Filter Subgrid with Javascript - MS CRM 2013

I want to filter a subgrid.
My code :
function FilterCasesSubgrid() {
var CasesSubgrid =Xrm.Page.getControl("lots_associes");
setTimeout(function () { FilterCasesSubgrid(); }, 2000); //if the grid hasn’t loaded run this again when it has
var fetchXml ="<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'>"+
"<entity name='new_lot'>"+
"<attribute name='new_name' />"+
"<attribute name='new_nomduprogramme' />"+
"<attribute name='new_villelookup' />"+
"<attribute name='new_loyertotal' />"+
"<order attribute='title' descending='false' />"+
"<filter type='and'>"+
"<condition attribute='new_name' operator='eq' value='004' />"+
//Here i set the fetchxml directly to subgrid
CasesSubgrid .control.SetParameter("fetchXml", fetchXml); //set the fetch xml to the sub grid
CasesSubgrid .control.Refresh(); //refresh the sub grid using the new fetch xml
with that I only have the first alert who says '1'. The last alert isn't displayed and the subgrid isn't modified.
Do you have any idea?

hey even i am facing the same issue..apparently this works only for Internet Explorer and not chrome or firefox...
i even  tried with  Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get() and Xrm.Page.getControl() both didn't work for me
//var SubscriptionGrid = Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get("Subscriptions");
//var InvoiceGrid = Xrm.Page.getControl("Invoices");
Does anybody have any suggestions for it.

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    We actually integrate with MS Dynamics, both 2013 and 2015 versions and would gladly help you.
    Feel free to visit our website for more info:
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    Hope this helps!
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    Are you creating a Custom aspx page or infopath form? You can use features to deploy custom aspx pages. Refer to the following post for more information

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             <param name="OWNER" value="SAP_BW"/>
             <param name="CMD" value="SET_DATA_PROVIDER"/>
             <param name="NAME" value="C_LPR_Q018"/>
             <param name="QUERY" value="C_LPR_Q018"/>
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    Hi Allen,
    if you want to change any param of an object, try the function SAPBWOpenURL, which should be sent against the object you want to change. Documentation is at : -> Business Explorer ->
    Web Application ... -> Befehl URLs
    Concat the date in JavaScript and call
    SAPBWOpenURL(SAP_BW_URL_Get()+'&item=...&FILTER_IOBJNM="0FISCPER"&FILTER_VALUE="TheDateYouWant"') (I hope I set the " and ' correctly, better you should check).
    For example you can insert :
        function callTheTableWithTheDate()
            SAPBWOpenURL(like above);
    <BODY onload="JavaScript:callTheTableWithTheDate()">
    It's only a hint, adjust it for your requirements. You can save the date in a cookie too and reuse it whenever you want. You know how to handle cookies ?

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    function RunWorkflow() {
        var _return = window.confirm('Are you want to execute workflow.');
        if (_return) {
            var url = Xrm.Page.context.getServerUrl();
            var entityId =;
            var workflowId = '541B45C9-3F88-4448-9690-2D4A365C3172';
            var OrgServicePath = "/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc/web";
            url = url + OrgServicePath;
            var request;
            request = "<s:Envelope xmlns:s=\"\">" +
                          "<s:Body>" +
                            "<Execute xmlns=\"\" xmlns:i=\"\">"
                              "<request i:type=\"b:ExecuteWorkflowRequest\" xmlns:a=\"\"
    xmlns:b=\"\">" +
                                "<a:Parameters xmlns:c=\"\">"
                                  "<a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" +
                                    "<c:key>EntityId</c:key>" +
                                    "<c:value i:type=\"d:guid\" xmlns:d=\"\">"
    + entityId + "</c:value>" +
                                  "</a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" +
                                  "<a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" +
                                    "<c:key>WorkflowId</c:key>" +
                                    "<c:value i:type=\"d:guid\" xmlns:d=\"\">"
    + workflowId + "</c:value>" +
                                  "</a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" +
                                "</a:Parameters>" +
                                "<a:RequestId i:nil=\"true\" />" +
                                "<a:RequestName>ExecuteWorkflow</a:RequestName>" +
                              "</request>" +
                            "</Execute>" +
                          "</s:Body>" +
            var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
  "POST", url, true)
            // Responses will return XML. It isn't possible to return JSON.
            req.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/xml, text/xml, */*");
            req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
            req.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", "");
            req.onreadystatechange = function () { assignResponse(req); };
    function assignResponse(req) {
        if (req.readyState == 4) {
            if (req.status == 200) {
                alert('successfully executed the workflow');

    I used this script for execute the workflow but its not working. When I used alert(req.status); then 500 show. Please tell me what did I mistake in my script.
    function RunWorkflow() {
        var _return = window.confirm('Are you want to execute workflow.');
        if (_return) {
            var url = Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl();
            var entityId =;
            var workflowId = '541B45C9-3F88-4448-9690-2D4A365C3172';
            var OrgServicePath = "/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc/web";
            url = url + OrgServicePath;
            var request;
            request = "<s:Envelope xmlns:s=\"\">" +
                          "<s:Body>" +
                            "<Execute xmlns=\"\" xmlns:i=\"\">"
                              "<request i:type=\"b:ExecuteWorkflowRequest\" xmlns:a=\"\"
    xmlns:b=\"\">" +
                                "<a:Parameters xmlns:c=\"\">"
                                  "<a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" +
                                    "<c:key>EntityId</c:key>" +
                                    "<c:value i:type=\"d:guid\" xmlns:d=\"\">"
    + entityId + "</c:value>" +
                                  "</a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" +
                                  "<a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" +
                                    "<c:key>WorkflowId</c:key>" +
                                    "<c:value i:type=\"d:guid\" xmlns:d=\"\">"
    + workflowId + "</c:value>" +
                                  "</a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" +
                                "</a:Parameters>" +
                                "<a:RequestId i:nil=\"true\" />" +
                                "<a:RequestName>ExecuteWorkflow</a:RequestName>" +
                              "</request>" +
                            "</Execute>" +
                          "</s:Body>" +
            var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
  "POST", url, true)
            // Responses will return XML. It isn't possible to return JSON.
            req.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/xml, text/xml, */*");
            req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
            req.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", "");
            req.onreadystatechange = function () { assignResponse(req); };
    function assignResponse(req) {
        if (req.readyState == 4) {
            if (req.status == 200) {
                alert('successfully executed the workflow');

  • How to sum subgrid column in CRM 2013

    I want to sum Subgrid column named "Quantity" and show in alert.

    You can also try this code to calculate subgrid amount total for crm 2013.
    Add your subgrid name in place of "testing"  and amount field name in place of 'new_amount'.
    function RetrieveSubGridRecords() {
        if (document.getElementById("testing")) {
            var grid = document.getElementById("testing").control;
            var ids = grid.get_allRecordIds();
            var sum = 0.00;
            var cellValue;
           for(i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
               var cellValue = grid.getCellValue('new_amount',ids[i]);
               var number = Number(cellValue.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g,""));
               sum = sum + number;
        else {
           setTimeout("RetrieveSubGridRecords();", 2500);
    Hope this help..

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       There is no change. However here is the code snippet
    function RunWorkflow() {
    var _return = window.confirm('Are you want to execute workflow.');
    if (_return) {
    var url = Xrm.Page.context.getServerUrl();
    var entityId =;
    var workflowId = '541B45C9-3F88-4448-9690-2D4A365C3172';
    var OrgServicePath = "/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc/web";
    url = url + OrgServicePath;
    var request;
    request = "<s:Envelope xmlns:s=\"\">" +
    "<s:Body>" +
    "<Execute xmlns=\"\" xmlns:i=\"\">" +
    "<request i:type=\"b:ExecuteWorkflowRequest\" xmlns:a=\"\" xmlns:b=\"\">" +
    "<a:Parameters xmlns:c=\"\">" +
    "<a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" +
    "<c:key>EntityId</c:key>" +
    "<c:value i:type=\"d:guid\" xmlns:d=\"\">" + entityId + "</c:value>" +
    "</a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" +
    "<a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" +
    "<c:key>WorkflowId</c:key>" +
    "<c:value i:type=\"d:guid\" xmlns:d=\"\">" + workflowId + "</c:value>" +
    "</a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>" +
    "</a:Parameters>" +
    "<a:RequestId i:nil=\"true\" />" +
    "<a:RequestName>ExecuteWorkflow</a:RequestName>" +
    "</request>" +
    "</Execute>" +
    "</s:Body>" +
    var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", url, true)
    // Responses will return XML. It isn't possible to return JSON.
    req.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/xml, text/xml, */*");
    req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
    req.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", "");
    req.onreadystatechange = function () { assignResponse(req); };
    function assignResponse(req) {
    if (req.readyState == 4) {
    if (req.status == 200) {
    alert('successfully executed the workflow');
    Relevant links:
    Hope this helps.
    Minal Dahiya
    blog :
    If this post answers your question, please click "Mark As Answer" on the post and "Vote as Helpful"

  • App-V CRM 2013 Outlook Client and Office 2013 Click to Run

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    I'm thinking that the CRM client can't see the Outlook application and therefore crashes and doesn't integrate with the Outlook application.  Problem Signature 09 (from the crash explanation) states "System.NullReference Exception".
    I can't seem to find much out there for sequencing the 2013 version of the client.  Has any else managed this yet or have any ideas where I'm going wrong?

    I would use Process Monitor to understand what happens and to see why Outlook isn't seeing the plugin, and why the wizard is crashing
    Nicke Källén | The Knack| Twitter:

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    Issues with custom workflow activity in CRM 2013 On-prem
    I'm trying to pass the Manager of the System
    here is the code that I'm running, it gets to setting the MANAGER and stops
    I put the ran the FetchXML seperatly and it does return a value so I know what bit works
    public class CaseAccountManagerManagersLookup : CodeActivity
    // Inputs
    [Input("Enter Case")]
    public InArgument<EntityReference> CA { get; set; }
    // Outputs
    [Output("Manager Output")]
    public OutArgument<EntityReference> AMOUT { get; set; }
    protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext executionContext)
    // Context
    IWorkflowContext context = executionContext.GetExtension<IWorkflowContext>();
    IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory = executionContext.GetExtension<IOrganizationServiceFactory>();
    IOrganizationService service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId);
    //Create the tracing service
    ITracingService tracingService = executionContext.GetExtension<ITracingService>();
    // get the account and renewals manager ID's
    var CASE = CA.Get<EntityReference>(executionContext);
    tracingService.Trace("Case ID = " + CASE.Id);
    // FETCH
    string fetchXml = string.Format(@"
    <fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'>
    <entity name='incident'>
    <attribute name='title' />
    <attribute name='incidentid' />
    <order attribute='title' descending='false' />
    <filter type='and'>
    <condition attribute='incidentid' operator='eq' value='{0}' />
    <link-entity name='contact' from='contactid' to='customerid' alias='ak'>
    <link-entity name='account' from='accountid' to='parentcustomerid' alias='al'>
    <link-entity name='systemuser' from='systemuserid' to='bc_dssalesperson' alias='am'>
    <attribute name='parentsystemuserid' />
    </fetch>", CASE.Id);
    EntityCollection case_results = service.RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(fetchXml));
    //tracingService.Trace("fetch has run");
    if (case_results.Entities.Count != 0)
    foreach (var a in case_results.Entities)
    //if (a.Attributes.Contains("ai_parentsystemuserid"))
    tracingService.Trace("set manager id next");
    var MANAGERID = (EntityReference)a.Attributes["parentsystemuserid"];
    tracingService.Trace("manager id set");
    AMOUT.Set(executionContext, MANAGERID);
    throw new InvalidOperationException("Want to see trace");
    tracingService.Trace("end ");
    catch (Exception e)
    throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Plugin - CaseAccountManagerManagerLookup - " + e.Message);
    throw new InvalidOperationException("Want to see trace");

    Try to use am.parentsystemuserid instead of just parentsystemuserid.
    Dynamics CRM MVP/ Technical Evangelist at
    SlickData LLC
    My blog

  • Disable subgrid in ms crm 2013

    Hi All,
    how to disable subgrid in ms crm 2013, using javascript when onload event.
    i try some code that I have used in 2011, but not work in 2013 version.

          Found following articles which has steps and code for this.
    Hope this helps.
    Minal Dahiya
    blog :
    If this post answers your question, please click "Mark As Answer" on the post and "Vote as Helpful"

  • CRM 2013 Online - sending email with CRM Online and jQuery

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    is to send an e-mail via javascript.
    I found an article about 'Sending email with SharePoint and jQuery',
    Is there a similar Jquery way we can send e-mail from CRM 2013 Online?  Thanks.

    Actually you can send email through plugin using Actions feature. Recheck my articles about the feature -
    In case you anyway want to send your email directly you should recheck following articles:
    Dynamics CRM MVP/ Technical Evangelist at
    SlickData LLC
    My blog

  • CRM 2013 - Inconsistent javascript issue crash the web client and user needs to reopen

    We are using CRM 2013 on premise version and almost 600 users are using it. We have some inconsistent JavaScript issue (following is the log for same) which happens to users in a day or two. When this issue occurs user can not work in system and they have
    to open new instance of CRM.
    Does anybody knows about this error?
       <Message>Unable to get property 'location' of undefined or null reference</Message>
       <BrowserUserAgent>Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/6.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; InfoPath.3)</BrowserUserAgent>

    Are you on-premise, or on-line? : It's on-premise
    Can you reproduce it on-demand, or is it sporadic?: It's sporadic
    There is a mention of loading an iFrame in the error, do you have iFrames on the form that generates this error?
    It's not on specific forms, so can't identify that. Yes we have iframes on some forms.
    Does it happen on any/all entity forms, or specific ones?  Do the entity forms have any custom JavaScript on them?
    It's not on specific forms. And yes we have javascript on almost all forms.
    Do you have any network problems or slowness in your network? Does the problem happen when the network is busy?
    We need to check this on next occurrence.
    Do the users that see this error have any unusual add-ins or toolbars in their browser?  This is not for specific user. Its happening for all randomly.
    Have you tried other browsers like Chrome or FireFox and do users see the problem there as well?
    We need to check only for IE.

  • Best practice for developing with CRM 2013 (On Premises)

    Hello all.  I'm just starting to work with CRM, and I have some questions that hopefully will be simple for the seasoned developers.  It's mostly just some best practice or general how-to questions for the group.
    - When creating a new Visual Studio CRM Project I can connect to my CRM Instance and create new WebResources which deploy to the CRM instance just fine, but how can I pull all the existing items that are in the CRM Solution into the Visual Studio CRM project?
     Or do I need to export the solution to a ZIP, expand it with SolutionPackager.exe, then copy these into my Visual Studio project to get it into sync?
    - When multiple developers are working on changes is it best to keep everything in a Visual Studio project as I mentioned above, or is it better for everyone to have their own instance of CRM to code with so they can Export/Import solutions as needed then
    these solutions be manually merged before moving into a common Test/QA environment?
    - When modifying the submenu on a CRM form is it suggested to use Ribbon Workbench or is it better/easier to just export the solution, expand it with SolutionPackager.exe,  modify ribbondiff and anything else required for the change, package it
    back up, then reimport to CRM?  I've heard from some that Ribbon Workbench has some limitations, but being green I wasn't sure what those limitations might be or if it'd be best to just manually make these changes.  Or is thre any way to have a copy
    of ribbondiff in Visual Studio and deploy this without having to repackage the Solution and Import in the ZIP?
    I think that's it for now :)  Thanks for any advise or suggestions.  I really want to start learning the in's and out's of CRM and how all the pieces fit together.  Also can someone direct me to some documentation or books that might give
    more insight on developing for CRM 2013 or 2015 (moving to this soon)?
    Thanks for your time.

    Hi Sam
    Also interested in best practice around this area - especially recommended development routes, unit testing, continuous integration etc - it would be great if you posted here if you find any good articles etc. At the moment we tend to just push changes
    onto a live system as and when appropriate and I'd prefer to move away from that...

  • Dynamics CRM 2013 : Offline capability with Outlook Plugin

    Dear all,
    I have a scenario where I have to use the Offline Capability feature of Dynamics CRM 2013 with CRM Client for Outlook plugins.
    Can I use the offline capability mode if all my users are using gmail as their email?
    If so, can someone guide me please.
    Your help would be greatly appreciated.
    Many Thanks & regards

    You need to change page size in order to see the on button. try Ctrl+0
    Regards Faisal
    Thanks Faisal for your reply. I tried Ctrl+0 (zero) but no difference. I think Ctrl+0 is for clearing the zoom in/out effect in web pages. While this tool is a windows (desktop) application.
    Please note that I have taken the snap (attached in original post) after maximizing the
    Update Assembly dialog (by double clicking the title bar area.
    The version of the Plugin Registration Tool is 64bit. If you can check your Plugin Registration Tool version and post the snapshot as well?
    blog: | skype:

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