistent settings for table position validity detected.
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 1611: nametab says table positions are valid.
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 1614: alternate nametab says table positions are not valid.
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 1617: for field 310 of nametab displacement is 1877, yet dbtabpos shows 1885.
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 1621: character length is 1 (in) resp. 2 (out).
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 1257: unable to retrieve nametab info for logic table BSEG      .
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 8358: unable to acquire nametab info for logic table BSEG      .
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 2949: failed to convert cluster data of cluster item.
    myCluster: RFBLG      *400**AT10**0000100000**2004*
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 322: error during conversion of cluster item.
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 323: affected physical table is RFBLG.
    (CNV) ERROR: data conversion failed.  rc = 2
    (DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
    /usr/sap/SBX/SYS/exe/run/R3load: job finished with 1 error(s)
    /usr/sap/SBX/SYS/exe/run/R3load: END OF LOG: 20081102104452
    We checked the note 913783 as per the CUUC guide but the correction only for package SAPKB70004 to 6. but we are in package SAPKB70011.
    We had found two notes:
    1. Note 1238351 - Hom./Het.System Copy SAP NW 7.0 incl. Enhancement Package 1
    There are two possible workarounds:
    1. Modify DDL<dbs>.TPL (<dbs> = ADA, DB2, DB4, DB6, IND, MSS, ORA) BEFORE the R3load TSK files are generated;
                  search for the keyword "negdat:" and add "CLU4" and "VER_CLUSTR" to thisline.
    2. Modify the TSK file (most probably SAPCLUST.TSK) BEFORE R3load import is(re-)started.
                  search for the lines starting with "D CLU4 I" and "D VER_CLUSTR I" and change the status (i.e. "err" or "xeq") to "ign" or remove the lines. "
    I tried the above solution by editing the file DDL*.TPL but it is skipping the table and marks it as completed but its not the good solution as we will be miss the data from the table RFBLG.
    2. Note 991401 - SYSCOPY EXPORT FAILS:SAPCLUST:ERROR: Code page conversion:
    Activate the table.
    Then call the RADCUCNT report. Do not change the selected parameters, but ensure that 'Overwrite Entries' is selected.  Set the 'Unicode Length' to 2 and fill the last two fields 'Type' and 'Name' with TABL and TACOPAB respectively. Then select 'No Log' or specify a log name.
    Execute the RADCUCNT report and restart the export.
    We have not tried this solution, bcos SAP is still down and CDCLS job is still running.
    We would like to know whether you have faced any issues like the above one and what is your suggested approach and solution.
    Is it safe to start SAP now (when the CDCLS job runs) and then try to activate the table RFBLG?
    Edited by: J. Senthil Murugan on Nov 3, 2008 1:41 AM
    Edited by: J. Senthil Murugan on Nov 3, 2008 3:36 AM

    Hi Senthil,
    If you have done your pre-conversion steps before upgrade and after upgrade successfully then you should not see the below errors. However changes to SPDD tables may some times also have some impact during conversion and throws nametab errors occurs. Program RADCUCNT runs in the end of upgrade to update nametab tables if any new changes happned during upgrade.
    You can do any no of exports to complete  jobs successfully.yeah When export running you shouldnt bring SAP up.
    The tables you have mentioned all are cluster tables and CDCLS being the biggest table it will take hrs to complete depending on your size of the database.
    Do not pay around with the .TSK file until if you are sure you want to re-execute it.Your first possiblility is skipped because there may be multiple same .TSK files present locally(where u r running distribution.monitor (or) sapinst ) and on the common directory. You may also look at the .TSK.bkp files because it get information and creates a new .TSK. This is not complicated but tricky.
    secound possibility is to update the changed tables(eg: RFBLG...)  to conversion tables.Follow the Note but make sure no R3load processes are running before you start SAP. If you dont want to wait long and sure to restart other processes which are running you can kill it and start SAP. Specify your error tables only and follow instructions given in the note.Once done bring down  SAP app. and restart the export process using ur sapinst or distribution monitor.

  • Unable to retrieve nametab info for logic table BSEG

    We are performing a unicode export (CUUC from 4.6C upgrade to ECC 6.0) and we have incurred this error.
    Without ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY the exported data may be unusable for some databases
    Our OS is HPUX11.31 & Database is
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 1610: inconsistent settings for table position validity detected.
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 1611: nametab says table positions are valid.
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 1614: alternate nametab says table positions are not valid.
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 1617: for field 310 of nametab displacement is 1877, yet dbtabpos shows 1885.
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 1621: character length is 1 (in) resp. 2 (out).
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 1257: unable to retrieve nametab info for logic table BSEG .
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 8358: unable to acquire nametab info for logic table BSEG .
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 2949: failed to convert cluster data of cluster item.
    myCluster: RFBLG *400**AT10**0000100000**2004*
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 322: error during conversion of cluster item.
    myCluster (63.21.Exp): 323: affected physical table is RFBLG.
    (CNV) ERROR: data conversion failed. rc = 2
    (DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
    /usr/sap/SBX/SYS/exe/run/R3load: job finished with 1 error(s)
    /usr/sap/SBX/SYS/exe/run/R3load: END OF LOG: 20081102104452
    We checked the note 913783 as per the CUUC guide but the correction only for package SAPKB70004 to 6. but we are in package SAPKB70011.
    We had found two notes:
    1. Note 1238351 - Hom./Het.System Copy SAP NW 7.0 incl. Enhancement Package 1
    There are two possible workarounds:
    1. Modify DDL<dbs>.TPL (<dbs> = ADA, DB2, DB4, DB6, IND, MSS, ORA) BEFORE the R3load TSK files are generated;
                  search for the keyword "negdat:" and add "CLU4" and "VER_CLUSTR" to thisline.
    2. Modify the TSK file (most probably SAPCLUST.TSK) BEFORE R3load import is(re-)started.
                  search for the lines starting with "D CLU4 I" and "D VER_CLUSTR I" and change the status (i.e. "err" or "xeq") to "ign" or remove the lines. "
    I tried the above solution by editing the file DDL*.TPL but it is skipping the table and marks it as completed but its not the good solution as we will be miss the data from the table RFBLG.
    2. Note 991401 - SYSCOPY EXPORT FAILS:SAPCLUST:ERROR: Code page conversion:
    Activate the table.
    Then call the RADCUCNT report. Do not change the selected parameters, but ensure that 'Overwrite Entries' is selected.  Set the 'Unicode Length' to 2 and fill the last two fields 'Type' and 'Name' with TABL and TACOPAB respectively. Then select 'No Log' or specify a log name.
    Execute the RADCUCNT report and restart the export.
    We have not tried this solution, bcos SAP is still down and CDCLS job is still running.
    We would like to know whether you have faced any issues like the above one and what is your suggested approach and solution.
    Is it safe to start SAP now (when the CDCLS job runs) and then try to activate the table RFBLG?
    Edited by: J. Senthil Murugan on Nov 3, 2008 1:40 AM
    Edited by: J. Senthil Murugan on Nov 3, 2008 3:37 AM

    Dear Senthil
    I had faced this issue earlier.
    Table BSEG Requires activity in the ACT phase, like activation etc.
    If we do the ACT phase using the transports and not perform manual activation of this table, this issue arrives.
    Please share the relevant information--- seems some steps are missed out or not carried properly in the CU&UC phase.
    Otherways, we had applied the solution  Note 991401 - SYSCOPY EXPORT FAILS:SAPCLUST:ERROR: Code page conversion and it worked well..
    But you need to be sure, that this table was changed(activated etc) during the Upgrade till export phase.
    Issue is Nametab info is created during the Upgrade phase in CU&UC and if this table is touched, that nametab info is not getting it right as the runtime object is changed.
    With RADCUCNT the nametab info will be created again.
    All the Best
    Best Regards
    Deepak Dhawan

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    I go thru and select the images that share common keywords, then go to the keyword HUD and select the keyword(s) that apply and drag them across to the browser - instant happiness! Have done this for a single shoot of 465 images as the biggest example and it worked a treat. Took less than 5 minutes to allocate between 4 and 7 keywords per image (I guess where there are hundreds of images having totally unique keywords this would bog down somewhat, but this hasn't happened yet).
    Message was edited by: CalxOddity - grammatical correctionness

  • [RESOLVED] Unable to move dev directory for Apache, keep getting 403

    I'd like to move my default /srv/http directory for my PHP pages to a different location (somewhere in my home directory) for convenience.  This is exclusively for local development.  However, after making the same change in two places, I restarted Apache and keep getting a 403 error.
    Here is my httpd.conf:
    # This is the main Apache HTTP server configuration file. It contains the
    # configuration directives that give the server its instructions.
    # See <URL:http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2> for detailed information.
    # In particular, see
    # <URL:http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/directives.html>
    # for a discussion of each configuration directive.
    # Do NOT simply read the instructions in here without understanding
    # what they do. They're here only as hints or reminders. If you are unsure
    # consult the online docs. You have been warned.
    # Configuration and logfile names: If the filenames you specify for many
    # of the server's control files begin with "/" (or "drive:/" for Win32), the
    # server will use that explicit path. If the filenames do *not* begin
    # with "/", the value of ServerRoot is prepended -- so 'log/access_log'
    # with ServerRoot set to '/www' will be interpreted by the
    # server as '/www/log/access_log', where as '/log/access_log' will be
    # interpreted as '/log/access_log'.
    # ServerRoot: The top of the directory tree under which the server's
    # configuration, error, and log files are kept.
    # Do not add a slash at the end of the directory path. If you point
    # ServerRoot at a non-local disk, be sure to point the LockFile directive
    # at a local disk. If you wish to share the same ServerRoot for multiple
    # httpd daemons, you will need to change at least LockFile and PidFile.
    ServerRoot "/etc/httpd"
    # Listen: Allows you to bind Apache to specific IP addresses and/or
    # ports, instead of the default. See also the <VirtualHost>
    # directive.
    # Change this to Listen on specific IP addresses as shown below to
    # prevent Apache from glomming onto all bound IP addresses.
    # Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support
    # To be able to use the functionality of a module which was built as a DSO you
    # have to place corresponding `LoadModule' lines at this location so the
    # directives contained in it are actually available _before_ they are used.
    # Statically compiled modules (those listed by `httpd -l') do not need
    # to be loaded here.
    # Example:
    # LoadModule foo_module modules/mod_foo.so
    LoadModule authn_file_module modules/mod_authn_file.so
    LoadModule authn_dbm_module modules/mod_authn_dbm.so
    LoadModule authn_anon_module modules/mod_authn_anon.so
    LoadModule authn_dbd_module modules/mod_authn_dbd.so
    LoadModule authn_default_module modules/mod_authn_default.so
    LoadModule authz_host_module modules/mod_authz_host.so
    LoadModule authz_groupfile_module modules/mod_authz_groupfile.so
    LoadModule authz_user_module modules/mod_authz_user.so
    LoadModule authz_dbm_module modules/mod_authz_dbm.so
    LoadModule authz_owner_module modules/mod_authz_owner.so
    LoadModule authnz_ldap_module modules/mod_authnz_ldap.so
    LoadModule authz_default_module modules/mod_authz_default.so
    LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/mod_auth_basic.so
    LoadModule auth_digest_module modules/mod_auth_digest.so
    LoadModule file_cache_module modules/mod_file_cache.so
    LoadModule cache_module modules/mod_cache.so
    LoadModule disk_cache_module modules/mod_disk_cache.so
    LoadModule mem_cache_module modules/mod_mem_cache.so
    LoadModule dbd_module modules/mod_dbd.so
    LoadModule dumpio_module modules/mod_dumpio.so
    LoadModule reqtimeout_module modules/mod_reqtimeout.so
    LoadModule ext_filter_module modules/mod_ext_filter.so
    LoadModule include_module modules/mod_include.so
    LoadModule filter_module modules/mod_filter.so
    LoadModule substitute_module modules/mod_substitute.so
    LoadModule deflate_module modules/mod_deflate.so
    LoadModule ldap_module modules/mod_ldap.so
    LoadModule log_config_module modules/mod_log_config.so
    LoadModule log_forensic_module modules/mod_log_forensic.so
    LoadModule logio_module modules/mod_logio.so
    LoadModule env_module modules/mod_env.so
    LoadModule mime_magic_module modules/mod_mime_magic.so
    LoadModule cern_meta_module modules/mod_cern_meta.so
    LoadModule expires_module modules/mod_expires.so
    LoadModule headers_module modules/mod_headers.so
    LoadModule ident_module modules/mod_ident.so
    LoadModule usertrack_module modules/mod_usertrack.so
    LoadModule unique_id_module modules/mod_unique_id.so
    LoadModule setenvif_module modules/mod_setenvif.so
    LoadModule version_module modules/mod_version.so
    LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
    LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/mod_proxy_connect.so
    LoadModule proxy_ftp_module modules/mod_proxy_ftp.so
    LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so
    LoadModule proxy_scgi_module modules/mod_proxy_scgi.so
    LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/mod_proxy_ajp.so
    LoadModule proxy_balancer_module modules/mod_proxy_balancer.so
    LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so
    LoadModule mime_module modules/mod_mime.so
    LoadModule dav_module modules/mod_dav.so
    LoadModule status_module modules/mod_status.so
    LoadModule autoindex_module modules/mod_autoindex.so
    LoadModule asis_module modules/mod_asis.so
    LoadModule info_module modules/mod_info.so
    LoadModule suexec_module modules/mod_suexec.so
    LoadModule cgi_module modules/mod_cgi.so
    LoadModule cgid_module modules/mod_cgid.so
    LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/mod_dav_fs.so
    LoadModule vhost_alias_module modules/mod_vhost_alias.so
    LoadModule negotiation_module modules/mod_negotiation.so
    LoadModule dir_module modules/mod_dir.so
    # enable PHP.
    LoadModule php5_module modules/libphp5.so
    LoadModule imagemap_module modules/mod_imagemap.so
    LoadModule actions_module modules/mod_actions.so
    LoadModule speling_module modules/mod_speling.so
    LoadModule userdir_module modules/mod_userdir.so
    LoadModule alias_module modules/mod_alias.so
    LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
    <IfModule !mpm_netware_module>
    <IfModule !mpm_winnt_module>
    # If you wish httpd to run as a different user or group, you must run
    # httpd as root initially and it will switch.
    # User/Group: The name (or #number) of the user/group to run httpd as.
    # It is usually good practice to create a dedicated user and group for
    # running httpd, as with most system services.
    User http
    Group http
    # 'Main' server configuration
    # The directives in this section set up the values used by the 'main'
    # server, which responds to any requests that aren't handled by a
    # <VirtualHost> definition. These values also provide defaults for
    # any <VirtualHost> containers you may define later in the file.
    # All of these directives may appear inside <VirtualHost> containers,
    # in which case these default settings will be overridden for the
    # virtual host being defined.
    # ServerAdmin: Your address, where problems with the server should be
    # e-mailed. This address appears on some server-generated pages, such
    # as error documents. e.g. [email protected]
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    # ServerName gives the name and port that the server uses to identify itself.
    # This can often be determined automatically, but we recommend you specify
    # it explicitly to prevent problems during startup.
    # If your host doesn't have a registered DNS name, enter its IP address here.
    #ServerName www.example.com:80
    # DocumentRoot: The directory out of which you will serve your
    # documents. By default, all requests are taken from this directory, but
    # symbolic links and aliases may be used to point to other locations.
    DocumentRoot "/home/local_user/Documents/development/php"
    # Each directory to which Apache has access can be configured with respect
    # to which services and features are allowed and/or disabled in that
    # directory (and its subdirectories).
    # First, we configure the "default" to be a very restrictive set of
    # features.
    <Directory />
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    # Note that from this point forward you must specifically allow
    # particular features to be enabled - so if something's not working as
    # you might expect, make sure that you have specifically enabled it
    # below.
    # This should be changed to whatever you set DocumentRoot to.
    <Directory "/home/local_user/Documents/development/php">
    # Possible values for the Options directive are "None", "All",
    # or any combination of:
    # Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks SymLinksifOwnerMatch ExecCGI MultiViews
    # Note that "MultiViews" must be named *explicitly* --- "Options All"
    # doesn't give it to you.
    # The Options directive is both complicated and important. Please see
    # http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/core.html#options
    # for more information.
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    # AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files.
    # It can be "All", "None", or any combination of the keywords:
    # Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
    AllowOverride None
    # Controls who can get stuff from this server.
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    # DirectoryIndex: sets the file that Apache will serve if a directory
    # is requested.
    <IfModule dir_module>
    DirectoryIndex index.html
    # The following lines prevent .htaccess and .htpasswd files from being
    # viewed by Web clients.
    <FilesMatch "^\.ht">
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
    Satisfy All
    # ErrorLog: The location of the error log file.
    # If you do not specify an ErrorLog directive within a <VirtualHost>
    # container, error messages relating to that virtual host will be
    # logged here. If you *do* define an error logfile for a <VirtualHost>
    # container, that host's errors will be logged there and not here.
    ErrorLog "/var/log/httpd/error_log"
    # LogLevel: Control the number of messages logged to the error_log.
    # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
    # alert, emerg.
    LogLevel warn
    <IfModule log_config_module>
    # The following directives define some format nicknames for use with
    # a CustomLog directive (see below).
    LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
    LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
    <IfModule logio_module>
    # You need to enable mod_logio.c to use %I and %O
    LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %I %O" combinedio
    # The location and format of the access logfile (Common Logfile Format).
    # If you do not define any access logfiles within a <VirtualHost>
    # container, they will be logged here. Contrariwise, if you *do*
    # define per-<VirtualHost> access logfiles, transactions will be
    # logged therein and *not* in this file.
    CustomLog "/var/log/httpd/access_log" common
    # If you prefer a logfile with access, agent, and referer information
    # (Combined Logfile Format) you can use the following directive.
    #CustomLog "/var/log/httpd/access_log" combined
    <IfModule alias_module>
    # Redirect: Allows you to tell clients about documents that used to
    # exist in your server's namespace, but do not anymore. The client
    # will make a new request for the document at its new location.
    # Example:
    # Redirect permanent /foo http://www.example.com/bar
    # Alias: Maps web paths into filesystem paths and is used to
    # access content that does not live under the DocumentRoot.
    # Example:
    # Alias /webpath /full/filesystem/path
    # If you include a trailing / on /webpath then the server will
    # require it to be present in the URL. You will also likely
    # need to provide a <Directory> section to allow access to
    # the filesystem path.
    # ScriptAlias: This controls which directories contain server scripts.
    # ScriptAliases are essentially the same as Aliases, except that
    # documents in the target directory are treated as applications and
    # run by the server when requested rather than as documents sent to the
    # client. The same rules about trailing "/" apply to ScriptAlias
    # directives as to Alias.
    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/srv/http/cgi-bin/"
    <IfModule cgid_module>
    # ScriptSock: On threaded servers, designate the path to the UNIX
    # socket used to communicate with the CGI daemon of mod_cgid.
    #Scriptsock /run/httpd/cgisock
    # "/srv/http/cgi-bin" should be changed to whatever your ScriptAliased
    # CGI directory exists, if you have that configured.
    <Directory "/srv/http/cgi-bin">
    AllowOverride None
    Options None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    # DefaultType: the default MIME type the server will use for a document
    # if it cannot otherwise determine one, such as from filename extensions.
    # If your server contains mostly text or HTML documents, "text/plain" is
    # a good value. If most of your content is binary, such as applications
    # or images, you may want to use "application/octet-stream" instead to
    # keep browsers from trying to display binary files as though they are
    # text.
    DefaultType text/plain
    <IfModule mime_module>
    # TypesConfig points to the file containing the list of mappings from
    # filename extension to MIME-type.
    TypesConfig conf/mime.types
    # AddType allows you to add to or override the MIME configuration
    # file specified in TypesConfig for specific file types.
    #AddType application/x-gzip .tgz
    # AddEncoding allows you to have certain browsers uncompress
    # information on the fly. Note: Not all browsers support this.
    #AddEncoding x-compress .Z
    #AddEncoding x-gzip .gz .tgz
    # If the AddEncoding directives above are commented-out, then you
    # probably should define those extensions to indicate media types:
    AddType application/x-compress .Z
    AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz
    # AddHandler allows you to map certain file extensions to "handlers":
    # actions unrelated to filetype. These can be either built into the server
    # or added with the Action directive (see below)
    # To use CGI scripts outside of ScriptAliased directories:
    # (You will also need to add "ExecCGI" to the "Options" directive.)
    #AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
    # For type maps (negotiated resources):
    #AddHandler type-map var
    # Filters allow you to process content before it is sent to the client.
    # To parse .shtml files for server-side includes (SSI):
    # (You will also need to add "Includes" to the "Options" directive.)
    #AddType text/html .shtml
    #AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
    MIMEMagicFile conf/magic
    # The mod_mime_magic module allows the server to use various hints from the
    # contents of the file itself to determine its type. The MIMEMagicFile
    # directive tells the module where the hint definitions are located.
    #MIMEMagicFile conf/magic
    # Customizable error responses come in three flavors:
    # 1) plain text 2) local redirects 3) external redirects
    # Some examples:
    #ErrorDocument 500 "The server made a boo boo."
    #ErrorDocument 404 /missing.html
    #ErrorDocument 404 "/cgi-bin/missing_handler.pl"
    #ErrorDocument 402 http://www.example.com/subscription_info.html
    # MaxRanges: Maximum number of Ranges in a request before
    # returning the entire resource, or one of the special
    # values 'default', 'none' or 'unlimited'.
    # Default setting is to accept 200 Ranges.
    #MaxRanges unlimited
    # EnableMMAP and EnableSendfile: On systems that support it,
    # memory-mapping or the sendfile syscall is used to deliver
    # files. This usually improves server performance, but must
    # be turned off when serving from networked-mounted
    # filesystems or if support for these functions is otherwise
    # broken on your system.
    #EnableMMAP off
    #EnableSendfile off
    # Supplemental configuration
    # The configuration files in the conf/extra/ directory can be
    # included to add extra features or to modify the default configuration of
    # the server, or you may simply copy their contents here and change as
    # necessary.
    # Server-pool management (MPM specific)
    #Include conf/extra/httpd-mpm.conf
    # Multi-language error messages
    Include conf/extra/httpd-multilang-errordoc.conf
    # Fancy directory listings
    Include conf/extra/httpd-autoindex.conf
    # Language settings
    Include conf/extra/httpd-languages.conf
    # User home directories
    Include conf/extra/httpd-userdir.conf
    # Real-time info on requests and configuration
    #Include conf/extra/httpd-info.conf
    # Virtual hosts
    #Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
    # Local access to the Apache HTTP Server Manual
    #Include conf/extra/httpd-manual.conf
    # Distributed authoring and versioning (WebDAV)
    #Include conf/extra/httpd-dav.conf
    # Various default settings
    Include conf/extra/httpd-default.conf
    # enable the PHP5 module.
    Include conf/extra/php5_module.conf
    # Secure (SSL/TLS) connections
    #Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
    # Note: The following must must be present to support
    # starting without SSL on platforms with no /dev/random equivalent
    # but a statically compiled-in mod_ssl.
    <IfModule ssl_module>
    SSLRandomSeed startup builtin
    SSLRandomSeed connect builtin
    Last edited by publicus (2014-02-02 18:06:07)

    WorMzy wrote:
    Switch to the http user and see if you can manually browse to the directory.
    # su -s /bin/bash - http
    Find out where the user can't get to, and fix the permissions.
    You're right.  I can't get there.
    I tried to make Apache start up as me (my user), but got an error that said that it cannot start it up like that.  I think I have a possible solution for the given problem.  I'll my user to the http group and then work from /srv/http.
    I'd love to get some feedback if someone has a different approach .  I love to learn from the experience of others .

  • Firefox crashed when I restarted it to install plugins and the crash reporter is unable to submit a report for this crash. How can I submit this report?

    # This file is in the UTF-8 encoding
    # Leave this entry empty unless your language requires right-to-left layout,
    # for example like Arabic, Hebrew, Persian. If your language needs RTL, please
    # use the untranslated English word "yes" as value
    CrashReporterTitle=Crash Reporter
    # LOCALIZATION NOTE (CrashReporterVendorTitle): %s is replaced with the vendor name. (i.e. "Mozilla")
    CrashReporterVendorTitle=%s Crash Reporter
    # LOCALIZATION NOTE (CrashReporterErrorText): %s is replaced with another string containing detailed information.
    CrashReporterErrorText=The application had a problem and crashed.\n\nUnfortunately the crash reporter is unable to submit a report for this crash.\n\nDetails: %s
    # LOCALIZATION NOTE (CrashReporterProductErrorText2): The first %s is replaced with the product name (i.e. "Firefox"), the second is replaced with another string containing detailed information. These two substitutions can not be reordered!
    CrashReporterProductErrorText2=%s had a problem and crashed.\n\nUnfortunately the crash reporter is unable to submit a crash report.\n\nDetails: %s
    CrashReporterSorry=We're Sorry
    # LOCALIZATION NOTE (CrashReporterDescriptionText2): The %s is replaced with the product name.
    CrashReporterDescriptionText2=%s had a problem and crashed.\n\nTo help us diagnose and fix the problem, you can send us a crash report.
    CrashReporterDefault=This application is run after a crash to report the problem to the application vendor. It should not be run directly.
    ViewReportTitle=Report Contents
    CommentGrayText=Add a comment (comments are publicly visible)
    ExtraReportInfo=This report also contains technical information about the state of the application when it crashed.
    # LOCALIZATION NOTE (CheckSendReport): The %s is replaced with the vendor name.
    CheckSendReport=Tell %s about this crash so they can fix it
    CheckIncludeURL=Include the address of the page I was on
    CheckSendEmail=Email me when more information is available
    EmailGrayText=Enter your email address here
    ReportPreSubmit2=Your crash report will be submitted before you quit or restart.
    ReportDuringSubmit2=Submitting your report…
    ReportSubmitSuccess=Report submitted successfully!
    ReportSubmitFailed=There was a problem submitting your report.
    ReportResubmit=Resending reports that previously failed to send…
    # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Quit2): The %s is replaced with the product name.
    Quit2=Quit %s
    # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Restart): The %s is replaced with the product name.
    Restart=Restart %s
    # LOCALIZATION NOTE (CrashID): The %s is replaced with the Crash ID from the server, which is a string like abc12345-6789-0abc-def1-23456abcdef1
    CrashID=Crash ID: %s
    # LOCALIZATION NOTE (CrashDetailsURL): The %s is replaced with a URL that the user can visit to view the crash details.
    CrashDetailsURL=You can view details of this crash at %s
    ErrorBadArguments=The application passed an invalid argument.
    ErrorExtraFileExists=The application didn't leave an application data file.
    ErrorExtraFileRead=Couldn't read the application data file.
    ErrorExtraFileMove=Couldn't move application data file.
    ErrorDumpFileExists=The application did not leave a crash dump file.
    ErrorDumpFileMove=Couldn't move crash dump.
    ErrorNoProductName=The application did not identify itself.
    ErrorNoServerURL=The application did not specify a crash reporting server.
    ErrorNoSettingsPath=Couldn't find the crash reporter's settings.
    ErrorCreateDumpDir=Couldn't create pending dump directory.
    # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ErrorEndOfLife): The %s is replaced with the product name.
    ErrorEndOfLife=The version of %s you are using is no longer supported. Crash reports are no longer being accepted for this version. Please consider upgrading to a supported version.

    I think you may have pasted the wrong thing into the Description.
    To try and resubmit a pending report (for example if you lost your internet connection):
    #Go to about:crashes in the location bar
    #Click the latest report link to resubmit it
    If there isn't a pending crash report listed, I'm afraid you may be out of luck for that crash report.

  • Unable to get a connection for pool - ResourceUnavailableException

    I have a BPEL process which starts a child instance of another asynchronous BPEL process for each message in an XML file. The child BPEL process makes a call to the Oracle Apps JCA Adapter to push the data into E-Business Suite.
    All works perfectly except when the number of messages exceeds a certain limit (15 or so). The error received is as follows:
    "Exception occured when binding was invoked.
    Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "JCA Binding execute of Reference operation 'SyncPersonRecord' failed due to:
    JCA Binding Component connection issue. JCA Binding Component is unable to create an outbound JCA (CCI) connection.
    ebsPeoplesoftEmployees:SyncPersonRecord [ SyncPersonRecord_ptt::SyncPersonRecord(InputParameters,OutputParameters) ] :
    The JCA Binding Component was unable to establish an outbound JCA CCI connection due to the following issue:
    Unable to get a connection for pool = 'eis/Apps/Apps',
    No resources currently available in pool eis/Apps/Apps to allocate to applications.
    Either specify a time period to wait for resources to become available, or increase the size of the pool and retry.. Please make sure that the JCA connection factory and any dependent connection factories have been configured with a sufficient limit for max connections.
    Please also make sure that the physical connection to the backend EIS is available and the backend itself is accepting connections. ".
    The invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception.
    Please examine the above error message carefully to determine a resolution."
    Obviously what is happening is the connection pool maximum is reached (currently 15) and this is throwing the error.
    What I need to do is to implement the suggestion of "specifying a time period to wait" and I was hoping someone could tell me how I do this?
    I have tried setting the 'Connection Creation Retry Frequency' parameter to 30 seconds which made no difference and also have checked the documentation on "Configuring and Managing JDBC Data Sources for Oracle WebLogic Server".
    Does anyone know if this is something that is implemented directly in the BPEL process/composite or in the connection source itself.
    Many thanks

    Open the jndi : eis/Apps/Apps in /console - config tab - increase the initial and max conn capacity and save it. Retry the scenario

  • Bridge CS4 - I still can't move keywords for stock photos

    I'm on a Mac Pro, Leopard 10.5.8, 4G RAM.
    I buy a lot of stock photos. The stock photo companies have thoughtfully assigned a bunch of keywords to the photos, sometimes in other languages that I don't really speak. Photos.com is notorious for applying keywords that have nothing to do with the photo, as evidenced my my searches for certain keywords. I wish they'd all stop doing this.
    When these photos are opened, their keywords appear under "Other Keywords." I can make the keyword permanent under "Other Keywords," but I am unable to drag the keyword(s) into the main keyword list in an effort to GET RID OF this "Other Keywords" list.
    I was hoping this was addressed in Bridge CS4, but of course it wasn't...UNLESS...
    someone here knows how to do it?

    YES Terence!  Thank you. Exporting allowed me to move my photos from iPhoto into the Burn Folder on my desktop.   But that doesn't explain why I'm having to go that route now.   Have I done something (accidentally changed some setting) on my computer that will not allow me to just click and drag anymore?   I really liked the convenience of the click and drag option. 
    I don't have the time tonight to export and burn a lot of CD/DVDs.  I'll try that tomorrow and make sure my photos are moving properly.  I also need to export photos to my external hard drive to make sure that route is working. 
    Wouldn't you know that my Apple Care Plan runs out this Wednesday?!  I need to make sure everything is working properly before that expires. 
    Thank you so much for your help.   I really, really appreciate it.

  • Down payment for Normal Assets

    Dear Experts,
    I have an issue on Down payment for Fixed Asset.
    User created an Fixed Asset (Normal Asset) which is not a AUC Asset.Created a P.O and Assigned that Asset into the P.O.  Now he want to post the downpayment request for the same through F-47. Now they are getting the below error.
    You cannot use this transaction type to post to this asset
    Message no. AA 834
    The transaction type entered belomgs to transaction type group 15. It has been specified for this transaction type group, that it is only allowed to post to asset classes for which it has been explicitly allowed (for example, the asset class for assets under construction). The asset to which you are posting belongs to class 46 (chart of depreciation XXX). You cannot post to this asset class using the transaction type entered.
    Check the asset number you entered. You may want to allow posting to this asset class using this transaction type group.
    here i have the below doubts.
    1. Can we assign the other than AUC Asset Class in OAYB for down payment (Group 15).  but the system is showing the AUC Asset Classes only.
    2. Can we assign GL Accounts for Down payment and down payment clearing accounts in AO85 other than AUC Asset Classes also?  becasue if i check F1 help for those fields its saying only for AUC Asset Classes.
    Kindly help me for how to do the down payment for Normal Assets.

    I have a simple solution for you, which treats your down payments made to asset POs also same manner as down payments to normal POs.
    Please check the below thread.
    [Asset Downpayment;

  • "Unable to start your subscription for Adobe Muse CC". Anyone get this message?

    I tried to launch Adobe Muse CC and I received the message "Unable to start your subscription for Adobe Muse CC". Why is this happening? I am connected to the internet, I've paid for my subscription so what is the problem?

    Please try some steps below,
    Click on the "Start" menu. Select "All Programs" and then "Accessories"
    Right-click on "Notepad" and select "Run as Administrator"
    Click "Continue" on the "Windows needs your permission" dialog
    When Notepad opens, click File and select Open
    In the filename field type the following:
    If any entries in the host file include keywords such as "adobe," ask the user to delete those entries. These are used for Adobe Licensing.
    From the "File" menu select "Save" after making changes
    Restart Muse
    Click on the "Finder" icon. Select the "Applications" folder
    Open the "Utilities" folder and select "Terminal"
    Type the following:
    sudo nano /etc/hosts
    Enter the OS user's associated password when prompted
    If any entries in the host file include keywords such as "adobe," ask the user to delete those entries. These are used for Adobe Licensing.
    Press control+o to save the file
    Press control+x to close the file
    Restart Muse
    Let me know if it works

  • ERR-1002 Unable to find item ID for item "F145_QUERY" in application "4000"

    Hi all,
    First I will give you an overview:
    APEX version:
    DB Version: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release
    Now the problem description:
    I have a report region of type: Function body returning sql_query.
    After the sql_query is written into a variable, I would like to fill an application_item or page_item. The problem is, it is returning the error:
    ERR-1002 Unable to find item ID for item "F145_QUERY" in application "4000"
    After that I tried to create a stored function (return varchar2, because a sql_query is generated) which has got the same structure. Also I am trying to fill the session state of the application item.
    Then I am just having the following code in my report region:
    q varchar2(30000);
    q := function_name;
    return q;
    Funciton example:
    create function simple_example return varchar2 is
    q varchar2(30000);
    q := 'select sysdate from dual';
    apex_util.set_session_state('F145_QUERY', q);
    return q;
    But even then I am getting the error.
    Is it a bug? And how can I solve the problem?
    Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance,

    Hi Scott,
    most of the time the obvious solution is the best, I agree.
    But I have checked that one, before I posted the thread ;-)
    And yes, the error message really says Application 4000. That is, why I am so confused, cause I know that that is the APEX itself.
    The actual code is written within the report region. As I said, I tried 2 versions.
    The second version is explained above and the first version was the code within the report region:
    q varchar2(30000);
    q := 'select sysdate from dual';
    :F145_QUERY := q;
    return q;
    The report region is a normal report with source_type = Function_returning_sql_query.
    That is all I know, and now I hoping to find someone who has got an explanation or a even a solution for this. :-)
    Best regards,

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