Essbase VB API

<p>What is a context handler and instance handler? I'm having adifficult time when entering parameters for certain functions.</p><p> </p><p>For starters, what's the outline context handle (hOutline)for:</p><p> </p><p><b>EsbOtlGetMemberAlias</b> (<i>hOutline, hMember,pszAliasTable, pszAlias</i>)</p><p> </p><p>I can get everything to compile with no errors. But I'm notseeing this information in the documenation nor the samplecode.</p><p> </p><p>please help, thank you.</p>

<BR>Context handles (hCtx) and outline handles (hOutline) are essentially memory pointers to information needed by the Essbase API.. For example, the hCtx references login information, permissions, etc internally within the API.<BR><BR>Again, the source code examples I pointed you to in an earlier thread have examples of getting both the hCtx and the hOutline. If you are using VBA, you can use the EssVGetHctxFromSheet to get the hCtx from a connected sheet; you can then use that to open an outline and get an hOutline.<BR><BR>Tim

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    I have a solution that might work for you, please follow steps below:
    1) Go to your project schedule, make a small modification to any task on schedule and 'Publish' the project.
    2) While your project is being published and saved, open another window 
    Server Settings -> Manage Queue Jobs
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    Its hard to say if there is a faster way without knowing how you're doing it now. A few questions:
    - why are you using the API to get at Essbase Data, especially if you've already defined a (some) report scripts?
    - if you want to use provider services, vs having to ensure all the libraries and the client are present, why not use the JAPI?
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    Please help :(

    Its hard to say if there is a faster way without knowing how you're doing it now. A few questions:
    - why are you using the API to get at Essbase Data, especially if you've already defined a (some) report scripts?
    - if you want to use provider services, vs having to ensure all the libraries and the client are present, why not use the JAPI?
    - Without seeing your code, its hard to know why you're getting out of memory errors. What are you doing with the data as you're parsing it from the report?
    Grid API exists for the C API, and more noteable the JAPI, but not VB(I'm surprised the VB api still exists).
    Why not just use the Java API?

  • Essbase/SV API

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    What files are required on a client PC for a VBA application written with the Essbase API to function. Is it the full Essbase Client and/or the add-in, or just specific files.
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  • Essbase/Excel API Developer Available

    Hello,My name is Bill Handelman and I am available for any permanent positions in the Chicago area or contract opportunities anywhere in the US.Since the mid 90's I have been doing data reporting/business intelligence development with Essbase, Excel and Access VBA, Essbase APIs, Esscmd, Business Objects, Analysis Services, and Proclarity. I have extensive experience working with users to determine their reporting needs, and experience doing the development work. You can contact me as follows:Bill Handelman847-989-1758 (cell)847-470-9851 (home)[email protected]

    OK, just a follow-up:
    Given the following code from the sample:
    // NOTE: Change the following variables to suit your setup.
    private static String s_userName = "user1";
    private static String s_password = "Pwd123";
    private static String s_provider = "Embedded"; // Default
    private static String s_analyticSvrName = "houhype028";
    private static String s_appName = "Mgt_Rpt";
    private static String s_cubeName = "Mgt_Rpt";
    private static final int FAILURE_CODE = 1;
    I get the following error:
    ERROR: Cannot sign on to domain. Error initializing the ORB. com/essbase/server/framework/ManageableSession
    In Excel I have under the Essbase Connect Dialog:
    Server: Houhype028
    Username: User1
    Password: Pwd123
    Mgt_Rpt Mgt_Rpt
    I am not sure this is working properly. Again I am not using any of the web services, just want to connect directly connect to Essbase.
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    I believe the values are documented in IEssCube.EEssCubeAccess.Be aware the security filter class is marked 'for future use' in the docs:The IEssSecurityFilter is cube security filter. (FOR FUTURE USE). That may mean it is not fully tested or perhaps not even fully implemented.Tim TowApplied OLAP, Inc

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    1) Which Api should I use to check the Cube's load status without affecting its current load state. <<I don't know the answer to this one.. It seems to me that it may be a bug. You should report this one to Hyperion Tech Support.>>2)I tried using Cube.isActive() Api.However this Api throws an exception for all states of the Cube. <<I haven't tried this one either..>>3)What is the diffence between a "Loaded" Cube and an "Active" Cube <<Finally one I think I can answer.. A loaded cube means, I believe, that the cube has been loaded by the server and is immediately available. An 'active' cube, on the other hand, is the terminology used to specify that a specific connection is connected to, and using, a specific cube. I know several of the VB/C APIs specify that you must set a cube active (on the connection) before you can use the API.Tim TowApplied OLAP, Inc

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    Thanks and Regards
    Edited by: Oku on May 26, 2009 3:30 AM

    For applications Atul is correct, you should just be able to migrate them to the new server, but for your VBA code, you will want to make sure you update your function declarations in your code. You would want to replace your definitions with the ones in arborpath\api\include\esb32bas . If you are using toolkit functions also replace those definitions with arborbath\bin\ESSXLVBA.TXT

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    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Go to and enter 602368 in the convert box then click on To Hexadecimal and the result will show you 93100

  • Error 1030723 Unable to get UTF-8 locale when using Essbase API 11.1.1

    Now I got a question about how to connect to an Essbase Server by using essbase client API (11.1.1). I encountered an error “Unable to get UTF-8 locale” when I tried to EssInit((pInitStruct, phInstance) API.
    However, I had no problem to call the API if I uses essbase previous client APIs (7.1 or 9.3).
    I passed the “ESS_API_UTF8” to usApiType field in the ESS_INIT_T struct. When I openned the “essapi.h” header file, I found these are some new fields (highlighted in red color below) added in the essbase client API (11.1.1)
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_ULONG_T, Version); /* This should be set to ESS_API_VERSION */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_PVOID_T, UserContext); /* void pointer to user's message context */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_USHORT_T, MaxHandles); /* max number of context handles required */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_SIZE_T, MaxBuffer); /* max size of buffer that can be allocated */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_STR_T, LocalPath); /* local path to use for file operations */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_STR_T, MessageFile); /* full path name of message database file */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_PFUNC_T, AllocFunc); /* user-defined memory allocation function */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_PFUNC_T, ReallocFunc); /* user-defined memory reallocation function */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_PFUNC_T, FreeFunc); /* user-defined memory free function */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_PFUNC_T, MessageFunc); /* user-defined message callback function */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_STR_T, HelpFile); /* user-defined help file path */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_PVOID_T, Ess_System); /* reserved for internal use */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_PCATCHFUNC_T, CatchFunc); /* user-defined kill-own-request signal callback function */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_PCATCH_INIT_FUNC_T, CatchInitFunc); /* user-defined kill-own-request signal initialization callback function */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_PCATCH_TERM_FUNC_T, CatchTermFunc); /* user-defined kill-own-request signal termination callback function */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_PCOOKIE_CREATE_FUNC_T, CookieCreateFunc); /* user-defined cookie creation function */
    ESS_TSA_ELEMENT(ESS_PCOOKIE_DELETE_FUNC_T, CookieDeleteFunc); /* user-defined cookie creation function */
    I could not find any document to introduce the API (11.1.1. And what does the error “Unable to get UTF-8 locale” mean? How can work around it. Any environment parameters or paths need to be set?
    Please advise.

    The API documentation for V11 is available from :-
    Hopefully it might point you in the right direction.

  • Help with Essbase 9 and the Java API

    Hi, I am trying to connect to Essbase from a Java desktop application and I am unable to do so. I need to know if I am in principle doing the right things and if I have the correct environment set up.
    We have a server with Essbase version 9.3.1. We normally use essbase via the Excel Addin, and I have already written Excel applications that utilise both the addin and the Essbase VB API. Now I need to connect to Essbase but from outside Excel and using the Java API. I have no idea what APS is nor does my Essbase Administrator.
    My application has the following code (adapted from a post in this forum) -
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    String s_userName = "user";
    String s_password = "password";
    String s_olapSvrName = "ustca111";
    String s_provider = "http://localhost:13080/aps/JAPI";
    IEssbase ess = IEssbase.Home.create(IEssbase.JAPI_VERSION);
    IEssDomain dom = ess.signOn(s_userName, s_password, false, null, s_provider);
    IEssOlapServer olapSvr = dom.getOlapServer(s_olapSvrName);
    System.out.println("Connection to Analyic server '" + olapSvr.getName() + "' was successful.");
    }catch(EssException exp){
    I am running my application on my computer, not on the Essbase server, and the username I am using is the same one I use (as a user of Essbase) via the Essbase Addin in Excel, not an admin login.
    When I run the app I get:
    "Cannot connect to Provider Server.Make sure the signon parameters are correct and the Provider Server is running."
    Please can you confirm:
    1) Do I need an admin login for my client application to connect to the Essbase server or can I use a normal read-access login, like the one I use in Excel?
    2) Is the provider always the same regardless of the computer, i.e. "http://localhost:13080/aps/JAPI"; How do I know what this has to be? Where do I get this information from?
    3) How can I make sure that the Server is running the necessary "Provider Server", is this just a service that will show on services.msc of the server? What should I ask the Essbase Administrator for him to tell me what I need?
    Thank you very much.

    Tim, when I look in my computer's Essbase installation path I can only find the following jar files (from the ones you have listed).
    I do not have css-9_3_1.jar or interop-sdk.jar.
    In order to try the embedded mode, I added the three jars I have to the classpath, and have re-built and ran with "embedded" as the provider. This is what I got in my output screen:
    Error accessing the properties file. (The system cannot find the file specified). Using default values.
    Hyperion Provider Services - Release Build 168
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2007 Oracle and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    connection mode : EMBEDDED
    domain.db location: domain.db
    console log enable : false
    file log enable : false
    logRequest : false
    logLevel : ERROR
    java System properties -DESS_ES_HOME: null
    Scenario Markets Total Legal Entities Products
    Jan Feb Mar
    Standard Units 1.053264054859E7 1.60849856762E7 2.6234553348270003E7
    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 2 seconds)
    As you can see, this has worked (as I get the data I was looking for at the end), but when I had the url in the provider string, I just get the below, without the initial errors:
    Scenario Markets Total Legal Entities Products
    Jan Feb Mar
    Standard Units 1.053264054859E7 1.60849856762E7 2.6234553348270003E7
    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 2 seconds)
    Now that I can get both modes to work I intend to write a Windows application, place it in a shared drive, and allow multiple users to use it. Which mode should I use?
    By the way, I found the file in C:\Hyperion\AnalyticServices\JavaAPI\bin, but when I add it to my app and test it in embedded mode, I get even more errors, but it still gives me the result...output below:
    run: ..\bin\apsserver.log (The system cannot find the path specified)
    at Method)
    at org.apache.log4j.FileAppender.setFile(
    at org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender.setFile(
    at org.apache.log4j.FileAppender.<init>(
    at org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender.<init>(
    at com.hyperion.dsf.server.framework.BaseLogger.addAppender(Unknown Source)
    at com.hyperion.dsf.server.framework.BaseLogger.setFileLogEnable(Unknown Source)
    at com.hyperion.dsf.server.framework.DsfLoggingService.sm_initialize(Unknown Source)
    at com.essbase.server.framework.EssOrbPluginDirect.setupLoggingService(Unknown Source)
    at com.essbase.server.framework.EssServerFramework.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at com.essbase.api.session.EssOrbPluginEmbedded.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at com.essbase.api.session.EssOrbPlugin.createPlugin(Unknown Source)
    at com.essbase.api.session.Essbase.signOn(Unknown Source)
    Hyperion Provider Services - Release Build 168
    at com.essbase.api.session.Essbase.signOn_internal(Unknown Source)
    at com.essbase.api.session.Essbase.signOn(Unknown Source)
    at esstest.Main.main(
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2007 Oracle and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    connection mode : EMBEDDED
    log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (com.hyperion.dsf.server.framework.BaseLogger).
    log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
    domain.db location: ./data/domain.db
    console log enable : false
    file log enable : true
    logFileName : ../bin/apsserver.log
    logRequest : false
    logLevel : WARN
    java System properties -DESS_ES_HOME: null
    Scenario Markets Total Legal Entities Products
    Jan Feb Mar
    Standard Units 1.053264054859E7 1.60849856762E7 2.6234553348270003E7
    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 3 seconds)
    Thank you

  • Essbase API Custom Function

    I recently decided to start playing around with the Essbase Java API to see if I could write a custom function that overwrites a subvar. I found the createSubstitutionVariable command is already in the API. I wrote a MaxL script that registers a new function by calling the API command.
    /* Create a log file for the script log and error information */
    spool on to $4;
    /* Login to the server */
    login $1 $2 on $3;
    AS 'com.essbase.api.datasource.IEssBaseObject.createSubstitutionVariable(String,String)'
    SPEC '@SETGLOBALSUBVAR(String SubVar, String SubVarValue)'
    COMMENT 'Sets the specificed subvar to the specified value';
    This creates the function (viewable in EAS). However, when I run a calc script that calls the function, I get an error that it belongs in a calc block. When I place it in a calc block, I get an error message that an operator is expected after my custom function.
    Fix ("Actual", "Final")
    AC_12345=@SETGLOBALSUBVAR('test', 'hi');
    I also found Robb Salzmann's CDF and tried using that, but received the same error message. I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction to creating and using custom functions to update the subvar.

    Sorry about that.
    I have the MaxL log below that shows the function being created successfully. There is nothing in the essbase log file itself regarding the creation of the function.
    OK/INFO - 1051034 - Logging in user [admin@Native Directory].
    OK/INFO - 1241001 - Logged in to Essbase.
    2> AS 'com.hyperion.essbase.cdf.setSubVar(String,String,String,String)'
    3> SPEC '@SETSUBVAR(String app, String db, String subvar, String subVarValue)'
    4> COMMENT 'Sets the specificed subvar to the specified value';
    OK/INFO - 1056102 - Function @SETSUBVAR replaced.
    MAXL> logout;
    User admin is logged out
    The calc that I am running is:
    PJ_99999= @SETSUBVAR ('','', 'TestLocalVariable', 'TEST');
    The error message that displays in the log file is :Error: 1200324 Error compiling formula for [PJ_99999] (line 3): operator expected after [@SETSUBVAR]
    The code that I am trying to register is from your site Instead of activating SetMonthSubvar or SetYearSubvar, I am only trying to register the SetSubVar command in your jar file
    Thanks for your help! I appreciate all your responses.

  • Avoid essbase login pop up when using API

    I have written a vb macro to retrieve data from essbase using APIs. I have used EssVConnect. Eventhough i give the server,username and password to a variable and execute the procedure, the essbase login screen appears. I want to avoid this as this code would be used for automation. Please help me in doing so. The retrieval code which is part of the automation code is here below. Here the sheet name, application name and the database name is read from another worksheet and assigned to the variables sheetName , AppName and DBName. The Cache here is the application name and database name which are assigned is to the variables AppName and DBName is highlighted in the essbase login popup. And if i modify the variable Server1 to server the procedure stops running. it says login failed due to insufficient credentials. But i use admin user.
    Declare Function EssVConnect Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As _
    Variant, ByVal UserName As Variant, ByVal Password As Variant, ByVal Server _
    As Variant, ByVal application As Variant, ByVal database As Variant) As _
    Declare Function EssVRetrieve Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As _
    Variant, ByVal range As Variant, ByVal lockFlag As Variant) As Long
    Declare Function EssVDisconnect Lib "ESSEXCLN.XLL" (ByVal sheetName As _
    Variant) As Long
    Sub RetrieveData()
    Server1 = "localhost"
    UserName = "admin"
    Password = "password"
    Set Ssheet = Sheets(sheetName)
    AppName = CStr(applicationname)
    DbName = CStr(DatabaseName)
    TimeStart = Timer
    sts = EssVConnect(sheetName, UserName, Password, Server, AppName, DbName)
    If sts = 0 Then
    x = EssVRetrieve(sheetName, Null, 1)
    If x = 0 Then
    Y = EssVDisconnect(sheetName)
    If Y <> 0 Then
    GoTo ErrHan
    End If
    GoTo ErrHan
    End If
    MsgBox ("Connection failed for the worksheet - " & sheetName)
    GoTo ErrHan
    End If
    TimeEnd = Timer
    TimeTester = TimeEnd - TimeStart
    On Error Resume Next
    End Sub
    Edited by: ragavhere on Nov 13, 2009 7:03 PM

    Thanks for your responses. Server variable problem is secondary. I have a excel worksheet in this format
    ApplicationName     DatabaseName     SheetName
    RetilPOC     Plan1     Sheet2
    RetilPOC     Plan2     Sheet3
    RetilPOC     Plan3     Sheet4
    The application name,database name and sheet name are read by a procedure from this worksheet row by row and passed as a parameter to the procedure "RetrieveData".My primary objective is to login to the essbase application and database which are passed as parameters from the procedure which invokes the procedure "RetrieveData" without the essbase login screen coming up. How can i do it automatically?The user shouldn't keep typing the username and password. The procedure should read the login credentials from the variables and login automatically. How do i need to modify my code to achieve this?

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