Error parsing stylesheet

I'm writing a function that will take a query and a stylesheet as parameters (varchar2), generate xml from the query, format the output using the supplied stylesheet and return it to the calling program.
I've based the function on code examples I've found on the web, so apologies if this isn't actually xml db.
The stylesheet is well-formed, according to xmlspy.
I've reduced the call down to this - xmldoc := dbms_xmlparser.parse(xsl);
This is the error:
Error at line 1
ORA-31001: Invalid resource handle or path name "<?XML VERSION="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet VERSION="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
     <xsl:TEMPLATE match="ROWSET">
          <SupportingData xmlns="">
               <xsl:APPLY-templates SELECT="ROW"/>
     <xsl:TEMPLATE match="ROW">
               <xsl:APPLY-templates SELECT="CLIENT/CLIENT_ROW"/>
               <xsl:APPLY-templates SELECT="SPOUSE/SPOUSE_ROW"/>
ORA-06512: at "SYS.XDBURITYPE", line 11
ORA-06512: at "XDB.DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR", line 142
ORA-29280: invalid directory path
ORA-29280: invalid directory path
ORA-29280: invalid directory path
ORA-06512: at "XDB.DBMS_XMLPARSER", line 41
ORA-06512: at line 402
I haven't posted the whole stylesheet, as I reckon the error is probabaly pretty basic, but I can't find out what it is.
I've got rather confused with the different ways I've found to manipulate xml in Oracle!
Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE     Production
TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

Thanks for that.
When you say 'If you really want to keep on using DBMS_XMLPARSER', does that mean it's been deprecated?
I've been thrown in the deep end here and pointed to a Toad knowledge base article which had a helper function I was advised to use as a start point.
There was no mention of any Oracle version, so I assumed it worked for all; I guess that is not the case.
Anyway, your simpler version looks just that. What documentation can I look at to understand what's going on ?
All I've found so far refers to the parser or xmltype, which is further than we need to go at the moment.
I've implemented your simpler version, but still get the same error; I'm guessing that my xml is still wrong.
Which raises another question.
I was wrong when I said the stylesheets were working in our production system; they are in our live 8i system, but we haven't run that part in our new 11g system yet, apart from what I'm trying to do now.
Do I assume things have changed in that area and our stylesheets will no longer work?
Here's the new output.
result clob;
qry varchar2(32767) := 'select tp.product_id
, cursor(
SELECT party_id
, dateofbirth
, Sex
, MaritalStatus
select party_id
, dateofbirth
, sex
, MaritalStatus
, int_code
SELECT ti.Party_id
, TO_CHAR(ti.birth_date, ''yyyy-mm-dd'') AS DateOfBirth
, DECODE(ti.sex_code_id,24,''M'',25,''F'') AS Sex
, nvl(ti.marital_status_code_id,100177) as MaritalStatus
, tppi.interest_type_code_id as int_code
WHERE tppi.product_id = 620460
AND tppi.interest_type_code_id = 106005
AND ti.party_id = tppi.party_id
AND tppi.start_date < sysdate
AND (tppi.end_date > sysdate or tppi.end_date is null)
SELECT ti.Party_id
, TO_CHAR(ti.birth_date, ''yyyy-mm-dd'') AS DateOfBirth
, DECODE(ti.sex_code_id,24,''M'',25,''F'') AS Sex
, nvl(ti.marital_status_code_id,100177) as MaritalStatus
, tppi.interest_type_code_id as int_code
WHERE tppi.product_id = 620460
AND tppi.interest_type_code_id = 4701
AND ti.party_id = tppi.party_id
AND tppi.start_date < sysdate
AND (tppi.end_date > sysdate or tppi.end_date is null)
) as Client
, cursor(
SELECT ti2.party_id
, to_char(ti2.birth_date, ''yyyy-mm-dd'') as DateOfBirth
, decode(ti2.sex_code_id,24,''M'',25,''F'') as Sex
, nvl(ti2.marital_status_code_id,100177) as MaritalStatus
FROM t_party_product_interest tppi
, t_individual ti2
WHERE tppi.product_id = tp.product_id
AND tppi.interest_type_code_id = 81000300
AND tppi.party_id = ti2.party_id
AND tppi.start_date < sysdate
AND (tppi.end_date > sysdate or tppi.end_date is null)
) as Spouse
,to_char(tp.product_start_date, ''yyyy-mm-dd'') as ProductStartDate
SELECT tdfn.retirement_age
, tdfn.charging_structure_code_id
WHERE tdfn.parent_entity_id = (SELECT tui.illustration_id
WHERE tui.acceptance_date = (SELECT MAX(accept_date) FROM
(SELECT MAX(tui.acceptance_date) accept_date
WHERE tui.illustration_id = tdfn.parent_entity_id
AND tui.product_id = 620460
and tui.illustration_type_id = tit.illustration_type_id
and tit.behaviour_code_id <> 5653
, T_DDD_fsavc_AMENDMENTS tdfa
WHERE tui.illustration_id = tdfa.parent_entity_id
AND tui.product_id = 620460
and tui.illustration_type_id = tit.illustration_type_id
and tit.behaviour_code_id <> 5653
WHERE tui.illustration_id = tdfm.parent_entity_id
AND tui.product_id = 620460
and tui.illustration_type_id = tit.illustration_type_id
and tit.behaviour_code_id <> 5653
AND tui.product_id = tp.product_id
SELECT nvl(TDFA.NEW_RETIREMENT_AGE, tdfa.retirement_age) retirement_age
, tdfa.charging_structure_code_id
WHERE tdfa.parent_entity_id = (SELECT tui.illustration_id
WHERE tui.acceptance_date = (SELECT MAX(accept_date) FROM
(SELECT MAX(tui.acceptance_date) accept_date
WHERE tui.illustration_id = tdfn.parent_entity_id
AND tui.product_id = 620460
and tui.illustration_type_id = tit.illustration_type_id
AND tit.behaviour_code_id <> 5653
(SELECT MAX(tui.acceptance_date) accept_date
WHERE tui.illustration_id = tdfa.parent_entity_id
AND tui.product_id = 620460
and tui.illustration_type_id = tit.illustration_type_id
AND tit.behaviour_code_id <> 5653
WHERE tui.illustration_id = tdfm.parent_entity_id
AND tui.product_id = 620460
and tui.illustration_type_id = tit.illustration_type_id
and tit.behaviour_code_id <> 5653
AND tui.product_id = tp.product_id
SELECT tdfm.retirement_age
, tdfm.charging_structure_code_id
WHERE tdfm.parent_entity_id = (SELECT tui.illustration_id
WHERE tui.acceptance_date = (SELECT MAX(accept_date) FROM
(SELECT MAX(tui.acceptance_date) accept_date
WHERE tui.illustration_id = tdfn.parent_entity_id
AND tui.product_id = 620460
and tui.illustration_type_id = tit.illustration_type_id
AND tit.behaviour_code_id <> 5653
(SELECT MAX(tui.acceptance_date) accept_date
WHERE tui.illustration_id = tdfa.parent_entity_id
AND tui.product_id = 620460
and tui.illustration_type_id = tit.illustration_type_id
AND tit.behaviour_code_id <> 5653
WHERE tui.illustration_id = tdfm.parent_entity_id
AND tui.product_id = 620460
and tui.illustration_type_id = tit.illustration_type_id
and tit.behaviour_code_id <> 5653
AND tui.product_id = tp.product_id
) as ProjectionBasis
SELECT tdps.contingent_proportion_percent as contingentproportion
, tdps.guaranteed_period_code_id as guaranteedperiod
FROM t_ddd_projection_settings tdps
WHERE tdps.parent_entity_type_code_id = 1022
AND tdps.parent_entity_id = tp.product_id
) as AnnuityInformation
select (fund.fund_name || '' - '' || ut.unit_type_name) as fund_name,
round(holding.units * valuation.bid_price/100, 2) as holding_value
from t_uci_benefit benefit,
t_unit_type ut,
t_fund fund,
(select ben.benefit_id,
from t_uci_benefit ben,
v_vp_estimate_date vp
where ben.product_id = 620460 and
vp.unit_type_id = ben.unit_type_id and
vp.start_date < to_date(to_char(trunc(to_date(''XSU_TERM_START_DATE'', ''dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss''))) || '' 23:59:59'', ''dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'') - 1 and
(vp.end_date is null or to_date(to_char(trunc(to_date(''XSU_TERM_START_DATE'', ''dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss''))) || '' 23:59:59'', ''dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'') - 1 <= vp.end_date)) valuation,
(select ben.benefit_id,
ben.held_units + nvl(sum(transactions.credamt), 0) + nvl(sum(transactions.debamt), 0) units
from t_uci_benefit ben,
(select cred.holding_benefit_id,
-1 * cred.deal_units as credamt,
0 as debamt
from t_uci_deal_transaction cred
where cred.product_id = 620460 and
cred.exclude_from_statement_flag = ''N'' and
trunc(nvl(cred.committed_date, cred.effective_date)) > to_date(to_char(trunc(to_date(''XSU_TERM_START_DATE'', ''dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss''))), ''dd/mm/yyyy'') - 1 and
cred.status_code_id in (4302, 4305, 4306, 4307) and
cred.credit_flag = ''Y''
union all
select deb.holding_benefit_id,
0 as credamt,
deb.deal_units as debamt
from t_uci_deal_transaction deb
where deb.product_id = 620460 and
deb.exclude_from_statement_flag = ''N'' and
trunc(nvl(deb.committed_date, deb.effective_date)) > to_date(to_char(trunc(to_date(''XSU_TERM_START_DATE'', ''dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss''))), ''dd/mm/yyyy'') - 1 and
deb.status_code_id in (4302, 4305, 4306, 4307) and
deb.credit_flag = ''N'') transactions
where ben.benefit_id = transactions.holding_benefit_id (+)
and ben.product_id = 620460
group by ben.benefit_id,
) holding
where benefit.product_id = 620460 and
benefit.benefit_id = holding.benefit_id and
benefit.benefit_id = valuation.benefit_id and
benefit.unit_type_id = ut.unit_type_id and
ut.fund_id = fund.fund_id
order by fund_name asc
) as fund
SELECT t_s.product_id as Product
, t_u.product_transaction_type_id as Reference
, t_u.customer_amt as Customer_amt
, to_char(t_s.schedule_start_date, ''yyyy-mm-dd'') as StartDate
, to_char(t_s.schedule_end_date, ''yyyy-mm-dd'') as EndDate
, t_s.frequency as Frequency
, t_s.frequency_units_code_id as FrequencyUnits
, to_char(t_s.next_transaction_date, ''yyyy-mm-dd'') as NextTransactionDate
FROM t_scheduled_transaction t_s,
t_uci_template_transaction t_u
WHERE t_s.scheduled_transaction_id = t_u.scheduled_transaction_id
and t_s.product_id = tp.product_id
and (t_s.schedule_end_date is null
or t_s.schedule_end_date > TO_DATE(to_char(trunc(to_date(''XSU_TERM_START_DATE'', ''dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss''))), ''dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss''))
) as Transactions
SELECT tub.unit_type_id
, tub.default_investment_percent as Percentage
, tub.benefit_id
FROM t_uci_benefit tub
WHERE tub.product_id = tp.product_id and
tub.default_investment_percent Is not Null
) as FundSplit
from t_uci_product tp
where tp.product_id = 620460';
xsl varchar2(32767):= '<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
     <xsl:template match="ROWSET">
          <SupportingData xmlns="">
               <xsl:apply-templates SELECT="ROW"/>
     <xsl:template match="ROW">
               <xsl:apply-templates select="CLIENT/CLIENT_ROW"/>
               <xsl:apply-templates select="SPOUSE/SPOUSE_ROW"/>
               <xsl:value-of select="PRODUCTSTARTDATE"/>
               <xsl:apply-templates select="PROJECTIONBASIS/PROJECTIONBASIS_ROW"/>
               <xsl:apply-templates select="ANNUITYINFORMATION/ANNUITYINFORMATION_ROW"/>
               <xsl:apply-templates select="FUND/FUND_ROW"/>
               <xsl:apply-templates select="TRANSACTIONS/TRANSACTIONS_ROW"/>
               <xsl:apply-templates select="FUNDSPLIT/FUNDSPLIT_ROW"/>
     <xsl:template match="CLIENT_ROW">
               <xsl:IF test="STRING-LENGTH(DATEOFBIRTH)!=0">
                         <xsl:value-of select="DATEOFBIRTH"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="SEX"/>
               <MaritalStatus CodeId="{MARITALSTATUS}"/>
     <xsl:template match="SPOUSE_ROW">
               <xsl:IF test="STRING-LENGTH(DATEOFBIRTH)!=0">
                         <xsl:value-of select="DATEOFBIRTH"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="SEX"/>
               <MaritalStatus CodeId="{MARITALSTATUS}"/>
     <xsl:template match="PROJECTIONBASIS_ROW">
          <xsl:IF test="RETIREMENT_AGE">
                    <xsl:value-of select="RETIREMENT_AGE"/>
          <ChargingStructure CodeId="{CHARGING_STRUCTURE_CODE_ID}"/>
     <xsl:template match="ANNUITYINFORMATION_ROW">
          <xsl:IF test="STRING-LENGTH(GUARANTEEDPERIOD)!=0">
                    <xsl:value-of select="GUARANTEEDPERIOD"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="CONTINGENTPROPORTION"/>
     <xsl:template match="FUND_ROW">
                    <xsl:value-of select="UNIT_TYPE_ID"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="HOLDING_VALUE"/>
     <xsl:template match="TRANSACTIONS_ROW">
                    <xsl:value-of select="REFERENCE"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="CUSTOMER_AMT"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="STARTDATE"/>
               <xsl:IF test="STRING-LENGTH(ENDDATE)!=0">
                         <xsl:value-of select="ENDDATE"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="FREQUENCY"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="FREQUENCYUNITS"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="NEXTTRANSACTIONDATE"/>
     <xsl:template match="FUNDSPLIT_ROW">
                    <xsl:value-of select="UNIT_TYPE_ID"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="PERCENTAGE"/>
ctx dbms_xmlgen.ctxHandle;
ctx := dbms_xmlgen.newContext(qry);
dbms_xmlgen.setNullHandling(ctx, dbms_xmlgen.EMPTY_TAG);
dbms_xmlgen.setXSLT(ctx, xsl);
result := dbms_xmlgen.getXML(ctx);
Error at line 1
ORA-31001: Invalid resource handle or path name "<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
     <xsl:template match="ROWSET">
          <SupportingData xmlns="">
               <xsl:apply-templates SELECT="ROW"/>
     <xsl:template match="ROW">
               <xsl:apply-templates select="CLIENT/CLIENT_ROW"/>
               <xsl:apply-templates select="SPOUSE/SPOUSE_ROW"/>
               <xsl:value-of select="PRODUCTSTARTDATE"/>
ORA-06512: at "SYS.XDBURITYPE", line 30
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_XMLGEN", line 116
ORA-06512: at line 401
Script Terminated on line 1 of \\Hqtgnas21p\users\operations\systems\is\development\gball\My_Documents\Useful SQL Reports etc\sqltoxml_sample.sql.

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            <div class="f-logos">
            <table class="safe" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="950">
            <td width="193">
            <a href="/site-user-agreement.html" class="info">Site Usage Agreement</a>
            <td width="157">
            <a href="/customer-support.html" class="info">Customer Service</a>
            <td width="131">
            <a href="/privacy-policy.html" class="info">Privacy Policy</a>
           <td width="96">
            <a href="/about-us.html" class="info">About Us</a>
            <td width="139">
            <a href="/quote/join-us.html" class="info">Join Our Team</a>
            <td width="232">
            <a href="">Credit Card Authorization Form</a>
                </div> <!-- End f-logos -->
    </div> <!-- End Footer -->
    </div> <!-- End Wrap -->

    Firstly, please always publish the URL of a feed, not its contents.
    But in any case, this is not a feed: it's an HTML web page and as such won't be accepted by iTunes.
    There is a link to what is presumably the feed at - this does appear to be a valid feed and is what you should submit to iTunes.

  • Need some help with DNG and error parsing the files

    Ok, so I found out that I can't open NEF files with CS2 from my Nikon D3100 - unless I upgrade to CS6, or use the DNG converter.  I did download the DNG converter that came with the Camera RAW 3.7 (for CS2) in one of Adobe's links, but when I try to convert the NEF files, the DNG converter says "There is an error parsing the file".   If it helps, I have Windows 7.  Is there a different version of the DNG converter I should be using?  Thanks!

    A simple Google search will find it.  For some reason it isn't on the Adobe website.  If you upgrade to CS6 you'll find much improvement in your raw conversions. vailable.html

  • Error parsing recording file

    I am trying to open JRockit recorded xml file with JRA tool. Getting message ' Error parsing recording file'.

    For older versions of JRockit, you had to use exactly the same version of JRockit when you created the recording as when you opened it.
    With more recent versions (R26.0 and later iirc) it is sufficient if the JRA reader version is >= the version of JRockit producing the recording. Or in other words, make sure you are running the latest version of JRockit on your developer workstation.
    -- Henrik

  • Error parsing PLV file

    I get an error message attempting to use the 'Plan Visualizer'. I posted a question on this subject already and got the feedback from one of SAP's own HANA gurus that it probably is due to a bug ( Error parsing PLV file  ).
    Since I have not seen anybody else raising the same issue and there are others (my assumption) using the same set-up as I am (HANA SP8 on BW740 SP8) I suppose that it is very possible that it is not a real bug (since IF it indeed is a bug, others must have had the same problem).
    Is there anyway to get a confirmation if this is a bug (requiring a fix by e.g. OSS) or a problem specific to my installation/set-up/configuration that I might be able to fix (myself or with help).
    As you can imagine I am keen on solving this since it is quite a handicap to not be able to analyze the performance in the system.

    For older versions of JRockit, you had to use exactly the same version of JRockit when you created the recording as when you opened it.
    With more recent versions (R26.0 and later iirc) it is sufficient if the JRA reader version is >= the version of JRockit producing the recording. Or in other words, make sure you are running the latest version of JRockit on your developer workstation.
    -- Henrik

  • Error Parsing Structure File

    When I try to access a project that is in RoboSource Control,
    I keep getting this error "Error Parsing Structure File". Does
    anyone know what this means and how to fix it? Thanks.

    See here Dreamweaver CS5 fatal error XML parsing: Invalid document structure, line:1, File: C:\User\Tyler\App

  • Error parsing XML: {err}FORG0005: expected exactly one item, got 0 items

    Hi ,
    Good Morning to all
    in osb replace action am using xquery transformation resource.
    source code of xquery is :
    (:: pragma bea:global-element-parameter parameter="$addition1" element="ns0:Addition" location="../wsdl/NewWSDLFile.wsdl" ::)
    (:: pragma bea:global-element-return element="ns1:process" location="../bpelprocess1_client_ep.wsdl" ::)
    declare namespace ns1 = "";
    declare namespace ns0 = "";
    declare namespace xf = "";
    declare function xf:route($addition1 as element(ns0:Addition))
    as element(ns1:process) {
    <ns1:value1>{ data($addition1/value1) }</ns1:value1>
    <ns1:value2>{ data($addition1/value2) }</ns1:value2>
    declare variable $addition1 as element(ns0:Addition) external;
    at the time of running "error is Error parsing XML: {err}FORG0005: expected exactly one item, got 0 items " in replace action.
    how to resolve this problem...
    Thanks & Regards

    The reason for the error is the xquery is not able to find the values in the input... Check the input and namespaces...
    <ns1:value1>{ data($addition1/ns0:value1) }</ns1:value1>
    <ns1:value2>{ data($addition1/ns0:value2) }</ns1:value2>Cheers,

  • How do download Adobe Flash Player without error parsing voucher problem?

    I'm trying to download and install Adobe Flash Player. I uninstalled all versions of Flash Player. I have the Adobe Download manager still loaded and the Adobe Photo Shop and the Adobe Reader still loaded. I use Mozilla Firefox version 3.6.8.
    I'm getting an error when trying to download. The error states Adobe Download Manager - The download cannot continue. error parsing voucher. The file is gp.xpi I don't have a fully functional Microsoft Explorer browser. I need technical help downloading Adobe Flash Player. I use XP professional operating system. I have a Dell Dimension 8100. Thank you

    Don't use the download manager then, use the direct download link for the plugin installer
    Close all Firefox windows before you run the installer.

  • SOAP-ERROR: Parsing Schema: element has both 'type' attribute and subtype

    i have created web service link which deals with calling a Pl/sql procedure with the help of DBAdapter in jdev .here i am trying to insert a row in webservice is working fine from BPEL console
    my collegue who is working on PHP is trying to access the the wsdl link with the help of Appcelator and php
    code for php
    $wsdl_url = '';
    //$wsdl_url = '';
    $client = new SoapClient($wsdl_url,array('trace' => 1,'exceptions' => 0));
    class CreateOrderNd
    var $PARTY_ID="";
    var $CUST_ACCOUNT_ID="";
    var $INVENTORY_ITEM_ID="";
    var $SERIAL_NUMBER="";
    var $UNIT_OF_MEASURE="";
    var $QUANTITY="";
    function CreateOrderNd($PartyNam,$AccountId,$ItemId_requestdata,$SerialNumber_requestdata,$uom_requestdata,
    $parm = new CustomerNd($PartyName_requestdata,$AccountId_requestdata,$ItemId_requestdata,$SerialNumber_requestdata,$uom_requestdata,
    $parm = new CustomerNd('Bus%','');
    $parm = new CreateOrderNd(4429,1608,6761,'0722AB05','Ea',1,'abc123','Network error');
    when she/he access it they are facing a error
    SOAP-ERROR: Parsing Schema: element has both 'type' attribute and subtype
    and some times it will give
    Warning: SoapClient::SoapClient( http://function.SoapClient-SoapClient: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! in C:\xampp\htdocs\DepotExtensions\version9\app\services\CreateOrderNd.class.php on line 6
    Warning: SoapClient::SoapClient() http://function.SoapClient-SoapClient: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "" in C:\xampp\htdocs\DepotExtensions\version9\app\services\CreateOrderNd.class.php on line 6
    Fatal error: SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '' in C:\xampp\htdocs\DepotExtensions\version9\app\services\CreateOrderNd.class.php on line 6

    i have created web service link which deals with calling a Pl/sql procedure with the help of DBAdapter in jdev .here i am trying to insert a row in webservice is working fine from BPEL console
    my collegue who is working on PHP is trying to access the the wsdl link with the help of Appcelator and php
    code for php
    $wsdl_url = '';
    //$wsdl_url = '';
    $client = new SoapClient($wsdl_url,array('trace' => 1,'exceptions' => 0));
    class CreateOrderNd
    var $PARTY_ID="";
    var $CUST_ACCOUNT_ID="";
    var $INVENTORY_ITEM_ID="";
    var $SERIAL_NUMBER="";
    var $UNIT_OF_MEASURE="";
    var $QUANTITY="";
    function CreateOrderNd($PartyNam,$AccountId,$ItemId_requestdata,$SerialNumber_requestdata,$uom_requestdata,
    $parm = new CustomerNd($PartyName_requestdata,$AccountId_requestdata,$ItemId_requestdata,$SerialNumber_requestdata,$uom_requestdata,
    $parm = new CustomerNd('Bus%','');
    $parm = new CreateOrderNd(4429,1608,6761,'0722AB05','Ea',1,'abc123','Network error');
    when she/he access it they are facing a error
    SOAP-ERROR: Parsing Schema: element has both 'type' attribute and subtype
    and some times it will give
    Warning: SoapClient::SoapClient( http://function.SoapClient-SoapClient: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! in C:\xampp\htdocs\DepotExtensions\version9\app\services\CreateOrderNd.class.php on line 6
    Warning: SoapClient::SoapClient() http://function.SoapClient-SoapClient: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "" in C:\xampp\htdocs\DepotExtensions\version9\app\services\CreateOrderNd.class.php on line 6
    Fatal error: SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '' in C:\xampp\htdocs\DepotExtensions\version9\app\services\CreateOrderNd.class.php on line 6

  • Error parsing envelope: Header child element must be namespace qualified

    Hey all,
    I'm creating a BPEL process that invokes a web service. The web service has an authenticate method that returns a session ID that I attempt to invoke. However, the process fails when trying to parse the response when invoking that operation. I checked the server logs and it's reporting the following: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Error parsing envelope: most likely due to an invalid SOAP message.: Header child element 'ID' must be namespace qualified!
    So I invoked the authenticate operation using SOAP UI, since it doesn't parse the response but merely displays it, and here's what was returned (slightly modified):
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
          <ns1:SessionID xmlns:ns1="http://some-namespace">
    Indeed the ID tag in the header doesn't have a namespace prefix. Looking at the SOAP 1.1 spec it says, “A header entry is identified by its fully qualified element name, which consists of the namespace URI and the local name. All immediate child elements of the SOAP Header element MUST be namespace-qualified.”
    I was told that the code for the web service is frozen and cannot be changed. Are there any ways around this problem? Is it possible for the BPEL process to not parse the SOAP header?

    I think I might use a HeaderHandler to either strip the offending element from the header all together or modify it so that it's namespace qualified. The problem is, I can't find much documentation on it. The only thing I can find is this: Manipulating XML Data in BPEL section 3.19. It says to implement the HeaderHandler interface but doesn't give the fully qualified name of the interface. I'm guessing it's referring to The invoke method that is defined in the interface is a little different than the one in the documentation. Mine has a signature of public void invoke(CXPartnerLink partnerLink, String operationName, Map payload, List list, Map map2)...what do these parameters represent and what key/value types do the maps have? It also says to register the handler in the bpel.xml deployment descriptor file but I can't find one - is it auto-generated? If so, where is it. If not, how do I generate it? I appreciate any information.

  • OSB download 250 MG file results in error Error parsing XML: {err}FORG0005

    Using OSB I have service to download files from Oracle ECM. Running into an issue where the file size is over 250 MB service is failing. Giving me an error
    OSB Replace action failed updating variable "body": Error parsing XML: {err}FORG0005: expected exactly one item, got 0 items
    I have service callout to get the binary content of the file and it's taking over 5 minutes and then this error. I also set Read Timeout and Connection Timeout to 20 seconds at the business service level
    but looks like it's not taking that timeout values and still waiting over 5 minutes before it dies. My JTA Timeout is set to 12 minutes. After service callout I have a log to write the output but it's not even getting there and throwing that error above
    How can I trap that kind of errors. How can I set timeout at service level i.e. if after 1 minute if the file is still downloading close the connection etc.
    I don't want to have some many open threads in the back ground as this service is being called in a loop to download files. Smaller files like 30 MG downloads fine but the larger ones are not.
    I have a error hndler at the root level but the error is not trapped there either. Looks like system errors are not getting trapped.
    So Just wondering if OSB is suitable to download that huge files.

    The reason for the error is the xquery is not able to find the values in the input... Check the input and namespaces...
    <ns1:value1>{ data($addition1/ns0:value1) }</ns1:value1>
    <ns1:value2>{ data($addition1/ns0:value2) }</ns1:value2>Cheers,

  • OSB transformation error- BEA-382513- Error parsing XML

    Hi Gurus -
    I am struggling to fix one OSB Xquery transformation error
    <con:reason>OSB Replace action failed updating variable "body": Error parsing XML: {err}FORG0005: expected exactly one item, got 0 items
    I am passing SIL formatted data to this transformation an expecting a transformation but its keep on failing, I have tested the transformation and thats looking good.
    This is my replace operation where I am doing transformation.
    Replace [ node contents ] of [ ./* ]
    in [ body ] with
    XQuery Resource: TestProject/Common/Transformation/XQJMS2DBTransformation
    Variable Names And Bindings:
    commonInterfaceLayout1 - $body/*:CommonInterfaceLayout
    transformation file
    (:: pragma bea:global-element-parameter parameter="$commonInterfaceLayout1" element="ns0:CommonInterfaceLayout" location="../../Common/Schema/CommonInterfaceLayout.xsd" ::)
    (:: pragma bea:global-element-return element="ns1:EaiAuditCollection" location="../../Common/Schema/XSD_InsertEAIAuditDBTable.xsd" ::)
    declare namespace ns1 = "";
    declare namespace ns0 = "";
    declare namespace xf = "";
    declare function xf:XQJMS2DB($commonInterfaceLayout1 as element(ns0:CommonInterfaceLayout))
    as element(ns1:EaiAuditCollection) {
    <ns1:messageId>{ data($commonInterfaceLayout1/ns0:Header/ns0:MessageId) }</ns1:messageId>
    <ns1:messageDate>{ data($commonInterfaceLayout1/ns0:Header/ns0:MessageReceivedDate) }</ns1:messageDate>
    <ns1:messageType>{ data($commonInterfaceLayout1/ns0:Header/ns0:MessageType) }</ns1:messageType>
    <ns1:messageSource>{ data($commonInterfaceLayout1/ns0:Header/ns0:MessageSource) }</ns1:messageSource>
    <ns1:messageTarget>{ data($commonInterfaceLayout1/ns0:Header/ns0:MessageTarget) }</ns1:messageTarget>
    <ns1:appUniqId>{ data($commonInterfaceLayout1/ns0:Header/ns0:ApplicationUniqueId) }</ns1:appUniqId>
    <ns1:payload>{ data($commonInterfaceLayout1/ns0:Body) }</ns1:payload>
    <ns1:componentName>{ data($commonInterfaceLayout1/ns0:Header/ns0:ComponentName) }</ns1:componentName>
    <ns1:clientId>{ data($commonInterfaceLayout1/ns0:Header/ns0:ClientId) }</ns1:clientId>
    <ns1:createDate>{ fn:current-date() }</ns1:createDate>
    declare variable $commonInterfaceLayout1 as element(ns0:CommonInterfaceLayout) external;
    pls advice whats wrong I am doing here.
    Edited by: KumarB on Feb 7, 2013 9:56 PM

    update - I dont see this error any more but transformation is not happening. as a result of transformation, i get same message as output .. no change in it.

  • FODC0002 [{bea-err}FODC0002a]: Error parsing input XML: Error at line:2 col

    I have an ODSI Physical Service that is based on a Java Function. The Java Function builds a SQL statement and uses JDBC to query for a ResultSet. One of the columns that is queried is a Clob. Sometimes, the data in this column causes an XMLBeans validation exception in ODSI: {err}XQ0027: Validation failed: error: decimal: Invalid decimal value: unexpected char '114'
    The issue is not consistently replicable with particular database record, the database records that present this issue at one point in time will be resolved after a restart of ODSI and replaced by another list of records that present the same error.
    As can be seen from the stack trace, it looks like the issue is happening after the database query has returned and while the process is assembling the SOAP response.
    Error at line:2 col:481 Line:2 '=' expected, got char[99]
    at weblogic.xml.babel.scanner.ScannerState.expect(
    at weblogic.xml.babel.scanner.Scanner.startState(
    at weblogic.xml.babel.scanner.Scanner.scan(
    at weblogic.xml.babel.baseparser.BaseParser.accept(
    at weblogic.xml.babel.baseparser.BaseParser.accept(
    at weblogic.xml.babel.baseparser.EndElement.parse(
    at weblogic.xml.babel.baseparser.BaseParser.parseElement(
    at weblogic.xml.babel.baseparser.BaseParser.parseSome(
    at weblogic.xml.stax.XMLStreamReaderBase.advance(
    at weblogic.xml.stax.XMLEventReaderBase.parseSome(
    at weblogic.xml.stax.XMLEventReaderBase.nextEvent(
    at weblogic.xml.query.parsers.StAXEventAdaptor.queueNextTokens(
    at weblogic.xml.query.parsers.StAXEventAdaptor.queueNextTokens(
    at weblogic.xml.query.parsers.BufferedParser.fetchNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.runtime.navigation.ChildPath.fetchNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.iterators.GenericIterator.hasNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.schema.BestEffortValidatingIterator$OpenedIterator.hasNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.schema.ValidatingIterator.fetchNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.xdbc.iterators.ItemIterator.fetchNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.schema.BestEffortValidatingIterator.fetchNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.xdbc.iterators.ItemIterator.fetchNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.runtime.typing.SeqTypeMatching.fetchNext(
    at com.bea.dsp.wrappers.jf.JavaFunctionIterator.fetchNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.runtime.querycide.QueryAssassin.fetchNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.iterators.GenericIterator.peekNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.runtime.qname.InsertNamespaces.fetchNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.runtime.core.ExecutionWrapper.fetchNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.xdbc.iterators.ItemIterator.fetchNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.iterators.LegacyGenericIterator.hasNext(
    at weblogic.xml.query.xdbc.util.Serializer.serializeItems(
    at com.bea.ld.server.ResultPusher$
    at com.bea.ld.server.ResultPusher.pushResults(
    at com.bea.ld.server.XQueryInvocation.execute(
    at com.bea.ld.EJBRequestHandler.invokeQueryInternal(
    at com.bea.ld.EJBRequestHandler.invokeOperationInternal(
    at com.bea.ld.EJBRequestHandler.invokeOperation(
    at com.bea.ld.ServerWrapperBean.invoke(
    at com.bea.ld.ServerWrapperBean.invokeOperation(
    at com.bea.ld.ServerWrapper_s9smk0_ELOImpl.invokeOperation(
    at weblogic.wsee.handler.HandlerIterator.handleResponse(
    at weblogic.wsee.handler.HandlerIterator.handleResponse(
    at weblogic.wsee.server.servlet.SoapProcessor.handlePost(
    at weblogic.wsee.server.servlet.SoapProcessor.process(
    at weblogic.wsee.server.servlet.BaseWSServlet$
    at weblogic.wsee.server.servlet.BaseWSServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
    at Source)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(
    <Apr 29, 2011 12:47:01 PM EDT> <Notice> <ODSI> <BEA-000000> <LabOrderDataServices> <Error occurred performing ODSI operation: {ld:LabOrder/logical/LabOrderReport}getLabOrderDetails:1
    weblogic.xml.query.exceptions.XQueryDynamicException: ld:LabOrder/logical/LabOrderReport.ds, line 34, column 6: {err}FODC0002 [{bea-err}FODC0002a]: Error parsing input XML: Error at line:2 col:481 Line:2 '=' expected, got char[99]
    at weblogic.xml.query.iterators.AbstractIterator.reportUserError(
    at weblogic.xml.query.iterators.AbstractIterator.reportUserError(
    at weblogic.xml.query.parsers.Parser.reportParseError(
    at weblogic.xml.query.parsers.StAXEventAdaptor.queueNextTokens(
    at weblogic.xml.query.parsers.StAXEventAdaptor.queueNextTokens(
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace Error at line:2 col:481 Line:2 '=' expected, got char[99]
    at weblogic.xml.stax.XMLStreamReaderBase.advance(
    at weblogic.xml.stax.XMLEventReaderBase.parseSome(
    at weblogic.xml.stax.XMLEventReaderBase.nextEvent(
    at weblogic.xml.query.parsers.StAXEventAdaptor.queueNextTokens(
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    Error at line:2 col:481 Line:2 '=' expected, got char[99]
    at weblogic.xml.babel.scanner.ScannerState.expect(
    at weblogic.xml.babel.scanner.Scanner.startState(
    at weblogic.xml.babel.scanner.Scanner.scan(
    at weblogic.xml.babel.baseparser.BaseParser.accept(
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    Can somebody shed some light on this issue?
    Edited by: user738507 on May 6, 2011 7:21 AM

    Here is the java function:
         * Iterate through the search results and build out the XmlBean response
         * @param helper A helper class used to simplify common JDBC commands
         * @param doc The XmlBean document to populate
         * @param isCollectionsIncluded True if Collection info should be included in results, False otherwise
         * @param isFullDetailsIncluded True if Result data should be included in results, False otherwise
         * @throws Exception
         private static void addOrders(XmlBeansJDBCHelper helper, LabOrderReportDocument doc,
                   boolean isCollectionsIncluded, boolean isFullDetailsIncluded) throws Exception {
              int rows = 0;
              ResultSet rs = helper.getResultSet();
              LabOrders labOrders = doc.getLabOrderReport().addNewLabOrders();
              LabOrder record = null;
              HashMap<Long, Collection> parentCollectionMap = null;
              // initialize variable used to track when child elements of the XML should be created
              long previousRowOrderId = 0;
              long previousRowParentOrderCollectionId = 0;
              long previousRowOrderCollectionId = 0;
              long previousRowResultId = 0;
              boolean isRootCollectionNode = false;
              LabOrder.Collections lastParentOuterCollectionsAdded = null;
     lastParentInnerCollectionsAdded = null;
     lastCollectionAdded = null;
              Result lastResultAdded = null;
              // Loop through the results and build XmlBean nodes for each row
              // Since the SQL is joining Orders to Collections (one-to-many) to Results (one-to-many),
              // and returning a flat structure, there will be duplicate Order data on each row when
              // multiple collections exist on the Order, and duplicate Collection data when multiple
              // Results exist. We can use this fact to determine when to create a new Collection, or
              // Result node.
              while (helper.getResultSet().next())
                   long currentRowParentOrderCollectionId = 0;
                   long currentRowOrderCollectionId = 0;
                   long currentRowResultId = 0;
                   long currentRowResultRemarkId = 0;
                   //int rowno = helper.getResultSet().getRow();
                   // Get the Order ID
                   logDebug("Getting the OrderId.....");
                   BigInteger dbOrderId = JDBCHelper.getBigInteger(rs, DataConstants.ORDER_ID);
                   logDebug("DONE getting the OrderId.");
                   long currentRowOrderId = dbOrderId.longValue();
                   // Determine the Order ID, Order Collection ID, and Result ID currently being processed.
                   // These will be used to determine whether to start a new LabOrder Bean, Collections Bean, or Results Bean
                   if (isCollectionsIncluded || isFullDetailsIncluded) {
                        // Get the ParentOrderCollectionID
                        logDebug("Getting the Parent Collection Order ID.....");
                        BigInteger dbParentOrderCollectionId = JDBCHelper.getBigInteger(rs, DataConstants.PARENT_ORDER_COLLECTION_ID);
                        if ( dbParentOrderCollectionId != null )
                             currentRowParentOrderCollectionId = dbParentOrderCollectionId.longValue();
                             currentRowParentOrderCollectionId = 0;
                        // Get the OrderCollectionID
                        logDebug("Getting the Order Collection ID.....");
                        BigInteger dbOrderCollectionId = JDBCHelper.getBigInteger(rs, DataConstants.ORDER_COLLECTION_ID);
                        if ( dbOrderCollectionId != null )
                             currentRowOrderCollectionId = dbOrderCollectionId.longValue();
                             currentRowOrderCollectionId = 0;
                        if ( isFullDetailsIncluded ) {
                             // Get the ResultID
                             logDebug("Getting the Result Id.....");
                             BigInteger dbResultId = JDBCHelper.getBigInteger(rs, DataConstants.RESULT_ID);
                             if ( dbResultId != null )
                                  currentRowResultId = dbResultId.longValue();
                                  currentRowResultId = 0;
                             // Get the ResultRemarkID
                             BigInteger dbResultRemarkId = JDBCHelper.getBigInteger(rs, DataConstants.RESULT_REMARK_ID);
                             if ( dbResultRemarkId != null )
                                  currentRowResultRemarkId = dbResultRemarkId.longValue();
                                  currentRowResultRemarkId = 0;
                   isRootCollectionNode = (currentRowParentOrderCollectionId == 0);
                   logDebug("currentRowOrderId: " + currentRowOrderId);
                   logDebug("previousRowOrderId: " + previousRowOrderId);
                   logDebug("currentRowResultId: " + currentRowResultId);
                   logDebug("previousRowResultId: " + previousRowResultId);
                   logDebug("currentRowResultRemarkId: " + currentRowResultRemarkId);
                   logDebug("previousRowResultRemarkId: N/A");
                   logDebug("currentRowParentOrderCollectionId: " + currentRowParentOrderCollectionId);
                   logDebug("previousRowParentOrderCollectionId: " + previousRowParentOrderCollectionId);
                   logDebug("currentRowOrderCollectionId: " + currentRowOrderCollectionId);
                   logDebug("previousRowOrderCollectionId: " + previousRowOrderCollectionId);
                   if ( currentRowOrderId != previousRowOrderId ) {
                        parentCollectionMap = new HashMap<Long, Collection>();
                        lastParentOuterCollectionsAdded = null;
                        lastParentInnerCollectionsAdded = null;
                        lastCollectionAdded = null;
                        lastResultAdded = null;
                        // This is a new Order, generate a new Lab Order bean
                        record = addOrder(labOrders, helper, dbOrderId, isFullDetailsIncluded);
                        logDebug("Order Added!");
                        // If there is Parent Collection data and it should be included, build a Collections element,
                        // and populate the first one
                        if ( !isRootCollectionNode && (isCollectionsIncluded || isFullDetailsIncluded) ) {
                             lastParentOuterCollectionsAdded = record.addNewCollections();
                             lastCollectionAdded = addCollection(record, helper, lastParentOuterCollectionsAdded, true);
                             logDebug("Collection Added! Is it null? " + (lastCollectionAdded == null));
                        // If there is Collection data and it should be included, build a Collections element,
                        // and populate the first one
                        if ( currentRowOrderCollectionId > 0 && (isCollectionsIncluded || isFullDetailsIncluded) ) {
                             if ( isRootCollectionNode ) {
                                  lastParentOuterCollectionsAdded = record.addNewCollections();
                                  lastCollectionAdded = addCollection(record, helper, lastParentOuterCollectionsAdded, false);
                                  parentCollectionMap.put(new Long(currentRowOrderCollectionId), lastCollectionAdded);
                                  logDebug("parent collection added to map: " + currentRowOrderCollectionId);
                             else {
                                  lastParentInnerCollectionsAdded = lastCollectionAdded.addNewCollections();
                                  lastCollectionAdded = addCollection(record, helper, lastParentInnerCollectionsAdded, false);
                             logDebug("Collection Added! Is it null? " + (lastCollectionAdded == null));
                             // If there is Result data and it should be included, build a Results element,
                             // and populate the first one
                             if ( currentRowResultId > 0 && isFullDetailsIncluded ) {
                                  logDebug("Adding result....");
                                  lastResultAdded = addResult(record, helper, lastCollectionAdded);
                                  logDebug("Result Added!");
                                  // If there is Result Remark data and it should be included, build a ResultRemarks element,
                                  // and populate the first one
                                  if ( currentRowResultRemarkId > 0 && isFullDetailsIncluded ) {
                                       addResultRemark(record, helper, lastResultAdded);
                        logDebug("DONE getting first Collection and Result.");
                   else if ( currentRowParentOrderCollectionId != previousRowParentOrderCollectionId
                             && (isCollectionsIncluded || isFullDetailsIncluded) ) {
                        // This is a new, top level, Order Collection to be included
                        lastParentOuterCollectionsAdded = null;
                        lastParentInnerCollectionsAdded = null;
                        lastCollectionAdded = null;
                        lastResultAdded = null;
                        logDebug("Getting next Order Collection...");
                        // If there is Parent Collection data and it should be included, build a Collections element,
                        // and populate the first one
                        if ( !isRootCollectionNode ) {
                             lastCollectionAdded = ( Long(currentRowParentOrderCollectionId));
                             logDebug("A Collection Added! Is it null? " + (lastCollectionAdded == null));
                        // If there is Collection data and it should be included, build a Collections element,
                        // and populate the first one
                        if ( currentRowOrderCollectionId > 0 ) {
                             if ( isRootCollectionNode ) {
                                  //LabOrder.Collections collections = record.addNewCollections();
                                  lastParentOuterCollectionsAdded = record.getCollections();
                                  lastCollectionAdded = addCollection(record, helper, lastParentOuterCollectionsAdded, false);
                                  parentCollectionMap.put(new Long(currentRowOrderCollectionId), lastCollectionAdded);
                             else {
                                  lastParentInnerCollectionsAdded = lastCollectionAdded.addNewCollections();
                                  lastCollectionAdded = addCollection(record, helper, lastParentInnerCollectionsAdded, false);
                             logDebug("B Collection Added! Is it null? " + (lastCollectionAdded == null));
                             // If there is Result data and it should be included, build a Results element,
                             // and populate the first one
                             if ( currentRowResultId > 0 && isFullDetailsIncluded ) {
                                  lastResultAdded = addResult(record, helper, lastCollectionAdded);
                                  // If there is Result Remark data and it should be included, build a ResultRemarks element,
                                  // and populate the first one
                                  if ( currentRowResultRemarkId > 0 && isFullDetailsIncluded ) {
                                       addResultRemark(record, helper, lastResultAdded);
                   else if ( currentRowOrderCollectionId != previousRowOrderCollectionId
                             && (isCollectionsIncluded || isFullDetailsIncluded) ) {
                        // This is a new Order Collection to be included inside of a parent collection
                        logDebug("Getting next CHILD Order Collection...");
                        logDebug("isRootCollectionNode: " + isRootCollectionNode);
                        logDebug("Order ID: " + helper.getBigInteger(DataConstants.ORDER_ID));
                        logDebug("Order Collection ID: " + helper.getBigInteger(DataConstants.ORDER_COLLECTION_ID));
                        logDebug("Collection ID: " + helper.getBigInteger(DataConstants.COLLECTION_ID));
                        if ( isRootCollectionNode ) {
                             lastCollectionAdded = addCollection(record, helper, lastParentOuterCollectionsAdded, false);
                             parentCollectionMap.put(new Long(currentRowOrderCollectionId), lastCollectionAdded);
                        else {
                    parentCollection = ( Long(currentRowParentOrderCollectionId));
                             if(parentCollection == null) {
                                  log(LOG_LEVEL.WARN, "Parent Collection with id: " + currentRowParentOrderCollectionId + " is null for collection id: " + currentRowOrderCollectionId + " but isRootCollectionNode is " + isRootCollectionNode);
                             } else {
                                  lastParentInnerCollectionsAdded = parentCollection.getCollections();
                                  logDebug("Is lastParentInnerCollectionsAdded null? " + (lastParentInnerCollectionsAdded == null));
                                  lastCollectionAdded = addCollection(record, helper, lastParentInnerCollectionsAdded, false);
                        // If there is Result data and it should be included, build a Results element,
                        // and populate the first one
                        if ( currentRowResultId > 0 && isFullDetailsIncluded ) {
                             lastResultAdded = addResult(record, helper, lastCollectionAdded);
                             // If there is Result Remark data and it should be included, build a ResultRemarks element,
                             // and populate the first one
                             if ( currentRowResultRemarkId > 0 && isFullDetailsIncluded ) {
                                  addResultRemark(record, helper, lastResultAdded);
                   else if ( currentRowResultId != previousRowResultId
                             && isFullDetailsIncluded ) {
                        // There is a new Result to be included
                        logDebug("Getting next Result...");
                        // This is a new result to be included
                        lastResultAdded = addResult(record, helper, lastCollectionAdded);
                        // If there is Result Remark data and it should be included, build a ResultRemarks element,
                        // and populate the first one
                        if ( currentRowResultRemarkId > 0 && isFullDetailsIncluded ) {
                             addResultRemark(record, helper, lastResultAdded);
                   else if ( isFullDetailsIncluded ) {
                        // There is a new Result Remark to include
                        logDebug("Getting next Result Remark...");
                        // This is a new result remark to be included
                        addResultRemark(record, helper, lastResultAdded);
                   logDebug("Done building response.");
                   previousRowResultId = currentRowResultId;
                   previousRowParentOrderCollectionId = currentRowParentOrderCollectionId;
                   previousRowOrderCollectionId = currentRowOrderCollectionId;
                   previousRowOrderId = currentRowOrderId;
              logDebug("Found " + rows + " rows of data.");

  • FF5 error parsing CSS font-face with url inline base64 data

    Firefox 5 refuses to parse CSS @font-face with url inline base64 data.
    I use the declaration:
    &lt;style type="text/css"&gt;
    @font-face {
    font-family: 'MyFont';
    src: url(data:font/truetype;charset=utf-8;base64,[base64data]);
    then used this way:
    &lt;div style="font-family:'MyFont'; font-size:12.0pt"&gt;Test text&lt;/div&gt;
    But Firefox is not using the font and in the error console, there is always the message:
    ''Error parsing the "src" value. Skipped to next declaration.''
    (more or less, I actually have this message in Czech)
    Tried with different mime types (font/ttf,font/otf,font/opentype,application/x-font-ttf etc.), with or without charset specification, with or without quoting the font family name, with different specifications:
    &lt;style type="text/css"&gt;
    @font-face {
    font-family: 'MyFont';
    src: url(data:font/truetype;charset=utf-8;base64,[base64data]) format(truetype);
    (tried also with opentype format, etc.)
    &lt;style type="text/css"&gt;
    @font-face {
    font-family: 'MyFont';
    src: url('myfont-webfont.eot?');
    src: local('☺'), url(data:font/truetype;charset=utf-8;base64,[base64data]);
    If I provide the font path:
    &lt;style type="text/css"&gt;
    @font-face {
    font-family: 'MyFont';
    src: url('Arial.ttf');
    (the font actually is Arial, for testing), it works (but I need to embed the font in the HTML for specific reason, so having the font externally is not the option).

    Finally I got it work! Thanks, cor-el, you pointed me the right way to solve this problem.
    There was problem with the encoding too (there was part of the font missing at the end, because of the bug in the program - I forgot to flush the buffered output stream), after then I was able to download the same copy of the TTF. - I didn't know about the possibility to put the entire url data to the location bar and try to download it, thanks cor-el.
    But it still didn't solve the problem ... the problem was, that the base64 stream was divided to multiple lines, like
    After I removed the line breaks, it works now! (the line is quite long then, because the base64 string is about 1MB, but it works)
    Strange that I do the same for images (jpeg, png) and there is no problem with base64 string divided to multiple lines.
    But anyway, I'm fine with that.

  • Error parsing output

    Hi There,
    New to the Java World and Im getting the following error when submitting this java program for compilation and output. Output is Via a html page
    // just import the BufferedReader and inputstream reader
    class addtwonumbers
        public static void main(String[] args)
        // reader (e.g. the input from the console)
        InputStreamReader ISR = new InputStreamReader(;
        // buffer the console reader
        BufferedReader BR = new BufferedReader(ISR);
        // the default values for the two numbers
        int val1 = 0;
        int val2 = 0;
            // output the question.
            System.out.print("Enter two Numbers:\n");
            // read in the console intput one line (BR.readLine) and then convert to a integer
            val1 = Integer.parseInt(BR.readLine());
            val2 = Integer.parseInt(BR.readLine());
        catch (Exception ex)
            //if the input was a string.
        // output the answer of adding both of the values together and * by 3
        System.out.println("The result is " + (val1 + val2) * 3 );
    The error message is "Error parsing output, please try again"
    Thanks In advance.
    Edited by: Conor O'Neill on Mar 16, 2009 4:11 PM

    Conor O'Neill wrote:
    > Hi Ayyapparaj
    > Thanks for getting back to me: yes I already have done what you suggested and it works fine, but I'm trying to output in an HTML page (in a table).
    What you mean by HTML page(in a table)?
    Code what you have written above is a pure application that need to be run in the way i have mentioned above.
    If you are interested to create a HTML page where you can enter two numbers and print their out put. You need to change the code altogether.

Maybe you are looking for