Exist or Next Slide button script using swf

I have embedded flash file in power point presentation on one
of the slides to full screen. When I play my PPS I cannot do
anything other than executing button on flash file. I cannot go to
the next slide or exit. I have used a exit button in fla file with
the following action script on (release) {fscommand ("quit");}, but
no luck.
The PPS will exit only if I press Esc button or Alt+F4 button
on the keyboard.
Please help me with the action script for next button and
exit button in fla to be used for PPS on embedding swf file.

Are you rapidly clicking forward or back before the playhead has stopped?  I've found this can cause problems like you're describing.
If not, taking a blind shot...  Do you have any question slides in your project?

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    I'm creating a quizz and there are some problems I can't
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    -> show congratulationsText
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    You need to add a "Continue" statement at the end of your
    script otherwise you will have to click on Skip to go to next
    And all the Quzzing information can be accessed from Flash
    using the Quizn variables.

  • Setting a condition for continuing to next slide

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    How do I create a condition where a 'Next slide' button would be made visible and activated on the slide only if all four rollover slidelets have been visited by the user? Is this possible in Captivate?

    Hi there
    I'm thinking you may be able to accomplish this by declaring one or more variables, then assign the on-click event for each of the slidelets so the event triggers an Advanced Action. The Advanced Action would consist of checking to see if the variable(s) have been set accordingly. Assuming the right condition exists (meaning all four slidelets have been clicked) an action would occur to reveal the button that allows the user to proceed.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
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  • Can I create a Flash button and use it to navigate to the next slide of a PowerPoint Presentation?

    Hello all,
    I've been having a bit of a hard time understanding how to get a button which I have created in Flash to navigate to the next slide of the PowerPoint presentation which it has been added into. I'm fairly new to Flash, so I believe that this is slightly out of my natural skill range, so hopefully someone will be able to help.
    I understand that I somehow need to make use of fscommand in ActionScript, but I'm not sure how I can get Flash and PowerPoint to communicate between themselves. If anyone could write a walkthrough on how to do this, I would be bery grateful.
    I'm using Flash MX 2004 7.0 and Powerpoint 2003.

    Hi. Why not to make the whole presentation in FLASH? What you have to do is to import all the slides inside FLASH. Then place one by one in the stills and then create the code to make the stills advance and show the slides by means of the button. The code for the button goes as follows:
    on (release) {
    to introduce this code make sure you press the button and no the frame.
    Then in order to make the presentation open and cover the screen, no matter how big it is, you need to enter the following code in the first frame:
    fscommand ("showmenu",false);
    fscommand ("fullscreen", true);
    You will need also a button to quit the aplication. This is the code:
    on (release) {
    fscommand ("quit");
    Now write all of this in your application and let me know your experience. MamenFLASH$

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    I have embedded flash file in power point presentation on one
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    next slide or exit. I have used a exit button in fla file with the
    following action script on (release) {fscommand ("quit");}, but no
    The PPS will exit only if I press Esc button or Alt+F4 button
    on the keyboard.
    Please help me with the action script for next button and
    exit button in fla to be used for PPS on embedding swf file.

    Are you rapidly clicking forward or back before the playhead has stopped?  I've found this can cause problems like you're describing.
    If not, taking a blind shot...  Do you have any question slides in your project?

  • Captivate 5 – using swf files as buttons.

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    Is there any action script that could solve this problem?
    any help would be much appreciated!

    Captivate's default answer to this problem is that you have to add a clickbox over the top of the animation to listen for the click and then go to next slide.
    But there is a better way, try out the Button.swf widget that comes with Captivate 5.  It's a Static Widget, which means that unlike an Interactive widget you can set its timing to be Rest of Project, meaning that it will appear on each and every slide.  You can change the button text inside the widget.
    So just by placing this button on your first slide, and then another Back button on the second slide, and setting both to time for Rest of Project you'll have forward and back buttons on all slides that work.
    You can use the preset graphics provided with the button, or set it to use your own image by adding the image into the published file and citing its name in the field provided.
    All in all this is a very handy little widget.

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    If the latter, then I guess my option, if I really want to keep the look of the button (I do), then is to just use it as an image button?

    Hello and welcome back,
    The static button coming with Captivate 5.5 has no pausing point but it should work OK, does for me anywat. How did you test? Can you insert a text caption with the system variable rdinfoCurrentFrame to see if there is indeed no jump to next slide?
    If you want the static button with a pausing point, at half its duration, you can download it from my blog:
    What I (dis)like in Captivate 5.5
    I do not understand your last question? You want only the image, not the functionalities of that button? You should be aware that only static objects can be inserted on a master slide, not interactive objects.

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    to this but can somebody help me please?
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    quiz preferences --> Settings --> Required: Answer

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    This still happens in iOS 6.1.
    Is this a known bug?
    Does any solution exist?

    To gdgmacguy your a f****** idiot for one I'm having the same problem as pennymar. And you tell me to quit whinning. You got more problems then the iOS 6 you did not answer my question nor the other 13 or whatever you replied to within a 30 min time frame. You must got nothing better to do then to harass people and to pretend you know something about apple products. Which you don't from what I've read the other advices you should have gave to other people. But you didn't you replied a question back to the people asking a question. So if your not gonna use these community forums the right way don't use them at all.

  • Jump to next slide in Powerpoint when embedded Captivate SWF

    Hi all,
    first of all, I am pretty new to the captivate forum, and searched a while without success, too many powerpoint to captivate issues but not the otherway around.
    I have included a Captivated Version 5 compiled SWF into Powerpoint and made it Full Screen. Is there anyway to create a button in captivate5 to send a command (maybe through javascript/ fscommand etc.) to exit the captivate movie and go to next slide in Powerpoint?
    As of now, all keys and mouseclicks are focussed on the swf and don't reach powerpoint.
    Any ideas?
    Best regards,

    This is a detailed tutorial for controlling PowerPOinbt from any flash app. all the code for both flash as2 and powerpoint vba is shown. lket me know if you need more info:
    http://www.slidedynamic.com/support/forum/4-flash-in-powerpoint/38-control-powerpoint-from -flash-as2#38

  • Quiz Skip Button Jump to Another Slide that is not Next slide.

    Is it possible to make the Quiz Skip button jump to another slide besides the next slide? I'm using Captivate 7.
    Basically, I want the quiz slide to exit to another slide that is not the next slide.

    Branch aware is a totally different thing: it makes the quizzing variables dynamically adapting to the questions that are taken by the trainee.
    You are talking about the Skip button, which is puzzling because that button label was changed to Next since version 6. And Branch aware only appeared in 6. Which version are you using? You are talking about shapes so it must be 6 or later.
    Another question: do you allow Review? Because in that case you'll need that Next (Skip) button. http://blog.lilybiri.com/question-question-slides-in-captivate
    You are talking about a 'custom Skip button'? Can you explain, and also what you mean by the rollover shape? If you have a custom button it should be visible on the timeline of the slide, contrary to the default objects on question slides that are embedded and have no separate timeline. Or was the question master slide edited to add a rollover shape to the default Next button?

  • Captivate 4: text button stopping project, not going to next slide.

    When testing a published captivate project...I click the text button that is set to go to the next slide prior to the slide being done (because learners will do this) and the project stops.
    I'd prefer to use the buttons (as I believe they are intended).

    Hello James,
    Can you go to the button properties and check under option-- check the Timing -- for Pause after, set it to 0.1 seconds .
    Now republish and verify that if it jumpts to your defined slide or not?

  • Submit button not taking user to the next slide...

    Hi there,
    Hopefully this is a simple one!...
    The submit button in my quiz does not take the user to the next slide, it just seems to lock and you have to click on the forward button at the bottom of the screen. Does anyone know why this is and how to fix it? I cant use a submit all button as that seems to take away the Action section from the master slide.

    Hi there,
    Swift reply as usual!
    I actually solved this one.. I just had to add "go to next slide" in the advanced action!
    I did have to copy and paste all my work into a new project though.. must have had my second bug of the week!
    Thanks anyway

  • HT1947 If you add music VIDEOS to Up Next playlist, then go to look at the album cover playing screen, then go to add another song from diff playlist, no longer can see Up Next, just go to full screen mode button. Using remote app iphone 5 to play out of

    If you add music videos to Up Next playlist, then go to look at the album cover playing screen, then go to add another song from different playlist, you no longer can see Up Next, just go to full screen mode button. Using remote app iPhone 5 to play out of iTunes. It looks like it works fine for regular music, but for music videos you can't see your up next unless you go back on the computer to change once you've left the screen. When using the remote app, you shouldn't need to go to iTunes on the PC to view or edit Up Next already added. See first image, you can hit upper right and get back to Up Next (second image). Third image is music video, where you can't get back to Up Next, just swap between full screen and not. I hoped 3.0.1 would have the answer, no luck!

    wow, very nice review Makes me want to get a vision for myself.
    WebKnight wrote:
    Add the ability to randomly select a new background from a pre selected group of photos every time the player is turned on or each day.
    I would love that feature. I can't stand useing my computer with a single wall paper anymore (I have 500 anime pics that i rotate between every 2 mins ) If you could make the vision rotate background every x minutes or every time the player is turned on, it would be totally amazeningly sweet!!!! (i might have to go out and buy one then :P)
    I just hope that creative has better firmware support with the vision than they have had with the touch.
    Once again, great review

  • I am using my Description as the caption on Slideshow.  I ticked the "Show Title Slide" button and iPhoto physically copied the description on the first slide onto the end of every other description.  I can find no way of removing them other than by hand.

    I am using my Description as the caption on Slideshow.  I ticked the "Show Title Slide" button and iPhoto physically copied the description on the first slide onto the end of every other description.  I can find no way of removing them other than by hand.  Unticking the "show title slide" did not reverse the situation back to my required state.   Any ideas why it might have happened or how it might br resolved?   Regards, Marshfrog1

    Attached is Dennis Linam’s Audition – “Log File” and “Log – Last File”
    Contact information Dennis [email protected]
    Previous contact information with your organization (DURIM):
    Dennis - i just finished my audition trial and bought the subscription the 2014 version.
    created by durin in Audition CS5.5, CS6 & CC - View the full discussion 
    DURIM - Okay.  I would expect the "Cache Warning" message because your default directories would not be the same as the ones in the settings file I generated.
    If you go back to the "7.0" directory and open the "Logs" folder, can you copy the "Audition Log.txt" file and send it as an attachment to [email protected]?  We'll take a look in that logfile and see if it gives us more information about why this is failing now.
    Also, do you have any other Adobe applications installed on this machine, such as Premiere Pro?  If so, do they launch as expected or fail as well?
    I do have the trial Pro version of Adobe reader, but I have not activated it, because I fear the same thing will happen did it. I cannot afford to activate the subscription for that product and take the chance of it not working either. I depend on those two programs religiously. Here is the files that you requested. I appreciate any help you can give me to get this audition program started
    Audition Log- file
    Ticks = 16       C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\dynamiclink\7.0\dynamiclinkmanager.exe
    Sent from Windows Mail

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