Error from Pre-Insert Trigger

I am using the following code in Pre-insert trigger
purpose is that all the record which do not click by mouse (check box)
should be cleared on the screen when commit/save.
if :kcheck is null then
Exit When :System.Last_Record = 'TRUE';
end if;
end loop;
it is showing error FRM-40737
illegal restiricted procedure NEXT_RECORD in pre-insert trigger
when I used this code in when button press trigger it is working.????
Message was edited by:

Navigation is not allowed in this kind of triggers.
PRE-INSERT is used to, for instance, put values on non NULL column in the current record.
If you want to navigate in the records, choose another trigger, like KEY-COMMIT for example.

Similar Messages

  • Problem with forms6i using Pre-Insert Trigger

    I created a block level pre-insert trigger to do some validations and when I save the first time with wrong data it is working fine and popping up alerts that I defined but if I press save the second time it is saving even though the data is wrong.
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    Anybody know why?
    Thanks in advance

    It did not work. It is still doing the samething. Actually it is popping up my alerts but saving the record first time itself. Is there any way I can tell it not to save if the data is wrong. My code is below it basically pops up the alerts but doesn't tell anywhere not to save it.
         v_amount number;
         alert_id      ALERT := Find_Alert('amount_from');
         alert_id1 ALERT := Find_Alert('amount_to');
         dummy_var NUMBER;
         select max(ssibe_amount_to) into v_amount from ssibe_orderappr_tab where
              ssibe_account_number = :ssibe_orderappr.ssibe_account_number;
              if :ssibe_orderappr.ssibe_amount_from <= v_amount
                   Set_Alert_Property(alert_id, ALERT_MESSAGE_TEXT, 'Amount_From should be greater than '|| v_amount);
                   dummy_var := Show_Alert(alert_id);
                   dummy_var := Show_Alert(alert_id1);
                   end if;
              end if;

  • Pre-Insert Trigger not firing

    I am using Oracle 10G DS with Oracle 11G XE. I tried PRE-INSERT Trigger with the Code given by Mr Hamid. However, its not working. Though, the WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE works fine, I wish to use PRE-INSERT Trigger only.
    Can you please help me.
    My Code is shown below
    SELECT asset_id_seq.nextval INTO :r_it_blk.asset_id
    FROM dual;
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Hamid,
    Thank you very much for your reply.
    I tried at Block Level itself. Further, I also tried the below Code with Cursor (Block Level). Unfortunately, it is also not working. Even the Error Message is also not displayed. The User has full privileges.
         CURSOR next_id IS SELECT asset_id_seq.NEXTVAL FROM dual;
         OPEN next_id;
         FETCH next_id INTO :r_it_blk.asset_id;
         CLOSE next_id;
         IF :r_it_blk.asset_id IS NULL THEN
         Message('Error Generating Next Asset ID');
         RAISE Form_Trigger_Failure;
         END IF;

  • Pre-insert trigger is not firing after post built-in

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    I have also put the message in the pre-insert trigger but the message is not displaying.
    But the same form iis working fine in form 6i, as I have migrated the forms from form 6i to 10g.

    Yes, In that block there are other items also. I have made the required property no for all the items.
    what exactly we have is
    (if x=y then)on some condition check
    After that, form have a select statement in which it is selecting the same row which is being posted above.
    if the select statement gives count of row zero
    raise form_trigger_failure is fired.
    and in the pre-insert trigger form is assigning a value to a block item.

  • Pre-insert-trigger ignoring assignments

    I have this code in a PRE-INSERT-TRIGGER of a database table block:
    Select emp_seq.Nextval Into :EMP.EMPNO From dual;
    Select Sysdate Into :EMP.LASTCHANGED From dual;
    And i have this code in a PRE-UPDATE-TRIGGER of the same block:
    Select Sysdate Into :EMP.LASTCHANGED From dual;
    given scenario:
    1) query records from the table into a block:
    empno ename lastchanged
    1 Smith 01.12.2008
    2 Johnson 01.12.2008
    2) change empname in any record except no. 1:
    empno ename lastchanged
    1 Smith 01.12.2008
    2 Johannson 01.12.2008
    3) create a new record somewhere above the changed record
    empno ename lastchanged
    1 Smith 01.12.2008
    <null> <null> <null>
    2 Johannson 01.12.2008
    4) insert ename in new record
    empno empname lastchanged
    1 Smith 01.12.2008
    <null> Obama <null>
    2 Johannson 01.12.2008
    5) do_key('commit_form')
    with Forms -> working fine
    with Forms -> ORA-01400:: cannot insert NULL into ("EMP"."EMPNO")
    Any assignment in the pre-insert-trigger is ignored! Can anyone help me with this bug? Thanks in advance

    message(:EMP.EMPNO) is always Null ...
    Everything works if there's no update of a record with higher record-number in the transaction. But the scenario in post 1 doesnt work with Forms -- that's ugly!
    Unfortunately, opening a Service Request with Oracle will get you nowhere, since Oracle no longer supports Forms 6i.
    Yesterday, I experienced something very similar with the same version of Forms, specifically this part: Everything works if there's no update of a record with higher record-number in the transaction.*
    If I updated a higher record number in the block, I could NOT get Forms to subsequently store a value in a column in a prior record. I would set the value in the column, and immediately display the value, and it was null! Fortunately in my case, the stored value was only to enable skipping a database lookup in a subsequent pass, so I just skipped working on a solution.
    However, in your case, the problem is a show-stopper.
    What I found was that if I navigated back to the first record in the block, the problem went away. So maybe try this in your commit process:
        Commit_Form;Let us know if that works for you.


    제품 : FIN_AP
    작성날짜 : 2005-05-10
    Problem Description
    Payment 화면에서 특정 Invoice 선택 후 저장 시 아래와 같은 Error Message 가 발생함.
    Payment 화면에서 Invoice 선택 후 저장 시 FRM-40735 PRE-INSERT TRIGGER ERROR 가 발생함.
    해당 Form Version이 110.83 이전 Version일 경우 아래와 같이 Code fix 한다.
    1. Payment Form Source File (APXPAWKB.fmb)는 backup 받아 놓습니다.
    2. Oracle Forms 에서 해당 Form Source File 을 열어 아래 부분을 수정 합니다.
    'ADJ_INV_PAY_PROC_INSERT' package 의 'SUB_PRE_INSERT' procedure 를 찾아 l_inv_remit_to 의 length를 80 으로 수정 합니다.
    ->수정 전
    procedure SUB_PRE_INSERT is
    l_withhold_amount NUMBER;
    l_awt_success VARCHAR2(2000);
    l_pipe_name          VARCHAR2(2000);
    l_inv_remit_to     VARCHAR2(25); --> 변경 해야 할 부분
    ->수정 후
    procedure SUB_PRE_INSERT is
    return_value VARCHAR2(30);
    l_withhold_amount NUMBER;
    l_awt_success VARCHAR2(2000);
    l_pipe_name          VARCHAR2(2000);
    l_inv_remit_to     VARCHAR2(80);
    3. 위와 같이 수정 후 해당 Form Source 를 Compile 하고 Generate 합니다.
    4. 다시 해당 Payment에 대해서 Invoice 를 Apply 해서 Error 가 발생하는지 여부를 확인 합니다.
    Solution Description
    11.0.3 AP D Patchset 이상을 적용한다.
    Reference Documents
    Bug 921350

    Navigation is not allowed in this kind of triggers.
    PRE-INSERT is used to, for instance, put values on non NULL column in the current record.
    If you want to navigate in the records, choose another trigger, like KEY-COMMIT for example.

  • Forms 9i & pre-insert trigger

    Hi everyone,
    We've just upgraded from Forms 6 to 9i.
    My pre-insert trigger in 9i doesn't seem to be firing - is this something that has changed?
    I need to set my unique ID's and other variables - is there a better place to do this now?
    Please advise.

    No commit form has not changed.
    The change in behavior that you are probably hitting is where required items really are required even if they are not displayed - this change came in a patch to 6i.
    So I'm guessing that you have a key field which is required but not displayed to the user and you're populating a new key in pre-insert.
    Because you've made the field required, the commit is failing before you actually get to pre-insert because a required field is not filled in.
    So your solution would be to restore the code to Pre-Insert where it belongs and make sure that any non-displayed items are not marked as required.
    Support have a Forms API program that can make this change on-mass for you if you have a lot of forms like this,

  • Writing PRE-INSERT trigger in CUSTOM.pll

    We need to write data in a staging table after every save of a Block Data on the eBusiness Center form. How can we achieve this? Can we write PRE-INSERT trigger in CUSTOM.pll.
    Thanks for helping,

    Hi. Thanks for the reply. I was trying with Workflow Based Business Events. I am not sure how can I achieve the same with it.
    I was thinking of doing the same using ALERTs. But, I think that is not Oracle suggestable method of doing it? If at all I am going to use the ALERTs than will it be real time?
    Thanks for replying,
    Message was edited by:

  • Error in after insert trigger

    Hello all,
    I have a question about after insert trigger. Will be new row inserted and commited if after insert trigger returns error? Thank you.

    What is the error that u r facing?
    there could multiple reasons for that. Basically, u can't put commit in the trigger (unless it is an autonomous transaction). Share the pseudo-code of u r triiger, so that , problem can be identified.
    Ram Kanala

  • Date Format Issue with Pre-Insert trigger

    I have created a form wherein creation_date and last_update_date are columns in a table that needs to be populated with sysdate (in format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss am) at time of saving.
    In pre-insert triiger, if I assign date as follows , it works:
    However this creates date in format yyyy/mm/dd.
    I would like to set it in format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss am.
    How can this be done-I tried using to_date and to_char but wont work.
    Any ideas?

    u may try this too.
    when-new-form-instance trigger:
    set_application_property(PLSQL_date_FORMAT,'DDMMYYYY HH12:MI:SS');
    set_application_property(BUILTIN_date_FORMAT,'DDMMYYYY HH12:MI:SS');
    forms_ddl('ALTER SESSION SET NLS_date_FORMAT=''DDMMYYYY HH12:MI:SS'''); sarah

  • Errors with post-insert trigger

    I had a POST-INSERT TRIGGER here.but i encountered some problems.can someone help me with the errors?
         insert into user_acct
         userid_n, user_m, coy_c, contact_n, emp_n,
         work_loc_c, curr_passwd_t, prt_f, indv_pc_f, pc_deploy_c,      
         ext_email_addr_t, other_na_sys_t, status_c, status_rmk_t, upd_d)
         (:user_acct.userid_n, :user_acct.user_m, :user_acct.coy_c, :user_acct.contact_n, :user_acct.emp_n,
         :user_acct.work_loc_c, :user_acct.curr_passwd_t, :user_acct.prt_f, :user_acct.indv_pc_f, :user_acct.pc_deploy_c,                
         :user_acct.ext_email_addr_t, :user_acct.other_na_sys_t, :user_acct.status_c, :user_acct.status_rmk_t,                
              when others then
                   Message('Insertion of Applicant Particulars failed');
                   RAISE Form_Trigger_failure;
    insert into user_acct_na_detl
              when others then
                   Message('Insertion of Non-Application failed');
                   RAISE Form_Trigger_failure;
              when others then
    the error:
    Error 103 at line 31, column 3
    Encountered the symbol 'WHEN' when expecting one if the following:
    begin declare end exception exit for goto if loop mod null
    pragma raise return select update while <an identifier>
    <a double-quoted delimited-identifier><a bind variable><<
    close current delete fetch lock insert open rollback
    savepoint set sql commit<a single-quoted SQL string>
    The symbol "exception"was substituted for "WHEN" to continue
    Error 103 at line 2, column 1
    Encountered the symbol "END"

    i delete the "END" already but when i compile again, i encountered some error again.
    Error 370 at line 27, column
    OTHERS handler must be last among the exception handlers of a block
    Error 0 at line 1, column 1
    Statement ignored


    Dear All,
    In my pre-insert block Level triiger. I have the followed code.
    l_cnt pls_integer;
    cursor c1 is
    select count(1) into l_cnt
    from jnpp_barcode_master
    where organization_id = :ctrl_blk.inv_org_id
    and item_id = :jnpp_grv_lines.item_id
    and bar_code = :jnpp_grv_lines.bar_code
    and publication_date= :jnpp_grv_lines.publication_date;
         for r1 in c1 loop
              if l_cnt = 1 then
                   insert into jnpp_barcode_archive
                   (organization_id, item_id, bar_code, publication_date, po_list_price,
    selling_price, received_qty, reference, created_by, creation_date,
    last_updated_by, last_update_date)
    values (:ctrl_blk.inv_org_id, :jnpp_grv_lines.item_id, :jnpp_grv_lines.bar_code, :jnpp_grv_lines.publication_date, :jnpp_grv_lines.po_list_price,
    :jnpp_grv_lines.selling_price, :jnpp_grv_lines.qty, :jnpp_grv_lines.REFERNCE, :GLOBAL.X_USER_ID, sysdate,
    :GLOBAL.X_USER_ID, sysdate);          
              elsif l_cnt = 0 then
                        update jnpp_barcode_master
                        set publication_date = :jnpp_grv_lines.publication_date,reference =:jnpp_grv_lines.refernce
         where organization_id = :ctrl_blk.inv_org_id
         and item_id = :jnpp_grv_lines.item_id
         and bar_code = :jnpp_grv_lines.bar_code;
    end if;      
         end loop;
    it is encountered the symbol 'INTO'.
    Im using forms 6i.
    please any one can help me.

    l_cnt pls_integer;
    cursor c1 is
    select count(1) into l_cnt
    from jnpp_barcode_master
    where organization_id = :ctrl_blk.inv_org_id
    and item_id = :jnpp_grv_lines.item_id
    and bar_code = :jnpp_grv_lines.bar_code
    and publication_date= :jnpp_grv_lines.publication_date;
         for r1 in c1 loop
              if l_cnt = 1 then
                   insert into jnpp_barcode_archive
                   (organization_id, item_id, bar_code, publication_date, po_list_price,
    selling_price, received_qty, reference, created_by, creation_date,
    last_updated_by, last_update_date)
    values (:ctrl_blk.inv_org_id, :jnpp_grv_lines.item_id, :jnpp_grv_lines.bar_code, :jnpp_grv_lines.publication_date, :jnpp_grv_lines.po_list_price,
    :jnpp_grv_lines.selling_price, :jnpp_grv_lines.qty, :jnpp_grv_lines.REFERNCE, :GLOBAL.X_USER_ID, sysdate,
    :GLOBAL.X_USER_ID, sysdate);          
              elsif l_cnt = 0 then
                        update jnpp_barcode_master
                        set publication_date = :jnpp_grv_lines.publication_date,reference =:jnpp_grv_lines.refernce
         where organization_id = :ctrl_blk.inv_org_id
         and item_id = :jnpp_grv_lines.item_id
         and bar_code = :jnpp_grv_lines.bar_code;
    end if;      
         end loop;

  • Error in post insert trigger

    Hi to all,
    In a table I have a field id that must be valorized from sequence.
    It is possible valorize this sequence after the insert ?
    I have tried to create a trigger like this:
    tmpVar NUMBER;
       tmpVar := 0;
       :NEW.USERS_ID := tmpVar;
           -- Consider logging the error and then re-raise
    END POST_USERACCOUNTS_INSERT;But the creation abort with this error:
    ORA-04084: cannot change NEW values for this trigger type
    How can resolve this problem ?
    Thank You for help.

    New trigger variables can only be changed in before row insert or update triggers.
    Change the trigger type or remove the variable reference.

  • Compilation error in  AFTER INSERT TRIGGER

    I am getting a compilation error with this code. How can I make this work?
    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER LIMS.u_tu_background_priority
         FOR EACH ROW
        IF instr(:new.parameter,'S') = 1 THEN
            UPDATE lims.background
            SET priority = 3
              WHERE background_id = :new.background_id
        END IF ;       
    END ;

    TABLE background
    Name                                      Null?    Type                       
    BACKGROUND_ID                             NOT NULL NUMBER(16)                 
    PRIORITY                                           NUMBER                     
    SESSION_ID                                         NUMBER(16)                 
    SCHEDULE_ID                                        NUMBER(16)                 
    WORKSTATION_ID                                     NUMBER(16)                 
    WORKSTATION_GROUP_ID                               NUMBER(16)                 
    PARAMETER                                          VARCHAR2(4000)             
    ACTIVE                                             CHAR(1)                    
    BACKGROUND_TASK_TYPE_ID                            NUMBER(16)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Is there a pre insert trigger type function

    I have a bc4j application with master-detail view form.
    before or on committing a new record by clicking the junavigation bar button in the detail, is it possible to call a function to set a date value equal to system date? or is there another way to do this ? this field is not displayed in the detail view on the form.i don't want to create a db trigger to do this.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Yvonnne,
    Thanks for replying to my question!
    I'm using JDev 9.0.3 and my project is using JClient with bc4j. & JDK 1.4.2
    I'm trying to enable the JAAS login feature, so I can also
    log who creates and amends records.
    If is set to "Test" it works fine.
    When it is set to "Must" ,jdev gives errors,only parts of which I'll display at the end here,(because there are too many lines).It is probably because I havent properly set up a user using the jazn file,but even tho,I should be able to log in as SCOTT/TIGER or USER/456 as it says in the help file,but even so, that gives the same errors.
    Thanks for your help again !
    Here are some lines of the errors JDev prints:
    oracle.jbo.JboException: JBO-29000: Unexpected exception caught: oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolException, msg=JBO-30003: The application pool (Mypackage1ModuleLocal) failed to checkout an application module due to the following exception:
         at oracle.jbo.client.Configuration.createRootApplicationModuleFromConfig(
         at mypackage4.FormView1View1_1.main(
    ## Detail 0 ##
    ## Detail 0 ##
    JBO-30003: The application pool (Mypackage1ModuleLocal) failed to checkout an application module due to the following exception:
    oracle.jbo.JboException: JBO-25222: Unable to create application module.
    ----- LEVEL 3: DETAIL 0 -----
    javax.naming.NamingException [Root exception is java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException]
    Caused by: oracle.jbo.JboException: JBO-33021: Failed authenticate user bms
         at oracle.jbo.common.UserAznUtil.authenticateUser(
         at oracle.jbo.common.JboInitialContext.<init>(
         at oracle.jbo.server.InitialContextImpl.<init>(
         ... 21 more

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