Error calling Method on Managed Bean from another Managed Bean

Help please:
I have a managed bean (page flow scope) which is used by my main page for dynamic region flow navigation:
*public class RegionNavigationBean implements Serializable{*+
private String dynamicTaskFlowId = "/WEB-INF/home-task-flow-definition.xml#home-task-flow-definition";+
*public RegionNavigationBean() {*+
*public TaskFlowId getDynamicTaskFlowId() {*+
return TaskFlowId.parse(dynamicTaskFlowId);+
*public void setDynamicTaskFlowId(String taskFlowId) {*+
this.dynamicTaskFlowId = taskFlowId;+
taskFlowId property on main page def is set to +*${pageFlowScope.regionNavigationBean.dynamicTaskFlowId}*+
In a DB table (i.e. View Object on my model layer) I store a menu ID and a corresponding task_flow_id.
Then I have created an action listener class (RegionNavigationListener - page flow scope) which I link to my menu items on my main page (action listener property on menu item = +*#{pageFlowScope.regionNavigationAction.processAction}*+ )
In this action listener (processAction method), I retrieve the row set from the menu VO and find the record which matches my menu ID which caused the action event, thereby retrieving the task_flow_id which must be navigated to.
I then try to retrieve the instance of the RegionNavigationBean with the following statement: RegionNavigationBean regNav = (RegionNavigationBean)JSFUtils.getManagedBeanValue("regionNavigationBean");+
This seems to work fine, but as soon as I try and use this I get NullPointerException error, e.g.:
or even:
System.out.println("%%% " + regNav.toString());+
This is all quite new to me... any help would be appreciated!

Hi Mario,
I think JSFUtils.getManagedBeanValue(String) has difficult to evaluate the "regionNavigationBean" managed bean.
What JSFUtils.getManagedBeanValue(String) do is important. I remember that "JSF scoped" bean can be found by JSF style find method, such as requestScope, sessionScope, applicationScope. For a managed bean put in these scope, scope prefix is not needed, for example: using #{beanName} to locate a requestScope bean. The #{requestScope} prefix is not needed.
But pageFlowScope is different. If a bean is put in the pageFlowScope, you must use #{pageFlowScope.beanName} to locate it.
Say, ManagedBean is the java class of your manged bean.
FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
Application app = ctx.getApplication();
ManagedBean mb = (ManagedBean)app.evaluateExpressionGet(ctx, "#{pageFlowScope.managedBeanName}", ManagedBean.class);
Hope it helps.
Edited by: Todd Bao on Nov 26, 2009 9:58 PM

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    printf("CPP: Finishing uninstantiate!!\n");
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    if (cls == 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Can't find Prog class\n");
    printf("Got the cls id again!!\n");
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    printf("IT'S INVALID!!\n");
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    if (mid == 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Can't find grabFocusInJava\n");
    theJavaEnv->CallIntMethod(instanceObject, mid, 2);
    printf("Called grabFocusInJava\n");
    thanks in advance

    Can I Call method on one JVM from another through a dll
    ...The rest of your question merely expands on your title.
    And the answer to that question is no.
    When you call a method you are executing a "thread of execution." A thread of execution exists only in a single process. It can not exist in another process.
    If the dll is doing some interesting things then you could call a method that sets a flag. Data can move between instances. But you would then have to have a thread in that different process monitoring that flag. And sharing data in a dll is not a normal process, so it would have to be coded appropriately.
    If all you want to do is set the current focus to the existing application, then that can be done with existing windows functionality. You don't need to do anything special in your dll. You can probably search these forums to find the exact code. If not there are countless examples in windows repositories (like MSDN) on how to do that.

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    Dear Pradeep,
    This will solve your problem......( plz 1st read everything ..)
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    ii) Button' s  View..(V2)
    1. Create a method in Component Controller.( M1).
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    Regards ,

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    </managed-bean>and part of my code:
    public String displayApprovalInEditMode()throws Exception{          
              //This is cross-managed been access; I  need to get the current Approval in the approval management been
              ApprovalManagementBean appMangBean=(ApprovalManagementBean) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()
                                                      .getExternalContext().getSessionMap().get("approvalManagementBean");What possible problems may be?
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    You must be doing something wrong. I cannot reproduce this problem with the following SSCCE on JSF 1.2_13 at Tomcat 6.0.20.
    Bean1package mypackage;
    public class Bean1 {
        private Bean2 bean2;
        public boolean isBean2Present() {
            return bean2 != null;
        public Bean2 getBean2() {
            return bean2;
        public void setBean2(Bean2 bean2) {
            this.bean2 = bean2;
    }Bean2package mypackage;
    public class Bean2 {
    }JSF<%@ taglib prefix="h" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="f" uri="" %>
                <h:outputText value="Is bean2 present? #{bean1.bean2Present ? 'yes' : 'no'}" />
    </f:view>faces-config<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <faces-config xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
    </faces-config>It prints 'yes'.

  • Initialize a stateful session bean from another

    I am trying to create and initialize a stateful session bean from another stateful session bean. The code is as follows
    This method belongs to DefaultSessionBean where it creates the AdminSessionBean based on few checks and returns it to the client.
        public AdminSession getAdminSession() throws UnknownException, WarningException {
            if (isAdmin()) {
                AdminSession adminSession;
                try {
                    final Context context = IToolsUtil.getInitialContext();
                    adminSession = (AdminSession)context.lookup("AdminSession");
                    System.out.println("Successfully created the adminsession bean");
                } catch (NamingException ne) {
                    throw new UnknownException (new CatalogHelper("ITOOLS_100019", new Object[]{"Admin", ne.getMessage()}));
                System.out.println("adminsession will be returned");
                return adminSession;
            } else {
                throw new WarningException (new CatalogHelper("ITOOLS_000042", sessionUser.getUserhandle()));
        }Another method in DefaultSessionBean, creates its local interface and returns it.
        public DefaultSessionLocal getDefaultSessionLocal() {
            DefaultSessionLocal dsl = (DefaultSessionLocal)context.getBusinessObject(DefaultSessionLocal.class);
            System.out.println("local created.");
            return dsl;
        }Client call initialize method of the AdminSessionBean which is mentioned below:
        public void initialize(DefaultSession ds) throws WarningException, UnknownException {
            this.ds = ds.getDefaultSessionLocal();
            this.rfl = ReadFieldList.getInstance();
   = new FinderMethods();
        }The client code where it gets the adminSession and initializes is
       public static AdminSession getAdminSession(DefaultSession ds) throws ViewException {
            AdminSession as;
            try {
                as = ds.getAdminSession();
                System.out.println("got admin session");
            } catch (WarningException we) {
                throw new ViewException(we.getCatalogHelper());
            } catch (UnknownException ue) {
                throw new ViewException(ue.getCatalogHelper());
            } catch (OracleRemoteException ore) {
                throw new ViewException(new CatalogHelper("ITOOLS_050003", ore.getMessage()));
            // Initialize Admin Session
            try {
                System.out.println("before getting it.");
                System.out.println("adminsession is initialized");
            } catch (WarningException we) {
                as = null;
                throw new ViewException(we.getCatalogHelper());
            } catch (UnknownException ue) {
                as = null;
                throw new ViewException(ue.getCatalogHelper());
            } catch (OracleRemoteException ore) {
                as = null;
                throw new ViewException(new CatalogHelper("ITOOLS_050003", ore.getMessage()));
            System.out.println("got admin session");
            return as;
        }Apart from this I am using OC4J tool test my application.
    When I am calling initialize method of the AdminSession I am getting the following error.
    06/10/24 12:26:08 Entered
    06/10/24 12:26:08 got default session
    06/10/24 12:26:08 Successfully created the adminsession bean
    06/10/24 12:26:08 adminsession will be returned
    06/10/24 12:26:08 got admin session
    06/10/24 12:26:08 before getting it.
    2006-10-24 12:26:08.156 WARNING J2EE RMI-00009 Exception returned by remote server: {0}
    06/10/24 12:26:08 com.itools.vs.view.exception.ViewException
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at com.itools.vs.view.util.ViewUtil.getAdminSession(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at com.itools.vs.view.backing.Admin.CreateUser.submit_action(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at com.sun.faces.el.MethodBindingImpl.invoke(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at com.sun.faces.application.ActionListenerImpl.processAction(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.AjaxActionComponent.broadcast(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.AjaxViewRoot.processEvents(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.AjaxViewRoot.broadcastEvents(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.AjaxViewRoot.processApplication(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.InvokeApplicationPhase.execute(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.phase(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.xmlfilter.BaseXMLFilter.doXmlFilter(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.xmlfilter.BaseFilter.doFilter(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.serveOneRequest(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at$
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at$700(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at$
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at
    06/10/24 12:26:08 ITOOLS_050003: Failed to get Admin Session.
    Exception is "Error marshalling objects, Not Serializable: DefaultSession_RemoteProxy_6nein01; nested exception is: DefaultSession_RemoteProxy_6nein01".

    Your remote client passes a DefaultSession to AdminSession.initialize(..). This DefaultSession has to be a remote type. In your client, how does it get DefaultSession?
    Did your client look up DefaultSession, and have it return a (sessionContext.getBusinessObject(DefaultSession.class))? If so, it should work.

  • Error calling method of a PBNI object

    Dear All,
    We are facing issue of "Error calling method of a PBNI object". We are calling web services of WCF after some time to refresh data.We need help to solve this issue as we have to go live with client.
    It's really urgent!
    Imran Zaheer

    Hi Chris,
    Thanks for your concern.
    1) PB version & Build?
         PB builder 12.5.2 build 5609
    2) MS-Window version?
         Windows 7 professional.
    3) Why are you using PBNI and what kind of class are you utilizing in that context?
         We are calling webservices through soap objects.
    4) What error(s) codes and messages are you getting?
        we get "Error calling method of a PBNI object"
    5) Why are you not using that supports WCF natively (I wish PB classic did)?
        For this we need to convert our whole application in PB.Net which is not feasible for us.
    6) Can you lightly describe your over-all architecture and application approach to Web Services?
         We have replace EASERVER with WCFserver and we are calling webservices for fetching( pulling) data from WCF server. It's a soft of 3 tier architecture.
    Regards .... Imran

  • What is error  "Error calling method on NPObject!" ?

    I use API get mks link and submit ticket open VMRC console but console doesn't run and get this error "Error calling method on NPObject!"
    How i can fix?

    I did that and I don't see much difference...where is the debugging suppose to be?
    anyway I use FF and Firebug and I exporting to flash player 9
    The error seems to be coming from a line of code
    function (params) {
    86        obj = FB.JSON.parse(params);
    87        cb = function (response) {FBAS.getSwf().uiResponse(FB.JSON.stringify(response), obj.method);};
    88        FB.ui(obj, cb);
    89    }
    90    function () {
    91        session = FB.getSession();
    92        return FB.JSON.stringify(session);
    93    }
    I assume that this is from the FB graph swf wrapper?
    The object in question seems to be the session I get back from facebook. The thing is I successfully get it sooo I'm kinda stumped as to what really is the problem here...

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    report error:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    This report is located here:
    Home-Application Builder-Application 150-Shared Components-Templates-Replace Templates
    best regards,

    It is usually a permissions issue.. you have read but not write permission. Why it would suddenly change is one of those Apple Mysteries... but it happens.
    Open the directory (folder) where your media files are.. and check the permissions.. see if you can fix them.
    The problem is the folder on the TC might have lost your ownership and you might not be able to change it.. Apple do not provide anyway to regain permissions because you would need low level access to the TC firmware.
    I would just as a matter of course reset the TC to factory and redo its setup.
    Factory reset universal
    Power off the TC.. ie pull the power cord or power off at the wall.. wait 10sec.. hold in the reset button.. be gentle.. power on again still holding in reset.. and keep holding it in for another 10sec. You may need some help as it is hard to both hold in reset and apply power. It will show success by rapidly blinking the front led. Release the reset.. and wait a couple of min for the TC to reset and come back with factory settings. If the front LED doesn’t blink rapidly you missed it and simply try again. The reset is fairly fragile in these.. press it so you feel it just click and no more.. I have seen people bend the lever or even break it. I use a toothpick as tool.
    N.B. None of your files on the hard disk of the TC are deleted.. this simply clears out the router settings of the TC.
    Do the setup via airport utility using different names.. short, no spaces and pure alphanumerics. Make sure passwords are also pure alphanumeric mixed case and numbers.. 8-20 characters is usually plenty.
    Mount the disk in finder and see if you have the same issue.. I am not expecting a change.. but it is worth a try.
    No luck you can copy your files off the TC.. wipe it .. and then copy them back.. no bad thing unless you already have a backup of your files at the moment. In which case you can just wipe the TC and copy the files now.

  • Error while activating DSO after loading from another DSO..Production issue

    Hello Gurus,
    I got an error while activating DSO2 after loading from another DSO1.
    DSO1 load and activation was sucessful but while loading from DSO1 to DSO2 load was fine but got error while activating...
      >Error when assigning SID: Action VAL_SID_CONVERT table ZWEEK_NUM
      >Value u201809u2019 of characteristic ZWEEK_NUM is not a number with 000004 spaces
    this theard was posted after searching for related post in SDN.
    and i tried Function Module RSODS_CHECK_RSODSACTUPDTYPE but it is not available .. but I used this in BW 3.10u2026..
    is their any similar Function Module in BI 7.0 please advice.
    We are using SAP NetWeaver BI 7.0
    Release- 700    Service level- 017
    Thanks in advance

    sloved the issue......
    it was due to wrong data for the related field...
    it  must be "0009 "
    Thanks for ur support. closing the ticket

  • Set value of variable in one bean from another bean

    Using JDeveloper, I thought this would be simple to do, but I haven't been able to figure out the correct syntax and am just learning java. In my view controller I have one bean set as pageflow scope, and another bean set as a request scope. How do I set the value of a variable in the first bean from the second bean? The first bean has setters and getters, but when I try to reference them in the second bean, it says it isn't allowed. The first bean looks like:
    public class ViewAmtsParameters {
        String asOfDateParam = null;
        public void setAsOfDateParam(String asOfDateParam) {
            this.asOfDateParam = asOfDateParam;
        public String getAsOfDateParam() {
            return asOfDateParam;
    }Thanks in advance,

    for ur reference: go through entire docs.
    Edited by: Erp on Oct 7, 2011 9:12 PM

  • Is it possible to call methods of JAVA objects from ABAP?

    Hi all,
    Does anyone know if it is possible to call methods of java classes from ABAP?

    Yes we can access the classes of JAVA in ABP.
    This is posible from version ECC 6 onward with NETWEAVER atrhcitecuture.
    Pls go through this link-
    Here also we use the JCO connector  objects
    These clearly show the methods to use JAVA.
    Edited by: Julius Bussche on Jul 8, 2008 5:58 PM

  • How do you use one managed session bean from another?

    Hello -
    I am a complete newbie to JSF coming from Struts 1. My question is how do you use one managed bean from the method of another one? I think this would be a common senario. For example I put a bean in session scope when a user logs in and in a different method within a different bean I want to get some of this user's information. What is the correct way to retireve one bean from a method in another with session scope?
    Also what would the code look like to retieve another bean from the method of a managed bean where the bean you want to retrieve has application scope?
    Thank you in advance.

    Sinplicity wrote:
    Could you be a bit more specific? If a bean is configured in the faces config file then all of it's properties are managed, correct?Not necessarily.
    What would the code look like to retireve the bean?You don't retrieve it, it has been injected.
    Can I retrieve the whole bean or just a property of the bean. I would be really interested in seeing how this is done in code? And would really love a bit more information on what it means to be a managed property?Time to consult a JSF tutorial.

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    I can create an object of the DAO class, say newDAO, and access the login method by newDAO.login(username, password). Then how do I get the returned info from the DAO ??
    Can I use the RequestDispatcher to INCLUDE the call to the DAO class method "login" ???

    Thanks for the reply.
    So if I have a method in my DAO class called login() and I want to call it from my control servlet, what would the syntax be ?
    where newDAO is an instance of the class DAO, would that be correct ?? I'd simply pass the request object as a parameter in the login method and to retrieve the results of login() the requestdispatcher.include method will return whatever I set as an attribute to the request object, do I have that right ?!!!!

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