ExecuteWithParams - putting attribute values in PageFlowScope?

I've a task flow that includes an ExecuteWithParams method call activity. Things are set up so it will always return no more than 1 row.
What i need to do is put some of the attribute values in the row returned by the ExecuteWithParams in PageFlowScope params, as these values will be used later in the task flow.
is there a way to have an ExecuteWithParams activity set such params based on the returned row? or is there some other way?
I'm using 11g.
Thanks for your help.

Thanks for the response. I tried that, but only a null object results as the return value.
To study what is going on, i defined the pageFlowScope params an object, and then debugged.
Here's the method call activity definition:
<method-call id="ExecuteWithParams">
      <return-value id="__142">#{pageFlowScope.p_ExistingDetailsAttrVals}</return-value>
      <outcome id="__20">
    </method-call>Here's the task flow param definition:
<input-parameter-definition id="__91">
      <name id="__90">p_ExistingDetailsAttrVals</name>
    </input-parameter-definition>I debugged in a method in a PageFlowScope bean, but this merely returns a null object:
Object o = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getPageFlowScope().get("p_ExistingDetailsAttrVals}");I know that the ExecuteWithParams query results are for one row, so this is not due to the query params not resulting in any query results.
So, is there something I'm doing wrong?
Sorry if this seems like a dumb question, but I could not find any significant documentation on ExecuteWithParams - for example, does ExecuteWithParams return anything, or is it merely executing a query a la RowSet.ExecuteQuery(). If it does return, what is the data type? etc.

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    if this is so, set the iterator in the PageDef file to have its "Refresh"" property set to "prepareModel". Note that we cannot really tell what causes this as we don't have access to your code. I suggest that if you don't get it working with the suggested configuration to file a Service Request with customer support

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    Thanks in advance

    Hi Frank,
    Thanks for your help.
    My need is to initialize all the rows of my VO level 5. Not only the selected ones. But i keep your solution for later :)
    Today, that is what i'm doing :
    - First, i use "executeWithParam" to complete a bind parameter of the first VO.
        public void executeWithParamTreeNiv1() {
            VoLvl1ViewImpl view =
                (VoLvl1ViewImpl) getLvl1View ();
            VoSourceId rowSrc =
                (VoSourceIdRowImpl) getVoSourceIdView().getCurrentRow();
            if (rowSrc != null) {
        }- Then, i use the method "createViewLinkAccessorRS" of the viewImpl, to pass bindParmeters between VOs.
            protected ViewRowSetImpl createViewLinkAccessorRS(AssociationDefImpl assocDef, ViewObjectImpl accessorVO,
                                                          Row masterRow, Object[] values) {
            ViewRowSetImpl v = super.createViewLinkAccessorRS(assocDef, accessorVO, masterRow, values);
            Number fkId = (Number)((ViewRowImpl)masterRow).getViewObject().getNamedWhereClauseParam("FkId");
            accessorVO.setNamedWhereClauseParam("FkId", fkId );
            v.setNamedWhereClauseParam("FkId", fkId );- Finally, i use the method "isAttributeUpdateable" of my VO level 5, to get the bind parameter and make a setAttribute.
        public boolean isAttributeUpdateable(int i) {
            Number fkId= (Number)this.getViewObject().getNamedWhereClauseParam("FkId");
            if (fkId!= null) {
        }What do you think about this method?

  • Invalid Attribute value Exception while adding Timestamp Attribute value

    Good Day friends,
    I'm using IBM Directory Server 4.1 LDAP to maintain the Online User Registeration for a Web Application. I need to store the Timestamp at the time user registers, so that another java application of mine can delete non-active users within specific amount of time. But when i provide a value for "createTimestamp" attribute in LDAP using Java sql class object Timestamp, it gives me a exception of InvalidAttributeValueException. I tried inserting the entry with String, but without success. What is the type or format for createTimestamp Attribute? How i can bind a time or date object to this object? Any Help or Suggestions will be highly appreciated. Thanks in Advance. Cheers..!!
    The source code is as follows:
    public void createUserProfile(String afname, String alname, String aemail, String apassword) {
              String fname, lname, email, password;
              fname = afname;
              lname = alname;
              email = aemail;
              password = apassword;
              Date regDate = new Date();
              //java.sql.Time tsObj = new java.sql.Time(regDate.getTime());
              Timestamp tsObj = new Timestamp(regDate.getTime());
              String strTS = tsObj.toString();
              System.out.println("Created Date: "+tsObj);
              try {
                   InitialDirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(prop);
                   BasicAttribute objClasses = new BasicAttribute("objectclass");
                   BasicAttributes attrs = new BasicAttributes();
                   attrs.put("givenName", fname);
                   attrs.put("sn", lname);
                   attrs.put("mail", email);
                   attrs.put("userPassword", password);
                   attrs.put("createTimestamp", tsObj);
                   ctx.createSubcontext("cn="+fname+",ou=Dept,o=InterComp", attrs);
                   } catch (Exception e) {
                   System.out.println("Error : " + e.getMessage());
    The Error is as follows:
    Error : Malformed 'createTimestamp' attribute value
    javax.naming.directory.InvalidAttributeValueException: Malformed 'createTimestamp' attribute value; remaining name 'cn=arun15382,ou=Dept,o=InterComp'
         at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapClient.encodeAttribute(LdapClient.java:964)
         at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapClient.add(LdapClient.java:1012)
         at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.c_createSubcontext(LdapCtx.java:648)
         at com.sun.jndi.toolkit.ctx.ComponentDirContext.p_createSubcontext(ComponentDirContext.java:323)
         at com.sun.jndi.toolkit.ctx.PartialCompositeDirContext.createSubcontext(PartialCompositeDirContext.java:253)
         at com.sun.jndi.toolkit.ctx.PartialCompositeDirContext.createSubcontext(PartialCompositeDirContext.java:241)
         at javax.naming.directory.InitialDirContext.createSubcontext(InitialDirContext.java:180)

    I've the same problem with lastModifiedTime:
    java.sql.Timestamp cal = new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
    myAttrs.put(new BasicAttribute("lastModifiedTime", cal));
    this results in:
    javax.naming.directory.InvalidAttributeValueException: Malformed 'lastModifiedTime' attribute value; remaining name 'uid=tester,ou=people,dc=...'
         at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapClient.encodeAttribute(LdapClient.java:1041)
         at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapClient.add(LdapClient.java:1089)
    Have you fixed it?

  • Protecting the attribute value from getting reset!

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      case iv_property.
        when if_bsp_wd_model_setter_getter=>fp_fieldtype.
             rv_value = cl_bsp_dlc_view_descriptor=>field_type_picklist.
    This drop down list is showing correctly, however my problem is that if the user selects any value from the drop down list, the selected value gets copied to the attribute but when ever the user press an "ENTER KEY" or any other action, the value in the attribute gets initialized to the first value in the drop down list which is a "BLANK" value. I want to preserve the value originally selected by the user from the drop down list, without it being reset by any other user actions on the screen.  Do I need to redefine any other method for this attribute? I'll appreciate any help.

    Naresh and Sumit, many thanks for your valuable inputs however, I have tried your code but I am still facing the same issue, as the attribute value for "SERVICE_UNIT_NAME" is getting refresh every time an "ENTER" is pressed on the page. Let me specify some other detail that may help in understanding this behaviour for the attribute value, actually when on the initial page, user has to enter his phone no / network ID, so that the standard functionality bring about the city, postal code, country etc. so once these values are set in the related attributes, the user will click on the incident button, which brings about a search help (web dialogue) for partner selection, so any value selected, is displayed afterwards in the "SERVICE_UNIT_NAME" attribute on the next page. However, after putting the custom drop down list at the said attribute, the value selected on the previous page is not populating in the attribute and the user can select the value from the custom drop down list now, but once he press "ENTER" or pushes any other button the page, the selected value in the attribute gets initialized. Is there a way to check for the user input?

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    I can write SQL/ - PL/SQL "straightforward" but now I have a problem what is to big for me.  I hop that someone can help.
    We create by code a xml structure and write these into the oracle database CLOB field. I'm sorry to say that a xml text structure is written into a clob in stead of a xmltype field. (it's a design failure?) It's a large xml structure. I believe I can't attach a file so I put at the end of this discussion a light example of the xml structure.
    It's a xml with quartervalue's, so there are 35040 detail rows (24h * 4 * 365days). I want to accumulate the the attribute Amount value 9. The amount value is in the Detail node a attribute but at the end you can see that for the DST are also 4 value's, but these are not attribute value's but node value's. (In this case it are four value's in some cases there is one DST amount value.
    Can somebody help me how to accumulate all the detail attribute value Amount with the node value Amount of the DST tag?
    XML structure:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <Message xmlns:ns1="http://automaticdealcapture/">
        <BusinessDocument messageDateTime="2013-10-25T13:59:31+02:00" ediReference="LO-461967" messageName="New" businessSector="Z" documentFunction="Original">
                                <ns1:Detail Dates="2014-01-01" Datee="2014-01-01" Times="00:00:00" Timee="01:00:00" Amount="0.0153" Price="11.111"/>
                                <ns1:Detail Dates="2014-01-01" Datee="2014-01-01" Times="01:00:00" Timee="02:00:00" Amount="0.015" Price="22.222"/>
                                etc. 350040 detail rows.
                                <ns1:Year Val="2014">
                                    <ns1:DST Period="1">
                                    <ns1:DST Period="2">
                                    <ns1:DST Period="3">
                                    <ns1:DST Period="4">

    From what I know, extracting the "Amount" values in the Details section and the "Amount" values in the DSTS section would be two different SELECT statements.
    Both of these will use XMLTable() to extract the values.
    BTW - If you need more information on this, post up in the XML/XML DB forum section for more complex help.  (eg getting YEAR with the DSTS Amount values)
    as far as XML size goes, I've seen oracle handle a 100MB XML document without problems.
    (just understand, it will be 'slow')
    This one will give you the Amount values from the DSTS section:
    with xml_data as ( SELECT
    XMLType('<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <Message xmlns:ns1="http://automaticdealcapture/">
        <BusinessDocument messageDateTime="2013-10-25T13:59:31+02:00" ediReference="LO-461967" messageName="New" businessSector="Z" documentFunction="Original">
                                <ns1:Detail Dates="2014-01-01" Datee="2014-01-01" Times="00:00:00" Timee="01:00:00" Amount="0.0153" Price="11.111"/>
                                <ns1:Detail Dates="2014-01-01" Datee="2014-01-01" Times="01:00:00" Timee="02:00:00" Amount="0.015" Price="22.222"/>
                                <ns1:Year Val="2014">
                                    <ns1:DST Period="1">
                                    <ns1:DST Period="2">
                                    <ns1:DST Period="3">
                                    <ns1:DST Period="4">
    </Message>') as XMLDATA from dual
    select Y.amount
    from xml_data X,
      XMLTable(  XMLNAMESPACES( 'http://automaticdealcapture/' as "ns1"),
        passing X.XMLData
        amount Number PATH '/ns1:DST/ns1:Amount'
      ) Y;
    Replace the XMLTable() with the one below to get the Amount from the Details section:
      XMLTable(  XMLNAMESPACES( 'http://automaticdealcapture/' as "ns1"),
        passing X.XMLData
        amount number PATH '/ns1:Detail/@Amount'
      ) Y;

  • Xml/html to jsp - problem with quotes in attribute values

    I am trying to convert a static html document into a jsp using an xsl stylesheet, but run into problems trying to use the jsp expression syntax inside of attribute values.
    Here is a sample of the source file:
    <input type="text" name="firstName" value=""/>
    Here is what I want the resulting jsp file to look like:
    <input type="text" name="firstName" value="<jsp:expression>customer.getField("firstName") </jsp:expression>">
    Here is what part of my stylesheet looks like:
    <xsl:template match="input">
    <xsl:copy-of select="@type"/>
    <xsl:copy-of select="@name"/>
    <xsl:attribute name="value">
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><jsp:expression></xsl:text>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">customer.getField(</xsl:text>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">"</xsl:text>
    <xsl:value-of select="@name"/> ")
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">")</xsl:text>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"></jsp:expression></xsl:text>
    The problem i have is with the <%= customer.getField("firstName") %>. I have tried several different ways of inserting the double quotes around firstName, but no matter what I try, it always uses the entity reference instead of actually putting the " character. The jsp container will not accept the entity.
    I am assuming that the problem is with trying to place double quotes inside of an attribute value. Any ideas how to get around this?

    Which App Server are you using?
    You should just be able to escape the double quotes.
    If that doesn't work, it's a bug in the app-server.
    Alternatively, you can use single quotes around the
    attribute value.
    Hope that helps,
    AlexSorry, I'm an idiot. By escaping you meant the unicode character escape "\u0022". I had not tried that. However, once i realized what you meant, I tried it, and it worked. Thanks for your help.

  • Attribute value to exit function module

    Hello group,
    I'm working in a sem-bps project and I have a problem with an exit function, because
    I need the function module to read the value of a characteristic's attribute.
    I read the standard function module UPF_VARIABLE_USER_EXIT_ATTR: it retrieves the attribute value through the import parameters ITO_ATTR TYPE  UPC_YTO_ATTR.
    I put this attribute on my exit function but when I check the content of the attribute it’s always empty. Do you know how I can transmit the parameter from the exit planning function to the function module?
    Any input is appreciated, thanks Andrea

    Andrea, if you want to fill a variable with the characteristic's attribute of another variable look at the document "HowTo_BPS_VarOfTypeExit.pdf" (i send at your e-mail if you want). It Follows an extract in which it's filled the second variable with the characteristic's attribute of another variable: 
    Source code: Attribute values
    SELECT * FROM /bi0/mbps_produ INTO TABLE lt_chavl
    WHERE bps_prodl = ls_varsel-low.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE e026(upc) WITH ls_varsel-low '0BPS_PRODL'.
    attribute value not found
    ls_varsel-seqno = '0000'.
    ls_varsel-chanm = '0BPS_PRODU'.
    LOOP AT lt_chavl INTO ls_chavl.
    ls_varsel-seqno = ls_varsel-seqno + 1.
    ls_varsel-low = ls_chavl-bps_produ.
    APPEND ls_varsel TO eto_charsel.
    In the example above ls_varsel contains the attribute value to provide to eto_charsel (the output table in which you have the result).
    I suggest you to debug your application to see how ito_attr is passed to the FM.
    Hope it helps.

  • Need to add row and set attribute value on pageload

    On my page based on the pageflowscope variable value, i need to add a row for master and one row for detail viewobject and set attribute values. (Some of the attribute are LOV and Checkboxes as well)
    I am using following code to create records.....records are being added but i am not able to set the attributes
    OperationBinding ob;
    ob = ADFUtil.findOperationBinding("Create");
    ob = ADFUtil.findOperationBinding("CreateInsert3");
    I am using following code to set the attributes value
    DCIteratorBinding dc1 = ADFUtil.getBindingIterator("firstiterator");
    DCIteratorBinding dc = ADFUtil.getBindingIterator("seconditerator");
    Anything i am doing wrong here or any suggestion to try is greatly appreciated....

    Yes commit button is there and yes its also has entry in pagedef...
    When I open the same page on edit mode and i can edit regular record and save them
    Problem is that when i open the page on new mode and try to add rows on page load..... and setting values as described above.... save button somehow doesn't work...
    seems like after i add the rows on the fly, i need to refresh the binding?
    any help is greatly appreciated....
    thank you guys

  • Add selected table row value to PageFlowScope so I can access in taskflow

    Hi all,
    Running into a problem getting a value from a selected ADF table row to a taskflow that is displayed as an inline popup. Here's the scenario. I have a view which displays a table. When I click on an edit btn I display my taskflow as an inline popup. What I would like to do is take the currently selected table row, pull off lets say the row name value and pass it to my taskflow for display. I've tried settting this value inside a mbean when I click the edit btn using:
            AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getPageFlowScope().put("editTargetNameSource", targetName);
            String tmpClear = (String) AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getPageFlowScope().get("editTargetNameSource");Which seems to get set but when I attempt to grab this value using EL inside my taskflow jspx page it looks to not be set.
    <af:outputLabel value="Selected Row" id="ol1"/><af:outputText value="#{pageFlowScope.editTargetNameSource}"It seems like pageFlowScope for my popup taskflow != pageFlowScope for the page my table lives in. I've tried setting this as a input page param but I have a feeling I'm missing something. I'd like to be able to set this value inside my bean when a user clicks the edit btn and then display this value in my taskflow popup.
    Any help is appreciated,

    Thanks for the links Timo. I still must be missing something here. In the vids you linked it looked like he was using regions to pass params from main page to a taskflow; setting a param on child taskflow (causes param to be required when dragging into main page). So I think I understand I add an expected param to my taskflow which somehow will be set by my main page. The part I'm missing is from my main page how can I get the selected table row value and set it in the expected pageflowscope param that my taskflow is expecting?
    I've tried several things:
    1) Using managed bean associated with my main page; setting param inside the bean on main page btn click and then try accessing this mbean param (couldn't access this value as different pageflowscope I believe)
    2) Programmatically setting PageFlowScope as I linked in previous post.
    3) using setPropertyListener I can set a static value setting value in pageflowscope.start and then inside adfc.config for the task set start value to another value expected by the taskflow page. This seemed to work but I can't figure out how to do the programmatic version of this using the currently selected row and its value.
    One who seems to be missing something,

  • Binded attribute value reset in ADF BC

    I have a jspx page with data from a couple of bind iterators. On one of those iterators I have an attribute AuditId I'm using when user chooses to view some data or download some file. I need this AuditId to be the same the until user leaves the page so that every part of data he sees is stored in DB with the same Id.
    I've created an transient attribute on one of the iterators with -1 the default view. When the page is opened and there exists some data that the insight into must be recorded, the AuditId is given and set to this attribute. This works fine for the data already displayed on the page, but when the user downloads some document from the page - the code is in an actionListener of the command button and on application module - the value of attribute AuditId is -1 again although the execute for that iterator was never executed (I know this since I have a custom execute method and I set a breakpoint there - it is executed only when the page opens).
    How comes that the attribute value is reset to -1 without executing the query behind the iterator's VO that has already been set to the right value.
    Before this solution I also tried putting the value to processScope and the behaviour was the same. Without resetting the value through the code the value was lost somewhere. Maybe there is a problem that I have some code in a backing bean and some on the application module? Is there some other way to store the value of this attribute without declaring it on a VO?
    Thank you in advance,

    If you are talking about iterating over VO records - have a look at the VO tuning parameters, especially if you are using range paging mode. In range paging mode, the performance of getting the next set of rows degrades as you proceed through the result set.

  • Urgent help ----problem of component id and attribute value

    I want to produce a dynamic menu that compoment id and attribute value will be dynamic assigned when logon to system. That means i have to use id="#{aid}" and value="#{avalue}" in following codes.
    The problem are:
    1. Component id looks only accepts constant (hard code data) insteads of varable. I changed id="ADMIN", and it works. It can be empty, and tag will give me one. Therefore, it is not too much affected me.
    2. The f:attribute value, when value="Value" works. However, when value="#{avalue}", first time works, second time it throws Illegal State Exception. I really need this value be assigned by varable.
    Can anyone help me out?
    <h:command_link id="#{aid}" action="#{Action.action}" >
              <f:action_listener type="my.MenuListener"/>
              <h:output_text value="Logon"/>
              <f:attribute name="COMMAND" value="#{avalue}"/>

    -----------2 TreeMenu---------------
    public class MenuTree implements Serializable{
    private String treeId = null;
    private String name = null;
    private Map submenus = new TreeMap(); // name as key, submenu is value;
    private String actionClass = null;
    private boolean isLeaf = false;
    private boolean isRoot = true;
    private MenuTree parent = null;
    public boolean isRoot() {
         return isRoot;
    public void setRoot(boolean root) {
         isRoot = root;
    public MenuTree(){
    public MenuTree getParent(){
         return parent;
    public void setParent(MenuTree parent){
         this.parent = parent;
         if(parent != null) parent.putSubmenu(treeId, this);
         isRoot = false;
    public String getName() {
         return name;
    public void setName(String name) {
         this.name = name;
    public Map getSubmenus() {
         return submenus;
    public boolean getIsNode(){
         return submenus.size() > 0;
    public void putSubmenu(String name, MenuTree menu){
         submenus.put(name, menu);
         * @return Returns the isLeaf.
         public boolean getIsLeaf() {
              return isLeaf;
         public boolean getIsRoot() {
              return isRoot;
         * @param isLeaf The isLeaf to set.
         public void setLeaf(boolean isLeaf) {
              this.isLeaf = isLeaf;
         * @param submenus The submenus to set.
         public void setSubmenus(Map submenus) {
              this.submenus = submenus;
         * @return Returns the actionClass.
         public String getActionClass() {
              return actionClass;
    public void setActionClass(String actionClass) {
         this.actionClass = actionClass;
         public String getTreeId() {
              return treeId;
         * @param id The id to set.
         public void setTreeId(String treeId) {
              this.treeId = treeId;
    ------------3 JSP if want to test change subview to view. I am sure the treeId have value---------------------
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" prefix="c"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/fmt" prefix="fmt" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f" %>
    <% request.setAttribute("CONTEXT_PATH", request.getContextPath()); %>
    <LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href='<c:out value="${requestScope.CONTEXT_PATH}"/>/style/menutree.css'/>
    <SCRIPT type='text/javascript' src='<c:out value="${requestScope.CONTEXT_PATH}"/>/js/hideshow.js'></SCRIPT>
    <!--f:loadBundle basename="bundle.common.Menu" var="bundle"/-->
    <f:subview id="userMenuView">
    <h:form id="userMenuForm">
    <c:set var="root" value="${sessionScope.menuTree}"/>
    <table class="" width="150px" bgcolor="blue">
    <c:forEach var="menuBar" begin="0" items="${root.submenus}">
    <c:set var="menu" value="${menuBar.value}"/>
              <c:when test="${menu.isLeaf}">
                   <c:set var="menuJSF" value="${menu}" scope="request"/>
                   <h:command_link action="#{Action.action}">
                        <f:action_listener type="com.nusino.web.listener.menu.MenuListener"/>
                        <h:output_text value="#{menuJSF.name}"/>
                        <f:attribute value="#{menuItemJSF.treeId}">
                   <span class="" onclick="javascript:hideshow('<c:out value="${menu.treeId}"/>')">
                        <c:out value="${menu.name}"/>
                   <div id='<c:out value="${menu.treeId}"/>' >
                   <table class="">
                   <c:forEach var="submenu" begin="0" items="${menu.submenus}">
                        <c:set var="menuItem" value="${submenu.value}"/>
                             <c:when test="${menuItem.isLeaf}">
                                  <c:set var="menuItemJSF" value="${menuItem}" scope="request"/>
                                  <h:command_link action="#{Action.action}">
                                       <f:action_listener type="com.nusino.web.listener.menu.MenuListener"/>
                                       <h:output_text value="#{menuItemJSF.name}"/>
                                       <f:attribute value="#{menuItemJSF.treeId}">
                                  <span class="" onclick="javascript:hideshow('<c:out value="${menuItem.treeId}"/>')">
                                  <c:out value="${menuItem.name}"/>
                                  <div id='<c:out value="${menuItem.treeId}"/>' >
                                       <table class="">
                                            <c:forEach var="item" begin="0" items="${menuItem.submenus}">
                                                 <c:set var="itemObj" value="${item.value}"/>
                                                      <c:when test="${itemObj.isLeaf}">
                                                      <c:set var="itemObjJSF" value="${itemObj}" scope="request"/>
                                                           <h:command_link action="#{Action.action}">
                                                                <f:action_listener type="com.nusino.web.listener.menu.MenuListener"/>
                                                                <h:output_text value="#{itemObjJSF.name}"/>
                                                                <f:attribute value="#{itemObjJSF.treeId}">
                                                           <span class="">
                                                           <c:out value="${itemObj.name}"/>
    <script language= "javascript" >
         function prehide(){
              <c:forEach var="menuBar" begin="0" items="${root.submenus}">
                   <c:set var="menu" value="${menuBar.value}"/>
                   <c:if test="${!menu.isLeaf}">
                        hide('<c:out value="${menu.treeId}"/>');
                        <c:forEach var="submenu" begin="0" items="${menu.submenus}">
                             <c:set var="menuItem" value="${submenu.value}"/>
                             <c:if test="${!menuItem.isLeaf}">
                                  hide('<c:out value="${menuItem.treeId}"/>');

  • Attribute value does not accepitng expression ???

    ]I am using Tomcat 5.0.28 and JSTL 1.0.6. I put the files standard.jar and jstl.ar within my web-app WEB-INF/lib folder. I made no changes in web.xml. Then I ran the following program as test.jsp
    <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" %>
    <c:set var="hello" value="Hello World!"/>
    <c:out value="${hello}"/>
    I'm getting this error message <br>
    "According to TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute value does not accept any expression"

    With Tomcat5, you should be using JSTL1.1.
    The JSTL1.0 tags didn't let you use runtime expressions like <%= expr %> with your tags. Instead you had to use ${expr}.
    ${expr} is a runtime expression in JSP2.0, where it wasn't before.
    JSTL1.1 provides a new tld with the correct settings.
    You should be using JSTL1.1 and the uri:
    <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %>
    See full spiel on JSTL vs Tomcat versions in this thread:

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