Filter Records By Date in sharepoint

I have one list which has lots of records, now i want to filter that list (Report you can say), for that I create one new page in which i inserted that list
My Requirement(Prob)
Whenever, i open that page it must show the records entered since last 10 days, i.e say
Today's Date is 9th February 2012 dan it should show records entered on or after
30th January 2012. I tried with the date filter webpart i set Current Date - 10 Days as the default value for my datefilter webpart and filter the list with that, but not able to get the records.
Please tell me where m doing the wrong or missing something, i will really appreciate for this.....
Sorry, for my poor english

Hello Vijay,
Finally i got the solution,
Yes u were correct i just used the filter option on "Created" and choose "Greater Than or Equal" option and Value as "Current Date"
than open that page in sharepoint designer when to the CAML Query
                        <FieldRef Name="Created"/>
                        <Value Type="DateTime">
                            <Today />
                        <FieldRef Name="Created"/>
                        <Value Type="DateTime">
and Bingo!!!!!!!!!! its works, Thanks a lot for the solution

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    "$select=Title,Sales/Title,Body,StartDate,EndDate" +
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    Today option is not available in SharePoint REST. As a workaround, you can create a JavaScript variable which holds today's date and convert it to ISO date format before using it in the REST query:
    var today = new Date();
    today = today.toISOString();
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    Hi Antonio,
    Search does not create index of any field which is left empty. A query filtering data based on PublishingExpirationDateOWSDATE
    > (today). Will give you all the records with date greater than today's date ignoring the time also.  Records with date empty will not appear in your results. 
    You will not be able to achieve this with custom search results web part also.
    Try CQWP.
    Navish Rampal

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    I've updated the example of using PowerShell to include a Person field (user field) and a choice field.
    The CSV file has the following columns:
    #Get the CSV file and connect to the SharePoint list
    $vessellist = import-csv -Path C:\Temp\VesselInPortReport.csv
    $l = (Get-Spweb "http://devmy101").GetList("http://devmy101/Lists/smarInPort")
    #Get the lists EmployeeType field (choice)
    $employeeType = $l.Fields["EmployeeType"] -as [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldChoice]
    #Loop through the items and add them to the list
    $r = 1;
    foreach($item in $vessellist)
    $ni = $l.items.Add();
    #Add the Title, using the rows VESSEL_NAME column
    $ni["Title"] = $item.VESSEL_NAME;
    #Add the "Date Recorded" field, using the csv rows "RPT_DATE" column
    [DateTime]$rd = New-Object System.DateTime;
    if([DateTime]::TryParse($item.RPT_DATE, [ref]$rd)){
    $ni["Date Recorded"] = $rd;
    #Add the csv rows "TRIP_NO" column to the new list items "Trip Id" field (SPFieldNumber)
    [Int64]$tn = New-Object System.Int64;
    if([Int64]::TryParse($item.TRIP_NO, [ref] $tn)){
    $ni["Trip Id"] = $tn;
    #Add some other text properties
    $ni["Flag"] = $item.FLAG;
    $ni["Agent Name"] = $item.AGENT_NAME;
    $ni["Current Location"] = $item.CURRENT_LOCATION;
    #Add user information
    $ni["employee"] = $w.EnsureUser($item.EMPLOYEE); #In this case, the $item.EMPLOYEE value from the spreadsheet is a persons name. Eg. "Matthew Yarlett"
    $employeeType.ParseAndSetValue($ni,$item.EMPLOYEE_TYPE); #In this case, the $item.EMPLOYEE_TYPE value from the spreadsheet is valid choice present in the EmployeeType list field. Eg. "Manager"
    #Update the item
    Write-Host ([String]::Format("Added record:{0}",$r));
    Regards, Matthew
    My Blog
    Please remember to click "Mark As Answer" if a post solves your problem or "Vote As Helpful" if it was useful.
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    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" creationComplete="init()">
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                private function init():void {
                      // Get Data from WebService and fill datagrid when you fist invoke the application
                private function GetEmployees(event:ResultEvent):void {
                      // Databind data from webservice to datagrid
                      datagrid.dataProvider = event.result;
                private function SaveEmployee(event:ResultEvent):void {
                      // To Refresh DataGrid;
            "Saved Successfully");
                private function AddRecord(event:MouseEvent):void {
                      // Save a record using a WebService method
                      ws.SaveEmployee(txtEmpId.text, txtEmpName.text, txtEmpEmail.text); //
                private function fault(event:FaultEvent):void {
                      // Oppps some error occured
    <!-- WebService definition -->
    <mx:WebService id="ws" wsdl="http://localhost/TestWebService/Service.asmx?WSDL" fault="fault(event)">
          <mx:Panel x="41.5" y="66" width="714.5" height="237" layout="absolute" title="ASP.NET WebService + Flex Demonstration">
                <mx:HBox height="95%" width="95%" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0">
                      <mx:DataGrid id="datagrid" width="465" height="100%">
                                  <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Emp Id" dataField="EmpId"/>
                                  <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Emp Name" dataField="EmpName"/>
                                  <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Emp Email" dataField="EmpEmail"/>
                      <mx:Form x="608" y="74" width="100%" height="100%" borderStyle="solid">
                            <mx:FormItem label="EmpId">
                                  <mx:TextInput width="106" id="txtEmpId"/>
                            <mx:FormItem label="EmpName">
                                  <mx:TextInput width="106" id="txtEmpName"/>
                            <mx:FormItem label="EmpEmail">
                                  <mx:TextInput width="106" id="txtEmpEmail"/>
                            <mx:FormItem width="156" horizontalAlign="right">
                                  <mx:Button label="Add" id="btnAdd" click="AddRecord(event)"/>
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  • Unable to save lookup field data in SharePoint 2013 online list

    Dear Support,
    I had successfully created provider hosted app and deployed on SharePoint 2013 online site, in my project I created orderservice.asmx.cs web service and write a code for save record on SharePoint
    2013 online list as I mentioned below and calling on App1.js file.
    But I am unable to save lookup field value as mentioned below code
    Customer is a lookup field I want to save data in SharePoint 2013 online list( Order)where I had successfully
    inserted text field  data (Title &
    i am getting error as mentioned below
    500 Internal Server Error {"Message":"Invalid web service call, missing value for parameter: \u0027Title1\u0027.","StackTrace":"   at System.Web.Script.Services.WebServiceMethodData.CallMethod(Object target, IDictionary`2
    parameters)\r\n   at System.Web.Script.Services.WebServiceMethodData.CallMethodFromRawParams(Object target, IDictionary`2 parameters)\r\n   at System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.InvokeMethod(HttpContext context, WebServiceMethodData methodData,
    IDictionary`2 rawParams)\r\n   at System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.ExecuteWebServiceCall(HttpContext context, WebServiceMethodData methodData)","ExceptionType":"System.InvalidOperationException"}
    Please let me know the code how to insert lookup field value (Customer)
    in SharePoint online list.
    int InsertOrder (Order
                clientContext.Credentials =
    SharePointOnlineCredentials (myUserName, pwd);
    oWeb = clientContext.Web;
    ListCollection lists = oWeb.Lists;
    List oOrderlist = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Order");
    itemCreateInfo = new                 ListItemCreationInformation();
    ListItem oListItem = oOrderlist.AddItem(itemCreateInfo);
    = Title;                        listItem["Special_x0020_Instruction"]
    = orderRecord.Instruction;
                        listItem ["Customer"]
    = orderRecord.CustomerId;
    return 1;
    return -1;
    var OrderProfile = $('#orderprofile').val();
    var CustomerId = $('#exCustomerlist').jqxComboBox('getItem',
    //var Instruction = $('#instruction').val();
    var obj = {
    'Title': OrderProfile,
    'Customer': CustomerId }
                data: JSON.stringify(obj),
    "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    function (XMLHttpRequest) {
    //Specifying this header ensures that the results will be returned as JSON.
    function (response) {
                    $(".errMsg ul").remove();
    var myObject = response.d;
    function (response) {
                    alert(response.status +
    ' ' + response.statusText +
    ' ' + response.responseText);

    Hi Alex Brassington,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I am having the Site Administrator Permission of the public site.
    I am having the permission of Company Administrator of that site but still unable to find
    Device Channel on Site Setting. still I gave the user full control from Site Permission but nothing is happening.
    What should I do next?

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    Thanks in advance

    Hi Glenn,
    I'm able to filter the records for specific periods.
    However, I'm facing another problem now.
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    Our RDBMS is Oracle. Can you please help me with this

  • Present a record by date through an Abap Rutine

    Hi Gurus,
    i got in the cube the next records for example:
    calday Material Quantity
    01.01.2011 A 10
    15.01.2011 A 20
    if i present in the query these IO an KF the query will show these 2 records, now i want just show the last record by date
    calday Material Quantity
    15.01.2011 A 20
    i tried in the query with a calculate KF with exception aggregation , MAX with Reference to calday , but, i need to show 0CALDAY for that reason this doesnt work, so i was thinking in an ABAP  rutine that read all the active table of the ODS and compare record by record whats the last date by material and this record must be marked with a vaalue in another Infoobject, before the load to the cube, then i filter in the query for this mark IO, now how will the code be? can you help  to build this code, or some advice or idea?,  i appreciate it

    Thanks for helping me.
    Currently, my application provides users a feature to sort all the ThreadBean retrieved from the database according to two criteria:
    1. sort by
    thread_last_post_date, thread_creation_date, message_sender, thread_reply_count, thread_view_count
    2. order by DESC or ASC
    Therefore, my existing query string looks like:
    String query = "SELECT ...... FROM message_thread WHERE message_receiver = ? ORDER BY " + sort + " " + order;According to your advice, I simply add another criterion; say, articleTitle to my query string.
    A. Will this added criterion articleTitle have any impact on the feature that the application provides to users; namely, sort and order? (Now, all messages will be presented to users in categories; i.e. articleTitle.)
    B. Where should I add the articleTitle to the query string
    B.1: before sort and order?
    String query = "SELECT ...... FROM message_thread WHERE message_receiver = ? ORDER BY " + articleTitle + " " + sort + " " + order;or
    B.2: after sort and order?
    String query = "SELECT ...... FROM message_thread WHERE message_receiver = ? ORDER BY " + sort + " " + order + " " + articleTitle;

  • Filter record during navigation

    Is there a way to filter record when navigating using the databrowser menus?
    I hope to filter record based on the current login user. Different user will have access to different records, which are stored in the same table.
    I am using VB6 and 2004B. Your help is needed.

    I think Data Ownership might solve your problem. Look at Administration > Authorizations > Data Ownership / Data Ownership Exceptions. The help file has quite a bit of detail on it.
    Hope it helps,

  • Read Portal User ID in BW report to filter records

    I need to filter my records in BW report based on the
    business partner who logs into Portal.
    (BW report is getting called thur IView in Portal)
    Is there any way i can fetch the Portal User id
    during the execution of BW report? so then i can filter
    records by writing code in user exit.
    I tried using variable sy-uname, but it populates
    the BW user id and not portal user id.
    Please reply if anybody knows solution to this query.
    Thnx in advance.

    Abhijit ,
    My understanding:
    You need to filter the query by the Business Partner ID and not by User name and Business Partner number and BW User ID are both different.
    If you want to filter by User name:
    Why don't you try using SSO through EP and that way you would get the ID of the person logged in.
    If you are using user mapping:
    Or what you could do is maintain the mapping in an info object/table in BW and query against the same.
    If you are using Business Partner:
    Populate the business partner master which will have the user name attached and that way you would be able to get the Business partner ID.

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    I am using sql*loader to load data from data file and i have written control file for it. How do i skip last '5' records of data file or the footer records to be skiped to read.
    For first '5' records to be skiped we can use "skip" to achieve it but how do i acheive for last '5' records.
    Can I mention two data files in one control file if so what is the syntax(like we give INFILE Where we mention the path of data file can i mention two data file in same control file)
    If i have datafile with variable length (ie 1st record with 200 charcter, 2nd with 150 character and 3rd with 180 character) then how do i load data into table, i mean what will be the syntax for it in control file.
    4)if i want to insert sysdate into table through control file how do i do it.
    5) If i have variable length records in data file and i have first name then white space between then and then last name, how do i insert this value which includes first name and last name into single column of the table.( i mean how do you handle the white space in between first name and last name in data file)
    Thanks in advance

    You should read the documentation about SQL*Loader.

  • I can record midi data from my Mason & Hamlin Piano Disc Pro Record through my MOTU Traveller into Logic but Logic won't send midi data out to the MOTU Traveller to the Piano Disc player

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    I have messed with every possible parameter I can find and and have had help from one of Piano Disc's premier editors but no luck. The piano was prepped for me on Logic so it would work with my studio.  I'm positive it's my fault and I'm overlooking something really simple and stupid but what!??!
    Somebody please help.  Thank you all in advance for ANY ideas you might have!

    Blues Piano,
    I'm not sure if this will be a help or not.  I'm so Logic Pro wet behind the ears that I make newbies look experienced.  However, I'm not expecting many on the Apple support forums have a PianoDisc system, much less one with the new optical record strip.  While I don't have any record strip on my PianoDisc, I do have a PianoDisc iQ that's only a month old.  I've been playing converted paper scrolls from hundred year old player pianos through it via the MIDI in port of the PianoDisc CPU.  I've found I have to open the MIDI file in Logic Pro (10.0.4) then go to <Track><New External MIDI Track> then copy the existing track to that new external track.  Only then can I see in the Track inspector (defaults left side of screen with the Icon for the instrument) the "Port" parameter.  Then I can select my external MIDI device in that Port selector. 
    I've also encountered problems with the PianoDisc not using enough force on the notes or using too much force.  To get around this problem, until I understand Logic better, I've been setting minimum and maximum volicities.  To do that I right click on the track and select "Select All."  Then I right click again and select "MIDI" then "MIDI Transform"  then "Velocity Limiter."  In the resulting pop up window in the center is a drop down and you can play with the velocity from "MIN" to "MAX" along with "ADD" "SUBTRACT" etc. 
    I hope this helps.  I envy you your Mason & Hamlin.  If you need more help on this just email me at pfleischmann at mac dot com.

  • Function to return a value of a object based on last record by date

    Post Author: Tned
    CA Forum: Desktop Intelligence Reporting
    Can anyone assit with a method/formula to return the a value of an object based on the last record by date. BO 5 or XI. See example below. Query structure is not an issue. Only need help with the last record function or aggregate.
    Data Table         
    ID / Serial #
                                                                                    Desired query results. Only the values of the latest records returned.                      
    ID / Serial #

    Post Author: Tned
    CA Forum: Desktop Intelligence Reporting
    Thanks Prashant
    However, when i add either the status or condition variables to the report all lines related to the ID are returned not just the last entery by date.
    Thanks again.Terry

  • How to show data from sharepoint list in mm dd yyyy format using Server Object Model

    In SharePoint 2010
    List "Employee", Colum Name "JoinDate" 
    has stored data in  (01/31/2014 12.00 PM) mm\dd\yyyy hr:mm PM format.
    How to display this data in mm\dd\yyyy only using C# on custom web part?

    //Write the code to read your list item
    SPListItem item = list.Items[0];
    //Get a DateTime object with the list column value
    DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(item["Date Column Name"]);
    String strDate = date.ToString("mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm tt");
    //you can also try ("dd/mmm/yyyy")

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    Richard Newman

    Hi Newman,
    You can use native sql in your abap code to read data from SharePoint's database. But I would suggest you to generate a SharePoint webservice which can provide you the neccessary data so that you can consume this webservice in ABAP
    (Will be quite faster than native sql).

Maybe you are looking for

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