Hello experts,
What is the purpose of subject tables in ERP? I have entries in both tables with different data.
I'm running programs /SAPSLL/MM0A_OBJSSF_PROCESS_R3, /SAPSLL/SD0A_OBJSSF_PROCESS_R3  & /SAPSLL/SD0B_OBJSSF_PROCESS_R3 to clear the entries in table but it is not clearing the entries in table /SAPSLL/OBJSSF so I'd like to understand the design.

Hi Satish,
The records in that table are those for which the corresponding transactional document in the feeder system could not be released by the call from GTS - perhaps someone was locking the document, or there was some other system problem.  The transaction gives a second chance to release them, so that the follow-on functions (for example, the creation of Deliveries) can be actioned.
Hope that helps.

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    if not gt_sagmeld[] is initial.
                SELECT /sapsll/cuit~guid_cuit         " PK
                       /sapsll/cuit~QUANT_FLT         " to be displayed
                       /sapsll/cuit~QUAUM             " to be displayed
                       /sapsll/cuit~RPTDT             " to be displayed
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    Hi Nishant!
    When you use 'for all entries' SAP (or database?) does a 'delete adjacent duplicates' on the result. This is necessary because of the special selection technique in this case.
    You need to select enough columns from /sapsll/prt, so that your two entries will differ in the result.

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    Hello Arjun,
    BSEG is related to Finance such as [General Ledger Accounting |]and [General Ledger Accounting: Line Items|],[General Ledger: Direct Line Items|]

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    if you need an official statement i would recommend you open a SAP OSS Message for that.

  • Trading country information in table /SAPSLL/CUHD

    Dear experts,
    I've recently found the field /SAPSLL/CUHD-CTYTR for Trading country. Does any of you know what is the purpose of that field and how it can be populated with a document from ECC?
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    Thank you

    Hi Nicolas,
    Unfortunately I don't think that field is mapped during the transfer of SD documents.
    If it helps, field CTYPL (Country of Physical Location) is mapped from the country of the Plant (= Legal Unit).
    As I remember, GTS can make Compliance checks for each leg of a Route (probably more relevant to a Delivery) - does that help?

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    Alternate solution for this would be
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    Kind regards

    I would recommend to take a look here:
    BOBJ and SAP R/3
    The drivers I am talking about will be available in the CR Designer once you install the BO integration kit for SAP solutions.
    If you try to access directly the underlying MAX DB database you will not have access to all data since SAP ERP stores the data partially compressed in the database tables.

  • Write to ERP Tables on HANA DB using SQL script

    Hello All,
    We are using HANA as our primary database for ABAP system and trying to feed the data to ABAP tables using SQL script and experiencing authorization errors . Please see below for more details.
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    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Naresh,
    Obi Wan would now probably say: "this is not the functionality you're looking for".
    Even though you are working with Z-tables you really don't want to start messing with those from outside the context of the NetWeaver system.
    Instead you want to keep the control over all tables in the NetWeaver schema completely  to the SAP<sid> user and NetWeaver.
    For your data loading scenario, just write a simple ABAP report with native sql or an AMDP to do the copying of the data for you.
    Don't spread your code across the landscape and don't loosen access restrictions on your schema.
    - Lars

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                      DESTINATION i_destestination
                        sometning = something
                        subrc = err_subrc.

  • GTS - BAdi /SAPSLL/CTRL_SD0B_R3 not working correctly

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    Khushboo Dand

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    I understand it like this:
    Transaction /SAPSLL/CD_FS_ARCH marks all customs documents where the related documents in ERP are in a status to allow archiving.
    Which status will be set? Where can I check it (table/field)?
    Transaction /SAPSLL/CDOC_STCOMPL marks all customs documents which are in a status to allow archiving.
    Which status will be set? Where can I check it (table/field)?

    Hi Renate,
    The difference, as you say, is that the /SAPSLL/CD_FS_ARCH report checks the archiving status of the related Feeder System documents to determine whether or not the status of the GTS documents should be adjusted.  The /SAPSLL/CDOC_STCOMPL report does not take the Feeder System status into account as far as I can see.
    Report /SAPSLL/CD_FS_ARCH changes the GTS document status to "restricted" (value '3B') - you should be able to see that in table /SAPSLL/CUHDSTA (related to the Document Number in table /SAPSLL/CUHD).
    Report /SAPSLL/CDOC_STCOMPL also sets the same document status, and also takes into account the related GTS documents - for example the SCD, if relevant for a Customs Declaration.
    Hope that helps.

  • How to create Search help for the field /SAPSLL/PRGEN-ATTR20V

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    In this table /SAPSLL/TCOATV20-ATTRV20V is a Primary key field.
    How can I add search help for this field?
    Any suggestions will be appreciated!

    Fixed on my own..
    I am closing this thread!
    Thank you!

  • GTS BP Data corrupted -SAPSLL/BP_DATA_CLEANUP  not working

    Hi All,
    We have encountered a typical issue during SPL block release in GTS production system.
    1. When we try to lift the SPL block for one of the customs document # XXXXXXX in GTS we have received a error message as "Update error;audit - SPL Block will not be lifted " .
    2. In the customs document we found that the Ship to party associated BP address data was not determined. And unable to see the associated  BP number XXXXXX for the ship to party in Transaction BP-.
    3. Then we try to resend Ship to party number from R3 to GTS but it did not resend.
    4. Then we have verified the business partner log in GTS system we found below error messages
    - Business partner XXXXX does not exist
    - Business partner  does not have GUID 005056AD68931ED48BC03A8D35EF634F
    5. Then I have verified SAP KBA # 1824797 on this particular issue and as instructed we had run report /SAPSLL/BP_DATA_CLEANUP for this business partner and it has given below message.
    - Business partner XXXXX processed successfully
    - XXXXX archive the listed objects manually in table /SAPSLL/CORPAR
    - XXXXX archive the listed objects manually in table /SAPSLL/SPLAUD
    6. When I went back and check the table  /SAPSLL/PNTBP still the entry is there and did not allow use to resend the ship to party number from R3.
    Can you please help us.

    Hi Ram,
    As per our discussion in the support incident you need to archive the entries first. This is stated in step 4 of KBA 1824797.
    There is still some related data left on your CORPAR and SPLAUD tables.
    You need to archive the document I mentioned using archiving object CUHD.
    Then you need to archive all the audit trail data using archiving object SPL_AT.
    Once these entries are archived you can run run the CLEANUP report again and the BP data from /SAPSLL/PNTBP will be deleted fully.
    This process is required to avoid inconsistencies such as trying to display and document that contains and already deleted Business Partner.
    Best Regards,

  • No master data transmitted from ERP to GTS

    We are using ERP 4.70 with the following settings:
    SAP_APPL 470 SP-Level 0031
    PI 2004_1_470 SP-Level 0016
    PI_BASIS 2005_1_620 SP-Level 0017
    SLL_PI 720_470 SP-Level 0007
    together with SAP GTS 7.2 SP-Level 09
    I created the message types /SAPSLL/DEBMAS_SLL and /SAPSLL/MATMAS_SLL manually and activated them.
    I try to send an customer master data to GTS but the partner will not transmitted. In the log protocoll in GTS the error message appears that there was no data collected from table SAPSLL/TCOGVA
    If I try to send a material master from ERP to GTS the RFC connection gets broken with error message:
    RFC error (The transaction has dumped the connection). What I had found out is, that the error appears in the function /SAPSLL/API_1006_SYNCH_MASS.
    Has this something to do maybe with a wrong IDOC type? Does I have to to something in some tables. Do I use the wrong programme? I use /SAPSLL/MATMAS_DISTRIBUTE_R3 and /SAPSLL/DEBMAS_DISTRIBUTE_R3.
    I made absolutely the same customizing settings in another system at a customer and it worked fine there.
    Does anybody has an idea? Thanks to all for the possible help.
    Thanks very much in advance

    Hi Andreas,
    there are several possibilities why this is not working.
    First of all you should check, if your RFC settings are correctly maintained.
    Please bear in mind that the logical systems have to be assigned to logical system groups and that GTS and R/ shall not be in teh same group.
    Please also ensure that the logical system name is the same in both systems, R/3 and GTS.
    Secondly there is also the possibilites that necessary tables are not filled correctly.
    Please run report /SAPSLL/PLUGIN_CHECK_R3
    It could be thate.g. the tables TBD24 and TBD62 are not filled 
    for the relevant message type (in your case /SAPSLL/DEBMAS_SLL and /SAPSLL/MATMAS_SL)
    To update this tables corretly pls. do the following:                                                                               
    - BD53                                                                
    - select message type (/SAPSLL/MATMAS_SLL)and edit it                 
    - select a segment                                                    
    - save                                                                
    - deselect segment again                                              
    - activate                                                            
    - set in trx BD60 the FM to the correct value                         
    You can than check with the programm: '/SAPSLL/PLUGIN_CHECK_R3' if    
    all 4 required tables (TBD24, TBD62, TBDA2, TBDME) are filled, or not.
    I hope this helps with the issue.

  • Clear entries from /SAPLL/OBJIDX

    Hi ,
    We have a bunch of entries that landed up in the table /SAPSLL/OBJIDX with the processed flag not set.
    The cause behind being some Sales Order types ,not configured to be pushed from ECC to GTS ,were manually attempted to be pushed with the program "/SAPSLL/SD0A_DISTRIBUTE_R3"
    Is there a standard mechanism wherein these entries can be removed from the table without the involvement of a custom program development or a backend update.
    These entries are currently marked as "UNPROCESSED" in the table
    Jasmit Kohli

    Hi Jasmit,
    You need to write a Z program or  ABAP line command
    It is pretty simple if you just want to create your own local ABAP program to delete an entry. 
    delete from /sapsll/lc_cusb1 where GUID_LC_CUSB1 = '0002D75687063045B5D86B33ED83F2DD'.
    Syntax it in test mode, and it will delete the entries out of the tables BUT TREAD VERY CAREFULLY!

Maybe you are looking for