False compiler error

i have a problem where i change something in a file and then
compile it says there are these errors in another file not even
edited. Then i clean the project and it compiles fine. but every
time i edit i have to clean. very annoying. the only thing i can
think of that might cause this is maybe the class i edit is not
written in a standard form for the compiler. but if that was the
case why would it ever compile and run fine? any help is much
appreciated. also yes i do have flex 2.01.

Files are only compiled if they're being used. So if you
create a class or component but don't reference it, it isn't
compiled and any problems in that class are not made apparent. But
then later you make a reference to that class or component, and now
it's being compiled. So all of the errors become visible.

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  • Experiencing "The type or namespace name 'DirectoryServices' does not exist in the namespace 'System' (are you missing an assembly reference?)" compilation error

    I am just starting to implement a new user login authentication process wherein after prompting user for username & password, I hope to authenticate them againts our company Active Directory user data. Since I am just starting, I only have very few things
    done at this point which is how I wanted to work on this so that my development environment is still at its simplest state.
    I am using the following for development:
    MS-Visual Studios Professional 2013 Version 12.0.30501.00 Update 2, and
    MS .NET Framework Version 4.5.50938.
    Here are my project solution's current items:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    For more information on how to configure your ASP.NET application, please visit
    <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5" />
    <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" />
    <defaultDocument enabled="true">
    <add value="Login.aspx" />
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- For more information on using web.config transformation visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=125889 -->
    <configuration xmlns:xdt="http://schemas.microsoft.com/XML-Document-Transform">
    In the example below, the "SetAttributes" transform will change the value of
    "connectionString" to use "ReleaseSQLServer" only when the "Match" locator
    finds an attribute "name" that has a value of "MyDB".
    <add name="MyDB"
    connectionString="Data Source=ReleaseSQLServer;Initial Catalog=MyReleaseDB;Integrated Security=True"
    xdt:Transform="SetAttributes" xdt:Locator="Match(name)"/>
    <compilation xdt:Transform="RemoveAttributes(debug)" />
    In the example below, the "Replace" transform will replace the entire
    <customErrors> section of your web.config file.
    Note that because there is only one customErrors section under the
    <system.web> node, there is no need to use the "xdt:Locator" attribute.
    <customErrors defaultRedirect="GenericError.htm"
    mode="RemoteOnly" xdt:Transform="Replace">
    <error statusCode="500" redirect="InternalError.htm"/>
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <compilation debug="false" targetFramework="4.5" />
    <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" />
    <add assembly="System.DirectoryServices, Version=, Culture=neutral PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"/>
    <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Login.aspx.cs" Inherits="Login" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <head runat="server">
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
    <div id="loginForm" style="height: 562px; width: 399px; margin-left: 0px" title="Login Form">
    <asp:Label ID="loginPageLabel" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" Font-Names="Arial Black" Font-Size="Large" Text="Please Log In"></asp:Label>
    <br />
    <br />
    <asp:Label ID="loginUsernameLabel" runat="server" Text="Username:"></asp:Label>
    <asp:TextBox ID="loginUserNameTextBox" runat="server" OnTextChanged="loginUserNameTextBox_TextChanged" Width="213px" Wrap="False" AutoPostBack="True" TabIndex="1"></asp:TextBox>
    <br />
    <br />
    <asp:Label ID="loginPasswordLabel" runat="server" Text="Password:"></asp:Label>
    <asp:TextBox ID="loginPasswordTextBox" runat="server" OnTextChanged="loginPasswordTextBox_TextChanged" Width="212px" Wrap="False" AutoPostBack="True" TabIndex="2"></asp:TextBox>
    <br />
    <br />
    <asp:RadioButton ID="loginUAradioButton" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" OnCheckedChanged="loginUAradioButton_CheckedChanged" Text="TUPSS Associate" AutoPostBack="True" TabIndex="3" />
    <asp:RadioButton ID="loginAFradioButton" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" OnCheckedChanged="loginAFradioButton_CheckedChanged" Text="Area Franchisee" AutoPostBack="True" TabIndex="4" />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <asp:Button ID="loginSubmitButton" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" OnClick="loginSubmitButton_Click" Text="Log In" TabIndex="5" />
    <asp:Button ID="loginCancelButton" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" OnClick="loginCancelButton_Click" Text="Cancel" TabIndex="6" />
    <br />
    <br />
    <asp:Label ID="loginStatusInstructionLabel" runat="server" Text="Status/Instruction:"></asp:Label>
    <br />
    <asp:TextBox ID="loginStatusInstructionTextBox" runat="server" Height="230px" MaxLength="100" Rows="12" TextMode="MultiLine" Width="360px" EnableViewState="False" OnTextChanged="loginStatusInstructionTextBox_TextChanged" ReadOnly="True" TabIndex="-1"></asp:TextBox>
    using System;
    using System.DirectoryServices;
    public partial class Login : System.Web.UI.Page
    private string uName; // user-entered username
    private string pWord; // user-entered password
    private int loginLoadCycles; // just keeping track of how many times Page_Load is called
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (this.loginUserNameTextBox.Text == String.Empty &&
    this.loginPasswordTextBox.Text == String.Empty &&
    this.loginUAradioButton.Checked == false &&
    this.loginAFradioButton.Checked == false)
    this.loginLoadCycles += 1;
    private void loginInit()
    this.uName = String.Empty;
    this.pWord = String.Empty;
    this.loginLoadCycles = 0;
    private void setLoginVisibilityAndFocus()
    // Decide on whether or not the Login submit & cancel buttons should be enabled or not
    if ( this.loginUserNameTextBox.Text == String.Empty ||
    (this.loginUAradioButton.Checked == false && this.loginAFradioButton.Checked == false) )
    this.loginSubmitButton.Enabled = false;
    this.loginCancelButton.Enabled = false;
    this.loginStatusInstructionTextBox.Text = "Please specify if you are a TUPSS Associate or an Area Franchisee by checking either the 'TUPSS Associate' or 'Area Franchisee' checkbox.";
    this.loginSubmitButton.Enabled = true;
    this.loginCancelButton.Enabled = true;
    if (this.loginPasswordTextBox.Text == String.Empty)
    this.loginStatusInstructionTextBox.Text = "Now that you have entered your username & type, please enter your password.";
    this.loginStatusInstructionTextBox.Text = "When you are ready, please select either the Log In button to login, or the Cancel button to abort.";
    if (this.loginUAradioButton.Checked == false && this.loginAFradioButton.Checked == false)
    else if (this.loginUserNameTextBox.Text == String.Empty)
    else if (this.loginPasswordTextBox.Text == String.Empty)
    protected void loginUserNameTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    protected void loginPasswordTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // For some reason, after specifying that the password entry box's textmode to 'Password' setting,
    // the UI's password textbox is emptied
    this.loginStatusInstructionTextBox.Text = "NOTICE:\nThis application is still under development.\n\n" +
    "This is why the password you entered is visible. Once this portion of the application is ready, it will be masked.\n\n" +
    "Also, still need to figure out why when changing this to Password entry mode to mask its entered data, password is getting reset.";
    protected void loginSubmitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.loginLoadCycles = 0;
    this.uName = this.loginUserNameTextBox.Text;
    this.pWord = this.loginPasswordTextBox.Text;
    if (this.loginUAradioButton.Checked == true && this.loginAFradioButton.Checked == false)
    this.loginLADPauthenticate('U'); // authenticate UPS Associates against UPS Corp's Active Directory
    else if (this.loginUAradioButton.Checked == false && this.loginAFradioButton.Checked == true)
    this.loginLADPauthenticate('A'); // authenticate Area Franchisees against UPS Store's iNet Active Directory
    // set colors to show that this is an error instead of a status message or instruction
    this.loginStatusInstructionTextBox.Text = "ERROR: Cannot log in without specifying if you are an UPS Associate or an Area Franchisee!";
    protected void loginCancelButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.loginStatusInstructionTextBox.Text = "You have selected to cancel from logging in...";
    // Still need to plan what to do when user cancels out of logging in. For now, just initialize class attributes
    protected void loginUAradioButton_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    String msg = String.Empty;
    if (this.loginUAradioButton.Checked == true)
    this.loginAFradioButton.Checked = false;
    msg = "Thanks for specifying that you are a TUPSS Associate. ";
    if (this.loginUserNameTextBox.Text == String.Empty)
    msg += "Now please specify your username.";
    else if (this.loginPasswordTextBox.Text == String.Empty)
    msg += "Now please enter your password.";
    this.loginStatusInstructionTextBox.Text = msg;
    protected void loginAFradioButton_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    String msg = String.Empty;
    if (this.loginAFradioButton.Checked == true)
    this.loginUAradioButton.Checked = false;
    msg = "Thanks for specifying that you are an Area Franchisee. ";
    if (this.loginUserNameTextBox.Text == String.Empty)
    msg += "Now please specify your username.";
    else if (this.loginPasswordTextBox.Text == String.Empty)
    msg += "Now please enter your password.";
    this.loginStatusInstructionTextBox.Text = msg;
    private void loginLADPauthenticate(char whichActiveDirectory)
    String msg = "Authenticating user '" + this.uName + "' with password '" + this.pWord + "' against ";
    if (whichActiveDirectory == 'U')
    msg += "UPS Corp's Active Directory...";
    else if (whichActiveDirectory == 'A')
    msg += "The UPS Store's Franchisee Active Directory...";
    msg += "\n\nNOTICE:\nThis is still under development.\n\nAt this point, this application is supposed to do something else now but is not yet ready.";
    this.loginStatusInstructionTextBox.Text = msg;
    this.loginStatusInstructionTextBox.AutoPostBack = true;
    // Authenticate using LDAP
    protected void loginStatusInstructionTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    I confirmed that I have System.DirectoryServices.dll located in
    C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\ folder and that I as well as System have read as well as read&execute privileges
    not only to all folders in its path but also to the DLL file itself.
    I would appreciate any help in trying to resolve this compilation error so that I can proceed with implementing LDAP features for this endeavor.
    Thanks so much,
    hguico @ The UPS Store

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    ASP.NET forum.
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  • Error while running ejbc. Fatal error from EJB Compiler ---- Error while pr

    I was deploying a test application for a session bean with sun 1 studio 5 and I started getting this message while deploying.
    I had tested the bean previously and I had no problems.
    I found this in the sun app server 7 release notes, but I don't understand what I'm supposed to do...
    "Deployment of CMP beans fails.
    The following error is thrown because there are no <query-params> entries in the container-managed persistence (CMP) bean in sun-ejb-jar.xml file:
    Error while running ejbc. Fatal error from EJB Compiler ---- Error while processing CMP beans.
    Even if it isn't necessary for the CMP beans, add the query-params tag for finders in the sun-ejb-jar.xml file with the empty parameters."
    Here is my sun-ejb-jar.xml file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE sun-ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Sun ONE Application Server 7.0 EJB 2.0//EN" "http://www.sun.com/software/sunone/appserver/dtds/sun-ejb-jar_2_0-0.dtd">
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Please go to the above docs and look thru the examples given in it.
    Example 2
    This query returns all products in a specified price range. It defines two query parameters which are the lower and upper bound for the price: double low, double high. The filter compares the query parameters with the price field:
    "low < price && price < high"
    The finder element of the sun-ejb-jar.xml file would look like this:
    <query-params>double low, double high</query-params>
    <query-filter>low < price && price &lt
    I hope this hepls. In your case u just have to make it null.

  • Af:serverListener on jspx page - compilation error - jDeveloper

    I have a weird problem that adding a serverListerner component on jspx page causes compilation error:
    The class of the deferred-methods return type "{0}" can not be found.
    No property editor found for the bean "javax.el.MethodExpression"
    If I remove serverListener (to pass compilation) and then add it again in run-time, it works normally (the backing bean method is being triggered correctly, including passing params, etc).
    It is happening only on the current project, but when I make a test case it works normally. I suspect it has something with the project settings, but I couldn't find the cause regarding that the project has advanced and there are so many differences to be able to do simple comparison.
    Does anyone know what could be the reason for af:serverListener to break compilation, please?
    ... from jspx page...
    <af:resource type="javascript">
    function aaa(event) {
    var esrc = event.getSource();
    AdfCustomEvent.queue(esrc, "bbb", {fvalue : "TEST"},true);
    <af:inputText label="Label 1" id="it1">
    <af:clientListener method="aaa" type="click"/>
    <af:serverListener type="bbb" method="#{backing_bean.onClick}"/>
    ... from BB ...
    public void onClick(ClientEvent clientEvent) {
    String message = (String) clientEvent.getParameters().get("fvalue");

    Try like this
    <trh:script>clientListenerMethoName= function(event) {
    var source = event.getSource();
    AdfCustomEvent.queue( source, "serVerListenerType", {}, false); }
    Next :
    <af:clientListener method="clientListenerMethoName" type="click"/>
    <af:serverListener type="serVerListenerType" method="#{beanName.methodName}"/>
    Edited by: Raj Gopal K on May 4, 2011 4:05 PM

  • Compile error "illegal start of expression"

    ok. so i have to make methods for a scrabble calculator applet, and just can't seem to get it right. this is my code:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class scrabbleScore extends JApplet
        implements ActionListener
         * Make a text box
        private JPanel display;
        private JTextField word;
        private JLabel number;
        private JLabel d;
        String s = "Type word here, then hit Enter";
        String e = "|";
        String f, c = " ";
        int scr = 0;
        String str[] = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"};
        int score[] = {1, 3, 3, 2, 1, 4, 2, 4, 1, 8, 5, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 10, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 8, 4, 10};
        public void init(){
            //Make text box
            word = new JTextField (
                        "Type word here, then hit Enter", 20);
            //Draw the # box
            number = new JLabel("# Appears here");
            d = new JLabel("Letter values appear here");
            //Draw the pane
            Container c = getContentPane();
            c.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
             * check if word has text
            JTextField word = (JTextField)e.getSource();
            String w = word.getText();
            w = w.toUpperCase();
            w = w.trim();
            if (validateData(w) == true) {
                    "You have not entered a valid word", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
            else {
                number.setText("|| Value = " + computeScore(w) + " ||");
            Boolean validateData(String w){
                while (w.compareToIgnoreCase(s) != 0) {
                    return false;
                return true;
        //Method computeScore(String word)
        String computeScore(String w){
             *Put word in an array
            String wrd[] = new String[w.length()];
            for (int i = 0; i < w.length(); i++) {
                wrd[i] = w.charAt(i) + "";
            for (int i = 0; i < wrd.length; i++) {
                String y = wrd;
    int k = y.getValue();
    scr += score[k];
    public int getValue(String y) {
    int num = 0;
    String z = str[num];
    while (y.compareTo(z) != 0) {
    z = str[num];
    return num;
    //Return v to set text
    String v = scr + "";
    scr = 0;
    return v;
    String wordValue(String w){
    char wrd[] = new char[w.length()];
    for (int i = 0; i < w.length(); i++) {
    wrd[i] = w.charAt(i);
    for (int i = 0; i < wrd.length; i++) {
    int value = Character.getNumericValue(wrd[i]);
    value -= 10;
    String a = " " + wrd[i] + " ";
    c = "|" + a + "= " + score[value] + "|";
    e = e + c;
    f = e + "| ==>";
    c = "";
    e = "|";
    return f;
    }and i get an "illegal start or expression" compile error at the line public int getValue(String y). Does anyone know how i could fix this?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    Just so you guys can see it if you want to, here's my finished code:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class scrabbleScore extends JApplet
        implements ActionListener
         * Make a text box
        private JPanel display;
        private JTextField word;
        private JLabel number;
        private JLabel d;
        String s = "Type word here, then hit Enter";
        String e = "|";
        String f, c = " ";
        int scr = 0;
        String str[] = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"};
        int score[] = {1, 3, 3, 2, 1, 4, 2, 4, 1, 8, 5, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 10, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 8, 4, 10};
        public void init(){
            //Make text box
            word = new JTextField (
                        "Type word here, then hit Enter", 20);
            //Draw the # box
            number = new JLabel("# Appears here");
            d = new JLabel("Letter values appear here");
            //Draw the pane
            Container c = getContentPane();
            c.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
             * check if word has text
            JTextField word = (JTextField)e.getSource();
            String w = word.getText();
            w = w.toUpperCase();
            w = w.trim();
            if (validateData(w) == true) {
                    "You have not entered a valid word", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
            else {
                String[] wrd = makeArray(w);
                d.setText(wordValue(w, wrd));
                number.setText("|| Value = " + computeScore(w, wrd) + " ||");
            Boolean validateData(String w){
                while (w.compareToIgnoreCase(s) != 0) {
                    return false;
                return true;
        //Method getValue
        int getValue(String y) {
            int num = 0;
            String z = str[num];
            while (y.compareTo(z) != 0) {
                z = str[num];
            return num;
        //Method makeArray
        String[] makeArray(String w) {
            String wrd[] = new String[w.length()];
            for (int i = 0; i < w.length(); i++) {
                wrd[i] = w.charAt(i) + "";
               return wrd;
        //method makeLetterValues
        String makeLetterValues(String[] wrd, int i, int value) {
            String a = " " + wrd[i] + " ";
            c = "|" + a + "= " + score[value] + "|";
            e = e + c;
            return e;
        //method resetValues
        void resetValues() {
            c = "";
            e = "|";
            scr = 0;
        //Method computeScore(String word)
        String computeScore(String w, String[] wrd){
            //get score
            for (int i = 0; i < wrd.length; i++) {
                String y = wrd;
    int k = getValue(y);
    scr += score[k];
    //Return v to set text
    String v = scr + "";
    return v;
    //method wordValue
    String wordValue(String w, String[] wrd){
    //make letter value string
    for (int i = 0; i < wrd.length; i++) {
    int value = getValue(wrd[i]);
    String e = makeLetterValues(wrd, i, value);
    f = e + "| ==>";
    return f;

  • JDev 1013 Error: Internal compilation error, terminated with a fatal except

    I've a class I compiled used in JDev
    Now I try to compile it with JDev 10.1.3 but I get an error :
    Error: Internal compilation error, terminated with a fatal exception
    What does it means ?
    How can I solve it ?
    I tried to use both 5.0 and 1.4.2 compilers but the result is the same.
    Here the class
    /* The following code was generated by JFlex 1.2.2 on 05/10/04 17.46 */
    * Copyright (C) 1998,99 Gerwin Klein <[email protected]>. *
    * All rights reserved. *
    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
    * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. See the file *
    * COPYRIGHT for more information. *
    * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
    * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
    * GNU General Public License for more details. *
    * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
    * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
    * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
    package axioma.a4j.parser;
    import java_cup.runtime.*;
    * This class is a scanner generated by
    * JFlex 1.2.2
    * on 05/10/04 17.46 from the specification file
    * <tt>file:/C:/A4j/A4j/Common/Parser/grammatiche/Scanner.flex</tt>
    public class AxScanner implements java_cup.runtime.Scanner {
    /** this character denotes the end of file */
    final public static int YYEOF = -1;
    /** lexical states */
    final public static int STRING = 1;
    final public static int YYINITIAL = 0;
    final public static int CHARLITERAL = 2;
    * Translates characters to character classes
    final private static String yycmap_packed =
    * Translates characters to character classes
    final private static char [] yycmap = yy_unpack_cmap(yycmap_packed);
    * Translates a state to a row index in the transition table
    final private static int yy_rowMap [] = {
    0, 42, 84, 126, 168, 126, 210, 126, 252, 294,
    336, 378, 126, 126, 420, 462, 504, 126, 126, 126,
    126, 126, 126, 126, 126, 126, 126, 546, 126, 588,
    126, 630, 672, 714, 756, 126, 126, 798, 840, 882,
    126, 924, 966, 1008, 1050, 336, 1092, 1134, 1176, 1218,
    126, 126, 126, 126, 126, 126, 126, 126, 126, 126,
    126, 126, 126, 126, 1260, 1302, 1344, 1386, 1428, 1470,
    1512, 1554, 126, 1596, 1638, 1680, 1722, 126, 126, 126,
    126, 126, 126, 126, 1764, 294, 1806, 294, 294
    * The packed transition table of the DFA
    final private static String yy_packed =
    * The transition table of the DFA
    final private static int yytrans [] = yy_unpack(yy_packed);
    /* error codes */
    final private static int YY_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0;
    final private static int YY_ILLEGAL_STATE = 1;
    final private static int YY_NO_MATCH = 2;
    final private static int YY_PUSHBACK_2BIG = 3;
    /* error messages for the codes above */
    final private static String YY_ERROR_MSG[] = {
    "Unkown internal scanner error",
    "Internal error: unknown state",
    "Error: could not match input",
    "Error: pushback value was too large"
    * YY_ATTRIBUTE[aState] contains the attributes of state <code>aState</code>
    private final static byte YY_ATTRIBUTE[] = {
    0, 0, 0, 9, 1, 9, 1, 9, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, 9, 1, 1,
    1, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 1, 9, 1, 9, 1,
    1, 1, 1, 9, 9, 1, 1, 1, 9, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1,
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    /** the input device */
    private java.io.Reader yy_reader;
    /** the current state of the DFA */
    private int yy_state;
    /** the current lexical state */
    private int yy_lexical_state = YYINITIAL;
    /** this buffer contains the current text to be matched and is
    the source of the yytext() string */
    private char yy_buffer[] = new char[16384];
    /** the textposition at the last accepting state */
    private int yy_markedPos;
    /** the textposition at the last state to be included in yytext */
    private int yy_pushbackPos;
    /** the current text position in the buffer */
    private int yy_currentPos;
    /** startRead marks the beginning of the yytext() string in the buffer */
    private int yy_startRead;
    /** endRead marks the last character in the buffer, that has been read
    from input */
    private int yy_endRead;
    /** number of newlines encountered up to the start of the matched text */
    private int yyline;
    /** the number of characters up to the start of the matched text */
    private int yychar;
    * the number of characters from the last newline up to the start of the
    * matched text
    private int yycolumn;
    * yy_atBOL == true <=> the scanner is currently at the beginning of a line
    private boolean yy_atBOL;
    /** yy_atEOF == true <=> the scanner has returned a value for EOF */
    private boolean yy_atEOF;
    /** denotes if the user-EOF-code has already been executed */
    private boolean yy_eof_done;
    /* user code: */
    StringBuffer string = new StringBuffer();
    private InContestoParser mContesto = null;
    private Symbol symbol(int type) {
    return new JavaSymbol(type, yyline+1, yycolumn+1);
    private Symbol symbol(int type, Object value) {
    return new JavaSymbol(type, yyline+1, yycolumn+1, value);
    private Symbol axSymbol(Object value) {
    int tipo = 0;
    CercaValore cercaVal = new CercaValoreComm(value.toString(),mContesto);
    Ritorno rito = cercaVal.cercaValore();
    int tipoSym = rito.getTipo();
    if (tipoSym == Domini.tipoDatoNumerico) {
         tipo = AxSym.VAR_N;
    else if (tipoSym == Domini.tipoDatoAlfanumerico) {
    tipo = AxSym.VAR_A;
    else if (tipoSym == Domini.tipoDatoBooleano) {
         tipo = AxSym.VAR_B;
    JavaSymbol myJ = new JavaSymbol(tipo, yyline+1, yycolumn+1, value);
    return myJ;
    private Symbol axMetodo(Object value) {
    int tipo = 0;
    CercaValore cercaVal = new CercaValoreComm(value.toString(),mContesto);
    Ritorno rito = cercaVal.cercaValore();
    int tipoSym = rito.getTipo();
    if (tipoSym == Domini.tipoDatoNumerico) {
         tipo = AxSym.MET_N;
    else if (tipoSym == Domini.tipoDatoAlfanumerico) {
    tipo = AxSym.MET_A;
    else if (tipoSym == Domini.tipoDatoBooleano) {
         tipo = AxSym.MET_B;
    JavaSymbol myJ = new JavaSymbol(tipo, yyline+1, yycolumn+1, value);
    return myJ;
    * Set the reader and reset variables
    public void setReader(java.io.Reader in) {
    this.yy_lexical_state = YYINITIAL;
    this.yy_atEOF = false;
    this.yy_atBOL = false;
    this.yy_eof_done = false;
    this.yy_state = 0;
    this.yy_pushbackPos = 0;
    this.yy_markedPos = 0;
    this.yy_currentPos = 0;
    this.yy_startRead = 0;
    this.yy_endRead = 0;
    this.yyline = 0;
    this.yychar = 0;
    this.yycolumn = 0;
    this.yy_reader = in;
    public void setContesto(InContestoParser xpContesto) {
    mContesto = xpContesto;
    public InContestoParser getContesto() {
    return mContesto;
    * Creates a new scanner.
    * There is also java.io.Reader version of this constructor.
    * @param in the java.io.Inputstream to read input from.
    public AxScanner() throws java.io.IOException { this(System.in); }
    * Creates a new scanner
    * There is also a java.io.InputStream version of this constructor.
    * @param in the java.io.Reader to read input from.
    AxScanner(java.io.Reader in) {
    this.yy_reader = in;
    * Creates a new scanner.
    * There is also java.io.Reader version of this constructor.
    * @param in the java.io.Inputstream to read input from.
    AxScanner(java.io.InputStream in) {
    this(new java.io.InputStreamReader(in));
    * Unpacks the compressed DFA transition table.
    * @param packed the packed transition table
    * @return the unpacked transition table
    private static int [] yy_unpack(String packed) {
    int [] trans = new int[1848];
    int i = 0; /* index in packed string */
    int j = 0; /* index in unpacked array */
    while (i < 492) {
    int count = packed.charAt(i++);
    int value = packed.charAt(i++);
    do trans[j++] = value; while (--count > 0);
    return trans;
    * Unpacks the compressed character translation table.
    * @param packed the packed character translation table
    * @return the unpacked character translation table
    private static char [] yy_unpack_cmap(String packed) {
    char [] map = new char[0x10000];
    int i = 0; /* index in packed string */
    int j = 0; /* index in unpacked array */
    while (i < 1614) {
    int count = packed.charAt(i++);
    char value = packed.charAt(i++);
    do map[j++] = value; while (--count > 0);
    return map;
    * Gets the next input character.
    * @return the next character of the input stream, EOF if the
    * end of the stream is reached.
    * @exception IOException if any I/O-Error occurs
    private int yy_advance() throws java.io.IOException {
    /* standard case */
    if (yy_currentPos < yy_endRead) return yy_buffer[yy_currentPos++];
    /* if the eof is reached, we don't need to work hard */
    if (yy_atEOF) return YYEOF;
    /* otherwise: need to refill the buffer */
    /* first: make room (if you can) */
    if (yy_startRead > 0) {
    System.arraycopy(yy_buffer, yy_startRead,
    yy_buffer, 0,
    /* translate stored positions */
    yy_endRead-= yy_startRead;
    yy_currentPos-= yy_startRead;
    yy_markedPos-= yy_startRead;
    yy_pushbackPos-= yy_startRead;
    yy_startRead = 0;
    /* is the buffer big enough? */
    if (yy_currentPos >= yy_buffer.length) {
    /* if not: blow it up */
    char newBuffer[] = new char[yy_currentPos*2];
    System.arraycopy(yy_buffer, 0, newBuffer, 0, yy_buffer.length);
    yy_buffer = newBuffer;
    /* finally: fill the buffer with new input */
    int numRead = yy_reader.read(yy_buffer, yy_endRead,
    if ( numRead == -1 ) return YYEOF;
    yy_endRead+= numRead;
    return yy_buffer[yy_currentPos++];
    * Closes the input stream.
    final public void yyclose() throws java.io.IOException {
    yy_atEOF = true; /* indicate end of file */
    yy_endRead = yy_startRead; /* invalidate buffer */
    * Returns the current lexical state.
    final public int yystate() {
    return yy_lexical_state;
    * Enters a new lexical state
    * @param newState the new lexical state
    final public void yybegin(int newState) {
    yy_lexical_state = newState;
    * Returns the text matched by the current regular expression.
    final public String yytext() {
    return new String( yy_buffer, yy_startRead, yy_markedPos-yy_startRead );
    * Returns the length of the matched text region.
    final public int yylength() {
    return yy_markedPos-yy_startRead;
    * Reports an error that occured while scanning.
    * @param errorCode the code of the errormessage to display
    private void yy_ScanError(int errorCode) {
    try {
    catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
    * Pushes the specified amount of characters back into the input stream.
    * They will be read again by then next call of the scanning method
    * @param number the number of characters to be read again.
    * This number must not be greater than yylength()!
    private void yypushback(int number) {
    if ( number > yylength() )
    yy_markedPos -= number;
    * Contains user EOF-code, which will be executed exactly once,
    * when the end of file is reached
    private void yy_do_eof() throws java.io.IOException {
    if (!yy_eof_done) {
    yy_eof_done = true;
    * Resumes scanning until the next regular expression is matched,
    * the end of input is encountered or an I/O-Error occurs.
    * @return the next token
    * @exception IOException if any I/O-Error occurs
    public java_cup.runtime.Symbol next_token() throws java.io.IOException {
    int yy_input;
    int yy_action;
    while (true) {
    boolean yy_counted = false;
    for (yy_currentPos = yy_startRead; yy_currentPos < yy_markedPos;
    yy_currentPos++) {
    switch (yy_buffer[yy_currentPos]) {
    case '\r':
    yycolumn = 0;
    yy_counted = true;
    case '\n':
    if (yy_counted)
    yy_counted = false;
    else {
    yycolumn = 0;
    yy_counted = false;
    if (yy_counted) {
    if ( yy_advance() == '\n' ) yyline--;
    if ( !yy_atEOF ) yy_currentPos--;
    yy_action = -1;
    yy_currentPos = yy_startRead = yy_markedPos;
    yy_state = yy_lexical_state;
    yy_forAction: {
    while (true) {
    yy_input = yy_advance();
    if ( yy_input == YYEOF ) break yy_forAction;
    int yy_next = yytrans[ yy_rowMap[yy_state] + yycmap[yy_input] ];
    if (yy_next == -1) break yy_forAction;
    yy_state = yy_next;
    int yy_attributes = YY_ATTRIBUTE[yy_state];
    if ( (yy_attributes & 1) > 0 ) {
    yy_action = yy_state;
    yy_markedPos = yy_currentPos;
    if ( (yy_attributes & 8) > 0 ) break yy_forAction;
    switch (yy_action) {   
    case 83:
    {  yybegin(YYINITIAL); return symbol(AxSym.CHARACTER_LITERAL, new Character('\b')); }
    case 90: break;
    case 82:
    {  yybegin(YYINITIAL); return symbol(AxSym.CHARACTER_LITERAL, new Character('\f')); }
    case 91: break;
    case 81:
    {  yybegin(YYINITIAL); return symbol(AxSym.CHARACTER_LITERAL, new Character('\r')); }
    case 92: break;
    case 80:
    {  yybegin(YYINITIAL); return symbol(AxSym.CHARACTER_LITERAL, new Character('\t')); }
    case 93: break;
    case 78:
    {  yybegin(YYINITIAL); return symbol(AxSym.CHARACTER_LITERAL, new Character('\"')); }
    case 94: break;
    case 77:
    {  yybegin(YYINITIAL); return symbol(AxSym.CHARACTER_LITERAL, new Character('\'')); }
    case 95: break;
    case 88:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.BOOLEAN_LITERAL, new Boolean(false));  }
    case 96: break;
    case 87:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.NULL_LITERAL);  }
    case 97: break;
    case 85:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.BOOLEAN_LITERAL, new Boolean(true));  }
    case 98: break;
    case 79:
    {  yybegin(YYINITIAL); return symbol(AxSym.CHARACTER_LITERAL, new Character('\\'));  }
    case 99: break;
    case 71:
    case 72:
    {  /* ignore */  }
    case 100: break;
    case 63:
    {  yybegin(YYINITIAL); return symbol(AxSym.CHARACTER_LITERAL, new Character(yytext().charAt(0)));  }
    case 101: break;
    case 62:
    {  string.append( '\b' );  }
    case 102: break;
    case 61:
    {  string.append( '\n' );  }
    case 103: break;
    case 60:
    {  string.append( '\f' );  }
    case 104: break;
    case 59:
    {  string.append( '\r' );  }
    case 105: break;
    case 58:
    {  string.append( '\t' );  }
    case 106: break;
    case 57:
    {  string.append( '\\' );  }
    case 107: break;
    case 56:
    {  string.append( '\"' );  }
    case 108: break;
    case 55:
    {  string.append( '\'' );  }
    case 109: break;
    case 25:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.PLUS);  }
    case 110: break;
    case 24:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.COMMA);  }
    case 111: break;
    case 23:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.SEMI);  }
    case 112: break;
    case 22:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.RQUADRA);  }
    case 113: break;
    case 21:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.LQUADRA);  }
    case 114: break;
    case 20:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.RGRAFFA);  }
    case 115: break;
    case 19:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.LGRAFFA);  }
    case 116: break;
    case 18:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.RPAREN);  }
    case 117: break;
    case 17:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.LPAREN);  }
    case 118: break;
    case 3:
    case 37:
    case 38:
    case 41:
    {  throw new RuntimeException("Illegal character \""+yytext()+"\" at line "+yyline+", column "+yycolumn);  }
    case 119: break;
    case 4:
    case 5:
    {  /*return symbol(AxSym.INVIO);*/ /* ignore */  }
    case 120: break;
    case 6:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.DIVIDE);  }
    case 121: break;
    case 7:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.TIMES);  }
    case 122: break;
    case 8:
    case 9:
    case 14:
    case 15:
    case 16:
    case 47:
    case 48:
    case 49:
    case 74:
    case 75:
    case 76:
    case 86:
    {  return axSymbol(yytext());  }
    case 123: break;
    case 10:
    case 11:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.INTEGER_LITERAL, new Integer(yytext()));  }
    case 124: break;
    case 12:
    {  yybegin(STRING); string.setLength(0);  }
    case 125: break;
    case 13:
    {  yybegin(CHARLITERAL);  }
    case 126: break;
    case 26:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.MINUS);  }
    case 127: break;
    case 27:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.ORB);  }
    case 128: break;
    case 28:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.ANDB);  }
    case 129: break;
    case 29:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.GT);  }
    case 130: break;
    case 30:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.EQ);  }
    case 131: break;
    case 31:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.LT);  }
    case 132: break;
    case 32:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.NEG);  }
    case 133: break;
    case 33:
    {  string.append( yytext() );  }
    case 134: break;
    case 34:
    case 35:
    {  throw new RuntimeException("Unterminated string at end of line");  }
    case 135: break;
    case 36:
    {  yybegin(YYINITIAL); return symbol(AxSym.STRING_LITERAL, string.toString());  }
    case 136: break;
    case 39:
    case 40:
    {  throw new RuntimeException("Unterminated character literal at end of line");  }
    case 137: break;
    case 44:
    {  return axMetodo(yytext());  }
    case 138: break;
    case 46:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL, new Float(yytext()));  }
    case 139: break;
    case 50:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.DUEP);  }
    case 140: break;
    case 51:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.GE);  }
    case 141: break;
    case 52:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.LE);  }
    case 142: break;
    case 53:
    {  return symbol(AxSym.NE);  }
    case 143: break;
    case 54:
    case 64:
    case 65:
    case 66:
    case 67:
    case 68:
    case 69:
    case 70:
    {  throw new RuntimeException("Illegal escape sequence \""+yytext()+"\"");  }
    case 144: break;
    if (yy_input == YYEOF && yy_startRead == yy_currentPos) {
    yy_atEOF = true;
    {     return new java_cup.runtime.Symbol(AxSym.EOF);
    else {

    I setted use Javac checkbox and it worked ???
    Could someone explain me what happened ?
    The problem seems to be in the very long privated final string I defined, making it shorther the problem is solved again .

  • Compilation error when deploying EAR file on standalone OC4J...

    Hi All,
    I am getting the following error when trying to deploy an EAR File describing a web service from the Jdeveloper IDE to the stanalone OC4J server instance.
    Uploading file JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-WS.ear ...
    Application Deployer for JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-WS STARTS.
    Copy the archive to C:\Lester\Testing\JDev10.1.3\oc4j\j2ee\home\applications\JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-WS.ear
    Initialize C:\Lester\Testing\JDev10.1.3\oc4j\j2ee\home\applications\JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-WS.ear begins...
    Unpacking JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-WS.ear
    Done unpacking JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-WS.ear
    Unpacking WebServices.war
    Done unpacking WebServices.war
    Initialize C:\Lester\Testing\JDev10.1.3\oc4j\j2ee\home\applications\JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-WS.ear ends...
    Starting application : JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-WS
    Initializing ClassLoader(s)
    Initializing EJB container
    Loading connector(s)
    Starting up resource adapters
    Initializing EJB sessions
    Committing ClassLoader(s)
    Initialize WebServices begins...
    Initialize WebServices ends...
    Started application : JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-WS
    Binding web application(s) to site default-web-site begins...
    Binding WebServices web-module for application JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-WS to site default-web-site under context root JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-context-root
    Operation failed with error:
    Error compiling :C:\Lester\Testing\JDev10.1.3\oc4j\j2ee\home\applications\JavaWebServiceEmp-GetDates-WS\WebServices: compilation error occurred
    Deployment failed
    Elapsed time for deployment: 1 minute, 50 seconds
    Please could somebody help me out with this? Basically I am not able to understand how to deploy the EAR file created under the MyWork folder under jdeveloper\jdev to the applications folder of j2ee\home. I am new to both EAR deployment as well as web services and would like to get a good understanding of the working of a web service which includes SOAP components and the like.
    Any help with regards to building and deploying a web service on standalone OC4J would be appreciated. Thanks a lot.

    Initially I followed the following steps to start up OC4J:-
    Settings :-
    1) Jdeveloper is setup under C:\Lester\Testing as Jdev10.1.3 folder
    2) I downloaded the extended oc4j zip folder and unzipped it under a new folder oc4j at the location C:\Lester\Testing\Jdev10.1.3
    Steps followed to run oc4j and deploy application
    1) Setup a standalone oc4j from the jdeveloper ide giving C:\Lester\Testing\Jdev10.1.3\oc4j as the root folder for oc4j.
    2) While doing step 1 added password and deployed it. Changed server.xml under C:\Lester/Testing/JDev10.1.3/oc4j/j2ee/home/config
    to include the following:-
    <shared-library name="global.libraries" version="1.0" library-compatible="true">
    <code-source path="C:\Lester/Testing/JDev10.1.3/oc4j/j2ee/home/applib"/>
    <java-compiler name="javac" in-process="false" options="-J-Xmx1024m -encoding UTF8" bindir="C:\Jdeveloper\jdk" extdirs="C:\Jdeveloper/jdk" />
    3) Opened a command prompt and went to the location C:\Lester\Testing\JDev10.1.3\oc4j\j2ee\home and ran the following command:-
    --> java -jar oc4j.jar
    4) Deployment: Then I deployed my primewebservice application from command prompt at C:\Lester\Smart Cylinder\Example code\prime\PrimeNumberService>
    --> java -jar C:\Lester/Testing/JDev10.1.3/oc4j/j2ee/home/admin.jar ormi:// oc4jadmin welcome -deploy -file PrimeNumberService.ear -deploymentName DocStyleWebService
    5) Web Binding: Then I bound my primewebservice application from command prompt at C:\Lester\Smart Cylinder\Example code\prime\PrimeNumberService>
    --> java -jar C:\Lester/Testing/JDev10.1.3/oc4j/j2ee/home/admin.jar ormi:// oc4jadmin welcome -bindWebApp DocStyleWebService PrimeNumberService_web http-web-site /docws
    6) Steps 4 and 5 went through without error.
    7) However when trying to access the web service using the following link I get the standard HTTP 404 (Page not found) error:-
    This was before I tried deploying the web service through jdeveloper IDE.
    I had tried the document web service given at the following link:-
    from the web services how to links
    Please could somebody help me out? Also periodically I recieve the ojc.exe not found error when trying to deploy an application using jdeveloper ide. There are two conflicting jdeveloper versions one comes with this exe and one without.
    Message was edited by:
    Lester N

  • Error "Compile error: Invalid character" after copy paste operations in VBE 6.5 PowerPoint 2011

    This is a weird problem with the VBE 6.5 in Office 2011, running natively on a Mac.
    Sometimes, yet often, when I select a word by double clicking on it or a line by highlighting that line in the editor and then copy/paste it somewhere else in the code, the compiler throws the error "Compile error: Invalid character"
    The thing is, what I see has been pasted is exactly the same as the source text. However, if I then paste the same clipboard item to a text editor, I can see that there is an 'invisible' character at the end of the string which is counted in the text editor
    where the cursor is shifted past it but does not shown on the screen!!!
    Back in the VBE, if I select a line that is dubious and drag it, the semi transparent dragged text has a '>' character on a new line.
    In some copy/paste cases, the compiler doesn't see an error but the code doesn't work as expected and I have spent hours debugging stuff that has invisible characters in it (the hardest debugging I've ever had to do!).
    I'm not sure if this example will paste correctly into the forum but this looks like 19 characters but is in fact 20 as there is the offending copy/paste invisible character between 'Test' and '.'
    <code>Test.Value = False</code>
    This seems to be a major oversight in the code of the VBE 6.5 so are Microsoft aware of this and when is it due to be fixed?

    I had this exact issue.  This is a terrible bug.  The code looks perfect, but there are hidden characters that throw compiler errors.  Thanks for the quick fix, Microsoft.

  • No Compiling Error but doesn't work NEW

    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    public class javacw extends Applet implements KeyListener, Runnable
         Area pandaArea;
         Graphics2D g2d;
         // Providing coordinate control for the Panda
         int pandax=20, panday=50;
         // Animation condition. True = animate, False = static.
         boolean pandabool=false, laidOut=false;
         boolean left;
         boolean right;
         boolean up;
         boolean down;
    Thread animThread;
    Dimension offDimension;          // Defines an offscreen Dimension
    Image offImage;                    // Defines an offscreen Image
    Graphics offGraphics;          // Defines an offscreen Graphics
         Image panda;                    // Defines an Image object for panda
         public void init()
              // Set the layout of the applet to null
              panda = getImage(getCodeBase(), "panda.gif");
              public void Move ()
                   if (left) {
                        pandax = pandax - 10;
                   if (right) {
                        pandax = pandax + 10;
                   if (up){
                        panday = panday + 10;
                   if (down){
                        panday = panday - 10;
              public void keyTyped(KeyEvent event){}
              public void keyPressed(KeyEvent event)
                   if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) left = true;
                   if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) right = true;
                   if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) down = true;
                   if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP) up = true;
              public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
                   if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) left = false;
                   if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) right = false;
                   if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP) up = false;
                   if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) down = false;
    public void start()
              // Make sure the thread hasn already been created
         if (animThread == null) {
         animThread = new Thread(this, "anim");
    public void run() {
              // Create a current thread.
              Thread myThread = Thread.currentThread();
         // As long as the thread is created, keep redrawing the
         // canvas and then pausing for 10 miliseconds.
         while (animThread == myThread) {
         try {
         } catch (InterruptedException e){}
    public void paint(Graphics g)
              if (offImage != null) {
              g2.drawImage(offImage, 0, 0, null);
         // Overide the update() method
    public void update(Graphics g) {
              Dimension d = getSize();
              // Create the offscreen graphics context
              if ((offGraphics == null)
              || (d.width != offDimension.width)
              || (d.height != offDimension.height)) {
              offDimension = d;
              offImage = createImage(d.width, d.height);
              offGraphics = offImage.getGraphics();
              // Erase the previous image
              offGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, d.width, d.height);
              paintFrame(offGraphics);               // Paint the frame into the image
              g.drawImage(offImage, 0, 0, null);     // Paint the image onto the screen
    public void paintFrame(Graphics g) {
              Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
              g2d.drawImage(panda, pandax, panday, this);
              if (pandabool) {               // If pandabool==true, animate the panda =)
                   if (pandax>400) pandax=0;
    public void stop()
         animThread = null;
              offImage = null;
              offGraphics = null;
    public void destroy(){}
    hi everyone, i'm new to java and i'm trying to wirte a keyListener to makes my image move. btw there are no compiling errors but the key is not working. hope that someone can help me. appreciate

    You have a Move() function that you're not calling! Not much use unless you place a call to it in your run() function, eh?
    Next time you post code, use the  tags.

  • Flex 2 Compatibility?  Seeing StreamingAMFChannel compile error

    I have seen postings such as <br />http://tjordahl.blogspot.com/2008/03/blazeds-and-flex-2-compatibility.html<br />suggesting that BlazeDS is compatible with the latest versions of Flex 2 SDK.<br /><br />My experience shows that this may not be completely true.<br /><br />In Flex Builder 3, I have created a project using Flex 2.0.1 Hotfix 3 SDK.<br />This points to:<br />C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\sdks\2.0.1<br />which is build 180927.<br /><br />I have code like this:<br /><br />public function sendRequest(): void {<br />        var ro:RemoteObject = new RemoteObject();<br />        ro.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, resultHandler);<br />        ro.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, faultHandler);                  <br />                  <br />             <br />     if (_channelId != null && _channelUrl != null)<br />        {<br />   var cs:ChannelSet = new ChannelSet();<br />                    <br />   var myChannel:AMFChannel = new AMFChannel(_channelId, _channelUrl);<br />   myChannel.pollingEnabled = true;<br />   myChannel.pollingInterval = 8000;<br />   cs.addChannel(myChannel);<br />   ro.channelSet = cs;<br />        }<br />               <br /><br />   ro.destination = "myService";<br />   ro.channelSet = cs;<br />                                   <br />   ro.myOperation();               <br />}<br /><br />When compiling this I get the following error message:<br /><br />Channel definition, mx.messaging.channels.StreamingAMFChannel, can not be found.<br /><br />Even when I comment out the above code referencing AMFChannel, the compile error still occurs (even when doing a "clean" build).<br /><br />Here are the relevant compiler settings:<br /><br /><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><br /><actionScriptProperties mainApplicationPath="client.mxml" version="3"><br /><compiler additionalCompilerArguments="-services &quot;C:\tomcat_blazeDS\webapps\myservice\WEB-INF\flex\services-config.xml&quot;<br />  -locale en_US" copyDependentFiles="true" enableModuleDebug="true" flexSDK="Flex 2.0.1 Hotfix 3" generateAccessible="false"<br />   htmlExpressInstall="true" htmlGenerate="true" htmlHistoryManagement="true" htmlPlayerVersion="9.0.28" htmlPlayerVersionCheck="true" <br />   outputFolderLocation="C:/tomcat_blazeDS/webapps/myservice/swf" outputFolderPath="bin-debug" sourceFolderPath="src" <br />   strict="true" useApolloConfig="false" verifyDigests="true" warn="true"><br /><compilerSourcePath/><br /><libraryPath defaultLinkType="1"><br /><libraryPathEntry kind="4" path=""><br /><modifiedEntries><br /><libraryPathEntry kind="3" linkType="4" path="${PROJECT_FRAMEWORKS}/libs/framework.swc" useDefaultLinkType="true"><br /><crossDomainRsls><br /><crossDomainRslEntry autoExtract="true" policyFileUrl="" rslUrl="framework_3.0.0.477.swz"/><br /><crossDomainRslEntry autoExtract="true" policyFileUrl="" rslUrl="framework_3.0.0.477.swf"/><br /></crossDomainRsls><br /></libraryPathEntry><br /></modifiedEntries><br /></libraryPathEntry><br /><libraryPathEntry kind="1" linkType="1" path="libs"/><br /><libraryPathEntry kind="3" linkType="1" path="myCore.swc" useDefaultLinkType="false"/><br /></libraryPath><br /><sourceAttachmentPath/><br /></compiler><br /><applications><br /><application path="client.mxml"/><br /></applications><br /><modules/><br /><buildCSSFiles/><br /></actionScriptProperties><br /><br />Any comments on whether this should work, and is supported?  If this is expected to work, I would also appreciate some ideas on work-arounds.<br /><br />Thank you,<br />David

    Even when you comment out the channel (actually all channels) that has the
    reference to mx.messaging.channels.StreamingAMFChannel this still doesn't
    Are you sure that FlexBuilder is pointing at the right services-config.xml
    file when it compiles the MXML? It can't point at a BlazeDS 'default'
    It sounds like the problem is that the Flex2 libraries in the swf are trying
    to load that channel class which is new for Flex3 and it isn't there.
    Removing any and all references to this class in the config files used to
    compile the swf should fix it.
    Let us knwo if that isn't it.
    Tom Jordahl

  • Deprecated API compilation error

    Please help. Attached is my source code. I'm receiving a compilation error that reads 'RnrBooksApp.java uses or overrides a deprecated API. Recompile with -deprecation for details.' I'm very new to Java, so I appreciate any assistance. Thank you!
    //ClassName: RnrBooksApp
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class RnrBooksApp extends Frame implements ItemListener, ActionListener
         //Declare database variables
         Connection conBook;
         Statement cmdBook;
         ResultSet rsBook;
         boolean blnSuccessfulOpen = false;
         //Declare components
         Choice lstBooks               = new Choice();
         TextField txtISBN          = new TextField(13);
         TextField txtTitle          = new TextField(50);
         TextField txtAuthor = new TextField(30);
         TextField txtPublisher     = new TextField(30);
         Button btnAdd      = new Button("Add");
         //Button btnUpdate = new Button("Update");
         Button btnEdit     = new Button("Save");
         Button btnCancel = new Button("Cancel");
         Button btnDelete = new Button("Delete");
         Label lblMessage = new Label(" ");
         public static void main(String args[])
              //Declare an instance of this application
              RnrBooksApp thisApp = new RnrBooksApp();
         public void createInterface()
              //Load the database and set up the frame
              if (blnSuccessfulOpen)
                   //Set up frame
                   setTitle("Books Database");
                   addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                                  public void windowClosing(WindowEvent event)
                   setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                   //Set up top panel
                   Panel pnlTop = new Panel(new GridLayout(2, 2, 10, 10));
                   pnlTop.add(new Label("ISBN"));
                   lstBooks.insert("Select a Book to Display", 0);
                   pnlTop.add(new Label(" "));
                   add(pnlTop, "North");
                   //Set up center panel
                   Panel pnlMiddle = new Panel(new GridLayout(5, 2, 10, 10));
                   pnlMiddle.add(new Label("ISBN"));
                   pnlMiddle.add(new Label("Title"));
                   pnlMiddle.add(new Label("Author"));
                   pnlMiddle.add(new Label("Publisher"));
                   Panel pnlLeftButtons = new Panel(new GridLayout(0, 2, 10, 10));
                   Panel pnlRightButtons = new Panel(new GridLayout(0, 2, 10, 10));
                   add(pnlMiddle, "Center");
                   //Set up bottom panel
                   add(lblMessage, "South");
                   //Display the frame
                   setSize(400, 300);
                   stop(); //Close any open connection
                   System.exit(-1); //Exit with error status
         public Insets insets()
              //Set frame insets
              return new Insets(40, 15, 15, 15);
         public void loadDatabase()
                   //Load the Sun drivers
              catch (ClassNotFoundException err)
                   //Load the Microsoft drivers
                   catch (ClassNotFoundException error)
                   System.err.println("Drivers did not load properly");
                   //Connect to the database
                   conBook = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Book");
                   //Create a ResultSet
                   cmdBook = conBook.createStatement();
                   rsBook = cmdBook.executeQuery(
                        "Select * from Book;");
                   blnSuccessfulOpen = true;
              catch(SQLException error)
                   System.err.println("Error: " + error.toString());
         public void loadBooks(ResultSet rsBook)
              //Fill ISBN list box
              catch (SQLException error)
                   System.err.println("Error in Display Record." + "Error: " + error.toString());
         public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent event)
              //Retrieve and display the selected record
              String strISBN = lstBooks.getSelectedItem();
              lblMessage.setText(""); //Delete instructions
                   rsBook = cmdBook.executeQuery(
                        "Select * from Book where [ISBN] = '"
                        + strISBN + "';");
              catch(SQLException error)
                   lblMessage.setText("Error in result set. " + "Error: " + error.toString());
         public void displayRecord(ResultSet rsBook)
              //Display the current record
                        lblMessage.setText("Record not found");
              catch (SQLException error)
                   lblMessage.setText("Error: " + error.toString());
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
              //Test the command buttons
              Object objSource = event.getSource();
              if(objSource == btnAdd && event.getActionCommand () == "Add")
              else if (objSource == btnAdd)
              else if(objSource == btnEdit)
              else if(objSource == btnDelete)
              else if(objSource == btnCancel)
         public void setTextToNotEditable()
              //Lock the text fields
         public void setTextToEditable()
              //Unlock the text fields
         public void clearTextFields()
              //Clear the text fields
         public void Add()
              //Add a new record
              lblMessage.setText(" ");     //Clear previous message
              setTextToEditable();                //Unlock the text fields
              clearTextFields();                //Clear text field contents
              txtISBN.requestFocus ();
              //Set up the OK and Cancel buttons
              //Disable the Delete and Edit buttons
         public void Save()
                        //Save the new record
                        // Activated when the Add button has an "OK" label
                        if (txtISBN.getText().length ()== 0 || txtAuthor.getText().length() == 0)
                             lblMessage.setText("The ISBN or Author is blank");
                                  cmdBook.executeUpdate("Insert Into Book "
                                            + "([ISBN], [Title], [Author], [Publisher]) "
                                            + "Values('"
                                            + txtISBN.getText() + "', '"
                                            + txtTitle.getText() + "', '"
                                            + txtAuthor.getText() + "', '"
                                            + txtPublisher.getText() + "')");
                                  //Add to name list
                                  //Reset buttons
                             catch(SQLException error)
                                  lblMessage.setText("Error: " + error.toString());
         public void Delete()
                        //Delete the current record
                        int intIndex = lstBooks.getSelectedIndex();
                        String strISBN = lstBooks.getSelectedItem();
                        if(intIndex == 0)          //Make sure a record is selected
                                                      //Position 0 holds a text message
                             lblMessage.setText("Please select the record to be deleted");
                             //Delete the record from the database
                                       "Delete from Book where [ISBN] = '" + strISBN + "';");
                                  clearTextFields();               //Delete from screen
                                  lstBooks.remove(intIndex);          //Delete from list
                                  lblMessage.setText("Record deleted");     //Display message
                             catch(SQLException error)
                                  lblMessage.setText("Error during Delete."
                                       + "Error: " + error.toString());
         public void Cancel()
                        //Enable the Delete and Edit buttons
                        //Disable the Cancel button
                        //Change caption of button
                        //Clear the text fields and status bar
         public void Edit()
                        //Save the modified record
                        int intIndex = lstBooks.getSelectedIndex();
                        if(intIndex == 0)          //Make sure a record is selected
                                                      //Position 0 holds a text message
                             lblMessage.setText("Please select the record to change");
                             String strISBN = lstBooks.getSelectedItem();
                                  cmdBook.executeUpdate("Update Book "
                                       + "Set [ISBN] = '" + txtISBN.getText() + "', "
                                       + "[Title] = '" + txtTitle.getText() + "', "
                                       + "[Author] = '" + txtAuthor.getText() + "', "
                                       + "[Publisher] = '" + txtPublisher.getText() + "' "
                                       + "Where [ISBN] = '" + strISBN + "';");
                                  if (!strISBN.equals(txtISBN.getText()))
                                       //Last name changed; change the list
                                       lstBooks.remove(intIndex); //Remove the old entry
                                       lstBooks.add(txtISBN.getText()); //Add the new entry
                             catch(SQLException error)
                                  lblMessage.setText("Error during Edit. " + "Error: " + error.toString());
         public void stop()
              //Terminate the connection
                   if (conBook != null)
              catch(SQLException error)
                   lblMessage.setText("Unable to disconnect");

    How DO you compile then?
    If you don't type "javac", you must be using an IDE.
    In your IDE there should be some kind of configuration
    tab or option for "compiler options" or compilation options
    or compiler arguments... something like that.
    put "-deprecation" in that text box and recompile.
    Your compiler should tell you all about which methods
    are deprecated -- you then go to your trust JavaDocs
    and lookup those methods in the API and read WHY they
    are deprecated (i.e. OLD, outdated, defunct, no longer used)
    and what you should use instead. Then, correct your
    code to no longer use the deprecated methods and instead
    do things as suggested in the deprecation comments.

  • Flash limitations, Invisible Compiler Errors, swc files...

    This question is for expert users of Flash CS4/CS5 and actionscript.   Please do not comment or offer suggestions if you have no experience  with these errors or their causes.
    Publishing  an extremely complex file can sometimes result in a blank swf being  created, and no compiler errors being shown even though some may exist.   Are there any suggested methods for dealing with this?
    Those who have written flash files with large actionscript components  will be familiar with needing to set the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS evinronment  variable in order to prevent the Flash compiler from crashing due to  memory limits.  The majority of the files in question require this as a  bare minimum in order to be compiled at all.
    The project in question involves several main "launcher" components,  in addition to hundreds of "modules".  The modules themselves are being  developed in a distributed manner by several programmers.  Each module  can be executed as a standalone swf, for testing and production  purposes.  Each module has a companion swc file which holds its assets  and exports them.  All of the modules make use of a shared custom code  library that sits on top of actionscript.
    The launcher program also uses the shared library code, and runs the  modules  (never more than one at a time, and clearing previously loaded ones  before loading a new one) inside of itself.  The launcher contains a  reference file(the class names typed in an include file, referencing all  of the available exported assets from the swcs) that makes all the  necessary assets available to the modules, such that any module can be  run at any time.
    The Error:
    Seemingly random in occurence, every now and then a file will  "compile blank".  Essentially, the compile time is very short, the swf  pops up as a blank white box, and there is absolutely nothing listed in  the "Compiler Errors" tab, nor in the output tab.  Sometimes closing  flash and relaunching it will bring the Compiler Error messages back,  though usually not.  More often opening the file on another computer in a  different copy of flash and compiling it again will show the errors.   The original computer will still not show anything, but the other  computer can be used to fix the error, and then the file will start  reporting errors again properly.
    However, sometimes, the file will "compile blank" on all computers,  and all copies of flash.  Then the only resort to find the hidden errors  and fix them, is to comment out the entire file, and slowly uncomment  out sections one at a time.  In this manner, the area where the hidden  errors are occuring can be determined, and the error found manually.
    Obviously this is an extremely frustrating situation, but one that can be "worked around".
    However, there are two more serious incarnations of this which cannot be as easily side stepped.
    1.) Sometimes certain computers/copies of flash will "compile blank" a  file that doesnt actually have errors in it.  The same file will  compile and work perfectly on one machine, and not on another.
    2.) The most severe of all...The two more complex components compile fine in cs4, but always "compile blank"  on cs5, no matter what.  The module files all compile much faster on  cs5 and work great.  However, the shared code library and the launcher  program cannot be compiled in cs5, though they compile fine in cs4.   Both compile blank every single time on cs5, with no errors reported.
    --Just as a side note here are the compile times on two different  types of computers, for cs4 and cs5, for the three types of compiled  files:
    CS4 Compile time averages:
    Dual Core - Pentium 4:
            Module File = 1-4 minutes
            Shared Code Library = 10+ minutes
            Launcher Program = Unusable
    6 Core AMD w 16 GBs of RAM:
             Module File = less than 10 seconds
             Shared Code Library = approx. 1 minute
             Launcher Program = 15-25 minutes
    CS5 Compile time averages:
    Dual Core - Pentium 4:
            Module File = less than 20 seconds
            Shared Code Library = 2-4 minutes
            Launcher Program = Compiles blank
    6 Core AMD w 16 GBs of RAM:
             Module File = less than 10 seconds
             Shared Code Library = less than 30 seconds
             Launcher Program = Compiles blank
    1.) Large and complex files in cs4 or cs5 can sometimes false compile, showing a blank swf, and no errors.
    2.) Large interlinked projects containing many swcs that can compile on cs4 always compile blank on cs5
    The issues involved "appear" to deal with interlinked swcs and swfs, memory, and compiler messages.
    The best solution i can think of would be some sort of verbose mode  setting, where the cs4/cs5 compilers can be set to trace all the actions  they are taking, either to a log file, or to the screen.  Rather than  simply giving a summary of the results, a real-time display of what is  occuring might lead to the actual bugs/issues.

    For the future people who come searching this forum and find my thread.
    Above is a link to adobe's official version of admitting this situation exists(and its true for cs5 as well).
    If you are reading this, and simply have a single large file that won't compile.  Attempt their solutions suggested.  Also, click the link in the comments by the user refering to a blog that helped him.
    That will explain the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS memory issue (which you can find many explanations on google as well).
    If however, you are working with a large number of separate swf's that load each other, and share assets and are getting the REAL problem, neither adobe's solutions, nor the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS will correct the problem for you.  My best suggestion to you is, have one SWF launch the next one, and break your project into pieces.  Whatever the parent SWF needed to have, can be either copied into all the children SWFs, or into several "brother" SWFs which share the loaded children SWFs, (and can actually be successfully compiled).  Then as you move from brother to brother, they can be made to appear as if they were actually ONE file, loading the children, instead of several launching each other, and sharing the loading duties.
    and as far as adobe is concerned, if i told you what i thought of you, i would get this post deleted...and myself banned.
    Anyone considering doing Enterprise level projects in Flash, DONT.  I wanted to use JAVA, but my company went with flash.  I am stuck working around it constantly, and would have been better off coding foundation classes to mimic whatever functionality we needed from flash into java.
    Maybe when actionscript 4 comes along, it will magically bring with it true object oriented programming, and Adobe will spend the time and money to make a real working compiler.  Somehow i doubt it.

  • Compiler Error Message: BC30451: Name 'UserEmail' is not declared.

    Have the message when I test the page. Anyone sugest a
    solution please?
    Compiler Error Message: BC30451: Name 'UserEmail' is not
    Page code below.
    <%@ Page Language="VB" ContentType="text/html"
    ResponseEncoding="iso-8859-1" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="MM" Namespace="DreamweaverCtrls"
    Assembly="DreamweaverCtrls,version=,publicKeyToken=836f606ede05d46a,culture=neutra l"
    System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("MM_CONNECTION_STRING_conSQLPerene lle")
    System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("MM_CONNECTION_DATABASETYPE_conSQL Perenelle")
    CommandText='<%# "SELECT dbo.Users.UserEmail,
    dbo.Users.UserPassword FROM dbo.Users WHERE
    dbo.Users.UserEmail=@UserEmail AND
    dbo.Users.UserPassword=@UserPassword" %>'
    Expression='<%# IsPostBack %>'
    <Parameter Name="@UserEmail" Value='<%#
    IIf((Request.Form("UserEmail") <> Nothing),
    Request.Form("UserEmail"), "") %>' Type="NVarChar" />
    <Parameter Name="@UserPassword" Value='<%#
    IIf((Request.Form("UserPassword") <> Nothing),
    Request.Form("UserPassword"), "") %>' Type="NVarChar" />
    <MM:PageBind runat="server" PostBackBind="true" />
    <script language="VB" runat="server">
    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal Src As Object, ByVal E As
    ' Don't cache this page.
    Response.Expires = -1
    Response.AddHeader("Pragma", "no-cache")
    Response.AddHeader("cache-control", "no-store")
    ' Check user credentials entered on the page
    If (UserEmail.Value =
    &&(UserPassword.Value =
    dsUsers.FieldValue("UserPassword",Nothing)) Then
    ' The user has been authenticated.
    ' 1. Create the authentication ticket.
    ' 2. Redirect to the appropriate page.
    ' 1. Create the authentication ticket.
    ' Create and use the forms authentication ticket.
    FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = New
    DateTime.Now, ' issue time
    DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(30), ' expires in 30 minutes
    False, ' not persistent
    Dim ' role assignment gets stored in the UserData As
    ' Create a new (encrypted) HttpCookie using the ticket just
    ' and name it accordingly to the value specified in the
    <forms> element
    ' in the web.config file.
    Dim cookie As HttpCookie = New
    ' Add the cookie to the outbound response.
    ' Redirect as appropriate.
    Dim ReturnUrl As String
    If Request.QueryString("ReturnURL") Is Nothing Then
    ReturnUrl = "/client-area/index.aspx"
    ReturnUrl = Request.QueryString("ReturnURL")
    End If
    Msg.Text = "Invalid Credentials: Please try again"
    End If
    End Sub

    Answered myself. JUst named the imput fields incorrectly.
    Couple of other problems also but sorted and now working

  • Compile Error: 'class' or 'interface' expected

    Hi all,
    I have a code which was compiling/running successfully:
    import java.net.*;
    When I added the line: import java.io.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import java.io.*;
    Got the following compile error:
    'class' or 'interface' expected
    import java.io.*;
    If I comment one of my import statements then it compiles, but I can't have both!
    Does anybody know what's the problem? where it comes from?
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    I haven't post the entire code b/c it's very long, anyway here it is...
    import java.net.*; ;
    import java.io.*;
    //class TransactionOp: #1
    class TransactionOp
    int ID = 0;
    double price = 0.0;
    int subsID = 0;
    String xmlDoc = "";
    String xmlResp = "";
    String respID = "";
    String authCode = "";
    int opResult = 0;
    public TransactionOp(int anID, double aPrice, int aSubID)
         ID = anID;
         price = aPrice;
         subsID = aSubID;     
         //op done values: 1: REF, 2: DCL, 3: AUTH, 4: AUTH_NoID
         //op errors: -1: noResponse, -2: noAuthResp, -3: noStatus, -4: no gw.
    //class AddressCC: #2
    class AddressCC
    String zipcode = "";
    String city = "";
    String state = "";
    String country = "";
    String address1 = "";
    public AddressCC(String addr1, String city1, String state1, String country1, String zipcode1)
         address1 = addr1;
         city = city1;
         state = state1;
         country = country1;
         zipcode = zipcode1;
    //class InfoCC: #3
    class InfoCC
    String fullName = "";
    String number = "";
    String expDate = "";
    public InfoCC(String name, String number1, String date)
         fullName = name;
         number = number1;
         expDate = date;
    public class SurePayGW
    //instance fields
    private String merchant = "";//merchant = aMode
    private String password = "";
    private String server = "";
    private int subsID = 0;
    public SurePayGW()
         merchant = "34593";
         password = "hnbv78hj6";
         server = "xml.surepay.com";     
    }//endof constructor:SurePayGW
    //String formattedS = "\"" + s + "\"";
    public void spitDoc(SurePayGW sp, AddressCC address, InfoCC ccInfo, TransactionOp trans)
         String xmlBuf = "<!DOCTYPE pp.request PUBLIC \"-//IMALL//DTD PUREPAYMENTS 1.0//EN\" \"http://www.purepayments.com/dtd/purepayments.dtd\">";     
         xmlBuf = xmlBuf + "<pp.request merchant=" + "\"" + sp.merchant+ "\" password=" + "\"" + sp.password+ "\">";
         xmlBuf = xmlBuf + "<pp.auth ecommerce=\"true\" ordernumber=" + "\"" + trans.ID + "\" recurring=\"false\">";     
         xmlBuf = xmlBuf + "<pp.creditcard number=" + "\"" + ccInfo.number + "\" expiration=" + "\"" + ccInfo.expDate.charAt(0) + ccInfo.expDate.charAt(1)+ "/" + ccInfo.expDate.charAt(2) + ccInfo.expDate.charAt(3) + "\">";          
         xmlBuf = xmlBuf + "<pp.address type=\"billing\" zip=" + "\"" + address.zipcode + "\" city=" + "\"" + address.city + "\" state=" + "\"" + address.state + "\" country=" + "\"" + address.country + "\" fullname=" + "\"" + ccInfo.fullName + "\" address1=" + "\"" + address.address1 + "\"/>";
         xmlBuf = xmlBuf + "</pp.creditcard>";     
         xmlBuf = xmlBuf + "<pp.address type=\"shipping\" zip=" + "\"" + address.zipcode + "\" city=" + "\"" + address.city + "\" state=" + "\"" + address.state + "\" country=" + "\"" + address.country + "\" fullname=" + "\"" + ccInfo.fullName + "\" address1=" + "\"" + address.address1 + "\"/>";     
         xmlBuf = xmlBuf + "<pp.lineitem sku=\"R" + trans.subsID + "Zg\" description=\"Subscription Renewal\" taxrate=\"0\" quantity=\"1\" unitprice=\"" + trans.price + "USD\"/>";
         xmlBuf = xmlBuf + "</pp.auth></pp.request>";
         //print("@DBG [SurePayDoc.submitTransaction]: will send %s" % xmlBuf)
         trans.xmlDoc= xmlBuf;
         //System.out.println("This the final result of xmlBuf: ");
         //System.out.println("trans.xmlDoc = " + trans.xmlDoc);
    }//endof m: spitDoc
    public void submitTransaction(SurePayGW sp, TransactionOp aTrans)
         String param = "";
         HttpURLConnection connection;
         URL url;
         String urlString = "";
         String input = "";
         String response = "";
              //params= urllib.urlencode({'xml' : aTrans.xmlDoc})
              param = java.net.URLEncoder.encode(aTrans.xmlDoc, "UTF-8");
              //System.out.println("The output from java.net.URLEncoder.encode: " + param);
              //link= httplib.HTTPSConnection(self.server)
              urlString = "https://" + sp.server;
              url = new URL(urlString);
              connection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();          
              System.out.println(connection.getResponseCode() + " " + connection.getResponseMessage());          
              //link.putrequest('POST', '/')
              //link.putheader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
              //link.putheader('Content-length', ("%d" % len(params)))
              //link.putheader('Accept', 'text/plain')
              connection.setRequestProperty("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
              connection.setRequestProperty("Content-length", param.length());
              connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "text/plain");
              System.out.println("Client : Connected");
              //response= link.getresponse()
              //data= response.read()     
              DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream());
              System.out.println("Client : Writing Content");
              System.out.println("Client : Flushing Stream");
              System.out.println("Client : Waiting for response from Server");
              BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(http.getInputStream()));
              System.out.println("Client : Opened input stream");
              while((input = in.readLine()) != null)
                   response += input + "\r";
              System.out.println("Client : received : "+response);
              //I'm not bothering to close the streams or http connection yet.
         }//endof: try
         catch (MalformedURLException e)
         catch (Exception e)
    }//endof m:submitTransaction
    }//endof class:SurePayGW

  • Compiler error "oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement" not found in class com.ora

    Compiler error "oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement" not found in class com.oracle.demos......?
    I am currently testing a simple sample application with a java code similar to the one shown at
    the bottom of this post.
    However during deployment/compilation the compiler gives an error:
    Error(26,23): XMLElement not found in class com.oracle.demos.orderbooking.ApproveImpl
    Additionally similar other errors appear:
    Error(23,66): JAXBException not found in class com.oracle.demos.orderbooking.ObjectFactory
    Error(51,58): UnmarshalException not found in class com.oracle.demos.orderbooking.ObjectFactory
    Error(9,92): Element not found in interface com.oracle.demos.orderbooking.Approve
    What's wrong?
    It seems to me that I have to add some (more) *.jar files/libraries to the project?
    Which *.jars and where should I add them in JDeveloper?
    source code:
    package com.oracle.demos.orderbooking;
    public class ApproveImpl extends com.oracle.demos.orderbooking.ApproveTypeImpl implements com.oracle.demos.orderbooking.Approve
    public ApproveImpl(oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement node)

    Hai James this the response I am getting can you please tell what should I write inside ora:getNodeValue() to get the value of node <genReturnText>
    The drag and dropping the variable name is not working, I have to write the path manually but I dont know how.
    <ns1:getRoutingAndFrameJumpersResponse xmlns:ns1="com.NetworkInstallations">
    Transaction successfully completed.

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