Finding tasks via the Java API

I am using Oracle BPEL Process Manager 10.1.2 (Beta3) with a java client. I am simply trying to list tasks assigned to an individual using the following code:
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
public class ShowTasks
public ShowTasks()
public void showTasks()
try {
java.util.Hashtable props = new Hashtable();
props.put("dedicated.rmicontext", "true");
Locator loc = new Locator("default","bpel","",props);
IWorklistService taskService = (IWorklistService)loc.lookupService(IWorklistService.SERVICE_NAME);
System.out.println("Finding Tasks....");
ITask[] tasks = taskService.listTasksByAssignee("[email protected]");
catch (Exception e)
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args)
ShowTasks showTasks = new ShowTasks();
When I run the code I am getting the error:
Error deserializing return-value: org.collaxa.thirdparty.dom4j.tree.AbstractNode; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 2188750142857195041, local class serialVersionUID = -2607565468107109475
I believe that I have all the correct libraries set up in JDeveloper. Can anybody please point me in the right direction?

Yes - here are the import statements.
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
Just to expand, I am developing using JDeveloper10g version and running the code from here.

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    Hi Marco,<BR><BR>It is in the IEssCubeOutline interface. Here is sample code from the sample code that ships with EDS:<BR><BR>   IEssCubeOutline otl = ... <BR><BR>   IEssDimension product = otl.findDimension("Product");<BR>   otl.associateAttributeDimension(product, caffeinated);<BR><BR>Tim<BR>

  • Help with Essbase 9 and the Java API

    Hi, I am trying to connect to Essbase from a Java desktop application and I am unable to do so. I need to know if I am in principle doing the right things and if I have the correct environment set up.
    We have a server with Essbase version 9.3.1. We normally use essbase via the Excel Addin, and I have already written Excel applications that utilise both the addin and the Essbase VB API. Now I need to connect to Essbase but from outside Excel and using the Java API. I have no idea what APS is nor does my Essbase Administrator.
    My application has the following code (adapted from a post in this forum) -
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    String s_userName = "user";
    String s_password = "password";
    String s_olapSvrName = "ustca111";
    String s_provider = "http://localhost:13080/aps/JAPI";
    IEssbase ess = IEssbase.Home.create(IEssbase.JAPI_VERSION);
    IEssDomain dom = ess.signOn(s_userName, s_password, false, null, s_provider);
    IEssOlapServer olapSvr = dom.getOlapServer(s_olapSvrName);
    System.out.println("Connection to Analyic server '" + olapSvr.getName() + "' was successful.");
    }catch(EssException exp){
    I am running my application on my computer, not on the Essbase server, and the username I am using is the same one I use (as a user of Essbase) via the Essbase Addin in Excel, not an admin login.
    When I run the app I get:
    "Cannot connect to Provider Server.Make sure the signon parameters are correct and the Provider Server is running."
    Please can you confirm:
    1) Do I need an admin login for my client application to connect to the Essbase server or can I use a normal read-access login, like the one I use in Excel?
    2) Is the provider always the same regardless of the computer, i.e. "http://localhost:13080/aps/JAPI"; How do I know what this has to be? Where do I get this information from?
    3) How can I make sure that the Server is running the necessary "Provider Server", is this just a service that will show on services.msc of the server? What should I ask the Essbase Administrator for him to tell me what I need?
    Thank you very much.

    Tim, when I look in my computer's Essbase installation path I can only find the following jar files (from the ones you have listed).
    I do not have css-9_3_1.jar or interop-sdk.jar.
    In order to try the embedded mode, I added the three jars I have to the classpath, and have re-built and ran with "embedded" as the provider. This is what I got in my output screen:
    Error accessing the properties file. (The system cannot find the file specified). Using default values.
    Hyperion Provider Services - Release Build 168
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2007 Oracle and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    connection mode : EMBEDDED
    domain.db location: domain.db
    console log enable : false
    file log enable : false
    logRequest : false
    logLevel : ERROR
    java System properties -DESS_ES_HOME: null
    Scenario Markets Total Legal Entities Products
    Jan Feb Mar
    Standard Units 1.053264054859E7 1.60849856762E7 2.6234553348270003E7
    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 2 seconds)
    As you can see, this has worked (as I get the data I was looking for at the end), but when I had the url in the provider string, I just get the below, without the initial errors:
    Scenario Markets Total Legal Entities Products
    Jan Feb Mar
    Standard Units 1.053264054859E7 1.60849856762E7 2.6234553348270003E7
    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 2 seconds)
    Now that I can get both modes to work I intend to write a Windows application, place it in a shared drive, and allow multiple users to use it. Which mode should I use?
    By the way, I found the file in C:\Hyperion\AnalyticServices\JavaAPI\bin, but when I add it to my app and test it in embedded mode, I get even more errors, but it still gives me the result...output below:
    run: ..\bin\apsserver.log (The system cannot find the path specified)
    at Method)
    at org.apache.log4j.FileAppender.setFile(
    at org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender.setFile(
    at org.apache.log4j.FileAppender.<init>(
    at org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender.<init>(
    at com.hyperion.dsf.server.framework.BaseLogger.addAppender(Unknown Source)
    at com.hyperion.dsf.server.framework.BaseLogger.setFileLogEnable(Unknown Source)
    at com.hyperion.dsf.server.framework.DsfLoggingService.sm_initialize(Unknown Source)
    at com.essbase.server.framework.EssOrbPluginDirect.setupLoggingService(Unknown Source)
    at com.essbase.server.framework.EssServerFramework.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at com.essbase.api.session.EssOrbPluginEmbedded.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at com.essbase.api.session.EssOrbPlugin.createPlugin(Unknown Source)
    at com.essbase.api.session.Essbase.signOn(Unknown Source)
    Hyperion Provider Services - Release Build 168
    at com.essbase.api.session.Essbase.signOn_internal(Unknown Source)
    at com.essbase.api.session.Essbase.signOn(Unknown Source)
    at esstest.Main.main(
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2007 Oracle and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    connection mode : EMBEDDED
    log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (com.hyperion.dsf.server.framework.BaseLogger).
    log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
    domain.db location: ./data/domain.db
    console log enable : false
    file log enable : true
    logFileName : ../bin/apsserver.log
    logRequest : false
    logLevel : WARN
    java System properties -DESS_ES_HOME: null
    Scenario Markets Total Legal Entities Products
    Jan Feb Mar
    Standard Units 1.053264054859E7 1.60849856762E7 2.6234553348270003E7
    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 3 seconds)
    Thank you

  • Can I create a cert with the Java API only?

    I'm building a client/server app that will use SSL and client certs for authenticating the client to the server. I'd like for each user to be able to create a keypair and an associated self-signed cert that they can provide to the server through some other means, to be included in the server's trust store.
    I know how to generate a key pair with an associated self-signed cert via keytool, but I'd prefer to do it directly with the Java APIs. From looking at the Javadocs, I can see how to generate a keypair and how to generate a cert object using an encoded representation of the cert ( e.g. ).
    But how can I create this encoded representation of the certificate that I need to provide to generateCertificate()? I could do it with keytool and export the cert to a file, but is there no Java API that can accomplish the same thing?
    I want to avoid having the user use keytool. Perhaps I can execute the appropriate keytool command from the java code, using Runtime.exec(), but again a pure java API approach would be better. Is there a way to do this all with Java? If not, is executing keytool via Runtime.exec() the best approach?

    There is no solution available with the JDK. It's rather deficient wrt certificate management, as is a factory that only deals in re-treads. That is, it doesn't really create certs. Rather it converts a DER encoded byte stream into a Java Certificate object.
    I found two ways to create a certificate from scratch. The first one is an all Java implementation of what keytool does. The second is to use Runtime.exec(), which you don't want to do.
    1. Use BouncyCastle, a free open source cryptography library that you can find here: There are examples in the documentation that show you how to do just about anything you want to do. I chose not to use it, because my need was satisfied with a lighter approach, and I didn't want to add a dependency unnecessarily. Also Bouncy Castle requires you to use a distinct version with each version of the JDK. So if I wanted my app to work with JDK 1.4 or later, I would have to actually create three different versions, each bundled with the version of BouncyCastle that matches the version of the target JDK.
    2. I created my cert by using Runtime.exec() to invoke the keytool program, which you say you don't want to do. This seemed like a hack to me, so I tried to avoid it; but actually I think it was the better choice for me, and I've been happy with how it works. It may have some backward compatibility issues. I tested it on Windows XP and Mac 10.4.9 with JDK 1.6. Some keytool arguments changed with JDK versions, but I think they maintained backward compatibility. I haven't checked it, and I don't know if I'm using the later or earlier version of the keytool arguments.
    Here's my code.
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class CreateCertDemo {
         private static void createKey() throws IOException,
          KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException{
         X500Principal principal;
         String storeName = ".keystore";
         String alias = "keyAlias";
         principal = PrincipalInfo.getInstance().getPrincipal();
         String validity = "10000";
         String[] cmd = new String[]{ "keytool", "-genKey", "-alias", alias, "-keyalg", "RSA",
            "-sigalg", "SHA256WithRSA", "-dname", principal.getName(), "-validity",
            validity, "-keypass", "keyPassword", "-keystore",
            storeName, "-storepass", "storePassword"};
         int result = doExecCommand(cmd);
         if (result != 0){
              String msg = "An error occured while trying to generate\n" +
                                  "the private key. The error code returned by\n" +
                                  "the keytool command was " + result + ".";
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, msg, "Key Generation Error", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
         KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
         ks.load(new FileInputStream(storeName), "storePassword".toCharArray());
            //return ks from the method if needed
    public static int doExecCommand(String[] cmd) throws IOException{
              Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
              Process p = null;
              p = r.exec(cmd);
              FileOutputStream outFos = null;
              FileOutputStream errFos = null;
              File out = new File("keytool_exe.out");
              File err = new File("keytool_exe.err");
              outFos = new FileOutputStream(out);
              errFos = new FileOutputStream(err);
              StreamSink outSink = new StreamSink(p.getInputStream(),"Output", outFos );
              StreamSink errSink = new StreamSink(p.getErrorStream(),"Error", errFos );
              int exitVal = 0;;
              try {
                   exitVal = p.waitFor();
              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                   return -100;
              System.out.println (exitVal==0 ?  "certificate created" :
                   "A problem occured during certificate creation");
              return exitVal;
         public static void main (String[] args) throws
              KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, IOException{
    //Adapted from Mike Daconta's StreamGobbler at
    public class StreamSink extends Thread
        InputStream is;
        String type;
        OutputStream os;
        public StreamSink(InputStream is, String type)
            this(is, type, null);
        public StreamSink(InputStream is, String type, OutputStream redirect)
   = is;
            this.type = type;
            this.os = redirect;
        public void run()
                PrintWriter pw = null;
                if (os != null)
                    pw = new PrintWriter(os);
                InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
                BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
                String line=null;
                while ( (line = br.readLine()) != null)
                    if (pw != null)
                    System.out.println(type + ">" + line);   
                if (pw != null)
            } catch (IOException ioe)
    public class PrincipalInfo {
         private static String defInfoString = "CN=Name, O=Organization";
         //make it a singleton.
         private static class PrincipalInfoHolder{
              private static PrincipalInfo instance = new PrincipalInfo();
         public static PrincipalInfo getInstance(){
              return PrincipalInfoHolder.instance;
         private PrincipalInfo(){
         public X500Principal getPrincipal(){
              String fileName = "principal.der";
              File file = new File(fileName);
              if (file.exists()){
                   try {
                        return new X500Principal(new FileInputStream(file));
                   } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                        return null;
                   return new X500Principal(defInfoString);
         public void savePrincipal(X500Principal p) throws IOException{
              FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("principal.der");
    }Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

  • How can I create a new User with the Java API like OIDDAS do?

    I'm currently working on an BPEL based process. And i need to create an OCS user. So far I can create an user in the OID. But I cant find any documentation about given this user an email account,calendar and content function etc.
    Did anybody know if there are some OIDDAS Webservices? Or did anybody know how to do this using the Java APIs?

    You are asking about a Database User I hope.
    You can look into the Oracle 8i Documentation and find various privillages listed.
    In particular, you may find:
    Chapter 27 Privileges, Roles, and Security Policies
    an intresting chapter.
    You may want to do this with the various tools included with 8i - including the
    Oracle DBA Studio - expand the Security node and you can create USERS and ROLES.
    Or use SQL*Plus. To create a
    user / password named John / Smith, you would login to SQL*Plus as System/manager (or other) and type in:
    Create user John identified by Smith;
    Grant CONNECT to John;
    Grant SELECT ANY TABLE to John;
    There is much more you can do
    depending on your needs.
    Please read the documentation.

  • Enabling Profiling for deployments via the REST API

    We have an application which is being deployed via the REST API. Our logging has captured some errors related to memory consumption that we'd like to examine using profiling. All the examples of profiling in Azure that I can find discuss deployment via Visual
    Studio which is not feasible in this instance.
    Is there a way to enable profiling via the REST API and if so are there any examples or documentation for this? We're using Linq2Azure to access the APIs but we can extend it if necessary.

    Yes, we can choose enable profiling when we publish an application via visual studio, from my experience, this feature was provided by using the Visual Studio profiler, if we didn’t use visual studio to deploy the application, it is hard to enable profiling.
    Refer to for more information.
    Best Regards

  • Compiling the Java API

    I'm relatively new to developing in Java, so this might be a very dumb question...
    Recently, I downloaded the JDK and the source for the Java API and I've been trying to compile everything in java.util.
    Frustratingly, I can't get all of the classes in java.util to compile straight off the bat.. Specifically, the classes Locale, Currency, JapaneseImperialCalendar and Calendar report a missing symbol error - either for LocaleData or OpenListResourceBundle.
    I've tried hunting for the source for both of these classes, and also looked around the web to see what I could find, but found nothing. I've also looked for a class file or jar file that might be missing from my class path but I haven't found anything that looks useful.
    So something in the configuration of what I'm doing is wrong - if anyone can offer any help on getting java.util to compile I would greatly appreciate it!

    Thank you all for your help - unfortunately, I specifically want to compile collections because I'm wanting to play around with and change some of them a little, and I figure the first thing to do is to get them compiling "out of the box".
    Any suggestions as to where I can get the full source from would be much appreciated, I'm sure that's a particularly dumb question, but nonetheless I have looked for that as well with no luck.
    Alternately, I'm sure that, e.g., LocaleData.class exists somewhere, even if it's only in a part of the JRE I've downloaded - else code which uses the Calendar class could never work! If anyone has any hints as to where I might find these class files that would also solve my problems!
    Thanks :)

  • Initiating a process via the GP API

    I am writing code that starts a GP process via GP API.  Is there way to discover the appropriate processID without using the GP Design-Time UI.  For example,  the code:
    IGPProcess process = GPProcessFactory.getDesigntimeManager().getActiveTemplate(processId, user);
    requires the processID. 
    Is there a way that I can find the processID via the GP API.  Perhaps,  by using the path to the appropriate process ("Examples/Time-Off Process/Time-off Process").

    Hi Richard,
    You can find the process ID in the "Instantiation" tab of the process in the Design Time.
    Otherwise, you can create your own application that retrieves the processes list and you can pick one of them.
    The method "getRootCategory" will return you the root folder in the gallery. Then, the method "getActiveProcessTemplateByCategory" will return you a list of process template info objects. There you can aslo get the ID.
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,

  • Does Firefox support java applets if the "Next generation plugin" is disabled via the Java plugin control panel.

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    My applet is not "Next Generation compliant". When we run our applet in Internet Explorer it runs fine as long as we disable the "Next Generation Plugin" via the Java plugin control panel. However our applet does not run in Firefox if the "next generation applet" is disabled.
    Is it a requirement that if I want to run an applet in Firefox 3.6.x or higher that the "next generation plugin" be enabled via the Java plugin control panel.

    Current Firefox versions (3.6 and later) can only run Java applets via the Next Generation plugin.

  • How do I create a user, in my context in OID using the Java API

    How do I create a user, with subschema, in my context in OID using the JAVA API
    I need to be able to create new users in my OID, I was doing it in our old iPlant Directory, but I don't seem to see the same methods in the Oracle LDAP API. I figured out how to get and modify the attributes of a user, but I can't seem to figure out how to add a new one.

    Try this code , modify it accordingly
    ------- cut here -------
    import oracle.ldap.util.*;
    import oracle.ldap.util.jndi.*;
    import javax.naming.NamingException;
    import java.util.*;
    public class NewUser
    final static String ldapServerName = "yourLdapServer";
    final static String ldapServerPort = "4032";
    final static String rootdn = "cn=orcladmin";
    final static String rootpass = "welcome1";
    public static void main(String argv[]) throws NamingException
    // Create the connection to the ldap server
    InitialDirContext ctx = ConnectionUtil.getDefaultDirCtx(ldapServerName,
    // Create the subscriber object using the default subscriber
    Subscriber mysub = null;
    String [] mystr = null;
    try {
    RootOracleContext roc = new RootOracleContext(ctx);
    mysub = roc.getSubscriber(ctx, Util.IDTYPE_DN, "o=dec", mystr);
    catch (UtilException e) {
    // Create ModPropertySet with user information
    ModPropertySet mps = new ModPropertySet();
    mps.addProperty(LDIF.ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE_TYPE_ADD,"cn", "Steve.Harvey");
    mps.addProperty(LDIF.ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE_TYPE_ADD,"sn", "Harvey");
    mps.addProperty(LDIF.ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE_TYPE_ADD,"uid", "SHarvey");
    mps.addProperty(LDIF.ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE_TYPE_ADD,"givenname", "Steve");
    mps.addProperty(LDIF.ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE_TYPE_ADD,"mail", "[email protected]");
    mps.addProperty(LDIF.ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE_TYPE_ADD,"userpassword", "welcome1");
    // Create the user
    User newUser = null;
    try {
    newUser = mysub.createUser(ctx, mps, true);
    System.out.println("New User DN: " + newUser.getDN(ctx));
    catch (UtilException e) {
    ------- end cut --------

  • How to generate all the links of the java api methods

    Hi all,
    I noticed from my docs that the JAVA API methods are not linked. They are just static text. How can i link all the java api methods to a root url examble:
    and so on.
    Thank you in advance.

    It sounds like you'd like to link to our docs on
    You can do this using -link or -linkoffline
    Start by reading the section "Choosing between -linkoffline and -link"
    Basically, try this option first:
    If this fails (because your shell cannot access,
    then copy package-list from to your current directory,
    then use this option:
    -linkoffline .
    Notice that the second argument is a dot "." to indicate
    that package-list is in the current directory.
    -Doug Kramer
    Javadoc team

  • Why to use the Java API in MDM

    Hi Experts,
    I am new to the MDM.
    We are having the requirement of inetration between Portal and MDM.Can u please tell me when to use the following coponents like the scenorio's.
    Why to install the MDM Business packages in Portal?
    why to use the JAVA API.
    Please give me the complete information.

    Hi Vijay,
    Standard Business Package is use to provide interaction between MDM Server and the Portal. It consists of MDM iViews like Item Detail iView (allows to create,edit and delete the records) , Resultset iView (Displays the records, allows to add the records in workflows etc), Search iViews (for searching)i.e. Data Manager functionality.
    Java API are used when you need some functionality that standard MDM iViews dont have.MDM Java API consists of set of classes and interfaces with the help of which customization can be done.
    Jitesh Talreja

  • The WSUS administration console was unable to connect to the WSUS Server via the remote API. (Server 2k8)

    I have installed a new server for WSUS on Server 2k8, This is a stand alone server on Internet No client system is connected on this server as I have to copy these updates to my LAN which never connects to internet. (Previously I was using server 2k3. for
    online & server 2008 on my LAN , now I have changed the server for Online)
    Wsus has finished the synchronization & downloaded updates of around 67GB & its downloading more updates. The server shows me some updates are waiting to approved. but when I click the link for those updates I get following error message.
    error code is as follows -
    The WSUS administration console was unable to connect to the WSUS Server via the remote API.
    Verify that the Update Services service, IIS and SQL are running on the server. If the problem persists, try restarting IIS, SQL, and the Update Services Service.
    System.Net.WebException -- The operation has timed out
    Stack Trace:
       at System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebClientProtocol.GetWebResponse(WebRequest request)
       at System.Web.Services.Protocols.HttpWebClientProtocol.GetWebResponse(WebRequest request)
       at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.DatabaseAccess.ApiRemotingCompressionProxy.GetWebResponse(WebRequest webRequest)
       at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
       at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.ApiRemoting.ExecuteSPSearchUpdates(String updateScopeXml, String preferredCulture, Int32 publicationState)
       at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.DatabaseAccess.AdminDataAccessProxy.ExecuteSPSearchUpdates(String updateScopeXml, String preferredCulture, ExtendedPublicationState publicationState)
       at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.Update.SearchUpdates(UpdateScope searchScope, ExtendedPublicationState publicationState, UpdateServer updateServer)
       at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.UpdateServer.GetUpdates(UpdateScope searchScope)
       at Microsoft.UpdateServices.UI.AdminApiAccess.UpdateManager.GetUpdates(ExtendedUpdateScope filter)
       at Microsoft.UpdateServices.UI.AdminApiAccess.BulkUpdatePropertiesCache.GetAndCacheUpdates(ExtendedUpdateScope updateScope, ComputerTargetScope computerTargetScope)
       at Microsoft.UpdateServices.UI.SnapIn.Pages.UpdatesListPage.GetListRows()
    I Have tried desabling the firewall,disabling the antivirus protection. Tried by changing the default rule Please Help.

    Hi Sagar,
    First, please check if the RAM is exhausted. When there is not enough RAM, this issue may occurs.
    Please try to run iisreset on the WSUS server, then try to reconnect.
    Also, please try to run the server cleanup wizard to remove the unused update.
    Best Regards.
    Steven Lee Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • Using the Java API

    Hi everyone,
    I just wanted to see if anyone knows whether I need a license to use the Java API included in the trial version of Adobe LiveCycle ES.
    I need to include some PDF manipulation code for dynamic XFA forms in an application, and I first read that XPAAJ jar was free. So is the API here also free or do I need a license? If anyone knows, could you please point me in the direction of the details if a license is needed.
    I would appreciate your help.

    You don't need a license as long as the application you're building is for evaluation or testing, and NOT for production use.
    You will need to purchase a license for production use.
    Licensing can be complex, and you should contact your local Adobe office or enterprise partner for details.
    XPAAJ was never free, it was bundled with other Adobe products.
    It has been deprecated, and is no longer supplied or supported, as far as I'm aware. You will need to purchase a LiveCycle license of some sort.

  • Using the Java API to address a specific instance

    I've created another operation (onRequest) in the client of an async. process.
    <!-- portType implemented by the Exp2 BPEL process -->
    <portType name="Exp2">
    <operation name="initiate">
    <input message="tns:Exp2RequestMessage"/>
    <operation name="onRequest">
    <input message="tns:Exp2onRequestMessage"/>
    I then use this operation in a recieve activity so that I can stall the flow of the instance, and then call it whenever I whant from a RMI client.
    <receive createInstance="no" name="onRequest" partnerLink="client" portType="tns:Exp2" operation="onRequest" variable="inputRequest"/>
    My problem is that, after the creation of one or more instances of this process, how can I send a post message to a specific instance using the Java API?
    I understand that i should use something like..."Exp2", "onRequest", nm );
    but there's nothing to "say" that this post message is to be delivered to the instance with the ID "xx".
    I also know that I need to use correlation on this but I don't know how.
    I would really apreciate some help on this.

    This is a very good question: here is a code snippet that shows how you can add a conversation id to the NormalizedMessage that you are sending to the delivery service.
    HashMap properties = new HashMap();
    properties.put("conversationId", "yourUniqueKeyHere");
    // construct the normalized message and send to the
    // delivery service
    NormalizedMessage nm = new NormalizedMessage( );
    nm.setProperties(properties );
    // The rest is the same
    nm.addPart("XXX" , someElement );
    Please note that you will need to use the conversationId property both with the message you use to initiate the BPEL process and the message you use to perform the onRequest call.
    Please note that if at some point you want to perform any of the 2 calls through the SOAP channel, you can embed he conversationId in the WS-Addressing header within the relateTo element.
    I hope this helps.

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