External Hard Drive Formats Itself?

System: Mac Mini 1.83 GHz Intel Core Duo, OS X 10.6.8
This machine is my home file server. One external drive, LaCie case with Seagate HD, appers to have spontaneously reformatted itself. I worked on the computer via screen sharing, started a file download to a drive named Media_03. Came back to the machine a half hour later, and Media_03 wasn't mounted. Opened disk utility to see what had happened, and found this:
The drive that had been Media_03, formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and containing 1.6 TB of files, was now disk8s1, empty and formatted as FAT32. No one else had been on the computer. No one else had even had access to the computer. In 30+ years of working with computers, I've never seen anything like this.
Anyone have any idea what might have happened here?

Hello Jennsy:
Welcome to Apple discussions.
Try this:
Turn your external disk off. Trash a preference file (com.apple.timemachine.plist) and restart. Turn the external disk on. If the external disk is not recognized as a TM disk, go to system preference>time machine>select disk.
P.S. I do not have a WD disk, but I have read other posts in these forums about people that have had problems with them (FWIW).

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    I'm having a difficult time following, I understand English isn't your native language. You may have good luck with Google Translate.
    Also please read Pondini's Time Machine FAQs & Time Machine Troubleshooting.

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    I see. Then, assuming the devices don't try to pull more than 5W of power after they are mounted, I don't think you are experiencing the same issue as me.
    Do you have a flash drive (better if USB 2.0)? In general these drives have less complex drivers and if they show the same behavior than it is very likely that you have a problem with your USB ports rather than your OS.
    For the OS part, the following comes to mind:
    1- Turn off your computer. Plug the charger off. Wait for 10 seconds. Turn it on again and try again.
    2- Create another user account, log in with that account and try.
    3- Restart the computer. Open Console.app. Try to mount your USB device. After it gets unmounted automatically, copy and paste the last 10 entries in Console.app
    4- Reinstall the OS. It might be the case that one of your OS/kernel filels are corrupted. In any case, make sure that you back up your computer before trying this. Normally it should not overwrite any of your files, however just in case.
    5- Reinstall the OS after a format. This is clean swipe and the latest choice.
    On the hardware side (less likely since you mention that this started happening after the OS update), if you are still under warranty, I would suggest you to take your computer to apple and show them the same problem. They should be able to debug it better than probably anyone. If there is a hardware defect not caused by user, they almost always change your hardware. Again, before taking your laptop to apple make sure that you backed your computer and you have a genius appointment.
    Let me know if you are stuck at any point.

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    Format the extra HDD to EXFAT as previously indicated.  There are two ways that can use to transferr the data. 
    1.  Connect both drives to the PC and the copy the files to the newly formatted (EXFAT) drive from the HDD with the data .  Then connect the EXFAT drive to the MBP and transfer the data to same.
    2.  Connect both drives to the MBP and open DISK UTILITY>RESTORE.  Drag the drive with the data on it to the 'Source' field.  Drag the EXFAT drive to the 'Destination' field.  Click on the 'Restore' butt is on.  After the transfer has been completed, close DISK UTILITY and place the data on the MBP where you want it.

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    You will have to format the Seagate external HDD to a format common to both Mac and PC such as ExFAT.  That should allow you to transfer files from the old HDD and still allow you to use with your MBA.

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    File system formatter failed.
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    The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer
    "Initialize..."  "Ignore"  "Eject"
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    Try this:
    Drive Preparation
    1.  Open Disk Utility in your Utilities folder. 
    2. After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    3. Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID then click on the OK button. Click on the Partition button and wait until the process has completed.
    4. Select the volume you just created (this is the sub-entry under the drive entry) from the left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    5. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Options button, check the button for Zero Data and click on OK to return to the Erase window.
    6. Click on the Erase button. The format process can take up to several hours depending upon the drive size.

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    What is the difference between fat 32 and exfat?
    A user posted some good info about formatting. More specifically .Drives, partitions, formatting w/Mac's + PC's
    If I do not want to use fat32 or exfat is there a format type that works great for mac saving that I can still at least save files to that were originally on a windows computer? Such as I copy his files from his external drive to my computer and then save them to my external drive.
    Is there a better format for file sharing between mac and windows that does not set a 4GB limit?
    And a silly question, Can you dual format a hard drive?
    Note: This format is for an external hard drive.

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    I really do still need this information and I need to back up my drive before I can take the computer in for service.

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    1. No need to format, that format will work on your pc and your Mac.
    2. Back in Disk Utility, click on the drive in the left panel and there are tabs at the top part of the window the first being First Aid (where you saw Verify Disk). You can go to the tab labeled Erase to format and Partition to partition and name.
    Hope this helps -GDF

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    So how do i change it so that both Mac and windows recognize it, and so I can use Time Machine to back up onto it?
    Thanks for the help

    So how do i change it so that both Mac and windows recognize it, and so I can use Time Machine to back up onto it?
    You need to partition the drive into Mac OS Extended and FAT32 or NTFS partitions, or install a tool such as MacDrive or HFSExplorer into Windows. Time Machine will only back up to a Mac OS Extended disk.

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    Is there any other format I could try that work for both or any other ways?
    I'm using the SeaGate Goflex desk adapter USB 1.5TB and LG TV (not too sure what model).

    Check the TV's documentation. If you find that it requires NTFS, install software such as Paragon NTFS on the Mac.

  • External Hard Drive Formatted For Mac

    Can some one please point to a link to an external hard drive that comes formatted for Mac out of the box? My 90 year old mother-in-law needs a time machine backup and would freak out if I tried to guide her through Disk Utility to reformat the external drive she just bought from Radio Shack. So an out-of-the-box plug-n-play drive would work best for her.
    Does anyone know of any? I know LaCie is/was Mac focused, but I need to have a drive that is ABSOLUTELY Mac plug-n-play when it gets delivered to her house.

    Do you Skype with her? Seems like you could just do a Skype call and share her screen so you can literally tell her to click this, click that. I've done exactly this with my mother across the Atlantic to solve a different problem. If she's capable of plugging the new drive into the Mac (which it sounds like you intend her to do anyway), I'd have to believe she'll be able to follow your instructions if you can tell her which options to click. Formatting a drive is relatively few clicks. And, I think this wouldn't be any harder than figuring out how to setup Time Machine...
    https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA10022/how-do-i-share-my-screen-in-skype-for-m ac-os-x

  • External hard drive formatted for a PC

    In order to format my external hard drive to my imac, do I need to first copy all the files to the imac, and erase and reformat the hard drive. I just wanna make sure I'm doing this correctly, it scares me anytime I erase a hard drive. This is 4 years of wedding photo's that I can not afford to loose, but currently I can't put any further information on the hard drive, only remove it. Thank you in advance for any of your help.

    NTFS can be read by Mac OS X if you install Macfuse or NTFS-Mac. Such hard drives though should not be used for booting, or backing up applications, or any non-platform agnostic files. You are limited to platform agnostic files as well with FAT32 too. MacDrive lets you format your hard drive for Macs while still use them on PCs.
    Message was edited by: a brody

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    Many thanks,

    Should have added that you should check the size of your HD. OS9 won't recognise anything beyond about 190GB.

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