Error with Provider Hosted App on Edit Form of a list item

We have an error on the Edit Form of one of our pages.
We have developed a SharePoint Online Provider Hosted app which replaces the standard edit form of a list item and has some further events behind the save button. Since this is rather new territory for us, we're using a roundabout way of achieving this by
using a script editor web part to display an iFrame of our app. That way we can pass the Url through to our app and retrieve query strings from them.
Our issue comes quite intermittently in that we sometimes get a "web page cannot be found" error or sometimes a "resource cannot be found" error, however, when we load another app on the site (from the same app project, but using an app
part), then go back to the Edit Form, the information in the iFrame suddenly renders.
Any ideas on what might be causing this issue at all? Ideally, we should be rendering the app to the Edit Form is the proper manner, rather than scripting an iFrame that points to out app in Azure. Would this be the cause of the problem?

Hi thumper, if you have access to InfoPath, you can add the form to a page using the InfoPath web part. Otherwise, use SP Designer with instructions below:
cameron rautmann

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    How can this be achieved.any inputs. 
    Please mark as answer if you find it useful else vote for it if it is close to answer..happy sharepointing

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    site. And my code is as bellow:
    function execOperation() {
    context = new SP.ClientContext(appweburl);
    var factory =
    new SP.ProxyWebRequestExecutorFactory(
    appContextSite = new SP.AppContextSite(context, appweburl);
    var appContextSite2 = new SP.AppContextSite(context, hostweburl);
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    var roleDefinition = web.get_roleDefinitions().add(roleDefinitionCreationInfo);
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    // Create a new RoleDefinitionBindingCollection.
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    // Add the role to the collection.
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    // Add the user to the target list and assign the use to the new RoleDefinitionBindingCollection.
    var roleAssignment = assignments.add(web.get_currentUser(), newBindings);
    context.executeQueryAsync(onSuccess, onFail);
    I have just copied the code from that article. But when I run my app it give me error :
    You cannot customize permission levels in a web site with inherited permission levels
    Any suggestions, What am I doing wrong?
    Thank you in advance...!

    Problem solved. 
    It turns out there should be NO leading '/' in the relative URL despite the example shown in with "/Shared Folder".
    The correct GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl-parameter in my case is 'Lists/Productdocuments'.
    Unsure whether example is wrong or if it applies to other cases than mine.

  • Load Dropdownlist with share point groups in Edit Form of workflow List

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      I have created a created a workflow for template approval process  when i edit the workflow task ,i would need to show 
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    Memeber Group :Load sharepoint groups
    Assigned to :Display members from selected group.
    Could you tell  me how to implement this.
    .Net User

    Hi .Net User,
    Based on your description, do you mean that you want to show two drop down lists in the workflow tasks list’s edit form?
    And, do you want to display all the SharePoint Groups and all the members in the specific SharePoint Group that you select from the Group drop down list?
    Per my knowledge, we can add two new Task Form Fields to display the “Assigned To” column’s value of the current task, and the Approval Task Process’s Participant Groups, however, we cannot get all the SharePoint Groups in the workflow tasks list’s edit
    form using SharePoint Designer 2010.
    To implement it, please follow the steps as below.
    Click on the “Approval” of the action in the workflow, add two new Task Form Fields named “Assigned To Member”, “Member Group” with “Single line of text” type.
    Click on “Change the behavior of a single task” in the “Customization”, add two “Set Task Field” actions in “Before a Task is Assigned” section as below:
          Set Task Field ““Assigned To Member” to “Current Task: Assigned To” with “Display Name”, Set Task Field “Member Group” to “Task Process: Participant List” with “Display Names, Semicolon Delimited”.
      3.  Publish the workflow and test if it works in your environment.
    Then, the result is shown as below:
    Best Regards,
    Yumi Fu

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    You can do this with some jQuery and JavaScript.  Look at this post:
    Basically, add a Script Editor Web Part to the page and include this snippet:
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
    // Change all display form links to edit form links
    $('.ms-vb a[href*="listform.aspx"]').each(function(){
    var link = $(this).attr('href');
    link = link.replace("PageType=4", "PageType=6");
    $(this).attr('href', link);
    Brandon Atkinson

  • Sharepoint provider hosted app using angularjs

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    Below is the code for angular:
    var hostWebApp = angular.module('HostWebList', []);
    hostWebApp.service('$SharePointJSOMService', function ($q, $http) {
        this.getListItems = function ($scope, listTitle) {
            var deferred = $q.defer();
            //First we must call the EnsureSetup method
            var hostweburl = decodeURIComponent(JSRequest.QueryString["SPHostUrl"]);
            var appweburl = decodeURIComponent(JSRequest.QueryString["SPAppWebUrl"]);
            var restQueryUrl = hostweburl + "/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('ListName')/items";
            var executor = new SP.RequestExecutor(hostweburl);
                url: restQueryUrl,
                method: "GET",
                headers: { "Accept": "application/json; odata=verbose" },
                success: function (data, textStatus, xhr) {
                error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                    alert("request failed");
    //getting -1003
            return deferred.promise;
    hostWebApp.controller('HostWebListController', function ($scope, $SharePointJSOMService) {
        $scope.listItem = null;
        var listName = "IncomingEmail";
        var promise = $SharePointJSOMService.getListItems($scope, listName);
        promise.then(function (data) {
            $scope.listItem = data.d.results;
            console.log("came inside the promise success method");
        }, function (data) {
            console.log("Error " + data);
    Following javascript files I have included:
     <script type="text/javascript" src="/_layouts/15/sp.runtime.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="/_layouts/15/sp.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="/_layouts/15/SP.RequestExecutor.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="/_layouts/15/init.debug.js"></script>
    angular.js included. 
    I don't know what is the problem. Can anybody walk me through the problem. will be great help.

    Your REST request must be authenticated. So you must send the access token in the authorization header along with your request. The following link explains how you can get the access token when you using a provider hosted app.
    Blog | SharePoint Field Notes Dev Tools |
    SPFastDeploy | SPRemoteAPIExplorer

  • Using powershell to deploy provider-hosted app and specify remote Url instead of using appinv.aspx page

    Hello all,
    Could you possibly help me with provider-hosted app development/deployment process.
    We developed SharePoint provider-hosted app that works just fine in development environment. Now we need to automate it's installation in test environment via powershell.
    In AppManifest.xml that we are deploying we have key instead of explicit URL:
    <App xmlns="" Name="ShowAllRoomsApp" ProductID="{922a18aa-5592-b59a-4da9-4791baef02e7}" Version=""
    If we use as recommends, we cannot specify Redirect Url as we can do this on
    So now it seems like the only way to deploy this kind of solution is using appinv.aspx page.Or must we apply this URL in AppManifest on developing stage in Visual Studio?
    What did I miss?
    P. S. Even if I use /_layouts/appinv.aspx after powershell commandlets, I get error.

    to deploy provider hosted app you need 2 things
    1. Client ID
    2. Redirect URL.
    What you can do you can generate app from visual studio using clientID and URL from developer enviornment.
    Now a app file is just a simple compressed zip file if you rename it as .zip and extract you will find AppManifest
    inside it. So to create an app for Testing enviornment what you have to to Get the CLient ID (from AppRegNew.aspx) in testing enviornment. Unzip .App file change the AppManifest with testing client ID and URL than again zip file and rename as .app.
    Now if you upload this file it will work.
    To automate this scenerio i have created a simple windows Application in which i Pass the Client ID and StartURl and an App File it unzips the app file make changes to app and again zip it.
    public static class AppPackageHelper
    public const string StartUrlExpression = "{0}?{1}";
    public const string StandardToken = "{StandardTokens}";
    public static string Publish(string appPath, string ClientId,string StartUrl)
    string tempDir = string.Empty;
    string outPutFile = string.Empty;
    string parentDir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(appPath);
    outPutFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(parentDir, ClientId + "");
    tempDir = System.IO.Path.Combine(parentDir, ClientId.ToString());
    int lastInd = appPath.LastIndexOf('.');
    string tempPath = string.Empty;
    string targetFilePath = string.Empty;
    string cabPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(tempDir, System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(appPath) + ".cab");
    FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(appPath) { IsReadOnly = false };
    File.Copy(appPath, cabPath);
    XDocument doc = null;
    string appManifest = string.Empty;
    using (ZipArchive zipArch = ZipFile.Open(cabPath, ZipArchiveMode.Update))
    appManifest = string.Format(@"{0}\AppManifest.xml", Directory.GetParent(cabPath).FullName);
    ZipArchiveEntry manifestEntry = zipArch.Entries.LastOrDefault(e => e.Name.ToLower() == "appmanifest.xml");
    doc = XDocument.Load(appManifest);
    XNamespace ns = doc.Root.GetDefaultNamespace();
    string defaultUrl = string.Format(StartUrlExpression, StartUrl.TrimEnd('/'), StandardToken);
    doc.Descendants(XName.Get("StartPage", ns.NamespaceName)).First().Value = defaultUrl;
    doc.Descendants(XName.Get("RemoteWebApplication", ns.NamespaceName)).First().Attribute(XName.Get("ClientId")).Value = setupInfo.ClientId.ToString();
    if (manifestEntry != null)
    zipArch.CreateEntryFromFile(appManifest, "AppManifest.xml");
    int totEnt = zipArch.Entries.Count;
    for (int e = 0; e < totEnt; e++)
    if (zipArch.Entries[e].Open().Length == 0)
    //if (zipArch.Entries.Count > totEnt && e >= totEnt) break;
    if (File.Exists(outPutFile))
    File.Move(cabPath, outPutFile);
    return outPutFile;
    if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(tempDir))
    System.IO.Directory.Delete(tempDir, true);
    return outPutFile;
    using System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll.
    Also if you want to do it using powershell You need to do the same thing unzip-> changes values-> zip
    So basic thing is You need to ahve only valid AppManifest file which contains 2 valid values Client Id and StartUrl
    if you changes it inside appmanifest manuall than it will also work. Using above code you can create a console Application to do it. You can use powershell it just that i dont know how to zip unzip in powershell but i am pretty sure you can easily find it
    on searching.
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  • Provider Hosted App - Client Secret Expired

    We are using SharePoint Online with Provider Hosted app creates in ASP.NET. This portal gone live in December last year and was working fine till yesterday until we started facing the issues exactly after one year of portal going live. With this we have
    realized this has something to do with the ClientSecret token expiration issue because we have been getting the "JWT token invalid" issue. Further to this we have started following the below article and was able to generate the new ClientSecret and
    the same has been updated in Web.config file as well but still getting the same "JWT Token Invalid" error along with "Invalid Issuer or Signature" issue.
    While above document suggest a method before ClientSecret being expired, but in our case we are trying to fight with the issue where our secret has been already expired. We have also waited for 12 hours after generating the fresh secret but nothing helps.
    Has anyone else experienced such situation, could someone please help me with this ?

    Thanks for replying John,
    This is SharePoint Online (E3 Plan) and the I issue has been resolved already. I have shared the resolution and finding for the same in "Apps for Office and SharePoint" forum at the URL below.
    Thanks Again
    Ajay Sawant

  • Provider-hosted Apps debug error: The remote server returned an error: (401) unauthorised

    Any help appreciated!!
    I'm getting this error: "The remote server returned an error: (401) unauthorised when I debug a provider-hosted app.  I get the error on this line:  
    HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
    See code below
    I created a high trust development environment following the instructions provided here: and
    I created a provider-hosted app with the intent to:
    create a SharePoint list in the appweb
    Use self-signed certificate, tokenhepler.cs and sharepointcontext.cs to retrieve current user context and access on SharePoint.  (No changes were made to tokenhelper.cs and sharepointcontext.cs)
    retrieve list items from the SharePoint list in a button click event handler on a default.aspx of the remote web
    What happens:
    The app is deployed successfully to the Dev site
    The SharePoint feature is deployed and activated
    The default.aspx page of the remote web loads
    The error (see image) is returned on clicking of the button
    My environment is an on-premise SharePoint 2013 with AD and my dev box is standalone windows 8.1 running Visual Studio Professional 2013 Update 3.
    The code block below is a copy of the default.aspx code-behind
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
    using Microsoft.IdentityModel.S2S.Tokens;
    using System.Net;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Xml;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Xml.Linq;
    using System.Xml.XPath;
    namespace Idea.GeneratorWeb
    public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page
    SharePointContextToken contextToken;
    string accessToken;
    Uri sharepointUrl;
    protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Uri redirectUrl;
    switch (SharePointContextProvider.CheckRedirectionStatus(Context, out redirectUrl))
    case RedirectionStatus.Ok:
    case RedirectionStatus.ShouldRedirect:
    Response.Redirect(redirectUrl.AbsoluteUri, endResponse: true);
    case RedirectionStatus.CanNotRedirect:
    Response.Write("An error occurred while processing your request.");
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //// The following code gets the client context and Title property by using TokenHelper.
    //// To access other properties, the app may need to request permissions on the host web.
    var spContext = SharePointContextProvider.Current.GetSharePointContext(Context);
    //var spContext = new ClientContext("MySPDevInstance");
    //spContext.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password");
    //using (var clientContext = spContext.CreateUserClientContextForSPHost())
    // clientContext.Load(clientContext.Web, web => web.Title);
    // clientContext.ExecuteQuery();
    // Response.Write(clientContext.Web.Title);
    string contextTokenString = TokenHelper.GetContextTokenFromRequest(Request);
    if (contextTokenString != null)
    // Get context token
    contextToken = TokenHelper.ReadAndValidateContextToken(contextTokenString, Request.Url.Authority);
    // Get access token
    sharepointUrl = new Uri(Request.QueryString["SPAppWebUrl"]);
    accessToken = TokenHelper.GetAccessToken(contextToken, sharepointUrl.Authority).AccessToken;
    // Pass the access token to the button event handler.
    Button1.CommandArgument = accessToken;
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Retrieve the access token that the Page_Load method stored
    // in the button's command argument.
    string accessToken = ((Button)sender).CommandArgument;
    if (IsPostBack)
    sharepointUrl = new Uri(Request.QueryString["SPAppWebUrl"]);
    // REST/OData URL section
    string oDataUrl = "/_api/Web/lists/getbytitle('Diagrams In Idea Generator')/items?$select=Title,Diagram,SharingStatus";
    // HTTP Request and Response construction section
    HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(sharepointUrl.ToString() + oDataUrl);
    request.Method = "GET";
    request.Accept = "application/atom+xml";
    request.ContentType = "application/atom+xml;type=entry";
    request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken);
    HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
    // Response markup parsing section
    XDocument oDataXML = XDocument.Load(response.GetResponseStream(), LoadOptions.None);
    XNamespace atom = "";
    XNamespace d = "";
    XNamespace m = "";
    List<XElement> entries = oDataXML.Descendants(atom + "entry")
    .Elements(atom + "content")
    .Elements(m + "properties")
    var entryFieldValues = from entry in entries
    select new
    Character = entry.Element(d + "Title").Value,
    Actor = entry.Element(d + "Diagram").Value,
    CastingStatus = entry.Element(d + "SharingStatus").Value
    GridView1.DataSource = entryFieldValues;
    Any ideas what I might be doing wrong

    Hi ,
    Use the below code
    Public string GetAccessToken(){
    string sharePointSiteUrlHost =  Page.Request["SPHostUrl"].Tostring();
    string AccessToken = tokenHelper.GetS2SAccessTokenWithWindowsIdentity(sharePointSiteUrlHost, Request.LogonUserIdentity);
    return accessToken;
    Than initialize the ClientCOntext with the below Method
     private static ClientContext GetClientContextWithAccessTokenString(string targetUrl, object accessToken)
                ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(targetUrl);
                clientContext.AuthenticationMode = ClientAuthenticationMode.Anonymous;
                clientContext.FormDigestHandlingEnabled = false;
                clientContext.ExecutingWebRequest +=
                    delegate(object oSender, WebRequestEventArgs webRequestEventArgs)
                        webRequestEventArgs.WebRequestExecutor.WebRequest.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)";
                        webRequestEventArgs.WebRequestExecutor.RequestHeaders["Authorization"] =
                            "Bearer " + accessToken;
                return clientContext;
    use this clientCOntext and it will work.
    Do not use
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  • Redirection error An error occurred while processing your request in provider-hosted app which is hosted in Windows Azure

    I developed one simple provider hosted app and I published it in my Azure website. I also published the SharePoint App of this solution in O365 site. I'm using Visual Studio 2013 Premium edition. I've followed all the steps to do this work e.g.
    generate the client ID and client secret through my O365 site and updated the AppManifest.xml as well as web.config etc. In my AppWeb project, I've TokenHelper.cs and SharePoint.cs classes.
    When I'm clicking the app from my O365 site, I get the following error "An error occurred while processing your request" which is due to the following code:
     protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Uri redirectUrl;
                switch (SharePointContextProvider.CheckRedirectionStatus(Context, out redirectUrl))
                    case RedirectionStatus.Ok:
                    case RedirectionStatus.ShouldRedirect:
                        Response.Redirect(redirectUrl.AbsoluteUri, endResponse: true);
                    case RedirectionStatus.CanNotRedirect:
                        Response.Write("An error occurred while processing your request.");
    It's always executing the case RedirectionStatus.CanNotRedirect. Why?
    I've checked the method "CheckRedirectionStatus" of SharePointContext.cs class completely and I am not understanding why am I getting this error.
    When I browse my Azure website, even there I'm getting this error. I believe that error is because there is no query string parameter there e.g. SPHostURL etc.
    Please let me know why I'm having this redirection error.

    For a better troubleshooting,
    I suggest you do as the following:
    Debug the code step by step to find the reason of the issue.
    For the remote debug your app from Windows Azure, you need to download Azure SDK:
    After installing the SDK, it will have “Attach Debugger” for Azure web site, you
    also need to set "Attach Debugger" to on in the Windows Azure Management Portal
    More detailed information about how to debug provider-hosted app:
    Best regards,
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if
    they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Zhengyu Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Error occurred in deployment step 'Install app for SharePoint': Failed to install app for SharePoint. provider-hosted app sharepoint on premise

    Error occurred in deployment step 'Install app for SharePoint, ULS log as below:
    0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation          App Deployment                 acjjg Medium   The current user has System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name
    = 0#.w|perf\, System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name = NT AUTHORITY\IUSR, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name = 0#.w|perf\ dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.39  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 ag8d6 Medium   SPApp: CreateAppUsingPackageMetadata: isCabStream is false. Treating the stream as a ZIP. dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.39  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 ahkn9 High     Deleting App with fingerprint TJQrYuD5N+kEe38LZtl6wSs3Ak3yYvWcmwuNLTqtpdFzb4qSMopN3SWCRdWvntrKoM7qIS2S2llpA5omi8iHqQ==
    on site 264dc389-d394-4985-a43c-ad91a383c0df dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.39  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 ahkob High     The App with fingerprint TJQrYuD5N+kEe38LZtl6wSs3Ak3yYvWcmwuNLTqtpdFzb4qSMopN3SWCRdWvntrKoM7qIS2S2llpA5omi8iHqQ==
    on site 264dc389-d394-4985-a43c-ad91a383c0df was to be deleted, but it did not exist dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.41  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 abnqa Medium   App Packaging: CreatePackage: There are 10 parts in the package.  There are 1 package-part relationships
    in the package. dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.41  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 afyz6 Medium   SPAppResources: ParseResources: No default resource file was found. dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.41  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 afyzx Medium   SPAppResources: ParseResources: no resource file relationships were found. dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.41  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 aebgs Medium   SPPackageUtility: ExtractPart: Creating directory 'C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp\71345ca6-3565-43d8-9017-2d3336965d8f\extract' dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.41  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 aebgt Medium   SPPackageUtility: ExtractPart: Creating file 'C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp\71345ca6-3565-43d8-9017-2d3336965d8f\extract\AppManifest.xml' dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.41  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 ajddw Medium   SPPackageUtility: ExtractPart: Part stream length is '1072'. dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.41  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 ajddz Medium   SPPackageUtility: ExtractPart: Length is '1072', not locking before copying the stream. dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.41  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 aebgt Medium   SPPackageUtility: ExtractPart: Creating file 'C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp\71345ca6-3565-43d8-9017-2d3336965d8f\extract\AppIcon.png' dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.41  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 ajddw Medium   SPPackageUtility: ExtractPart: Part stream length is '3540'. dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.41  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 ajddz Medium   SPPackageUtility: ExtractPart: Length is '3540', not locking before copying the stream. dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.41  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 aidi7 Medium   SPIconAppPartValidator: IsSupportedFormat: image raw format is 'b96b3caf-0728-11d3-9d7b-0000f81ef32e'. dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.42  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 afyz6 Medium   SPAppResources: ParseResources: No default resource file was found. dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.42  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 afyzx Medium   SPAppResources: ParseResources: no resource file relationships were found. dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.42  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 aebgt Medium   SPPackageUtility: ExtractPart: Creating file 'C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp\71345ca6-3565-43d8-9017-2d3336965d8f\extract\featurecc1deab7-efdf-4cc2-80ae-60e073577d64.xml' dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.42  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 ajddw Medium   SPPackageUtility: ExtractPart: Part stream length is '321'. dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.42  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 ajddz Medium   SPPackageUtility: ExtractPart: Length is '321', not locking before copying the stream. dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.42  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 aebgt Medium   SPPackageUtility: ExtractPart: Creating file 'C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp\71345ca6-3565-43d8-9017-2d3336965d8f\extract\elements4d87f314-4b0a-4b89-8a7e-9cb73c99f25f.xml' dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.42  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 ajddw Medium   SPPackageUtility: ExtractPart: Part stream length is '849'. dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.42  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 ajddz Medium   SPPackageUtility: ExtractPart: Length is '849', not locking before copying the stream. dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.42  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 aerhy Medium   App Packaging - List of App Parts (count ='2'): Name='SPIconAppPart',Name='SPFeatureAppPart', dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.42  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 aerhz Medium   App Packaging - List of Deployment Groups (count ='3'): Name='SPIconDeploymentGroup',Name='SPTargetWebDeploymentGroup',Name='SPQuickLaunchDeploymentGroup', dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.42  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 mq71 Medium   Creating App with fingerprint TJQrYuD5N+kEe38LZtl6wSs3Ak3yYvWcmwuNLTqtpdFzb4qSMopN3SWCRdWvntrKoM7qIS2S2llpA5omi8iHqQ==
    to site 264dc389-d394-4985-a43c-ad91a383c0df. dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.44  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 afpd2 Medium   Committing package with fingerprint TJQrYuD5N+kEe38LZtl6wSs3Ak3yYvWcmwuNLTqtpdFzb4qSMopN3SWCRdWvntrKoM7qIS2S2llpA5omi8iHqQ==
    and data length 8010 to site 264dc389-d394-4985-a43c-ad91a383c0df. dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.46  w3wp.exe (0x2170)                        0x0BA8 SharePoint Foundation        
     App Deployment                 ajk9e Medium   Writing 8010 bytes to database for app with fingerprint TJQrYuD5N+kEe38LZtl6wSs3Ak3yYvWcmwuNLTqtpdFzb4qSMopN3SWCRdWvntrKoM7qIS2S2llpA5omi8iHqQ== dcf1d59c-94c5-5071-47bf-07cd3f2ead95
    12/14/2014 23:54:27.50  w3wp.exe (0x2170)

    Hi Jerry,
    I agree with Nikhil, I think you have posted partial ULS log, we could not find effective errors for the issue.
    For Provider Hosted app in SharePoint server on-premise,
    the TokenHelper class will try to access your Azure Security Principle by default.
    Did you have a valid Azure account?
    If not, the issue may be caused that you don't have a valid account, to resolve this issue, you can use
    a valid Azure account or not going to use Azure Platform for hosting the app as the article
    Jason Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Provider-hosted app deployment error

    I am developing a provider-hosted app which programmatically adds the app part on Home page of the site. I wrote the code for adding the app part in App Installed event. It works fine when i debug it on my development site. Then i made a catalog site and
    deployed it there following the instructions in this blog.
    After deploying the app on app catalog, when i try to add the app, i get the following error.
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        Microsoft-SharePoint Products-SharePoint Foundation
    Date:          3/18/2015 5:44:17 PM
    Event ID:      8311
    Task Category: Topology
    Level:         Error
    User:          SP\Administrator
    Computer:      SP2013.SP2013.LOCAL
    An operation failed because the following certificate has validation errors:
    Subject Name: CN=SP2013.SP2013.LOCAL
    Issuer Name: CN=SP2013.SP2013.LOCAL
    Thumbprint: 9D3D48F8D7ED5AE4CB187BEB3319C3E65A36340C
     SSL policy errors have been encountered.  Error code '0x2'..
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="">
        <Provider Name="Microsoft-SharePoint Products-SharePoint Foundation" Guid="{6FB7E0CD-52E7-47DD-997A-241563931FC2}" />
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2015-03-18T12:44:17.912561500Z" />
        <Correlation ActivityID="{3A58A90C-2A9C-4128-A4CF-D07A9FEB48E8}" />
        <Execution ProcessID="980" ThreadID="688" />
        <Security UserID="S-1-5-21-2707663415-3900761612-1761970234-500" />
        <Data Name="string0">CN=SP2013.SP2013.LOCAL</Data>
        <Data Name="string1">CN=SP2013.SP2013.LOCAL</Data>
        <Data Name="string2">9D3D48F8D7ED5AE4CB187BEB3319C3E65A36340C</Data>
        <Data Name="string3">SSL policy errors have been encountered.  Error code '0x2'.</Data>
    I am deploying the app with non-system user. Is there any any limitation of using app installed event in
    app catalog or am i doing something wrong?

    The following blog for you to check:
    SharePoint 2013 Domain Certificate for Provider-Host App Development Environment
    Or try to add the following line within <> tag
    in your SharePoint site web.config:
    Best Regards
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Thanks for the reply but I already tried the solution. My app works fine when i deploy it without app install event receiver but when i add the event receiver i face the error. Is there any limitation of using app install event receivers?

  • SharePoint 2013 Provider-Hosted App Installs, throws File Exists error.

    I have a SP2013 Provider-hosted app with DevExpress controls that was working fine until just recently. I am getting the following error when I try to F5 DEBUG:
    "Error occurred in deployment step 'Install app for SharePoint': The file exists."
    The app actually installs and executes but the debugger detaches very quickly plus it is prompting with the nagging aforementioned message. There are no AppUninstall / AppInstall / AppUpgraded events being handled.
    Thanks in advance.

    I tried retraction, cleaning, reinstalling - nothing worked. I tried a new app in the site collection and a new app in a new site collection - still no luck. In the end the problem was more simple, but the "File exists" error was not helpful in determining
    the root cause. Perhaps others will hit this thread and find the solution helpful. Visual Studio will typically switch automatically to "Run as Administrator" mode whenever debugging a SP App for 2013. In my case, it wasn't. I had one or two existing Apps
    that never prompted me but ran fine and in this case, new apps weren't automatically running as the Administrator. After changing this behavior the app (and new apps) work as expected.

  • Provider hosted app error message: The remote server returned an error: (429) Too Many Requests.

    I have a customer running a provider hosted app and in Sharepoint 2013. Things have been working fine but recently they keep experiencing an issue where the all the app parts on the page show the following error message. Does anyone have an idea what
    could be causing this problem and how I can fix it? The Sharepoint site and provider hosted app site are running on a Server 2008 R2 box with IIS 7.5.
    Server Error in '/Test.Sharepoint.App' Application.
    The remote server returned an error: (429) Too Many Requests.
    Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.           
    Exception Details: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (429) Too Many Requests.
    Source Error:
    An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
    Stack Trace:
    [WebException: The remote server returned an error: (429) Too Many Requests.]
    System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() +8527180
    Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SPWebRequestExecutor.Execute() +58
    Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientRequest.ExecuteQueryToServer(ChunkStringBuilder sb) +975
    Test.Sharepoint.AppWeb.Pages.LatestAnnouncement.GetLatestAnnouncement(Boolean showFullText) +610
    Test.Sharepoint.AppWeb.Pages.LatestAnnouncement.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) +764
    System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +71
    System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +3178
    Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.18034
    Impreza Software Development

    Hi GuYumming,
    I have checked the Sharepoint site using Fiddler and my X-SharePointHealthScore stays consistently on 1, I have even refreshed the site and had the "(429) Too Many Requests" error happen right in front of me whilst Fiddler is running and when I look at the
    200 response for the Sharepoint site it is still showing "X-SharePointHealthScore: 1".
    I assume because of this I do not need to make any of the changes suggested in your article above?
    I have also been through the ULS logs and found the following 3 log entries that appear to relate to the issue but they do not really mean much to me so I am hoping that you can help:
    Begin CSOM Request ManagedThreadId=59, NativeThreadId=12476
    SPResourceTally(ClientServiceRequestDuration) value 1 + 150425 > 150000
    ResourceBudgetExceeded, sending throttled status code. Exception=Microsoft.SharePoint.SPResourceBudgetExceededException: ResourceBudgetExceeded     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPResourceTally.Check(Int32 value)    
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAggregateResourceTally.Check(SPResourceKind kind, Int32 value)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SPClientServiceHost.OnBeginRequest()
    Impreza Software Development

  • SharePoint 2013 Provider hosted App installation error

    Hi All,
    I am trying to install a provider hosted app in SharePoint 2013. Installation goes for about 15mins and get "Sorry, something went wrong
    with adding the app. Click to retry."
    Please find belw ULS details for Correlation ID:
    Error when try to get access token when deploy AppInstanceId 7bcf1d9d-897a-48a1-b4f4-cd3120fd98a5 with AppPrincipalId i:0i.t|ms.sp.ext|[email protected]01b993b6. Exception=System.InvalidOperationException:
    An unexpected error was returned from the delegation service.  Error Code: 'invalid_client' Error Description: 'ACS65003: The clientId 'd12de581-316c-4224-b58b-e91ac2042150/' is not a valid
    service identity.  Trace ID: 4a0c4974-94f4-4077-9a22-2ba5f0abb444  Correlation ID: 674d9839-686b-45f3-be46-31db4dc2a9d0  Timestamp: 2014-07-23 09:34:49Z'    
     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAzureAccessControlDelegationServiceClient.HandleUnexpectedError(SPAzureAccessControlDelegationServiceResponse delegationServiceResponse)    
     at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationServices.SPApplicationContextAccessToken.GetResponseOrThrow[T](SPAzureAccessControlDelegationServiceClient delegationServiceClient, SPAzureAccessControlDelegationServiceResponse delegationServiceResponse)    
     at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationServices.SPApplicationContextAccessToken.IssueApplicationContextAccessToken(SPServiceContext serviceContext, SPApplicationContextAccessTokenCreationParameters creationParameters)    
     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSecurityContext.SecurityTokenForApplicationContext(SPIdentityContext userIdentityContext, String applicationId, Uri applicationRealm, SPApplicationContextAccessTokenType applicationTokenType, SPApplicationDelegationConsentType
     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPServerToAppServerAccessTokenManager.GetAccessTokenForDeploymentTask(Guid siteId, SPUserToken userToken, String appPrincipalId)    
     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Lifecycle.SPAppPrincipalAccessTokenTask.<>c__DisplayClass1.<Deploy>b__0()
    sudesh withanage

    Hi  sudesh,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you encountered the error “An unexpected error was returned from the delegation service" when you try to add a SharePoint 2013 Provider hosted App.
    As the error message says, the clientId 'd12de581-316c-4224-b58b-e91ac2042150/' is not a valid service identity when your SharePoint  try
    to get access token via ACS. Is there any plans to develop a low trust mechanism for non-connected scenarios? i.e. low trust provider hosted apps with no external connection, like say for a Bank who lock down external access.  Please  follow the
    steps as the blog  to set development environment for  SharePoint Low-Trust Apps:
    Best Regards,
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

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