Feeling Better -- for a moment

Bionic woes go to the FTC
Feeling better! Even though it's not going to change a thing....I officially registered a complaint with the FTC about my numerous problems with the Bionic and the connectivity ---- I'm on my third phone and still having problems. I will continue to try to work respectfully and rationally with VZW but I'm being given the run around and to boot, I'm paying for it. I am being charged for service that is intermittent at best as well as a mobile hotspot feature...Something is wrong with this picture! Just pushing the send button on the FTC website and receiving the little confirmation email that it was received has made me feel better...That is until I need to check my email on my cell or research something on the web again...

try changing the window size a small amount forcing it to redraw - or make a small, minor edit and see if those help

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    Great question.
    Word processing for iOS is fantastic, but not as good for citations and things as on the macbook air, though footnotes will be preserved.
    The new textbook options on ipad are compelling. You should find out if any of your school textbooks are on there by searching the itunes store. If so, ipad is your choice.
    They are different categories of products. the macbook air is an excellent computer.
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    Hi Srinivasa,
    Thanks for replying.
    Presently im working as a subject matter expert from a Billing side in our project which involves intergration of Billing(Infranet Billing Engine),Siebel and SAP for financial reporting and related stuff.
    Im working on System design for Billing and how its different interfaces will interact with Siebel,Order Mangement and provisioning systems.
    I hope that helps..else i can go into more details.
    Vikas Dabas

  • LR5: Moving develop module sliders blurs the image for a moment

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    This doesn't happen at all in Lightroom 4.4, which I still have installed and can compare side-by-side.
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    If this is indeed intentional, is there any way to turn it off? I would much rather it had taken a bit longer to update the photo, than to have the image switch to this "pixel doubled" version.
    Also, this doesn't happen at all in LR 4.4 on the same machine. However, if it indeed isn't a bug, this probably means LR5 requires more resources to process a photo than 4.4. This would be somewhat disappointing, given that LR5 was supposed to be faster than its predecessor.

  • I understand, read this and feel better - I hope!

    Alright, I have to admit that buying my new G5 2.1 20" on SUNDAY right before the announcement on TUESDAY wasn't the best. HOWEVER, I have to remember why I did this.
    We all KNEW there were Intel Macs coming - it was all over the mainstream media. What we didn't know is that the iMac would be here in January. I thought maybe June/July. Based on that, I chose to buy this week and I really didn't want to be a test subject for the new Intel.
    When the announcement was made, I was upset at first! I mean, 2-3x faster?!? That blew me away. I thought it may get a little bump but that was it. Now with the x1600 and dual monitor support I was mad. I mean HOW could they do that? I just bought it? Arhg!
    Then I read all the message boards on the net, read articles at Tom's Hardware about the Intel processor roadmap and calmed down a little. Here is what I discovered, maybe it will help you all feel better - which ever way you go.
    1) The G5 versions are proven and reliable (there are always the rare exceptions).
    2) The G5 is a true 64bit processor
    3) The G5 supports ALL current apps natively
    4) It may be "months" before pro apps are native for the Intel Mac. Ex. Photoshop CS, Aperture, etc.
    5) You CAN get iLife '06 for the G5...for a small price.
    6) My 4 day old G5 is just as powerful and great as it was on Sunday 1/8/06 when I bought it!
    7) A G5 with at least 1.5G RAM rocks compared to my PC (AMD 64 3000+ socket 939, 2GB DDR400, ATI 9800 Pro). Sure the Intel may have better numbers, but I never really touched ALL the power of the AMD - the Mac? Maybe someday down the road with newer and more power hungry software like a new version of Aperture.
    8) The Intel is Core-Duo (Yonah)...sure it's new and runs fast but it is 32 bit. Apple really wanted the Merom chip that will be available late 2006 / early 2007. This clearly didn't fit Apple's timeline. Thus they jumped on the Yonah/duo core for the first steps with Intel.
    9) The Merom is slated to be the chip for the towers down the road and most likely be put into the iMac's as well - like the G5 is now on both platforms. At that time, the iMac's will probably be the dual core Merom 64bit and the high end tower might sport the quad version in a year or two. The Merom is also capable (right now in testing) of 4MB L2 vs DuoCore at 2MB, it also has the potential (reported) of up to 16MB...wow! That't the stuff that's coming down the road in a few years. By that time both the G5 and the current Intel will look wimpy.
    9) The newer versions of iMac will probably use the ATI x1800 graphics card...much better, the x1600 has so-so reviews. A prediction? Mac will stick with the x1600 for now. When the iMac comes with a Merom chip (2007?) they will upgrade to ATI's latest and best card - maybe even SLI if they are serious about multimedia and compteting with games.
    Okay, yes I am CAN return it. Pay about $165 10% fee and get the new Intel or keep my G5 and put more RAM in it. What do I suggest?
    1) IF you are eligible to return it, it's a coin-toss. Keep a reliable powerful G5 or test out the great new Intel. It's your 10% fee.
    2) If you can't return, why sell it on Ebay or elsewhere and take a $200-500 loss? Is the Intel really that much better? Why not save it for Intel iMac rev B or C?
    3) If you are new to Mac or haven't bought one yet, see #1. I don't think you can go wrong either way.
    4) If you are a "gamer" - go witht the Intel.
    OH! And if you buy a "qualifying system" on or after 1/10/06, you can get the iLife '06 upgrade for $10.
    iMac G5 2.1 20"   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    good. to b safe n sure, always wait after Jan n June, n see what new products r introducd. then do research n juggle ur desicion b4 any purchase. u guys in the usa enjoy more supports. the applecare ppl in my country are known for their reckless service.
    to b productive, having the fastest machine doesnt always win u business. if ppl try to play catch up with technology, then they would have to upgrade their machines on a daily basis. being quite an xperiencd mac user, i dont get upset at every upgrades, i enjoy my set up as long as it works. i still use imovie4, i think its more reliable for my sd video n since i dont do anamorphic video work yet. i also have some old crt imac in the office, running pagemaker n photoshop 6, yeah, they r dinasors, but as long as theres a demand in the market n u can still make money from it, then enjoy the set up.
    one graphic design student said hes upset bcos he spent so much money on the imac g5 n felt cheated. i was once a college student n i wanted everything new. almost 10 years later, ive used many diff computers n still i can produce good design. imagine urself being a graphic designer in the mid 90s, 5gb for a storage is godsent.
    if u involve in a big budget prod company, prhaps u can upgrade ur machines quarterly a year, n u probably dont start with an imac. the imac is not the powermac. when i bought my emac, i fully understood tht its not the fastest machine on earth. its going to b replaced soon n i predicted tht the next emac upgrade would enjoy a bigger storage at 160g, i was right. but it didnt upset me bcos with the cheap emac, i could do my freelance jobs that brings me money, enuff for me to get a powermacg5 a year ago, n turnd my video hobby into part-time videography business.
    no need to panic at evry upgrades, relax, stay cool, enjoy your machines wisely. me, ill wait n see the evolution of these intel machines, when they r ripe, i will upgrade.

  • Which Imac would be better for gaming?

    So i've got a choice between these two models -
    3.1GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7, Turbo Boost up to 3.9GHz
    TB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm
    8gb Ram
    NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 1GB GDDR5
    Apple care
    27 inch model
    3.2GHz quad-core Intel Core i5
    Turbo Boost up to 3.6GHz
    8GB (two 4GB) memory
    1TB hard drive1
    NVIDIA GeForce GT 755M with 1GB video memory
    Apple care
    Basically, the decision is down to, do I want a slightly better graphics card and bigger screen, or a smaller screen and better processer?
    I just want to gauge opinions, i'll be using it as my day to day computer as well, some video editing, but nothing too strenuous. How big is the difference in graphic and processing powers.
    Thanks for your help

    With all due respect the question was "which iMac would be better for gaming?".  Key word here is 'better', not 'perfect', not 'ideal'; just 'better'. Unqualified answers and/or sweeping statements do very little to contribute to a discussion, let alone answer the question under consideration.

  • Mini-DVI port: monitor goes black for a moment if wiggle the adaptor

    I have an Early 2009 mini 2.0GHz, which I'm using with the included Mini-DVI to DVI adaptor.
    I've discover that if I press down on the adaptor plug just right, the monitor flickers to black for a moment, as if the adaptor were pulled out of the Mini DVI port.
    I know: don't do that.
    But it can also happen if the monitor cable gets tugged on just right (how I discovered it), and I'm concerned that the Mini DVI port may be loose on the motherboard, that it may get worse, that it may flicker intermittently without provocation, etc.
    On the other hand, maybe this is just how the mini is built and I'll be wasting my time getting service.
    So I'm hoping some of you can poke at your minis and see if it happens to you too.
    Instructions For Proper Poking:
    º Have everything plugged in with computer and monitor on
    º Press down gently on the plug that is plugged into the mini's Mini DVI port
    º Try a little wiggle, press from the end of the plug where the wire comes out to get a little leverage, etc.
    º Try gently picking the mini up a few times, so that the monitor cable is hanging down from the mini
    It only happens sometimes for me.

    So I just ran through the little test matrix you outlined in your first post with my Early 2009 mini. Result: no trouble whatsoever with intermittent connection. I would say what yours is doing isn't normal. Maybe some other people will try and report their results.
    Mini DVI has been out there for a long time, albeit not on the Mac mini, but on other Apple notebook products. I have not heard that the connection is not "robust" ever. And I've been following the MacBook and MacBook Pro display forums for a couple years now.

  • I am going to buy a macbook pro for grade 12, and I need to know wheather I should get a macbook pro or a macbook pro retina. If someone could tell me (in a very simple way) which one is,better for me and why, I would be ever so apprreciative.

    I am going to buy a macbook pro for grade 12, and I need to know wheather I should get a macbook pro or a macbook pro retina. If someone could tell me (in a very simple way) which one is,better for me and why, I would be ever so apprreciative.

    Why do you need a expensive MacBook Pro?
    Your attending high school and unless everyone else is rich also your likely going to be a target by the more poorer students for theft or damage to the machine.
    You could keep it home, but if you need it for class then your exposed again.
    Also at that age your not very careful yet, a MacBook Pro is a expensive and easily damaged machine.
    Unless your made of money and so are others at your school, I would recommned a low profile, just does the job cheap Windows PC.
    If it dies, gets lost, stolen or damaged because of your inexperince handling senstivie electronics then it's no big deal.
    You can buy a Mac later on when your sure you have a need for it, currently there isn't much advantage of owning a Mac compared to a PC, they do just about the same things now, one just looks prettier than the other.
    Since 95% of the world uses Windows PC's your going to have to install Windows on the Mac in order to keep your skills up there or be unemployed, so it's a extra headache and expense.
    good luck

  • Vmware Fusion Beta for Mac OSX Released Today

    I don't know if this is the correct forum; if it's not, please pardon me.
    VMware Fusion Beta for Mac OSX has been released today. This product, while the developers admit has some bugs in it, promises to make virtual computing a whole lot easier and would eliminate for many (not all) the need to use Boot Camp. The link for this new program is http://www.vmware.com/products/beta/fusion/
    On that page you can find links for support and forums as well.
    If you need a free virtual appliance to use with Fusion, then use this link http://www.vmware.com/vmtn/appliances/
    Currently, there is no charge for using the BETA program. The VMWare folks are asking people to give feedback on their use of the product.
    This is what we've been waiting for to purchase our new MAC. I can say without a doubt that from my own experience with Linux boxes, VMWare is the best virtual solution on the market. It's easy to configure and supports a wide variety of hardware and OSs. I can even move the virtual machines I created under Linux to my new MAC when I receive it.
    The time has finally dawned for me to retire the last remaining pc towerbox in my home. My wife and I recently expunged one of those machines earlier this week and are eagerly looking forward to getting rid of the other one.
    We am really looking forward to purchasing the new Mac Pro. What makes it especially appealing for us is it's scalability and the fact that we can use our current hardware,including our Kensington Track Ball mouse and current monitor with it, although we are taking a serious look at a new Apple Display as well.
    Many thanks to everyone for taking the time to read this post. I am looking forward to joining and my wife is looking forward to rejoining the MAC community.

    You might try the VMWare beta forum:

  • Page background disappears for a moment on page turn in pdf

    In indesign my document has a gradient page background (created in indesign) on the master page to make it look like a book. But when the page is turned in pdf, the background disappears for a moment, leaving the page white, then the background appears again; it does this nearly every time page is turned, flashing white. Does this have to do with pdf or indesign layers? I have only 1 layer in the indesign document, and transparency blend space is set to rgb.

    Everytime you change the page Acrobat needs to redraw all of the page elements. The dealy is probably a reflection of the amount off video memory available, as much as anything.

  • Which is better for doing animation? Flash 4, 5, MX, CS, or others?

    Which is better for doing animation? Flash 4, 5, MX, CS, or
    I am used to using brush function more conveniently in Flash
    4 than the other versions I ve tried. However, Flash 4 doesn't have
    pen tool.
    Free News Reader

    1Evan2Wing3 wrote:
    > Which is better for doing animation? Flash 4, 5, MX, CS,
    or others?
    > I am used to using brush function more conveniently in
    Flash 4 than the other versions I ve tried. However, Flash 4
    doesn't have pen tool.
    all pretty identical tho I would go with cs, just because I
    like the GUI much
    more than other versions...
    Best Regards
    "Never play Leap-Frog with a Unicorn."
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

  • Which is better for bulk message scenario in sap xi RFC or Proxy

    which is better for bulk message scenario in ( RFC or Proxy ) ?
    Edited by: prabhatxi on Aug 6, 2010 4:44 PM

    Proxy will alwaays be better option in this case, as it is adapter less framework, and communication happens directly with XI central integration engine. So it is always fast communication and gives good performance.
    But still you should consider other factors, you may consider using RFC as well, as sometime we go for RFC/IDOC as this are the standard interfaces already available rather than creating structure...
    May be you can share more info on what type/volume data are you planning to send via XI?
    Hope this cleart your doubt..

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    For some reason that link I gave you isn't working right now, but it was today, weird. I would get Tomcat simple because sun uses it in its examples and recommends it. Here's sun's link then, it's probably more useful anyway. http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/

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