Extending custom class

I made the transition to AS3 two years ago, but I still carry with me old AS2 habits. Could someone please help me understand how I extend a custom class correctly.
I have the bad habit of putting most of my code in one .as file (the Document class), but I use a few custom classes now and then. What I'm tring to figure out is how I would extend a class of this type:
public class ClipDragger {
     private var _clip:MovieClip;
     public function ClipDragger(clip:MovieClip) {
          _clip = clip;
          _clip.buttonMode = true;
          _clip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, drag);
          _clip.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, drop);
     private function drag(event:MouseEvent) {
          _clip.parent.setChildIndex(_clip, _clip.parent.numChildren - 1);
     private function drop(event:MouseEvent) {
For example I would like to add a MOUSE_MOVE listener, and also add actions to the drag function.
Could someone please guide me in the right direction?

import flash.display.MovieClip
public class ClipDraggerExtension extends ClipDragger{
private var _clip:MovieClip
public function ClipDraggerExtension(clip:MovieClip){
//add whatever.
//override whatever

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    Authoring Tool simply isn't informed about your list. Open the sealed management pack where you define the root of the list in the Authoring Tool and in the same time open TST.Incident.Library. You will have two opened MPs in the Authoring
    Tool and be able to add a custom list for your custom field.
    Site: www.scutils.com  Twitter:

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    for (var j:int = 0; j < numCols; j++)
    r = listItems
    r.move(r.x, r.y + moveBlockDistance);
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    r.move(r.x, r.y + moveBlockDistance);
    TweenMax.to(r,1,{y:r.y}); //using TweenMax Class
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    wait for the tween to finish, then click the arrow again. But if
    you scroll the thumb or click the scroll arrow before the tween
    ends, then unexpected tween issues occur.
    can see the example here. this is because the r.y value is
    being calculated in a number of places in the ListBase class-
    before the tween is finished, and moving the listItem(s) into
    unexpected y positions.
    So, to fix that issue, i wanted to extend FlexSprite so that
    in the get y method, it would check to see if an "end_y" property
    was set first, and return the end_y value instead of the y value:
    //in ModFlexSprite:
    override public function get y():Number{
    return = (end_y)? end_y : _y;
    So then i could do something like this:
    r.end_y = r.y + moveBlockDistance;
    TweenMax.to(r,1,{y:r.y, onComplete:r.remove_end_y})
    the r.remove_end_y method would remove the end_y value when
    the tween completes. This should take care of the scrolling of
    items that are already on screen.
    I haven't figured out a way to animate the ListItems that are
    added to the list (as you can see in the example in the link above,
    the ones that "appear" if you click the scroll arrow). If you have
    any suggestions i would be greatful! Thank you. -b

  • Extend a custom class

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    I need to have JAXB generated Impl class to extend a class that I have created.
    something in the line of....I will run the schema through xjc....but some of the classes will have lets...say "Message" as their parent class.

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    I am using an external binding file and have this in there.
    <jxb:globalBindings fixedAttributeAsConstantProperty="true"
         <xjc:superClass name="com.wellsfargo.mortgage.mo.cbo.Message"/>
    i do xjc -extension.......
    but nothing seems to happen.....i checked the impl classes.but nadda.
    http://java.sun.com/webservices/docs/1.1/jaxb-1.0/vendor.html..says that it complains if you dontuse -extension....but its just doesnt make any diff....
    any ideas whats going on..
    thanks again

  • Use of deployment classpath or shared-libraries to pick-up "custom" classes

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    Current Application structure:
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    The Web Module (wss) was built in JDeveloper using 2 projects, a Model and ViewController project, and uses ADFBC.
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    Exploded structure of application on application server looks something like:
    /application.xml <- specifies settings for the Application such as Web Module settings
    /app/ <- directory containing application .jspx pages protected by security
    /images/ <- directory containing application images
    /infrastructure/ <- directory containing .jspx files for login, logout and error reduced security
    /skins/ <- directory containing Skin image, CSS and other files
    /classes/ <- directory containing application runtime class files as per package sub-directories
    /lib/ <- JAR files used by application (could move some to shared-libaries?) – seems to contain alesco-model.jar
    /regions/ <- directory containing .jspx pages used for Regions within JSPX template page
    /templates/ <- directory containing template .jspx pages used for development (not really required for deployment)
    testpage.jspx <- Publicly accessible page just to test
    The application runs successfully using the above deployment structure.
    We plan to use the exploded deployment structure so that updates to pages, etc. can be applied individually rather than requiring construction and re-deployment of complete .EAR or .JAR files.
    What I’m trying to determine/establish is whether there is a mechanism to cater for a customisation of a class, where such a class would be used instead of the original class, perhaps using a classpath mechanism or shared library?
    For example, say there is a class “talent2.alesco.model.libraries.ModelUtil.class”, this would in the above structure be found under:
    Classes using the above class would import “talent2.alesco.model.libraries.ModelUtil”, so they effectively use that full-reference to the class (talent2.alesco.model.libraries as a path, either expanded or within a JAR).
    From the Oracle Containers for J2EE Developer’s Guide 10.1.3 page 3-17, it lists the following:
    Table 3–1 Configuration Options Affecting Class Visibility
    Classloader Configuration Option
    Configured shared library <code-source> in server.xml
    <import-shared-library> in server.xml
    app-name.root <import-shared-library> in orion-application.xml
    <library> jars/directories in orion-application.xml
    <ejb> JARs in orion-application.xml
    RAR file: all JARs at the root.
    RAR file: <native-library> directory paths.
    Manifest Class-Path of above JARs
    app-name.web.web-mod-name WAR file: Manifest Class-Path
    WAR file: WEB-INF/classes
    WAR file: WEB-INF/lib/ all JARs
    <classpath> jars/directories in orion-web.xml
    Manifest Class-Path of above jars.
    search-local-classes-first attribute in orion-web.xml
    Shared libraries are inherited from the app root.
    We have reasons why we prefer not to use .JAR files for these “non-standard” or “replaced” classes, so prefer an option that doesn’t involve creating a .JAR file.
    Our ideal solution would be to have such classes placed in an alternate directory that is referred to in a classpath such that IF a class exists in that location, it will be used instead of the one in the WEB-INF/classes/ directories, and if not such class is found it would then locate it in the WEB-INF/classes/ directories.
    - Can a classpath be set to look for such classes in a directory?
    - Do the classes have to replicate the original package directory structure within that directory (<dir>/talent2/alesco/model/libraries)?
    - If the class were put in such a directory, without replicating the original package directory structure, I assume the referencing “import” statements would not locate it correctly.
    - Is the classpath mechanism “clever” enough to search the package directory structure to locate the class (i.e. just points to <dir>)?
    - Or would the classpath mechanism require each individual path replicating the package structure to be added (i.e. <dir>/talent2/alesco/model/libraries/ and any other such package path)?
    If we are “forced” to resort to the use of JAR files, does a JAR file used for the purpose of overwrite/extending a sub-set of classes in the original location need to contain ALL related package classes? Or does it effectively “superset” classes it finds in all JAR files, etc. in the whole classpath? That is, it finds talent2.alesco.model.libraries.ModelUtil in the custom.jar file and happily goes on to get the remainder of talent2.alesco.model.libraries classes in the other core JAR/location. Or does it need all of them to be in the first JAR file for that package?
    Any help would be appreciated to understand how these various class visibility mechanisms could be used to achieve what is required would be appreciated.

    So, nobody's had any experience with deploying an ADF application, and providing a means for a client to place custom classes in such a way as they're used in preference to the standard application class, effectively to implement a customised class without overwriting the original "standard" class?

  • Error while extending controller: class name is wrong or not included

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    I am getting this error while I port my extended controller class to the custom top and assign this controller to the page. I have made sure its the class file that is copied. The directory is correct, the permissions were given using chmod 775. There exists a soft link betwen the custom top and the oracle top as well. What else am I missing here?
    Error: oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: Could not create Java class: (oracle.apps.ap.oie.entry.webui.XXEntryFlowPageCO) associated with region: (GeneralInformationPG). This is probably because the class name is wrong or not included in project.

    :( Started out with that Gyan. If i do give the path with xx. appended to it, it lets me save and when i log back in and there are no changes to the page. I go to the personalise option to find the modification has been overwritten. I was told that this is so because Oracle doesnt recognise the xx.path and since there exists a soft link already the standard path with the new controller name should work.
    i have really tried both of these options and am not sure what could be wrong. thanks for all your attempts to help. anything else i can try?

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    can someone help me in achieving this?
    thanks in advance

    Something like this? Don't think I'd be likely to extend Rectangle, myself, but anyway...
    public class HotSpot extends Rectangle implements MouseMotionListener
        private boolean hover = false;
        // add constructors to taste
        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
            if (this.hover != (contains(e.getX(), e.getY())
                this.hover = ! this.hover;
                if (this.hover)
                    // "mouse enter" code here
                    // "mouse exit" code here
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
    }Obviously you'd need something like this elsewhere,
    myDrawingPad.addMouseMotionListener(new HotSpot(...));

  • How to access MC's textfield created in a custom class?

    I have a custom class which creates a new MC using a library MC. The  library MC contains a dynamic textfield called productName.
    The custom class object gets created fine and is displaying on the  stage. It's also holding custom properties I set as well.
    How do I control the dynamic textfield inside the MC, which is inside  the custom class object?
    My Product.as:
    package {
         import flash.display.MovieClip;
         public class Product extends MovieClip {
             public var prodName:String;
             public var prodCategory:String;
             public var prodQuality:String;
             public function Product():void {
                 var productMC:MovieClip = new cellMC();
    My .FLA first frame:
    var myProd1:Product = new Product();
    myProd1.prodCategory = "Heaters";
    myProd1.x = 150;
    myProd1.y = 140;
    myProd1.productMC.productName.text = "ABC 123";
    I figure something like this would work, but with lots of variations, still nothing works
    I get errors telling me it can't find productMC.
    Using GetByChildName it seems I can access productMC. For example this works:
    myProd1.getChildByName("productMC").visible = false;
    But this does not work:
    myProd1.getChildByName("productMC").getChildByName("productName").text = "dgdhdhdhrgh";
    If I take the textfield out of the library MC, and create it in the class, then this works:
    myProd1.getChildByName("productName").visible = false;
    BUT this does not work:
    myProd1.getChildByName("productName").text = "sdgsgdfsg";

    Hi Otto,
    If I well understood your situation, the solution  might be quite simple.
    Since your Product class is a  MovieClip (and not a Sprite), you could solve your problem many ways  knowing that a MovieClip is a dynamic class.
    But first,  the thing is that you created your productMC object on the fly inside  your Product class.
    So either you correct it like this:
    package {
         import  flash.display.MovieClip;
         public class  Product extends MovieClip {
             public var  prodName:String;
             public var prodCategory:String;
              public var prodQuality:String;
             public var productMC:MovieClip; // *****
             public function  Product():void {
                 productMC = new  cellMC(); // *********
    Or use this cheap trick (a MovieClip is a dynamic class):
    package {
         import  flash.display.MovieClip;
         public class  Product extends MovieClip {
             public var  prodName:String;
             public var prodCategory:String;
              public var prodQuality:String;
             public function  Product():void {
                 var productMC:MovieClip = new  cellMC();
                 this.productMC = productMC; // **************
    Although it is possible that, for this one, you need to reforce the dynamic property:
    package {
         import  flash.display.MovieClip;
         dynamic public class  Product extends MovieClip {
    I am not sure, but anyway, you will see for yourself.
    Plus, you try to change text to a MovieClip object? Either there is already a TextField in you cellMC object and you are not targeting it, or productMC should be instanciated as a TextField and not a MovieClip. I think you know the answer to that.
    Design Cyboïde
    Designer web Montreal

  • Putting Loader in a custom class: events, returning to main ... asynch challenges

    I'm creating a custom class to retrieve some data using URLoader.
    My code is below, doing this from memory, plz ignore any minor typos.
    The challenge I'm encountering: when my custom class calls the loader, the event handler takes over.  At which point the context of my code leaves the function and it's not clear to me how I then return the data retrieved by the loader.  I sense that I'm breaking the rules of how ActionScript really runs by putting a loader in a separate class; at least, that's my primitive understanding based upon the reading I've done on this.
    So can I do this?  I am trying to create a clean separation of concerns in my program so that my main program doesn't get clogged up with code concerned with retrieving remote data.
    Main program;
    import bethesda.myLoader;
    var ldr:myLoader = new myLoader;
    var data:String = myLoader.getData("someurl");
    My custom class:
    package bethesda {
         public class myLoader {
              function myLoader(url:String):String {
                   var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
                   var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
                   loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
         function completeHandler(event:Event):void {
              var ld:URLLoader = new URLLoader(event.target);
              data = loader.load(); // here's where I don't know what to do to get the data back to my main program

    I think you are on the right track in abstracting loading from other code.
    Your class may be like that:
         import flash.events.Event;
         import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
         import flash.net.URLLoader;
         import flash.net.URLRequest;
         public class myLoader extends EventDispatcher
              // declare varaibles in the header
              private var loader:URLLoader;
              private var url:String;
              public function myLoader(url:String)
                  this.url = url;
              public function load():void {
                  var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
                  var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
                  loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
              private function completeHandler(e:Event):void
                  dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));
              public function get data():*{
                  return loader.data;
    Although, perhaps the best thing to do would be to make this class extend URLLoader. With the example above you can use the class as following:
    import bethesda.myLoader;
    import flash.events.Event;
    var ldr:myLoader = new myLoader("someurl");
    ldr.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadComplete);
    function onLoadComplete(e:Event):void {
         var data:String = ldr.data;

  • Not able to pass values to variables in extended Tree class

    I have a as class that extends from Tree, additionally this
    custom class defines
    new class level variables as follows:
    public class MyTree extends Tree {
    public var arrayColl:ArrayCollection;
    and i call this tree from mxml as follows:
    Though my 'list' collections is not null, when i place an
    alert in the constructor of extended tree class
    it shows as null.
    Please advice.

    below is the canvas:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="
    import mx.collections.IViewCursor;
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    import com.citi.ascript.TreeData;
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    import com.citi.ascript.CitiTree;
    public var availableTreeDataColl:ArrayCollection;
    public var selectedTreeDataColl:ArrayCollection;
    public var treeData:TreeData;
    public var srcTree:CitiTree;
    public var availableTreeDataArray:Array = [{a:1},
    public function formTreeData():void {
    var tempColl:ArrayCollection = new
    availableTreeDataColl = new ArrayCollection();
    for (var i:int=0; i<tempColl.length; i++) {
    var tempTreeData:Object = tempColl
    treeData = new TreeData();
    treeData.a = tempTreeData.a;
    treeData.b = tempTreeData.b;
    treeData.c = tempTreeData.c;
    <mx:Label text="Drag &amp; Drop the analysis sections
    that you would like to include in the report" width="450"
    <mx:HBox id="treeContainer"
    <customTree:MyTree treeList={availableTreeDataColl} //
    here collection becomes null.
    The collection of TreeData is iterated in the customTree to
    form xml which will act as dataprovider for tree.
    and this canvas is added as a child for a panel in my main
    Hope this gives an idea.

  • Attached files to custom class don't show in console

    Hello, everyone,
    I've created a custom class that inherits from Service Requests.  The class basically includes a custom form and the properties associated with it.
    The request offering that references this class has a couple file attachment prompts.  They are optional.  When a new request is created from the portal and the user attaches a document, it does not show up in the "related items" tab
    of the request.  If the user attaches a file AFTER the request has been created, the file attaches just fine.  File attachments from standard service requests work just fine.
    Anyone have any idea why that is?

    I noticed something interesting in relation to this.  I'm not sure if it matters or not, so I'm including it here.
    The base SR has been extended with some additional classes/form customizations for my analysts to use.  If I look in the management pack for it, in the type projections I see this:
    <Component Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='Alias_2e98cc55_9f36_445f_bddf_2d1f61da0b71!System.WorkItemRelatesToWorkItem' SeedRole='Target']$" Alias="RelatedWorkItemSource">
                <Component Path="$Context/Path[Relationship='Alias_2e98cc55_9f36_445f_bddf_2d1f61da0b71!System.WorkItemAssignedToUser']$" Alias="RelatedWorkItemAssignedTo" />
    The alias is this:
    <Reference Alias="Alias_2e98cc55_9f36_445f_bddf_2d1f61da0b71">
    These same reference aliases are present in the inherited management pack as well, the one I'm having problems with.  
    Again, I don't know if that's relevant or not, but I thought it might be, so I included it.

  • Sqlite, moving sqlstatements to a custom class

    I'm working on a FB AIR app.
    I have a main.mxml file with a source to a main.as file.
    My main.as file is getting very bloated with sqlstatements. I want to move these to a custom class, but I don't know how to proceed.
    I found an example of a package on this page: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/data/SQLConnectio n.html#begin()
    about a 3rd of the way down.
    The example above is exactly what I want to do, but I don't know how to adapt this for use in my main.as file beyond importing the class and instantiating it. How do I assign my values to the class file? How do I use the class to load up the dataProvider, etc...
    Also, in the example above the class extends Sprite. This sounds like it's meant for a Flash application. Would I still extend Sprite in Flex 4? I have done a couple of simple events, passing data back to the main app with the Flash.Events.Event, so the use of Sprite causes some confusion.
    In a previous post, Amy suggested using Robotlegs. I think I need to get a handle on using Flex before I explore other architectures. I'm just not that sophisticated yet.

    ok, a quick example
    make a new package called utilities and then a new actionscript class called DatabaseManager
    package utilities
         import flash.data.SQLConnection;
         import flash.data.SQLResult;
         import flash.data.SQLStatement;
         import flash.filesystem.File;
         import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
         public class DatabaseManager
              private var sqlConnection:SQLConnection;
              private var stm:SQLStatement;
              public function DatabaseManager()
                   //connect to database
                   sqlConnection = new SQLConnection();
                   //create tables if not exist
                   stm = new SQLStatement();
                   stm.sqlConnection = sqlConnection;
                   stm.text = "create your table here";
                   //create more tables
              public function getThings():ArrayCollection
                   stm = new SQLStatement();
                   stm.sqlConnection = sqlConnection;
                   stm.text = "your query";
              public function addStuff(stuff:Object):int
    then in your main file you need to import
    import utilities.DatabaseManager;
    instantiate the class, this connects and creates tables
    private var myDB:DatabaseManager = new DatabaseManager();
    then to use it
    var listFromDatabase:ArrayCollection = myDB.getThings();
    insertid = myDB.addStuff(thingToAdd);
    hope that gives you an idea 

  • Importing a Custom Class

    Hi everyone...
    I'm working on one final part of a Flash piece that's ended being quite a bear for me. So looking forward to wrapping it up! I'm a big-time newbie. This has been an amazing learning experience but boy it has made my brain hurt!
    The final issue I'm having invloves importing a custom class that calls a custom application. It's a class/application that I downloaded and am trying to apply to my project. It is an application that adds transform handles around targeted objects.
    I'm importing the class as I think I am supposed to but it doesn't work. There aren't any erros but it simply doesn't work.
    Here's how I'm doing it...
    My .FLA, FloorPlan.FLA, is located in my root folder along with the class file, ApplicationMain.as.
    ApplicationMain.as has an import that imports the application called TransformTool.as. TransformTool.as is located in the root as well.
    So in scenen 1 on frame 1 of FloorPlan.FLA I have an import written like so...
    import ApplicationMain;
    In the file ApplicationMain.as I have an import to grab the file TransformTool.as that is written like so...
    package  {
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.geom.Rectangle;
        import flash.events.MouseEvent;
        import TransformTool;
        public class ApplicationMain extends MovieClip
            private var _transformTool;
            public function ApplicationMain ()
                _transformTool = new TransformTool();           
                _transformTool.mode = TransformTool.ROTATE;
                _transformTool.iconScale = new HandleHintScale();         
                _transformTool.iconRotate = new HandleHintRotate();
                // _transformTool.boundaries = new Rectangle(50, 50, 475, 260);
            // register targets //   
                _transformTool.targets = [content_MC.e1, content_MC.e2, content_MC.e3, content_MC.e4, content_MC.f1, content_MC.f2, content_MC.f3, content_MC.f4, content_MC.f5, content_MC.f6, content_MC.f7, content_MC.f8];
                _transformTool.activeTarget = content_MC.f8;
            // register radio buttons //   
                  // radio1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeToolMode);
              //  radio2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeToolMode);             
            private function changeToolMode(evt:MouseEvent):void
                _transformTool.mode = evt.currentTarget.label.toLowerCase();
    Everything but this class/application is working just fine. It doesn't cause any erros and make other items not function. It simply isn't working. And I had it working at the very beginning of the project so I know its not the class/application files causing the problem; other than possible path issues.
    I'm stumped, yet again! 
    Thanks in advance for your help!

    HandleHintScale and HandleHintRotate are movie clips in the library of the .fla

  • How to Extend Java class in UI Module

    Hi All,
    I am trying to make z for one of the java file GenericSearchDynamicContent.java in the standard package com.sap.wec.app.common.module.catalog.ui.utils. Can anyone please let me know what are steps do i need to follow to extend the same java file in our customer namespace and make use of it.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Rahul,
    It's upto you whether you want to keep seprate packages for custom changes (then create your own package and keep all the Z class under this) or create a Z_GenericSearchDynamicContent.java and extend this class by GenericSearchDynamicContent.java.
    After doing this you can make your custom changes accordingly and you have to also make the changes in *config.xml (replace this entry GenericSearchDynamicContent by Z_GenericSearchDynamicContent.java.) files as mapping is done there.
    Could you please let me know if you need any further information.

  • Creating event dispatching in custom class

    I have been trying to create an event dispatcher in a custom
    data transfer object class. It's a simple class and I don't know
    how to make it dispatch an event. I tried extending the
    EventDispatcher class but that doesn't appear to work either. Any
    help would be greatly appreciated.

    I have attached the code for the application and the custom
    class. This should work from what I have read, but I can not get
    the application to catch the event.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="
    creationComplete="initThis()" layout="absolute">
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    private var _tester:TestClass = new TestClass();
    private function initThis():void{
    addEventListener(TestClass.TEST_ACTION, onTestHandler);
    private function onTestHandler(event:Event):void{
    Alert.show("Event Dispatched");
    <mx:Button x="312" y="150" label="Button"
    import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
    import flash.events.Event;
    public class TestClass extends EventDispatcher
    public static const TEST_ACTION:String = "test";
    public function testEvents():void{
    dispatchEvent(new Event(TestClass.TEST_ACTION));

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