FB60/FB65 - Need to validate tolerance

We have a requirement wherein, when posting is done in transaction FB60 and FB65, the system needs to check the tolerance entered in a Z table and anything beyond the value specified in the Z table, an error/message needs to be displayed.
Any idea how to achieve this - any exit?

Dear Ganesh,
Try these user exits FI80A001- EXIT_SAPLF048_001..include ZXF48U01  and F050S001 EXIT_SAPLF050_002...include ZX050U01. Obviously, you need good technical support, since your requirement is little bit tricky.
Trust this helps much!

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    Since you already have one copy activated the serial number must be logged in your account details - I would first check that the one logged and the one you are attempting to enter are the same.
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    FORM data_changed.
      DATA     : l_bname TYPE xubname.
      CONSTANTS: c_mesg      TYPE char16   VALUE 'Invalid SAP User',
                 c_error     TYPE char1    VALUE 'E'.
    * Validation on BNAME field
      IF zps_capex_appr-bname IS NOT INITIAL.
        SELECT SINGLE bname FROM usr01 INTO l_bname
               WHERE  bname = zps_capex_appr-bname.
        IF sy-subrc NE 0.
          MESSAGE c_mesg TYPE c_error.
    ENDFORM.                              "DATA_CHANGED
    Please suggest me how to proceed.
    <Added code tags>
    << Priority normalized >>
    Awaiting for your replyu2026
    Thanks in Advance.. 
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Mar 2, 2012 9:23 AM

    Hello Sreekanth,
    How are you populateing the field zps_capex_appr-bname ? I'm pretty much sure that this is not getting populated at runtime.(put a break-point & check)
    In order to access the data in the TMG [Event01|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04s/helpdata/en/91/ca9f0ba9d111d1a5690000e82deaaa/content.htm], we have to use the TMG system tables - TOTAL & EXTRACT.
    If your validation of BNAME fails, remember to:
    1. Set SY-SUBRC to a non-zero value,
    2. Set the flag VIM_ABORT_SAVING to 'X'.

  • Plants are needed to validate against company in Component Tab - IW31

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    Module PM , T Code IW31 ,
    Plants are needed to validate against company in Component Tab and need to populate error message in status bar . Thereafter user possible to correct whatever the error and save it .
    Can you please help me to solve this issue.
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    Already i tried BADI -IW O1_ORDER_BADI and
    exit -
    PRM0003 User field: Maintenance plan
    WO10001 Create a PM sub-order
    WO10002 PM maintenance order: Customer check for order release
    WO10004 Maintenance order: Customer check for order completion
    WO10005 Maintenance order: Cust.-specif. determination of profit ctr
    WO10006 Maint. order: Fcode exclusion through cust. enhancement
    WO10007 Maint.order: Customer enhancement - permits in the order
    WO10008 Cust. enhancement: Determination of tax jurisdiction code
    WO10009 PM Order: Customer Check for 'Save' Event
    WO10010 Maint. order: Cust. enhancement for determining WBS element
    WO10012 Maintenance order: Priority handling on central header
    WO10015 Maintenance order: F4 Help for user fields on operation
    WO10016 PM Order: Cust. enhancement to check operation user fields
    WO10017 Determine external order number by customer logic
    WO10018 Maintenance order: User fields on order header
    WO10020 Maintenance order: Automatically include task list
    WO10021 Automatic task list transfer when creating order from notif.
    WO10022 Determine calendar from user exit
    WO10025 PM/SM order: Finding responsible cost center
    WO10026 User check on setting status 'Do not perform'
    WO10031 Hide personnel number in PM/SM order
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    EXIT_SAPLCOMK_004 (Enhancement - CNEX0013)

       I am not completely clear with ur question, i think system will give message if component is selected from other company code, but if ur looking for something specfic ..check the below
    CNEX0037 : Check a newly assigned component.
    CNEX0038: Check a changed component.

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 12542: When adding a mask to the display list need to validate it and all its children .

    Revision: 12542
    Revision: 12542
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-12-04 10:38:32 -0800 (Fri, 04 Dec 2009)
    Log Message:
    When adding a mask to the display list need to validate it and all its children.  Previously the children were not validated and their display list was updated before properties were committed or measure was done.  RichText was not set up to handle this.
    QE notes:
    Doc notes:
    Bugs: SDK-24511
    Reviewer:  Evtim, Deepa
    Tests run: checkintests, fxg, primitives, Group
    Is noteworthy for integration: no
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    AFAIK, the only way to do this is to write a system modifcation.
    The BADI is executed only once at startup of the session, so that makes it merely static. (A strange point in time, I discussed it with SAP and they just shook their heads)
    I had the same problem with some other F4-Helps and it was a big hazzle. From my experience, no straight answer.

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    I'm not clear what you are saying here. Since for S&T versions registration is mandatory, you have a permanent serial on your account and those function just liek any normal serial number of a comemrcial package.

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    Hi Andrew,
    Part A:
    I've done some restating of the question, and distributed the calculations among several fields, not all of which need to be included on the visible layout. Other than formatting the Date fields and moving the 'Completed Date' field and its label, I've left this in the default "Layout 1" produced by AppleWorks.
    Field List:
    Priority: Popup menu with six items: 00, J, D, 1, 2, 3  Defaults to 00
    TL (time limit in months): Calculation:  CHOOSE('Priority',0,1,3,4,6,12)
    Received: Date. Option: Automatically insert today's date (ie. Date Record created) (may be edited)
    Target Date: Calculation:
    DATE(YEAR('Received')+INT(MONTH('Received')+'TL')/12,MOD(MONTH('Received')+'TL', 12),DAY('Received'))
    Remaining (Days): Calculation: INT('Target Date'+1-NOW())  (see revision below)
    Completed: Checkbox. Set default value to Unchecked.
    Completed Date: Date: Entered manually
    OnTarget: Calculation: IF('Completed',IF('Completed Date'<'Target Date',"On Target","Over"),IF(INT(NOW())>'Target Date',"Over","On Target"))
    The On Target field shows the current status of the case while still open, and the state on the closing date when it was closed.
    Having done that, I was unhappy with the Remaining field continuing to calculate an ever larger negative number after the case had been closed. Hence this revision below:
    Remaining: Calculation: IF('Completed','Target Date'-'Completed Date',INT('Target Date'+1-NOW()))
    Shows the number of days remaining while the case is open, the days remaining at completion if the case has been marked Completed and the completion date entered.
    Rsults (and some further formatting of the Layout) below.
    Part B:
    You will need Subsummary parts when sorted on Completed and on On Target. Fields can appear on  a Layout only once, so each subsummary part will need a separate Summary type field for each field to be summarized.

  • I need to validate field in repeated region

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    therefore the
    name of the form element changes, like ... name1, then same
    field next row
    is 'name2', and so forth ... I haven't been able to find help
    nor tutorials,
    I need to get this done over the weekend, does anyone knows
    someone who I
    can hire to do this job ?

    I did, I just don't know how to validate them .... any clues
    "Randy Edmunds" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:eesnug$bbd$[email protected]..
    > Alejandro,
    > To use form elements in a Repeat Region, you'll need to
    setup a scheme to
    > automatically generate unique ids/names for each
    element. And do it in
    > such as way that you can interpret the data later.
    > HTH,
    > Randy
    >> I have a page that updates multiple records, the
    first field in the
    >> repeated region is a date.
    >> I need to validate that the information entered in
    such field is a date,
    >> keep in mind this is not just one field but a
    repeated region. I tried
    >> using my regular form validation extensions but none
    >> Is there a way to validate form elements inside a
    repeated region ?

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    I've two view object EmployeeView and DepartmentsView
    In Employee View I've changed Department_Id to Input List OF Values
    I've created a bean to inset data into Employee Table
          ApplicationModule am = ADFUtils.getApplicationModuleForDataControl("AppModuleDataControl");
          ViewObject importedVO = am.findViewObject("EmployeesView");
    try {
                newEmp.setEmployeeId(new Number("3424));
                newEmp.setFirstName("Test Fname");
                newEmp.setLastName("Test Lname");
                newEmp.setEmail("[email protected]");
                newEmp.setDepartmentId(new oracle.jbo.domain.Number(999));
                 } catch (Exception e) {
                // TODO: Add catch code
                System.out.println("inside Catch");
            }I know that ADF validate Input list of values when inserting new value on it
    when I've enabled the debugger I've found that
    <ViewObjectImpl><buildQuery> [604] SELECT DepartmentsEO.DEPARTMENT_ID,         DepartmentsEO.DEPARTMENT_NAME,         DepartmentsEO.MANAGER_ID,         DepartmentsEO.LOCATION_ID,         DepartmentsEO.ISDELETED FROM DEPARTMENTS DepartmentsEO WHERE ( ( (DepartmentsEO.DEPARTMENT_ID = :vc_temp_1 ) ) )
    <ViewObjectImpl><bindParametersForCollection> [605] Bind params for ViewObject: [com.test.model.views.DepartmentsEOView]AppModule.__LOCAL_VIEW_USAGE_com_test_model_views_EmployeesEOView_DepartmentsView_findByVC_12_LOV_DepartmentId_lov__filterlist__vcr___
    <OracleSQLBuilderImpl><bindParamValue> [606] Binding param "vc_temp_1": 999
    <ViewObjectImpl><processViewCriteriaForRowMatch> [607] VCs converted to RowMatch:  ( (DepartmentId = :vc_temp_1 ) )
    <ViewRowImpl><handleListBindingMismatch> [608] No matching row found for list binding:LOV_DepartmentId for ViewRow:oracle.jbo.Key[34235 ]
    <ViewRowImpl><handleListBindingMismatch> [609] --- filterList ValueMap key:DepartmentId, value:999
    <DCBindingContainer><internalRefreshControl> [610] **** refreshControl() for BindingContainer :com_test_view_testInsertPageDef
    <JUCtrlHierNodeBinding><release> [611] released: ROOT node binding:noCtrl_oracle_adfinternal_view_faces_model_binding_FacesCtrlHierNodeBinding_2, value:EmployeesViewIterator
    <JUCtrlHierNodeBinding><release> [612] released: ROOT node binding:noCtrl_oracle_adfinternal_view_faces_model_binding_FacesCtrlHierNodeBinding_2, value:EmployeesViewIterator
    <DCIteratorBinding><releaseDataInternal> [613] Releasing iterator binding:EmployeesViewIterator
    <ApplicationPoolMessageHandler><doPoolMessage> [614] **** PoolMessage REQ ATTACH LWS
    <ApplicationPoolMessageHandler><doPoolMessage> [615] **** PoolMessage REQ DETACH LWS
    <DCJboDataControl><initializeApplicationModule> [616] (oracle.adf.model.bc4j.DataControlFactoryImpl.SyncMode = Immediate
    <DCBindingContainer><internalRefreshControl> [617] **** refreshControl() for BindingContainer :com_test_view_testInsertPageDef
    <DCBindingContainerState><validateToken> [618] Process BindingContainer state token(decompressed state):BCST:=0%V%=NEmployeesViewIterator=-D-,
    <this means that ADF tries to validate the input list of values "Department_Id" and didn't found any match
    I need to through exception when I try to set Department_ID with invalid value "value not on range" like
    newEmp.setDepartmentId(new oracle.jbo.domain.Number(999));I don't want to validate it manually as I've a lot of fields.
    I need to through exception when try to
    newEmp.setDepartmentId(new oracle.jbo.domain.Number(999));

    Thanks Timo
    this is the code that I use
          ApplicationModule am = ADFUtils.getApplicationModuleForDataControl("AppModuleDataControl");
          ViewObject importedVO = am.findViewObject("EmployeesView");
          EmployeesEOViewRowImpl newEmp = (EmployeesEOViewRowImpl)importedVO .createRow();
          importedVO .insertRow(newEmp);
    try {
                newEmp.setEmployeeId(new Number("3424));
                newEmp.setFirstName("Test Fname");
                newEmp.setLastName("Test Lname");
                newEmp.setEmail("[email protected]");
                newEmp.setDepartmentId(new oracle.jbo.domain.Number(999));
                 } catch (Exception e) {
                // TODO: Add catch code
                System.out.println("inside Catch");

  • Creative Cloud Student and Teacher my computer crashed and need to validate it again on the same computer how do I do this?

    My computer crashed and I had to completely restore my computer and need photoshop to be running quickly I am in school right now and have projects I have to be working on. How do I re-install the programs and validate them because they come up as trail versions?

    Does your Cloud subscription show on your account page?
    https://www.adobe.com/account.html for subscriptions on your Adobe page
    Some general information for a Cloud subscription
    Log out of your Cloud account... Restart your computer... Log in to your paid Cloud account
    -Sign in help http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/account-password-sign-faq.html
    Then install https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud.html

  • Need to validate file Name,split the file name and store the splited values into Variables

    Dear All,
    Below is the my requirement.
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    Initially the file name start with ACA code,groupid,group name and date time stamp. This is the standard structure of file name.
    I want to check each and every file in the folder with this structure. The structure should be standard for all the files. If the structure same for all files I need to get codes form file name. For example
    If you see the below file name, I need to get ACA and put into variable,I need to get 122 and put into variable. For group name and date time needs to put in variable.
    If the file format is not valid state then I need to log exception.
    Let me know if I am not clear.
    Kindly provide the C# code for achieving the above requirement.
    As I am new to .net programming. kindly help me.
    Thanks in Advance,
    Madhava Ganji
    Madhava Ganji

    Hi MadhavaGanji,
    I have post how to validate the file name, header row against definition table which stored the file name and column definition. 
    Take a look and see if this is helpful.

  • FB60 layout needs OSS Note

    Hi All,
    FB60 entry layout needs to be correct to pre 6.0 Keying the screens as is, is very time consuming.
    I have a ticket to reduce the size of the assignment field. 
    Needs OSS Note for the Layout to be correct.
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi All,
    FB60 entry layout needs to be correct to pre 6.0 Keying the screens as is, is very time consuming.
    I have a ticket to reduce the size of the assignment field. 
    Needs OSS Note for the Layout to be correct.
    Thanks in Advance

  • Miro, FB60, FB65, F-41

    Good Day to All SAP Gurus!!
    Here is my scenario:
    In MIRO and FB60, we raise a payable.
    1. Upon MIRO, i have to create a credit memo using FB65, without affecting the inventory portion.  Let's say i just have to lessen the payable portion and charge to another vendor.
    MIRO ENTRY:                           CREDIT MEMO
         GR/IR  - 10.00                                   A/P - Vendor 1        2.00  
                A/P- Vendor 1   10.00                          A/P - Vendor 2             2.00
    How can i attach the Credit Memo to the MIRO document so that when i transact it in F-58, the amount is net of the credit memo.
    Open item Processing:
              Vendor 1 = 8.00 and not 10.00
    2. Same with FB60, how can i relate a credit memo so that when i process open items it is net of the attached Credit memo?
    Thank you for your help.  Points shall be assigned to helpful informations.

    The Note 924769 will help you to resolve this issue. Kindly read the note carefully.
    Ravinagh Boni

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