File uploads block network

I've found that when I upload larger files (~5MB), every machine in my network is unable to load even a simple webpage and ping latency goes from ~17ms to ~400ms. This occurs when uploading from any of the three machines with different configurations, but not when I upload from windows. Unfortunately, I don't know what other relevant information I could give, except it started to happen approximately in january this year...
Is there any explanation for the fact that this doesn't happen on win?
Thanks for any advice

If you're saturating your uplink, you would get behaviour similar to that described. Myabe the Windows box has an upload bandwidth limit configured? (That's as far as I can go on that subject, no WIndows here).
Anyway, try limiting the upload bandwidth from the other machines - probably best done centrally on your router, if it has that capability, otherwise on each machine.

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    Hi Ramona,
    First of all make sure, that every user has sufficiant auothraization for durectory required on application server,
    Now  you (or the users) are able to access it in windows after  mapping  to a drive represented by a caharcter ( e.g. ''R").
    This is done in Windows Explorer "EXTRAS". It will appear as a new folder in explorer and can be handled like a "normal" one.
    If you have any doubts contact your basis guys, they are surely familiar with this process.
    Hope it helps

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    Hi Bhima
    Try one of these; it should work:
    1. If you are on SP 14 you would need to upgrade to SP 15. It would work fine
    2. If not, then -
         a] apply note 1070655 - Termination msg CL_RSPLFR_CONTROLLER =>GET_READ_WRITE_PROVIDS
         b] Apply Correction Instruction 566059 [i.e: in Object - CL_RSPLFR_CONTROLLER GET_READ_WRITE_PROVIDS,
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    and insert block - l_r_alvl = cl_rspls_alvl=>factory( i_aggrlevel = i_infoprov ).

  • Threading problem during File Upload with Apache faces upload tag

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    1) Restores View (to show Input box and Browse button to facilitate users to select a file for upload)
    2) Translates Request Parameters to Component Values (Creates equivalent components to update them with request values).
    3) Validates Input(Checks to see whether the User has input the correct file)
    4) Updates Backing Bean or Model to reflect the values.
    5) Renders response to user.
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    <h:form id="uploadForm" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <x:inputFileUpload style="height:20px;" id="upload" value="#{backingbean.fileContents}" storage="file" size="50" />
    In the backing bean
    private UploadedFile fileContents;
         public UploadedFile getFileContents() {
              return fileContents;
         public void setFileContents(UploadedFile fileContents) {
              System.out.println("File being uploaded...");
              this.fileContents = fileContents;
    Since, the file size is so huge, I am using temp folder to use for the apache tag instead of memory.
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    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    The upload process is working perfectly fine.
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    I don't see any error in the logs. User is getting stuck. The user is getting stuck only when uploading the files. The other operations like searching are not blocking any other activities performed by the user.
    Server used: IBM Application Server V6.0. CPU is normal, memory usage is normal.

    Dear friend,
    i am also trying to upload using the common file upload.
    when try to run the file error is coming
    can give some suggestion.
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  • Reliable file upload using JDev, AS and other

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    Thanks in advance, believe, it's a right place to get help.

    Another, simpler (we think), such package is Jenkov HTTP Multipart File Upload. It's a servlet filter which can work in front of both servlets and JSP's. The servlet filter parses the uploaded file and stores it temporarily on the servers disk. When the servlet or JSP executes afterwards, it can obtain all the information about the file, from the request attributes. There is a decent manual for HTTP Multipart File Upload on the website.
    Just search for "Jenkov HTTP Multipart" on Google and you'll find it. HTTP Multipart is free, open source, Apache Licsense.

  • JSP : latest  JSTL, File Upload from web form Client to Server Question!

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    blocks, WITHOUT openening a new connection to the URL, an InputStream from a client web browser form, from a file upload coded using
    <input type="file" name="file1"/> ?
    I have previously achieved this quite simply with a FileInputStream
    with the previous version of JSTL.
    How may I do this with the latest version of JSTL, with this index.jsp?
    -with a simple text file.
    -with a Binary file (with DataInputStream)?
    Document : index
    Created on : 27/01/2009, 3:08:32 PM
    Author : Zachary Mitchell
    <%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <title>JSP Page</title>
    <h1 align="center">Hello World!</h1>
    <form name="form1" method ="POST" >
    <table align="center">
    <input name="file1" type="file" align="center"></input>
    <input type="submit" value="submit" action="index.jsp" ></input>
    <!--*********************************************************************** -->
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
    <%@page import = "*" %>
    <c:if test="${pageContext.request.method=='POST'}">
    File fileName = new File(request.getParameter("file1"));
    FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(fileName);
    <!--*********************************************************************** -->

    If I have:
    <!-- ***********************************************************************************-->
    <form name="form1" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input name="file1" type="file"/>
    <input name="submit1" type="submit" value="Submit" action="index.jsp"/>
    <!-- ***********************************************************************************-->
    and run this in an index.jsp, use browse to select my text file, and click SUBMIT.
    I can use:
    InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(new DataInputStream(request.getInputStream()))
    BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(reader);
    However, these is some HTML/POST related content around what multiple readLine();
    calls return.
    Is there an easy way, like using "${param.file1}",
    aside from [|],
    maybe using servlet style code, to get the File contents from a remote Client,
    to the remote Server servlet engine, AVOIDING ANY SUPERFLUOUS CONTENT,
    using version 1.12 of the JSTL, JSP 2.0,Tomcat 6?
    Just politely, yes, no, and how?
    Edited by: Zac1234 on Jan 29, 2009 3:27 AM
    Edited by: Zac1234 on Feb 1, 2009 8:29 PM

  • CV01N - Document link to a file in the network drive

    i have a question regarding transaction CV01N.
    Not a document should be uploaded, but a link should be created. The link is to a file in the network drive.
    Is this possible?
    Where can i do the configuration to a network drive?

    Refer to the below post.
    SAP Status to show Assigned Document
    /message/7526879#7526879 [original link is broken]
    Let us know if u have any issues,

  • ALBPM 6.0 : The maximum size for file uploads has been exceeded.

    I use AquaLogic BPM Entreprise server to deploy my Process. When I try to publish a process on my server I get the following error:
    An unexpected error ocurred.
    The error's technical description is:
    "javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: null"
    Possible causes are:
    The maximum size for file uploads has been exceeded.
    If you are trying to publish an exported project you should publish it using the remote project option.
    If you are trying to upload the participant's photo you should choose a smaller one.
    An internal error has ocurred, please contact support attaching this page's source code.
    Has someone resolve it?

    Sure you've figured this out by now, but when you get the "Maximum size for file uploads" error during publish consider:
    1. if your export project file is over 10mb, use "Remote Project" (instead of "Exported Project") as the publication source. That way when you select the remote project, you will point to ".fpr" directory of the project you are trying to publish.
    Most times your project is not on a network drive that the server has access to. If this is the case, upload the .exp file to the machine where the Process Administrator is running, then expand it in any directory (just unzip the file). Then, from the Process Administrator, use the option to publish a Remote Project by entering the path to the .fpr directory you just created when unzipping the project.
    2. Check to see if you have cataloged any jars and marked them as non-versionable. Most of the times the project size is big just because of the external jar files. So as a best practice, when you do a project export select the option "include only-versionable jars", that will get reduce the project size considerably (usually to Kb's). Of course you have to manually copy the Jar files to your Ext folder.

  • Excel file upload in background

    any one inform me how to Excel file will be Executed as a background job.
    The Excel file will be executed as a background job.
    This will eliminate issues related to network speed,
    time-outs,user logging off,ect;
    and the need for the user to remain logged in to the transaction till it finishes
    execution. After the background job completes the output report will be sent to the
    user via email as an attachment.
    Duplicate thread.
    Edited by: kishan P on Aug 24, 2010 10:39 AM

    function module for email attachment  -
    function module SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1
    function module for background schedule - u2018ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLEu2019
    When scheduling a job in the background the appropriate statement to read in your file is OPEN DATASET, and the file must be on the file system that the SAP server can see.
    At anytime, a user can switch of the Personal Computers even though the job is still running in the background.  Therefore GUI_* and WS_* function modules are not designed to work in that way, as they need to access your personal computer  file.
    To choose the correct download method to used, you can check the value of SY-BATCH in your code,
    if it is 'X' use OPEN DATASET and if it is ' ' use WS_UPLOAD.
    link for help -
    Re: Excel file upload through BAPI in BACKGROUND

  • Zip file uploaded by CF can't be unzipped by CF or Java

    I'm having a WTF moment right now trying to track down this
    problem. I am creating a monitoring tool for our merge email
    system. What I would like to do is submit a job zip file through
    our upload form, in which case I just need to upload a zip file
    with cfhttp to the action page.
    What I'm running into is a problem unzipping the file when it
    is on the server. However if I go to the server the received file
    opens fine with WinRAR or Windows Explorer. If I manually go to our
    form and upload the exact same file it works fine. Really odd. I
    can only find very basic information about uploading files with
    cfhttp and tried all of the attributes that seemed logical.
    Attached is very basic example of the problem. It may end up
    being a bug in CF or something.
    The code does the following
    1. creates a text file
    2. creates a zip file with the text file
    3. tries to unzip the file to make sure it is fine
    4. uploads the file (processed by a <cfelse> block at
    the bottom)
    5. tries to unzip the file uploaded
    The error occurs in step 5. CF just can't unzip the uploaded
    file, but I can unzip it using other tools.

    I tested it and received the same error. Using
    GetHttpRequestData() I did notice the size of the received file is
    usually 2b bigger than original. Though I do not know if that
    matters at all.
    The strange thing is if you add another parameter after the
    zip file (an empty text file or a form field), it suddenly works.
    <cfhttp url="
    method="post" result="jobSubmitResult">
    <cfhttpparam name="zipfile" type="file"
    file="" />
    <cfhttpparam name="placeholder" type="FormField"
    value="Empty Field">

  • File.upload on Air SDK for iOS devices failed to send http request to server.

    I am trying to use ActionScript's File.upload to upload a file on Air SDK for iOS8 environment, but the File.upload does not work properly. No handler about the file upload is executed after File.upload is invoked, and no exception is caught. When I check the network traffic of the server side, I found that no http request even hit the server after File.upload is executed. The code snippet here is very simple.
      private var file:File;
      private var dir:File;
      //This method is executed to create a file and upload it when the Upload Button is pressed.
      protected function OnUploadButtonPressed(event:MouseEvent):void{
      var str:String = 'This is test';
      var imageBytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
      for ( var i:int = 0; i < str.length; i++ ) {
      imageBytes.writeByte( str.charCodeAt(i) );
      dir = File.applicationStorageDirectory
      var now:Date = new Date();
      var filename:String = "test" + now.seconds + now.milliseconds + ".txt";
      file = dir.resolvePath( filename );
      var stream:FileStream = new FileStream(); file, FileMode.WRITE );
      stream.writeBytes( imageBytes );
      file.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, uploadComplete );
      file.addEventListener( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioError );
      file.addEventListener( SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityError );
      file.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR, someError);
      file.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress);
      file.upload( new URLRequest(""));//This line does not work. No handler is executed. No http request hit the server side.
      } catch( e:Error ) {
      trace( e );
      //Complete Handler
      private function uploadComplete( event:Event ):void
      trace( "Upload successful." );
      //IOError handler
      private function ioError( error:IOErrorEvent ):void
      trace( "Upload failed: " + error.text );
      //SecurityError handler
      private function securityError(error:SecurityErrorEvent):void{
      trace( "Security error:" + error.text );
      //Other handler
      private function someError(error:ErrorEvent):void{
      trace("some error" + error.text);
      //Progress handler
      private function onProgress(event:ProgressEvent):void{
    When executed on Air Simulator, it works fine as expected, and the file is successfully uploaded to the server. But When executed on iOS devices(in my case, iPad), as I explain early, no handler about the file upload is executed, and no the http request even hit the server. So I think the problem may be in the client side. It seems that the Air SDK for iOS just failed to send the http request for some reason.
    To make my problem more clear, I list my environment below:
    Development Environment:  Windows7 (64bit)  / Mac os 10.9.4 (Tested on  OS platforms.)
    IDE: Flash Builder 4.7
    Air SDK:  3.8 / 16.0.0 (After I updated to the lastest Air SDK 16.0.0 , the problem still exists.)
    Application Server:  Tomcat7 + Spring
    Target OS: iOS 8
    I have been struggling for this for days. So I really appreciate it if anyone has any idea about this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi bluewindice ,
    As you have quoted ( ActionScript's File.upload does not work on Air SDK for iOS devices ) , this issue has been replicated at our end, and our team will be working on it.

  • Using CSA to filter MSN Messenger file upload and download

    How would i go about filtering out the file upload and download functionality in messenger ?
    I've already disallowed the possibility of uploading or saving from Messenger by not allowing the program the read or write files. But when a PC without this policy on it uploads to a CSA protected host. The CSA will download the entire file but then refuse to save the file.
    I'd rather disallow this functionality alltogether ? my guess are that i would hae to do some COM filtering ?
    I'd be greatfull for any hints you might have.
    Best Regards,

    The document Blocking Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Programs with the PIX Firewall has more information on blocking file sharing applications.

  • File upload diff server

    i have done the file upload using java program with in same network.but when i try to upload to a file server of other domain then the upload is not working.i can ping to the file server but through java application the file does n't get uploaded.i am sure this is some networking issue.can you help me on this?

    I think you can map the file server driver to a disk of the webserver, and be sure that the java applation can read/write the disk.
    Perhaps it can , i don't try it. Just an idea.
    good luck.

  • "File Upload" stuck in fullscreen

    I am using Windows 7 and Firefox 36.0.1. I opened a file upload and dragged it to the top of my screen to make it fullscreen (I was trying to find a file amongst many others). However, now any time I upload a file, the "File Upload" pop-up is fullscreen and will not exit fullscreen. I have tried dragging it away from the top, attempting to resize it by dragging the corners, and restarting. There is not maximize/minimize button on it and I imagine it wasn't really meant to ever go fullscreen. Any way I can get it back to regular size short of reinstalling Firefox?

    However, I am not able to connect to behive ftp. I tried asg1-usca-09 and sr1-sfbay-01. Please help.
    % ftp
    Connected to
    220 The service is ready for new user.
    Name ( [email protected]
    331 User name accepted. Need password for [email protected]
    534 Request has been denied for policy reasons.
    Login failed.
    421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection
    ftp> bye
    I cannot use windows for this purpose, the system is a solaris system, and if needed, I can use Linux. I have tried gftp on linux (from FAQs), and this is the error I got
    gFTP 2.0.18, Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Brian Masney <[email protected]>. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this program, please feel free to email them to me. You can always find out the latest news about gFTP from my website at
    gFTP comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details, see the COPYING file. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; for details, see the COPYING file
    Looking up
    Connected to
    220 The service is ready for new user.
    234 Command AUTH accepted. Starting TLS connection.
    Error with certificate at depth: 2
    Issuer = /C=US/O=VeriSign, Inc./OU=VeriSign Trust Network/OU=(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only/CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5
    Subject = /C=US/O=VeriSign, Inc./OU=VeriSign Trust Network/OU=(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only/CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5
    Error 19:self signed certificate in certificate chain
    Disconnecting from site
    - Sandhya
    Edited by: user12622889 on Mar 13, 2012 10:16 AM
    Edited by: user12622889 on Mar 13, 2012 10:28 AM

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