Elements 12 Stops

Just installed Elements 12 and converted multiple catalogs from Elements 8 all showed successfull conversion and all had worked as intended on Elements 8.
All the converted catalogs except for on open fine in Elements 12.  One catalog, my main catalog, starts to pen then a dialog box "Restoring People Recognition Data ..." opens and almost imediately a box stating Photoshop Elements 12 has stopped working and will shutdown appears.
Have tried multiple things ie turned off face auto recognition, made sure original file had face recog turned off, went through file repair and file opt... Same old story
Anyone have a solution?

Please follow the kb article on this issue: http://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop-elements/kb/resolve-people-face-recognition-issues.html

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    Start PSE to get to the Welcome screen.
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    Thanks for the follow up with the very helpful information.
    If this is one of those Importer QuickTime type issues, the answers are few if any.
    If you have not already tried
    Have you attempted to delete the Adobe Premiere Elements Prefs file and, if necessary,
    the whole 11.0 Folder in which it exists.
    then, please try the following...
    My expectations for the following are not high, but worth the time -
    1 uninstall the usual Control Panel way - you might want to uninstall QuickTime at the same time.
    2. free ccleaner run through (regular and registry parts)
    CCleaner - Download
    3. reinstall QuickTime and then Premiere Elements with anti-virus and firewall(s) disabled.
    Others on the list...
    1. Create a new User Account with Administrative Privileges and install and run Premiere Elements
    from there.
    2. Use a new set of installation files either from Adobe if you purchased the program from it as an online
    download, or get tryout installation files for 11 into which you can insert your purchased serial number.
    Photoshop Elements 11 Direct Download Links: Free Trials, Premiere | ProDesignTools
    If the latter, read and carry out carefully the Note: Very Important Instructions in order to avoid an Access
    Denied message.
    We will be watching for your progress.

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    Try downloading and installing outside of the Organizer or Welcome Screen. Uninstall AIR and IB via the control panel. Then do ctrl+alt+delete and open the  processes tab in task manager. Highlight any running Adobe application or process and end it. Use the link below and it will install both IB and AIR.
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    As Hunt has already asked and which is very important to include
    a. What version of Premiere Elements are you using and on what computer operating system is it running?
    But, you say only Elements Organizer, not including Premiere Elements nor Photoshop Elements?
    So, I will add these additional questions:
    What are you doing in the Elements Organizer when it stops working. Just opening it? Is this a "it worked before but now" issue or a "it never worked before" issue. Please detail.
    Once we get the basic details requested above, we can plan troubleshooting strategy which might involve:
    a. deleting the settings file
    b. creating a new catalog
    c. looking at what you have imported into the Elements Organizer or are trying to import into it
    But all is speculation without more details.

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    I am not a beginner but still an amateur. To follow your instruction is
    not easy. Especially not when my computer language is Swedish. I followed
    you to the last step in number 3.
    Tomas Hilmo
    Från:  SurendraPal <[email protected]>
    Svara till: 
    <[email protected]>
    Datum:  onsdag 10 december 2014 09:17
    Till:  Tomas Hilmo <[email protected]>
    Ämne:   Photoshop Elements agent stops when
    synchronizing with Revel.
    Photoshop Elements agent stops when synchronizing with Revel.
    created by SurendraPal in Photoshop Elements - View the full discussionHi
    tohi99,To investigate this issue, I would be needing logs. Detailed steps
    for creating log related entries are mentioned in 'Logs for Revel/Mobile
    albums' section of my blog: Photoshop Elements (PSE) knowledge base. 
    Please let me know if you face any issues in retrieving logs. Let me know
    once you have logs ready. I will send you a private mail to send me the
    same. ~Surendra
    If the reply above answers your question, please take a moment to mark
    this answer as correct by visiting:
    https://forums.adobe.com/message/7001501#7001501 and clicking ‘Correct’
    below the answer Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this
    thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a
    reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
    Please note that the
    Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed an
    image in your message please visit the thread in the forum and click the
    camera icon: https://forums.adobe.com/message/7001501#7001501 To
    unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at
    , click "Following" at
    the top right, & "Stop Following" Start a new discussion in Photoshop
    Elements by email or at Adobe Community For more information about
    maintaining your forum email notifications please go to

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