Error during tcode JV66

Hi All,
        When i am trying to run transaction JV66 i am getting error as " Prohibited program status (Please notify your system administrator) " ...please tell me what exactly this error means and how to resolve it.,
When i run the report for particular orders then it works fine but it gives error when i run this without inserting any order number in input field.

it's working fine when i run for few order numbers but when i run it without entering anything it gives me this type of error.
It's message class is JV and message number is 599 ....
When i am looking into the help of this error it is suggesting diagnosis as : The program has reached a status that does not allow it to continue running.
Can anyone please tell me how to resolve this issue.
Edited by: absap on Feb 2, 2010 11:42 AM

Similar Messages

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    Hi Friends,
                    I face a error message "Include text ZGA_DUN_HDR does not exist (object TEXT, ID ST)" when i run the dunning run.
                    I had searched every node for text ZGA_DUN_HDR in the smartform,I didnt find the text in it.
    However when I execute the smart form for print preview an error message "Printing dunning notices using SMARTFORMS,error during parameter transfer".This error i believe is due to wrong parameter passing in the fm 'GET_SF_DUNN_DATA'.It raises an error no_parameters_found.All parameters are passed correctly.
                    Can you guys help me out.
    Edited by: RAJIV KAUSHAL on Nov 14, 2008 6:03 PM

    you can create this text ZGA_DUN_HDR  in SO10 tcode and try ...

  • Travel Expense - Posting run error - Error during creation of posting run

    Hi Guru's,
    Look forward for your insights. Here you go with my question.
    We are implementing Expense Mgt with Portal with out scope for payroll in SAP.  I have set up Expense type, WT, Symbolic A/c to G/L Accounts. Im performing Unit testing currently.
    Created Expense trip in ESS, from R/3 tcode PRAP, have approved trip, and settled through Tcode - PREC.
    When I try to create posting run under transfer to accounting, I get following error
    Error during creation of posting run number (->PR1
    Message no. 56840
    I'm not sure why this error was popping up. Appreciate your suggestion.

    Since you are trying to make payment through FI, you need to maintain ur employee as Vendor. You can do it through PRAA.
    So while creating posting run for this trip, it checks if the respective Vendor for this employee is maintained or not.
    Pls maintain it as vendor and see if the errors are still coming.

  • Error during the creation of notification

    Dear All,
    We are facing the error when we are carrying out the transaction EG90
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    can you give me some idea what coulld be the problem .

    There are quite a few OSS Messages for TCode EG90.
    See if any of them are suitable.

  • ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger

    Error Description :
    We have more than 100 of records in a csv file which we are processing through a script. At the first execution let
    say it generates trigger exception for five records ... when I execute the script second time those five records
    are not throwing any exception but may be some other records. But consecutive trigger exception is not happening for any record . If a particular record is throwing exception at first attempt then in the second attempts it's not throwing the trigger exception.
    Input file
    88527091,SAM PAUL SUMMU ,1061 XYZ,CITY1,ST,95626,5512 XX YY ZZ,TOWN,PA,12345-9812
    Error :
    88527091,SAM PAUL SUMMU ,1061 XYZ,CITY1,ST,95626,5512 XX YY ZZ,TOWN,PA,12345-9812 - PROPERTY Update Error : ORA-00001: unique constraint (PROD.PK_AUDIT_LOG) violated
    ORA-06512: at "PROD.PROPERTY_AUD", line 159
    ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'PROD.PROPERTY_AUD'
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    SQL> desc property
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    PROPERTY_ID                               NOT NULL NUMBER(20)
    TYPE_CODE                                          VARCHAR2(10)
    TYPE_PREFIX                                        VARCHAR2(10)
    DWELLING_TYPE_CODE                        NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)
    DWELLING_TYPE_PREFIX                      NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)
    STREET_NUMBER                                      VARCHAR2(25)
    STREET_DIRECTION                                   CHAR(2)
    STREET_NAME                               NOT NULL VARCHAR2(45)
    UNIT_NUMBER                                        VARCHAR2(15)
    CITY_CODE                                          VARCHAR2(10)
    STATE                                     NOT NULL CHAR(2)
    ZIP_CODE                                           VARCHAR2(10)
    UNIT_TYPE                                          VARCHAR2(10)
    UNIT_PREFIX                                        VARCHAR2(10)
    COUNTY_CODE                                        VARCHAR2(10)
    COUNTRY_CODE                              NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)
    SQUARE_FEET                                        NUMBER(6)
    NUMBER_MOTHER_LAW_UNITS                            NUMBER(6)
    YEAR_BUILT                                         DATE
    PROPERTY_VALUE                                     NUMBER(12)
    ZIP_PLUS_4                                         VARCHAR2(4)
    SFI_REQ_FLAG                                       CHAR(1)
    LAST_MODIFIED                             NOT NULL DATE
    LAST_MODIFIED_BY                                   VARCHAR2(31)
    STANDARDIZED_STATUS                                VARCHAR2(10)
    STANDARDIZED_DESC                                  VARCHAR2(200)
    SQL> desc audit_log
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    SEQ_NO                                    NOT NULL NUMBER(20)
    TABLE_NAME                                         VARCHAR2(31)
    USER_STAMP                                         VARCHAR2(31)
    TIME_STAMP                                         DATE
    TRAN_CODE                                          CHAR(2)
    RECORD1                                            VARCHAR2(2000)
    RECORD2                                            VARCHAR2(2000)
    FLAG_FLD                                           CHAR(1)
    SFI_FLAG_FLD                                       CHAR(1)
    ERROR_NUMBER                                       NUMBER
    Update Query which is getting executed :
    STREET_NAME = ln_new_street_name,       -- <From input file>
    CITY_CODE = ln_city_code,               -- <From other Table>
    STATE = ln_new_state,                   -- <From input file>
    ZIP_CODE = ln_new_zip_code,
    COUNTY_CODE = ln_county_code,           -- <From Other table>
    ZIP_PLUS_4 = ln_zip_plus_4            -- <From Input file>
    WHERE PROPERTY_ID = ln_property_id;   -- <From Other table>
    *NOTE :* Property.LAST_MODIFIED field is auto populate through other trigger. It does not causing any problem.
    This might be helpful :
    OWNER                          CONSTRAINT_NAME                TABLE_NAME  COLUMN_NAME
    PROD                           PK_AUDIT_LOG                   AUDIT_LOG          SEQ_NO
    PROD_ARCH                      PK_AUDIT_LOG                   AUDIT_LOG          SEQ_NO
    SQL> select SEQ_NO, trim(RECORD1), trim(RECORD2),TIME_STAMP
    from audit_log where RECORD1 like '%BUTTE%' order by  TIME_STAMP;
    00000000000031814095...SFR       .DWELLING  ...5512 BUTTE VIEW CT                           ..15532
        .CA.95765     ...1377      .1         .....5000..20100922.SUSMSAHA                       ..
    00000000000031814095...SFR       .DWELLING  ...5512 BUTTE VIEW CT                           ..15532
        .CA.95765     ...1377      .1         .....5000..20100922.SUSMSAHA                       ..
    Trigger Body which is fired and throwing the exception :
    create or replace trigger PROPERTY_AUD
    before insert or update on PROPERTY
    for each row
    rec1            varchar2(2000);
    rec2            varchar2(2000);
    tcode           char(1);
    ln_seq_id       NUMBER:=Null;
    ls_sql  VARCHAR2(2000):=Null;
    select temp_audit_seq.nextval into ln_seq_id from dual;
    rec1 := null;
    rec2 := null;
         if user = 'NONREP_USER' then
         end if;
         if (dbms_reputil.from_remote = FALSE) then
              :NEW.last_modified := sysdate;
              if (user = 'SALESFORCE_SYNC') then
                      :new.last_modified_by := NVL(:new.last_modified_by,USER);
                   :new.last_modified_by := user;
              end if;
         end if;
    if inserting then
    rec1 :=
    LPAD(:new.PROPERTY_ID, 20, '0' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.TYPE_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.TYPE_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.DWELLING_TYPE_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.DWELLING_TYPE_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STREET_NUMBER, 25, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STREET_DIRECTION, 2, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STREET_NAME, 45, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.UNIT_NUMBER, 15, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.CITY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STATE, 2, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.ZIP_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.UNIT_TYPE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.UNIT_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.COUNTY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.COUNTRY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    LPAD(:new.SQUARE_FEET, 6, '0' ) || '.' ||
    LPAD(:new.NUMBER_MOTHER_LAW_UNITS, 6, '0' ) || '.' ||
    TO_CHAR(:new.YEAR_BUILT, 'YYYYMMDD') || '.' ||
    LPAD(:new.PROPERTY_VALUE, 12, '0' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.ZIP_PLUS_4, 4, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.SFI_REQ_FLAG, 1, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    TO_CHAR(:new.LAST_MODIFIED, 'YYYYMMDD') || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.LAST_MODIFIED_BY, 31, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STANDARDIZED_STATUS, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STANDARDIZED_DESC, 200, ' ' );
    tcode := 'I';
    elsif deleting then
    rec1 :=
    LPAD(:new.PROPERTY_ID, 20, '0' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.TYPE_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.TYPE_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.DWELLING_TYPE_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.DWELLING_TYPE_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STREET_NUMBER, 25, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STREET_DIRECTION, 2, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STREET_NAME, 45, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.UNIT_NUMBER, 15, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.CITY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STATE, 2, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.ZIP_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.UNIT_TYPE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.UNIT_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.COUNTY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.COUNTRY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    LPAD(:new.SQUARE_FEET, 6, '0' ) || '.' ||
    LPAD(:new.NUMBER_MOTHER_LAW_UNITS, 6, '0' ) || '.' ||
    TO_CHAR(:new.YEAR_BUILT, 'YYYYMMDD') || '.' ||
    LPAD(:new.PROPERTY_VALUE, 12, '0' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.ZIP_PLUS_4, 4, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.SFI_REQ_FLAG, 1, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    TO_CHAR(:new.LAST_MODIFIED, 'YYYYMMDD') || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.LAST_MODIFIED_BY, 31, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STANDARDIZED_STATUS, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STANDARDIZED_DESC, 200, ' ' );
    tcode := 'D';
    rec1 :=
    LPAD(:old.PROPERTY_ID, 20, '0' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.TYPE_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.TYPE_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.DWELLING_TYPE_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.DWELLING_TYPE_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.STREET_NUMBER, 25, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.STREET_DIRECTION, 2, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.STREET_NAME, 45, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.UNIT_NUMBER, 15, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.CITY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.STATE, 2, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.ZIP_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.UNIT_TYPE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.UNIT_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.COUNTY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.COUNTRY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    LPAD(:old.SQUARE_FEET, 6, '0' ) || '.' ||
    LPAD(:old.NUMBER_MOTHER_LAW_UNITS, 6, '0' ) || '.' ||
    TO_CHAR(:new.YEAR_BUILT, 'YYYYMMDD') || '.' ||
    LPAD(:old.PROPERTY_VALUE, 12, '0' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.ZIP_PLUS_4, 4, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.SFI_REQ_FLAG, 1, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    TO_CHAR(:new.LAST_MODIFIED, 'YYYYMMDD') || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.LAST_MODIFIED_BY, 31, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.STANDARDIZED_STATUS, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:old.STANDARDIZED_DESC, 200, ' ' );
    rec2 :=
    LPAD(:new.PROPERTY_ID, 20, '0' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.TYPE_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.TYPE_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.DWELLING_TYPE_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.DWELLING_TYPE_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STREET_NUMBER, 25, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STREET_DIRECTION, 2, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STREET_NAME, 45, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.UNIT_NUMBER, 15, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.CITY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STATE, 2, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.ZIP_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.UNIT_TYPE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.UNIT_PREFIX, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.COUNTY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.COUNTRY_CODE, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    LPAD(:new.SQUARE_FEET, 6, '0' ) || '.' ||
    LPAD(:new.NUMBER_MOTHER_LAW_UNITS, 6, '0' ) || '.' ||
    TO_CHAR(:new.YEAR_BUILT, 'YYYYMMDD') || '.' ||
    LPAD(:new.PROPERTY_VALUE, 12, '0' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.ZIP_PLUS_4, 4, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.SFI_REQ_FLAG, 1, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    TO_CHAR(:new.LAST_MODIFIED, 'YYYYMMDD') || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.LAST_MODIFIED_BY, 31, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STANDARDIZED_STATUS, 10, ' ' ) || '.' ||
    RPAD(:new.STANDARDIZED_DESC, 200, ' ' );
    tcode := 'U';
    end if;
    ls_sql :='
    ( seq_no,
    ( :id,
    USING ln_seq_id,
    Your suggestion is highly appreciated ..
    Edited by: Bipul on Sep 23, 2010 12:40 AM

    TEMP_AUDIT_SEQ generates number with the increment of +1
    Although there seems other sequence populating the AUDIT_LOG table through a different sequence with the increment of +10. So till now there are already 1179 different numbers residing in audit_log.seq_no and yet to be generated by the TEMP_AUDIT_SEQ sequence. I will look into more details.
    SQL> select max(seq_no) from audit_log;
    SQL> select TEMP_AUDIT_SEQ.nextval from dual;
    SQL> select count(*) From audit_log where seq_no>1675677285;
    SQL> select count(*) from audit_log where seq_no>1675677283 and mod(seq_no,2)=1;
    SQL> select seq_no from audit_log where seq_no>1675677283 and mod(seq_no,2)=1 and rownum<12;
    11 rows selected.
    Thank you Lee and  Herald ten Dam   ...

  • Adhoc Query : Error during selection; check the selection conditions

    We have a report set-up and which we want to run using our adhoc query report tcode S_PH0_48000513
    The report, has a few different selection criteria in it to look at all action IT screen data in the system for ee's in specific personnel areas. There is also a criteria to allow us to paste in specific employee numbers we are interested in. The issue I am facing is that over about 3000 ids, the system automatically returns me a message when I click on the Output button to run the report which states:
    Error during selection; check the selection conditions
    Message no. PAIS206
    I am not sure why this is happening. The selection criteria are fine and the other day I ran the report and I experienced no issues. The report ran successfully. Now though, if I try and paste in all the ids I am interested in (about 8000) I get this message straightaway.
    Can anything be done to overcome this issue?
    Any advice would be much appreciated.

    The message in full is:
    Error during selection; check the selection conditions
    Message no. PAIS206
    A runtime error occurred during dynamic selection.
    System response
    The runtime error will be caught; no short dump will be created. This error should not occur as a rule. However, very large select statements may trigger the runtime error SAPSQL_STMNT_TOO_LARGE or DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL. There is no way to prevent this happening. In this case, the error can only be caught.
    Check the selection conditions to see whether the error was caused because the option "Import from text file" included too many objects in the "Multiple selection" dialog. If this is so, you must limit the number of individual values.

  • MOPZ - Error during call of SAP back end system

    Hi Experts,
    I have this error during MOPZ - "select OS/DB dependent files" and following option as well.
    I have checked SAP NOTE 982045, but still cannot solve the issue.
    SM59 - SAP-OSS and SAPOSS connection test is successful.
    I have no idea what else is going wrong. kindly advise id you have any idea.
    Below are some error logs.
    From MOPZ
    Error calling SAP back-end system: Local gateway not running / CPIC-CALL: 'ThSAPCMRCV'SAP-OSS via RFC destination.
    From SM21
    Call of function GwRead failed, RC: -095
    Communication error, CPIC return code 017, SAP return code 24
    > Conversation ID: 13681187
    > CPI-C function: CMRCV
    From dev_rfc8
    **** Trace file opened at 20140904 134347 Malay Peninsula Standard Time, by disp+work
    **** Versions SAP-REL 721,0,300 RFC-VER U 3 1498740 MT-SL
    ======> CPIC-CALL: 'ThSAPCMRCV' : cmRc=17 thRc=247
    Local gateway not running                                               
    ABAP Programm: CL_SM_DATA_SENDER_RFC=========CP (Transaction: )
    Called function module: /SPN/SBI_INTERFACE
    User: BT_BASIS (Client: 100)
    Destination: SAP-OSS (Handle: 4, DtConId: 22F633E42CC0F1D280C9A0D3C1069543, DtConCnt: 1, ConvId: 12214252,{22F633E4-2CC0-F1D2-80C9-A0D3C1069543})
    EPP RootContextId: A0D3C10695431ED48CFEB45C956820C9, ConnectionId: D3F533E43BF2F12C80C9A0D3C1069543, ConnectionCnt: 1
    EPP TransactionId: D3F533E43BF2F12A80C9A0D3C1069543
    SERVER> RFC Server Session (handle: 1, 18243574, {D3F533E4-3BF2-F12C-80C9-A0D3C1069543})
    SERVER> Caller host:
    SERVER> Caller transaction code:  (Caller Program: CL_MO_SMP_ADAPTER=============CP)
    SERVER> Called function module: AGS_MOPZ_SMP_RFC
    Error RFCIO_ERROR_SYSERROR in abrfcpic.c : 3712
    CPIC-CALL: 'ThSAPCMRCV' : cmRc=17 thRc=247
    Local gateway not running                                               
    Error RFCIO_ERROR_MESSAGE in abrfcio.c : 1973
    Thank you.

    there are following things you can do
    1. log on to your SAP Router
    2. check entries in SAPRoutab.
    3. Telnet SAPSERV2 (Sap responding server) (Tcode oss1 will give you details of which SAP serve you are connecting ) on port 3299
    4. if you are able to telnet SAPserve from your Router server  then raise the call to SAP and ask whether they can reach your saprouter or not
    5. check /etc/services files and check for service 3299 defined or not
    6. telnet local Router server with port 3299
    7 try to download Sap Note from SNOTE in you solman system.
    all the best

  • Error during the retrieval of the logon data stored in secure storage RSAR0

    Hi Friends,
    during the replication process of a data source I get the error.
    "Error during the retrieval of the logon data stored in secure storage"  RSAR051
    I found note 538052 but this does not help so much.
    Can some one help me with this?
    Thanks in advance
    Rg. Jimbob

    We are getting  the same error when selecting "Customizing Extractors" option in Source System in TCode: RSA1. Please let me know how did u solved the problem.

  • System error during RFC call BAPI_FIXACCOUNT_GETLIST

    Hi Gurus,
    Below are the error and steps when i perform Payroll Posting to Accounting. To enable communication between distributed systems, the appropriate method have been specified in ALE Customizing for the objects of the following tables. (Basis -> Application Link Enabling (ALE) -> Modelling and Implementing Business Processes -> Maintain Distribution Model and Distribute Views.)
    However, error still exists as shown below:-
    1.     Run TCode PC00_M99_CIPE
    2.     Encountered Error as shown below:
    Communication error with system QAS, function FI_ACCT_DET_HR
    Message no. 3G404
    The function module "FI_ACCT_DET_HR" has been called remotely in system "QAS". As a result, an error occurred when creating the connection or during communication.
    Check that the ALE distribution model is correctly maintained.
    Account determination could not be performed
    Message no. 3G361
    The account could not be determined for one of the following reasons:
    No destination could be found in the ALE distribution model for the AcctngEmplyeeExpnses.Check method.
    A system or communication error occurred when executing the function FI_ACCT_DET_HR in the target system.
    System error during RFC call BAPI_FIXACCOUNT_GETLIST:  / CPIC-CALL: 'ThSAPCMINIT' Unknown serv ice
    Message no. KI012
    3.      Check in SM21: NiConnect Unsuccessful, Return Code: -0003
                        Communication error, CPIC return code 020, SAP return code 665
    Please advice. Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards,

    Probably because of timeout, it is unable to execute the request it is aborted.
    btw, is it a synchronous call ? what is the message size ? the given data to RFC is correct and valid structure ? check the mapping .for this use the data from SXMB_MONI and test it
    Check this blog for timeout errors-

  • Error during Proxy Processing from ECC system

    Hi All,
    I had created Webservice  using ABAP in ECC system with Message interface designed in XI system. This Webservice will simply displays employee address when you enter employee id and address type.During my testing of Web service in ECC system via Tcode WSADMIN, I am getting below error
    "An error has occurred. Maybe the request is not accepted by the server: "
    "Error during proxy processing"
    POST /sap/bc/srt/xip/sap/Z_ADDRESS_01?sap-client=100 HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: text/xml
    Connection: close
    authorization: <value is hidden>
    Content-Length: 389
    SOAPAction: ""
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs=""><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:Request_Message xmlns:ns1='http://sap2webservice'><Employee_Id>MM01</Employee_Id><Address_Type>AM</Address_Type><Date>11/11/2006</Date></ns1:Request_Message></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs=""><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:Request_Message xmlns:ns1='http://sap2webservice'><Employee_Id>MM01</Employee_Id><Address_Type>AM</Address_Type><Date>11/11/2006</Date></ns1:Request_Message></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope> HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    set-cookie: sap-usercontext=sap-client=100; path=/
    content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
    content-length: 270
    sap-srt_id: 20061111/154215/v1.00_final_6.40/A901A40749EEA74BB8D8AB72B56C02A7
    server: SAP Web Application Server (1.0;640)
    <soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-env=""><soap-env:Body><soap-env:Fault><faultcode>soap-env:Server</faultcode><faultstring xml:lang="en">Error during proxy processing</faultstring></soap-env:Fault></soap-env:Body></soap-env:Envelope>
    Appreciate any help on above issue
    Manish Mundra

    Hi All,
    Please help on below issue.
    Thanks in Advance

  • Solman_admin password changes results in errors during managed system setup

    Hello all,
    I am trying to get Solman 4.0 EHP 1 to work, but get numberous problems.
    Currently I have 6 messages at SAP, but no solution yet.
    Solman 4.0
    SAP_BASIS     701     0003
    SAP_ABA     701     0003
    ST-PI     2008_1_700     0000
    PI_BASIS     701     0003
    SAP_BW     701     0003
    CRMUIF     500     0001
    SAP_AP     700     0014
    BBPCRM     500     0013
    CPRXRPM     400     0014
    BI_CONT     704     0002
    ST     400     0019
    ST-A/PI     01L_CRM570     0000
    ST-ICO     150_700     0016
    ST-SER     701_2008_2     0002
    So, it is uptodate.
    The problem:
    Changing the solman_admin password results in errors during connecting a managed system.
    In the inital setup the solman_admin is created with a pasword.
    After the basic setup I setup some managed systems.
    In the meantime I had to change the password of solman_admin
    I am logged in with solman_admin and do solman_setup to setup the managed system.
    During the setup a process tries to logon back to the solman using solman_admin and the incorrect password.
    This is the logging:
    Step SSO Details
    Found SID for SSO ACL entry : MSD
    Found login.ticket_client for SSO ACL entry : 000
    The Read entry permission on TicketKeystore/SAPLogonTicketKeypair-cert was given to
    The TicketKeystore/SAPLogonTicketKeypair-cert was succesfully read (823 bytes)
    A failure occured while connecting to ABAP stack on localhost sys=70 client=300 user=SOLMAN_ADMIN
    !! Exception : Password logon no longer possible - too many failed attempts
    A failure occured while importing ABAP SSO ticket certificate in ABAP stack
    !! Exception : java.lang.NullPointerException
    Java SSO ticket certificate of MSD was imported in ABAP PSE of kswv024.mob.local (client 300)
    The Java SSO ticket certificate was successfully imported in ABAP System PSE, and the ACL updated accordingly (SID=MSD LoginTicketClient=000)
    Anyone else has this problem?

    Just for clarification it's Solman 7.0 EHP1 correct?
    Also you may want to unlock the following user:
    localhost sys=70 client=300 user=SOLMAN_ADMIN
    Then if you navigate (in solution manager) to TCode solman_workcenter -> "Root Cause Analysis" tab ->"Agent Administration" menu item on the left -> "Applications Configuration" tab -> under the Agent Applications - Configuration menu on the left select "" -> Change the "Scope" drop down in the frame to the right to the SMD agent that you are using for "localhost sys=70 client=300" -> Click the "edit" button to the right of the Scope drop down box -> now find the entry below that lists "SOLMAN_ADMIN" as the user and find the corresponding password entry and update it with the new password that you changed it to -> click save and try the managed setup again.
    Hope this helps, please let me know and we can go from there.

  • In system log shows Error in technical configuration Error during the ret

    In sm21 it shows <Error in technical configuration Error during the retieval of logon data stored in>.
    Task...... Process                     User...... Terminal Session TCode Program        Cl Problem cl         Package
    30808      Dialog work process No. 009 SAPSYS                    1       TASK_VITAL_RUN K  SAP Web AS Problem SOAP_FT_TOOLS
    In wp trace shows below with the matched time:
    A Thu May 26 13:08:03 2011
    H Thu May 26 13:08:05 2011
    H  *** ERROR => HTTP> IcfGetDTFromTaskHandler: ThEppGetRootContextIdAsXuuid failed with (98)! [icfutil.c   1660]
    [icftrace.c   597]
    H  *** ERROR => HTTP> IcfGetDTFromTaskHandler: ThEppGetRootContextIdAsXuuid failed with (98)! [icfutil.c   1660]
    [icftrace.c   597]
    H Thu May 26 13:08:09 2011
    H  *** ERROR => HTTP> IcfGetDTFromTaskHandler: ThEppGetRootContextIdAsXuuid failed with (98)! [icfutil.c   1660]
    [icftrace.c   597]
    H Thu May 26 13:08:10 2011
    H  *** ERROR => HTTP> IcfGetDTFromTaskHandler: ThEppGetRootContextIdAsXuuid failed with (98)! [icfutil.c   1660]
    [icftrace.c   597]
    H Thu May 26 13:08:12 2011
    H  *** ERROR => HTTP> IcfGetDTFromTaskHandler: ThEppGetRootContextIdAsXuuid failed with (98)! [icfutil.c   1660]
    [icftrace.c   597]
    H Thu May 26 13:08:13 2011
    H  *** ERROR => HTTP> IcfGetDTFromTaskHandler: ThEppGetRootContextIdAsXuuid failed with (98)! [icfutil.c   1660]
    [icftrace.c   597]
    H Thu May 26 13:08:15 2011
    H  *** ERROR => HTTP> IcfGetDTFromTaskHandler: ThEppGetRootContextIdAsXuuid failed with (98)! [icfutil.c   1660]
    [icftrace.c   597]
    Kind of error when retrieve the logon data.
    Kernel 711  PI system
    SP level 04
    What possibily casued this? No further information I can have.

    Please implement the latest kernel for your release. See note #19466. The error will not occur with the latest kernel patch.

  • Error during resource related billing against service order SM02 type!

    I have created a service order SM02 type with internal operation and activity type assignment. Confirmed the operation. Did goods issue against the order reservatio. Got actual costs updated.
    While running DP90 I am getting a message Character combination W/O Mat. Assign. in DIP profile XXXXXX
    and at the message long text
    *Key uniquely identifying "a.
    Items in a chart of accounts that are relevant to cost, are referred to as cost elements. They are used for entering all costs within the entire cost accounting system.*
    And the above mentioned is Information Message . Latter when I enter and proceed I get an error message saying
    Error during material determination for sales document item 817702/
    Message no. AD01155
    An error occured during material determination for a dynamic item.
    Kindly suggest me how can I solve this issue.

    It looks like the DIP Processor cannot determine a material.
    Go you your DIP Profile and check the Material Determination settings
    Also run TCode ODP2 to check the consistency of your DIP Profile

  • Error while transporting objects:Internal error during pvc call: Parameter

    Dear all,
    We are facing the following error while transporting the individual configuration objects from our PI development system.
    Export failed: Internal error during pvc call: Parameter versionSpecifier or version has the invalid value null .
    However, it works fine when the complete configuration scenario is transported.
    We tried to transport the objects with different user id's, even then the issue still exists.
    Any inputs to resolve this will be highly helpful.
    Thank you,

    Hi Mohammed,
    Answer is inside this oss [Note 1554387 - Error during export from Integration Directory|]. In this oss note, solution is to apply a patch (just a patch, not a SP). as it's a litle sap bug...
    Note: your issue is also explained with picture in this one "1550549 - PI transport: Internal error during pvc call" (sorry for this one I cannot insert a link)
    Edited by: Mickael Huchet on Jan 26, 2012 2:50 PM

  • Unknown Error during Recovery - iPad no longer Recognized by iTunes

    I have a 3rd Generation iPad which I was attempting to perform a factory reset.  I received an "Unknown Error" during the process and from that point on I have been unable to get iTunes to recognize my iPad in recovery mode (or otherwise).
    I have tried every thread on the subject, but I found one interesting thing.  If I connect the iPad with the same cable, etc. to another computer it immediately recognizes it in recovery mode and offers to restore the iPad.
    It seems like my computer is not recognizing the iPad because it was in the process of restoring the device when the error occurred.  Does anyone know if there is a way to reset or fix this issue.  I would prefer not to update iTunes and download both the new iTunes and iPad software again and use another computer if it is not necessary.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hey KSHItunes,
    That was a good test to try your iPad on another computer.  It does seem to isolate the issue to something with your computer setup.
    Although you would prefer not to update iTunes, there may be steps in this article which can help.
    iPhone, iPad, or iPod not recognized in iTunes for Windows - Apple Support
    Please check it out.

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