ExternalInterface with multiple swfs on page

I need to have several swfs on one html page, all using
ExternalInterface to communicate with js.
Some of the swfs might be exactly the same swf, but I need to
know which one on the page was calling the javascript function.
Is there any easy way to do it?
The thing I come up with is to give every swf an id in the
pages onload function (Like in the attached code).
But maybe there is an easier way. Can I get the id of the
object tag in the html dom from flash directly?

Make a button for each videos and with every button go to Button and Form panel
1- Action:apply video action.
2- Video: select video to play.
3- Option: select Play for this vedio.
4. Add another Action: Video.
5- Video: select video to stop
3- Option: select Stop for this vedio.
For the other videos repeat these steps

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    Believe it or not this is quite simple (well maybe not so simple ), all you have to do is create an xml playlist and ... (sorry! just having one of my funny days), seriously here are the links to the tutorials, if you get stuck, let me know as I have done this for both types of server a number of times.
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    I'd suggest you get the second .swf working BY ITSELF on a separate, new, blank page before worrying about how to get two working on one page. Your problem may have nothing at all to do with the fact that there are two .swfs on the page.
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    Best wishes,

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    This works for me...
    Open first image in Preview View > Sidebar. Drag the other images into Sidebar, then select all.
    From File menu > print selected images. Choose PDF > Save as PDF

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