Faulty HYPERLINKS.RPLN causes crash in cs4

I have a fresh install of Windows 7 Pro on a fresh HD with a fresh install of the Adobe Design suite. Up till now not a hickup. Two days ago I tried to design a label template and I saved it. Today though all of the other programs work fine InDesign crashes every single time I go to crate a new document from a preset or a default. Strangly I can open the template file I made fine put can not create a new document no way. I get Stopped working message inserted below. I can open a template or my preset file but I can not create a new document.

You should probably deactivate before uninstalling, but going back on the same machine you don't need to remove the serial number.
Rename C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\InDesign\<Version #>\<Language>\InDesign Defaults and C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Adobe\InDesign\<Version #>\<Language>\Caches\InDesign SavedData

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    var myDoc = app.open([document path]);
    for (i = 0; i < myDoc.hyperlinks.length; i++)
         var myHyperlink = myDoc.hyperlinks[i];  
         var newDestination = myHyperlink.destination; // - this causes indesign to crash
         //Do some processing...
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    Faulting module name: HYPERLINKS.RPLN, version:, time stamp: 0x4d891ef9
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x000000000006e33b
    Faulting process id: 0x1dfc
    Faulting application start time: 0x01ccd52e23e3216c
    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS5 Server x64\InDesignServer.exe
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    I think I may have found the problem...
    It appears that the particular document I'm working with has a shared link that is contained in another document (in InDesign if you look at the hyperlink details it is a shared destination and for "document" it specifies a different document then the current one. This would probably happen when the hyperlink is copied from a different document. When trying to access that shared link it is unable to get the properties of it because there is actually no reference to it as the other document isn't open on the server.
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    In my 5.5, I don't have that script, I have something that is similar, but I know very little about scripts, i.e. can change false statement to true, but don't know how to run it or find output:
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    Adobe Indesign CS5.5>
    Scripts>converturltohyperlink>startup scripts>ConvertURLToHyperlinkMenuItemLoader.jsx
    I've continued to test various cases of hyperlinks to find failing links:
    1 works note that there is a #:
    2 works note that there is a #:
    3 works note that there is a #:
    4 works: www.360cities.net
    5 works: 360cities.net
    6 works:  www.360cities.net/image/punta-arenas-chile-mirador
    7 works:  360cities.net/image/punta-arenas-chile-mirador
    8 works xxx 360-degree view from the Puenta Arenas mirador: 360cities.net/image/punta-arenas-chile-mirador
    9 works xxx 360-degree view from the Puenta Arenas mirador: 360cities.net/image/punta-arenas-chile-mirador - a dup of 8 just to see if number of entries is a factor.
    10 fails xxx 360-degree view from the Puenta Arenas mirador
    In the above list why does 6 work and 10 fail?
    Message was edited by: backpack45scb with examples

    After narrowing down to a test list of 4 urls, I was able to find at least one cause of the problem. I had 3 working urls, and one that would cause ID to crash in hyperlink.rpln. I found the problem by looking at the text with story editor. The problem url was surrounded by hyperlink cross reference symbols.
    Would paste output, but again am getting black square when I click insert image.

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    Did you install the 11.0.1 update?
    Is your OS up to date with patches?
    Have you tried disabling OpenGL in preferences to avoid using the GPU/Graphics card?

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    Doies it help anyone that I just received this from the email address; [email protected];
    You have received this email because the content you posted below has been rejected by our moderators.
    Re: Barn doors transition causes crash
    posted Jun 5, 2013 5:15 PM  
    Since the original report earlier today - I now just have to put the timeline scrubber over the barn doors transition and PP CS6 closes without an error message and without saving. The unfortunate part here is there doesn't seem to be any record or log of the crashes to be able to disseminate whats going wrong.
      Barn doors worked in CS4 - and the only change in this project is the re-opening in CS6 CC."
    Question; Did I put something in there that was defammatory, rude, obnoxious, incorrect or un-helpful?
    If anyone here believes I did, I sincerely apologise for the need of moderators to have intervened... and for causing any offence.

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    Yes, I understand that; thanks.
    But does the file crash Preview when you try to open it? I assume not, but your replies aren't clear about whether you've actually tried to open the file yourself.

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    getho wrote:
    seems to happen on specific documents
    no I didn't reset prefs, but then the install is only a couple of weeks old (and I think I've had to dump photoshop prefs about 4 times in 8 years of using it; illustrator - thats another story!)
    I'd try resetting the prefs any how, just to be sure. It should only take a minute to set your prefs back if it doesn't fix it.
    Since it's happening on specific documents, is there anything special about them? Like, do their layers contain certain fonts, or maybe smart objects that have specific files in them? 3D layers? Are these files stored in any special place, or just maybe on your Desktop? (I'm just giving suggestions, since it's likely something specific those documents as you said, and maybe these files are just damaged and you'll have to re-create them, but hopefully you can figure out the cause of the problem.)

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    It is as if the Apple server does n't complete?
    The phone stays in recovery mode, until you reset and rebuild in iTunes.
    All software is up to date, but I can't find the cause
    <Email Edited by Host>

    No error messages.
    It just fails to complete the download, so recovery mode is the next step.
    This can be over a period of eight hours or more!
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    You will want to install them from the installation media.

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    This has caused multiple issues for our teams as it has created files we're starting to refer to as "mine fields" - as working with the .ai file is like playing Russian roulette with text fields, you never know which one is going to crash the file.
    I would love to work with a team member from Adobe to help find a resolution to the problem, and I'm willing to provide any additional details that might aid in that process.

    Hello Pureweb,
    Please upload the crashdumps on some file sharing website say Dropbox and share the link with us by sending a mail to "[email protected]". We will analyze the dump and will suggest you the workaround appropriately.
    In parallel, please check that you do not have any 3rd Party plugins installed in it. Please try to remove them one-by-one and see which one causes the crashes or do reverse i.e. remove all the 3rd party plugins. Or Uninstall Ai and check at following location:
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CC 2014
    Please verify that nothing is left at above location on uninstalling Ai. Then try a fresh install and see if Ai works.
    Also, verify that you have the updated Wacom drivers on your system. This might be an issue with the 3rd party program as well. One of the user who was having a similar issue reported on the Ai forum that one of the 3rd party Stahl's ImageWorx DTG RIP - a program for printing to a Direct To Garment printer was causing the issue. So, you may check if the similar thing is not happening in your case.

  • Photoshop CC Content - Aware Move Tool causes crash

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    I have Windows 8.1 Pro with 8GB RAM
    NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M Graphics
    Photoshop CC 64 bit

    Thanks for the reply JJMack - I have to be honest, i'm not exactly sure what i'm looking for here!
    Adobe Photoshop CC 2014
    Stopped working
    06/04/2015 09:45
    Report sent
    Faulting Application Path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2014\Photoshop.exe
    Problem signature
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: Photoshop.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 5480338c
    Fault Module Name: FaceDetection.dll
    Fault Module Version:
    Fault Module Timestamp: 52e12400
    Exception Code: c0000005
    Exception Offset: 000000000001704d
    OS Version: 6.3.9600.
    Locale ID: 2057
    Additional Information 1: e87c
    Additional Information 2: e87c816cbb2acbf5e54624fc2b1f98cc
    Additional Information 3: 1879
    Additional Information 4: 1879b998534215d47b0a850e45784427
    Extra information about the problem
    Bucket ID: 2dac81db98a57fddf5997edfd40ba6eb (85993531415)

  • Render Lighting Effects Filter Crashing PS CS4 on only Mac Pro Towers...8 Cores!!!

    I just recently received a brand new Apple 8 core 2.93Ghz Mac Pro tower and also had the previous 3.33Ghz 8 core with the same exact issue. I have 16GB of memory on this tower and my last tower had 16GB as well. Everytime I run the render lighting effects filter on certain files in PS it hangs up and then crashes on me. I know it is not the files because they work on my Macbook Pro's, my iMac, and have tested them on many other computers other than the Mac Pro tower's at the Apple Retail Store out by me. I ran the same files on their new Mac Pro and it crashed just like it did on my two towers, but was very random and not file specific. Some that crashed on mine opened on theirs and vice versa. I have worked with the Adobe top techs troubleshooting this and supposedly eliminated that it could be a preference related issue, permissions related issue, file issue, and have done many things like disabling Open GL, resetting prefs, reinstalling, trying in new user, in Rosetta, in safe mode, in the root user, etc...super thorough testing and it still happens. Both Apple and Adobe feel that it must be something going on with the Mac Pro tower, PS, and possibly how the graphics card interacts and renders the filter. Actually I opened these files in my PS CS3 and it rendering the lighting effects filter, but was unable to run the filter on the entire image and actually left a 1/4 inch of the bottom of the image untouched which was completely bizarre. I have screenshots and console logs too if someone wants to see. I am REALLY curious to hear if anyone else has run into this problem or if they try what happens. Thanks and curious to hear some input. Regards, Anthony
    Here are three links to the files...the first one is the file that is crashing my CS4 when running filter>render>lighting effects. The second is what it did to my file after running that same file in CS3, and the last is what the preview dialog box showed in CS3 when not running the filter on the entire image.

    Hey there Bryan...I actually just talked with a level 2 Apple product specialist today after generating a case with Apple and he brought this to Apple Engineers and apparently since it is third party...meaning Adobe....it first has to be documented with Adobe after they look into the problem and then Adobe apparently will or should work together with Apple to help find a solution to the problem.  This problem is very easy to reproduce on any 8 core Mac Pro tower and am hoping more people use the darn render lighting effects filter and get on everyone's case.  I also had someone I know who is a Photoshop guru...Jim DiVitale test it on his 8 core in his photo studio and he was able to get his PS CS4 to crash like a bomb too.  There is obviously something going on that needs to be looked at hopefully MUCH sooner than later so let's see what comes out of this.  It really does suck because this is a filter that I actually do use in my workflow quite often.  I just know that before I even attempt to run this filter I make absolutely certain I save everything and then hit that darn OK button.      Keep on them and try to bring as much attention to this issue as possible so we can come to a resolution fast!  @nthony

  • Flash panels crashing Photoshop CS4

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    1. The "Auto-Collapse Iconic Panels" option is activated under Edit > Preferences > Interface.
    2. The flash panel is collapsed to an icon.
    3. You click on the panel icon to display it and run a filter plugin from the flash panel.
    The crash happens when you run the filter plugin from the panel or after you click OK on the plugin dialog. Sometimes the crash happens after the plugin was applied and you do something else in Photoshop.
    I was able to reproduce the problem with my own ThePluginSite panel and the Blow-Up panel of Alienskin.
    If the "Auto-Collapse Iconic Panels" option is deactivated, there is no crash.
    Can this problem be fixed in Version 11.02 of Photoshop CS4?

    What does this have to do with the SDK?  Does it crash in a plugin that you wrote using the SDK?
    Or are you just trying to report a bug in the flash panel code?  If so, use the normal bug report form, and include details so we can work with Alien Skin to resolve the problem.

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