Extract number from long string

I have this ugly string in a column of type VARCHAR2. 34382-
Is there a way to parse this string into a number (remove all letters and punctuation) when selecting from the db? Thanks for any suggestions

I wasn't sure if I got your requirements right so I wrote a statement with several solutions, in any case if you're using Version 10g or higher, regular expressions are your friends:
WITH t as (SELECT '34382-' col1
             FROM dual
SELECT t.col1
    -- solution 1: only the first number
     , REGEXP_SUBSTR(t.col1, '^\d+') solution_1
    -- solution 2: all numbers (without the IP/Mac-Address)
     , REGEXP_REPLACE(t.col1, '((^\d+)-|(-\d+))|.','\2\3') solution_2
    -- solution 3: all digits
     , REGEXP_REPLACE(t.col1, '\D') solution_3
  FROM t
COL1                                                        SOLUTION_1                     SOLUTION_2                     SOLUTION_3                                   
34382- 34382                          34382-38065-1279731239826      343821722812921288632515380651279731239826    C.

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    you can do this in the Results section with a computed column using the native string functions.  to break it down i have split it up a bit.
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         Instr ( strval, '$', 1, 1 )
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         = strval
    start position
         = Instr ( strval, '$', 1, 1 ) + 1
    number of characters - location of decimal minus the start position plus 3 to get the cents
         = Instr ( strval, '.', Instr ( strval, '$', 1, 1 ), 1 ) - Instr ( strval, '$', 1, 1 )  + 3
    put all together
    Substr( strval, Instr ( strval, '$', 1, 1 ) + 1,  Instr ( strval, '.', Instr ( strval, '$', 1, 1 ), 1 ) - Instr ( strval, '$', 1, 1 )  + 3 ) * 1
    the multiply by 1 converts the string to number

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    Or, with less writing, using Perl syntax \D (non-digit):
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    The way that I'd deal with this is by creating formula fields for each value that you want to extract.  In the sample below, I'm assuming your string looks something like this:
    RuntimeMinutes OldValue=123 NewValue=234 DbReads OldValue=12345 NewValue=34567
    The formula for {@Runtime Minutes Old Value} would then look like (basic syntax):
    dim pos as number
    ' Find where RuntimeMunutes old and new values start:
    pos = InStr({really long string}, "RuntimeMinutes")
    ' Find first OldValue after RuntimeMinutes:
    pos = InStr(pos + 14, {really long string}, "OldValue")  ' 14 = Len("RuntimeMinutes")
    ' Pull out the value:
    formula = val(mid({really long string}, pos + 9,
                        Instr(pos + 9, {really long string}, " ") - pos - 9)) ' 9=Len("OldValue=")
    And do the same for all of the other values you need. 

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    this may jus help you to get started... pls debug for error possible. You can have better solution.
    (and you got to figure out yourself of how it works as I was jus simply wire them up unitl it works )
    Ian F
    Since LabVIEW 5.1... 7.1.1... 2009, 2010
    consecutive_check_example.vi ‏51 KB

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    this seems to work:
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         String result = "";
         char c[] = s.toCharArray();
         int j = c.length-1;
         if (!Character.isDigit(c[j])) {
              return 0;
         do {
         } while (j > 0 && Character.isDigit(c[j]));
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    It does not work if you have a string like 3343S##@1~!234
    OP, you can try this:
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    SQL> with t as(
      2      select '38A' c1 from dual union all
      3      select '5600B' from dual union all
      4      select '5Bas@#$%1SDf3ff`~7' from dual union all
      5      select '3343S##@1~!234' from dual union all
      6      select '23-A+9' from dual )
      7  --
      8  select c1,regexp_replace(c1,'[^[:digit:]]') only_num  from t;
    C1                 ONLY_NUM
    38A                38
    5600B              5600
    5Bas@#$%1SDf3ff`~7 5137
    3343S##@1~!234     33431234
    23-A+9             239

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    cheers in advance

    If you're using 10g, you probably want to do something with regular expressions:
    SQL> with strings as (
      2    select
      3              'my website can be found at www.mywebsite.com, and it is great' str
      4    from
      5              dual
      6    union all
      7    select
      8              'my website can be found at WWW.myWebSite.com, and it is great'
      9    from
    10              dual
    11    union all
    12    select
    13              'our web address is www.mywebsite.co.uk' str
    14    from
    15              dual
    16    union all
    17    select
    18              'http://www.mywebsite.com/great'
    19    from
    20              dual)
    21  select
    22            s.str
    23          , regexp_substr(s.str, 'www\.[a-z0-9-\.?]*', 1, 1, 'i')  extr
    24  from
    25            strings s
    26  /
    STR                                                           EXTR
    my website can be found at www.mywebsite.com, and it is great www.mywebsite.com
    my website can be found at WWW.myWebSite.com, and it is great WWW.myWebSite.com
    our web address is www.mywebsite.co.uk                        www.mywebsite.co.uk
    http://www.mywebsite.com/great                                www.mywebsite.comYou'd be better asking this kind of thing on the PL/SQL (and definitely better asking someone other than me anything further about regular expressions!)

  • Extract words from a string

    select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE    Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - ProductionI want to extract xyz_xyz,abc_abc words from the string ' select * from TEMP_TABLE where trunc(xyz_xyz) = ''xyz'' and trunc(abc_abc) = ''abc'') '
    i have tried with this query...
    select regexp_substr('select * from TEMP_TABLE where trunc(xyz_xyz) = ''xyz'' and trunc(abc_abc) = ''abc'')', 'trunc[^'''']+''') from dual
    can some one help me on this?

    Hi, Mike,
    Mike wrote:
    I apologize for this..
    create table TEMP_TABLE ( col1 varchar2(10),col2 varchar2(10));
    insert into TEMP_TABLE values('   xyz   ','abc      ');
    insert into TEMP_TABLE values('   xyzxyz ','abcabc    ');
    insert into TEMP_TABLE values('   xyz123 ','abc546  ');
    insert into TEMP_TABLE values('xyz','abc');
    select * from TEMP_TABLE where trim(col1) ='xyz' and trim(col2) ='abc'
    desired output
    So the correct output is one row, containing these 9 characters
    col1,col2which do not appear in the table. is that right?
    How is that output related to the data that is in the table? Do you want that output to appear if there are any rows where TRIM (col1) = 'xyz' and TRIM (col2) = 'abc' (for example, either of these two rows from you sample data:
    insert into TEMP_TABLE values('   xyz   ','abc      ');
    insert into TEMP_TABLE values('xyz','abc');), and would you want the result set to contain no rows if the table contained no row like that?
    If so,
         'col1,col2'     AS desired_output
    FROM     temp_table
    WHERE     TRIM (col1)     = 'xyz'
    AND     TRIM (col2)     = 'abc'
    ;I hope this answers your question.
    I have a feeling that it doesn't, or perhaps you have more than one question, since this your earlier messages seemed to have something to do with locating text that was surrounded by single-quotes, and the sample data you posted doesn't contain any single-quotes.

  • How to find number from text string??

    Hi All,
    Can you tell me how to find/ fetch number from string?
    is there any function module  for this.?
    for example , I have string like "+++++1000000589+++"
    and I need to fetch the invoice no 1000000589 from the above string..then  How to do that? Letters may come first or number may come first and latter text...

    You can do like this.
    The below mentioned is code separate material
        DO 18 TIMES.
          LV_C = LV_C + 1.
          LV_C1 = LV_C - 1.
          IF  GW_MATNR-MATNR+LV_C1(1) CN '0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9' .
            IF ( ( LV_MAT EQ SPACE ) ) ."  and ( lv_prefix eq space ) ) .
              LV_PREFIX = 'X'.
              LV_SUFFIX = 'X'.
          ELSEIF ( ( LV_SUFFIX EQ SPACE ) ) .
            LV_MAT = 'X'.
          ELSEIF ( ( LV_MAT EQ 'X' ) ) .

  • Extract Number from string

    I need to extract the number, if it exists, from an alphanumeric text string.  I am told that the first two characters will be alpha and the remaining character(s) will be numeric, if the numeric exists at all.
    I know this is a simple formula, but I can't quite get it.

    Are the two alpha and remaining numeric characters always in the same position within the string?
    Are the two alpha characters always going to be the same?
    Is the length of the numeric value following the two alpha characters always going to be the same?
    The more no answers you have to the above the tougher it will be!
    Get back with the above answers and possibly copy and paste some examples of the ENTIRE strings from which you will be extracting the values and let us know which are the values you'll be pulling from within the larger string.
    "I need to extract the number, if it exists, from an alphanumeric text string. I am told that the first two characters will be alpha and the remaining character(s) will be numeric, if the numeric exists at all.
    I know this is a simple formula, but I can't quite get it."

  • Compare and extract number from string

    Hi, all
    If I want to compare a requirement number and extract a number form a continuous data, . for example,
    the string like this ( ******** 123 ******
                                   *********456 ******
    and I have requiremnts that I need to extract the number is nearest greater 450, so in the above example, I need to pick 456.
    How can I result it?

    Just extract all numbers into an array, then find the element with the smallest absolute difference. See attached (LabVIEW 7.0).
    EDIT: Sorry, If by "Nearest greater" you mean the next higher number, you can use something like in my example II. (Also LabVIEW 7.0).
    If you don't recognize an node, just right-click on it and select help.
    You still need to add proper execption handling, e.g.:
    What if no element is greater?
    What if there are multiple solutions?
    What if the string does not contain any numbers?
    Message Edited by altenbach on 10-13-2005 09:05 AM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    FindClosest.vi ‏29 KB
    FindClosestII.vi ‏30 KB

  • Help: how to extract digits from a string?

    I am trying to make a formatted phone number report. The field is VARCHAR2(20). There might be some sort of irregularities. What I need to do are in two steps:
    1. extract all digits in order;
    2. format the output as (xxx) xxx-xxxx
    Any suggestions?
    Thank you in advance.

    This might be of some use to clean up the phone numbers.
    drop   table phone_numbers;
    create table phone_numbers
    (phone      varchar2(20));
    insert into phone_numbers(phone) values ('(111)-555-1212');
    insert into phone_numbers(phone) values (' 111 555 1212');
    insert into phone_numbers(phone) values ('#555-1212');
    insert into phone_numbers(phone) values ('Bob @ 555-1212');
    select phone, translate(phone,'0123456789()-.@#* ','0123456789') edited_phone
    from   phone_numbers;
    PHONE                EDITED_PHONE
    (111)-555-1212       1115551212
    111 555 1212        1115551212
    #555-1212            5551212
    Bob @ 555-1212       Bob5551212You can see by the last example that the search string in the translate function should contain every character you can type on a keyboard.

  • How to extract substring from a string based on the condition ??

    I'm having a very large string which as below
    similarly FTX+AAA as above and it goes on
    i tokenized each segment with delimiter as ' and able to read each segment.
    Now i want to concatenate the FTX+AAA in a single segment if more than one FTX+AAA with IMMEDIATE below
    The output is as follows
    similarly FTX+AAA should be concatenated if it has similar FTX+AAA IMMEDIATE below.
    The FTX+AAA segments can come any number of times immediate below
    Please help me how we can do this??? Can anyone help me with the code snippet to do this?

    Encephalopathic wrote:
    You've posted > 300 times here and you still don't respect the rule regarding notification of all cross-posts? [http://www.java-forums.org/advanced-java/30061-how-extract-substring-string-based-condition.html]
    Do you think this this will help convince others to help you?See also [http://www.coderanch.com/t/500088/java/java/extract-substring-string-based-condition|http://www.coderanch.com/t/500088/java/java/extract-substring-string-based-condition].

  • How can i parse the number from the string each time automatic ?

    I have this two lines:
    last_file = fi[fi.Length - 1].FullName;
    string lastFileNumber = last_file.Substring(86, 6);
    In last_file i have: C:\\Users\\chocolade1972\\AppData\\Local\\mws\\My Weather Station\\radar_temp_directory\\radar000142.gif
    So i counted and found that the number in this case 000124 is starting from index 86 and length 6
    But for example on my brother pc the directory is shorter the name is not chocolade1972 so the index is incorrect.
    It's not 86.
    How can i use the Substring to find the correct index every time on any pc that have a differenet directory length ?
    In this case it's working fine on my pc for any image i can get the number no problems. But i want it to work also on other pc's.

    You can use Regex to match the filename you want. 
    Like Giovhan suggested you can first get the filename like:
    string result;
    result = Path.GetFileName(fileName);// in your example result = radar000142// in my regex I assume that a file can have a number of digits between 5 to 7 digits.Regex filenameRegex = new Regex("\d{5,7}");string number = filenameRegex.Match(result).Value;// by that way you can retrieve all numbers between 5 to 7 digits regardless of filename whether contains all 6 digits// or file that may contain 5 or 7 digits // You can play with the Regex code to decrease or increase number of digits by changing the numbers

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