Enviroment Information

Boa tarde,
em uma das máquina do cliente, ao entrar no sistema, aparece uma tela com a seguinte mensagem:
Evironment information: working directory:´.´tracemlever 2 activated logging activated.
For maximum data security delete the setting(s) as soon as possible!
Gostaria que ajudassem a perceber a razão do erro e como revolver.

Bom dia samAsam,
Alguém ligou o trace no SAP GUI e o deixou ligado.
Para desligá-lo vá na SAP Logon do SAP GUI
- clique no símbolo do canto superior/esquerdo da caixa do SAP Logon
- Selecione Options
- Em SAP GUI Start Options -> desmarque Activate SAP GUI Trace Level
Isto deve resolver.
Atenciosamente, Fernando Da Ró

Similar Messages

  • Popup with information message in pageTemplate

    Hi all.
    It's a mixed question about ADF and WebCenter but i think it's an ADF Issue.
    - Page Template with an af:popup.
    - Page Style base of my ADF Pages.
    I have next goal:
    I have an af:popup in Page Template that i want to invoke during page load. In page style (where is af:document...) i'm able to launch popup during "load". However i need to do all in Page Template.
    Is there any way to invoke af:popup in a pageTemplate render? ADF Javascript... etc... .
    Is there any way to show easily contextual information in Page Template when all page is loaded?.
    My enviroment information is:
    - Oracle WebCenter Portal : Spaces PS5 (
    - ADF

    You could also try the approach mentioned in the forum thread:
    How to use Javascript in template

  • Socket communication problem

    hello all,
    i have written a small program to send a message to echo server and get back the response from the server.
    it gives a error as
    i am working on win nt version 4 service pack 4 installed on a home computer.
    the code is as below:
    import java.io.*;
    import java.net.*;
    public class net4a {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
    Socket echoSocket = null;
    DataOutputStream os = null;
    DataInputStream is = null;
         DataInputStream stdIn = new DataInputStream(System.in);
         InetAddress host = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
    try {
    echoSocket = new Socket(host, 7);
    os = new DataOutputStream(echoSocket.getOutputStream());
    is = new DataInputStream(echoSocket.getInputStream());
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
    System.err.println("Don't know about host: " + host);
    } catch (IOException e) {
    System.err.println("Couldn't get I/O for the connection to: " + host);
    if (echoSocket != null && os != null && is != null) {
    try {
    String userInput;
    while ((userInput = stdIn.readLine()) != null) {
    System.out.println("echo: " + is.readLine());
    } catch (IOException e) {
    System.err.println("I/O failed on the connection to: " + host);
    look forward to ur valuable tips on the same.

    Long time java programmer, first time forum user.
    Looks like you looking to looking to get a java applet/program communicating with a web server. This is not an extremely difficult task and I have successfully got apache communicating CGI transactions to and from an applet with no drama�s.
    This is very useful as it is restrictive to have to open up extra sockets across a network as many networks today restrict socket communication often for security or business/organization policies.
    An alternative is to use HTTP request using the POST command to talk to a web server with the web server replying to the request. For example, you may need to ask a database to pull out all customer names from a server-side database. The applet need only send a URLEncoded request to the server, the webserver invokes the CGI process (I use Java to handle the CGI requests but other methods/languages can be used) which returns the result of the transaction.
    I have listed some code that included the a �ping-pong� request to a server. It included the applet function that calls the webserver, the CGI batch script (for win NT/XP) to invoke the java program, the cgi-lib to simply parse the URL request (many thanks to the author) and the server-side java program that responds to the request.
    I hope you find this useful. The download for apache, the webserver, is available at
    and is a pretty simple install. Make sure you fix up the httpd.conf file to suit your system.
    Good luck.
    Dale Miller
    CLIENT-SIDE (Java Applet Snippit)
    public class Comm {
         private String server;
         private URL toServer;
         private URLConnection uRLConnection;
         private DataOutputStream dataOutputStream;
         private StringBuffer output;
         private BufferedReader dataInputStream;
         private String result;
         private int resultsLast;
         private String results[] = new String[100];
         private int firstTU;
         //this function starts in its own thread and takes care
         //of logins and there re-tries, the messaging.
         //Please see the actual function for better details
         //private LoginWatcher loginWatcher;
         public Comm(String serverAddress) throws UnsupportedEncodingException{
              System.out.println("loaded Comm class!");
              //First thing we need to do is set up the login watcher
              //loginWatcher = new LoginWatcher();
              this.output = new StringBuffer();
              this.server = serverAddress;
              try {
                   this.toServer = new URL(server + "ping.cgi");
              } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                   System.out.println("ERROR : in contacting the server");
                   System.out.println("Server : " + server);
                   System.out.println("NOT FOUND!!");
              try {
                   this.uRLConnection = toServer.openConnection();
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   System.out.println("ERROR : Connection to server refused");
              this.uRLConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
              try {
                   this.dataOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(uRLConnection.getOutputStream());
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   System.out.println("ERROR : opening dataoutputstream");
              output.append("first=" + URLEncoder.encode("I am", "UTF-8"));
              output.append("&last=" + URLEncoder.encode("number 1", "UTF-8"));
              try {
                   dataOutputStream.writeBytes(new String(output));
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   System.out.println("ERROR : Sending string to cgi ping.cgi");
              try {
                   this.dataInputStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(uRLConnection.getInputStream()));
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   System.out.println("ERROR : Setting up input stream");
              String grab = new String();
              System.out.print("Searching for server..");
              try {
                   grab = dataInputStream.readLine();
                   grab = dataInputStream.readLine();
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   System.out.println("ERROR : Reciving ping data from server");
              if (grab.equals("pass")) {
              } else {
                   System.out.println("ERROR\n\nSERVER NOT FOUND!!!");
    #!java -cp c:\ss\ middle
    import java.util.*;
    import java.io.*;
    * cgi_lib.java<p>
    * <p>
    * Usage: This library of java functions, which I have encapsulated inside
    * a class called cgi_lib as class (static) member functions,
    * attempts to duplicate the standard PERL CGI library (cgi-lib.pl).
    * You must invoke any Java program that uses this library from
    * within a UNIX script, Windows batch file or equivalent. As you
    * will see in the following example, all of the CGI environment
    * variables must be passed from the script into the Java application
    * using the -D option of the Java interpreter. This example
    * UNIX script uses the "main" routine of this class as a
    * CGI script:
    * <pre>
    * (testcgi.sh)
    * #!/bin/sh
    * java \
    * -Dcgi.content_type=$CONTENT_TYPE \
    * -Dcgi.content_length=$CONTENT_LENGTH \
    * -Dcgi.request_method=$REQUEST_METHOD \
    * -Dcgi.query_string=$QUERY_STRING \
    * -Dcgi.server_name=$SERVER_NAME \
    * -Dcgi.server_port=$SERVER_PORT \
    * -Dcgi.script_name=$SCRIPT_NAME \
    * -Dcgi.path_info=$PATH_INFO \
    * cgi_lib
    * </pre>
    * Question and comments can be sent to [email protected].<p>
    * @version 1.0
    * @author Pat L. Durante
    class cgi_lib
    * Parse the form data passed from the browser into
    * a Hashtable. The names of the input fields on the HTML form will
    * be used as the keys to the Hashtable returned. If you have a form
    * that contains an input field such as this,<p>
    * <pre>
    * &ltINPUT SIZE=40 TYPE="text" NAME="email" VALUE="[email protected]"&gt
    * </pre>
    * then after calling this method like this,<p>
    * <pre>
    * Hashtable form_data = cgi_lib.ReadParse(System.in);
    * </pre>
    * you can access that email field as follows:<p>
    * <pre>
    * String email_addr = (String)form_data.get("email");
    * </pre>
    * @param inStream The input stream from which the form data can be read.
    * (Only used if the form data was posted using the POST method. Usually,
    * you will want to simply pass in System.in for this parameter.)
    * @return The form data is parsed and returned in a Hashtable
    * in which the keys represent the names of the input fields.
    public static Hashtable ReadParse(InputStream inStream)
    Hashtable form_data = new Hashtable();
    String inBuffer = "";
    if (MethGet())
    inBuffer = System.getProperty("cgi.query_string");
    // TODO: I should probably use the cgi.content_length property when
    // reading the input stream and read only that number of
    // bytes. The code below does not use the content length
    // passed in through the CGI API.
    DataInput d = new DataInputStream(inStream);
    String line;
    while((line = d.readLine()) != null)
    inBuffer = inBuffer + line;
    catch (IOException ignored) { }
    // Split the name value pairs at the ampersand (&)
    StringTokenizer pair_tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(inBuffer,"&");
    while (pair_tokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
    String pair = urlDecode(pair_tokenizer.nextToken());
    // Split into key and value
    StringTokenizer keyval_tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(pair,"=");
    String key = new String();
    String value = new String();
    if (keyval_tokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
    key = keyval_tokenizer.nextToken();
    else ; // ERROR - shouldn't ever occur
    if (keyval_tokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
    value = keyval_tokenizer.nextToken();
    else ; // ERROR - shouldn't ever occur
    // Add key and associated value into the form_data Hashtable
    return form_data;
    * URL decode a string.<p>
    * Data passed through the CGI API is URL encoded by the browser.
    * All spaces are turned into plus characters (+) and all "special"
    * characters are hex escaped into a %dd format (where dd is the hex
    * ASCII value that represents the original character). You probably
    * won't ever need to call this routine directly; it is used by the
    * ReadParse method to decode the form data.
    * @param in The string you wish to decode.
    * @return The decoded string.
    public static String urlDecode(String in)
    StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(in.length());
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    while (i < in.length())
    char ch = in.charAt(i);
    if (ch == '+') ch = ' ';
    else if (ch == '%')
    ch = (char)Integer.parseInt(in.substring(i,i+2), 16);
    return new String(out);
    * Generate a standard HTTP HTML header.
    * @return A String containing the standard HTTP HTML header.
    public static String Header()
    return "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    * Generate some vanilla HTML that you usually
    * want to include at the top of any HTML page you generate.
    * @param Title The title you want to put on the page.
    * @return A String containing the top portion of an HTML file.
    public static String HtmlTop(String Title)
    String Top = new String();
    Top = "<html>\n";
    Top+= "<head>\n";
    Top+= "<title>\n";
    Top+= Title;
    Top+= "\n";
    Top+= "</title>\n";
    Top+= "</head>\n";
    Top+= "<body>\n";
    return Top;
    * Generate some vanilla HTML that you usually
    * want to include at the bottom of any HTML page you generate.
    * @return A String containing the bottom portion of an HTML file.
    public static String HtmlBot()
    return "</body>\n</html>\n";
    * Determine if the REQUEST_METHOD used to
    * send the data from the browser was the GET method.
    * @return true, if the REQUEST_METHOD was GET. false, otherwise.
    public static boolean MethGet()
    String RequestMethod = System.getProperty("cgi.request_method");
    boolean returnVal = false;
    if (RequestMethod != null)
    if (RequestMethod.equals("GET") ||
    return returnVal;
    * Determine if the REQUEST_METHOD used to
    * send the data from the browser was the POST method.
    * @return true, if the REQUEST_METHOD was POST. false, otherwise.
    public static boolean MethPost()
    String RequestMethod = System.getProperty("cgi.request_method");
    boolean returnVal = false;
    if (RequestMethod != null)
    if (RequestMethod.equals("POST") ||
    return returnVal;
    * Determine the Base URL of this script.
    * (Does not include the QUERY_STRING (if any) or PATH_INFO (if any).
    * @return The Base URL of this script as a String.
    public static String MyBaseURL()
    String returnString = new String();
    returnString = "http://" +
    if (!(System.getProperty("cgi.server_port").equals("80")))
    returnString += ":" + System.getProperty("cgi.server_port");
    returnString += System.getProperty("cgi.script_name");
    return returnString;
    * Determine the Full URL of this script.
    * (Includes the QUERY_STRING (if any) or PATH_INFO (if any).
    * @return The Full URL of this script as a String.
    public static String MyFullURL()
    String returnString;
    returnString = MyBaseURL();
    returnString += System.getProperty("cgi.path_info");
    String queryString = System.getProperty("cgi.query_string");
    if (queryString.length() > 0)
    returnString += "?" + queryString;
    return returnString;
    * Neatly format all of the CGI environment variables
    * and the associated values using HTML.
    * @return A String containing an HTML representation of the CGI environment
    * variables and the associated values.
    public static String Environment()
    String returnString;
    returnString = "<dl compact>\n";
    returnString += "<dt><b>CONTENT_TYPE</b> <dd>:<i>" +
    System.getProperty("cgi.content_type") +
    returnString += "<dt><b>CONTENT_LENGTH</b> <dd>:<i>" +
    System.getProperty("cgi.content_length") +
    returnString += "<dt><b>REQUEST_METHOD</b> <dd>:<i>" +
    System.getProperty("cgi.request_method") +
    returnString += "<dt><b>QUERY_STRING</b> <dd>:<i>" +
    System.getProperty("cgi.query_string") +
    returnString += "<dt><b>SERVER_NAME</b> <dd>:<i>" +
    System.getProperty("cgi.server_name") +
    returnString += "<dt><b>SERVER_PORT</b> <dd>:<i>" +
    System.getProperty("cgi.server_port") +
    returnString += "<dt><b>SCRIPT_NAME</b> <dd>:<i>" +
    System.getProperty("cgi.script_name") +
    returnString += "<dt><b>PATH_INFO</b> <dd>:<i>" +
    System.getProperty("cgi.path_info") +
    returnString += "</dl>\n";
    return returnString;
    * Neatly format all of the form data using HTML.
    * @param form_data The Hashtable containing the form data which was
    * parsed using the ReadParse method.
    * @return A String containing an HTML representation of all of the
    * form variables and the associated values.
    public static String Variables(Hashtable form_data)
    String returnString;
    returnString = "<dl compact>\n";
    for (Enumeration e = form_data.keys() ; e.hasMoreElements() ;)
    String key = (String)e.nextElement();
    String value = (String)form_data.get(key);
    returnString += "<dt><b>" + key + "</b> <dd>:<i>" +
    value +
    returnString += "</dl>\n";
    return returnString;
    * The main routine is included here as a test CGI script to
    * demonstrate the use of all of the methods provided above.
    * You can use it to test your ability to execute a CGI script written
    * in Java. See the sample UNIX script file included above to see
    * how you would invoke this routine.<p>
    * Please note that this routine references the member functions directly
    * (since they are in the same class), but you would have to
    * reference the member functions using the class name prefix to
    * use them in your own CGI application:<p>
    * <pre>
    * System.out.println(cgi_lib.HtmlTop());
    * </pre>
    * @param args An array of Strings containing any command line
    * parameters supplied when this program in invoked. Any
    * command line parameters supplied are ignored by this routine.
    public static void main( String args[] )
    // This main program is simply used to test the functions in the
    // cgi_lib class.
    // That said, you can use this main program as a test cgi script. All
    // it does is echo back the form inputs and enviroment information to
    // the browser. Use the testcgi UNIX script file to invoke it. You'll
    // notice that the script you use to invoke any Java application that
    // uses the cgi_lib functions MUST pass all the CGI enviroment variables
    // into it using the -D parameter. See testcgi for more details.
    // Print the required CGI header.
    // Create the Top of the returned HTML
    // page (the parameter becomes the title).
    System.out.println(HtmlTop("Hello World"));
    // Determine the request method used by the browser.
    if (MethGet())
    if (MethPost())
    // Determine the Base URL of this script.
    System.out.println("Base URL: " + MyBaseURL());
    // Determine the Full URL used to invoke this script.
    System.out.println("Full URL: " + MyFullURL());
    // Print all the CGI environment variables
    // (usually only used while testing CGI scripts).
    // Parse the form data into a Hashtable.
    Hashtable form_data = ReadParse(System.in);
    // Print out each of the name/value pairs
    // from sent from the browser.
    // Access a particular form value.
    // (This assumes the form contains a "name" input field.)
    String name = (String)form_data.get("name");
    System.out.println("Name=" + name);
    // Create the Bottom of the returned HTML page - which closes it cleanly.
    import java.util.*;
    import java.io.*;
    class ping
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              Hashtable form_data = cgi_lib.ReadParse(System.in);
              String one = (String)form_data.get("first");
              String two = (String)form_data.get("last");
              boolean test;
              test = false;
              if (one.equals("I am")) {
                   if (two.equals("number 1")) {
                        test = true;
              if (test == true) {
              } else {
    ENJOY :)

  • Confusion with OCFS2 File system for OCR and Voting disk RHEL 5, Oracle11g,

    Dear all,
    I am in the process of installing Oracle 11g 3 Node RAC database
    The environment on which i have to do this implementation is as follows:
    Oracle 11g.
    Red Hat Linux 5 x86
    Oracle Clusterware
    EMC Storage
    250 Gb of Storage drive.
    As of now i am in the process of installing Oracle Clusterware on the 3 nodes.
    I have performed these tasks for the cluster installs.
    1. Configure Kernel Parameters
    2. Configure User Limits
    3. Modify the /etc/pam.d/login file
    4. Configure Operating System Users and Groups for Oracle Clusterware
    5. Configure Oracle Clusterware Owner Environment
    6. Install CVUQDISK rpm package
    7. Configure the Hosts file
    8. Verify the Network Setup
    9. Configure the SSH on all Cluster Nodes (User Equivalence)
    9. Enable the SSH on all Cluster Nodes (User Equivalence)
    10. Install Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS2)
    11.Verify the Installation of Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS2)
    12. Configure the OCFS2 (/etc/ocfs2/cluster.conf)
    13. Configure the O2CB Cluster Stack for OCFS2
    BUT, here after i am a little bit confused on how to proceed further. The next step is to Format the disk and mount the OCFS2, Create Software Directories... so and so forth.
    I asked my system admin to provide me two partitions so that i could format them with OCFS2 file system.
    He wrote back to me saying.
    *"Is what you want before I do it??*
    */dev/emcpowera1 is 3GB and formatted OCFS2.*
    */dev/emcpowera2 is 3GB and formatted OCFS2.*
    *Are those big enough for you? If not, I can re-size and re-format them*
    *before I mount them on the servers.*
    *the SAN is shared storage. /dev/emcpowera is one of three LUNs on*
    *the shared storage, and it's 214GB. Right now there are only two*
    *partitions on it- the ones I listed below. I can repartition the LUN any*
    *way you want it.*
    *Where do you want these mounted at:*
    *I was thinking if this mounting techique would work like so:*
    *emcpowera1: /u01/shared_config/OCR_config*
    *emcpowera2: /u01/shared_config/voting_disk*
    *Let me know how you'd like them mounted."*
    Please recommend me what i should convey to him so that i can ask him to the exact same thing.
    My second question is, as we are using ASM, for which i am gonna configure ASM after clusterware installation, should i install Openfiler??
    Pls refer the enviroment information i provided above and make recommendations.
    As of now i am using Jeffery Hunters guide to install the entire setup. You think the entire install guide goes well with my enviroment??
    Kind regards

    Thanks for ur reply Mufalani,
    You have managed to solve half part of my query. But still i am stuck with what kind of mount point i should ask the system admin to create for OCR and Voting disk. Should i go with the mount point he is mentioning??
    Let me put forth few more questions here.
    1. Is 280 MB ok for OCR and voting disks respectively??
    2. Should i ask the system admin to create 4 voting disk mount points and two for ocr??
    3. As mentioned by the system admin.
    Is this ok for creating the ocr and voting disks?
    4. Can i use OCFS2 file system for formating the disk instead of using them as RAW device!!?
    5. As u mentioned that Openfiler is not needed for Configuring ASM... Could you provide me the links which will guide me to create partition disks, voting disks and ocr disks!! I could not locate them on the doc or else were. I did find a couple of them, but was unable to identify a suitable one for my envoirement.

  • When I open BEx, error message appears: "....trace level 8 activated.."

    when i open bex, then it appears:
    "SAPGUI 640
    Enviroment information:
    Directory: 'C:\Documents and Setting\ ...\SapWorkDir
    trace level 8 activated
    logging activated
    For maximum data security delete the settings as soon as possible."
    But I dont know, which setting it is meaning.
    Thanks zd.

    The "*." should NOT be in the registry.
    We are still experiencing the problem and have a customer message into SAP.  The problem only occurs logging on through SAP Portal.  It occurs on Sun J2SE version 1.5 and 1.4.2 consistently.  It occurs using the Microsoft VM occaisionaly.  Deleting cookies, temporary internet files and clearing the history in IE seems to solve the problem for users using the Microsoft JVM.
    We are on XP SP2 with all the latest MS security patches.  Since we use Portals as the main logon process, we have the registry key set to prevent saplogon from launching when the user logs on.
    Hope that helps,

  • Problems Overriding DBTransactionImpl2/DatabaseTransactionFactory

    I have been following the tutorial in the JDeveloper Developer's Guide 25.8.4 How to Implement a Custom Constraint Error Handling Routine to catch and handle database constraint messages in our JHeadstart-based applications.
    Implementing and testing the code through my Embedded OC4J worked flawlessly. However, a flagrant problem occurred when the app was deployed to a real application server. When deployed to our Oracle SOA Suite instance the customized code is simply not being used. My implementing is doing nearly the exact same thing as the tutorial in the Developer's Guide, except that instead of nulling the exceptions, I am throwing a new JboException with a nice error message for the user.
    What would cause my code to work fine in the Embedded OC4J, but not in a deployed Oracle Application Sever instance? Would a simple library version conflict cause such a disparity? If so, how would I go about comparing my Embedded OC4J ADF libraries to the ADF libraries on our application server?
    Enviroment Information
    Oracle SOA Suite

    > What would cause my code to work fine in the Embedded OC4J, but not in a
    deployed Oracle Application Sever instance? Would a simple library version
    conflict cause such a disparity?
    In general, we indeed suspect a different version of the ADF Faces libraries.
    For what concerns your case, would it be possible that another ADF BC application is running in the same OC4J instance ?
    I'm asking that because I logged the following bug a few days after a customer reported that the first application was using the correct DBTransactionFactory, but any other application deployed in the same OC4J was using the same instance of the same DBTransactionFactory (Bug 7000435 - ADF BC APPS DEPLOYED ON THE SAME OC4J INSTANCE SHARE SAME DBTRANSACTIONFACTORY).
    > If so, how would I go about comparing my Embedded OC4J ADF libraries
    to the ADF libraries on our application server?
    No easy way that I'm aware of.
    We often recommend to re-install the ADF libraries, that's faster than trying to find out the difference.
    If you really want to check the versions, you can see them by opening the JAR files and checking the version in the MANIFEST.

  • APPSET   (Errors in Copying AppShell)   --------AppSet without copying?

    Hi Folks;
    I am creating a new APPSET, Obviouslly based in APPSHELL.
    1.-  I get this ERROR in the Five Step:  (You know how solve it?)
    > Check Enviroment Information OK
    > Copy File   OK
    > Copy DataBase OK
    > Create OLAP Database OK
    > OLAP Connect ERROR,
    Error message:OLAPConnect Error : File system error: The following file is corrupted: Physical file:
    ?\C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS10.MSSQLSERVER\OLAP\Data\ApShell_BPU.0.db\Entity.0.dim\1.Entity_H1_ID1.Entity_H1_ID1.dstore. Logical file .
    Errors in the metadata manager. An error occurred when loading the Entity dimension, from the file, '
    ?\C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS10.MSSQLSERVER\OLAP\Data\ApShell_BPU.0.db\Entity.1.dim.xml'.
    Errors in the metadata manager. An error occurred when loading the Finance cube, from the file, '
    ?\C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS10.MSSQLSERVER\OLAP\Data\ApShell_BPU.0.db\Finance.2.cub.xml'.
    2.- Is there some option to Create an APPSET without Copying APPSHELL as an option?
    Thanks in advance.

    It seems you have a problem with apshell.
    You can not a copy a database which is corrupted or has issue (dimension wrong can not be process or cubes currupted which can not be process).
    So I suggest first to check apshell if it is working properly and after that you will be able to copy the appset.
    You can copy an appset not necessary from apshell if you have other appsets but if it is a fresh new installation then
    you have just apshell and to create a new appset you can use just apshell.
    If you are not able to copy the apshell when you have a fresh new installation or the installation was wrong or you need to see if apshell apset has all dimensions and cubes process.
    Kind Regards
    Sorin Radulescu

  • Master unable to open database

    I am trying to run a replicated Berkeley DB instance and while the environment is created successfully and the master is elected, when the master attempts to open the database it returns an ENOENT. According the the documentation (and replication guide) this type of error occurs upon open when a replica attempts to open the database when it has not been created yet. While this makes sense for the replica, it doesn't seem like the master should ever return this error, particularly since the master has the DB_CREATE flag set. It is unclear to my why it is that the master replica is unable to open the database, does anyone know why this is occurring?
    Here is the relevant code:
    u_int32_t envFlags;
    // First initialize the database enviroment information
    envFlags = DB_CREATE | // If the environment does not exist, create it.
    DB_RECOVER | // Run normal recovery
    DB_INIT_LOCK | // Initialize locking
    DB_INIT_LOG | // Initialize logging
    DB_INIT_MPOOL | // Initialize the cache
    DB_INIT_TXN | // Initialize transactions
    DB_INIT_REP | // Initialize replication
    DB_THREAD; // free-threaded (thread-safe)
    //Sets verbose output to make replication easier to debug
    env_->set_verbose(DB_VERB_REPLICATION, 1);
    //Configure the local server
    env_->repmgr_set_local_site(local_.ip.c_str(), local_.port, 0);
    env_->repmgr_add_remote_site(replica.ip.c_str(), replica.port, NULL, 0);
    //If a role is specified then set the databases priority accordingly.
    switch ( r )
    case MASTER:
    cerr << "Master Priority" << endl;
    case SLAVE:
    cerr << "Slave Priority" << endl;
    case UNKNOWN:
    cerr << "Unkown Priority" << endl;
    env_->set_timeout(1000000, DB_SET_TXN_TIMEOUT);
    env_->open(path.c_str(), envFlags, 0);
    env_->repmgr_start(3, DB_REP_ELECTION);
    db_ = new Db(env_, 0);
    u_int32_t dbFlags = 0;
    bool isOpen = false;
    dbFlags = DB_AUTO_COMMIT;
    if( status.role == MASTER )
    cout << "Setting DB_CREATE Flag " << endl;
    dbFlags |= DB_CREATE;
    if( db_ == NULL )
    db_ = new Db(env_, 0);
    cerr << "Attempting to open db" << endl;
    db_->open(NULL, dbFileName_.c_str(), NULL, DB_BTREE, dbFlags, 0);
    cerr << "DB Opened successfully" << endl;
    isOpen = true;
    catch(DbException dbe)
    /* It is expected that this condition will be triggered
    * when client sites start up.
    * It can take a while for the master site to be found
    * and synced, and no DB will be available until then.
    if (dbe.get_errno() == ENOENT) {
    cerr << status.id << " DB not available yet, retrying." << endl;
    db_ = NULL;
    } else {
    env_->err(dbe.get_errno(), "DB->open");
    throw dbe;
    // DbException is not a subclass of std::exception, so we
    // need to catch them both.
    catch(DbException &e)
    std::cerr << "Error opening database: " << dbFileName_ << "\n";
    std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
    catch(std::exception &e)
    std::cerr << "Error opening database: " << dbFileName_ << "\n";
    std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
    I am running this code with verbose replication output on a local machine. I start a single client on port 9090 and add a replica on port 9091 (the replica does not start since the first client does not return). I have tried cleaning out the folder where is db is written to and it makes no difference. I have provided some /* comments */ to augment what is being output.
    REP_UNDEF: EID 0 is assigned for site localhost:9091
    9090 Master Priority
    REP_UNDEF: Read in gen 9
    REP_UNDEF: Read in egen 9
    REP_UNDEF: rep_start: Found old version log 14
    CLIENT: dbs/ rep_send_message: msgv = 5 logv 14 gen = 9 eid -1, type newclient, LSN [0][0] nogroup nobuf
    event: DB_EVENT_REP_CLIENT, I am now a replication client
    CLIENT: starting election thread
    CLIENT: elect thread to do: 0
    CLIENT: repmgr elect: opcode 0, finished 0, master -2
    CLIENT: init connection to site localhost:9091 with result 115
    connecting to site localhost:9091: Connection refused
    Done sleeping, trying to open dbs
    /* Environment has been opened, now the client will try to open the database */
    Attempting to open db
    DB not available yet, retrying.
    /* Open fails since it is a client and there is no master to create the database yet */
    CLIENT: elect thread to do: 1
    DB_ENV->rep_elect:WARNING: nvotes (1) is sub-majority with nsites (2)
    DB_ENV->rep_elect:WARNING: nvotes (1) is sub-majority with nsites (2)
    CLIENT: Start election nsites 2, ack 1, priority 500
    Attempting to open db
    CLIENT: Tallying VOTE1[0] (2147483647, 9)
    CLIENT: Beginning an election
    CLIENT: dbs/ rep_send_message: msgv = 5 logv 14 gen = 9 eid -1, type vote1, LSN [1][5174] nogroup nobuf
    DB not available yet, retrying.
    CLIENT: Tallying VOTE2[0] (2147483647, 9)
    CLIENT: Counted my vote 1
    CLIENT: Skipping phase2 wait: already got 1 votes
    CLIENT: Got enough votes to win; election done; winner is 2147483647, gen 9
    CLIENT: Election finished in 2.098189000 sec
    CLIENT: Election done; egen 10
    CLIENT: Ended election with 0, sites 0, egen 10, flags 0x200a01
    CLIENT: Election done; egen 10
    CLIENT: New master gen 10, egen 11
    CLIENT: Establishing group as master.
    MASTER: rep_start: Old log version was 14
    MASTER: dbs/ rep_send_message: msgv = 5 logv 14 gen = 10 eid -1, type newmaster, LSN [1][5174] nobuf
    MASTER: restore_prep: No prepares. Skip.
    MASTER: dbs/ rep_send_message: msgv = 5 logv 14 gen = 10 eid -1, type log, LSN [1][5174]
    MASTER: election thread is exiting
    /* Client gets elected to be the master, and thus can set the db create flag */
    Setting DB_CREATE Flag
    Attempting to open db
    MASTER: dbs/ rep_send_message: msgv = 5 logv 14 gen = 10 eid -1, type log, LSN [1][5210] flush
    DB not available yet, retrying.
    /* Master cannot open the database event though the db create flag is set, this is the issue */
    Setting DB_CREATE Flag
    Attempting to open db
    MASTER: dbs/ rep_send_message: msgv = 5 logv 14 gen = 10 eid -1, type log, LSN [1][5272] flush
    DB not available yet, retrying.
    /* repeated indefinitely */
    Can anyone help? Thank you.

    dbFileName is "./dbs/test.db" and the dbs folder exists. I tried putting 777 permissions on the folder as well as using " dbs/test.db" to no avail.
    I removed the database and all logs and ran it again for the same time as before and below is the db_printlog output:
    [1][28]__txn_recycle: rec: 14 txnp 0 prevlsn [0][0]
         min: 2147483648
         max: 4294967295
    [1][64]__fop_create: rec: 143 txnp 80000001 prevlsn [0][0]
         name: ./dbs/80000000.f1e7a7fc0
         appname: 1
         mode: 660
    [1][128]__fop_create: rec: 143 txnp 80000003 prevlsn [0][0]
         name: ./dbs/80000002.b856343a0
         appname: 1
         mode: 660
    [1][192]__fop_create: rec: 143 txnp 80000005 prevlsn [0][0]
         name: ./dbs/80000004.f447bb460
         appname: 1
         mode: 660
    [1][256]__fop_create: rec: 143 txnp 80000007 prevlsn [0][0]
         name: ./dbs/80000006.d66a33830
         appname: 1
         mode: 660
    [1][320]__fop_create: rec: 143 txnp 80000009 prevlsn [0][0]
         name: ./dbs/80000008.d59895bb0
         appname: 1
         mode: 660

  • Best practice for managing Apple ID's in an enterprise enviroment.

    We have just started to incorporate iPads into our Corporate enviroment.  We have had them in use for the last couple of months and to be fair they have worked well but i guess now is the time to try and workout some of the issues we are experiencing with them, the re-occuring issues that just seem to keep haunting us.
    As part of the deployment we gave those with current apple id's the option of using their own, particularly those Execs who already had iPads and iPhones.  We are currently using active sync with our exchange server for access to email.
    How do other people manage Apple ID's?
    How do other people handle the password change scenario.. we have had users on holiday where their passwords have expired and they have been unable to access the email...also the issue of you reset your password on the network but you still need to re-authenticate it on the iPad...does anyone have a decent app that can get us round this?
    what issues have others found?

    Hi ToRnUK,
    The information below will explain some options for managing multiple iPads in your business.
    Apple - Support - iPad - Enterprise
    Apple - iPad in Business - IT Center

  • How to change preferences for all users in a Citrix enviroment

    I need change some preference settings for all users in my Citrix enviroment.
    I know change the preference settings for a user, of course, but a have 160 users and a need to change some settings configuration one time on the server for all users.
    The preferents I need change are: 'disable javascript' and 'don't show pdf in IE'

    Hi Arti,
    In cProjects the authorizations can be managed either by authorization profile administration by system administrator for General authorizations or by Project specific authorizations for individual cProjects elements by Project owner.
    Try the first one and I hope you will get the solution.
    Nishit Jani
    Award points only if you find the information useful.

  • Error -1074384569; NI-XNET: (Hex 0xBFF63147) The database information on the real-time system has been created with an older NI-XNET version. This version is no longer supported. To correct this error, re-deploy your database to the real-time system.

    I have a VeriStand-Project (VSP) created with my Laptop-Host (LTH) which works with my PXI, while
    deploying it from my LTH. Then I have installed the whole NI enviroment for PXI and VeriStand use on a
    industrial PC (iPC). I have tried to deploy my VSP from the iPC to the PXI but the following error
    message arose on my iPC:
    The VeriStand Gateway encountered an error while deploying the System Definition file.
    Details: Error -1074384569 occurred at Project Window.lvlibroject Window.vi >> Project
    Window.lvlib:Command Loop.vi >> NI_VS Workspace ExecutionAPI.lvlib:NI VeriStand - Connect to System.vi
    Possible reason(s):
    NI-XNET:  (Hex 0xBFF63147) The database information on the real-time system has been created with an
    older NI-XNET version. This version is no longer supported. To correct this error, re-deploy your
    database to the real-time system. ========================= NI VeriStand:  NI VeriStand
    Engine.lvlib:VeriStand Engine Wrapper (RT).vi >> NI VeriStand Engine.lvlib:VeriStand Engine.vi >> NI
    VeriStand Engine.lvlib:VeriStand Engine State Machine.vi >> NI VeriStand Engine.lvlib:Initialize
    Inline Custom Devices.vi >> Custom Devices Storage.lvlib:Initialize Device (HW Interface).vi
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • Unloading System
    Definition file... • Connection with target Controller has been lost.
    The software versions of the NI products (MAX/My System/Software) between my LTH and the iPC are
    almost the same. The only differences are:
    1. LabView Run-Time 2009 SP1 (64-bit); is installed on LTH but missing on iPC. The iPC has a 32-bit system.
    2. LabView Run-Time 2012 f3; is installed on LTH but missing on iPC.
    3. NI-DAQmx ADE Support 9.3.5; something strage on the LTH, because normally I am using NI-DAQmx 9.5.5 and all other DAQmx products on my LTH are 9.5.5. That means NI-DAQmx Device Driver 9.5.5 and NI-DAQmx Configuration 9.5.5.. On the iPC side all three products are 9.5.5.. That means NI-DAQmx ADE Support 9.5.5, NI-DAQmx Device Driver 9.5.5 and NI-DAQmx Configuration 9.5.5..
    4. Traditional NI-DAQ 7.4.4; The iPC has this SW installed. On the LTH this SW is missing.
    In order to fix this problem I have formatted my PXI and I have installed the following SW from the iPC:
    1. LabVIEW Real-Time 11.0.1
    2. NI-488.2 RT 3.0.0
    3. NI_CAN 2.7.3
    Unfortunately the above stated problem still arose.
    What can I do to fix this problem?
    I found a hint on http://www.labviewforum.de/Thread-XNET-CAN-die-ersten-Gehversuche.
    There it is written to deploy the dbc file againt.
    If this is a good hint, so how do I deploy a dbc file?
    I would feel very pleased if somebody could help me! :-)
    Best regards
    Lukas Nowak

    Hi Lukas,
    I think the problem is caused by differenet drivers for the CAN communication.
    NI provides two driver for CAN: NI-CAN and NI-XNET.
    NI-CAN is the outdated driver which is not longer used by new hardware. NI replaced the NI-CAN driver with NI-XNET some years ago, which supports CAN, LIN and the FLEXRAY communication protocol.
    You wrote:
    In order to fix this problem I have formatted my PXI and I have installed the following SW from the iPC:
    3. NI_CAN 2.7.3
    NI CAN is the outdated driver. I think that you should try to install NI-XNET instead of NI-CAN on your PXI-System, to get rid of the error message.
    Regards, stephan

  • Best practice for designing a print enviroment​?

    If there is a better location for this, please let me know.
    Redesign and redeploy my print enviroment with best practices in mind.
    Overview: VMWare enviroment running 2008 R2,  with ~200 printers. I have a majority of HP printers ranging from 10 years old to brand new. Laserjets, MFPs, OfficeJets, etc.. etc.. in addition to Konica, Xerox, and Savin copiers. Many of our printer models aren't support in 2008, let alone x64.
    Our future goals include eprint services, as well as a desire to manage print quality, and consumition levels through something like Web Jetadmin.
    Presently we have a 2003 x86 server running our very old printers and until 6 months ago the rest on a single 2008r2 x64 server. We ended up not giving it the attention of detail it needed and the drivers became very cluttered, this lead to a single UPD PCL6 update that ended up corrupting several drivers across the UPD PCL 5 and 6 spectrum. At that time we brought up a second 2008r2 server and began to migrate those affected. In some instances we were forced to manually delete the drivers off of the clients system32->Spool->Driver and reinstall.
    I haven't had much luck finding good best practice information and figured I'd ask. Some documents I came across suggested that I should isolate a Universal driver to a single server, such as 3 servers for PCL5, PCL6, and PS. Then there is the need to deal with my various copiers.
    I appreciate your advice, thank you!
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    This forum is focused on consumer level products.  For your question you may have better results in the HP Enterprise forum here.
    Bob Headrick,  HP Expert
    I am not an employee of HP, I am a volunteer posting here on my own time.
    If your problem is solved please click the "Accept as Solution" button ------------V
    If my answer was helpful please click the "Thumbs Up" to say "Thank You"--V

  • Help:The way to switch different JRE enviroment in the same desktop??

    I am sorry to post it in this forum because I post almost the same in JRE forum but I don't get any help there for 2 days.
    My problem is that I have two systems to be used in different JRE enviroment.A system can only run in JRE 1.3 and B system can only run in JRE 1.5 enviroment.But I have to run both in one desktop(which use WinXP SP2),how can I do it . I tried some methods like below:
    Method 1:
    I Edited the registry using the cmd of regedit , edited some like these.But it did not work .
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit]CurrentVersion="1.X"
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment] CurrentVersion="1.X"
    Method 2:This method is post in http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/deployment/deployment-guide/jcp.html#java as belows:
    Assume you are running on Microsoft Windows with Microsoft Internet Explorer, have first installed version 1.4.2, then version 5.0, and you want to run 1.4.2.
    Go to the j2re1.4.2\bin directory where JRE 1.4.2 was installed. On a Windows default installation, this would be here: C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2\bin
    Double-click the jpicpl32.exe file located there. It will launch the control panel for 1.4.2.
    Select the Browser tab. Microsoft Internet Explorer might still appear to be set (checked). However, when 5.0 was installed, the registration of the 1.4.2 JRE with Internet Explorer was overwritten by the 5.0 JRE.
    If Microsoft Internet Explorer is shown as checked, uncheck it and click Apply. You will see a confirmation dialog stating that browser settings have changed.
    Check Microsoft Internet Explorer and click Apply. You should see a confirmation dialog.
    Restart the browser. It should now use the 1.4.2 JRE for conventional APPLET tags.
    I tried this method but it did not work either.
    By the way , the method I use to check whether the switch of JRE versions is work correctly is this :
    1.Create a html file which contains OBJECT tag
    2.Double click the html file and then check the information in the java console in the window's taskbar.
    3.What the java console says is the JRE version I am using now
    Is this check method right?
    I found that many people confronted the same problem like me but they resolved it by the method of changing control panel, so I am doubt about the check method.
    Can anybody give me some help?
    Thanks a lot in advantage.

    Some additional information:
    I tried the method of changing control panel by JRE1.3's control panel to change current JRE enviroment to JRE1.3 (see http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/deployment/deployment-guide/jcp.html#java), and I found that in the IE->Tool->Intenet Option->Detail Setting Panel the JRE version used in IE had been changed to JRE1.3 really.But when I connect System A(which use JRE1.3) use IE,the started java console is still JRE1.5 and some applets can't run in the enviroment.

  • JDev9i-Beta;How could I run two JSP applications in Jdev enviroment at the same time?

    I have two JSP applications located on different directories. I wanted to run both applications at the same time in Jdev enviroment. But the second one failed.
    More info:
    I successfully ran Application1, then minimized the browser and ran Application2, then again minimized the second browser. After I maximized the first browser(Application1) and tried to go thro pages, I received page not found. Because Jdev sat up the Class Path for the newer application(Application2) and looks for pages there. I believe thats why I could not run both at the same time. How could I get around of this?

    can you provide more details on this. Are these jsp files part of the same project or different projects. I can not duplicate this issue. Please provide us more information.
    Thank you

  • Materialized View and Redo Information

    I have created a materialized view with fast refresh. I have created a materialized view log on master table with NOLOGING. My view is refresh every 3 seconds but My problem is that my archivelogs is now growing so much!!!
    Please, How I avoid that redo information increasing so much?
    Thank you,

    I want to show on line some tables of my database,
    because I have created materialized view every 3
    seconds on test enviroment. I'm not sure I follow exactly what you're saying here.
    - Are you sure that you need materialized views here? And not just a regular view? If you need to display the data online and you need a lag of no more than three seconds, is there some reason that you're not using a regular old view? Are you doing some significant aggregation of the data?
    - Are you sure that you need the materialized views to refresh every 3 seconds? And not on some longer interval?
    - If you're looking for near real-time data replication, you may be better served by using Streams rather than materialized views.
    When I use stand by database, I have to replica my
    full database???.- I'm assuming this is a completely separate question with no relation to the previous section.
    - Yes, DataGuard (physical or logical) would create and maintain a copy of your existing database on a separate server in order to fail over in the event of a disaster or to be a reporting server.

Maybe you are looking for

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