Error in Eclipse Luna

Hi, I have Eclipse Luna installed in my system but when I open it always throws me an error. I updated my sdk, deleted some packages of api 22 but no effects. I am attaching screenshots for the errors. Please help me regarding this.

On 08/06/2015 08:27 AM, deepanshi gupta wrote:
> Hi, I have Eclipse Luna installed in my system but when I open it always throws me an error. I updated my sdk, deleted some packages of api 22 but no effects. I am attaching screenshots for the errors. Please help me regarding this.
Check the sticky posts at forum's top: Android development is supported
by Android forums not by the Eclipse newcomers' forum.

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    Hi Jayanchanthres,
    Major problem is related to proxy as discussed above.
    Check my proxy setting as am also using the PC out of corporate proxy.
    Check for the Luno version details check the tools site.
    SAP Development Tools for Eclipse
    Hope it helps

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    Cannot satisfy dependency:
    From: Eclipse Virgo Tools (
    To: org.eclipse.virgo.ide.runtime.core []
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    Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
    Software being installed: Eclipse Virgo Tools (
    Missing requirement: OSGi Framework Editor UI (Incubation) (org.eclipse.libra.framework.editor.ui requires 'bundle org.eclipse.zest.core [1.0.0,2.0.0)' but it could not be found
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    Missing requirement: OSGi Framework Editor UI (Incubation) (org.eclipse.libra.framework.editor.ui requires 'bundle org.eclipse.zest.core [1.0.0,2.0.0)' but it could not be found
    Missing requirement: OSGi Framework Editor UI (Incubation) (org.eclipse.libra.framework.editor.ui requires 'bundle org.eclipse.zest.core [1.0.0,2.0.0)' but it could not be found
    Missing requirement: OSGi Framework Editor UI (Incubation) (org.eclipse.libra.framework.editor.ui requires 'bundle org.eclipse.zest.core [1.0.0,2.0.0)' but it could not be found
    Missing requirement: OSGi Framework Editor UI (Incubation) (org.eclipse.libra.framework.editor.ui requires 'bundle org.eclipse.zest.core [1.0.0,2.0.0)' but it could not be found
    Cannot satisfy dependency:
    From: Eclipse Virgo Tools (
    To: org.eclipse.virgo.ide.runtime.ui []
    Cannot satisfy dependency:
    From: Eclipse Virgo IDE (Server UI) (org.eclipse.virgo.ide.runtime.ui
    To: bundle org.eclipse.libra.framework.editor.ui 0.0.0
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    On 26.07.15 15:09, Nataly Mogilka wrote:
    > Hello friends, could you help me to fix a problem?
    > I worked on Eclipse Luna until recently and all my e4 projects worked
    > well under Linux x86 (JDK7 and Eclipse were by 32 arch too). Now I
    > migrate to a newer computer with Linux 64 bit. I install both JDK7
    > either Eclipse Luna 64 bit. But I can't run my RCP application. Got many
    > errors like this:
    > Quote:
    >> !ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2015-07-26 15:22:26.571
    >> !MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event
    >> org.osgi.service.event.Event
    >> [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/Context/context/SET].
    >> !ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2015-07-26 15:22:26.590
    >> !MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event
    >> org.osgi.service.event.Event
    >> [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/renderer/SET].
    >> !ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2015-07-26 15:22:26.591
    >> !MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event
    >> org.osgi.service.event.Event
    >> [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/application/ApplicationElement/tags/ADD].
    >> !ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2015-07-26 15:22:26.597
    >> !MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event
    >> org.osgi.service.event.Event
    >> [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/widget/SET].
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    > What does it mean and how to fix it? I created my projects on 4.x
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    > - to clear and remake Eclipse product dependences
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    In Eclipse Luna(4.4.0):
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    I think you need to post the stack trace error message to get a response.

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    Thorton wrote:
    Perhaps, but I'm inclined to think the best solution is to just read the message. It really isn't very cryptic.Messages usually aren't cryptic to those who already understand the message. If the message was understood by reading it, then the question wouldn't have been asked.Or, alternatively, messages are often far less cryptic than they appear, if you simply don't look for complicated meaning. Or, again alternatively, there's more value in coaching someone to the answer on their own, than simply telling them. Lisa may not know what the error means, but I'm betting she could at least guess it's something to do with Java 5.0, and JBoss 4, and then perhaps with some more guidance move on from there.
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    Hi Kali
    Before doing translations have you set these 2 profile options at site level
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    More details at
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    Many thanks in advance.

    Hi Experts,
    I'm using Eclipse Luna to edit B1if atom XSL and I'm very happy with it.
    The only thing is that I use BitKinex to connect to B1if webdav and is not as easy as having an integrated webdav client in Eclipse (like XMLspy does)
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    Many thanks in advance.

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    I have installed Weblogic,OSB and configired the domain for osb, I can login to OSB and weblogic console.
    I followed these steps to get there and now the db.jca file shows errors The JCA dependency is not configured.
    Few of the things I noticed:
    when I tried to copy the adapter from eclipse/plugin/*.jca/Dbadapter to Jdev/integration/lib/Dbadapter
    I dint find one in eclipse/plugin/*.jca/Dbadapter
    I created a OSB Configuration Project and not sure if it was created correctly and affecting this, as a matter of fact
    are there any configurations I am missing to start.
    I have like tight schedules and would really appreciate any help.
    Thanks a lot again..

    Yeah I checked that the wsdl is present.
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    Is there a way we can fix this?

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    Please advice.
    Best Regards,
    Jai Kishan Shah

    Well, i never re-install the FlexBuilder (stand-alone, or eclipse-plugin) because any error.
    Your output folder in Flex Build Path on your Project Properties is correct? Other question, you are working with Java ? Many times the project have a "error" on configuration and the directory to deploy is not listen by web-server.
    If i work with Java and my CATALINA_HOME is: C:\tomcat\ - My webapps is localizated on: C:\tomcat\webapps\MYWEBAPP\ but my output folder on FlexProject is: C:\MyProject\Flex\bin-debug, and i run the application, the application dont work...
    So.. can you show your configuration? Its more easy to understand your problem and help you.

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