Essbase export with a "string" appended with all account dimension members

Hi Everyone ,
can any one please suggest , how i can do my essbase export with a string appended with all account dimension members.
i have tried more options but it doesn't looks working. i tried it by report scripts using RENAME function , but it works for 1 member at a time..
please suggest !
Edited by: Vivek on Jun 19, 2012 6:55 PM

If you're looking for the ability to append different strings, then you should probably be looking to an external process.
If you're looking to append the same string, I can think of one way. Make your report script fixed-width (that way you always know which character in the line you're changing) and then utilize the MASK command. (you can find it in the Tech Ref under Report Commands)

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    Thanks in advance for your help,

    Use Quicktime 7 on the Snow Leopard Computers to playback this video. On the Snow Leopard computer quicktime 7 should be in the Utility folder. If not download Quicktime 7 for Snow Leopard:
    If some reason you can't download Quicktime 7 here how you can install it from the Snow Leopard installation disc:
    Scroll to the top of the page for instruction on how to install Qt 7.
    Quicktime X can't playback all video formats/codecs. It's limited to a few so use Qt 7.

  • Help with comparing string array with parameters

    I've posted my code in full so hopefully everyone can see exactly what I have been doing.
    Note - my code uses the observer/observable model. The method I am having the problem with the if statement is in the class HSBC.
    Basically when the pin count reaches 4 (in the atm class) it sends the userid & pincode) over to the checkPinAndUserId(String pinCode, String userCode) method. Here the if statement should check the userid to see if the string parameter matches a string in the array. If it does it should check in the same position in the pin array to check the pin no is correct and then return true.
    * @(#) 1.0 03/04/06
    * This apllication l
    package myprojects.bankassignment;
    import java.awt.*; // import the component library
    import java.awt.event.*; // import the evnet library
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    class Correct1v16 extends Frame // make a new application
         public Correct1v16() // this is the constructor method
              HSBC HSBCobj = new HSBC();
         public static void main(String args[]) // this invokes the constructor of the class and creates a runable object 'mainframe'
              Correct1v16 mainFrame = new Correct1v16(); // the constructor call of the class which creates an object of that class
    class HSBC implements Observer,  ActionListener
              Frame f5;
              JLabel refill, launch;
              TextField tRefill, tLaunch;
              JButton refillbut, launchbut;
              int count;
              String [] userId=new String [10];
              String [] pin=new String [10];
              public boolean authenticate = false;
              int i;
                   public HSBC()
                   Atm Atmobj = new Atm(this);
                   System.out.println("Starting HSBC constructor");     
              public void drawFrame()
                   System.out.println("Start HSBC drawframe method...");
                   f5=new Frame("HSBC");
                   f5.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
                   f5.setSize(200, 200);
                   f5.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)     
                   refill=new JLabel("Refill ATM");
                   launch=new JLabel("Launch new ATM");
                   tRefill=new TextField(20);
                   tLaunch=new TextField(10);
                   refillbut=new JButton("Refill ATM");
                   launchbut=new JButton("Launch new ATM");
    //*********** POPULATE THE ARRAYS     */
              }// end drawframe method
              //     public Atm atmLink = (Atm)o;
                   public void update(Observable gm1, Object o)
                        Atm atmLink = (Atm)o;
                        tRefill.setText("Refill ATM ?");
                   }//end update method
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
                        if(ae.getSource() == refillbut)
    //                         Atm Atmobj.refill();
                        //     tRefill.setText("text area");     
                        //     atmLink.refill();
    //                         Atmobj.refill();
    //                         setChanged();
    //                         notifyObservers();
                        if(ae.getSource() == launchbut)
                             tLaunch.setText("new ATM opened");
                             Atm Atmobj1 = new Atm(this);
    //******** IF THEY ARE BOTH TRUE I WANT IT TO RETURN TRUE - ELSE FALSE.          */               
                   public boolean checkPinAndUserId(String userCode, String pinCode)
                        boolean found = false;
                        System.out.println("in checkpin method");
                        System.out.println("userCode = "+ userCode);
                        System.out.println("pinCode = " + pinCode);
                        for (int i = 0; i < userId.length; i++)
                        System.out.println("in the userid array" + userId);
                             if (userCode.equals(userId[i]))
                                  System.out.println("checking user code array");
                                  if (pinCode.equals(pin[i]))
                                       System.out.println("checking the pin array" + pinCode);
                                       System.out.println("pin[i] = "+pin[i]);
                                  found = true;
                        return found;
         }// end HSBC class
    class Atm extends Observable implements ActionListener
              Frame f1;
              TextField t3, t5;
              JTextArea display = new JTextArea("Welcome to HSBC Bank. \n Please enter your User Identification number \n", 5, 40);
              JPanel p1, p2, p3,p4;
              private JButton but1, but2, but3, but4,but5,but6,but7,but8,but9,but0,enter,
              cancel,fivepounds,tenpounds,twentypounds,fiftypounds,clearbut, refillbut;
              int state = 1;                                        
              public String pinCode ="";
              public      String userCode ="";
              int userCodeCount = 0;
              int PINCount = 0;
              String withdrawAmount = "";
              int atmBalance =200;
              private HSBC HSBCobj;     
              //ATM constructor that receives the HSBCobj g1 reference to where the HSBC class
              // in in the program
              // Calls the drawATMFrame method
              // add the observer to the HSBCobj reference so that the ATM can tell HSBC that
              // something has changed
              public Atm(HSBC g1)
                   HSBCobj = g1;
                   System.out.println("Starting Atm constructor");
              // this is the method that draws the ATM interface
              // also apply the Border Layout to the frame
              public void drawATMFrame()
                   f1=new Frame("ATM");
                   f1.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                   f1.setSize(350, 250);
                   f1.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)     
                   // declare & instantiate all the buttons that will be used on the ATM
                   but1 =new JButton("1");
                   but2 =new JButton("2");
                   but3 =new JButton("3");
                   but4 =new JButton("4");
                   but5 =new JButton("5");
                   but6 =new JButton("6");
                   but7 =new JButton("7");
                   but8 =new JButton("8");
                   but9 =new JButton("9");
                   but0 =new JButton("0");
                   enter=new JButton("Enter");
                   cancel=new JButton("Cancel/ \n Restart");
                   fivepounds =new JButton("?5");
                   tenpounds = new JButton("?10");
                   twentypounds = new JButton("?20");
                   fiftypounds = new JButton("?50");
                   clearbut = new JButton("Clear");
                   refillbut = new JButton("Refill");
                   //declare & instantiate a textfield               
                   t3=new TextField(5);
                   // instantiate 4 JPanels     
                   p1=new JPanel();
                   p2=new JPanel();
                   p3=new JPanel();
                   p4=new JPanel();
                   // add some buttons to p1
                   //add the text area field to p2
                   // apply the grid layout to p3
                   GridLayout layout3 = new GridLayout(4,1,5,5);
                   // apply grid layout to p4
                   GridLayout layout4 = new GridLayout(4,1,5, 5);
                   //add the panels to the different parts of the screen
                   f1.add("North", display);
                   f1.add("Center", p1);
                   f1.add("East", p4);
                   f1.add("West", p3);
              }// end drawATMframe method
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
                   if(state == 1)
              else     if(state == 2)
         }// end action performed method               
    //******** STATE 1 events*/
    //******** USER ID INPUT*/
              public void getUserIdNo (ActionEvent ae)
                   if (ae.getSource() == but1)
                        userCode = userCode + "1";
                   if (ae.getSource() == but2)
                        userCode = userCode + "2";
                   if (ae.getSource() == but3)
                        userCode = userCode + "3";
                        System.out.println("user id ="+userCode);
                   if (ae.getSource() == but4)
                        userCode = userCode = "4";
                        System.out.println("user id ="+userCode);
                   if (ae.getSource() == but5)
                        userCode = userCode + "5";
                        System.out.println("user id ="+userCode);
                   if (ae.getSource() == but6)
                        userCode = userCode + "6";
                        System.out.println("user id ="+userCode);
                   if (ae.getSource() == but7)
                        userCode = userCode + "7";
                        System.out.println("user id ="+userCode);
                   if (ae.getSource() == but8)
                        userCode = userCode + "8";
                        System.out.println("user id ="+userCode);
                   if (ae.getSource() == but9)
                        userCode = userCode + "9";
                        System.out.println("user id ="+userCode);
                   if (ae.getSource() == but0)
                        userCode = userCode + "0";
                        System.out.println("user id ="+userCode);
                   if (ae.getSource() == cancel)
                        display.setText("Welcome to HSBC Bank.\n Please enter your User Identification number \n");
                        userCode = "";
                        state = 2;
                   if (ae.getSource() == clearbut)
                        display.setText("Please enter your user ID number again\n");
                        userCode = "";
                        userCodeCount = 0;
                   if (ae.getSource() == refillbut)
                   if (ae.getSource() == enter)
                        display.setText("Please enter your PIN \n");
                        state = 2;
                        System.out.println(" User id enter button = " + userCode);
                   if (userCodeCount == 1)
                        display.setText("Please enter your PIN \n");
                        //userCode = "";
                        userCodeCount = 0;
                        state = 2;          
    //******** STATE 2               */
    //******** PIN INPUT*/
                   public void doPINInput(ActionEvent ae)
                        if (ae.getSource() == but1)
                             {      pinCode = pinCode.concat("1");
                        if (ae.getSource() == but2)
                             {      pinCode = pinCode.concat("2");
                        if (ae.getSource() == but3)
                             {      pinCode = pinCode.concat("3");
                        if (ae.getSource() == but4)
                             {      pinCode = pinCode.concat("4");
                        if (ae.getSource() == but5)
                             {      pinCode = pinCode.concat("5");
                        if (ae.getSource() == but6)
                             {      pinCode = pinCode.concat("6");
                        if (ae.getSource() == but7)
                             {      pinCode = pinCode.concat("7");
                        if (ae.getSource() == but8)
                             {      pinCode = pinCode.concat("8");
                        if (ae.getSource() == but9)
                             {      pinCode = pinCode.concat("9");
                        if (ae.getSource() == but0)
                             {      pinCode = pinCode.concat("0");
                        if (ae.getSource() == clearbut)
                                  display.setText("Please enter your PIN number again \n");
                                  pinCode = "";     
                                  PINCount = 0;
                        if (ae.getSource() == cancel)
                                  display.setText("Welcome to HSBC Bank.\n Please enter your User Identification number \n");
                             state = 1;
                                  pinCode ="";
                                  PINCount = 0;                         
                        if (ae.getSource() == refillbut)
    /// ************************ THIS BUTTON SENDS THE PIN & USER CODE OVER TO THE MAIN BANK*/
    /// ************************ (LINE 152)               */
                        if (ae.getSource() == enter)
    //                         if(HSBCobj.checkPinAndUserId(pinCode, userCode))
    //                              display.setText("How much would you like to withdraw \n");
    //                    else
    //                         display.setText("Your UserId and Pin code do not match");
                        if(PINCount ==4)
                                  display.setText("Enter the amount you \n want to withdraw \n ?");
                        display.setText("Your User Identification Number \n and PIN number do not match! \n please try again\n");     
    //*********** STATE 3 events*/
    //*********** withdrawCash*/
         public void withdrawCash(ActionEvent ae)
    //               if (ae.getSource() == but1)
    //                    display.append("1");
    ///                    withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount+1;
         //               pinCode = pinCode.concat("2");
         //               System.out.println("Withdrawal Amount = "+withdrawAmount);
                   if(ae.getSource( ) == but1)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "1";
                   if(ae.getSource( ) == but2)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "2";
                   if(ae.getSource( ) == but3)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "3";
                   if(ae.getSource( ) == but4)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "4";
                   if(ae.getSource( ) == but5)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "5";
                   if(ae.getSource( ) == but6)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "6";
                   if(ae.getSource( ) == but7)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "7";
                   if(ae.getSource( ) == but8)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "8";
                   if(ae.getSource( ) == but9)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "9";
                   if(ae.getSource( ) == but0)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "0";
                   if (ae.getSource() == fivepounds)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "5";
                   if (ae.getSource() == tenpounds)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "10";
                   if (ae.getSource() == twentypounds)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "20";
                   if (ae.getSource() == fiftypounds)
                        withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + "50";
         //          if (ae.getSource() == tenpounds)
         //               display.append("10");
         //               withdrawAmount = 10;
         //               pinCode = pinCode.concat("2");
         //               System.out.println("10 pound button pressed");
         //               atmBalance();
                   if (ae.getSource() == enter)
                   if (ae.getSource() == refillbut)
                        System.out.println("refill but pressed");
                   if (ae.getSource() == clearbut)
                        System.out.println("clear but pressed");
                        display.setText("Enter the amount you want to withdraw \n ?");
                   if (ae.getSource() == cancel)
                        display.setText("Welcome to HSBC Bank.\n Please enter your User Identification number \n");
                   pinCode ="";
                        PINCount = 0;
                        userCode = "";
                        userCodeCount = 0;
                        state = 1;
         }// end withdraw cash input method
         // checks balace of atm and withdraws cash. Also notifies onserver if atm balance is low     
              public void atmBalance()
                   String s = withdrawAmount;
                   int n = Integer.parseInt(s);
                   if ( atmBalance >= n)
                        atmBalance = atmBalance - n;
                        System.out.println("atm balance = "+ atmBalance);
                        display.setText("Thankyou for using HSBC. \nYou have withdrawn ?"+n);
                        if     (atmBalance<40)
                             System.out.println("atm balance is less than 40 - notify HSBC" );
                             /// note the refil should send a message to the controller
                             // advising a refil is needed. The Bank will send an engineer
                             // out who will fill the atm up
              }// end atmBalance method
              /// note the refil should send a message to the controller
              /// then th coontroller will send a message to this method to fill machine
              /// (this is simulating a clerk filling atm)
                   public void refill()
                        System.out.println("in refill method" );
                        atmBalance = 200;
                        System.out.println("Atm has been refilled. Atm balance = " + atmBalance);
                   //     setChanged();
                   //     notifyObservers(this);
                   }// end refill method
                   public void update(Observable gm1, Object gameObj)
                   }//end update method
         }// end Atm method
    }// end Assignment2 clas

    I wasn't trying to annoy anyone at all.
    I'm new to java and have been told that using the observer/observable model is not considered basic java. So that is the only reason I posted it in this section. At the same time i feel that the bit I'm struggling with is actually basic - hence posting it in the basic section. I'm not sure if people of all abilities check all forums or just the ones they feel at at their standard.
    So appologies if you've taken offence.

  • Upper-level Essbase data gets deleted on running CALC ALL

    We have a need to aggregate missing values (#Missing) to the parent level and so this is what we did. Go to EAS->Expand Essbase Servers->Expand the concerned application->Right-click on database->Edit->Properties and check the option to "Aggregate missing values". After doing this, we are having a peculiar issue when we execute "CALC ALL". We see that some of our upper-level data (non-level 0 data) gets deleted, and so we have to re-run all our business rules to calculate upper-level data. To be specific, we are having this issue of data going missing in accounting statements/reports such as Balance Sheet/Income Statement. In this reports, the rows are members of Account dimension (Dense) and the columns are members of Company dimension (Sparse). All other dimension are made POV. We did NOT have this problem when the 'Aggregate missing values' option was UNCHECKED. Does CALC ALL work differently when AGGMISS option is ON?
    We are using Hyperion Planning, Essbase and Financial Reporting (version
    Thanks for any advice.

    Hi John,
    Now that you mentioned your point about upper-level data, I double-checked the Account dimension members (for which the data was being deleted) and you are right that I am seeing a different behavior than I posted originally. Sorry about that. So this is what I am observing:
    The Account dimension has 'Balance Sheet' as one of the children. This member, 'Balance Sheet', has children: Cash, Receivables, Payables so on, and all children of 'Balance Sheet' are level 0 members. Now, we run calculation scripts to calculate the values of these members. These members form the rows of Balance Sheet report. After all the relevant calc script have been executed, I am running a script that has just CALC ALL in it. I am observing that the values of Cash, Receivables, Payables etc (level 0 children of Balance Sheet) are getting deleted when we have the option "Aggregate Missing Values" as checked in EAS.
    Then, I inserted SET AGGMISS OFF before CALC ALL in the script and now the values are intact! I am trying to understand why CALC ALL would delete those values when AGGMISS is ON?
    You said that most people do not use CALC ALL. What is the better alternative to aggregate the database then? Is it CALC DIM?
    Thanks and regards,

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    Hi Khuram1981 - thank you thank you thank you!  All sorted!  dont suppose you know how to fix another problem I have??? for weeks now, since updating to ios5 I think, for some reason every time I have tried to log onto app store it says CANNOT CONNECT TO ITUNES STORE.  It's nothing to do with my computer, and I've been to the Geniius bar but they couldnt help and nothing I seem to do lets me update my Apps and even worse, I cant even buy any more.  Any suggestions?
    Again thank you SO much for helping with other problem = a real relief.
    Chatterwind xx

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    As far as I know, Elements does not have the ability to create lists.
    The solution to your problem of making a book outside of Elements is to place all the desired photos in an Album and then select File->Export->As New Files which gives you the ability to make a copy of every photo in the album in a new folder, from which you would create your photobook.

  • Good practice to initalize all instance variables with type String to emptr

    Is it a good practice to initalize all instance variables with
    type String to emptry string?
    #1 approach:
    public class A
    { private String name = "";
    private String address ="";
    rather than
    #2 approach:
    public class A
    { private String name;
    private String address;
    When I read Java books, the examples don't usually do #1 approach.
    The problem is if we don't initialize to empty string, when we call
    the getter method of that instance variable, it will return null.
    Please advise. Thanks!!

    Please advise. Thanks!!It depends on your coding style. If you can avoid lots of checks for null Strings in the rest of the code then why not initialize to "".
    You have the same situation when a method returns an array. If you under circumstances return a null array reference then you have to always check for this special case, but if you return a zero length array instead you have no special case. All loops will just run 0 iterations and everything will work fine.
    So in general I guess the return of zero objects instead of null references really boils down to whether it simplicates the rest of your code by removing lots of extra checks for the special null case. This usage is especially favourable in the zero length array case. See Effective Java by Bloch, item 27.

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    If you're looking for the ability to append different strings, then you should probably be looking to an external process.
    If you're looking to append the same string, I can think of one way. Make your report script fixed-width (that way you always know which character in the line you're changing) and then utilize the MASK command. (you can find it in the Tech Ref under Report Commands)

  • Replaces all occurnces of one String with another String in a given source

    Hi all I had found that there is a lot of interest int this topic. there is a little piece of code that I wrote for myself recently, so I fgigured that it might be helpful for some...
    This method will scan through a string "source", find all of the occurances of a String "before" and replace them with the "after".
    Enjoy :-)
    public static String replace(String source, String before, String after)
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(source);
    int startpos = source.indexOf(before);
    int endpos = startpos + before.length();
    int i = startpos;
    while( i > -1 )
         if( startpos > -1 && endpos <= source.length() )
         source = sb.replace(startpos, endpos, after).toString();
         int lastReplace = source.lastIndexOf(after) + after.length();
         if(lastReplace <= source.length())
              startpos = source.substring(lastReplace, source.length() ).indexOf(before);
                   endpos = startpos + before.length();
                   i = startpos;
              i = source.length();
              i = -1;
    return source;
    Oh yeah if you want, you can visit my site it is where this code is used to replace the text URL with html.

    Since 1.4 the String class has a replaceAll method ...

  • Poor performance of string::append on Solaris 10 with Sun Studio 10

    I found string::append(size_type num, char ch) of libCstd consumes too much cpu time comparing with stlport. Anybody knows if this is a known issue on Solaris 10 and Sun Studio 10? Or if I need to use special build options to build with libCstd?
    For example: a.c
    #include <iostream>
    #include <time.h>
    using namespace std;
    int main()
      string ss;
      for ( i=0; i<60000; i++)
        ss.append(1, 'A');
      cout << clock();
      cout << endl;
      return 0;
    }Build with libCstd:
    CC a.c -o a1
    Build with stlport:
    CC -library=%none -library=stlport4 a.c -o a2
    a1 outputs: 10000
    a2 outputs: 1900000
    You can see how big different they have. I am sure their running environment is same.

    I suspect this is due to a bug in libCstd that manifests itself by reallocating the string for each append. Compile and run the program below:
    #include <string>
    #include <new>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    int in_main;
    void* operator new (size_t nbytes) throw (std::bad_alloc) {
    if (in_main) printf ("operator new (%zu)\n", nbytes);
    return malloc (nbytes);
    void operator delete (void *p) throw () {
    if (in_main) printf ("operator delete (%p)\n", p);
    free (p);
    int main () {
    in_main = 1;
    std::string ss;
    for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
    printf ("append(1, 'A')\n");
    ss.append (1, 'A');
    in_main = 0;

  • Topic: TCP/IP Message gets Appended with two dots...(Urgent)

    Dear All,
    I am working on a requirement where I am sendind a message
    (underlying protocol used TCP/IP) using a program
    developed using Java Sockets.
    It sends the messgage on desired mechine and port but two dots(..)
    gets appended with this message .
    I am really not able to figure out from where these dots are coming ,
    is it the network that appends these dots.
    Any clue will be helpful.
    An early response is highly appriciable.
    Thanks and Regards
    Dushyant Bhardwaj

    You should use a BufferedWriter instead of a PrintWriter, since you're using a BufferedReader. these streams tend to work best in pairs. The readLine requires a newline, so
    public class TestSW
            public static void main(String[]args)
                    BufferedWriter output;
                    BufferedReader networkBin;
                    Socket socket=null;
                            socket = new Socket("",5050); // connect to echo server
                            output = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream()));
                            networkBin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
                    }catch(IOException e){
                            if(socket != null){
                                    try{socket.close();}catch(IOException ce){}

  • Search given string array and replace with another string array using Regex

    Hi All,
    I want to search the given string array and replace with another string array using regex in java
    for example,
    String news = "If you wish to search for any of these characters, they must be preceded by the character to be interpreted"
    String fromValue[] = {"you", "search", "for", "any"}
    String toValue[] = {"me", "dont search", "never", "trip"}
    so the string "you" needs to be converted to "me" i.e you --> me. Similarly
    you --> me
    search --> don't search
    for --> never
    any --> trip
    I want a SINGLE Regular Expression with search and replaces and returns a SINGLE String after replacing all.
    I don't like to iterate one by one and applying regex for each from and to value. Instead i want to iterate the array and form a SINGLE Regulare expression and use to replace the contents of the Entire String.
    One Single regular expression which matches the pattern and solve the issue.
    the output should be as:
    If me wish to don't search never trip etc...,
    Please help me to resolve this.
    Thanks In Advance,

    As stated, no, it can't be done. But that doesn't mean you have to make a separate pass over the input for each word you want to replace. You can employ a regex that matches any word, then use the lower-level Matcher methods to replace the word or not depending on what was matched. Here's an example: import java.util.*;
    import java.util.regex.*;
    public class Test
      static final List<String> oldWords =
          Arrays.asList("you", "search", "for", "any");
      static final List<String> newWords =
          Arrays.asList("me", "dont search", "never", "trip");
      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        String str = "If you wish to search for any of these characters, "
            + "they must be preceded by the character to be interpreted";
      public static String doReplace(String str)
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\b\\w+\\b");
        Matcher m = p.matcher(str);
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        while (m.find())
          int pos = oldWords.indexOf(;
          if (pos > -1)
            m.appendReplacement(sb, "");
        return sb.toString();
    } This is just a demonstration of the technique; a real-world solution would require a more complicated regex, and I would probably use a Map instead of the two Lists (or arrays).

  • How can I export/share a project/movie with iMovie 10(.0.1)?

    I generate a movie with images from iPhoto and underlaid a sound file. In iMovie the film looks great and now I want to share/export it. But the share button doesn't work: I click on it and nothing happens – no submenu, no window, nothing. It seems there is missing a function behind the menu item.
    I closed iMovie, restart it – nothing.
    I shut down the Mac and reboot it – nothing.
    I deleted the preferences after closing the app and restart it – nothing happens.
    What can I do?
    This happens with image movies AND with clip movies generated with iMovie.
    Thanks for a hint.

    Thanks Chris,
    I will uninstall the imovie app using the mackeeper uninstaller, but wanted to ask if I trash /delete all the files
    when I do this? When it scans my computer it says I have two versions of imovie and other files as well.
      Just wanted to check if I will still have my trailer left in my user file on the computer.
    Sorry to bug you, but I spent alot of time doing it and dont want to lose the work . So want to be sure I am doing it the right way!
    Cheers Graham

  • I have a Text control string box with some initial text. I would like to highlight old text with click of mouse and type in new data from keyboard

    I have a text control string box with some initial text (says: Please enter Name). I would like the operator to click on the text control box and have it automatically highlight so that when new data is typed in the old erases (all at once) and the new data is now in the text box.
    I tried using the "Text.Selection" property node and when I run it and put the mouse inside the text box the initial text is highlighted and if I press "delete" on the keyboard or if I start to type in new data the initial data does delete but once I start to type new characters they erase each other. For example if I want to type in “Willi
    am” I type the “W” and then the “I” but the “I” erases the “W” and now I am only left with an “I” in the text box and so on. I appreciate any help

    It seems you are continuously setting the property node over and over again. This should only happen once if you mouse over it.
    Create a property node for your text control with the following three items:
    (1) KeyFocus (wire a "true" constant to it)
    (2) Text.SelStart (Wire a "zero" constant to it)
    (3) Text.SelEnd (Wire a constant containing the string length of the text).
    Put this property node inside an event structure, triggered by "Mouse enter" on the string control.
    (see if the attached example works for you)
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    Attachments: ‏23 KB

  • Sling mapping issue with Query String

    For a button component, URL behaves differently with query string. Please let me know the sling mapping example for query string.
    Button component behavior across env:-
    Working Scenario:-
    - In Author edit mode, URL pointing to "/content/<websitelink>"
    - In Author preview mode shows URL "<host>:<port>/content/<websitelink>.html"
    - In Publisher mode shows URL, "<host>:<port>/<websitelink>", we do not want "/content" before website link so it is fine.
    Failure Scenario with query string:-
    - In Author edit mode URL pointing to "/content/<websitelink>?username=han"
    - In Author preview mode with URL "<host>:<port>/content/<websitelink>?username=han"
    - In Publisher mode, <host>:<port>/content/<websitelink>?username=han - Here we see the content, which is not acceptable in our scenario.
    Please let me know the mapping changes when we have a URL with query string.

    1) I assume you configure as per the rules mentioned in --> 'Mapping Entry Specification' under /etc/map. Based on the configuration in /etc/map and the website that we publish, it translates and shows all the applicable combination in the Felix console http://<host>:<port>/system/console/jcrresolver.
    2) How does Adobe CQ 5.4 resolve the right mapping, if we have multiple map folder like below in /etc directory with the same website with different rules.
    etc/map --> http --> <website> with property sling:match, sling:internalRedirect
    etc/map.publish --> http --> <website> with property sling:match, sling:internalRedirect
    etc/map.publish-stag --> http --> <website> with property sling:match, sling:internalRedirect
    Kindly clarify.

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hi I just uninstalled apple update for itunes, disabled Bonjour. I'm still having an issue when I load any blank, or manufactured CD into CD/DVD drive, while Itunes is opened. Itunes stops dead and lags up my laptop. Even the podcast that Itunes is d

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    I would like to remove the icon for PHOTO BOOTH from the dock only, not the computer. Is this possible and if so, how do I do it? Running OS 10.9.3

  • ADF Page templating vs Facelets

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  • Concatenate columns with distinct values in oracle

    Hello Gurus, My table structre look like follwoing: TankListUS    TankListCanada     TankListIndia T111||T222       T444||T222            T555 Now when I run the query: select (TL.TankListUS || '||'  || TL.TankListCanada || '||'  || TL.TankListIndia)

  • To find perticular user exit for mb1b

    Hi all, Actually my requirement is The purpose of this enhancement is to detach the stock from source sales order item and attach the same stock to the target sales order item and simultaneously short closing the Sales Order item to the tune of trans