Figure out wheather it is Esscmd Script or Maxl script

Hello Friends, could you tell me please wheather it is Esscmd script or Maxl script? Thanks in advance.
/*     ===============================================================
     This script will:
     - Prevent connections to the BISEssApp_A and BISEssApp
     - Unload the BISEssApp application
     ===============================================================     */
/*     Log In                                        */
LOGIN $1 $2 ON $3;
/*     Send output to a log file                         */                    
/*     Disable application connections                         */
/*     Try to unload BISEssApp_A                              */
IFERROR 'Sleep1a';
GOTO 'Finish';
/*     Wait 2 minutes and try to unload BISEssApp_A a 2nd time          */
SHELL "/BISApps/Control/Pgms/Sleep.exe 120";
IFERROR 'Sleep1b';
GOTO 'Finish';
/*     Wait 2 minutes and try to unload BISEssApp_A a 3rd time          */
SHELL "/BISApps/Control/Pgms/Sleep.exe 120";
IFERROR 'ErrorExit1';
GOTO 'Finish';
DEFINE LABEL 'ErrorExit1';
/*     BISApp could not be unloaded                         */
GOTO 'AllowConnects';
DEFINE LABEL 'AllowConnects';
/*     Enable connections to the applicaton                    */
GOTO 'Finish';
/*     Logout & Exit                                   */

This is definitely Maxl.

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  • Can't figure out how to make this script work

    Hey Folks,
    Anyone here who would like to look at the following script and tell me where I made the error(s)?
    I want to put this script in a Batch so that I can run it on a directory of files all with filenames like
    Q-CAT 2010-01 Covers_v7bP01x.pdf and
    Q-CAT 2010-01 Covers_v7bP02x.pdf
    I put this script in the correct spot, but nothing happens... I tried the debugger console, and I get:
    Begin Job Code
    Processing File #1
    State P01 detected
    Batch aborted on run #1Error: NotAllowedError: Security settings prevent access to this property or method.
    End Job Code
    This is the script, it's supposed to run in Acrobat 9:
    /* Q-CatCoverPagesSaveAs */
    /* this script Crops CatCovers' Spreads and saves it into separate pages */
    /* ©20100521 - AOP-Creatives, Willy Croezen */ 
    // Begin Job 
    if ( typeof global.counter == "undefined" ) { 
    console.println("Begin Job Code"); 
    global.counter = 0; 
    // insert beginJob code here 
    // Main Code to process each of the selected files 
    try { 
    console.println("Processing File #" + global.counter); 
    // insert batch code here. 
    function doCropPages()
          cBox: "Crop",
          rBox: cropLeft
    console.println("Save LeftPageName");
    //       this.saveAs(this.path.slice(1, fname.indexOf(pageSide)) + leftPageName);
          cBox: "Crop",
          rBox: cropRight
    console.println("Save RightPageName");
    //      this.saveAs(this.path.slice(1, fname.indexOf(pageSide)) + rightPageName);
    //Declaration List
    var Units = "mm"; 
    var i =[^:/]+\.pdf$/);
    var fname = this.path.slice(i, this.path.length - 4);
    var cropRect = this.getPageBox("Crop"); 
    //Check if filename contains P01, indicating the Outside spread of a Catalog Cover. If so, crop accordingly
    if (fname.indexOf("P01") != 0)
    console.println("State P01 detected");
       var pageSide = "P01";
       var leftPageName = "P260.pdf";
       var rightPageName = "P001.pdf"; 
       var cropLeft = new Array();
          cropLeft[0] = cropRect[0];
          cropLeft[1] = cropRect[1];
          cropLeft[2] = cropRect[2];
          cropLeft[3] = cropRect[3] + 277.5; 
       var cropRight = new Array();
          cropRight[0] = cropRect[0];
          cropRight[1] = cropRect[1];
          cropRight[2] = cropRect[2] + 223.5;
          cropRight[3] = cropRect[3] - 62;
       //If filname does NOT contain P01, check if filename contains P02, indicating the Inside spread of a Catalog Cover. If so, crop accordingly
       if (fname.indexOf("P02") != 0)
    console.println("State P02 detected");
          var pageSide = "P02";
          var leftPageName = "P002.pdf";
          var rightPageName = "P259.pdf";
          var cropLeft = new Array();
             cropLeft[0] = cropRect[0];
             cropLeft[1] = cropRect[1];
             cropLeft[2] = cropRect[2];
             cropLeft[3] = cropRect[3] + 223.5; 
          var cropRight = new Array();
             cropRight[0] = cropRect[0];
             cropRight[1] = cropRect[1];
             cropRight[2] = cropRect[2] + 277.5;
             cropRight[3] = cropRect[3];
          // If filename doesn't contain P01 OR P02, give Error notice
    console.println("Document is not correctly named! Should have P01 or P02 in it");
    catch(e) {
    console.println("Batch aborted on run #" + global.counter + "Error: " + e);
    delete global.counter; // so we can try again, and avoid End Job code
    event.rc = false; // abort batch
    // End Job
    if ( global.counter == global.FileCnt ) {
    console.println("End Job Code");
    // insert endJob code here
    // may have to remove any global variables used in case user wants to run
    // another batch sequence using the same variables, for example...
    delete global.counter;

    Hy Folks,
    This thread can be closed, as I fixed the script! It turned out that I needed to put the function definition above the body-code for the script to find it. After that it was small details.
    I created a conversion variable (UnitsConv) for the margins so you  can simply enter the desired dimensions in mm, instead of px, which I  thought was easier.
    This script now perfectly processes the files  you put to it in a batch-operation (if correctly named with P01 and P02  in the filename.) and saves the resulting pages into the specified  temp-directory. This time the filenames reflect the original filenames,  for easy identification later, with the new pagenumbers appended to  them.
    For your information (and perhaps for use as the base for a custom  script for yourself) I give you the final working version below.
    This script will be trimmed down and become part of a larger script, or scriptset, which I will be using to automate the workflow of creating al different versions of lowres and highres catalogs that we need.
    Kind regards,
    Willy Croezen
    /* Q-CatCoverPagesSaveAs v1.0*/
    /* this script Crops CatCovers' Spreads and saves it into separate pages */
    /* ©20100521 - AOP-Creatives, Willy Croezen */
    // Begin Job
    if ( typeof global.counter == "undefined" ) {
    console.println("Begin Job Code ");
    global.counter = 0;
    // insert beginJob code here
    // Main Code to process each of the selected files
    try {
    console.println("Processing File #" + global.counter);
    // insert batch code here.
    function doCropPages(crL,crR,lPName,rPName)
          cBox: "Crop",
          rBox: crL
          console.println("Save LeftPageName to: D:/temp/" + lPName);
          this.saveAs("/D/temp/" + lPName);
          cBox: "Crop",
          rBox: crR
          console.println("Save RightPageName to: D:/temp/" + rPName);
          this.saveAs("/D/temp/" + rPName);
    //Declaration List
    var UnitsConv = (72 / 25.4);
    var i =[^:/]+\.pdf$/);
    var fname = this.path.slice(i, this.path.length - 4);
    var cropRect = this.getPageBox("Crop");
    //Check if filename contains P01, indicating the Outside spread of a Catalog Cover. If so, crop accordingly
    if (fname.indexOf("P01") != -1)
    console.println("Value fname.indexOf(P01) = " + fname.indexOf("P01"));
    console.println("State P01 detected");
       var pageSide = "P01";
       var leftPageName = fname + "P260.pdf";
       var rightPageName = fname + "P001.pdf";
    // Create array of crop-values. Sequence is left, top, right, bottom
       var cropLeft = new Array();
          cropLeft[0] = cropRect[0];
          cropLeft[1] = cropRect[1];
          cropLeft[2] = cropRect[2] - Math.floor(277.5 * UnitsConv);
          cropLeft[3] = cropRect[3];
       var cropRight = new Array();
          cropRight[0] = cropRect[0] + Math.floor(223.5 * UnitsConv);
          cropRight[1] = cropRect[1];
          cropRight[2] = cropRect[2] - Math.floor(62 * UnitsConv);
          cropRight[3] = cropRect[3];
       //If filname does NOT contain P01, check if filename contains P02, indicating the Inside spread of a Catalog Cover. If so, crop accordingly
       if (fname.indexOf("P02") != -1)
    console.println("State P02 detected");
          var pageSide = "P02";
          var leftPageName = fname + "P002.pdf";
          var rightPageName = fname + "P259.pdf";
    // Create array of crop-values. Sequence is left, top, right, bottom  
          var cropLeft = new Array();
             cropLeft[0] = cropRect[0];
             cropLeft[1] = cropRect[1];
             cropLeft[2] = cropRect[2] - Math.floor(223.5 * UnitsConv);
             cropLeft[3] = cropRect[3];
          var cropRight = new Array();
             cropRight[0] = cropRect[0] + Math.floor(277.5 * UnitsConv);
             cropRight[1] = cropRect[1];
             cropRight[2] = cropRect[2];
             cropRight[3] = cropRect[3];
          // If filename doesn't contain P01 OR P02, give Error notice
    console.println("Document is not correctly named! Should have P01 or P02 in it");
    catch(e) {
    console.println("Batch aborted on run #" + global.counter + "Error: " + e);
    delete global.counter; // so we can try again, and avoid End Job code
    event.rc = false; // abort batch
    // End Job
    if ( global.counter == global.FileCnt ) {
    console.println("End Job Code");
    // insert endJob code here
    // may have to remove any global variables used in case user wants to run
    // another batch sequence using the same variables, for example...
    delete global.counter;

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    Hi, thanks for taking time to reply, and I'm sorry for confusion of the two types of script. The only reason I am using shell script to test IP is I haven't figured out how to test it with Applescript. I will use only Applescript once I get it all figured out, as I undeerstand shell script even less than I understand Applescript.
    The begining script writes user name and email address to a plist from user input, then runs the above script to test and send mail. I just can't figure out how to have mail "make new message" with the "username" and "emailaddress" values already contained in the plist. I have seen that I can't use "property list file" unless it is directly under "tell application system events", but I am stuck on how to do this, and have mail use the values. Thanks again
    tell application "Mail"
    set theName to value of property list file item "username" of p_list --this is what I've been trying to figure out.
    set theAddress to value of property list item "emailAddress" of p_list --p_list path is at the begining of script.
                                 set newMessage to make new outgoing message with properties{visible:true, subject:"Your IP Address has changed",content:"Your Current IPAddress is: " & Current_ipAddress}
                              tell newMessage
      make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {name:theName,address:theAddress} --This is where I'm trying to use them
                              end tell

  • Can't figure out last part of a powershell script

    Hey guys,
    First time posting here. I have a powershell project for school that I'm trying to figure out. I don't have a lot of experience with powershell, but I've gotten most of my project done. I am having issues with this last part. Here is the part of the assignment
    I can't seem to get working properly:
    Process the items in the <localgroupManagement> node.
    Find all non-domain controller computers in the domain
    Add the domain global group specified in the <members><group> node(s) to each discovered computer’s local group specified by the
    <name> node.  If the local group does not exist create it.
    Here is the code I currently have:
    Function createOU($OU) {
        if ( !(Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -filter {name -eq $OU}) ) {
            Write-Host "Creating new OU: $OU"
            New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $OU -Path $ADDomainName
        else {
            Write-Host "OU already exists: $OU"
    Function addUser($account, $fn, $ln, $desc, $pwd, $OU, $ADDomainName, $ADgroup) {
        if ( !(Get-ADUser -Filter {name -eq $account}) ) {        
            Write-Host "Adding user: $account"
            New-ADUser $account -GivenName $fn -Surname $ln -Description $desc -Enabled 1 `
            -DisplayName ($fn + " " + $ln)  -AccountPassword $pwd -ChangePasswordAtLogon $true `
            -Path "OU=$OU,$ADDomainName"
        else {
            Write-Host "User already exists: $account"
    Function addGroup($ADgroup, $ADDomainName, $OU) {
        if ( !(Get-ADGroup -Filter{name -eq $ADgroup}) ) {          
            Write-Host "Adding group: $ADgroup"
            New-ADGroup -Name $ADgroup -GroupCategory Security `
            -GroupScope Global -Path "OU =$OU,$ADDomainName" 
        else {
            Write-Host "Group already exists: $ADgroup"
    if( !$filename ) {
        # prompt the user to select a file to process
        $dialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
        $dialog.Filter = "XML Files (*.xml)|*.xml|All Files(*.*)|*.*"
        $dialog.Title = "Select an XML file to import“
        $result = $dialog.showdialog()
        if ( $result -eq "ok" ){
            $filename = $dialog.Filename
    $userfile = [xml](Get-Content $filename)
    $ADDomainName = (Get-ADDomain).DistinguishedName
    foreach( $user in $userfile.root.userManagement.user ) {
        $account = $user.account
        $fn = $user.firstname
        $ln = $user.lastname
        $desc = $user.description
        $pwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $user.password -force
        $mgr = $user.manager
        $OU = $user.ou
        Write-Host $account
        Write-Host $fn
        Write-Host $ln
        Write-Host $desc
        Write-Host $user.password
        Write-Host $mgr
        Write-Host $OU
        createOU $OU $ADDomainName
        foreach( $groupmem in $ ) {
            $ADgroup = $groupmem
            addGroup $ADgroup $ADDomainName $OU
            addUser $account $fn $ln $desc $pwd $OU $ADDomainName $ADgroup
            Add-ADGroupMember $ADgroup -Members $account      
    #Local Management
    $computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter * | where {-not($_.distinguishedname -like "*OU=Domain Controllers*")}| `
    Write-Host "Computers that already exsist on the Network:"
    foreach($computer in $computers) {
    $DomainName =(Get-ADDomain).NetBIOSName
    $localgroups = $userfile.root.localGroupManagement.localGroup
        foreach($lg in $ {
            try {   
                $newgrp = [adsi]::Exists("WinNT://$computer/$lg,group")
                if($newgrp -eq $true) {
                    Write-Host "$lg Already Exists!"
                else {
            catch [Exception] {
    write-host "Exception"
    I have tried other methods, but this is the one I receive the least amount of errors on. The script starts to have issues here:   $newgrp = [adsi]::Exists("WinNT://$computer/$lg,group")
    I have looked information up about WinNT Exists and it appears it has some issues. I have been trying to figure out how to add the domain groups to the local computer's groups. The tricky part is that the script has to run without knowing the computer's
    name so it can run on any domain. If anyone could help me out with this last part I would be very grateful.

    The script should be using WinNT to find computers on the domain and add domain group to each of those computers local group. I have provided portions of the xml file and instructions to help clarify.
    Here is the portion of the xml file I'm having issues with
    <name>Power Users</name>
    <group>Marx Brothers</group>
    Here is what the assignment is assuming.
    The computer the script is running on will be in the domain that you wish to manage. 
    The computer running the script will have the Active Directory PowerShell module installed.
    The user running the script will have rights to do all required tasks

  • Trying to figure out script for use in Butler

    I download a lot of bittorrents from a particular bt site -- To download and seed, I use Vuze. Downloading the bt files and then starting up Vuze to load in the files are tasks I repeat over and over again. I'd like to automate it as per the following pseudocode:
    When user clicks any download link on, peform these actions:
    1. Start Vuze.
    2. Navigate to File --> Open --> Open bittorrent file*
    3. Navigate to folder where downloads are stored.
    *or something like that path; I'm not actually in front of my iMac at the moment.
    I can't figure out how to make this work. I tried recording the actions, but it didn't help.
    I'd like to load this script into Butler. I know how to set up Applescript in Butler, I just don't how to make code out of this particular set of steps.
    Any guidance is appreciated.
    Thanks for your time.

    No offense, but it sounds to me like you're making the classic mistake many people make when starting out with AppleScript.
    From your question, it's clear that you're trying to get AppleScript to perform the actions you'd take manually - open this, click here, select this menu item, etc.
    While that's mostly workable (and easy to conceptualize), that's not where AppleScript's strength is. Rather than telling AppleScript HOW to do things (click here, type this, etc.) you're better off telling it WHAT you want it to do - in this case, open a torrent file. The reality is that - in most cases - you don't care HOW it's done, just that it happens. In this case you have no real interest in clicking menu items, navigating file dialogs, etc. you just want to open the file.
    Therefore I suggest that your request could be handled by:
    tell application "Finder"
      open file "your.torrent" of folder (path to downloads folder) using application "Vuze"
    end tell
    Now this does assume that you know the name of the torrent you want to open, but could be easily reworked to prompt you if that's what you need.
    Note also that this script targets the Finder to open the file - that's because Vuze has no AppleScript support of its own - you can't tell Vuze to do anything directly. It's an all too-common problem.

  • Help me figure out this script

    Hey Guys,
    This is the first time EVER posting a blog, so bear with me
    if i'm a bit slow. My problem is that i'm just getting into Flash,
    just got Flash CS3, and I downloaded a pre-made menu from The thing is I can't figure out how to get the
    buttons to link to another scene in Flash. Can anyone help out? and
    if i'm not posting enough info let me know what I need to do.
    Thanks for your time.
    Here's the action script, where do I change the script to
    play the next scene of my movie?
    on (release) {
    on (rollOver)
    if ( != 5)
    } // end if
    on (releaseOutside, rollOut)
    if ( != 5)
    } // end if
    on (release)
    if ( != 5)
    _parent["but" +].gotoAndPlay("s2"); = 5;
    } // end if

    on (release) {
    //if you click the button this script is attached to, it will
    take you to "#" in your browser.
    on (rollOver)
    if ( != 5)
    } // end if
    //The above script says that if the _root variable "link"
    does not = 5, to gotoAndPlay(2) of the current movieclip.
    on (releaseOutside, rollOut)
    if ( != 5)
    } // end if
    same thing as above, but for releaseOutside, or rollOut, and
    it will play 21.
    on (release)
    if ( != 5)
    _parent["but" +].gotoAndPlay("s2"); = 5;
    } // end if
    on click, this button will will go to _parent.butx (where x
    is .gotoAndPlay(frame "s2") -- if does not =
    5. make sense? It then sets the _root variable "link" to 5.
    so you have two on(release) button functions, which isn't
    right. Also, I've never used two on statements in the same shot ---
    on(releaseOutside, rollOut) does that work properly?
    so if you want to gotoAndPlay a certain scene, you can just
    change a bit of the script. -- think you can figure out where with
    my explanations? Or did I just make it more confusing.

  • Automated ESSCMD script for logout

    This might sound like a weird question but I would like to know if it is possible to write an automated script in ESSCMD that logs out a specific user after loging out? We have done some @XREF functions in our trial db and for some reason the db leaves several connections open after logout. I know it would be wise to fix the problem with the script that causes the open connections, but until we figure out how to do that I would like to examine other possibilities to fix the problem. The Essbase version is 6.1.Any info regarding this matter will be very much appreciated.

    Its default functions are things that users already do with the App. How this helps anyone is beyond me. The scripts appear to be suggestive in nature - just placeholders "for what the software could do". Yawn.
    I need real world solutions not placeholder scripts. I cant believe Apple doesnt supply a solution - its simply obnoxious to ask users who have 5-100 mail folders to go:
    1. select Mailbox
    2. select Mailbox menu
    3. choose Rebuild
    Guess Im going to have to sit down with Automator or Applescript, bummer....

  • Can't figure out what is the code

    I got following macro that will help me to run certain transaction.
    I just can't figure out where comments ends and where code starts so I was unable to run it for like 3 hours now.
    In other words
    I am trying to use Excel Macro that will get to active transaction in SAP and do waht I have recorded.
    'SAPGUI Macro for updating SAP from Excel data 'Prerequisites: '1. Script Recording and Playback from the SAPGui must be enabled by admin '2. The Excel list must be set up from top left corner of a worksheet '3. The worksheet with data must be the active sheet '4. There is no error handling. Build it yourself! '5. The script will update the active (current) SAP transaction'Instructions for use 'Record a macro of your update actions. 'Paste the session.findById stuff between the <== and ==> markers'Edit the literal values and replace with Trim(CStr(objSheet.Cells(x, y).Value)) 'where x and y are the row and column counters'Open up your Excel sheet with data (row 1 is ignored here) 'Fire the macro! '===========BEGIN BOILERPLATE=================== REMSet up connection to the SAP screen: If Not IsObject(application) Then Set SapGuiAuto = GetObject("SAPGUI") Set application = SapGuiAuto.GetScriptingEngine End If If Not IsObject(connection) Then Set connection = application.Children(0) End If If Not IsObject(session) Then Setsession = connection.Children(0) End If If IsObject(WScript) Then WScript.ConnectObject session, "on" WScript.ConnectObject application, "on" End If REMSet up connection to the Excel data to be keyed into SAP: Dim objExcel Dim objSheet, intRow, i Set objExcel = GetObject(,"Excel.Application") Set objSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet session.findById("wnd[0]").maximize
    '===========END BOILERPLATE=====================
    'REM Example: Mark material for deletion in Plant using MM06 For i = 2 to objSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count     'Assuming there is a header rowREM Find a cell and put its value in: REM Note: The section of the Script shown below can be recorded ' and edited to pick data from the Excel sheetstrCN = Trim(CStr(objSheet.Cells(i, 1).Value)) strWerks = Trim(CStr(objSheet.Cells(i, 2).Value)) '<== session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/ctxtRM03G-MATNR").text = strCN session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/ctxtRM03G-WERKS").text = strWerks session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/btn[0]").press session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/chkRM03G-LVOMA").selected = false session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/chkRM03G-LVOWK").selected = truesession.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/btn[11]").press 'session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/btn[0]").press '==> Next

    Ok macro works and triggers actions from recorder. I was doing it with hope I will select data in SAP and paste in Excel AND/OR export file from SAP with data.
    If I record select column and then copy it. Script is recorded until selection . It ignores copy (i tried use mouse right click and copy AND manual alt+F12 and then copy from context menu)
    When I export recorder does open export window but does not writes the line relevant to clicking save.
    I found such bits
      'Choose the export format
    'Choose the export filename
      session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/ctxtDY_FILENAME").text = "test.txt"
      session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/ctxtDY_PATH").text = "C:\Temp\"
    'Export the file
    But they dont seem to be relevant to my previous macro.
    Any quick fix to get data out of Excel

  • Can someone help me figure out why system crashed?

    I've got a desktop G5 running OS 10.3.9. Today I came home (9pm) and noticed that the fans were on full-blast, and my displays were dark (no "kernel panic" gray square). I rebooted and one of the monitors had a picture that was all crazy - I had to unplug it from the computer's 2nd video card and plug it back in. Then everything was ok. There was a brief (~1 minute) power outage today at 3pm, but I have everything on a UPS and it is set to shut down gracefully when the power is out for more than a few minutes. I'm trying to figure out what happened; according to the System log, it was still up at 6:24pm so maybe the power outage had nothing to do with it (although there were some weird UDP denies from the firewall, apparently coming from my laptop which is also on the home wireless network - very odd). Below are the two logs; can someone tell me why it crashed??
    Panic log:
    Wed Dec 5 21:01:31 2007
    Unresolved kernel trap(cpu 0): 0x700 - Program DAR=0x0000000012BA9000 PC=0x0000000002020200
    Latest crash info for cpu 0:
    Exception state (sv=0x326A9000)
    PC=0x02020200; MSR=0x00089030; DAR=0x12BA9000; DSISR=0x42000000; LR=0x00252648; R1=0x1C393C50; XCP=0x0000001C (0x700 - Program)
    0x002211E8 0x0059CB20 0x0059BEB0 0x005A0044 0x005A04F4 0x0059D538 0x00035148 0x00035028
    Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
    Proceeding back via exception chain:
    Exception state (sv=0x326A9000)
    previously dumped as "Latest" state. skipping...
    Exception state (sv=0x326A9280)
    PC=0x00000000; MSR=0x0000D030; DAR=0x00000000; DSISR=0x00000000; LR=0x00000000; R1=0x00000000; XCP=0x00000000 (Unknown)
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 7.9.0:
    Wed Mar 30 20:11:17 PST 2005; root:xnu/xnu-517.12.7.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC
    panic(cpu 0): 0x700 - Program
    Latest stack backtrace for cpu 0:
    0x00083498 0x0008397C 0x0001EDA4 0x00090C38 0x0009402C
    Proceeding back via exception chain:
    Exception state (sv=0x326A9000)
    PC=0x02020200; MSR=0x00089030; DAR=0x12BA9000; DSISR=0x42000000; LR=0x00252648; R1=0x1C393C50; XCP=0x0000001C (0x700 - Program)
    0x002211E8 0x0059CB20 0x0059BEB0 0x005A0044 0x005A04F4 0x0059D538 0x00035148 0x00035028
    Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
    Exception state (sv=0x326A9280)
    PC=0x00000000; MSR=0x0000D030; DAR=0x00000000; DSISR=0x00000000; LR=0x00000000; R1=0x00000000; XCP=0x00000000 (Unknown)
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 7.9.0:
    Wed Mar 30 20:11:17 PST 2005; root:xnu/xnu-517.12.7.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC
    System log:
    Dec 5 03:15:02 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 syslogd: restart
    Dec 5 03:15:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:16:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:17:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:18:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:19:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:20:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:21:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:22:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:23:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:24:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:25:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:26:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:27:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:28:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:29:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:30:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:31:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:32:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:33:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:34:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:35:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:36:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:37:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:38:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:39:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:40:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:41:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:42:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:43:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:44:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:45:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:46:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:47:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:48:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:49:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:50:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:51:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:52:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:53:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:54:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:55:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:56:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:57:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:58:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:58:59 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:59:06 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 03:59:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:00:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:01:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:02:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:03:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:04:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:05:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:06:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:07:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:08:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:09:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:10:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:11:36 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:12:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:13:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:14:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:15:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:16:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:17:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:18:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:19:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:20:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:21:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:22:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:23:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:24:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:25:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:26:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:27:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:28:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:29:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:30:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:31:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:32:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:33:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:34:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:35:37 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:36:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:37:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:38:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:39:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:40:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:41:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:42:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:43:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:44:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:45:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:46:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:47:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:48:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:49:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:50:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:51:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:52:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:53:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:54:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:55:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:56:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:57:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:58:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:59:00 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:59:07 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 04:59:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:00:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:01:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:02:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:03:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:04:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:05:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:06:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:07:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:08:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:09:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:10:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:11:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:12:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:13:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:14:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:15:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:16:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:17:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:18:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:19:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:20:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:21:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:22:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:23:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:24:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:25:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:26:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:27:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:28:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:29:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:30:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:31:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:32:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:33:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:34:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:35:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:36:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:37:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:38:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:39:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:40:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:41:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:42:38 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:43:39 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:44:39 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:45:39 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:46:39 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:47:39 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:48:39 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:49:39 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:50:39 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:51:39 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:52:39 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:53:39 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:54:39 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:55:39 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:56:39 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:57:39 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:58:39 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:59:01 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:59:08 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 05:59:39 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 06:00:39 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 06:01:39 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 06:02:39 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 06:03:39 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 06:04:39 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 06:05:39 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 06:06:40 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 06:07:40 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 06:08:40 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 06:09:40 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 06:10:40 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 06:11:40 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 06:12:40 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 06:13:40 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 06:14:40 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 06:15:40 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 06:16:40 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 06:17:40 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 06:18:40 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 06:19:40 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 06:24:19 Mike-Levins-Home-G5 mDNSResponder[199]: mDNSResponder Sleeping at 99736988
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost syslogd: restart
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost syslogd: kernel boot file is /mach_kernel
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel: vmpagebootstrap: 505021 free pages
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel: migtable_maxdispl = 68
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel: IOKit Component Version 7.9:
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel: Wed Mar 30 20:07:52 PST 2005; root(rcbuilder):RELEASE_PPC/iokit/RELEASE
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel: 112 prelinked modules
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel: MacRISC4CPU::start - found 'cy28508'
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel:
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel: using 5242 buffer headers and 4096 cluster IO buffer headers
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel: DART enabled
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel: MacRISC4CPU: publishing BootCPU
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel: Local FireWire GUID = 0xa95ff:0xfec92b72
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel: CSRHIDTransitionDriver::probe
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel: CSRHIDTransitionDriver::start before command
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel: CSRHIDTransitionDriver::start kIOUSBPipeStalled = e000404f
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel: Security auditing service present
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel: BSM auditing present
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel: From path: "/ht/pci@7/k2-sata-root/k2-sata@1/@0:2,\mach_kernel", Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOPathMatch</key><string ID="1">IODeviceTree:/ht/pci@7/k2-sata-root/k2-sata@1/@0:2</string></dict>
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel: Got boot device = IOService:/MacRISC4PE/ht@0,f2000000/AppleMacRiscHT/pci@7/IOPCI2PCIBridge/k2-sat a-root@C/AppleK2SATARoot/k2-sata@1/AppleK2SATA/ATADeviceNub@0/IOATABlockStorageD river/IOATABlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/Maxtor 6Y250M0 Media/IOApplePartitionScheme/Untitled HD@2
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel: BSD root: disk1s2, major 14, minor 5
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel: jnl: replay_journal: from: 21045760 to: 10490368 (joffset 0x59a8dc000)
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost kernel: CSRHIDTransitionDriver::start after command - e00002ed
    Dec 5 21:01:10 localhost last message repeated 5 times
    Dec 5 21:01:11 localhost kernel: Jettisoning kernel linker.
    Dec 5 21:01:11 localhost kernel: Resetting IOCatalogue.
    Dec 5 21:01:11 localhost kextd[87]: registering service ""
    Dec 5 21:01:13 localhost kernel: Matching service count = 0
    Dec 5 21:01:14 localhost kernel: [HCIController][start]
    Dec 5 21:01:14 localhost kernel: AppleRS232Serial: 0 0 AppleRS232Serial::start - returning false early, Connector or machine incorrect
    Dec 5 21:01:14 localhost kernel: PocketMackSerial - Version 1.0b10
    Dec 5 21:01:14 localhost kernel: [AppleUSBHCIController][StopIsochPipeRead] - mInt1IsochInPipe = 0 - numReadsPending = 0
    Dec 5 21:01:14 localhost kernel: [HCIController][configurePM] ignore = 1
    Dec 5 21:01:14 localhost kernel: [HCIController][setPowerState] 1 (ignore=1)
    Dec 5 21:01:14 localhost kernel: [HCIController][configurePM] changePowerStateTo(0)
    Dec 5 21:01:14 localhost kernel: [HCIController][setPowerState] 0 (ignore=1)
    Dec 5 21:01:14 localhost kernel: [HCIController][configurePM] ignore = 0
    Dec 5 21:01:14 localhost kernel: [CSRHCIController][start] 1
    Dec 5 21:01:14 localhost kernel: IOPlatformControl::registerDriver Control Driver AppleSlewClock did not supply target-value, using default
    Dec 5 21:01:20 localhost kernel: UniNEnet: Ethernet address 00:0a:95:c9:2b:72
    Dec 5 21:01:20 localhost kernel: IOFireWireIP: FireWire address 00:0a:95:ff:fe:c9:2b:72
    Dec 5 21:01:20 localhost SystemStarter: Welcome to Macintosh.
    Dec 5 21:01:20 localhost mach_init[2]: Server 0 in bootstrap d03 uid 0: "/usr/libexec/fix_prebinding": exited with non-zero status 1 [pid 140]
    Dec 5 21:01:20 localhost lookupd[125]: lookupd (version 324.13) starting - Wed Dec 5 21:01:20 2007
    Dec 5 21:01:20 localhost ConsoleMessage: Loading Little Snitch
    Dec 5 21:01:20 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting SecurityServer
    Dec 5 21:01:20 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting kernel event agent
    Dec 5 21:01:20 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting Virtual PC OS Services
    Dec 5 21:01:20 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting timed execution services
    Dec 5 21:01:20 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting Apple Multicast DNS Responder
    Dec 5 21:01:20 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting Retrospect Client
    Dec 5 21:01:20 localhost kernel: jnl: replay_journal: from: 22191104 to: 13698048 (joffset 0x751000)
    Dec 5 21:01:20 localhost diskarbitrationd[90]: disk2s3 hfs 9111674C-F746-30DD-A896-5998E9D94D9C Home OSX new laptop backup [not mounted]
    Dec 5 21:01:20 localhost diskarbitrationd[90]: disk2s5 hfs 5A7E3C45-324A-3140-86CD-429AAE42419C home OS9 old laptop backup [not mounted]
    Dec 5 21:01:20 localhost diskarbitrationd[90]: disk2s7 hfs 1B400D23-9AC3-3464-9E0F-52DD319D6E3E Work OSX disk backup [not mounted]
    Dec 5 21:01:20 localhost diskarbitrationd[90]: disk2s9 hfs EDFE1BCE-1BC9-3701-AE9E-1E9EBACADAAB Work OS9 disk backup [not mounted]
    Dec 5 21:01:21 localhost diskarbitrationd[90]: disk1s2 hfs 10B30D38-41F1-3CB2-AB66-5B8D9A65B7A0 Main internal drive /
    Dec 5 21:01:22 localhost SystemStarter: Loading Little Snitch
    Dec 5 21:01:22 localhost SystemStarter: Starting SecurityServer
    Dec 5 21:01:22 localhost SystemStarter: Starting kernel event agent
    Dec 5 21:01:22 localhost SystemStarter: Starting Virtual PC OS Services
    Dec 5 21:01:22 localhost SystemStarter: Starting timed execution services
    Dec 5 21:01:22 localhost SystemStarter: Starting Apple Multicast DNS Responder
    Dec 5 21:01:22 localhost mDNSResponder[199]: mDNSResponder-58.8.1 (Jan 31 2005 21:11:41) starting
    Dec 5 21:01:22 localhost ConsoleMessage: Initializing network
    Dec 5 21:01:22 localhost ConsoleMessage: Checking disks
    Dec 5 21:01:22 localhost mDNSResponder[199]: SetupAddr invalid sa_family 0
    Dec 5 21:01:22 localhost SystemStarter: Initializing network
    Dec 5 21:01:22 localhost SystemStarter: Checking disks
    Dec 5 21:01:26 localhost kernel: ATY,Simone_A: vram [c0000000:04000000]
    Dec 5 21:01:26 localhost kernel: ATY,Simone_B: vram [c0000000:04000000]
    Dec 5 21:01:27 localhost kernel: [HCIController][RequestPowerStateChange] 0->1
    Dec 5 21:01:27 localhost kernel: [HCIController][RequestPowerStateChange] sleep is available
    Dec 5 21:01:27 localhost kernel: [HCIController][RequestPowerStateChange] sleep is not enabled
    Dec 5 21:01:27 localhost kernel: [HCIController][RequestPowerStateChange] Calling changePowerStateTo(1)
    Dec 5 21:01:27 localhost kernel: [HCIController][setPowerState] 1 (ignore=0)
    Dec 5 21:01:27 localhost kernel: [HCIController][setPowerStateWL] 1
    Dec 5 21:01:27 localhost kernel: [HCIController][RequestPowerStateChange] changePowerStateTo() returned 0x0
    Dec 5 21:01:27 localhost kernel: [HCIController][RequestPowerStateChange] changePowerStateTo(1) returned 0x0
    Dec 5 21:01:27 localhost kernel: [HCIController][PerformPowerStateChange] 0->1
    Dec 5 21:01:27 localhost kernel: [HCIController][CompletePowerStateChange]
    Dec 5 21:01:27 localhost kernel: [HCIController][setupHardware] AFH Is Supported
    Dec 5 21:01:28 localhost kernel: UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is up at 100 Mbps - Full Duplex
    Dec 5 21:01:28 localhost configd[89]: executing /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Kicker.bundle/Contents/Resources/set-hostna me
    Dec 5 21:01:28 localhost set-hostname[217]: setting hostname to Mike-Levins-Home-G5.local
    Dec 5 21:01:30 localhost kernel: ATY,Bugsy_A: vram [a8000000:08000000]
    Dec 5 21:01:30 localhost kernel: ATY,Bugsy_B: vram [a0000000:08000000]
    Dec 5 21:01:30 localhost SystemStarter: The "HasShadow" window property is obsolete. Use CGSSetWindowShadowAndRimParameters(cid, wid, 0.0,0.0, 0,0, CGSNoShadowStyle) to turn off the window shadow instead. Set a break-point on CGSLogMessage to find out where this property is set.
    Dec 5 21:01:31 localhost configd[89]: posting notification
    Dec 5 21:01:31 localhost configd[89]: executing /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Kicker.bundle/Contents/Resources/enable-net work
    Dec 5 21:01:31 localhost configd[89]: executing /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Kicker.bundle/Contents/Resources/set-hostna me
    Dec 5 21:01:31 localhost mach_init[2]: Server 0 in bootstrap d03 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd": exited as a result of signal 1 [pid 125]
    Dec 5 21:01:31 localhost lookupd[228]: lookupd (version 324.13) starting - Wed Dec 5 21:01:31 2007
    Dec 5 21:01:31 localhost ConsoleMessage: Loading Shared IP extension
    Dec 5 21:01:31 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting network time synchronization
    Dec 5 21:01:31 localhost /usr/libexec/panicdump: Error (-1) setting variable - 'aapl,panic-info'
    Dec 5 21:01:31 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting DigiTunnel
    Dec 5 21:01:31 localhost SystemStarter: crash reporter (258) did not complete successfully.
    Dec 5 21:01:31 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting printing services
    Dec 5 21:01:31 localhost /Library/StartupItems/DigiTunnelStartup/DigiTunnel-Daemon: DIAG: DTD[268] uid=0, euid=0, parentID=267
    Dec 5 21:01:31 localhost DigiTunnel-Daemon: DigiTunnel-Daemon running ...
    Dec 5 21:01:31 localhost ntpdate[276]: ntpdate [email protected] Fri Sep 12 18:30:10 PDT 2003 (1)
    Dec 5 21:01:31 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting DynDNS Updater
    Dec 5 21:01:31 localhost set-hostname[293]: setting hostname to Mike-Levins-Home-G5.local
    Dec 5 21:01:32 localhost ntpdate[276]: step time server offset 0.592963 sec
    Dec 5 21:01:32 localhost ntpd[296]: ntpd [email protected] Fri Sep 12 18:30:03 PDT 2003 (1)
    Dec 5 21:01:32 localhost ntpd[296]: precision = 6 usec
    Dec 5 21:01:32 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting network file system
    Dec 5 21:01:32 localhost automount[322]: automount version 57
    Dec 5 21:01:32 localhost ConsoleMessage: Loading IP Firewall extension
    Dec 5 21:01:32 localhost kernel: IP packet filtering initialized, divert enabled, rule-based forwarding enabled, default to accept, logging disabled
    Dec 5 21:01:32 localhost kernel: IPv6 packet filtering initialized, default to accept, logging disabled
    Dec 5 21:01:32 localhost kernel: IP firewall loaded
    Dec 5 21:01:32 localhost automount[328]: automount version 57
    Dec 5 21:01:32 localhost diskarbitrationd[90]: disk0s2 hfs 3B224C04-B0F5-3FF9-A020-455916C4A0A2 Internal Backup Disk /Volumes/Internal Backup Disk
    Dec 5 21:01:32 localhost syslogd: /dev/console: Input/output error
    Dec 5 21:01:32 localhost init: kernel security level changed from 0 to 1
    Dec 5 21:01:33 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting MATLAB License Manager
    Dec 5 21:01:33 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting mail services
    Dec 5 21:01:33 localhost ConsoleMessage: Starting internet services
    Dec 5 21:01:33 localhost xinetd[371]: xinetd Version 2.3.11 started with libwrap options compiled in.
    Dec 5 21:01:33 localhost xinetd[371]: Started working: 1 available service
    Dec 5 21:01:34 localhost automount[322]: logout notification received.
    Dec 5 21:01:34 localhost automount[322]: requesting logout processing.
    Dec 5 21:01:34 localhost automount[322]: handledeferredrequests: user logged out.
    Dec 5 21:01:34 localhost automount[328]: logout notification received.
    Dec 5 21:01:34 localhost automount[328]: requesting logout processing.
    Dec 5 21:01:34 localhost automount[328]: handledeferredrequests: user logged out.
    Dec 5 21:01:34 localhost loginwindow[340]: Sent launch request message to DirectoryService mach_init port
    Dec 5 21:01:34 localhost DirectoryService[586]: Launched version 1.8.5 (v258.3)
    Dec 5 21:01:36 localhost kernel: 0 0 AppleUSBCDCECMData: probe - provider doesn't want us to match
    Dec 5 21:01:38 localhost kernel: 0 0 AppleUSBCDCWMCData: probe - provider doesn't want us to match
    Dec 5 21:01:39 localhost kernel: 0 0 AppleUSBCDCACMData: probe - provider doesn't want us to match
    Dec 5 21:01:40 localhost kernel: InternalUSBModem::setPowerState(1)
    Dec 5 21:01:38 localhost SystemStarter: The following StartupItems failed to properly start:
    Dec 5 21:01:38 localhost SystemStarter: /System/Library/StartupItems/CrashReporter
    Dec 5 21:01:38 localhost SystemStarter: - execution of Startup script failed
    Dec 5 21:01:38 localhost SystemStarter:
    Dec 5 21:01:40 localhost loginwindow[340]: Error with bootstraplookup on server port after 10 tries: APIFramework/CClientEndPoint.cpp at: 247: Msg (1102) = unknown error code
    Dec 5 21:01:41 localhost loginwindow[340]: Sent launch request message to DirectoryService mach_init port
    aped[209]: Not affecting super-user process SecurityAgent[590]. This is just an informative message. It is not causing your problem.
    Dec 5 21:01:42 localhost DigiTunnel-Daemon: mlevin has logged in. #sess=1
    Dec 5 21:01:42 localhost kernel: [HCIController][RequestPowerStateChange] 1->0
    Dec 5 21:01:42 localhost kernel: [HCIController][RequestPowerStateChange] sleep is available
    Dec 5 21:01:42 localhost kernel: [HCIController][RequestPowerStateChange] sleep is not enabled
    Dec 5 21:01:42 localhost kernel: [HCIController][RequestPowerStateChange] Calling changePowerStateTo(0)
    Dec 5 21:01:42 localhost kernel: [HCIController][setPowerState] 0 (ignore=0)
    Dec 5 21:01:42 localhost kernel: [HCIController][setPowerStateWL] 0
    Dec 5 21:01:42 localhost kernel: [HCIController][PerformPowerStateChange] 1->0
    Dec 5 21:01:42 localhost kernel: [AppleUSBHCIController][StopIsochPipeRead] - mInt1IsochInPipe = 0 - numReadsPending = 0
    Dec 5 21:01:42 localhost kernel: [HCIController][CompletePowerStateChange]
    Dec 5 21:01:42 localhost kernel: [HCIController][RequestPowerStateChange] changePowerStateTo() returned 0x0
    Dec 5 21:01:42 localhost kernel: [HCIController][RequestPowerStateChange] changePowerStateTo(0) returned 0x0
    Dec 5 21:01:50 localhost kernel: jnl: replay_journal: from: 158208 to: 347648 (joffset 0x11dac68000)
    Dec 5 21:01:50 localhost diskarbitrationd[90]: disk2s3 hfs 9111674C-F746-30DD-A896-5998E9D94D9C Home OSX new laptop backup /Volumes/Home OSX new laptop backup
    Dec 5 21:01:52 localhost kernel: jnl: replay_journal: from: 8379392 to: 713216 (joffset 0x3d3e94000)
    Dec 5 21:01:52 localhost diskarbitrationd[90]: disk2s5 hfs 5A7E3C45-324A-3140-86CD-429AAE42419C home OS9 old laptop backup /Volumes/home OS9 old laptop backup
    Dec 5 21:01:53 localhost kernel: jnl: replay_journal: from: 5042176 to: 5231616 (joffset 0x345c52000)
    Dec 5 21:01:53 localhost diskarbitrationd[90]: disk2s7 hfs 1B400D23-9AC3-3464-9E0F-52DD319D6E3E Work OSX disk backup /Volumes/Work OSX disk backup
    Dec 5 21:01:53 localhost kernel: jnl: replay_journal: from: 6347264 to: 6389248 (joffset 0xa14f74000)
    Dec 5 21:01:53 localhost diskarbitrationd[90]: disk2s9 hfs EDFE1BCE-1BC9-3701-AE9E-1E9EBACADAAB Work OS9 disk backup /Volumes/Work OS9 disk backup
    Dec 5 21:01:58 localhost kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    aped[209]: Not affecting super-user process Backup Toolkit ([635]. This is just an informative message. It is not causing your problem.
    Dec 5 21:02:23 localhost /Applications/Utilities/DiskWarrior [Wed Dec 5 21:02:22 EST 2007] : ATA device 'Maxtor 6Y250M0', serial number 'Y62ACRYE', reports it is functioning at a temperature of 78.8F (26C) degrees.
    Dec 5 21:02:23 localhost /Applications/Utilities/DiskWarrior [Wed Dec 5 21:02:22 EST 2007] : Spare blocks for ATA device 'Maxtor 6Y250M0', serial number 'Y62ACRYE', appear to still be available. (Total Available: 63) (Use Attempts: 0)
    Dec 5 21:02:23 localhost /Applications/Utilities/DiskWarrior [Wed Dec 5 21:02:23 EST 2007] : ATA device 'Maxtor 6Y250M0', serial number 'Y62ACJ2E', reports it is functioning at a temperature of 73.4F (23C) degrees.
    Dec 5 21:02:23 localhost /Applications/Utilities/DiskWarrior [Wed Dec 5 21:02:23 EST 2007] : Spare blocks for ATA device 'Maxtor 6Y250M0', serial number 'Y62ACJ2E', appear to still be available. (Total Available: 63) (Use Attempts: 39)
    aped[209]: Not affecting super-user process TechToolProtecti[647]. This is just an informative message. It is not causing your problem.
    Dec 5 21:02:35 localhost popper[664]: popper: Server: Can't bind local address (13) Permission denied [main.c:521] [main.c:521]
    Dec 5 21:02:43 localhost /Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Database Daemon: LaunchApplication(/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Office Notifications)
    Dec 5 21:02:58 localhost kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 21:03:24 localhost DMProxy: theErr=-48 [line 145, file DMProxy.c]
    Dec 5 21:03:24 localhost DMProxy: theErr=-48 [line 708, file DMProxy.c]
    Dec 5 21:03:58 localhost kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 21:04:58 localhost kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 21:05:58 localhost kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 21:06:58 localhost kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 21:07:58 localhost kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 21:08:58 localhost kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 21:09:58 localhost kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 21:10:58 localhost kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 21:11:58 localhost kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 21:12:58 localhost kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 21:13:28 localhost crashdump: Unable to determine CPSProcessSerNum pid: 665 name: PocketMacUDriver
    Dec 5 21:13:28 localhost crashdump: Started writing crash report to: /Users/mlevin/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/PocketMacUDriver.crash.log
    Dec 5 21:13:29 localhost crashdump: Finished writing crash report to: /Users/mlevin/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/PocketMacUDriver.crash.log
    Dec 5 21:13:58 localhost kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 21:14:58 localhost kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 21:15:58 localhost kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 21:16:58 localhost kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 21:17:10 localhost /Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Microsoft Entourage: * Warning: ATSUMeasureText has been deprecated. Use ATSUGetUnjustifiedBounds instead. *
    Dec 5 21:17:58 localhost kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 21:18:58 localhost kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 21:19:58 localhost kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 21:20:58 localhost kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 21:21:58 localhost kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0
    Dec 5 21:22:58 localhost kernel: ipfw: 56017 Deny UDP in via en0

    I'm not aware of any, not to say that there aren't any issues.
    it may have nothing to do with ntpd, there are a lot of things running.
    ntpd just happen to make the log entry at the same time as the panic.
    I would check to see if there are any updates available for you system.
    if this is the first time that this has happened. it may be (pick one):
    cosmic rays
    sun spots
    the trilateral commission
    if this happens more frequently and that traces look the same, then
    there may be a real problem that needs to be looked into further.

  • AppleScript - figured out a way to make it wait (sort of).. advice?

    i've been trying to write an applescript that acts sort of as a printing helper in sketchup (getting accurate prints from sketchup is way too confusing and actually impossible to really get it right)
    anyway, things were moving along nicely until i hit a brick wall as far as how i'd like the script to work..
    it came to a point where i needed the script to wait for the user to close a dialog in order to stop updating the variables is was getting..
    all my searches and everything i've read so far has said you can't do it in a single script but i might of figured out a way..
    here's the part i'm talking about: (the example uses textedit since i figure everyone has it and it uses the same print dialog as sketchup)
    tell application "TextEdit"
              tell application "System Events" to tell process "TextEdit"
      -- so i can get just the numbers from static text a little further down
                        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {" "}
      -- probably a better way to talk to TextEdit than this?
      -- for sake of example, i'm doing it the same way as with sketchup
                        click menu item "Page Setup…" of menu 1 of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1
      -- this is the part that will wait until the user clicks 'ok' in the
      -- 'page setup…' dialog.
      --the user can continue to change their paper size and the script will wait until they make a final selection.
      -- it's actually pulling the numbers from bit of text underneath the 'paper
      -- size' popup.. when the user changes the paper size, that bit of text updates
      -- and so do the script's variables..
                        repeat until focused of text area 1 of scroll area 1 of window 1 = true
                                            set psz to value of static text 2 of sheet 1 of window 1
                                  end try
                        end repeat
      -- in my script, i also check for the paper orientation but it's not
      -- relevant for this thread..
                        set papw to first text item of psz
                        set paph to third text item of psz
      --not part of my script.. just an example of the numbers i want.
                        display dialog "width = " & papw & "
    height = " & paph
              end tell
    end tell
    i have had it fail a couple of times but in most cases, it makes it though.. i'll experiment a little more with it to try to stop those errors..
    i guess my question is -- why hasn't anyone done this before? (just kidding, they probably have but i couldn't find it online)
    or my actual question is -- is there anything inherantly wrong with this approach.. i mean, if i can get it to make it through consistently, is there a problem with it repeating / updating the variable so many times in a row? is it a drain on system resources or can it break anything etc.?

    or my actual question is -- is there anything inherantly wrong with this approach.. i mean, if i can get it to make it through consistently, is there a problem with it repeating / updating the variable so many times in a row? is it a drain on system resources or can it break anything etc.?
    Although I'm far from being an expert in programming, I would answer NO. Imho, you've just got a brillant idea! (As for “repeating / updating the variable so many times in a row”… you could add a short delay (like “delay 1”) inside the repeat block, but I don't think it's a must.)

  • I moved iTunes TV files from my PC to an external drive. I want to return them to my PC so I can watch during travel, but cannot figure out how to move them back. Can you help? Thanks in advance.

    I moved some iTunes TV shows from my PC hard drive to an external drive. I can watch them as long as the external drive is plugged in, but I now want to move them back to my PC to watch from the internal drive, but cannot figure out how to do it. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.

    Is it just the TV Shows that you moved to the external, or did you consolidate all your media there?
    What is the current location of the media folder given under Edit > Preferences > Advanced?
    If the media folder is currently pointed to a folder on the internal drive you could select the files you want to copy, then right-click and select Consolidate Files from the pop-up menu. This will leave the originals behind. If you want to move specific files to a new media folder then my script ConsolidateByMoving can do this.

  • Switching from FCP7 to CS6! Two BIG questions I can't figure out...

    So I'm running CS6.01 on my new 27" iMac running OS 10.6.8. I'm excited to be transitioning over to CS6 after the last 6 or 7 years using Final Cut Pro. But I don't have time to mess around as I'm in the middle of projects so here are my 2 main questions right off the bat:
    First I should say that I edit AVCHD footage shot from Panasonic HMC150's. I shoot Weddings. About 35-40/year. In FCP, my workflow was...shoot EVERYTHING at 720p60 and TRANSCODE it in FCP to ProRes Proxy. Then I'd CONFORM it to 23.98 (using Cinema Tools which takes all of about 30 seconds to do 400 clips) so that it was all in slow-mo looking smooth and beautiful. Then, I'd drop it all on the timeline and edit. Most clips I need in slow-mo but the ones I don't (eg. the Ceremony) I just speed up 250% and it's full speed. Then at the end of editing I'd batch capture and re-transcode to ProRes 422 and I'm done. It all looks great.
    Here's the important thing:
    I edit on a 23.98fps timeline that way it maintains a bit of the film-stuttery look instead of the video/soap-opera look of 60fps footage and also it naturally has everything at 40% smooth slow-mo. I dont want that video/soap opera look that I would get if I edited my 60p footage on a 60p timeline! This is important to me.
    1) I know with CS6 I don't "have" to transcode, but I can just ingest and edit the AVCHD files natively, right? Well, okay, but if I do that will dropping those 60p clips on a 23.98fps timeline give me the same look I got when I use to conform the footage first? Specifically is it just as smooth to just change the speed of a 60p clip by 40% and drop it on a 24p timeline? And what about the stuff I want at full speed...if I drop that 60p footage right on the timeline and don't speed it up it will be full speed but will it look the same as my conformed footage looked when sped up in FCP? Please elaborate for me.
    2) Audio. When I bring in audio clips from my 2 cameras each track has 2 separate audio feeds (eg. 2 wireless mics, a shotgun mic, an internal mic). CS6 brings them in on one track. I read up where I need to "Modify the clips" and adjust the Audio Channels so that there are 2 tracks. Then I'm guessing I just make one track the left track and one the right? This seems to work and makes a separate track that is balanced to the center and has each of the 4 channels as its own separate adjustable track. Am I doing that right? And more real question...if I'm scrubbing thru the timeline and I double click on one of the audio tracks to bring up the waveform and edit, sometimes it doesn't come up where I stopped in the timeline. Unless the clips are linked. But don't I have to unlink them to edit them individually? So how do I do this where I can be in the timeline, watching the video and when I hear something I want to adjust, I stop the video and quickly access the individual track (eg. one of the wireless mics) to make the adjustments?
    Hope my questions make sense. Thanks SO much in advance for all your help! It took me like 20 minutes to figure out how to post a question but now that I've done it I'm very excited that I've got it out there and hopefully I'll get past my current workflow roadblocks. Thank you!!!!!!!

    Jim Simon wrote:
    I'd recommend a different work flow.  Shoot what you want at full speed in 720p/24.  Shoot what you want in slow motion at 720p/60...
    I would respectfully disagree with Jim's statement and endorse the OP's technique of shooting at 60 fps for purposes of playback at both normal speed and slow motion at 24 fps.
    I think the more creative choices you give yourself in post the better.
    Since you (DMH79) are using the same footage for both normal speed and slow motion playback, I think your way is definitely the way to go as long as you are happy with the resolution.
    Even if you were not using the same clips at different speeds, I would still disagree with the opinion that you should be able to predict in advance which shots from a hectic live action event such as a wedding you will want to use in slow motion. In fact, I would go so far as to say that it would be impossible, no matter how easy it is to switch modes.
    Given that slow motion is a reasonable priority for you, I think there is much less to be gained by shooting at 24 fps for clips that you might use at normal speed than by giving yourself the option of both normal speed and slow motion with a 60 fps recording. (To me the bigger tradeoff is not being able to shoot 1080p at 60 fps, which I think applies to your HMC150.)
    I love the look of 24p and will shoot that way for scripted work or if I am absolutely certain that I won't want to use a single shot in slow motion, but for many live events, my preference is to shoot at 720p60, shutter angle 180, for eventual output at 30 fps. I edit in a 60 fps timeline in Premiere, but I export at 30 fps. I find that exporting at 30 fps in combination with the 1/120 shutter speed removes much of the soap opera look (a great description, by the way), but there is no jerkiness in normal speed clips because 30 is exactly half of 60. Media Encoder simply removes every other frame during export. Yet, this allows me to drop any clip to 50% speed and achieve perfectly matched, silky smooth slow motion.
    You probably prefer the 40% speed slow motion and added stutter of 24 fps, but regardless, if you do find that controlling the speed via Speed/Duration is equal in quality to conforming, you may want to consider cutting in a 60 fps timeline and giving yourself the option to export at either 24 or 30 fps.
    Your last post on this topic was from a few months ago. I also switched from FCP7 and would be very curious to know what you have discovered!

  • Has anyone figured out how to use EventCombMT to do "text" searches of server event logs? I doesn't seem to work.

    I know I can do this in powershell, but gosh I don't need a complex powershell script to do what this eventcombmt gui does so easily for quick searches.  I just wish I could figure out why text based searches of logs.  For example, suppose
    you want to search events for a user a server may have logged, if I type in "user1" nothing is retrieved and yes it's there.  Searching for events works flawlessly but I can't seem to get text based searches to work. 

    Based on my research, if we want to filter events based on user name, we need to edit the XML query.
    Please refer to this blog below:
    Advanced XML filtering in the Windows Event Viewer
    Best Regards,

  • Trying to figure out how to free up more memory on my macbook pro

    Hello. My name is Seth. I recently started to notice that my RAM when I start up my macbook pro starts at about 3 GB. I wasn't sure if this was a normal number or if there is any way I can free up a little bit more somehow. I got my mac in Novmeber 2010. I have 4GB of DDR3. The version is 10.6.8. If there is anything anyone can tell me to help, please do. If there is any more information you need from me that I forgot to put in this post, tel me and I will reply as quickly as I can. Thank you very much, and I appreciate any help!

    Well, first, Thomas, that was a very gracious reply. Nice to see that kind of thing on forums, as too many any more are just plain caustic. Shows what basic anonymity does to some people, huh.  And actually, such causticness is probably more along the lines of a pendulum swing *away* from the also too-prevalent "political correctness" that, well, weinies need to use. Methinks that perhaps all of America, perhaps all of the world, is becoming pathologically bipolar. LOL   So anyway, wanna say that you sound like a real decent guy. Must be a Mac guy. hehe
    Secondly, my reasons for submitting what I thought were helpful alternatives to looking at spinning beach balls while your fingernails waiting on the keyboard grow another half inch comes from my experiences. I'd like to elucidate.... When I got back into Macs in '06 after 18 yrs on The Dark Side, & 2 or 3 yrs with Macs, professionally, prior to that, I re-started with a PowerBook then. 1GB RAM, max. Lame, even then. And then a MacBook1,1 @1.83. Very first all-white one. 2GB max. Lame. Trouble, trouble. Frustratingly so. And now, I've got a 7,1 @2.4. Very last all-white one Apple made. I like the all-white ones. 2Gigs again, but that I bumped up to its 8Gig max. And STILL I have RAM jams. Not as frequently of course, but they happen. And what I run into *most* often, is the system NOT automagically releasing Inactive RAM. Just sits there. And if I've got FF or something that leaks memory running, & I myself crash & sleep, I wake up to completely or nearly so solidly wired-up RAM. Which means it's power button for 5 seconds time. & then Applejack at reboot to fix stuff that got hosed.   Doesn't happen often, but enough to make me go search for solutions when I shouldn't be having any with the above-average 8Gigs of RAM.
    So one day I discovered the Purge command. And using that has kept the aforementioned scenarios from deteriorating to the aggravating point when not even the beach ball comes up, nor of course anything else. 
    And so I use it. Use it a LOT when I've got open apps' icons spread from one side of my screen to the other, especially Win7 in VMWare when I've got a bunch of Mac stuff open, too. And I have read NOwhere, except what you have written, that there is any "harm" to purging at all. Hasn't caused me any probs, I know that. Only good stuff. I *would* like to know about any possible problems that, as you stated, purging could cause, as published by a Mac magazine or respected tech site. So if you can steer me & others who read this & are curious about the subject to any current articles about that, I would like to take a look-see & learn. But what I'm going by is what has proven to work, for me, & I am pretty certain that at least all Intel machines running 10.6+ work in pretty much the same way too, so....  That's why I posted. Just sharing my experiences, a screenshot, and the simple little script app I made in less than a minute. And I admit, yeah, the XCode DL is pretty darn big. But ya don't have to install everything. Just what's needed, & then you can dump the Receipt file if ya want, or save it to an external something or other.
    But not wanting to be a butt here, I will do some research about the use of purge, because you stated that 'true power users' understand when its use is apt, & when it's needed & so forth. Well, I *know* when it's needed in my experiences, & it does the job, without repercussions of any kind. But I'll look into it, willing to learn & throw away old ideas if appropriate.
    Thirdly, RE: Novice users taking my advice:
    Stupid is as stupid does, Thomas. You know that. I know I've been through that during my occasionally steeper learning curves, maybe you as well. That's how I learned stuff, particularly DOS/Windows, which just screams gimmee your attention anyway. So what I'm saying is that I find it loathsome to think that I or anyone would have to babysit the reckless ones. Who are they? Must I assume that ANYONE & EVERYONE fits that category, & so submit pablum & half-baked mostly useless mediocre BS smoke?  nyu uh. not me. I have enough respect, you might say, for people to give them the benefit of the doubt that they'll choose wisely. And those who don't, well, Darwin's Law steps in. Been there too, done that too. I consider submitting diluted blabla just so disgustingly pompous, really. Sayin' something, but then you're not, too. Self-serving junk, in other words.
    So...... done now.  Thanks for the tips, Thomas, & the advice, & I'll heed ya some but I can't think of readers of these forums as babies who need to be coddled. Mistakes made are learning experiences.  The most important learning being, of course, is when to gamble on possible learning, & when not to. That's the beginning of not making stupid-a** mistakes. And some want to learn that 'hard way' either by choice or, yeah, with intelligence-backed recklessness, & some wouldn't dream of learning that way on their machine. Scares 'em. They don't know that you can *always* click on the 'cancel' button, yaknow?  When in doubt, gamble or get out.  But don't straddle.
    I'm counting on folks having enough brains between their ears to figure out what's doable for them at their skill/knowledge level when they read about tech procedures, & what's not. And what's got the pretty good odds of coming out in their favor, should they take a plunge of some technical sort. And that's learning, too. Probably the best kind, actually. Which couldn't happen unless somebody "pushes the envelope" (apparently) & submits some obscure tech procedures. What I proposed isn't super-techy by any stretch of the imagination in those who know. Not saying my stuff's all that, but I will say that Jobs knew all about that sort of edginess, which hoisted only red flags in some people's minds of course, the mediocrity lovers' minds that is. And I am pretty much like-minded with Jobs' ways in that respect. And I abhor the 'hypersafe,' banal ways of doing things. That ain't different. That's crap. hehe  ok. nuff said. out.....
    Have a good Sunday, Thomas.
    And thanks again for your gracious good-attitude reply to me.

  • Newbie for the life of me can't figure out where in contact.php you tell it where to send form?

    Thx for any help.
    I know it's got to be so obbvious.
    Why would you send in php vs html?
    if(!$_POST) exit;
    $email = $_POST['email'];
    //$error[] = preg_match('/\b[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b/i', $_POST['email']) ? '' : 'INVALID EMAIL ADDRESS';
    if(!eregi("^[a-z0-9]+([_\\.-][a-z0-9]+)*" ."@"."([a-z0-9]+([\.-][a-z0-9]+)*)+"."\\.[a-z]{2,}"."$",$email )){
    $error.="Invalid email address entered";
    if($errors==1) echo $error;
    $values = array ('name','email','message');
    $required = array('name','email','message');
    $your_email = "[email protected]";
    $email_subject = "New Message: ".$_POST['subject'];
    $email_content = "new message:\n";
    foreach($values as $key => $value){
      if ($key != 'subject' && $key != 'company') {
        if( empty($_POST[$value]) ) { echo 'PLEASE FILL IN REQUIRED FIELDS'; exit; }
      $email_content .= $value.': '.$_POST[$value]."\n";
    if(@mail($your_email,$email_subject,$email_content)) {
      echo 'Message sent!';
    } else {
      echo 'ERROR!';

    Thanks. I'm working with different hosts and I guess thats where the confusion for me is coming in. In bluehost, I simply submit my form through form action to http://www.bluehost/bluemail. With the php form construction it 's form action is contact.php. Does this mean that the server I'm working with will uinderstand how to process contact.php and where to send it based on paramaters previously submitted? Or do I instruct the server via the php form? Thanks again
    Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2012 13:50:11 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Newbie for the life of me can't figure out where in contact.php you tell it where to send form?
        Re: Newbie for the life of me can't figure out where in contact.php you tell it where to send form?
        created by mhollis55 in Dreamweaver - View the full discussion
    The reason why this is done in php is because php is server-side scripting. It's telling your server to do stuff. HTML doesn't tell your server anything, it tells the client (the web browser loading it) to do things. Only your server can send an email.
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