Fetching records using a cursor in to the record datatype

I am trying to declare a cursor and load the fetched rows in to record datatype. but i am getting error about the arguments that have to passed in to output command. plz help
2 cursor emp_cursor IS
3 select ename, empno from emp
4 where deptno =30;
5 emp_rec1 emp_cursor%rowtype;
7 open emp_cursor;
8 loop
9 fetch emp_cursor into emp_rec1;
10 exit when emp_cursor %notfound;
11 dbms_output.put_line(emp_rec1);
12 end loop;
13* end;
SQL> /
ERROR at line 11:
ORA-06550: line 11, column 1:
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'PUT_LINE'
ORA-06550: line 11, column 1:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored

thanks guys.the issue is resolved.
2 cursor emp_cursor IS
3 select ename, empno from emp
4 where deptno =30;
5 emp_rec1 emp_cursor%rowtype;
7 open emp_cursor;
8 loop
9 fetch emp_cursor into emp_rec1;
10 exit when emp_cursor %notfound;
11 dbms_output.put_line(emp_rec1.ename);
12 dbms_output.put_line(emp_rec1.empno);
13 end loop;
14* end;
SQL> /

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    Is it possible to re-use a Cursor pointer as a cursor pointer within the main cursor loop. We have a scenario like
    FOR c1 IN cursor1 LOOP
         FOR c1 IN cursor2 LOOP
         END LOOP;
    The code seems to work and gives correct result 75% of times and giving wrong result 25% times, even though we are using the same data every time.

    This is an existing piece of code, and we are actually trying to investigate why the program is giving incorrect results only sometimes and not always, even when we use the same set of data. This appeared to be the only logical error we could find.
    We are using the variable of the first loop inside the second one, which I understand the code shouldn't be doing. But then, I would expect the result to be consistently wrong, which they are not and this is what surprises me. Could it be that the Oracle is not able to handle this properly?

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    Sounds like you turned off your bounding box.
    Command-shift-b on the mac is the toggle, or from the view menu - show bounding box.

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    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Configuration;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Security;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
    using System.Xml.Linq;
    using System.Web.Configuration;
    using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;
    using Oracle.DataAccess.Types;
    public partial class App_frmTest : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    protected void btnClick_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    OracleCommand cmd=new OracleCommand();
    Data objdata = new Data();
    int i = 0;
    string constr = "Data Source=Cwc;User Id=scott; Password=tiger;";// enlist=false; pooling=false;
    OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr);
    /*Connection Open*/
    cmd.Connection = con;
    /*Connection Open End*/
    /*Select Through Ref Cursor*/
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    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    OracleParameter p_rc = cmd.Parameters.Add("p_rc", OracleDbType.RefCursor, DBNull.Value, ParameterDirection.Output);
    OracleParameter p_rc1;
    if (TextBox1.Text == "")
    p_rc1 = cmd.Parameters.Add("p_rc", OracleDbType.Int16, DBNull.Value, ParameterDirection.Input);
    p_rc1 = cmd.Parameters.Add("p_rc", OracleDbType.Int16, Convert.ToInt16(TextBox1.Text), ParameterDirection.Input);
    // OracleParameter p_rc1 = cmd.Parameters.Add("p_rc", OracleDbType.Int16, 2, ParameterDirection.Input);
    OracleDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
    DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();
    GridView1.DataSource = ds;
    OracleCommand cmd1 = new OracleCommand();
    OracleConnection con1 = new OracleConnection(constr);
    cmd1.Connection = con1;
    cmd1.CommandText = "scott.TEST_USER.ADDUSER";
    cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    OracleParameter P_ADDUSER = cmd1.Parameters.Add("P_ADDUSER", OracleDbType.RefCursor, DBNull.Value, ParameterDirection.Input);
    cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery(); // i am getting error when executing this line
    Server Error in '/CWC' Application.
    Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
    Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. 
    Exception Details: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
    Source Error: 
    Line 77: OracleParameter P_ADDUSER = cmd1.Parameters.Add("P_ADDUSER", OracleDbType.RefCursor, DBNull.Value, ParameterDirection.Input);
    Line 78: //OracleParameter P_MSG = cmd.Parameters.Add("P_MSG", OracleDbType.Varchar2, DBNull.Value, ParameterDirection.Output);
    Line 79: cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery();
    Line 80:
    Line 81: DataTable dt = new DataTable();
    Source File: d:\CWC\App\frmTest.aspx.cs    Line: 79 
    Stack Trace: 
    [AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.]
    Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OpsSql.ExecuteNonQuery(IntPtr opsConCtx, IntPtr& opsErrCtx, IntPtr& opsSqlCtx, IntPtr& opsDacCtx, IntPtr opsSubscrCtx, Int32& isSubscrRegistered, Int32 bchgNTFNExcludeRowidInfo, Int32 bQueryBasedNTFNRegistration, Int64& query_id, OpoSqlValCtx*& pOpoSqlValCtx, String pCommandText, IntPtr& pUTF8CommandText, IntPtr[] pOpoPrmValCtx, String[] ppOpoPrmRefCtx, OpoMetValCtx*& pOpoMetValCtx, Int32 prmCnt, Int32 bFromPool) +0
    Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() +4731
    App_frmTest.btnClick_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in d:\CWC\App\frmTest.aspx.cs:79
    System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) +111
    System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +110
    System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +10
    System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) +13
    System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData) +36
    System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +1565

    Its better to ask it at visual studio forum site:http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/category/visualstudio

  • VBPA and VBAK query using OPEN CURSOR... anyway to skip buffer?

    Hi all,
    I have a query which VBPA inner join VBAK. In this query, I am using VBPA-KUNNR and VBPA-PARVW to query out data. I know VBPA holds a lot of data and querying in this way will be very heavy.
    So I use OPEN CURSOR to query the SELECT .. INNER JOIN for these two tables...
    It's fast for partners with few sales document.
    But, i noticed the query will do a buffer before it process the query...
    So my question is, is there a way to by-pass the buffer so it can immediately query?
    William Wilstroth

    Hi Sandeep,
    I did put the BYPASSIUNG BUFFER syntax in the query. The result is still the same...
    I wonder if it's just querying by VBPA-KUNNR and VBPA-PARVW is causing it? On the other hand, I think it's not because I am using VBPA-PARVW key field...
    Hmmm... I wonder why in the first time query, it will go to buffer and it takes out some time...
    William Wilstroth

  • Procedure to fetch table records using ref cursor

    i need to fetch all the records in the table using ref cursor.we need to pass table
    name and the out paramater should be ref cursor.
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE gettable(p_table_name IN VARCHAR2,
    p_ref_cursor OUT dept_pack.ref_cursor1)
    OPEN p_ref_cursor FOR SELECT * FROM p_table_name;
    END gettable;
    is that a start ? then after this i have to execute this procedure to fetch the data from table. i am getting error that table doesnot exist but my idea was to pass p_table_name as IN parameter.
    Thnks in Advance

    here is the example
      2                                  , p_cursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR)
      3  IS
      4  BEGIN
      5    OPEN p_cursor FOR
      6    'SELECT * FROM '|| t_name ;
      7  END TEST;
      8  /
    Procedure created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.02
    SQL>  var o refcursor;
    SQL> var tname varchar2(10);
    SQL> execute test('EMP',:o);
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    SQL> print :o;
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM        DNO
          7369 SMITH      CLERK           7902 17-DEC-80      800.2                    20
          7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN        7698 20-FEB-81       1600        300         30
          7521 WARD       SALESMAN        7698 22-FEB-81       1250        500         30
          7566 JONES      MANAGER         7839 02-APR-81       2975                    20
          7654 MARTIN     SALESMAN        7698 28-SEP-81       1250       1400         30
          7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       2850                    30
          7782 CLARK      MANAGER         7839 09-JUN-81       2450                    10
          7788 SCOTT      ANALYST         7566 19-APR-87       3000                    20
          7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17-NOV-81       5000                    10
          7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08-SEP-81       1500          0         30
          7876 ADAMS      CLERK           7788 23-MAY-87       1100                    20
          7900 JAMES      CLERK           7698 03-DEC-81        950                    30
          7902 FORD       ANALYST         7566 03-DEC-81       3000                    20
          7934 MILLER     CLERK           7782 23-JAN-82       1300                    10
    14 rows selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
    SQL>  execute test('DEPT',:o);
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.02
    SQL>  print :o;
        DEPTNO DNAME          LOC
            90 LOGISTIC
            10 ACCOUNTING     NEW YORK
            20 RESEARCH       DALLAS
            30 SALES          CHICAGO
            40 OPERATIONS     BOSTON
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.01

  • Multiple record insert problem in Oracle Procedure that uses a cursor

    Dear X-pert guies,
    I have a oracle procedure that use a cursor, I repeatedly make query on 1st table using cursor value and insert that queried value(of 1st table) to 2nd table
    y_summary. y_summary has composite  primary key :PK_Y_SUM (BILL_DATE, TRUNK_MGR, IDD_FLAG, PK_FLAG, PREFIX).*
    when i run the procedure explicit2('201001'); the it gives me the error:::: begin explicit2('201001'); end;_
    ORA-00001: unique constraint (PRM.PK_Y_SUM) violated_
    ORA-06512: at "PRM.EXPLICIT2", line 413_
    ORA-06512: at line 1_
    but when i remove the composite primary key from y_summary table then, the procedure runs ok and make so many duplicate entries in y_summary.
    but i want the single record  to be inserted for single time in y_summary ,so You guies are honorly requested to make the required help .
    the structure of y_summary Table and Procdure code is given below.
    -- Create table
    create table Y_SUMMARY
    BILL_DATE VARCHAR2(10) not null,
    TRUNK_MGR VARCHAR2(20) not null,
    IDD_FLAG VARCHAR2(10) not null,
    PK_FLAG NUMBER(2) not null,
    OUTDUR NUMBER(20,2),
    PREFIX VARCHAR2(10) not null
    tablespace TBS_PRM_D01
    pctfree 10
    pctused 40
    initrans 1
    maxtrans 255
    initial 64K
    minextents 1
    maxextents unlimited
    -- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints
    alter table Y_SUMMARY
    add constraint PK_Y_SUM primary key (BILL_DATE, TRUNK_MGR, IDD_FLAG, PK_FLAG, PREFIX)
    using index
    tablespace TBS_PRM_D01
    pctfree 10
    initrans 2
    maxtrans 255
    initial 64K
    minextents 1
    maxextents unlimited
    create or replace procedure explicit2( month_val in varchar2) is
    cursor explicit_cur is select dest_code from y_table where dest_code like '44%' order by dest_code desc;
    dummy varchar2(100);
    lv_length Number(9);
    sqlstr varchar2(2500);
    rec_count1 number;
    rec_count2 number;
    rec_count3 number;
    open explicit_cur;
    fetch explicit_cur into dummy;
    EXIT WHEN explicit_cur%NOTFOUND;
    rec_count1 :=0;
    rec_count2 :=0;
    rec_count3 :=0;
    lv_length := length(dummy);
    sqlstr := 'select count(*) from y_table_data1 t where t.fee_dur_1_1 <> 0
    and t.out_trunk in (''MHISRM'', ''GEISRM'', ''GEIMRP'', ''MHIMRP'', ''13'', ''ITAX1B'', ''ITAX3B'',''ITAX5B'', ''ITAX6B'', ''ITAX7B'', ''BTIMRP'', ''BTI5RP'', ''BTI6RP'', ''BTI7RP'')
    and t.service_code = ''00'' and substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||')='||''''||dummy||'''';
    execute immediate sqlstr into rec_count1;
    sqlstr := 'select count(*) from y_table_data1 t where t.fee_dur_1_2 <> 0
    and t.out_trunk in (''MHISRM'', ''GEISRM'', ''GEIMRP'', ''MHIMRP'', ''13'',
    ''ITAX1B'',''ITAX3B'',''ITAX5B'', ''ITAX6B'', ''ITAX7B'', ''BTIMRP'', ''BTI5RP'', ''BTI6RP'', ''BTI7RP'')
    and t.service_code = ''00'' and substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||')='||''''||dummy||'''';
    execute immediate sqlstr into rec_count2;
    sqlstr := 'select count(*) from y_table_data1 t where t.fee_dur_1_1 <> 0
    and t.out_trunk in (''MHISRM'', ''GEISRM'', ''GEIMRP'', ''MHIMRP'', ''13'',
    ''ITAX1B'', ''ITAX3B'',''ITAX5B'', ''ITAX6B'', ''ITAX7B'', ''BTIMRP'', ''BTI5RP'', ''BTI6RP'', ''BTI7RP'')
    and t.service_code = ''012'' and substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||')='||''''||dummy||'''';
    execute immediate sqlstr into rec_count3;
    if(rec_count1>0) then
    sqlstr := 'insert into y_summary(BILL_DATE ,PREFIX, TRUNK_MGR,OUTCALLS , OUTDUR , IDD_FLAG , PK_FLAG )
    select '|| month_val||' ,substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||'),t.trunkout_operator ,count(*) , round(sum(ceil(t.duration / 15) * 15) / 60, 0),''00'',''1'' from y_table_data1 t where t.fee_dur_1_1 <> 0
    and t.out_trunk in (''MHISRM'', ''GEISRM'', ''GEIMRP'', ''MHIMRP'', ''13'', ''ITAX1B'', ''ITAX3B'',''ITAX5B'', ''ITAX6B'', ''ITAX7B'', ''BTIMRP'', ''BTI5RP'', ''BTI6RP'', ''BTI7RP'')
    and t.service_code = ''00'' and substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||')='||''''||dummy||''''|| ' group by t.trunkout_operator,substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||')';
    execute immediate sqlstr;
    sqlstr :='DELETE from y_table_data1 t where t.fee_dur_1_1 <> 0
    and t.out_trunk in (''MHISRM'', ''GEISRM'', ''GEIMRP'', ''MHIMRP'', ''13'', ''ITAX1B'', ''ITAX3B'',''ITAX5B'', ''ITAX6B'', ''ITAX7B'', ''BTIMRP'', ''BTI5RP'', ''BTI6RP'', ''BTI7RP'')
    and t.service_code = ''00'' and substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||')='||''''||dummy||'''';
    execute immediate sqlstr;
    end if ;
    if(rec_count2>0) then
    sqlstr :='insert into y_summary(BILL_DATE ,PREFIX, TRUNK_MGR,OUTCALLS , OUTDUR , IDD_FLAG , PK_FLAG )
    select '|| month_val||' ,substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||'),t.trunkout_operator ,count(*) , round(sum(ceil(t.duration / 15) * 15) / 60, 0),''00'',''0'' from y_table_data1 t where t.fee_dur_1_2 <> 0
    and t.out_trunk in (''MHISRM'', ''GEISRM'', ''GEIMRP'', ''MHIMRP'', ''13'', ''ITAX1B'', ''ITAX3B'',''ITAX5B'', ''ITAX6B'', ''ITAX7B'', ''BTIMRP'', ''BTI5RP'', ''BTI6RP'', ''BTI7RP'')
    and t.service_code = ''00'' group by t.trunkout_operator,substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||')';
    execute immediate sqlstr;
    sqlstr :='DELETE from y_table_data1 t where t.fee_dur_1_2 <> 0
    and t.out_trunk in (''MHISRM'', ''GEISRM'', ''GEIMRP'', ''MHIMRP'', ''13'', ''ITAX1B'', ''ITAX3B'',''ITAX5B'', ''ITAX6B'', ''ITAX7B'', ''BTIMRP'', ''BTI5RP'', ''BTI6RP'', ''BTI7RP'')
    and t.service_code = ''00'' and substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||')='||''''||dummy||'''';
    execute immediate sqlstr;
    end if;
    if(rec_count3>0) then
    sqlstr :='insert into y_summary(BILL_DATE ,PREFIX, TRUNK_MGR,OUTCALLS , OUTDUR , IDD_FLAG , PK_FLAG )
    select '|| month_val||',substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||'),t.trunkout_operator ,count(*) , round(sum(ceil(t.duration / 15) * 15) / 60, 0),''012'',''0'' from y_table_data1 t where t.fee_dur_1_1 <> 0
    and t.out_trunk in (''MHISRM'', ''GEISRM'', ''GEIMRP'', ''MHIMRP'', ''13'', ''ITAX1B'', ''ITAX3B'',''ITAX5B'', ''ITAX6B'', ''ITAX7B'', ''BTIMRP'', ''BTI5RP'', ''BTI6RP'', ''BTI7RP'')
    and t.service_code = ''012'' group by t.trunkout_operator,substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||')';
    execute immediate sqlstr;
    sqlstr :='DELETE from y_table_data1 t where t.fee_dur_1_1 <> 0
    and t.out_trunk in (''MHISRM'', ''GEISRM'', ''GEIMRP'', ''MHIMRP'', ''13'', ''ITAX1B'', ''ITAX3B'',''ITAX5B'', ''ITAX6B'', ''ITAX7B'', ''BTIMRP'', ''BTI5RP'', ''BTI6RP'', ''BTI7RP'')
    and t.service_code = ''012'' and substr(t.orig_called_num,1,'||lv_length||')='||''''||dummy||'''';
    execute immediate sqlstr;
    end if;
    end loop;
    close explicit_cur;
    end explicit2;
    Edited by: user10951541 on 25.4.2010 12.08

    Dear concern
    Really sorry not to make format listing because i am amature to this blog.
    my anwser to your way .
    1. I have Tested my SQL statements manually in SQL*Plus. this runs ok
    2. "Cursor loops, such as the one you have coded here, have been obsolete in Oracle since version 8i 12+ years ago.
    Look up BULK COLLECT and FORALL in the docs and use them instead."
    I am trying to make use of the BULK COLLECT and FORALL statement in proper location.
    3. "Your procedure never performs a commit so no work actually takes place" i need to get the anwser why........................?
    4. "On what basis was the decision made to use the default PCTFREE and PCTUSED values of 10 and 40?"
    is there any problem if default is used..? if any suggestion........pls
    5." You did not format your listing using the CODE tags as explained in the FAQ making your listing unreadable ... so I've not read it.
    Please read the FAQ and use the proper way to post code so we can understand it. Then perhaps we can help you further. " really sorry not to make understandable to you..? but i will try from next post..
    I really will try to be synced..
    My aim is to make query to Table A using the cursor value like( '4422','442','4411','441','44') and get some data in accordance of these values.Then i put the data into another Table B. same time i need to delete the record from Table A containing the prefix value in accordance for example- i compute value for '4422' from Table A and put the computed value to Table B .Then i delete the record from Table A where prefix is '4422' .so that computed value for the next prefix '442' should contain the computed value for 442[0-1] and 442[3-9] .Same way it will be happened for ('4411','441','44'....bla...bla).
    Thanks in advance..

  • Can I use a cursor to display multipla records (just as an EXECUTE_QUERY)?

    is it possible?
    so I can display about 10 records at the same time in a block (in forms)
    just like a tabular form?
    using a cursor, fetch, etc.

    what I want is this...
    do you see when in a tabular forms (multiple records, i.e 5 records at the same time).
    if you press F8 (execute query), it will fetch all records.
    ok, now instead of using the execute_query key, how can I get the same thing by using cursors?

  • How to fetch records from the database into a combo box?

    I&acute;m really new with ABLBPM and I&acute;m trying to fetch records from the database to display them into a combo box as valid values for a presentation but I&acute;m using a dynamic method with this code:
    <em>for each row in SELECT campo1, campo2 from TABLE</em>
    <em>solicitudes[] = [row.campo1, row.campo2]</em>
    <em>return solicitudes
    </em>And the debugger says that SQL instructions can be used only in fuctions and procedures that are executed on the server.
    Do you know another way to do it?
    P.D. Sorry for my terrible english

    Hi Steve,
    Thank you, your idea is perfect, but when I try to run the screenflow where the combo should be filled I get this error:
    fuego.lang.ComponentExecutionException: No se ha podido ejecutar correctamente la tarea.
    Motivo: 'java.lang.NullPointerException'.
         at fuego.web.execution.InteractiveExecution.setExecutionError(InteractiveExecution.java:307)
         at fuego.web.execution.InteractiveExecution.process(InteractiveExecution.java:166)
         at fuego.web.execution.impl.WebInteractiveExecution.process(WebInteractiveExecution.java:54)
         at fuego.webdebugger.servlet.DebuggerServlet.redirect(DebuggerServlet.java:136)
         at fuego.webdebugger.servlet.DebuggerServlet.doPost(DebuggerServlet.java:85)
         at fuego.webdebugger.servlet.DebuggerServlet.doGet(DebuggerServlet.java:66)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:689)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:802)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:252)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:173)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.invoke(ApplicationDispatcher.java:672)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.processRequest(ApplicationDispatcher.java:463)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.doForward(ApplicationDispatcher.java:398)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.forward(ApplicationDispatcher.java:301)
         at fuego.web.execution.servlet.ServletExternalContext.forwardInternal(ServletExternalContext.java:197)
         at fuego.web.execution.servlet.ServletExternalContext.processAction(ServletExternalContext.java:110)
         at fuego.webdebugger.servlet.DebuggerExecution.dispatchComponentExecution(DebuggerExecution.java:64)
         at fuego.web.execution.InteractiveExecution.invokePrepare(InteractiveExecution.java:351)
         at fuego.web.execution.InteractiveExecution.process(InteractiveExecution.java:192)
         at fuego.web.execution.impl.WebInteractiveExecution.process(WebInteractiveExecution.java:54)
         at fuego.web.execution.InteractiveExecution.process(InteractiveExecution.java:223)
         at fuego.webdebugger.servlet.DebuggerServlet.doDebug(DebuggerServlet.java:148)
         at fuego.webdebugger.servlet.DebuggerServlet.doPost(DebuggerServlet.java:82)
         at fuego.webdebugger.servlet.DebuggerServlet.doGet(DebuggerServlet.java:66)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:689)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:802)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:252)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:173)
    Any ideas??
    Thanks and greetings

  • Delete statement that uses a sub-select with the statement in the cursor

    Hi all,
    How to write write a delete statement that uses a sub-select with the statement in the cursor?
    CURSOR excluded_dates IS         
           SELECT TO_TIMESTAMP(report_parameter_value, in_date_format_mask)
          INTO my_current_date_time
          FROM report_parameters
         WHERE report_parameters.report_parameter_id    = in_report_parameter_id
           AND report_parameters.report_parameter_group = 'DATE_TIME'
           AND report_parameters.report_parameter_name  = 'EXCLUDED_DATE';
    OPEN excluded_dates;
        FETCH excluded_dates INTO my_excluded_date;
        EXIT WHEN excluded_dates%NOTFOUND;
        DELETE FROM edr_rpt_tmp_inclusion_table
        WHERE TO_CHAR(date_time, 'mm/dd/yyyy') = TO_CHAR(my_excluded_date, 'mm/dd/yyyy');
      END LOOP;
      CLOSE excluded_dates;Thanks

    In such case I think is better to create a view an perform the delete using it. Example (using HR schema):
    Connected to Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release
    Connected as hr
    SQL> create or replace view v_employees as select * from employees where first_name like 'J%';
    View created
    SQL> select * from v_employees;
            110 John                 Chen                      JCHEN                     515.124.4269         28/09/1997  FI_ACCOUNT    8200,00                       108           100
            112 Jose Manuel          Urman                     JMURMAN                   515.124.4469         07/03/1998  FI_ACCOUNT    7800,00                       108           100
            125 Julia                Nayer                     JNAYER                    650.124.1214         16/07/1997  ST_CLERK      3200,00                       120            50
            127 James                Landry                    JLANDRY                   650.124.1334         14/01/1999  ST_CLERK      2400,00                       120            50
            131 James                Marlow                    JAMRLOW                   650.124.7234         16/02/1997  ST_CLERK      2500,00                       121            50
            133 Jason                Mallin                    JMALLIN                   650.127.1934         14/06/1996  ST_CLERK      3300,00                       122            50
            139 John                 Seo                       JSEO                      650.121.2019         12/02/1998  ST_CLERK      2700,00                       123            50
            140 Joshua               Patel                     JPATEL                    650.121.1834         06/04/1998  ST_CLERK      2500,00                       123            50
            145 John                 Russell                   JRUSSEL                   011.44.1344.429268   01/10/1996  SA_MAN       14000,00           0,40        100            80
            156 Janette              King                      JKING                     011.44.1345.429268   30/01/1996  SA_REP       10000,00           0,35        146            80
            176 Jonathon             Taylor                    JTAYLOR                   011.44.1644.429265   24/03/1998  SA_REP        8600,00           0,20        149            80
            177 Jack                 Livingston                JLIVINGS                  011.44.1644.429264   23/04/1998  SA_REP        8400,00           0,20        149            80
            181 Jean                 Fleaur                    JFLEAUR                   650.507.9877         23/02/1998  SH_CLERK      3100,00                       120            50
            186 Julia                Dellinger                 JDELLING                  650.509.3876         24/06/1998  SH_CLERK      3400,00                       121            50
            189 Jennifer             Dilly                     JDILLY                    650.505.2876         13/08/1997  SH_CLERK      3600,00                       122            50
            200 Jennifer             Whalen                    JWHALEN                   515.123.4444         17/09/1987  AD_ASST       4400,00                       101            10
    16 rows selected
    SQL> delete from v_employees where hire_date >= to_date('01/06/1998', 'dd/mm/yyyy');
    2 rows deleted
    SQL> regards,

  • How can i fetch records from 3 tables in a single query  without using join

    Can any body please tell me <b>How can i fetch records from 3 tables with a single query  without using joins</b>

    Hi Prabgudutta,
    We can fetch the data by using the views concept.
    Go throuth this info we can know the how to create view and same like database table only we can fetch the data.
    Views conatin the data at runtime only.
    Four different view types are supported. These differ in the
    way in which the view is implemented and in the methods
    permitted for accessing the view data.
    Database views are implemented with an equivalent view on
    the database.
    Projection views are used to hide fields of a table (only
    Help views can be used as selection method in search helps.
    Maintenance views permit you to maintain the data
    on several tables for one application object at one time.
    step by step creation of Maintenance view:
    With the help of the table maintenance generator, you are able to maintain the ENTRIES of the table in SM30 transaction.
    It can be set in transaction SE11 - Tools - Table maintenance generator.
    Table maintanance Generator is used to manually input values using transaction sm30
    follow below steps
    1) go to se11 check table maintanance check box under attributes tab
    2) utilities-table maintanance Generator-> create function group and assign it under
    function group input box. Also assign authorization group default &NC& .
    3) select standard recording routine radio in table table mainitainence generator to move table
    contents to quality and production by assigning it to request.
    4) select maintaience type as single step.
    5) maintainence screen as system generated numbers this dialog box appears when you click on create button
    6) save and activate table
    One step, two step in Table Maintenance Generator
    Single step: Only overview screen is created i.e. the Table Maintenance Program will have only one screen where you can add, delete or edit records.
    Two step: Two screens namely the overview screen and Single screen are created. The user can see the key fields in the first screen and can further go on to edit further details.
    SM30 is used for table maintenance(addition or deletion of records),
    For all the tables in SE11 for which Table maintenance is selected , they can be maintained in SM30
    Sm30 is used to maintain the table ,i.e to delete ,insert or modify the field values and all..
    It creates the maintenance screen for u for the aprticular table as the maintenance is not allowed for the table..
    In the SE11 delivery and maintenance tab, keep the maintenance allowed..
    Then come to the SM30 and then enter the table name and press maintain..,
    Give the authorization group if necessary and give the function group and then select maintenance type as one step and give the screen numbers as system specified..
    Then create,,,
    Then u will able to see the maintenance view for the table in which u can able to insert and delete the table values...
    We use SM30 transaction for entering values into any DB table.
    First we create a table in SE11 and create the table maintenance generator for that Table using (utilities-> table maintenance generator) and create it.
    Then it will create a View.
    After that from SM30, enter the table name and Maintain, create new entries, change the existing entries for that table.
    Hope this resolves your query.
    Reward all the helpful answers.
    P.Naganjana Reddy

  • Difference of fetching data, into a cursor variable and into a record?

    whats the difference of fetching data via cursor, into a cursor variable and into a record.
    i feel infact fetching data into cursor variable is more better, and plus lesser lines to code??

    Can you explain what you mean, preferably with an example? Generally, you fetch data from a cursor, not into one. I'm assuming by "fetching into a record" you mean inserting into a table?

  • We just moved from the United States to Costa Rica.  The first two days my mac worked great.  Then all of a sudden I was trying to use a game application and the screen went black and there is a white cursor which I can move around, but I can't escape it

    We just moved from the United States to Costa Rica.  The first two days my mac worked great.  Then all of a sudden I was trying to use a game application and the screen went black and there is a white cursor which I can move around, but I can't escape it. When I restart it seems okay and I see my main screen, but only for a second and then it goes black again. 
    This computer was brand new in June.  Is it the humidity???   What can I do.  Please help!!!!

    No guarantess but try smc and pram resets,

  • After installing latest update Realplayer recording no longer works, I think Mozila is using a library file with the same name

    After installing the latest update to Firefox onto Vista operating system the record part of real player no longer works, I think Mozila and Real are using a library file with the same name and the Mozila update is overwriting a Realplayer library file.

    I was giong to say, "Help me, Adobe Joe Kenobi", but it looks like you're growing a beard waiting for an answer, too.
    The same thing happened to me today. I trusted the "update" message since it was from Adobe, and apprently did so at my own peril. Now I get the "failed to load Core dll" message with a secondary reference to a memory address.
    Just an observation, but what good are these forums when there are no answers? I see this problem as "Caused by Adobe Update", and would expect them to troublshoot and offer up a remedy. Since you've been waiting over two months with no response, I suppose it's time to trek off wasting more of my precious time to fix their problem. If I find the solution, I'll post it back to you.
    May the Force be with you.

  • Filtering records using a start routine inside the update rules for a dmart

    I am using a start routine inside the update rules. I want to filter out all records that have 0 in all three fields. My problem is that it not only filters these records, but also filter records with negative values, which I do not want. Only 1 field has a negative value, the other 2 have 0.
    I have tried:
    also tried:
    The records are going to 1 cube and 1 ODS, I only have the start routine in 1 update rule. I  view the filtering in the PSA.
    Has anyone ran into this before?

    delete data_package where /BIC/ZBILLCONS = '0' and /BIC/ZBREVPRIM = '0' and /BIC/ZBREVSUBO = '0' .
    delete data_package where /BIC/ZBILLCONS EQ '0' and /BIC/ZBREVPRIM EQ '0' and /BIC/ZBREVSUBO EQ '0' .
    Good luck!

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