Exporting ALV to Excel

I have a report in ALV and my problem is that the columns in Excel are in different sequence to the report if the Export->Spreadsheet route is taken.
However, If i do it as Export->local file the columns in Excel appear in the same sequence as in report.
Can any one explain me how to get the same sequence of columns via the Export->Spreadsheet also.

instead of dat try doin dis..
After ALV is displayed..press CtrlShiftF7
ull b able 2 see the ALV in Spreadsheet n den u can save it..
Hope dis helps..

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    We have just upgraded to ECC6. When I try to export ALV to 'Excel (in MHTML format) I get a runtime error (GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED). My list has 2 quantity fields. Tracing the error in the dump, i notice there is failure when processing quantity fields when the following SAP Standard method is called.
       >173      when if_salv_bs_c_data=>reffieldtype_quan.                 
       >174 *... get iso value for quantity value                              
       >           call method cl_alv_xslt_transform=>get_isonum_from_intnum
       >176             exporting                                              
       >177               i_value    = <l_data>                                
       >178               i_unit     = <l_reference>                           
       >179               i_decimals = ls_attribute-s_dfies-decimals           
       >180             importing                                              
       >181               e_value    = l_isovalue.    
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  • Error while exporting ALV to excel?

    Hi Gurus,
    I'm stuck at a weird error.
    For a particular Z report, when I'm exporting ALV report through Menu List->Export->Spreadsheet, and then selecting "Star Office 8 Calc / OpenOffice.orf 2.0 Calc", what is happening is that, sometimes the ALV downloads, sometimes it gives a dump (INTERNAL_ERROR, i've attached the short dump) and sometimes it gives an error while opening the downloaded excel.
    This error comes in OpenOffice, but I'm also unable to open the file in MS Excel.
    I'm using  REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE for preparing fieldcatalog. Earlier the fieldcatalog was prepared manually, but still the error was coming.
    Any suggestions please?
    Bhuvan Paliwal

    Hello Bhuvan.
    it is visible in your message that error occurs at row 2 and column 6290106.
    If you check in the below link, the limit of columns is Openoffice 2.0 is 256.
    OpenOffice Calc - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    So I guess there is some problem during the export to Openoffice 2.0.
    Might be there is some delimiter problem which leads to increase in column size.
    Please check from this point of view.

  • How to export alv into excel sheet without using toolbar button

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    hole ALV should export in to excel as it is and that ALV is Heaving top of page contain also i want that shuld
    also copy please help me for that please send me the sample code for that
    Edited by: ankita khare on Nov 3, 2008 9:42 AM

    Check this:
          filename                = 'C:/test.xls'
          filetype                = 'ASC'
          write_field_separator   = 'X'
          data_tab                = t_output

  • Exporting ALV to excel(including row colors)

    Hai All,
        I have an ALV which contains column color.I wnt to export to excel including the colors .Is it possible???
    If yes, kindly let me know how to do that.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Kiran I

    try these links
    Message was edited by: arun a v

  • Export ALV to Excel and results in missing records/rows

    Hi experts,
    I'm a very beginner in ABAP programming. I've got a problem as below:
    My ALV report is able to export to .MHTML file, but few rows/records missing when export to .XLS file (using the 'Local File...' button or Ctrl + Shift + F9). And I found that missing rows actually appended to a cell of a displayed row.
    I've been searching solution for this issue quite sometimes and could not find any.
    Please kindly advise how to solve this issue.
    Thanks and regards,

    For more detail, the "Material Description" field contains some special characters as double-quote (") and comma (,)
    Please kindly advise if you experience.

  • Export ALV to excel automatically???

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    how can i save my ALV list to excel automatically on daily basis.????

    GUI_DOWNLOAD doesn't work in background use dataset. Refer below code.
    *--Local Variables
      DATA : l_erfile TYPE string.
    *--Clear file
      CLEAR : l_erfile.
      l_erfile = p_aefile.
    *--Open dataset for output mode to transfer the error log
      IF sy-subrc EQ c_ok.
        IF NOT it_erfile[] IS INITIAL.
          LOOP AT it_erfile INTO st_erfile.
            TRANSFER st_erfile TO l_erfile.
                 CLEAR : st_erfile.
    *--Error Log downloaded on given path
          MESSAGE i000 WITH text-005.
    *--Legacy Data Created Successfully
          MESSAGE i000 WITH text-004.

  • Download data from ALV to excel issue

    Hi All,
    Could you please tell me if there has any restriction on ALV grid data download to excel? I've a report contains 68 columns and about 500 rows, I want to download the data using the standard menu list->export->save to local file. but after I download them, I found the first 65 columns display in one line and the rest columns display in next line, just like ALV do not allow too many characters in one row and have to switch to new line. I can hide some columns but it's very strange that even after i hide 3 columns to fit the 500 rows download, then if the rows increase, the same problem occurs.
    I searched the forum and in the thread Re: Export ALV in EXCEL Issue Mr. Suvajit provided a solution by using menu List->export->spreadsheet, it looks very good. But I still want to know how this happen and is there a standard way to download data with more than 65 columns to local file with extension .xls so that user can open it directly?
    PS: I'm using FM REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY and the SAP version is SAP ECC6 with kernal package SAPKB70103.
    Thank you very much.
    Best Regards,
    Edited by: Jeff_liu_2010 on Mar 10, 2011 7:21 AM

    Hi Jeff,
    Please check if following analysis is helpful to you.
    When we export ALV data to excel worksheet, as sap notes say the maximum lenght allowed is 1023 charaters and the max no of columns supported is 90.
    (I never faced any issue related to no of columns as it worked fine for columns >90 too)
    Issue occured when row size of exported data gets more than 1023 character.
    Therefore the row data must not exceed 1023 character, otherwise column splits and moves to next row.
    One additional aspect generally missed is that:
    When data in any particular column changes it's length, alv header also changes its lengh (short text, medium text, long text; depending on the length of of the longest cell in the column)
    therefore even if you have total length of row less than 1023 character, there might be cases when your ALV header size exceeds this length.
    Reducing the header size (by forcing to use short text or specifying own header names) should resolve the issue.

  • Export from ALV to Excel - problem with numeric values

    hi folks,
    when exporting from alv to excel and we have negative values (and using an u.s.a. setting where . and , are different to r/3) negetive values are not shown correctly in excel.
    when changing in win nt the regional settings to europe one's (e.g. germany) everything works fine.
    any hints welcome,
    kind regards

    I guess this has something to do with the excel settings. In the control panel you have regional settings.try some options there. It might work.

  • Problem: User has problems to export ALV Grid to Excel...

    Hello experts,
    I have a very strange problem with an single user: when she tries to export ALV Grid data from SAP into Excel by List/Export/Spreadsheet, she's only able to export this to an xml-based file on her local client, every other user gets the popup to choose the spreadsheet format (XXL...).
    What I did so far:
    - Look up Excel Makro Security --> the same as on other desktops
    - SAP GUI Patch Level --> the same as on other desktops
    - Test with an different user on her desktop on SAP Report S_ALR_87012284 --> it worked perfectly
    - User parameters are the same as for the test user
    - Security regarding ALV is the same (S_GUI ACTVT = 61...)
    Has there ever been a similar problem to anyone else?
    Many thanks in advance for your feedback!

    Hi ,
    This problem looks very weired. Just try running that FM from SE37 from the same system and see that what is happening there.... if the problem is similar then it is not the problem of your report and some patch may be missing in that system.


    anyone have a alv that have over 90 columns and want to export to excel have experienced abnormal formating (like the header row show only up to 60 column and the rest show up in next row) and the data show in separate line.
    anyway can have a better format?
    also after 90 columns show up on alv, it can't show anymore except modify the layout in run time.
    can we do something before that?
    thanks & regards,

    Hi HOWARD,
    My Report ouput having more than 90 columns in ALV, while downloading data from ALV to Excel sheet am facing alignment problem. (ie) the output column > 66 are appearing in next line of the excel sheet leads to improper alignment.
    Pls give me a solution as u had already come across this issue..
    Thank & Regards,

  • ALV to Excel export - rowmarks not considered any more?

    Dear experts,
    as you know there are at least 3 different ways to export ALV-Data to MS EXCEL:
    1. Switching the ALV View to Excel Inplace
    2. Export to Excel
    3. Export to local file -> Excel (just download, no automatic opening of the file)
    The last mentioned variant was up to now the only one that just downloaded the rows that were marked in the ALV.
    The first two variants always transfer all the lines regardless which rows have been marked or not.
    This was not only the case for the ALs in our own programs but also in standard programs as i.e. SE16/data browser.
    This seems to have changed now, and nobody (here) knows due to what kind of changes this had happened.
    Now the variant 3 also doesn't care any more about the row marks.
    Unfortunetaly our customers want to be able to specify the lines/rows that are supposed to be exported to Excel.
    Does anybody know what to do in order to get that functionality back again?
    Thanks in advance

    Why not simply add an event with a button that does a selected row download...you could get the rows selected into your rows table in your event, get the corresponding rows from your internal table that drives the ALV output, put them into a download table (after a clear, in case it aready had been used by this user/session), and proceed to download that to the desktop.
    Edited by: DaveL on Aug 29, 2011 1:43 PM

  • Exporting data from ALV to Excel...

    Hi All,
      I am trying to export report to Excel with ALV Excel option on status bar, it works fine for 3 months data with 80 columns in the report. But when I run the report for one year data then report displays data fine in R/3 but when I download to Excel it's empty. The eroor is Dataset can't be processed by Excel.
    Then I tried with option Download ->Local file->spreadsheet. which doesn't save headers in it. And colums coming in two lines But user wants all columns with header if i do with this option it's not pulling headers.
      Please let me know if anybody had the same issue and came up with solution. That would be really great!
    Thank you.

    Hi Satya,
    Thanks for your reply.
    There will be around 60,000 records in the report with 80 to 100 columns. ALV report looks fine in R/3 but while downloading to Excel only it's saying ' Dataset can't be complete'. For 3,000 to 4,000 records it works fine.
            Is this because of huge data?

  • Export icons in ALV to Excel

    Hi Guys,
    I have created a report in ALV for ABAP Dynpro. I have two columns in which i am displaying icons. But
    when the user exports it to excel or PDF, these icons are not getting copied. Is there any work around,
    where i can get them downloaded or any other approach that can be used for the purpose.

    Thank you for your answer.
    The thing is that it works well if I choose the format "Excel (in MHTML format)"u2026
    The icons have a meaning: they indicate either the employee attended the course or not and either he passed  the course or not.
    So, if it can not work with icon I would like to replace them by "yes" or "no" when the export is done. Is that possible?

  • How to export an ALV to Excel with its Header and Logo?

    Hi guys,
    I need to download to excel an ALV to excel. I already know how to download the ALV part, with its propertys, fonts, colors, etc. But I don't have a clue about how to download the header and the logo.
    Any suggestion?.

    Hi Eric,
    Please check this link for sample code regarding LOGO to Excel
    How to Download ALV Output LOGO to Excel ?
    For Header to Excel check this link
    Export header of alv-oo into excel
    Hope this would help you.
    Good luck

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