Fastest method to save (as a shortcut) or select a custom colour

At, Dave Marchant graciously imparted that it's impossible to change the colour blend or colour in the following red box:
Nonetheless, what are some faster ways to access/choose/save a custom colour that's NOT in the colour picker? I want to abstain forever from inputting the colour numerical values, every single time. Here's another picture:

Search cnet's or for what you are looking for. I tried some of the free ones, they mostly don't work, one trial worked well, but I forgot the name of it (because it was listed as free, but then it was a trial, I wanted free ), I did not try the paid ones.
If you live in a country where you can get iTunes music store or their TV / Movie store, buying would be a better options, but some of us don't have iTunes music store or any of the other stores.

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    Hi Tom,
    I've not tried this, but others have reported success using a servlet
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    Tom Hennen wrote:
    We would almost certainly be interested in something like Fast WS.
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    Bruce Stephens <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi Tom,
    Strings will probably be your fastest option as far as least cycles used
    in the transport layers.
    Do you have a bunch of small messages to exchange the fixed overhead
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    We would be interested to hear your feedback if this would be of
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    I'm trying to figure out what the fastest method of sending/receivingXML to/from
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              I am unable to save the instance(Record) in standard Lead business object from custom business object.
    created one custom business object with mandatory fields for creating instance in standard lead.
    in quick create screen i bind  data elements to standard lead business object elements.
    when i click on preview i am getting exception as Arguments not found
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    Hi Vijay,
    Please refer this link under that mentioned that how to create lead using ABSL code
    Web 2 Lead in SAP Cloud for Customer, step by step - Part 1 - myCloudDoor myCloudDoor
    Under the "Action-CreateLead.absl" mentioned how to create lead
    the above link for convert web 2 lead functionality and under they create lead using web data from ABSL code.

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    I'm afraid the short answer appears to be: no.
    There is still no way... unless someone can correct me and I'd love them to... to highlight a panel (cycle through them till the required one is highlighted) and then simply tab through the various parts of that panel. I've just had a play. Nor is it amenable to setting up an action for it which I've found to be a solution before now... just tried it. Nor is there a custom shortcut opportunity.... I've drawn a blank on all the ways I'd try.
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    I am sorry.

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