Filevault 2 unlocks for all users - isn't that less secure than Filevault 1?

I've tried to find the answer online but can't...
If you have multiple users on your computer and you're using FileVault 2, ANY user that logs in decrypts the entire drive.
That means if I want to create an account for my flatmate, whenever he logs in the entire drive is decrypted.
In Filevault 1, each user had their own encrypted home directory.
Am I missing something?
What happens if I don't include a user when turning on Filevault? Won't that mean they can't log in at all?

Am I missing something?
Yes. You don't have to enable all users to unlock the volume. Only enable the users whom you trust implicitly with all data. The others will still be able to log in after the system starts up, but they won't be able to start or restart it.

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    Hello Mike Witnauer,
    Please correct me if I have misunderstanding:
    1. The student account can ran the Photoshop without administrator password before you turn compatibility mode to Windows XP.
    2. Then, the students need the password to run the Photoshop no matter if you use compatible setting.
    Please take the following steps and check if this issue still exists.
    1. Enable built-in administrator account
    2. Use the following code
     runas /user:ComputerName\Administrator /savecred "Full path to program's exe file"
    For more information, please take a look at the answer in the following thread.
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    Best regards,
    Fangzhou CHEN
    Fangzhou CHEN
    TechNet Community Support

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    pref("general.config.filename", "mozilla.cfg");
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    pref(); // set pref, but allow changes in current session
    lockPref(); // lock pref, disallow changes
    See also:

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    Bump -
    No responses in over a week?
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    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Update\Policy
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    Keith Hemmelman

    Thank you for the reply. I apologize for not getting back here sooner.
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    !! !!
    --> &
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    Vivekvp wrote:
    Great...I added a new one, and it dropped it to the bottom of the page, in the middle column.
    Any idea on how to move it to the top left by default?
    VRandom thought, but you might want to try changing the "Mandatory Portlet Priority". I know the portlet isn't mandatory, so it SHOULDN"T work, but I've seen whackier things:)
    Good luck!

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    Rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ga /c\\localcomputername /n\\servername\printername
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    Do you have a question? If so then your best bet is to create a new post (this one is 5 years old and marked as "answered"!) and spell it out there.

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    Thanks in advanced

    Acrobat is not permitted to run as a server process.
    Licenses are assigned to individual users, each of whom must have their own serialized copy.

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