Enhancement request: Include DBA_% views when browsing

Can you add a new option "include DBA_%-views if available" or something like this?
Reason for this is: I have a support user who can see everything in another schema via dba_%-views (packages, triggers etc.). This is not working right now in Raptor.
What is working is the browsing of the data in another schema. If I get the select privilege on these tables/views via a role I can see the data there. But I can't see the source code of a package, even if I have the privilege granted to see it via the dba_source-view.
Cheers, Leo Mannhart

I would also like to request to add V$ and GV$ views to the list.
Note: To those who have not still explored this feature, as of now if you want to see the views including or other than 'ALL' and 'USER', once you are in the report page, click on the Run Report on the SQL Worksheet icon, modify the query to include the views/tables you want and run the sql.

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    hi- i can only use iTunes 7.0's cool new album view off of my Library, but not my iPod. is this a bug or a feature? i'd like to use it here at work, rather thanonly at home...

    I had the same problem with my 5g iPod and iTunes 7. Finally tracked down how to resolve it (thanks to iPod Mini Turkey! http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=3133121&#3133121)
    1. Select the iPod in iTunes so you get the summary screen.
    2. Then check the 'Manually manage music and videos' option.
    This should enable browsing, ability to get album info etc. You should also see the iPod on the desktop which disappears once it has been automatically updated!
    Hope this helps and thanks for the guidance iPod Mini Turkey!
    Powerbook G4 1GHZ   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

  • Enhancement request: Bulk edit features

    As much as I love Apex and think it is the greatest thing since sliced bread (what's so great about sliced bread anyway!), after one gains a certain amount of proficiency with using the tool, one realizes that there are many areas where the Builder application simply gets in your way. You know exactly what you want to do, you know how to do it, but the Apex Builder doesn't support a "do this 20 times" feature!
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    That's all that comes to mind at this time, I am sure others will have more.

    Mike: Thanks for responding.
    1. You misunderstand what I wrote about report columns. Marc Sewtz understood what I meant at Re: Enhancement request: Quick edit links for column attributes
    is very easy to bulk change (on the back end); the hard part is devising the proper screens for bulk change (font end)
    2. Absolutely, agree 100%. Which is why it might make sense for Oracle to expose metadata manipulation APIs (apex_metadata package similar to dbms_metadata!) so that power users can effect changes to the application metadata without going through the Builder at all!
    We talked about this at Bulk edit items
    Many of the application reports allow for bulk change operations
    Right, but realistically speaking, you can never anticipate and build screens for all the things we would like to do. Which is why a command-line API would be invaluable.
    Just recently, I needed to change a bunch of HTML regions' templates in a application from Report Region to Hide/Show template. I couldn't find an application report/bulk edit page that let me do this, it was quite painful to do in the Builder.
    Another case in point: I used the "Form on SQL Query" wizard to quickly create a form page with a bunch of fields. But unfortunately, unlike the "Form on Table wizard", this wizard is not smart enough to create page items with a display-as depending on the datatype of the columns in the query. It creates all the form items as Text Fields. :-( There is no bulk-edit page (that I could find) that lets me change the display-as property for multiple items.
    If you or others have UI sugestions
    3. As you may know, whenever I think of something that the Apex product could benefit from (an enhancement request IMHO), I post a thread on the forum with a subject line that clearly indicates as such.
    To summarize, here they are:
    Re: Enhancement request: Validation attached to process
    Enhancement request: Buttons in report regions
    Re: Enhancement request: Branch report
    Re: Enhancement request (for Help text)
    Re: Report with Tabs - Enhancement Request?
    Enhancement request - Frequently used manifests
    Enhancement Request: Create linked buttons
    Enhancement request: Bulk copy of items
    Enhancement request: Named anchors for items
    Re: Enhancement Request - Named Branches
    Enhancement request: Assign build option to a page group
    Enhancement request: Checkbox item - Default all checked
    Enhancement request: Include application-level events
    Re: Command line API
    Is that enough? :-)

  • Page Component View - Enhancement Request

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    Add a link directly to the Javascript section of the Page attributes, similar to HTML Header, Template etc.
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    Hi plantm,
    After testing the issue in my environment, I can reproduce it. After we change a column name which is used in a Power View chart, Power view will render the message that” The external data connection has been disabled for this Power View report. Please enable
    the connection.” when we reopen the file.
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    re-opening the application will resolve the problem.”
    According to the error message, we should try to reopen the file to fix this issue. Power view will render the message that” Please refresh to see the data for this Power View Sheet. You can set properties in the Connection Properties dialog so that the
    data refreshes automatically when you open the file.” when we reopen the file. Then we can refresh it again, the report will be displayed without that field.
    Based on my research, inherently what the message means is that Power View cannot be used as a tool for snapshot reporting. With an Excel PivotTable, we can see the data last saved in the PivotTable. Power View, however, does not behave the same way – it
    won’t render the last saved state. If we want to avoid this message when we reopen the file, there are two methods:
    When we create the Power View report, we can select the checkbox that “Refresh data when opening the file”.
    After it’s been set up, go to Connections on the Data menu, then choose Properties.
    For more details about the settings, we can refer to the following blog:
    Hope this helps.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

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    Hi Steve. Thank you for your time.
    You are right, the link does work after the campaign has been delivered.
    By the way I am big fan of BC Gurus.
    Take care and gracias again!

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    From System Preferences, Mouse, Point & Click, Secondary click.  Go to it hover over Secondary click and watch the short video sequence change it left right, left right, you will see exactly what is does. No I do not think your Mouse is defective, you simply need to take control of your Mouse finger.

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    Use the Template to spawn a child page.  File > New > Page from Template...
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    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists 

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    Could you please confim if you have applied link to the text (by manually selecting the text) or to the "text box"?
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       ER 20623991 has been logged. Please join me to vote for this enhancement request if you need this functionality too.  Your support is very much appreciated.

    This is standard functionality, as the printed copy is circulated to the suppliers.
    Sent from my iPhone

  • Feature Request -  use native Windows file browsing dialog

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    I'd be curious to hear what others think about this idea.

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    I'm not a Java developer, but IvanG pointed out that it SHOULD be pretty easy to invoke a native Windows dialog box from Java. That would be my choice.


    I have an excellent Feature Enhancement request for iLife '08 & wanted to post it somewhere in hopes it gets to the hands of the right people that can make things happen so I'm not wasting 5 minutes posting.
    I (like anyone) like saving my iLife Printed Books, Calendars, etc. on my MacBook so I may always order more copies if needed. However, I fear somewhere somehow someone will be playing on my Mac & will accidentally move stuff around or even delete text / words / layouts / effects from an iLife printed project of mine which I ordered & may want to reorder years down the road.
    *I'd like an advanced options area with options typically displayed in any kind of publishing software. Options in mind include "Group Objects", Ungroup Objects, Lock, Unlock, etc.*
    Does anyone else here agree with me??

    To add to Larry's suggestion....passwords and protected accounts are always good:
    1. Put your iPhoto Library(ies) on an external drive and eject or disconnect the drive when you are not using the computer. Then, no one else can get into your projects. I have ten iPhoto Libraries on my external drive.
    2. Make an iPhoto Library just for your projects and put that one on an external drive. That way, your photos are available to whoever wants to view them, but the projects library can be left alone.
    3. Have you considered not letting others access your computer without your permission? If they are not responsible enough, setting up different user accounts would be the way to go. You can limit their access to your files.
    If you want to suggest that Apple do something more global, feel free to make your suggestion here, as Larry recommended:

  • Enhance request: Tag poeple in your photos

    I sent an enhancement request to Apple, but maybe there's a plugin or something that already do this?
    My request:
    "It would be really, really great if you had the possibility to tag people in your photos with the people that are in your address book!
    You select the "Tag" function, and the cursor turns into a transparent rectangle. You place the rectangle over the face/body that you want to tag. A popupmenu appears where you can choose people from your address book.
    This can be used in many ways, for example from the Address Book application, like "Show photos in iPhoto containing this person".
    Great, right!?
    (FaceBook have a function like this, but to have it directly in iPhoto would be perfect (especially since I don't like FaceBook))"

    I use Events simply as big buckets of Photos: Spring 08, July - Nov 06 are typical Events in my Library. I use keywords and Smart Albums exensively. I title the pics broadly.
    I keyword on a
    Where basis (The When is in the photos's Exif metadata). I also rate the pics on a 1 - 5 star basis.
    Using this system I can find pretty much find any pic in my 25k library in a couple of seconds.
    So, for example, I have a batch of pics titled 'Seattle 08' and a typical keywording might include: John, Anne, Landscape, mountain, trees, snow. With a rating included it's so very easy to find the best pics we took at Mount Rainier.
    File -> New Smart Album
    set it to 'All"
    title contains Seattle
    keyword is mountain
    keyword is snow
    rating is 5 stars
    Or, want a chronological album of John from birth to today?
    New Smart Album
    Keyword is John
    Set the View options to Sort By Date Ascending
    Want only the best pics?
    add Rating is greater than 4 stars
    The best thing about this system is that it's dynamic. If I add 50 more pics of John to the Library tomorrow, as I keyword and rate them they are added to the Smart Album.
    Keywording takes time to set up, there's no doubt about it. I use Keyword Manager as it's much more powerful than the inbuilt system, and adds the possibility of nested keywords. So, for instance, if I add John to a photo it also adds 'Family'. Now I can add many keywords to a pic quickly.
    In the end, organisation is about finding the pics. The point is to make locating that pic or batch of pics findable fast. This system works for me.

  • Enhancement requests do seem to be worthwhile in the end...

    Having requested the continuous/shuffle music video playback several times in the last 18 months or so, and urged people to do so via...
    ...it has finally been implemented and I'm chuffed to bits.
    Well done Apple, this is a superb enhancement though why so long to implement ?
    Personally I feel this was a huge oversight for AppleTV ever since it was realeased, and seriously hindered both use of AppleTV as a media extender and obviated the point of buying music videos unless you watch them on portable devices which I don't.
    I had become increasingly negative about the prospect of ever seeing this feature
    appear - this cat doesn't wear a hat so I'll have to eat something else instead!
    I am now likely to spend a fair amount on music videos at iTunes Store having vowed not to do so again as having to select each one manually to play was tedious to say the least.
    Really baffles me how Apple have missed the opportunity for revenue from music video sales via AppleTV, particularly when iPods had the shuffle feature.
    As I commented a few weeks ago I think perhaps priorities since 2.0 update have been to get the store up and running properly before implementing enhancement requests or new features.
    Very pleased Apple have finally implemented this extremely useful feature, it may not be pointless in using the link above, it just takes time.
    So the next thing we should do is think of things to officially lobby for in future updates.
    My top 3 would be:
    1 - Allowing connection via USB to rescue data from AppleTV for users who've had hard drive accidents/msihaps and haven't backed up recently - fact of life it happens even if you're careful! Files with DRM are safe from unauthorised use and those without DRM are no less secure than they were before anyway. This could even be done by only allowing AppleTV to dump media to an external USB device instead of allowing an external connection to AppleTV itself, and could be controlled from say a backup menu option. Alternatively full manual bidirectional drag and drop of media via iTunes to/from AppleTV could be implemented with a mode to prevent a new sync library connection wiping existing content.
    What's in it for Apple? Huge boost in consumer confidence that Apple allow them to easily recover their personal files in the event of a problem - there should be no need to hack or dismantle AppleTV just to get at your data. Just think of all those people saying thank heaven I had an appleTV as my Macbook died and I'd forgotten to backup those wedding photos etc. We see examples of frustrated users almost daily with this problem.
    2 - Additional codec support - it's all very well saying h264 is the best thing since sliced bread and the current Apple/Apple Store standard, but the limited video codec support is probably the biggest hindrance to AppleTV becoming an extremely popular media device. It has the slickest interface of commercial products but many prospective customers have files in long established older formats that are incompatible without prior time consuming and quality degrading transcoding. Locking down AppleTV in this way alienates many potential users. The argument about the source of files in other formats may have some validity, but it is not Apple's job to infer that a user's file is of dubious origin simply for not being in h264 format. I am not condoning filesharing/torrents etc merely saying that most people have older files in older formats they want to use without conversion. Many DVD players allow playback of DivX (never use it myself), and if there's a licensing issue offer playback as a per device plugin option paid for by the user in the same way the QT MPEG2 pluging is offered.
    What's in it for Apple? Happy customers who would simply use something else like a PS3 to view their files and not buy AppleTV. New customers who would not have purchased otherwise. Happy customers who no longer need to trasncode files to watch. You'd be happy with being able to use older files, but would also get the benefit of using iTunes Store for new things.
    The overhwelming thing would be a sense of 'fair play' gained by the consumer. For me personally since 2.0+ the device's overwhelming iTunes Store based menu design sticks in the craw and has relegated MY content to the bottom of menus. Give us the best of both worlds - an iTunes Store top level section for purchases and separate simple top level sections for combined personal/purchased media as in software 1.0/1.1. In essence declutter the menu system for playback lumping all the purchasing/preview/search options together.
    3 - Tricky. Most useful would be an AppleTV SDK and 3rd party plugins/apps via iTunes paid and/or free similar to the iPhone model - I can live without widgets/visualisers/social networking plugins etc but they would be valuable to many users. As far as I know the iPhone Apps have been a huge success - no reason why not on AppleTV too, though commiting to this pathway would probably be very expensive in terms of developing a secure/sandboxed environment for running apps/plugins unless they could port the iPhone software fairly simply.
    Anyhow, once again delighted Apple have added the music video feature - I will start buying music videos from iTunes music store again. Bad for my wallet but good for Apple and AppleTV. Perhaps I should be thankful and consider how much I've saved not buying music videos in the last 18 months or so.....
    What would you like to see? Some things will be impossible/hardware limited, others quite feasible.
    Discuss, but also use the formal feedback link to give enhancements any chance to appear!
    Let's all help make AppleTV a success, and hopefully the media extender to beat!
    typos - Message was edited by: Alley_Cat

    Chenks wrote:
    to be honest, adding playlists (or whatever it is) for just music videos is of no use to me.
    it is playlists for tv shows that i need. ie the capability of playing episode 1 to 5 of a particular season back to back.
    Funny isn't it, how we all do things differently, have different preferences, enhancement wishes etc.
    For me it's not really a big chore to watch an episode then to manually start the next assuming I or Mrs AC are still awake!
    For episodes of short duration say 5-15 minutes I appreciate this could get annoying, and for longer episodes I suppose we are used to Play All type options on DVDs.
    If these are iTunes TV Shows you're stuck at the moment, but if they're say 'home recordings converted for AppleTV' you could theoretically get round it by setting their types to Music Video. Clumsy but it should work.
    I'm sure you can see the benefit of playlists/shuffling for music videos that may be 3-4 minutes each on average. I rediscovered dozens of iTunes Store music video purchases last night and thought 'yes, this is one of the big reasons why I bought AppleTV initially' - it did not say anywhere that AppleTV could not do this somewhat logical task - assumptions are dangerous though and invariably you only find out the full capabilities of products when using them.
    additional codec support ? i would say there is no chance of this. x264 is pretty standard theses days (if you discount the pirate industry). x264 is even used for HD TV in the UK.
    I agree, there's more chance of Tony Blair making a comeback!
    Piracy is rife and I do not support it.
    My views on fair use of media you personally own are quite different.
    It's not the codec/container that's the issue it's how the material was acquired in the first place - it may simply be your home videos, digitised off-air recordings etc that is in a 'legacy' format that you don't want to transcode. We know from the modders that most other SD formats are playable on the current hardware so that's not the issue.
    Take say an Elgato EyeTV device - I can record anything off-air, edit and transcode for AppleTV or just transcode unedited automatically. How much more sensible it woudl be if AppleTv simply supported the MPEG-2 transport stream playback rather than wasting time and computing/power resources doing the transcode.
    I have some some standard video-CDs I made on a PC in the late 1990's, how nice it would be to be able to play the MPEG-1 content back without fiddling - it's not as though converting to h264 will do anything for the quality!

  • Enhancement Requests for AWM10g

    Hi, before I start in on the enhancement requests I want to say that I am pretty impressed with AWM10g. Definitely a huge step forward in creating AWs. Having said that, I think there are a few enhancements that could be done to the tool to make it even more user friendl.
    Note that these are in no particular order, just ones I came up with while using the tool. I'll add any others that I come across.
    Please don't take this as nit-picking - just trying to help make it better.
    1. On dimension hierarchy types, instead of "value based" call it a "parent / child based" (thats what everyone knows it as)
    2. When creating levels, allow more than one level to be created at a time (currently it closes the dialog after each level is created, forcing you to go back and choose "create levels" over and over again). This may be as simple as having a "Save and create another" button or something.
    3. When typing names in the "system name" boxes, it would be nice if we could simply type the descriptions using spaces, and have the system name automatically replace with an underscore. Right now its a bit tedious to remember to type all names using underscores.
    4. In "mapping" view, move HELP, APPLY, and REVERT buttons off of bottom status bar and up to the top toolbar. There is lots of unused space at the top, creating a second bar at bottom just eats up screen real estate
    5. On "create dimension" dialog, no need for an entirely separate tab for "implmentation details" (that only has two values - generate unique keys or use the existing keys). Put this on the front tab so users don't have to keep selecting over to it (unless of course there are additional values that can show up there?)
    6. Mapping dimensions with multiple hierarchy - seems odd that we have to remap shared levels. Is it possible to make this where you would map all the values in the first hierarchy, and then only map the "missing" levels in the second hierarchy? Seems like an opportunity for hosing things up
    7. Drag and drop ordering when setting up the dimensions in a cube would be nice. Interface is the same as prior version of AWM (pretty clunky)
    8. Bug - when typing in any "name" field, if you highlight the entire field and delete all characters, under the "description" fields only a single character gets deleted.
    9. When there are multiple hierarchies for a given dimension, some sort of visual indicator of which one is set as default (without having to drill into details of each one)
    10. Its difficult (impossible?) to resize panes (for instance, when doing the mapping). Seems like sometimes I click on something by accident (other than the < and > arrows) that resizes the panes, and then I can't figure out how to get them back (other than exiting and restarting)
    11. When writing template out to same name as one that exists, AWM2 is not giving a "do you want to overwrite" prompt
    12. Some sort of clear visual indicator or message when a dimension is not completely "mapped". I had a dimension where I mistakenly forgot to map the leaf level dimension member. I didn't find out about it until I ran a load and the load blew up.
    13. On the XML logging at the end of a load process, the dialog box isn't big enough to show entire error messages if they occur. Since I haven't found a way to actually write the output to a txt file, this makes it hard to debug what is wrong with a solve.

    Anthony - thanks! In the meantime, I've come up with a few more requests / suggestions (and will probably have a few more yet to come...)
    Thanks again!
    1) Rather than just showing the "working" bar while a load / solve is going on, would it be possible to replace this with some sort of functionality that queries against the OLAPSYS.xml_load_log table? And perhaps allow the user to click "refresh" or have it auto-refresh at a certain number of minutes so that users can actually see the progress being made?
    2) Since CATALOG view is no longer available, remove the options to have AWM write the log files

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