Export masters with folders

I'm having a lot of problems with exporting masters with folders (albums).
I have project like:
If I want to export that, Aperture would export only photos with out folder structure.
I chose "Project Name / Folder Name" in "folder naming presets" but he created folder only for project and not for albums.
All I want to do is select an project, export masters and have the same folder structure in finder.
What I'm doing wrong?
Is not Project->Albums right workflow ?
I have some two months projects with hounders of Albums and more than 10000 images. It would be very time consuming creating all this folders and arranging images in finder again.
I would be really glad if someone could help me with this.
thx and regards,

I also wanted to do the same for a long time, because that used to be the way I worked before using aperture, but ultimately, it doesn't really matter that much. If you export your masters with xmp sidecars, you can easily search them with any other dam software, or even find the xmp's (and hence the image) with spotlight.
I think the reason why you can't use album names while exporting is that albums are an arbitrary collection of images. You can have an album in one project containing images of another one, for example. There's also no way to avoid duplicates on export when exporting albums.
That being said, it would be possible to create an applescript to do what you want, without too much fuss.

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    It says here (http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=302943) that "by Design" Apple doesn't allow you to embed the metadata into an exported master file. Any idea why this is 'by design'? It doesn't make sense.
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    I am trying to archive copies of Masters along with their metadata and want to avoid duplicating work that is grossly inefficient.

    Well, DNG export could really be the option for
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    There's another thing that interested me _soooo_
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    JaneTsv wrote:
    By the way - Aperture creates thousand os versions for the same photo. Is there a way to delete duplicates after exporting (it gives them different names)?
    ?!? No it doesn't. Where are these thousands of Versions coming from? Are they from 'create new versions when making adjustments' which you can turn off? Are new Versions appearing when you export? This statement doesn't make sense.
    JaneTsv wrote:
    I see... Looks like apple did their best to keep people from moving from Aperture to other programs...
    Step 1. Select all Versions in the Library.
    Step 2. Export Versions using a Project Name subfolder format.
    Step 3. Export Masters using a Project Name subfolder format.
    There is no step 4. That's all there is to it.
    You end up with a Finder folder for each Project, containing both the Master files, plus Versions in whatever file format you chose.
    If you're having huge problems with lots of duplicate Masters from Aperture exporting a copy for each Version, it's still only a three step process:
    Step 1. Select all Versions in the Library.
    Step 2. File>Relocate Masters... using the Project Name subfolder format. This will move all the Masters out of the Library package and into a regular folder structure.
    Step 3. Export Versions using a Project Name subfolder format into the same top-level folder.
    Again, no step 4, you're done.

  • Export Masters To Organized File Structure

    Hello Everyone,
    I'm new to Aperture 3, in the past my photo library and folder structure has been a mish mosh of imports ranging from iPhoto to Picassa. The original photo structure of all my photos is a real mess. Of course, when I download Aperture 3, I jumped right in and imported all my photos (as referenced) then went about organizing them in Aperture.
    I have looked around and not found the answer to this, but what I would like to do is take my Aperture Organized file structure and Export all the masters to a different location in the same organized File structure. Basically I want my "New" Master file structure to match my Aperture organized folder/project structure and store the referenced files on a share. Currently they are on my MBP with limited disk space.
    I have played around with the export versions, but export Masters is grayed our when I select my entire "Projects and Albums". Any help would be much appreciated. I'm just trying to get better organized with my original Master jpeg folder structure.
    Thank you,

    scSaxon1 wrote:
    Hello Everyone,
    ... what I would like to do is take my Aperture Organized file structure and Export all the masters to a different location _in the same organized File structure_ . Basically I want my "New" Master file structure to match my Aperture organized folder/project structure .... {Emphasis added}
    (Added) First -- and this is important -- you must understand the difference between exporting an image (which creates a new file) and +relocating your Masters+ which moves your Masters to another drive location and tells Aperture where they are.
    What you want to do -- quoted above -- can't be automatically (and thus usefully) done ... and (imho and apparently the Aperture design team's HO as well) there is no need.
    Stepping into Aperture's world is bit like stepping off the solid pier onto a boat. You feel afloat. You worry about sinking. The boat won't sink.
    Aperture is based on image-management. Until Aperture and like programs matured, photographers relied on +file managers+ and, basically, advanced file browsers.
    Leave that behind. +There is no utility in having a one-to-one correspondence between your images and your digital negative files+. You literally can no not do this and use Aperture: Versions are images created on-the-fly, based on text files. They don't perdure as image format files (yes, I have been waiting a long time to use "perdure" in a sentence). Aperture lets the user manage their images (in tremendously plastic ways) and (except for backup) ignore file management completely.
    I've touched on this in a few other responses in the forum. I'll try to find links. IME, the only file-management need I have is being able to find a file without Aperture. I keep all my Masters in their own directory (no one's captures but mine). I stick to a good file-naming convention. My computer sorts these tens of thousands of images by date in less than a second. I have never not been able to find a file almost immediately (as long as I know what I'm looking for).
    If I don't know what I'm looking for -- I'll never find it using a file browser. That's what I use Aperture for.
    I realize my presumption in assuming that your needs parallel mine. If they don't, specify exactly what functionality you are looking to maintain. Aperture may not be able to do it. My hunch, however, is that you are trying to stay moored to the world of file browsing. Push off -- there's good sailing out here.
    Some additional thoughts and suggestions are [in this thread|http://discussions.apple.com/message.jspa?messageID=13294441#13294441]. And [here's a thread|http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=13115722&#13115722] with even more.
    Message was edited by: Kirby Krieger

  • Write xmp sidecar files without need to export masters - script

    I've written a script to write xmp sidecar files for referenced and online images (the 2 conditions in the script) of the selected images. I looked for a while at system events and other stuff to be able to write the xmp file, but i'm not a programmer, so in the end i chose the long and dirty way to do it.
    This script will export all iptc expanded fields as aperture does (creating basically the same file). It can be easily adjusted to include other tags, even custom ones. I don't know how to get at the adjustments for images, otherwise those could be included as well.
    If anyone has the energy to clean this up and make it faster, feel free to do so. Next, I'm going to try to write a script to do the opposite, import xmp sidecars for imported online and referenced files.
    Here it goes (thanks to Brett Gross for the database part to find the master filename):
    --script to create sidecar xmp files for referenced files without having to export masters. parts of the script (finding the file name) are by brett gross
    property p_sql : "/usr/bin/sqlite3 "
    global g_libPath
    on run
    my getLibPath()
    --counter for processed images, reset, just in case
    set mastercount to 0
    tell application "Aperture"
    if not (exists selection) then
    display dialog "You have to select at least one image" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
    display dialog "You have selected " & (count of selection) & " images." & return & "Continue?" default button 1
    end if
    set theSel to selection
    --run through the selected images
    repeat with currentpic from 1 to count of theSel
    tell item currentpic of theSel
    -- only apply to referenced and online images
    if referenced and online then
    set mastercount to mastercount + 1
    set curID to id
    --find the master file path and name - this part by brett gross, thanks
    set libPOSIX to POSIX path of g_libPath
    set libDBPOSIX to (libPOSIX & "/Aperture.aplib/Library.apdb") as string
    set theScript to p_sql & (quoted form of libDBPOSIX) & " \"select ZFILEUUID from ZRKVERSION where ZUUID='" & curID & "'\""
    set ZFILEUUID to do shell script theScript
    # ---------- Get the master's path
    set theScript to p_sql & (quoted form of libDBPOSIX) & " \"select ZIMAGEPATH from ZRKFILE where ZUUID='" & ZFILEUUID & "'\""
    set ZIMAGEPATH to do shell script theScript
    # ---------- Get the master's disk name
    set theScript to p_sql & (quoted form of libDBPOSIX) & " \"select ZFILEVOLUMEUUID from ZRKFILE where ZUUID='" & ZFILEUUID & "'\""
    set ZFILEVOLUMEUUID to do shell script theScript
    set theScript to p_sql & (quoted form of libDBPOSIX) & " \"select ZNAME from ZRKVOLUME where ZUUID='" & ZFILEVOLUMEUUID & "'\""
    set diskName to do shell script theScript
    set imgPath to (diskName & "/" & ZIMAGEPATH)
    --end brett gross part
    --strips extension, seems to work for files and paths with more than one period
    set oldlim to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
    try --remove last extension only
    set contador to text item -1 of imgPath
    set noExtension to Unicode text 1 thru -((count of contador) + 2) of imgPath
    on error --handle files with no extensions
    set noExtension to imgPath
    end try
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldlim
    --create the file and path name with the .xmp extension for writing
    set xmpPath to "/Volumes/" & noExtension & ".xmp" as Unicode text
    --convert posix path to alias for easier write and read handling
    set xmpPath to POSIX file xmpPath as file specification
    -- header for xmp file
    set xmpheader to ("<?xpacket begin='' id=''?>
    <x:xmpmeta xmlns:x='adobe:ns:meta/' x:xmptk='XMP toolkit 2.9-9, framework 1.6'>
    <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf='http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#' xmlns:iX='http://ns.adobe.com/iX/1.0/'>") & return
    -- footer for xmp file
    set xmpfooter to ("</rdf:RDF>
    <?xpacket end='w'?>") & return
    --xmp content, part 1
    --check for existence of iptc tags, create content or empty string depending on existance of tags
    if (exists IPTC tag "Contact") or (exists IPTC tag "Country/PrimaryLocationCode") then
    set xmpcontentpartone to ("<rdf:Description rdf:about='' xmlns:Iptc4xmpCore='http://iptc.org/std/Iptc4xmpCore/1.0/xmlns/'>") & return
    set CountryCode to value of IPTC tag "Country/PrimaryLocationCode"
    set xmpcontentpartone to xmpcontentpartone & tab & "<Iptc4xmpCore:CountryCode>" & CountryCode & "</Iptc4xmpCore:CountryCode>" & return
    end try
    set CreatorContactInfo to value of IPTC tag "Contact"
    set xmpcontentpartone to xmpcontentpartone & tab & "<Iptc4xmpCore:CreatorContactInfo>" & CreatorContactInfo & "</Iptc4xmpCore:CreatorContactInfo>" & return
    end try
    set xmpcontentpartone to xmpcontentpartone & ("</rdf:Description>") & return
    set xmpcontentpartone to ""
    end if
    --xmp content, part 2
    --check for existence of iptc tags, create content or empty string depending on existance of tags
    if (exists IPTC tag "Category") or (exists IPTC tag "City") or (exists IPTC tag "Country/PrimaryLocationName") or (exists IPTC tag "Credit") or (exists IPTC tag "DateCreated") or (exists IPTC tag "Headline") or (exists IPTC tag "Province/State") or (exists IPTC tag "Source") or (exists IPTC tag "SpecialInstructions") or (exists IPTC tag "SupplementalCategory") or (exists IPTC tag "Writer/Editor") then
    set xmpcontentparttwo to ("<rdf:Description rdf:about='' xmlns:photoshop='http://ns.adobe.com/photoshop/1.0/'>") & return
    set Category to value of IPTC tag "Category"
    set xmpcontentparttwo to xmpcontentparttwo & tab & "<photoshop:Category>" & Category & "</photoshop:Category>" & return
    end try
    set City to value of IPTC tag "City"
    set xmpcontentparttwo to xmpcontentparttwo & tab & "<photoshop:City>" & City & "</photoshop:City>" & return
    end try
    set Country to value of IPTC tag "Country/PrimaryLocationName"
    set xmpcontentparttwo to xmpcontentparttwo & tab & "<photoshop:Country>" & Country & "</photoshop:Country>" & return
    end try
    set Credit to value of IPTC tag "Credit"
    set xmpcontentparttwo to xmpcontentparttwo & tab & "<photoshop:Credit>" & Credit & "</photoshop:Credit>" & return
    end try
    set DateCreated to value of IPTC tag "DateCreated"
    set xmpcontentparttwo to xmpcontentparttwo & tab & "<photoshop:DateCreated>" & DateCreated & "</photoshop:DateCreated>" & return
    end try
    set Headline to value of IPTC tag "Headline"
    set xmpcontentparttwo to xmpcontentparttwo & tab & "<photoshop:Headline>" & Headline & "</photoshop:Headline>" & return
    end try
    set State to value of IPTC tag "Province/State"
    set xmpcontentparttwo to xmpcontentparttwo & tab & "<photoshop:State>" & State & "</photoshop:State>" & return
    end try
    set Source to value of IPTC tag "Source"
    set xmpcontentparttwo to xmpcontentparttwo & tab & "<photoshop:Source>" & Source & "</photoshop:Source>" & return
    end try
    set Instructions to value of IPTC tag "SpecialInstructions"
    set xmpcontentparttwo to xmpcontentparttwo & tab & "<photoshop:Instructions>" & Instructions & "</photoshop:Instructions>" & return
    end try
    set SupplementalCategory to value of IPTC tag "SupplementalCategory"
    set xmpcontentparttwo to xmpcontentparttwo & tab & "<photoshop:SupplementalCategory>" & SupplementalCategory & "</photoshop:SupplementalCategory>" & return
    end try
    set CaptionWriter to value of IPTC tag "Writer/Editor"
    set xmpcontentparttwo to xmpcontentparttwo & tab & "<photoshop:CaptionWriter>" & CaptionWriter & "</photoshop:CaptionWriter>" & return
    end try
    set xmpcontentparttwo to xmpcontentparttwo & ("</rdf:Description>") & return
    set xmpcontentparttwo to ""
    end if
    --xmp content, part 3
    --check for existence of iptc tags, create content or empty string depending on existance of tags
    if (exists IPTC tag "Byline") or (exists IPTC tag "Caption/Abstract") or (exists IPTC tag "CopyrightNotice") or (exists IPTC tag "Keywords") or (exists IPTC tag "ObjectName") then
    set xmpcontentpartthree to ("<rdf:Description rdf:about='' xmlns:dc='http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/'>") & return
    set creator to value of IPTC tag "Byline"
    set xmpcontentpartthree to xmpcontentpartthree & tab & "<dc:creator><rdf:Seq><rdf:li>" & creator & "</rdf:li></rdf:Seq></dc:creator>" & return
    end try
    set description to value of IPTC tag "Caption/Abstract"
    set xmpcontentpartthree to xmpcontentpartthree & tab & "<dc:description><rdf:Alt><rdf:li xml:lang='x-default'>" & description & "</rdf:li></rdf:Alt></dc:description>" & return
    end try
    set rights to value of IPTC tag "CopyrightNotice"
    set xmpcontentpartthree to xmpcontentpartthree & tab & "<dc:rights><rdf:Alt><rdf:li xml:lang='x-default'>" & rights & "</rdf:li></rdf:Alt></dc:rights>" & return
    end try
    --keywords, slightly different, as they need to be written as a list and not as a string
    --i don't think it's a problem if we create an empty list if there are no keywords present.
    set xmpcontentpartthree to xmpcontentpartthree & tab & "<dc:subject><rdf:Bag>" & return
    --make list item for every keyword
    repeat with n from 1 to count of keywords
    set cursubject to name of (keyword n)
    set xmpcontentpartthree to xmpcontentpartthree & tab & tab & "<rdf:li>" & cursubject & "</rdf:li>" & return
    end repeat
    end try
    set xmpcontentpartthree to xmpcontentpartthree & tab & "</rdf:Bag></dc:subject>" & return
    set title to value of IPTC tag "ObjectName"
    set xmpcontentpartthree to xmpcontentpartthree & tab & "<dc:title><rdf:Alt><rdf:li xml:lang='x-default'>" & title & "</rdf:li></rdf:Alt></dc:title>" & return
    end try
    set xmpcontentpartthree to xmpcontentpartthree & ("</rdf:Description>") & return
    set xmpcontentpartthree to ""
    end if
    --part four. aperture doesn't seem to export anything there
    set xmpcontentpartfour to "<rdf:Description rdf:about='' xmlns:photomechanic='http://ns.camerabits.com/photomechanic/1.0/'>
    </rdf:Description>" & return
    --part five. rating
    set xmpcontentpartfive to "<rdf:Description rdf:about='' xmlns:xap='http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/'>" & return
    set Rating to main rating
    set xmpcontentpartfive to xmpcontentpartfive & tab & "<xap:Rating>" & Rating & "</xap:Rating>" & return
    end try
    set xmpcontentpartfive to xmpcontentpartfive & "</rdf:Description>" & return
    --join everything
    set xmptext to xmpheader & xmpcontentpartone & xmpcontentparttwo & xmpcontentpartthree & xmpcontentpartfour & xmpcontentpartfive & xmpfooter
    --write file
    my writexmpFile(xmptext, xmpPath)
    end if
    end tell
    end repeat
    display dialog "Processed " & mastercount & " referenced and online image(s)." buttons {"OK"} default button 1
    end tell
    end run
    -- write xmp sidecar file routine
    on writexmpFile(theContents, xmpFileName)
    --tell application "Finder"
    open for access xmpFileName with write permission
    set eof of xmpFileName to 0
    write (theContents) to xmpFileName starting at eof
    close access xmpFileName
    on error
    display dialog xmpFileName
    close access xmpFileName
    end try
    end try
    --end tell
    end writexmpFile
    --this part copied from Brett Gross-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
    on getLibPath()
    tell application "System Events" to set p_libPath to value of property list item "LibraryPath" of property list file ((path to preferences as Unicode text) & "com.apple.aperture.plist")
    if ((offset of "~" in p_libPath) is not 0) then
    -- set p_posix to POSIX file p_libPath
    set p_script to "/bin/echo $HOME"
    set p_homePath to (do shell script p_script)
    set p_offset to offset of "~" in p_libPath
    set p_path to text (p_offset + 1) thru -1 of p_libPath
    set g_libPath to p_homePath & p_path
    set g_libPath to p_libPath
    end if
    end getLibPath
    --end brett gross part

    imigra wrote:
    I've written a script to write xmp sidecar files for referenced and online images (the 2 conditions in the script) of the selected images. I looked for a while at system events and other stuff to be able to write the xmp file, but i'm not a programmer, so in the end i chose the long and dirty way to do it.
    This script will export all iptc expanded fields as aperture does (creating basically the same file). It can be easily adjusted to include other tags, even custom ones.
    Excellent stuff!
    I don't know how to get at the adjustments for images, otherwise those could be included as well.
    They are stored as binary data in the Version XML files at the bottom level of the Library package. You can also have a look around in the ZRKIMAGEADJUSTMENT table, but again the actual settings for each adjustment are in binary form.
    If anyone has the energy to clean this up and make it faster, feel free to do so.
    As far as I can remember, Aperture uses the 'proper' IPTC tag names when accessing them via AppleScript, so you may be able to do a loop through all the IPTC tags for each image, rather than picking out each specific one. But that would need checking. The EXIFTools site is a good place to find out about the different ways that IPTC data can be described.
    Next, I'm going to try to write a script to do the opposite, import xmp sidecars for imported online and referenced files.
    Don't rush unless you feel like it - I've already started planning out a free (as in beer and speech) XMP importer with a GUI so that you can choose how to map the XMP CORE tags that don't exist in Aperture. You've given me an extra idea, though - if we can decide on a set of custom tags, my importer could map the XMP CORE tags to them and your exporter could export those tags.
    Thanks for the work!
    P.S. I'll check through your script tomorrow, some of the database tables changed between 1.5.6 and 2.0, so you might need to add in a version check to be really thorough.

  • Exporting masters (NEF) to desktop or external drive -

    cant open NEF files.
    Hi, I am very new to such a forum - can someone guide me here? I can open my NEF files if using my external editor, photoshop CS, however, I need to export masters to external drive or into a file on my desktop. When I have exported the master, I can see the thumbnail, but when I double click the thumbnail, or drag to the Photoshop icon in the doc, the window comes up with "Could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document" and even if I change the extension to .psd. Is it because the Photoshop CS version can't read the files?? Thanks for some advice, I usually manage to find an answer via the online user manual, but stuck here.
      Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    When you 'open a NEF' using your external editor you are in fact opening a TIF that Aperture has generated, not a NEF.
    You don't mention which Nikon camera you are using, but my guess is that it is not supported by CS. You may find you need to update to CS2/ACR (Adobe Camera Raw) in order to read your NEFs directly from Photoshop.
    Alternatively, once you have exported NEFs from Aperture, why not just re-import those files as 'Referenced' files (even from external drives) and you will then be able to use Aperture as your Raw converter and still export the TIF to CS.
    Hope this helps
    15.4" 2.33 MBP, MacMini 1.5 1GBRAM, 12" PB 1.33   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

  • Export Masters to include star ratings, places, faces, and tags?

    I have 25,000 photos at about 2.5 mb each that I have imported into Aperture. The original import file was about 60gb. The current Aperture file is about 205gb. If I export masters, I get a file that is 60gb (same aas the orignal import file. If I export versions, I get a file that is about 150gb. During import, I may have had the import adjustment preset at "quick fixes"; possibly creating a new version for all 25,000 photos.
    I tried importing orignal masters with no auto adjustments ad by setting previews at lower quality and the dimensions that match my macbook pro with about a 40% change in file size.
    All of my photos have now been adjusted, tagged, geo-tagged, and facial recognized. I do not want t lose that.
    I am trying to export the masters to an external drive with all of my star ratings, places, faces, and tags in order to import them to a smaller file.
    Once, I get all of my adjusted photos into Aperture, I do not really care about the masters.
    How do I export my master files with all of the tags? Or how do I export my versions without having to keep the bloated file of 150gb instead of 60gb? What is attached to the versions that would more than double th efile size?
    Thank you

    Once, I get all of my adjusted photos into Aperture, I do not really care about the masters.
    Don't take this the wrong way, but what you are trying to accomplish goes agains the most basic design of Aperture.  Aperture is intended to keep your masters safe and unadulterated, while giving you the opportunity to export your versions on demand.
    If I export masters, I get a file that is 60gb (same aas the orignal import file. If I export versions, I get a file that is about 150gb.
    Your versions do not take up 150 GB in the Aperture library.  They take up several K for the "recipe", and then some small thumbnails and preview images.  The only reason you see that the versions are 150 GB is because you exported them and looked at what Aperture generated at your request.
    How do I export my master files with all of the tags? Or how do I export my versions without having to keep the bloated file of 150gb instead of 60gb? What is attached to the versions that would more than double th efile size?
    Your masters are supposed to stay exactly the same as when you imported them.  However, when exporting masters, you can choose, in the Metadata selection, to "Include IPTC"; this includes some of the metadata.  I am unsure of the exact items it includes, though.  Some of the things you can do in Aperture are not supported by general metadata formats.
    As for exporting the versions, you don't get a "bloated file". Rather, you get many (25000?) files.  Depending on your export preset, it is entirely possible that each exported version is larger than its corresponding imported master.  Check the "Export Preset" selection when you export versions to see what format Aperture is making.  There is nothing "attached" to versions.  Each one is a completely independent picture file.
    I am trying to export the masters to an external drive with all of my star ratings, places, faces, and tags in order to import them to a smaller file.
    Not sure what you are getting at here.  What do you mean by "import them into a smaller file?"  Do you mean that you want to get rid of your Aperture library package (which is actually hundreds of thousands of files) and replace it with a different Aperture library which is smaller?  Again, you might want to rethink this.  It is not what Aperture is intended for -- you are giving up good, quality photos for something inferior.  Why do you want to replace your photos with something inferior?

  • Aperture 2 - cannot export masters

    I get no dialog box to select the output location for File>Export>Masters. However, I do get the dialog box for Versions or Metadata. Log out / log in does not help.
    This is a managed masters library. I have no other issues. I can verify that the masters exist by using the 'm' key on edited versions and I randomly checked the library file using package contents. The masters, RAW or JPG, exist. I realize I can drag out the master if I only want a few. However, I want to export all masters as another backup. I did this several months ago without a problem.

    I got this to work by using Automator. Create a workflow by selecting Photos in the Library and then dragging the Get Selected Images and Export Masters actions to the right-hand panel. Go to Aperture and select the photos; then run the Automator actions.
    Something is goofy with this option from the Aperture menu. The cursor blinks when the dialog box should be shown. I reloaded Aperture to no avail. In any case the above works and I will go to A3 soon.

  • Exporting masters but getting psds not raw files

    I have tried several times to export masters, but I am getting psds not the original raw file that I shot.
    Please help!

    One possiblity that I can see that results in what you experience is if you have been editing some of your raw images by exporting them to Photoshop:  it creates another file for export.
    If you later try to export one of those files that were created for editing by PS, then it will be a psd, as it's not the actual raw file you originally imported.
    Is that consistent with your situation?

  • Multiple masters with DIFFERENT sizes?

    I think this is a NO, but I have to ask.
    Is it possible to have different master pages in a single document, each with a different size?
    If not, how do I tackly my problem?
    I am making a sales matrix and it will be comprised of 3.5 inch by 7 inch pages with some 3.5 by 3.5 inch pages interspersed throughout.
    I don't want to have two InDesign files, so it would be great if I could have masters with different sizes, OR if there was a way to use the larger of the two sizes, 3.5x7 and then set my square 3.5x3.5 pages doubled up on the larger page.
    I know I can use the 'book' feature, but sometimes that is more trouble than it's worth, especially with different size pages. What do you suggest?

    why do you say easier to work the other way?
    I think this spread thing may just work.
    I normally have facing pages in all of my saddlestitched letter size docs and output via Export to PDF with trim marks on. That gives me a pdf and eachpage has trim marks.
    Doing it this way with a 3.5x3.5 document and outputting spreads, I get exactly what I want. A pdf with one 7 inch page and 4 3.5 inch pages all with trim marks at the right places.
    Before I proceed though, I want to hear why this might be a bad idea....

  • Importing and Exporting Data with a Clob datatype with HTML DB

    I would like to know what to do and what to be aware of when Importing and Exporting data with a Clob Datatype with HTML DB?

    Colin - what kind of import/export operation would that be, which pages are you referring to?

  • How to export data with column headers in sql server 2008 with bcp command?

    Hi all,
    I want know "how to export data with column headers in sql server 2008 with bcp command", I know how to import data with import and export wizard. when i
    am trying to import data with bcp command data has been copied but column names are not came.
    I am using the below query:-
    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell
    'BCP "SELECT  * FROM   [tempdb].[dbo].[VBAS_ErrorLog] " QUERYOUT "D:\Temp\SQLServer.log" -c -t , -T -S SERVER-A'

    Hi All,
    I have done as per your suggestion but here i have face the below problem, in print statment it give correct query, in EXEC ( EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @BCPCMD) it was displayed error message like below
    DECLARE @filepath
    SET @filepath
    = N'"D:\Temp\LDH_SQLErrorlog_'+CAST(YEAR(GETDATE())
    as varchar(4))
    as varchar(2)),2)
    as varchar(2)),2)+'.log" '
    Set @SQLServer
    = '''BCP "SELECT 
    * FROM   [tempdb].[dbo].[wErrorLog] " QUERYOUT '
    = '-c -t , -T -S '
    + @SQLServer + 
    = @BCPCMD1+ @filepath 
    + @BCPCMD2
    Print @BCPCMD
    -- Print out below
    * FROM   [tempdb].[dbo].[wErrorLog] " QUERYOUT "D:\Temp\LDH_SQLErrorlog_20130313.log" -c -t , -T -S servername'
      ''BCP' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    if i copy the print ourt put like below and excecute the CMD it was working fine, could you please suggest me what is the problem in above query.
    'BCP "SELECT  * FROM  
    [tempdb].[dbo].[wErrorLog] " QUERYOUT "D:\Temp\LDH_SQLErrorlog_20130313.log" -c -t , -T -S servername '
    Thanks, SAAD.

  • Invalid export DLL or export format" with Crystal Reports 2008 to Excel xls

    We are experiencing the same issue as reported in the sticky thread. I answered in that thread, but thought that I woudl open a new thread to keep track of this issue.  I can give you the responses to your questions you have requested in that thread:
    Server Operating System - MS Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition SP2
    Version of the .NET Framework - MS .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
    How did you deploy? - Installed CR 2008 SP1 runtime with msi package
    If you deployed with CRRuntime_12_0_mlb.msi - what was the date of the file and its size? CRRuntime_12_1_mlb.msi dated Sept. 16, 2008 12:55:00 PM, size: 56,717,824 bytes
    What is the file version of crpe32.dll on your server? You'll find this in the C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\win32_x86 directory - File was created 9/13/08 11:21AM, 9451KB File Version:
    How many libpng10.dll files are on your system? List all instances. - 1 instance is on the system located in C;\Program Files\Business Objects\Business Objects Enterprise 12.0\win32_x86 directory. It is dated 9/13/08 8:52:26AM 132KB version
    Any additional comments - We have tried to export to PDF and this works successfully. However, we can not export to xls or rft formats.
    CRXF_XLS.dll is 905KB 9/13/08 9:38AM Version
    CRXF_RTF.dll is 509KB 9/13/08 9:35AM Version
    We also have the CR XIR2 server runtime installed side by side on the server as we migrate from CR 2008 to CR XIR2 SP4 ( where this function does work currently).
    Please let me know if you need anything additional.
    "Invalid export DLL or export format" with Crystal Reports 2008
    Posted: Sep 27, 2008 12:36 AM       E-mail this message      Reply 
    I've included this sticky because we are seeing many posts in this forum regarding the error Invalid export DLL or export format when exporting to Excel and RTF in .NET applications using the Crystal Reports 2008 .NET SDK.
    Exporting a Crystal Report to Excel or RTF format
    .NET application using the Crystal Reports 2008 runtime (version 12.0)
    error Invalid export DLL or export format
    We've been doing some testing in-house and haven't reproduced this behavior. In order to figure this issue out we will need your help. If you are getting this error please reply to this post with the following information:
    Server Operating System
    Version of the .NET Framework
    How did you deploy?
    If you deployed with CRRuntime_12_0_mlb.msi - what was the date of the file and its size?
    What is the file version of crpe32.dll on your server? You'll find this in the C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\win32_x86 directory
    How many libpng10.dll files are on your system? List all instances.
    Any additional comments
    What We Know
    The error invalid export DLL or export format may occur when exporting to Excel and RTF formats in .NET applications utilizing the Crystal Reports 2008 runtime (v 12.0)
    Other export formats like Adobe PDF, Crystal Reports, CSV all export with no error
    Some customers have resolved this by adding C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\win32_x86 to their environment path variables
    This may have something to do with the file libpng10.dll. Both crxf_xls.dll and crxf_rtf.dll are dependent on it.
    Thanks in advance for your co-operation. We hope to figure out what is causing this issue soon.

    I am also having the same problem, except that I am not using Crystal Report 2008 runtime but the actual Crystal Report 2008 installation on Windows XP SP2 with VS Studio 2005 (VC++). MS .NET Framework 2.0.
    Cyrstal Report XIR2 was installed on the same machine but uninstalled before installing Crystal Report 2008.
    So only one instance of libpng10.dll and found in C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\win32_x86
    Crpe32.dll        3/1/2008 version
    Crxf_xls.dll       3/1/2008 version
    Crxf_rtf.dll         3/1/2008 version
    crdb_oracle.dll  3/1/2008 version
    libpng10.dll       3/1/2008 version             122880 bytes
    There is no problem for exporting to pdf, html, word, csv, Crystal Report. If I create a testing report without any data from database, the testing report can then be exported also to rtf and xls.
    Oracle is the DB for the reports.
    Adding C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\win32_x86 to the path did not resolve my problem.
    Any idea to fix this issue?
    Kin H Chan

  • Looking for a voice memo app with folders

    Looking for a voice memo app with folders
    I'm trying to find a simple voice memos app that allows me to save the voice memos in folders right on the phone, and have them backed up to my desktop when I sync. I used to use Recorder Pro by Bear-Software but it doesn't work properly anymore. It was great when it worked. Why do so many of the voice memo apps just keep your voice memos in one huge long unorganized list? I need to be able to create 10 or 15 folders within the app, and save each voice memo to a specific folder. Any voice memo apps come to mind?

    received this repsposne from the folks at Imesart:
    Dear Andrew,
    No app on iOS will let you add files to the music library. The only way to do this is to use iTunes on a computer.
    The Imesart Team

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