¿Es buena la absorción de Macromedia?

Creeis que es positiva la compra de Macromedia por parte de Adobe. Dentro de unos pocos años todos podriamos estar utilizando las mismas herrmiemtas y haciendo las cosas casi igual. O tal vez no.
¿Bajarán los precios?

Esta es la primera vez que participo en este foro, aunque soy un asiduo usuario de los foros de Macromedia. Como se dice en un mensaje de esta charla, efectivamente estamos confusos y enfadados los usuarios de Macromedia, porque tememos que la política de atención al cliente de Adobe sea la que ha sido hasta ahora (no mala, peor). Me gustaría exponerles una idea que ronda por la cabeza de muchos desarrolladores y programadores web durante estos días en torno a la compra de Macromedia por Adobe, o de Adobe por macromedia, que no nos queda muy claro. La expone el amigo Braincool:
Hola Amigos.... esta es mi opinion personal
Primero quiero compartir un poco de experiencias de las que he sido testigo.
En los movimientos de los mercados financieros y en la historia de las
fusiones o adquisiciones se ven movimientos iniciales normales para despues derivar en acciones distintas o totalmente diferentes.... con esto quisiera ser "Profeta de la Esperanza" ;-)
¿porque los accionistas de Macromedia aceptaron el trato? basicamente por dos razones:
1.- Ganar una enorme cantidad de dinero... esto tiene dos varianes a su vez que explicare mas abajo.
2.- El pez chico se come al grande...... ;-) esto TAMBIEN lo explicare mas abajo.
1a.: Los accionistas de Macromedia pueden ganar dinero vendiendo su empresa de dos formas basicas aunque no unicas. Al vender POR DINERO en efectivo (da miedo porque ese es el istema de microsoft) con ello cada accionista obtiene una importante tajada proporcional a su participacion en la empresa, ello tiene un incomveniente:
Inconveniente 1a: Ese es simple el precio de pago para la venta se calcula basicamente sobre el valor de mercado de la empresa a vender... sin embargo hay un detallito en las informaciones.... que sigue ahora.
1b.: Obtener a cambio de la venta de la empresa bienes por valor mayor al valor de mercado, osea como es el caso acciones de Adobe... las cuales sin duda se cotizan a mayor precio que las de Macromedia, ADEMAS un detalle Adobe ha ofrecido y pagado MAS que el precio extrictamente proporcional de Macromedia, de hecho en pago con 0.68 % de accion cada accion de Macromedia.
Osea para explicarlo mas simple si yo tuviera 100 acciones de Macromedia, la negociacion me cambiaria esas 100 por 68 acciones de Adobe.
Pregunta 1.... ¿porque Macromedia acepto solo acciones?
Por dos posibles aunque no unicos motivos, segun el objetivo de ganar
* Para vender al muy poco tiempo las acciones de Adobe, pues se sabe que despues de toda adquisicion que le aumente los activos a una empresa, sus acciones dan (lo que se llama) un salto especulativo. Porque posteriormente hay accionista que preveen vender en ese momento sus posiciones para obtener una ganancia adicional a la real. Esto es "Toma de Ganancias"
* Desde hace tiempo Adobe ha estado hablando para comprar Macromedia, la tranca es posiblemente que aunque Adobe domina como empresa en Software de Edicion y tratamiento de imagenes, su nivel de "caja en efectivo" no es tan grande para pagar por Macromedia. ENTONCES los accionistas de Macromedia VEN otro camino por el cual aceptan la venta simplemente por acciones.
2.- El pez chico se come al grande............................
Aqui viene un conjunto de detallitos:
Adobe anuncia al mismo momento de la "seudo-adquisicion" de Macromedia una RECOMPRA de acciones de Adobe... explico esto: Adobe como muchas compañias para ingresar en las Bolsas de Valores deben VENDER un porcentaje de la empresa al mercado libre, eso es lo que se entiende como la primera OPA, osea Oferta Publica de Acciones. Quiere decir que Adobe antes de cerrar este trato con Macromedia tiene un importante porcentaje de acciones en la calle.
Conclusion: Si el porcentaje de acciones que Adobe tiene en la calle, sumado al porcentaje que GANAN los accionistas originales de Macromedia es SUPERIOR al porcentaje de acciones en manos de los accionistas originales de Adobe...
ZAZ el pez chico se puede comer al grande... por eso se anuncio
desasperadamente esa RECOMPRA... porque siempre suele hacerse ANTES o
DESPUES, es historicamente MUY raro hacerlo al mismo momento.... de hecho denota un cierto histerismo preparado.
La señora Fiorina promovio la compra-fusion de HP con Compaq... todo el mundo no entendio la misma, osea nadie se explico porque los accionistas de Compaq que en cuota del mercado de PCs era muy superior a HP, dicha transaccion se efectuo de manera mixta (lo usual) a traves de HP pagar dinero en efectivo y acciones d ela propia HP. Perooooo el % de acciones en el mercado pequeño era bastante grande, de hecho la recompra anunciada posteriormente no fue muy exitosa, orque la reaccion del mercado a la compra-fusion fue negativa, las acciones de HP posterior al anuncio bajaron.
Poco tiempo despues, vemos como despues de la fusion en que la Sra Fiorina (heredera de un de los fundadores originales) se habia fortalecido en la Presidencia del comglomerado HP-Compaq... perooooooooooo sorpresa.. al dia de HOY ella esta practicamente fuera de HP (en lo que a la presidencia y Junta Directiva se refiere) y la pregunta es ¿quien la sustituira? sera por si acaso un Ex-Accionista de Compaq ...... Quien sabe... Pero el punto esta establecido en los manejos de compras-fusiones o adquisiciones hostiles, lo primero que se muestra no siempre es lo que perdura en el tiempo.
G R A N C O N C L U S I O N:::::
Si lo que querian los accionistas de Macromedia era GANAR dinero por
montones, les aseguro que Adobe no fue quien ofrecio mas... se sabe que el Sr. Gates ha estado detras de esta Joya de la Corona (Macromedia) mas aun despues de reorientar su estrategia corporativa hacia INTERNET. Entonces si Macromedia no queria dinero ¿que estan buscando en Adobe????????? jajajajja mis esperanzas de que Flash siga siendo Flash... estan todavia en pie.
¿quien necesita a quien? Macromedia siempre tuvo un negocio y mercado
redondo... en todo lo que se metio saco un tremendo porcentaje del mercado, Macromedia no ha fracazado con ningun software, en cambio Adobe tiene de adorno varios paquetes que NUNCA calzaron en el mercado... ¿Quien gana mas con este negocio? ¿a Macromedia le hacia falta algo que tuviera Adobe? mmmmm
Y final.... ¿los accionista de Macromedia han demostrado ser tontos???
NOOOOO Recordemos que Flash logro IMPONERSE por mucha distancia a JAVA....
Saludos a todos y espero que me alla podido hacer entender.. el tema no es facil.
¿Qué opinan ustedes?:
Juan Muro

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  • [FLASH] Macromedia Flash Search Engine SDK

    He leído ue con Macromedia Flash Search Engine SDK se
    puede ver aquello que Google indexa de los archivos swf.
    Me gustaría saber dónde puedo descargarlo, ya que
    la url oficial de la descarga está NOT AVAILABLE.
    Muchas gracias,

    Bueno, me gustaría tener una respuesta tan compacta y
    segura en su contenido
    que hasta los ingenieros de google y adobe se quedaran
    boquiabiertos, pero
    no es el caso: Ellos también están detrás de
    la solución a este engorroso
    asunto desde hace mucho tiempo y es muy complejo hacer que el
    robot de google renderice, (perdón, represente) el
    contenido de las
    películas interactivas de flash o que los swf's se
    vuelvan harto
    transparentes para la torpe lectura de una máquina. Pero
    sí que podemos
    hacer muchas cosas para facilitar la tarea del indexado,
    qunque repito que
    ninguna de las que te diré son absolutamente fiables y
    que todo tiene sus
    ventajas e inconvenientes. Veamos:
    - Hace ya años que Google indexa parte del contenido
    textual (texto
    estático, no externo) del archivo swf, en especial los
    títulos que se
    encuentran en la parte superior de las pantallas, los enlaces
    diréctamente (sin que sean botones) y algún
    contenido javascript.
    Contrariamente a lo que se cree esto no solamente sucede con
    las películas
    principales, sino también con las cargadas desde ellas,
    pero nunca estaremos
    seguros de si un texto estático será
    corréctamente interpretado por el gran
    Para asegurarnos de que lo haga debemos recurrir a una
    técnica que suele
    funcionar muy bien.
    Para ello hay que entender que los desarrollos web deben
    separar el
    contenido del estilo y del comportamiento, y aunque el uso de
    Flash puede
    incluirse en las tres categorías, hace ya tiempo lo
    desarrolladores tendemos
    a separar el contenido de nuestras películas en archivos
    externos (tanto por
    la carga modular de la información, como por la
    organización de las clases o
    la división del trabajo entre diseñadores y
    programadores). Pues bien, esta
    técnica consiste en utilizar el FlashObject para
    incrustar nuestra película
    en el html, mediante un archivo javascript, como hacemos de
    contínuo hace ya
    tiempo, pues de otra manera el Internet Explorer nos avisas
    con un cartelito
    En primer lugar haremos nuestra página principal como si
    no tuviera Flash y
    apuntara a un enlace que muestre el contenido (bien un html,
    un xml o hasta
    una base de datos, lo que quieras que se indexe por google) y
    solo si el
    usuario tiene el plugin de flash requerido para nuestra
    versión y el
    javascript activado, le mandamos el contenido flash, de esta
    <div id="flashcontent"> Esto se sustituye por el
    contenido de Flash si el
    usuario tiene la versión correcta del plugin de Flash
    instalado. Coloque su
    contenido HTML aquí y Google lo indexará sólo,
    ya que es contenido HTML
    normal (se trata de contenido HTML!) Utilizar HTML, insertar
    imágenes, puede
    ser cualquier cosa en lugar de una página HTML que
    está muy bien. </div>
    <script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ var fo
    = new
    FlashObject("flashmovie.swf", "flashmovie", "300", "300",
    "8", "#FF6600");
    fo.write("flashcontent"); // ]]> </script> </
    div> <script
    type="text/javascript"> / / <! [CDATA [var a = new
    FlashObject (
    "flashmovie.swf", "flashmovie", "300", "300", "8", " # FF6600
    "); fo.write
    (" flashcontent "); / /]]> </ script>
    Esto, escrito en tu archivo js, hace que google se salte el
    swf e indexe lo
    que ocupa su lugar, pero si el visitante tiene el plugin y el
    instalado y activo, respectivamente, entonces lo
    mostrará. Incluso si
    apuntas tu web a una base de datos google la reindexará
    automáticamente de
    contínuo (salvo que el archivo robots.txt de tu servidor
    le indique lo
    contrario). Puedes, pero debes tener cuidado con, incluir
    enlaces externos
    en el contenido alternativo, ya que podrían considerarte
    una linkfarm y
    Existen otras técnicas, pero esta me da muy buen
    Juan Muro
    "xiskya_lucy" <[email protected]>
    escribió en el mensaje de
    noticias news:[email protected]...
    > Hola Juan!!
    > Me alegro de re-encontrarte!! Y como siempre, a punto
    con tus respuestas.
    > Mil
    > gracias.
    > En realidad, lo que más me ayudaría es saber
    qué debo tener en cuenta para
    > que
    > Google indexe más o menos bien mis archivos SWF. Y
    seguro que me puedes
    > ayudar
    > en ello.
    > Mil gracias de antemano.
    > Xiskya

  • Installed Flashplayer 11, but Macromedia 8 defaults & doesn't work

    Please read this carefully as I'll try my best to explain my problem.  It's complicated!
    I have IE 8 and Microsoft Windows XP (Home Edition)  32bit (-86)
    First I deleted all prior versions of Flash Player on my computer.  This started out by me trying to watch a video on my computer that I downloaded and when Macromedia Flash Player 8(an older version) popped up, it didn't run the video, but instead just opened up and the window inside was blank.
    From that I then downloaded the newest version of Flash Player 11.6.602.180
    When I go and try to view the videos on my computer, only Macromedia Flash Player 8 comes up and tries to play the video.  When I tried to delete Macromedia FP 8, it's not even listed in the Add/Remove Programs in the control panel.  However, when I do look there I do see the newest version of FP 11 there.  What's odd though is that it says "Adobe Flash Player 11  Active X".  It shows the program installed, but there's no info there for it.  It doesn't show the file size of the program, etc.
    When I download the program, it goes to the below destination file:
    My Documents\Downloads\Programs\install_flashplayer11x32ax_gtbd_chrd_dn_aih.exe
    I had it say a few times that the download was successful.
    How come I can't find Macromedia Flash Player 8 to delete?  When I use the search feature Start>Search>For Files or Folders.... nothing comes up.  Can't find it.
    Does anyone have any resolutions or ideas on how to solve this problem?  I did Google the situation and found similar and the author/poster fixed his problem by going into his registry... and also mentioned something about Active X.  I also did find another similar problem and went through the steps of enabling some scripting and Active X, but that was already set properly.
    Your help would be very appreciated as I've had this problem for some time and am finally trying hard to fix it!
    I appreciate your time.

    Yes, when I say "on my computer", I mean videos that were downloaded onto my computer and not videos like on say... YouTube.  I see these videos I have on the computer are .flv.
    Just curious, but why would I want to download the Projector?  Is that the solution?  Or is that another viewing option?  Because if it's another option, I can watch them with Realplayer and Adobe Media Player.
    When I go to the actual video, I right click and see an option that says "Open With -> " and can see my options.  One of them says "Macromedia Flash Player 8.0 r22".  I wish someone would address this too because I can't find it on my computer to delete it!  I tried using the search feature on my computer and it comes up with no queries and I do not see it in the Add/Remove Programs folder.
    Thanks for your help PW.


    I am using Windows Vista, and can no longer play any of my
    games. Was able to play before now I get this stupid
    error message: "Macromedia Projector has stopped working." I
    have tried redownloading the games again, tried redownloading the
    Flash and shockwave players, still nothing. HELP!

    I suddenly started getting the same error message and was reaching my wits end in trying to find a solution.
    This may sound bizarre, and you may not have the same situation as I found, but check your system/Windows date setting.
    Somehow, the year on my system had become 2096. I corrected it, and bingo! PSE 8 Editor works again.

  • I need help finding a workable web program that is not CSS based.  I tried IWeb and it just won't work for me.  Way too limiting.  I've been using a 12 year old copy of Macromedia Dreamweaver, but the new Dreamweaver is CSS

    Been building web pages for nearly 20 years, starting with GoLive.  Went to Dreamweaver about 12 years ago, the Macromedia version.  Tried going to iWeb when it came with a new Mac, but found it way too limiting with it's CSS template base.   Unknowlingly, I then bought a new copy of Dreamweaver.   Ooops, Adobe had bought Macromedia and Dreamweaver, too, is now CSS based, which for my money makes it useless to anyone who likes simplicity.   Now I find that even iWeb has been discontinued.  I was told yesterday that Apple doesn't have a web program any more.   At 12 years old, I just don't think it's practical to try to load my old Macromedia Dreamweaver into the new Mountain Lion (I'm getting a new Mac), though it is running, barely, in Snow Leopard.
    I need to find a web builder program that will permit simple construction of educational pages, nothing fancy, nothing artistic, just create a page, give it a color, type or drag in text, insert a table, insert pix in the table blocks, add text under the pix... done!    I should note that I am not looking to build traffic.  I teach simple things for free and people who want to learn those things (antique sewing machine repair, quilting, building longbows) find me.
    I've downloaded trial versions of half a dozen or so programs and looked at maybe 20 more, but all are either CSS based and drive me insane with requirments for constantly making rules and template models, and/or require that you base your web presence in their server.   Also, many will not work with pages built in other programs.  I maintian a volume of over 1000 web pages, many requiring regular updating, and they have been with the same server for more than 15 years.  I'm not about to change.
    So, anybody know a simple, old fashioned web builder that's happpy on a Mac platform?
    Captain Dick

    Although not supported anymore, iWeb does still function using Mountain Lion...
    ... and you can purchase it from Amazon.
    Start with a blank page using the Black or WHite template.
    All modern websites use CSS and there are thousands of free templates to be had if you want to use a code entry style application. You will need to go this route if you want to create a site that is viewable on mobile devices although you can create an iPhone version using iWeb...
    Search this forum for numerous topics about iWeb alternatives.

  • I have just enrolled to study and my course is online. in order to view any of the course content, i need macromedia adobe flash paper to be able to read anything. Please help....

    I have just enrolled to study and my course is online. in order to view any of the course content, i need macromedia adobe flash paper to be able to read anything. Please help....

    Use a different device.
    Adobe did not develop Flash for iOS devices and has ended all Flash development for all mobile devices.
    You could try a different browser from the App store such as Skyfire or iSwifter.

  • Can anybody help? (originally posted in macromedia.dreamweaver)

    Hi Guys and Gals,
    I need some help determining a problem with some code I'm
    attempting to use.
    It's probably something obvious that I'm missing... what I'm
    trying to achieve is this
    * - Has the user submitted any previous offers?
    * - If they HAVE, was their most recent offer submitted in
    the last 24 hours?
    * - If their most recent offer was submitted in the last 24
    hours then redirect the user to the page "Error.asp"
    * - If the user HAS NOT submitted an offer in the last 24
    hours OR their most recent offer was submitted MORE than 24 hours
    allow the rest of this page to load and a new offer to be
    This is the actual code I'm using:
    If Rs_ExistingOffers.EOF And Rs_ExistingOffers.BOF Then
    'If There are NO Existing Offers
    'Do nothing and let the page load.
    If Not Rs_ExistingOffers.EOF Or Not Rs_ExistingOffers.BOF
    'If there ARE existing offers, now we check to see if any of
    'them are from within the last 24 hours
    HoursSinceLastQuote =
    'If the most recent previous offer was within the last 24
    'hours, prevent a further offer from being submitted.
    If (HoursSinceLastQuote) < 24 Then
    End If
    End if
    End If
    Unfortunately, whether there is an existing offer in the
    database or not, the page redirects to "Error.asp" regardless.
    FYI, the recordset "Rs_ExistingOffers" is being filtered by
    way of the Customer ID (CusID) (which is a by-product of the
    Username and Session("MM_Username") filtering the database of
    users for authentication), and then ordering any records it finds
    Rs_ExistingOffers that
    match the CusID in decending order (I.e. most recent first).
    Please, can anyone see what it is that I'm doing wrong?

    Why on earth didn't I think of that??
    Thanks for that, it helped to indentify what the problem is
    and it appears that it's with my recordset which is supposed to be
    filtering the database of existing offers received.
    The SQL Statement is as follows...
    ("var_CUSID" is bound after filtering the database of
    registered users with Session("MM_Username") and then binding the
    resulting ID
    value to the variable (UserID) and then specifying the value
    of var_CUSID as (UserID))
    SELECT *
    FROM tbl_Offers
    WHERE CusID = var_CUSID AND OfferStatus = 'Status 1' OR
    OfferStatus = 'Status 2' OR OfferStatus = 'Status 3'
    ORDER BY DateOfOffer DESC
    Obviously what I'm trying to achieve is to only pull back the
    offers/records which match the User ID, but then there's actually 4
    possible status' of an offer, I only want to pull back those
    records which match one of 3 status'.
    What appears to be happening is that my OR statements are in
    someway over-riding everything else as it's pulling back records
    do not match the UserID.
    I've tried filtering on just the User ID (E.g. WHERE CusID =
    var_CUSID) and this works fine.
    I've tried filtering on just the user ID and one possible
    Status (E.g. WHERE CusID = var_CUSID AND OfferStatus = 'Status 1')
    this also works fine.
    As soon as I put the OR statement to try to account for a
    different status (but same User ID) it starts to bring records back
    regardless as to whether they match the UserID.
    Any suggestions as to how I might correct this?
    "Dooza" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > DTB-K wrote:
    >> Hi Guys and Gals,
    >> I need some help determining a problem with some
    code I'm attempting to use.
    >> It's probably something obvious that I'm missing...
    what I'm trying to achieve is this
    >> * - Has the user submitted any previous offers?
    >> * - If they HAVE, was their most recent offer
    submitted in the last 24 hours?
    >> * - If their most recent offer was submitted in the
    last 24 hours then redirect the user to the page "Error.asp"
    >> * - If the user HAS NOT submitted an offer in the
    last 24 hours OR their most recent offer was submitted MORE than 24
    hours ago,
    >> allow the rest of this page to load and a new offer
    to be submitted.
    >> This is the actual code I'm using:
    >> <%
    >> If Rs_ExistingOffers.EOF And Rs_ExistingOffers.BOF
    >> 'If There are NO Existing Offers
    >> 'Do nothing and let the page load.
    >> Else
    >> If Not Rs_ExistingOffers.EOF Or Not
    Rs_ExistingOffers.BOF Then
    >> 'If there ARE existing offers, now we check to see
    if any of
    >> 'them are from within the last 24 hours
    >> HoursSinceLastQuote =
    >> 'If the most recent previous offer was within the
    last 24
    >> 'hours, prevent a further offer from being
    >> If (HoursSinceLastQuote) < 24 Then
    >> Response.Redirect("Error.asp")
    >> End If
    >> End if
    >> End If
    >> %>
    >> Unfortunately, whether there is an existing offer in
    the database or not, the page redirects to "Error.asp" regardless.
    >> FYI, the recordset "Rs_ExistingOffers" is being
    filtered by way of the Customer ID (CusID) (which is a by-product
    of the
    >> customer's
    >> Username and Session("MM_Username") filtering the
    database of users for authentication), and then ordering any
    records it finds
    >> in Rs_ExistingOffers that
    >> match the CusID in decending order (I.e. most recent
    >> Please, can anyone see what it is that I'm doing
    > First thing you want to do is debug it, so you can see
    what is really going on:
    > If Rs_ExistingOffers.EOF And Rs_ExistingOffers.BOF Then
    > Response.Write("No offers")
    > Else
    > If Not Rs_ExistingOffers.EOF Or Not
    Rs_ExistingOffers.BOF Then
    > Response.Write("Offers")
    > 'them are from within the last 24 hours
    > HoursSinceLastQuote =
    > 'Lets see how many hours
    > Response.Write("Hours since last quote: " &
    > 'If the most recent previous offer was within the last
    > 'hours, prevent a further offer from being submitted.
    > If (HoursSinceLastQuote) < 24 Then
    > Response.Write("Error")
    > End If
    > End if
    > End If

  • Can't update or uninstall Macromedia Flash player!

    Hi folks!
    I've got a problem concerning the automatically installed Flash player. I am using a Qosmio G20.
    While installing a new program (Lexware Financial Office) this program tried to update the Macromedia Flash player to the newest version. But the deinstallation of the old player was interrupted and the following message was displayed:
    The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable.
    Click OK to try again, or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package 'install_flash_player_7.msi' in the box below.
    Use source:
    Closing this window does end the whole installation process of this new program.
    After that I opened the list of installed programs to uninstall Flash manually, but with the same result.
    Then I searched the internet for this install_flash_player_7.msi. I found the file but I still can't remove or update the Flash Player.
    As a last chance I backed up all my data and used the recovery DVD to reinstall the whole system. Without installing any additional application, I had a look at the list of installed programs and guess what? The Flash Player has already been installed, so it is part of the recovery DVD.
    But why can't it be uninstalled? I really need to get rid of the old player to be able to install Lexware Financial Office...
    Thank you for your help in advance!

    Thanks Eldorado,
    but I think I explained it not exactly enough: I know that the old Flash installation is looking for a file that seems to be on antoher pc / server / disc or what ever, but the problem is, that I did not install the Flash Player that I would like to remove, respectively upadte to the newest version.
    It is part of the Toshiba Recovery DVD. That means, after killing the HD and setting up the system completely new with the Toshiba Recovery DVD, this little tricky Flash Player is already installed.
    It seems to be that there is a wrong link or setup on this DVD. But if that is the case, I can not be the only one with this problem, or?
    And is there any way to remove this thing manually?
    Again, thanks in advance.
    Y. Lamm

  • Macromedia Dreamweaver activation phone number is no longer active.  What is the correct number?

    Macromedia Dreamweaver activation phone number is no longer active.  What is the correct number?

    Try http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/activation-help-legacy-macromedia-produc ts.html

  • Sizing photo's in Photoshop to use in Macromedia Flash MX 2004

    Am trying to create a gallery for webpage using Macromedia Flash MX 2004, have imported photo's into library and got the Flash gallery to publish.  But am concerned as the flash .swf file is only 273kb with 20 images in it, the existing gallery file I am wanting to replace is approximaately 2.5mb.
    I was advised to downsize each photo to 300x200 pixels which seems to fit the display in the flash file.  Thought maybe I am doing something wrong in Photoshop when I am resizing each photo from original 3 or 4 mb photo down to the 300x200 pixel size.  Any clues out there?

    I really know nothing about Macromedia Flash, but since no one has given any responses my thought is that if doing an action you need small pictures so they will load quickly.
    If you resize save as new image so the quality images are not destroyed.  If you have a lot of pictures to resize check out Bridge/tools/photoshop/image processor.

  • Sizing Photo's in Photoshop to use in Macromedia MX Flash 2004

    Am trying to create a gallery for webpage using Macromedia Flash MX 2004, have imported photo's into library and got the Flash gallery to publish.  But am concerned as the flash .swf file is only 273kb with 20 images in it, the existing gallery file I am wanting to replace is approximaately 2.5mb.
    I was advised to downsize each photo to 300x200 pixels which seems to fit the display in the flash file.  Thought maybe I am doing something wrong in Photoshop when I am resizing each photo from original 2,3 or 4 mb photo down to the 300x200 pixel size results in a 50kb size photo.   Any clues out there....?

    I really know nothing about Macromedia Flash, but since no one has given any responses my thought is that if doing an action you need small pictures so they will load quickly.
    If you resize save as new image so the quality images are not destroyed.  If you have a lot of pictures to resize check out Bridge/tools/photoshop/image processor.

  • Activation server shut down for Creative Suite 2, Acrobat 7, and Macromedia products

    Effective December 13, Adobe disabled the activation server for CS2 products and Acrobat 7 because of a technical glitch. These products were released over 7 years ago and do not run on many modern operating systems. But to ensure that any customers activating those old versions can continue to use their software, we issued a serial number directly to those customers.  While this might be interpreted as Adobe giving away software for free, we did it to help our customers.
    If your software is affected by the activation server shut down then you will receive an error that the Activation server is unavailable.  The specific affected products are as follows:
    Acrobat 7.0 - Windows
    After Effects 7.0
    Audition 3.0
    Captivate 1.0
    Contribute 2.0
    Contribute 3.0
    Creative Suite 2.0
    Director MX 2004
    Dreamweaver MX 2004
    Fireworks MX 2004
    Flash Paper 2.0
    Freehand MX
    GoLive CS2
    GoLive 9.0
    Illustrator CS2
    InCopy CS2
    InDesign CS2
    Macromedia Studo MX 2004
    Photoshop CS
    Photoshop CS2
    Photoshop Elements 4.0
    Photoshop Elements 5.0
    Premiere Pro 7.0
    Production Studio Premium
    The activation server being shut down will not affect currently installed and activated Adobe software.  You will only face this difficulty if you need to reactivate the software.
    To remedy this difficulty we have made available a version of these software titles that does not require activation for Users who have previously purchase the affected software.  For additional details and specific links to the software please see:
    Error: Activation Server Unavailable | CS2 products, Acrobat 7 - http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/creative-suite-2-activation-end-life.html
    Error: Activation Server Unavailable | Macromedia branded products - http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/macromedia-legacy-activation-error.html
    If the software title you have purchased is affected by the activation server being shut down, but is not available for download in the previously referenced pages, then please contact our support team at http://www.adobe.com/support/chat/ivrchat.html.  Please be aware our support team will not be able to provide assistance for downloading or installing the Creative Suite 2 software.
    System requirements
    Creative Suite 2 software was only designed to run in the following operating environments:
    Mac OS X v.10.2.8–v.10.3.8. PowerPC® G4 or G5 processor
    Microsoft® Windows® 2000/Windows XP. Intel® Pentium® III or 4 processor
    Extraction instructions
    If you are receiving a message to insert disc two please see the following extraction instructions:
    In the English version of the software the file CreativeSuiteCS2Disc2 extracts to C:\Creative Suite\Adobe Creative Suite 2.0\.  CreativeSuiteCS2Disc1 and CreativeSuiteCS2Disc3 both extract to C:\Creative Suite CS2\Adobe Creative Suite 2.0\.
    Please copy the contents of the C:\Creative Suite\Adobe Creative Suite 2.0\ folder to the C:\Creative Suite CS2\Adobe Creative Suite 2.0\ folder and you will no longer be prompted to insert disc two.
    Additional information
    Some Users have reported success getting Creative Suite 2 to install under Windows 7 64-bit.  Please see http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-windows_programs/windows-7-is-n ot-compatible-with-adobe-photoshop/6f1b4955-7166-4b8f-ad9b-5d19150f803f for more information.
    Still facing installation difficulties?
    If you are experiencing an installation issue with the software currently available I would recommend creating a new thread in the Downloading, Installing, and Setting up forum - http://forums.adobe.com/community/download_install_setup.  If you can please make sure to include the following:
    •          What software are you trying to install?
    •          Which operating system are you using?
    •          Was the software previously installed prior to downloading the non-activating version currently available?
    •          What specific error messages are you receiving when trying to install?
    Please also see the original discussion on this topic at http://forums.adobe.com/message/4919014#4919014.

    Hello Jeff.
    EN version is not so eaqual in all with CZ version, I have PREMIUM one, not Standard.
    So I download these EN versions and Acrobat 7Pro separately.
    It look that it works, I have it installed on my presentation laptop. I ussualy work on PC and laptop is for bussines trips mostly.
    When I was working on my PC I found in menu one interesting option. I have installed CS2 in 2010 so it works OK, still in CZ. What I found in menu is called "Licence Transfer".
    I didnt try it because I dont want to loose my activation on PC, but could you please say to me what does this option means?
    Is it possible to copy licence on flash disk and use it on laptop, but it still be in PC also? Or it is only for deactivation, so you will loose it, and after this you can do new activation (which is impossible by server shut down)?
    And one question to the end, if I buy some later version like CS4 or CS5 (from some graphic studio which have one licence to sell-transfer) so do Adobe plan to shut down server too, for CS4, CS5 or after this non user/customer friendly solution (I mean for CS2) will Adobe do some application which we can install on our local PC and this app will say to CSxx "Your licence is OK, just continue in work" ?? --- this would be much better, I think if Adobe do this so it will be the same like no-activation versions in EN only but without so many complains and impacts on your customers.
    Thank you for reply me

  • Using a MacBook Pro and Adobe CS2 and Macromedia Studio

    I was planning on buying a MacBook Pro. Right now my Dell desktop has a 2.4ghz Celeron and I really want to get my first Mac. I'm sick of Windows!! I was wondering how Studio and CS2 (especially Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and Flash Pro) will run under Rosseta on the 1.83ghz compared to my Celeron? And how much RAM will I need?
      Windows XP   Slow Celeron

    Cannot speak about CS2 for macs as I have only used it on Windows. When I bought my new mac I could only afford to buy one suite, so now I only use the Macromedia Studio package as this contains more of what I need. In particular it contains Fireworks (as a replacement for CS2) which is sufficient for the level of photo editing I need, plus I find it easier to create web graphics. Also I like the way it interacts with Dreamweaver and Flash sweetly. Maybe worth considering instead of CS2 if your budget is a little tight like mine was!
    Now, Performance. The loading times are between 4 and 8 seconds, depending on the number of other processes I have running, which for Adobe products is fairly comparible to Windows I seem to remember. When loaded I bearly notice any lag times at all - occasionly when you try and do too many things too quickly you get the classic beachball for a few seconds, but as long as you are a little more calm when using them they are perfect - as good as on Windows I'd say.
    Considering I have a 1.83 GHZ with only 1 GB RAM the performance left me very impressed. Can't wait for the Universal versions as they are going to be "screamers"!
    PS - people have posted differences in performance when using Rosetta apps when using the same spec machines. So what someone may say using the same machine as you may not actually be what you experience...
    1.83 Macbook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   1GB, 100GB, W16

  • Adobe vs Macromedia Dreamweaver?

    First off, I've been having some very frustrating issues with Adobe's version of Dreamweaver. I recently just started using Adobe Dreamweaver CS5, after using Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 for years. When it comes to coding, I have to say Adobe DW has the upper hand, but when it comes to using the design interface Macromedia definitely beats out Adobe DW, and I'm very disappointed Adobe DW has lost its intuitive touch in that area.
    Several years ago when I was in Junior High I was using Macromedia DW to build a complex, completely customized site (from scratch), using images I made in Photoshop--and I did it all in the design interface, without needing to touch any of the coding aspects of the program. Now, having just graduated from college, I decided to upgrade try out Adobe DW, but I have had nothing but problems with the design interface. It's clumsy, difficult to use, and far less intuitive than the Macromedia version. When a Junior High student can make an entire website in the design interface, but a college graduate can't, I begin to worry. My question is: when Adobe integrated Macromedia products into its company, did it choose to ditch the design-friendly interface of DW and concentrate on coding instead, or is there something I'm missing?
    Now, before anyone mentions that Dreamweaver is first and foremost a coding program (which I believe myself,) I don't understand how or why the design interface has suffered to much from one developer to the other.
    Here's my plight:
    I am generally a big fan of Adobe. Being an artist, I spend many hours a week using Photoshop as my primary digital art program. However, I am not a web developer, and I do not plan to be one. I know limited HTML, and I cannot afford to invest time or money in learning code-based languages when all I want to do is make a single personal website for my job portfolio and résumé. But, as an artist I want to be able to do this from scratch, using images I have designed myself. I would like to utilize the design aspect of DW, but Adobe has made this ridiculously difficult, to the point where I haven't even been able to make an index page after many days of frustration.
    Any advice or tips on how to jump some of the design hurdles in Adobe DW, or links to tutorials on the design interface would be very helpful and much appreciated. Or, any suggestions for alternate design-friendly products would be great, too. Remember, I still want to ability to create a page from scratch (none of that pre-set layout stuff) in a design interface. If a program exists like this, I have yet to find it, and I would be very grateful to hear about one.
    Do not hesitate to ask me any more questions if it can help you with your answer. Thank you very much!

    DW is only as good as the skills you bring to the table.  What you learned in Junior High School has all changed.
    Modern web standards assert that style (CSS) be separate from content (HTML).  As such, DW changed its UI to support this.   You can style your HTML in code view if you prefer, but a site wide CSS page is infinitely better and more efficient.
    See CSS Zen Garden.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists 

  • Adobe Premiere Pro 2 and Macromedia Flash MX 2004

    I'm using Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 and have recently installed Macromedia Flash MX 2004.
    Now when I go to export to Flash I don't get the Adobe Premiere's Flash Export dialog box when I press "Options" from the Export Settings.  I get the Flash MX Professional 2004 "Flash Video (FLV) Exporter."  It doesn't allow me to change any of the parameters.
    I then un-installed Macromedia Flash MX 2004 but still get the same "Flash Video (FLV) Exporter."
    Any ideas on how to get the Premiere exporter back?

    Well there is no answer to my question, but I did finally get the Adobe Media Encoder dialog box to come back again.
    After uninstalling Premiere and QuickTime, then shutting down the computer, rebooting and logging on to the Admin account, shutting down again, rebooting again, logging in to the Admin account again ...
    I then went in to the registry and removed all the Entries that had either of these in it:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\DVA\COM
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\DVA\FLASH
    and these as well
    C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTComponents\FLV.qtx
    C?\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTComponents\FLV.qtx
    Rebooted the computer, logged back in to Admin.
    I then re-installed QuickTime, and rebooted.
    I then installed Premiere and the Adobe Media Encoder Flash dialog now shows up.
    I'd be careful messy with the registry if you are trying to fix this type of problem.  Try uninstalling quicktime and premiere and do the above shutdown, reboot sequence a number of times before doing anything to the registry. 
    I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that Flash Website I've working on...

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    This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0006_01C8A07B.08334B20 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hace tiempo que nadie sube ning=FAn link "interesante" as=ED que veamo