File Content Conversion: Remove reserved characters from Content

Hi PI Gurus,
we're facing a little problem with FCC in File Receiver Adapter.  Sometimes the defined fieldSeparator ("|") comes within the field content.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ns0:Positions xmlns:ns0="">
So, my first thought was to replace all "|" with a litte java mapping beind the actual mapping.
But, is there any possibility to achieve this via configuration of FCC (something like fieldSeperatorSubstitution)?
Help is as always highly appreciated!
Matthias Kral

Hello Hareenkumar,
yes you're totally right. I ran in several OutOfMemoryError while testing the code above. The errors started with messages over 15 MB.
Here's the code, that is productive now. It replaces all Pipes "|" by Slashes "|" and really works fine and performant.
public void execute(InputStream in, OutputStream out)
          throws StreamTransformationException {
          try {
               int totalCount = 0;
          byte[] buf = new byte[40960];
          int count = 0;
               while (count >= 0) {
                    count =;
                    totalCount += count;
                    if (count > 0) {
                         for (int i=0; i<count; i++){
                              if (buf<i>==124){
                                   buf<i> = 47;
                         out.write(buf, 0, count);
          } catch (IOException e) {
               throw new StreamTransformationException(e.getMessage());
Thank you all again!!!
Cheers Matthias

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    ok,  I have built a nesting string of replaces to remove all of my special characters and it worked perfectly but now I am not sure where to place the nest later in the string to remove it from my search of mfr numbers.  The reason I need to do it again is because I want to remove the characters so I am searching in terms of " apples to apples" so to speak.   here is my string so far. I still need to add the part where I put in my search for the manuf_item_nbr.  my question is  where do I need to place the nested replace's to remove it from my numbers I'm going to search?
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      manuf_item_nbr  ,MAX(description), MAX(description2), MAX(GHX_FULL_ITEM_DESCR), MAX(Cntrct_nbr_txt), MAX(uom_cd)   ,
    MAX(item_qty), MAX(tier_descr), MAX(tier_prc_amt),MAX(list_prc_amt), MAX(vndr_nm), MAX(vndr_id), MAX(unspsc_nbr),MAX(iss_account)   FROM
    ( SELECT '' AS item_nbr, manuf_item_nbr,'' AS description, '' AS description2,'' AS GHX_FULL_ITEM_DESCR, Cntrct_nbr_txt, uom_cd, CAST(item_qty AS VARCHAR (255)) AS item_qty,tier_descr, CAST ( tier_prc_amt AS VARCHAR (255)) AS tier_prc_amt, CAST (list_prc_amt AS VARCHAR (255)) AS list_prc_amt,
    vndr_nm, '' AS vndr_id, '' AS unspsc_nbr,'' AS iss_account FROM ROI.CNTRCT_PRC_LIST
    WHERE ACTN_CD <> 'D'
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      purch_qoe_txt  AS item_qty, '',  '' AS tier_prc_amt,'' AS list_prc_amt,
    vndr_nm, vndr_id, unspsc_nbr,
      gl_cd  AS iss_account
       UNION ALL
    SELECT  trim(item)  AS item_nbr,
       trim(manuf_nbr)  AS manuf_item_nbr,
       trim(description2), '' AS GHX_FULL_ITEM_DESCR, '',
        trim(stock_uom ) AS uom_cd,
        ''  AS item_qty,'', '','' AS tier_prc_amt, '' AS list_prc_amt,'' AS vndr_id, '' AS unspsc_nbr,
        CAST( trim(iss_account) AS VARCHAR(255))
    )GROUP BY manuf_item_nbr
       ORDER BY manuf_item_nbr

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    #include <stdarg.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #define ONE 1
    #define MCheck(n) (n == ONE ? "One" : "???")
    #define F1(buff, size, ...) func(buff, size, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define F(...) F1(acBuff, sizeof(acBuff), __VA_ARGS__)
    void func(char* buff, size_t len, const char* fmt, ...) {
        va_list args;
        va_start(args, fmt);
        size_t nWrote = vsnprintf(buff, len, fmt, args);
    int main(void) {
        char acBuff[10];
        // Parsed OK
        F1(acBuff, sizeof(acBuff), "%s\n", MCheck(1));
        printf("%s", acBuff);
        // Causes error
        F("%s\n", MCheck(1));
        printf("%s", acBuff);
        return 0;
    }This appears to be because the pre-processed code (found using CC -E ex.cpp) has removed the '?' characters from the parsed macro 'F' expansion as shown:
    (Code inserted from headers)
    #13 "ex.cpp"
    void func ( char * buff , size_t len , const char * fmt , ... ) {
    va_list args ;
    ( void ) ( args = ( __va_list ) & __builtin_va_alist ) ;
    size_t nWrote = vsnprintf ( buff , len , fmt , args ) ;
    ( void ) 0 ;
    int main ( void ) {
    char acBuff [ 10 ] ;
    func ( acBuff , sizeof ( acBuff ) , "%s\n" , ( 1 == 1 ? "One" : "???" ) ) ;
    printf ( "%s" , acBuff ) ;
    func ( acBuff , sizeof ( acBuff ) , "%s\n" , ( 1 == 1 "One" : "???" ) ) ;
    printf ( "%s" , acBuff ) ;
    return 0 ;
    }Is this an error with the compiler, or is there some flag we need to set to ensure the macros are expanded to the correct level?

    Bwadly wrote:
    Hi Maxim,
    Thanks for the feedback.
    We are using Solaris 8, so I'm guessing we should use Sun Studio 11? Correct, the latest release that supports Solaris 8 is Sun Studio 11. Be sure to patch both Solaris and Sun Studio once you install it.
    BTW, I was able to reproduce the problem using Studio 9 compiler (CC 5.6). Apparently, it got fixed in later versions of compiler - patched version of CC 5.6 does not have it.
    Edited by: MaximKartashev on 15.08.2008 12:55

  • Remove special characters from incoming data

    Hi Varun, You could use either of below.. REG_REPLACE(YOUR_INPUT_STR,^[A-Za-z0-9 ],NULL)  -- Replaces all non-alphanumeric with null
       REG_EXTRACT(YOUR_INPUT_STR,[A-Za-z0-9 ]) -- Extracts only alphanumeric data -Rajani

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    Thank you in advance for any help I can get! 

    >>then where it says "international" it will say "inertional"
    Selecting the "match entire cell contents" option may give you what you want.

  • Removing unwanted characters from imported string

    I have a tab-delimited .txt file which I have to import into Indesign for further processing.
    The file is composed by a 3 columns header row at the beginning (Code, Description, price) followed by a series of 3 columns data rows.
    The problem is that sometimes, depending on the way the txt/csv file has been created, may include unwanted characters (such as spaces, double spaces, etc.).
    Is there a way to "clean" the imported strings from these unwanted characters?
    This is my starting code:
    function processImportedTxt(){
        //Open .csv file
        var csvFile = File.openDialog("Open file .csv","tab-delimited(*.csv):*.csv;");
        datafile = new File(csvFile);
        if (datafile.exists){
       var csvData = new Array();
       while(!datafile.eof){//read every row till the end of file
        for(a=1; a<csvData.length; a++){
            var myRowData = csvData[a];//row of data
            var mySplitData = myRowData.toString().split("\t");//divide columns
            var myRowCode = mySplitData[0];
            var myRowDesc = mySplitData[1];
            var myRowPrice = mySplitData[2];
            // Here goes code for cleaning strings from unwanted characters
    Any help would be much appreciated
    Thanks in advance

    If you want to safe 1-space occurences just a small correction:
    var myRowCode = mySplitData[0].replace(/\s\s+/g,'');

  • [Forum FAQ] How to remove div characters from multiline textbox field in SharePoint 2013

    Need to avoid the div tags and get data alone from multiline textbox field using JavaScript Client Object Model in SharePoint 2013.
    We can use a regular expression to achieve it.
    The steps in detail as follows:
    1. Insert a Script Editor Web Part into the page.
    2. This is the complete code, add it into the Script Editor Web Part and save.
    <script type="text/javascript">
    ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(retrieveListItems, "sp.js");
    function retrieveListItems() {
    // Create an instance of the current context to return context information
    var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
    //Returns the list with the specified title from the collection
    var oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle('CustomListName');
    //use CAML to query the top 10 items
    var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
    //Sets value that specifies the XML schema that defines the list view
    //Returns a collection of items from the list based on the specified query
    this.collListItem = oList.getItems(camlQuery);
    clientContext.load(this.collListItem, 'Include(Title,MultipleText)');
    clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQuerySucceeded), Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQueryFailed));
    function onQuerySucceeded() {
    //Returns an enumerator to iterate through the collection
    var listItemEnumerator = this.collListItem.getEnumerator();
    //Remove div tag use a regular expression
    var reg1 = new RegExp("<div class=\"ExternalClass[0-9A-F]+\">[^<]*", "");
    var reg2 = new RegExp("</div>$", "");
    //Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection
    while (listItemEnumerator.moveNext()) {
    //Gets the current element in the collection
    var oListItem = listItemEnumerator.get_current();
    alert(oListItem.get_item('MultipleText').replace(reg1, "").replace(reg2, ""));
    function onQueryFailed(sender, args) {
    alert('Request failed. ' + args.get_message() + '\n' + args.get_stackTrace());
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    Nice article :)
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

  • How to remove the characters from first and last position of a string?

    Hi all,
    I am creating an application where i am using vb script to export the data to excel.
    In the excel sheet most of the values are entered with double " quotes.
    so the entry looks like """".
    Notice that it is starting with "" and not " . so the vb takes it as a line feed and shows an error .
    It will be great if anybody can tell me how to remove these set of quotes ,so that the value should come as "" . A sample code wil be of great help.
    Thanks in advance,

    To modify you excel you have 2 options, 1) you can filter them in excel itself by using filter ...etc in excel itself. or 2) you can do it by using ABAP code.
    Below code may help you.
    Get the data from Excel to Internal table using FM :
    call function 'ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE'
        filename                = 'c:\temp\test.xls'
        i_begin_col             = 1
        i_begin_row             = 1
        i_end_col               = w_values
        i_end_row               = 10
        intern                  = t_alsmex_tabline
        inconsistent_parameters = 1
        upload_ole              = 2
        others                  = 3.
    Now replace all unwanted "" in internal table with space.
    replace all occurrences of '""' in itab-field with '   '.
    Again you can export to Excel using
      call function 'GUI_DOWNLOAD'
          filename                = lv_file
          filetype                = 'DAT'
          append                  = ' '
          write_field_separator   = 'X'
          data_tab                = itab.

  • How can I remove special characters from spreadsheet filename?

    Having a spreadsheet filename coded (on the Report Attributes page) as &VARIABLE..csv works fine unless the VARIABLE contains special characters such as space, lt, gt and so on.
    In the case of space, it is replaced by %20 in the generated filename. Is it possible convert the %20s to underscores (or remove them)?

    I would use a computation on that page to alter the value of variable, perhaps a SQL Expression such as:
      replace (:VARIABLE, ' ', '_')Alternatively, look at the process that puts the value into VARIABLE in the first place and ensure no spaces &gt;, etc are assigned.

  • Removing special characters from a string

    Hi All,
    I have this in one my column in my table
    I want to remove -, /, comma and space so i want the result like this
    How can I do this in PL/sql.

    with sample_table as (
                          select 'ABC-DEF' str from dual union all
                          select 'ABC/DEF' from dual union all
                          select 'ABC,DEF' from dual union all
                          select 'ABC DEF' from dual
    -- end of on-the-fly sample table
    select  str,
            regexp_replace(str,'[-/, ]') new_str
      from  sample_table
    STR     NEW_STR
    SQL> SY.

  • Re: remove special characters from incoming data

    Dear Varun Kumar, Please use this logic. REG_REPLACE(INPUT FIELD,'[^A-Za-z0-9]' ,'')Only Characters and Numbers it will come. I Tried Same Logic it working. Please let me Know. Thanks & RegardsKasireddy+966545281845

    Hi Varun, You could use either of below.. REG_REPLACE(YOUR_INPUT_STR,^[A-Za-z0-9 ],NULL)  -- Replaces all non-alphanumeric with null
       REG_EXTRACT(YOUR_INPUT_STR,[A-Za-z0-9 ]) -- Extracts only alphanumeric data -Rajani

  • How do you removing special characters from a string

    i'm a novice to java, if you couldn't tell. i need to write a program to recognise palindromes (eg. madam etc.) but i can't work out how to strip or clean the input string of white space or punctuation. any help appreciated. by the way, any other ideas on how to go about it?? (i don't expect it to be done, just after guidance)
    my thanks in advance

    OK Here you are:
    protected static String removeJunk(String string)
              int i, len = string.length();
              StringBuffer dest = new StringBuffer(len);
              char c;
              for (i = (len - 1); i >= 0; i--)
                   c = string.charAt(i);
                   if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(c))
              return dest.toString();

  • Removing unwanted characters..

    Hey guys,
    I'm back for help again. Unfortunately my brain isn't creative enough, so please help! :-)
    Ok, I need to remove unwanted characters from a file...the problem is that the characters look like this:
    in any text editor. I'm using JEdit, and it's ISO-8859-1 encoding. The text was initally from a html file, and i think that most of the html is displayed well as text in JEdit. But these squares, which are bits of info that I don't need, are making it a little trick to do my extraction.
    Ex: the word I want to extract is "trouble". But in the file, it looks like this:
    Anyone know how to get rid of all that stuff???
    Thanks in advance.

    you could try to set a filter on the characters you accept. Process each character and only accept those that fall into some ASCII boundary. If you accept ASCII characters that have values between 33-255, most blocks should be eliminated.
    Something like this should help:
    public class Example {
         protected static final int MIN_ASCII = 33;
         protected static final int MAX_ASCII = 255;
         public Example(String file) throws IOException {
              BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file)));
              PrintStream p = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(file+"_fix.txt"));
              String s = "";
              int j;
              while ((s = b.readLine()) != null) {
                   for (j = 0;j < s.length();j++) {
                        if (valid(s.charAt(j))) {
         protected boolean valid(char c) {
              int asc = (int)c;
              // allow for tabs and spaces
              if (asc == 9 || asc == 32) {
                   return true;
              return (asc >= MIN_ASCII && asc <= MAX_ASCII);
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              if (args.length > 0) {
                   try {
                        new Example(args[0]);
                   catch (IOException e) {
    }useage: java Example <file>
    of course, something like this will probably only work on "english" files as I dont have an understanding on how foreign characters are encoded..
    if this doesnt solve your problem, you might want to adjust the range to 33-127, which will eliminate all "block" characters and all "special formatted" characters (i.e. accented characters, currency signs, etc.)
    see for more information on ASCII characters

Maybe you are looking for